,e. ,tib'in "n tlie lTtli Inst-.by Burr Bidgway.Estj, \li-M ( i: ANM KB. of Monroe, to Mi.su DEBB Y N S SMITH, ('• West Franklin. Ll£l>, (1,-tol • r l<th, WILLIAM GIBSON, aged o a 12 days. ~ on the 25 ult., JOHN PORTI'B, aged 00years. • ;T ,-i: w.'s one ol the oldest residents in the town v having moved from Albany comity, X. Y., ,1 re-id' il on the farm where he died for titty IP was thoroughly identified with the early set itand pr -perity of that township, and enjoyed in , ~i degree the respect And esteem of a large circle ; liiitaiices. Nero gVbDcrtiscnu'uts. MdV ARRANGEMKKf ] ... -. Ebir wuld !:• ist i, -pe, tfully ret; rn thcpiili , ' ~ i■ i thank- ;< i the literal jiatrouage luihasro , jj..r the l-tst • i aldeen years, which time he lias 1 •. Li. irn-r. iutile tuisiness in Towanda and the ad ! from the e*(t. l ietu e lie lias h.ulj he is rei at hi- new ipiartcrs jiO. 3, PAITCWS EIiCCIT, Y, / , to I'uttoii .)■ l'uyuc A i'b og Store, , y ( . j, to bus old Ciiiitomers, and otlieis who wisii ' >r iii.a a rail, at le;v-t 25 per cent cheaper than ran " iCJ store in Towunda Borough. All thai . ' • 1 examination of bnGoods, which wcra \> Y< EK and l'liilgileljdiia, at auction and .iiciii ia; cis.c,,iise<pieutl\ uioreCiKHls can lie had r . in, tiey tlian at any other place. He wants r.-tood that his Goods will lc sold in fn • .',.-11. or niost kind-of Produce. ,*, II ! i-et the pla e.Xo. 3, PATTON'H BLOCK, i l>rt! A Clothing Store. CASH paid f.u* i, d Shingles. 3i i. Oct. Iff. J. HAKVKY PIIINNEY, jr. ri.vi; assortment harametas, | • d Plain Pel.ainrs, from 12 to 25 .--cots, at i- sb. PI 1 INN IA S. nil ROBfB, MOHAIR T, A RTFS, | i •-. Velciici.i, Bayadiere Stripes and \'< ivets, noNNKT RIHHONS. FI.OWERS— !) 1 ks, Uaglans and Shav. l- frnhj $1.25 to PHtKiVKTR riuN(J ES.IrA ( ES.Y.KLVET RUUiONS r " id Ac., at I'II!NNFY'S. rMUIKIIDKREI) COLLARS, HAND- L ' H !EPS. M„r-ailesSleeves and (juilt-., heap at IS. I--. PHINNKY S. ciMTI.AND YARN, K^HROIDEEv Y I VI ur.twtcl. jit PH IN SKY'S, piIINTS— 3()OO YARDS OF F^XTUA • u il . iur 5 rents,and any quantity from ti to ' J'HINNEV'S. n 'MKSTIC GO(D8 of flfl (lcscripti(ni, 1' ,-ks. Ieuitns. Drills. Sit. < ting, Stripe Sheeting, Sat: ta( asetintn: Cloths, Ac., cheap for Bendy PIII.NNKY S. " 1 >tn)TS, SHOES. II 'IS AND CAES, |) eriptious. tor Men. Women, and Children, , •• pnvchaM-d el the manufacturers and will he • \S!i. at I'll I.NN FY'S. M ' •-. Svriips. Fish, Bice, ami Toh.ieeo ilwav- on vtails, glass, oil, ruTTv; s.\sn Ci . kerv. Drugs and Dyes, cheap for lleady Pay,at 3,I'ATf(i.N"S BLOCK. | :, i- -. J. HABYiiY PHINNEY. jr; I IST OF JURORS DRAWN FOR A I J SPECIAL COURT, to lie held XoveiuLrV 15.155<?. ns twp S SClark. Bi! |Sheshe,|iiin — steplien Bid - ■ • j lack. Win .1 I.< nt, Perh y Win P irry il Ki in< y s I strong Siuitllfii hl Je-Se E Bllfloek c i \VG. ~iu G Ilrad iTrov twp--William Ward, f ail. J Morgan j All Hi, kok rtvilti - Norman Pahnet j Ulster—Gcorg, Bintey hticU -Cyrn-Blood good! Wyaluaing 1. M Hewitt, . -wci. .liei.iy Gii-li- .Unites Biles. M Brown ■I ues H .'_'• St.. •■• Warren—lotwph El-hrec, i,.uduin. I. A 1.. - Audrcw!>• wnig.Oti-Ham ilton. W F Cicbin . . rt R< •;.<: sj,.Wysox-.l ]; lli,lgway,Che.s lUuief iN-wer , t,-r Pierce . c . si, Al. lll,\ aii-tSpringtiehl—James Voorhla. . ntir i Ira G Hoggings, Dortnan • nil Duii-i l.jVihuol 'Wdn ,f Edw ird Shcpard Gilt and B.ccv. r ccd JiSculdings ! i 1 . \ss,)|;TMENT. for Portrait and Picture .1 tzwkin'. Gl.i-s,— Lim. king Glass pi ites.aiiil ;' t i,! -• . all -i/.e*. Frames and Looking to order, at prices to suit the times. ti' If m4e coffins, f fine finish, and different - * :• . J iiear-e, ready at all ti.ne . Lou prices ■ ...u'. t 20. ! CIIESTMB WEI.I.S. y K \ND UI'FKR LEATili.ll. CALF 1 k Aim Mo o and Fiiidtngs. ju-t receii- HUMPHKEY .v M Ic'.iiiAM's. _ j'Hl'lS AND SIIOEB.—A litrire nvsrt- D ... • i ; i.tiy ke; ton baud, and Mauufaetiiriug •• • ii ic-aie and Belaii. at tll'Ml'ilF.EY & XTICKH \M y \v Fall and Winlv-r Goods ! Are constantly arriving at F-OOtWELL'S LAnGE h NEWLY FuRNiSHID STORE, j ' '.-T i IXG of a largo and well selected ah-ortment ' ■ tl. • m ill ami nii c I'rints oiling tnr only "f - Ma-,in liCaiues and i'lvd-, Cobarg. P-piinand 1 -d-'tl! al-o Ladii • Plaid Long Bt >ehe a: I Mantilla • • - iwls.uji -tze-a"'! kinds. Black and Parley • - '/z |,byr Vi'orsteß. all erttrfrs ol Shetfatid Yiirn. .•P>, Leather. Boopaniul Shoe-, liittitK'r.s.aiid in '- k,nds uf Guuda lo suit tlie jmrchaser-, ivMtk we ip thu i heqn -4- X . i Pat'ait's Bfotlc.• >r. Maiu.V Bridge St. 'h TONS of Anthracite On! for sale at Xo. l I'.it: mi's Block *)| W A BARRELS of Salt for fi1.50 per 1a:* - ' I*l :>t No. 1 Patton'sjlhc k_._ SKlufeCT SCM IOOL Per Xiadies. O M.VBY K. CBFBBUCK would re.speetfoflv give ' ' •' th.it -lie will open a Select School for 3 OUOg ii,l M -. in the room formerly occupied by the •s- • t > ton,micarc - n MONDAY. August 2-i. • , r only wi!l be taken, and Mi-s C. flat "■eh tl, it 11iiiii long experience in teaching, si.e ' •,Ito do justice to the aeholacs confided to Tt-ruus, VKll QtMttTEU OP 14 WKI.KS : ' To include the elementary Kngli.-h ■'* ' % $t nn ' ' "• To include the more advanced Kn j. ie-. with Mathematics and Latin, stj 00 4 " '■ To include Mathematics Moral apd I'hil i.-ophy, lUictorie, Botany, Ac.,with -'hit. * $7 00 iu-truetlon oil tiie Piano, with lis® of liid.ni " fpiatUr, $lO j French, per term, $3, and Draw -1 .tra. b u:s in Vocal Music will be given without ex^ra ; I'lipil will la- expected to provide herself v itli a *■ '••• iwir. Any i onuation iu reference to Hiis School mny '"il by applying to 11. S. Mwetir or K. T. k'uX. A,ie11-1 |], 1 -ss, T nv ANDA\ UUIILINGTON PLANK ''-Mi COMPANY.—The annual meeting of the 'iuem of slid Com],anv for the election ol officers, 'rtti-ai tion of such other business a.- may IT re *■ held at the ,||j-e of Wm. G. liogart ,u UYt.X.on >|t IN DA V (lie Ist day of NOVEMBER tweeu the houru of Iff and 12 o'cl tek, A. M. Blia. I(,n i;t tt S- HCrtSELE. Treas. iIVER'S M I LLS. | ' undersigned having purchased the alK've well ti null- ami attai lied to it a Steam Engine, and '' '- "ling eon ne,-ted with it in perfect repair, modern improvement* now in u-c in first J ,g Mill- would respe.tfullv solicit thu p# bic i oiiimuiiity- trusting thai lire jcpiituti-Mi ".•'a ,et fore lairne may not slllT'ir iu the hands "'nin. it shall be our aim to do ail work eu ' ' ' 1 * proiupUy and iff the liest possible m liner. ■' >i.i a di-lanee may rely upon having their !• FjV, ' '' '- so .'s to make but one trip "to mill."' ■,l cuiitiuiie lo giveiiis oivi pero.i 11 t,t 'An ' '' 's't'css at the rat!!. • i.y, ' ,,r ait t-inds ot GB \IN ; alo Flour. Me*! 'of sale at the lowest mat k> r pries. MY KM; FIIOST & GO. • V '• o. l ioi.-r. . K. r. rox. • u U'U'.'.Nfu, ()et tj, Ibjs. Xcui TAUucil'scinentj. Tha Ready Pay System TRIUMPH AX T ! AT LAST it lias U'en itdm od to a certa'nty that can b* in Towfiaht l?()K ' T-ASH. Those tins \rilf ih well to fan at the store iif JOSEPH POWELL, I\here it will he shown that the Merchant in selling his Goods can afford to sell cheaper for CASH, and can offer I inducements sufficient to make it an object for purciiaseis : at whatever .saeriffee they are obliged to make to procure 1 the money to adopt in their purchases tin- Cash System. Having just removed to hia new Store, hereafter to be i known as the i and ls'ing now in teeeipt ot a largo nsortment of goods <il almost every description. Under the tnn-t favorable cir eiiuist.inces, for ('AMI. be is enabled to and will sell at prices tar less tliau can be done be tk .-c by \\ hum en dit | is given. EXAMINE, COMFABi: AND JUDGE! OR Y GOODS.—Ait iissortnieitt heretofore uneoaalled by any thing ever offered iu Towattd i of PA NCI WD ST.\ IM.P. It UN" G -)( IDs. eoinpri.-ing many new .uui de-iralile syties of Goods unknown in Uiisinnr l k> t ; among wlileh will lie found iu Ladies Dress Good , all the novelties of the season, cheap at tin- K EYBTI)NR. QHAWLS.-—Xew and Choice Patterusof k Broebo, stntl, Plaid Wool, Talma, Mantilla, and Kuifted Worsted Shawls, cheap at the _(>• t. PL KEYSTuNE. )N N ETS. Rililions and Tritninititrs, whole* J* de .1 let lil. c'ue.l,l at tiie KPYSToNK. I ■-i ' piiulilU -of Prints. Ginghauis,•Bleached Goods.tine , utihlcai liyl Mu-Jiii-. T'gks, Slri|>es, Denims. Sheetings, j Cotton Yarn, C.W;iet Yi'arp. Batfs. Ac., ell.- i;i at the P R>ct. lit k * ■ KEYSTONE. ! / O.OTIIS. CASSIMKRKS AND YKST I V 1NG5...8!a.-k and Colored Cloth-.Do, skins.Twceds, | SattiiU'tts. Kentucky Jeaas, and a beautiful assortment 1 of Paiier C. is-i meres, cbeapat the KKVSSnVE. LM)()TS AND SHOES.'—AII tl.e .! ffere.it * descriptions of Bootsaiul Sines, f>r men, wotne i And eJiibiteu,- wear, j Ist Kiei .ed and wilt lie sold at less ! prices fli.m ever knows at the KEYSTONE. HATS AND CAl*S.—Men's and Hoy's I! iW and Caps, in all the new and ilesir.ihle styles. 1 ju-t received and for - de • heap at thi KEYSTGHi. ( IROCERIES; GROCERIES!—Sns^tm 1 " 41 at less prices than can la' found elsewhere. Molns- I ses. Coffee. .Ve. A ~ and a -upirior article of Young > Hv- m Tin. at 50 • cits ju r pound, just received .-it the Get. IT __ KEYSTONE. J >A! N'l'S, Ofjs. G!..-, ft. Ac,—At the ! 1 Keystone wilt always be found an assortment of I'.iints. Gil.-. GJ.iss, Sash, Putty. Ac.. Ac., together with a i thou vi iti other kind oi (ioods, iviiluL time nor -h.tee will ! admit of remuneration. TIIWANHV, (let. 12, lt'i.4. pUINTKD FRENCH .MORINOES—An , I. ftssortment of Col us of new atid lieautiful Styles,rc- I ecived to-ikiy at Get. 11. I'GWEI.I.'S KEYSTONE STOLE. 1 Clcaks and Raglans. X LOWELL would i'e.<|>cci fully niiiioiince • to the ladies that he will always keep on hand a j large assortment of Cloaks. Ac.,of different Styles, and I that lie lias made arrangements to furnish toorderon slmrt j notice any article wanted in this line, from cheapest to j lie-t, at rates below New York city retail prices, lie will • al-o receive -ample- of new styles as they appear, to which he invites your attention. (Moberll. 1 r pRI'NKS ! TREN'K'S '— A i£ort j JL ment of Trunks always on band and for sale nt man ufacturers prices, at i Oct. II POWELLS KEYSTONE STORE. MA Til ASSES.—A large assortment of . llair anil Husk Ma trusts of superior onalitr for PUWM/S KKVSTOXKSTntrK. TOWANDA HARDWARE, CUTLERY IRON AND STOVE STORE. m i> c. HALL _ Wholesale and Detail Dealer ■f; 3 "1 in Heidware and Stoves. Iron |'J 3 _ 3 Nads. Sue 1.. tlla—, Paints >*P 11 Jj .J and OiN, Home Trimming*— Hfi —" jlffi, nil kindsoH 'an iage trimmings. •*"' |eidtl a and Joiners Plane.-. Htf*****■ fyt-i ntln-r J ivil*—Cross Tut, Mil; yjid Cin-ul ir Saws. Blacksmith Tools. Hollow-, Anvils, Vines. J Hammers and Screw Plates. I \.v>s. broad Narrow. I.aUi and Hand Hatchets- ( aide. 1,0-;. Traee and Ilaltr, Chains, Crowbars, Picks, Shovels I and fvp'-nWs. pnCK'T\ND T MM.K PPTI-KI.'V- sv,eirs nnd SM*- I a.11 s, False Tools ol all kind Bra-sand I n urn !, dKi itle-. shnvel a tnl Ton rues. Spoon find l.T'les. Tubs a lit! Fails, Mops and Washboards, and all other kind-of house keep I i lie implement-. In file n vnDwATtfnmt 1 . Dr.tss, RriUnnm, .Tappane.i ! -iTi<i Plain Tin Wane. siOirhror in -etts, liar, Hand, Sa ml! ' mil tin.ll Inm. Steel r>( till kind- Vail IP I Ac. Primp*. • la.id Pi).i and ail I lie ncre.—arv fixtures for water works. Patent.Sfie- lied Leather Belting and String I,"i?her. and Iti.OliO other articles too mmierous to mention, that we are now lyrclviufr d 1 nett liom the hands ol maniifa tnreis andlniiiorters. including the largest assortment and greatest variety of STOVES Slaves 2~> per cent, less than usual for Cosh, or Umill at the highest market prices. Coal and Wood Cookinrr. Coal and Wood Parlor. Dining Room, Six Plate and Cylinder, ever brought into Not hern Pet,nsvh inia or Southern New I nrk t all ot whieh we are notv prepared to sell at wholesale or retail. ;vt as low rates, and on as good Tkiims as can lie fnuml this side ol New-York, from the fact that all our good- were nought >r ru-t hands and in full packages and large ipiantitios, that give s us an advantage over smaller pui ha-ers and Dry (foods dealers, that wiil enable us to sell from 5 to lj per cent, less th.in any of them, which advantage we sj. i!i o;j t r to nay who wiil favor us with a call before pur chasing elsewhere. A large <piantity of Tin ware,-Stove Pipe anil EJlmws nlwavs on hand, wholesale and retail. All kinds of Joh Wo ill done to order, on short notice and warranUd. Don't mii-Utkc the idaci t hnj STOVKS and HARD WAISK cheap—one dooi S.ndli of Tracy .* Moore s, and Powell's new block oil Main street, ill the new Wd-xl Build in g, Irttrrrit nil nrrr. (liT.in and Country Prodn- o. old Iron. Brass, Brittanin and Oopitpv. Dried f-'ruft oi all kinds, Seathers and Dees wax wanted for goods. I,imil sheep Pelts wanted, for which the highest price in C.isn will Is- paid. ffg* No credit given over four months, and nil hav ing neeouirta or notes over due had hotter call ami p#J immediately. ifthev wi-h to save cost. To warn lu. (b-totv-r lit. fs.vs. SALE or RUAL ESTATE. I f 1111 |c vn I unhid Itc.il Hst.ite, known us " I lie 1 l.ukeuV IsvmJV situate iu W.incii twp.. Bradford Co., Pa., are iuw uttered lor -ale to the highc-t aud be,->t bidder. Tills liodv of lands ron.ist of lour tr.lCt, Containing FMTKKX IICNDRKD HMD-IS of pood tanning land, situate about five miles from the V. V. A. Krte Railroad. Per -tins desirous tc, prirchaso will semi their otiers in waiting in the nature- ol hid- pi r acre to my ageirt, W\i KI.IVI i,i.. Ks|., at his otlitf in TOW A NDA, by tin l-th d. v of .NOTKMf IKB lA-xt. Olives will Ue lecoiM'd for the whole body, or (or the -ipil.itfc p.ti i 1 aswcuMj to 1 lie present -nb-dil i-mil. N.' s.u will Im' IU Itlf of i tliau OliC Uuililii •( UOfO. 44HU the pat • m ill not be sold mpuiateiy mile.-® thebodjf van be disposed of in flial way Ten .s, oiic-lhitd |n UrtUil aud life i'-ii-pHe iu fiyu jvui !y In-taUsWuta with iutere-t. SARAH r . KPt'VK AdfflinTstru.trix C. T. A. > f -luhn l.ukvus, dcc'fl- Philadelphia, Sept. 15, lsi.s. fllisrc'lancons. Great Bargains in Goods! TRACY 6c MOORS, AUK now receiving a very lnrro nml desir- J. V. able assortment ol Full and Winter Goods, which will U- sol<l as low as anything that run he found in this market.cniisisting oi Pry Goods .Shirting.stripe Shirting, Tick ing.Dcii'. ins, ("ott in Halts .Cotton ) urn, < 'arpet Warp. W irking, Prints, Satliuets, Kentucky .leans, Fancy and I tlark Cassiincre, ltl.u k and Blue itroad Cloth, l.in.sey. Cotton T ih!e,l)ia|u>r Kitten Crash. Napkins. Tahlet loths, P.uu.isk Table Spreads. Itleaehed Muslin, lied and White Flannel Cotton Flannel, ti rain I tags. Are. DISKS* (loons.—He Laities. Hamilton A Paeitie tnills. No. 1. Poplins. Pe Iteges. Chenile Searfs, Knit Hoods, Merinos, Ux-iuieres, P.ir.nnatas, Sir. Su.iwt.s.- A large assortment of new and choice pat terns of Stella and Wool Sluwls. H ATS AMI CACS.— Men and Boy's Wool and Fur Huts tliul Caps, the tincst assortment in town. BOOTS AMI Sunns All the different description of Men, Women and Children's Wear, sold cheap far rash. October 12, is.,N. TRACY A MOOCH. <>/ U \ BOXES OF GLASS 7\V) to I ">x3rt. *)'/>■ 200 lthls Salt ; 150 Bhls Solar Salt : 300 lthls I.ime and Water Cement ; Oakum hy the lthl or poatul ; Pitch hy the lthl or lb.: Kosiu hy the hid orlh ; Tar by the hhl i r gallon, .lust received and for sale cheap at, Oct. l'i. is-.s, • TUACV .A M"ORK. Now Fall and Winter Goods! HUMPHREY 6c TVICKHAM A UK now receiving ji very Inrge .ami desira- J. X. lde assortment of Goods suitahle for the season, comprising almost every article wanted in the line of Pry (iouds—such as Sheetings, Shirtings, Prillings, Ticking, Penims, Cotton Yarn. Butts, Winking, Twine, Calicoes. Ginghams, Broadcloths, Cassimeres, S.itiiietts, Kentucky .leans. Yestings. l.adies Press (roods in varie ty. Crockery, Shetland Yarn. Family Groceries, Hard ware, Hats and Caps, a large assortment. The usual large stm k ot Boots and Shoes, of great variety in styles and prices, both eastern and home manufacture. A very large stock of Sole and tipper Leather. Kip and Cait >kuis. both French and American, Linings, Shoe thread and Pegs, a large stock of Lasts, Boot Trees, Crimps, Ac.. Wooden and Tin Ware. ,Ve.. Arc., which we offer to our numerous patrons and friends, and to the public generally, fur CASH or County Produce, at prices which cannot fail to plese. We respectfully invite t lie attention •if buyers before purchasing elsewhere. Ca.li paid for Hides ,V Skins. Towanda. Oct. 4, ls.is. STAPLE GOCES. W W M 1 V A RDS 4-4 Sheetings, by the —• b * ' Bale or single piece. 4(H) jiieees PRINTS, fast colors, and in great variety. 50 pieces Blue Peuiuis, heavy. 100 pieces Bleached Muslins. 20 pieces Canton Flannels. Also. Blue, Ited. Gray and White Flannels, Sheep's Gray. Satiuetts. fa-siuu res, Kentucky Jeans. Cut. 3 urn. | T. king anu Bolts. Caudlewiek, M niuei 'sStripes. Bleach Blown and Colored Prills, Colored Muslins. Crash, ilia k abwck, A"., Ac. Coautry Merchants will fhul an excellent opportunity to sort up at low prices for cash, hy calling at my stoi c. T ft, Sept. f.. P-'s. .los. KIVGSBKISV. EAGLE FOUNDRY!! AND \l ACI i I XK SI EOI* ! j in Motion ! npilK Snbscrilitr having pnn-hascd thonbove i J. work-, situated at the I >wcr end of town, near tlic ; Canal Basin ot the Barclay Bail Bond Co.. (the same es tablishment formerly rallied on hv latmnreox. Hall A' Bus-ell.) and having employed a competent set of work men. is now prepared to execute orders for Castings or Machinery of almost any kind. He also manufactures a varii tv of Cook. Parlor ami Office stoves. He respect fully solicits a share of public patronage. Towunda, Sept. S. Is.ys. o.lk BARTLKTT. THE LATEST NEWS By the Atlantic Telegraph ! FROM ELM IRA. N'EWS has ju-t e 1111•- to hand that M Vl'Sll .V CO., of No. 5, t Xln.\ BLOCK, KLMtU.V. liaverece ved per Express during the last few days direct from the metmp lis. ovci ten tho is.uul dollar- worth ot SI'LLNPIP XKW PALL GOODS of the very latest importation- and most de.-irahle styles, eousistiug of just everytUfng, to which the attention of close cash ho ver- is particularly invited. " A word to tin- wise is sufficient." Let all read their advertisement of Xew Good.- daily and weekly, and go see and judge whether or no 20 per cent, rant lie saved by buying Dry Goods of _ MARSH & CO.. So. 5, Uhlon Bioek, Plinir.i, X. Y. From Is a vanl to tho very ' - best in the market, at MABSH A- CO S. Klinii-.i. DRESS GOODS.— From (id a yard tosL> a pattern, at MARSH A* CO'S. tj 11 AWLS of all kinds from I_'- to sls, at 0 MABSH A COS nOOl* SKIRTS from (is ouch, lo Douglas - At Sherwood's best, at MABSH k CO S. P ARAM ATA SA M Klll NOKS from 1 s6d JL a yard to the best grades, in all colors, at MABSH A CO'S. I>OYB A M EN'B W E All.—The best and 13 clieape.-t assortment oat of New York City rail he found at M ABSH A CD'S. L^MIUIOIDEHIKS.—CIi(;ii|)est in the world Jj at MABSH A CO S. I IOUSE KEEPING GOODS at regular 1 I. smash down prieus. at. MABSH A CO'S. Healers of the Repot tor! rP you want to buy Dry Goo s Fancy Goods or Yan kee Notions, cheaper than yon ever saw tliem. jo-t take a trip to " MARSH v co'S, No. 5. Fnion Block. GO 10 M.YRSII A I p'ri, GO TO MABSH A- CO'S (SO 10 MABSH A co S, NO. 5. NO. NO. 5, NO. 5, NO. j, NO. .i, NO. 5. UNION BLOCK. UNION BLOCK, UNION BLOCK, KLMTRA. N. Y„ FOB CHEAP GOODS ! ])IhXTIST! OR. G. S. PECK, Surgeon jhi<l Mwhani ral Dentist, being permanently Kieated in Towunda, tenders his professional services t ■ its citizens, lv-pecit attention given 11 FILLING and CLEANSING DECAY* Kl> TEETH, also KNTBACTING and ABBANGIXG IRREGULAR TLPT 11 IN ( UILDRKN. Teeth insert ed on pivot: also gum and plain incorruptible teeth nioiiuted mi gold, silver, cheoplastie and Slaytons base, from one to an entire set, in the most artistic manner kn iwntnthe professhui. All the aln ve opt rations will la' performed with a TiIOJIOUGII PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE ot his busi ness. and duty to his patient. Office over K. T. Fox's Shire, No. 1, Brick Bow. Mii trancc, lirst door oil Pine street. N. 15. Drodnce taken in part payment for dental ope rations at it market price. July 30, ls.->s. PU.J. MACKINTOSH, DKX- V'/.S lias returned, and will lie at lioiuc < for two mouth- to come. .1. M. would dis abuse the public mind of the impression Hint he was hunt iug up a place ti settle in while aL-euf. He is settled here, and will remain so. Towaiula. August t. 15",3. K A IJ LA mimrmriix mmmi JYXisscs GRirTIN 6c PARIf , I) KG leave to invite your early attention to ) 11 their nen-stuck Jffst received comprising choice styles Bonnet-Uinbons, Nilks. Sal ins, Velvets, together with a carefully selected ansortaai nt of l eathers and Flowers. Thankful for past patronage heretofore so liberally be tbived, they would respectfully solieil a eontmiuucc Ot the same. Otober 11. IJ.IS. OPLKNDID ROISKS A < >l* I LI.K, Kn k ' < limiting I "illiers Chenile, and captivating Habits dOpera and Knit Hood-at Sept,2* is;,-.. MP.BCI'BK EST BAY.-Left the enclosure of the Sub -ci il-i r in Burlington twp . near the Overshot JM mill, about the t-t ot Sept her irist . a light red YI.AITI.iNG. fout built, smutty face. \nv informa tion <vi. cent in g said Yearling will he thankfully lcrcix.d t) y MOBBIS MACIKiNALI). Burlrngt' ii S. ot 20 l-.e. 1> () MR A /.IN KS V A LI' AC AS in all grades i trum latHl in lloayard,a| yj \l'. II t ( ()'.' iUcnljanbiic, \~l. NJ<:\V AKIHVAL i , OF mmmmm MS. MERC I'M lias attain the pleasure • of announcing to liis patrons and tin* public. the arrival at Itis store of a very large anil beautiful assort ment of KALIJ HOODS, which means everything that is wanted, and which wi las heretofore lie sol,l lor CASH j at as low and generally lower prices, than can he found i at other stores, l-'ew possess eipial. anil none superior | facilities for obtaining cheap and desirable Hood*, and | purchasers are respectfully requested to compare quali- | ties and prices. Towanda, Sept. 20, ls,S. t FRENCH MERINOS nit-I till Wool Do j laiines in various colors, for sale by Siait. 21. MM. H. R. MKurrn. I)OELINS, Vali-nciiis, IMuin and I'rintrri Del ailnes, I lobes, Debcges and other dress goods, will be found at Sept. 21. ls.-,s. H. s. V Klb'l KS. OH AWLS ! SHAWLS ! !—Sittfch* ami double llroehe, Cashmere, Thibet, Silk and Wool Shawls at Sept. 21. ls.-,R. H. s. MEIIOniVS. '>/ || j| j VAIJDS of those cflfbratcd t'ul ' f )' "V "v ' I>ints; also, an extensive line of Merriiaac Prints, just ree'd by Sept. 21. I,n>. U.S. MgßflTß * OOXNKT RIIJISONS, FiM|>cs find P -- 1> Trimmings ol the latest styles, new Silks and Vtl- I vets, now offered at low prices, by Sent. 2s. |s.",N. H. R. MKKITR. /lOLOKEI), DO (7 ISLE EXTENSION,! STEEL HOOP Six 11 ITS. a new and lieaatifnl article | st received at jyll MERCER'S. VS rsr AL, a large stock of Domestic Hoods. Heavy Itenims, Sheetings and Tickings, . 1 Bleached and I'nldeaehed Muslins, Irish Linens and White i Hoods. of every description, at Sept. 28, is.vt, MERCER'S. / GENTLEMEN'S ami Youth's Fur, U*r " J lilt and Kin k Oauiitlets and Cloves, at Sept.2*. ls.'.s, MERCER'S >[ E\V ami l'asltionalile Hat ami Caps, Boots I and Slices, great assortment received at Sept. 28, IS.-,S. .MERCEK'S. | I ADIES MERINO VESTS, for sale hy\ JLi 11. S. MERCER. j /1A R RIA 0 E Tlll .M MI N 0 S—cot.sis tin-: of Woolen ami Enameled Cloths, Damasks, Fringe s Laces. Ac. Ac., just received and for sale by October 12. ' • U.S. MKRCE It. ami Class ware, a new assort- V_V nient now o|>eniiig at MERCER S. aiw FALL 'l' 11 _\ 1) I ! P P ? ~8~ S 3 r JOSEPH KiNGSBERY, TWO noons IIKLOW UUCLIC SQUARE, KES pleasure in informing his customers and the i puhlic generally that he is now prepared to oiler the MUST ELEGANT AND AITRACTIVt STOCK OF AUTUMN GOODS ! EVER EXHIBITED IN* THIS BOKOEHII. Constant additions of desirable articles will lie made, mid no pains will he spared to keep up an assortment of Hands, which for lieauty, variety and cheapness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED! Special attention is invited to the department of HEADY MADE CWIIIIXG,\ In which maybe found every variety of Hoods usually j kept by bouses wbo devote themselves exclusively to this ! branch ot trade. Towanda. August39.lßs". ThcGrcat Atlantic Telegraph! | T/T.. S. SOX.OTVXOIJ S CLGTHiHG EMPORIUM! No. 2, Fatton's Sleek. ' j MI K t.vo greatest events nf the Nineteenth Century, i 1 are the submarine telegraph between Europe ami America, and the unuanuled stork ot REAItY M\DE C'L'tllllNH OK M. E. SOLOMON! combining the greatest variety, latest fashionable, and most duruhh made C! ,thing ever brought to Towanda. I beg to inform 'lie i itizens of Towanda ami vicinity, that 1 have RKUOVKD t > No. 2, Pattons Block. one door north ot Rockwell's .t ire, where 1 shall la* happy to see all my old friend- and customers and as mmy new ones ; as may wish to favor me with a call. Having just return- j cd from the Eastern ami Western markets wlu re I have i purchased mv Kali and Winter stock of CLOTIiINH. j CENT'S EL'li.VlSillNU HOODS, Ac.. I can supply the ; public at lower rates than ever sold here before, a.- 1 have bought my stock for Cash at the lowest figures. MV STOCK CONSISTS OK OVKKl'O.ATS. —Superfine black Heaver Raglans and Sack Overcoats; Black, brown and blue Pilot do; Petersham do; Sup.black Cnion Cns-imere do. Black, brown and gray Seal-kin do : Deerskin do; Lion skin do; Fancy Bear skin do. and various other styles, too numerous to mention. KROCKI'OATS.—Fine Krcneh black Broadcloth double breasted Crock Coats , single-breasted, same : Medium quality d> ; Cotton warp do ; French Beaver Business do; Fancy Ca.-slinore d*>; Side Band do; Black Union Cass, do ; Fancy Sutinctt do ; Tweed ami Kentucky Jean do. PANTS.—Sup. black D'-eskin Pants; Medium do ; Blk. cotton warp do; Fancy Cassimcre side band do; Satti nctt do ; farmers ami MeehiiHirsC.i-sinicre do. VKSIS.— French Fancy Silk Velvet Vests ; Chenilloand Printed do; Silk X'csfs, of all descriptions; S.lk ami Worsted do: Black Satin do ; Cassimtre \ ests ; Satti net ami Plusti do. FritNiHiiivn Coons Fancy Rilk Ties. Block do ; Fan cy Silk Scarfs; Black liguivil S art's; Black Silk Cra vats; Linen pocket Handken-hiefh : Cauilirie do ; Silk do ; Fancy cotton do ; White linen-bosom shirts; Fan cy Marseilles d*; Fancy Linen do ; White Marseilles By ron C liars ; Fancy do; Fancy and white linen do; White string and lap do ; Hosiery, of all kinds ; S i-p<*n drrs; White ami Mixed Men's Wrappers ami Drawers. A compute assortment of Boy's Clothing! B-*t< ami Shoes and Rubber-, of all kinds, Sole Leather. Cppcr Leather. Kip Skin. Calf Skin. etc. Our motto : " Qi'U'K SII.KS AND KM AM. PKOKITS.'' Cash will be paid for Wo .I. Hides. Sheep Pitts, ami ali kinds of Hrniit, at the highc-t market price-. Kentember. removed to No. 2, Pulton's Black, former ly occupied bv William A. Rockwell. Towanda. Kept. 20. lsos. M. E. St >1 .< tXD >\. Great Kxciteinent in Clothing! COZiLIKTS <k POWELL, VRE now receiving the Larjfcst Stock of . Beady-made Clothing ever offered >n this market, which they are selling at prices that nitoni-h every one: our Hoods are got up expressly b>r our Trade, and are warranted in every way, our stock consisting of every thing it! the line of Men and Hoy's Wear, Black Cloth Coats, Fancy aml Plain Business Coats, s.iltinctt Coats. Black ami Fancy Cassiinere Pants. Cnion do., Sattiuctt (I Silk ami Flush Vests, Cotton l'lush do., Sattiuctt do., Plush and Satin do. Gents Furnishing Goods! Such as Wool I'mlur-Shirts. Wool Drawers. Collars, Cra vats. Suspenders, Cents White and Fancy Shfl ts, Check and Hickory Shirts. Hoseiry of all kinds. Hats-and Caps, the latest styles of Black Siik Hats made to order. Cloths, Cassiraeres and Vcstings ! We are receiving the largest Stock of Cloths. Cui iiieros and Ve-ti-o -. evoroff.-red in this market,which we arc ready tojuakc to order or sell by the yard. Persons wishing Clothing made up In order, Mill <io well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere,as we warrant eve rything to til or no sale. We keep none hut the bc-t work nun, and are receiving the latest Fashions every mouth. Persons wanting anything in our line, will please give us it call as we keep in tiling but Mn ami Roy.. Wear, and think we buy our Hood-cheaper than those tlialonly Iniy a few. CttL'NTRY PIJODI'CEof all kinds taken in payment for Hood- and on slnn t credit. t,'lifting done a-s usnu.aml no charge when the tiooils are lMiiight "I lis, l>oul for get the place, one door south ot Hull's Hardware store, ib loK-r 12, lo •■*. CDEI.IXS M J*>*El.E. 4 ICM I N ISTII ATOII'S NOTICE -Nnii.T i\ i -hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Josiuh Bosworth d e'd, late of Pike tu p., are rc qite led to make payment without delay ; and all prisons having claims a .liufet said estate, miisi'jire-cut tlumduly authenticated lor scttlmueut, to iln -üb.-cribcrs. t'R WER D"KWORTH. Oct. 19,1555. Adanuiotiat.r- Ctgnl. ORPHANS' COI'RT SALE —By vinuc of an order of tins Orphans' Court of Bradford Co.. will Is- cxpo-ed to public -ale on the premises, on S VP I lU> \V. NOVEMBER ti. IVik, at I o'ch k. F. M . acer t tin messuage, piece or parcel o( land -ituate in Spring field twp.. Ibwdft-rd Co., bounded on the north by land of Jnnies Tlanley, on the east by lands of William S. Wil liams, on the south ly htudsol John Itobiiiswii. dee'd., on tin' west by lands oi Oliver Hates. Containing 2."> fin acres, lie the same more or less, f or A acres improved, with a small frame house thereon. Terms made km wn on day of sale. WM. J. WIHS EN, Rpriiiglie'd. Kept. 28. IS.VS. Administrator. ORPHANS' COURT SALE—By v.'riu of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford C*• will In- exposeil to public sale ou the premises, on S XT CRD XV. OCTOBER ;t, is.m, at I o'clock. P XI the foil *w'iug deseribeii lot of land situate in Weils twp.. Bradford Co . bounded on the north bv lands in pos-es ,-ioii of K. 11. luger.-011, on tlie east by X. P. Bowman, on ftie south by John tannest. Madison M. Carr and Aline roii Knapp. Containing is acres with about 2d acres tin proved, one framed uwclling house, a small burn and an apple orchard thereon. Terms made known on day ot sale. V. H. LEONARD. Wells. Sept. 28. 1 S >B. Adoiilii-trntor. A DMINISTII ATtHPS NOTICE Notice j.A. is hereby given, that all lursons iiuh hted to tin- es tate of Harret (letter, dee'd., late of Wilmot township, are requested to make payment without delay ; ami all persons having elaiius again -.1 said estate, must present them duly authenticated, to the subscriber. EDWARD COTTER. Sept. 28, 1 sdS. Adininistrator. OTATE OF PKXNKVI.X XN'IA, BRADFORD COl V TV. SS -At an Orpiinu's Court held at owamla. on _ J the IMb day of KeptemU-r. X. D.. Is >s. E. S. . Before tlie Hon. Dax'id Wilmor. President, and j - ~ 1 the Hon. John F. Long, hi* associate .Justice of i the said Court. Tie petition of Cyril* Fuller. Htinrdian of C. .1. |>e. a ! minor sou and heir of James Eee, late < I t ie township of \ llerrick. in said county, dee'd. is presented, setting forth that the tatlier ol -aid t 'buries ia-e died iute-t.xte. lent - ing a widow, to wit : Jane Eee and i- u \ six ebthlren, I to wit: William E. Eee, Margaret Jane, intermarried with David Xesbitt. Thomas K. Eee, James 11. Eee. Jo seph J. Eee and Charles .1. Eee, the two last named of I whom tire still in their minority ; and that Pembroke | Squires has been duly appointed guardian of said Joseph j J. Lee. and that tlie -aid inte-tate died seized in his de-- ' mesne as ol tee of ami in a certain messuage situate Li the township alore aid. which after dedm ting fifteen ' acres -ct off to said Ja c Lee. widow as a!'or'said, is iHiunded ami descril* d a- follows, to wit : North by lands : of William HilMs, east by land of Margaret Bloke*-ami 11. XX". Traey. soutli by lands ot -aid Tracy am! the'afore said html set off to Jane Lee. and west by said Jane Lee's land ami land nf Robert Boyd and David Xesbitt. Containing eighty nine acres, or thereabouts, with the appurtenances. No partition of the said estate having "Men had, he prays tile Court to award an inquest to make part it ion of the premises aforesaid to ami among the chil dren ami representatives ot the said intestate in such manner and in such proportions as by the laws of this t Common we ill ii i- directed, if such partition can Is- u ado ' without prejudice to or spoiling the xvhoh*. hut it sin-li! partition canimt lie made tbiueot as a.'nrc-aid. then to value ami appraise the san e :iml make report "I their l pro coding- herein a*-eonllng to law. Whereupon on the j leadingot the petition ami ou motion of Mr. Mcr* nr. the | Court order an inquest in accordance with the preyer of the p(titi*m. Ami further *tiivcf that a a notice lie "given in the Bradford Reporter by publishing a copy ol the writ for six weeks prior to the lir-t ila v of next Terra, ami that the three first numbers be forwarded to the -aid William K. Lye. ho resides at Kremnnt. Nebraska Territory. To Tho.ii a- M. XX'oodruff. Sheriff of Bradford County Von are therefore hereby < oium.ni !e<l tsuniuion ami take ; with you twelve gooil am] honest men of your balivviek i lor the pui posi- atore-aid. vvhuare hereby authorized and j empowered to go b> the premiss aforesaid, and i<f the | pr* -enei <*t the -aid partita- or .their legal ivp reset it* ti ve il they, having been -overall warned, wili be present,tiax- I ing respect to the Hue value thereof, the said me-stwge, j ,X<-.. to divide and pait aumng the v, id >w ami lineal des j l euiluuts of the said James la-<-, if it can l>e done witliout j prejudice t<i or spoiling tin* wlmU*. IJ<it il MICII partition j cannot is* made a- afore>aitl. that when they inquire into i the value thereof ami make and return a just pprai.-e --nn nt ol the whole, o of the several shares or purports, into which they may divide the same agreeably to the Oct ot Assembly in such ease made and provided, ami make return thcrcol to the next state Orphan's Court, to be lu-hl at Towanda. in ami for the said County, en tile tir.-t Monday of December next. JAS. 11. WEBB. Clerk. In Hi mutlrr f thr lint Krtntt. lulc of Jitmrs /.if, the d. To all person: interested. Take notice, that an Inquest w ill be helil at the late dwelling house of James l.ee, dee'd.. in Derrick twp,, Br.nliord county,on Friday, the 12t!i day of Xoveinln r. Is"**, at 1 o'clock i.t the after noon of that day. for the purpose of making partition of tin- real estate of .-aid deceased, to and among his cliil da n and legal representatives, if the same can be done without prejudice t" °t spoiling ol the whole : otherwise to value and appraise the same according to law ; at which time ami place \'"ii • an attend if vou think proper. TllrtS. M. W "ODKI'FF, Sheriff's Office. Towanda. Sept. 28, ls.",s. Sheriff. \ EDITOR'S NOTICE.— hi the matter if J- Y thr < j iih of Eunice SU riual.ci , tlrc'd. lu the Or phan's Court of Bradford County. The undersigned. Auditor, appointed to distribute funds in the hands of the executors ot said c.-tate, will attend to the duties ot hi- appointment at ins office, in Towanda Imrnugh. <*n Too il.tv, tlie 2d ilav of Xovemlier, Ik's*, at ! o'clock, I'. M. Ail persons having claims upon said fund must then and litem present them, or el-e U* ti/rcver delitrred front the-ame. I*. 1). MOIIUOW. Sept. 2s. I-as. Auditor. A EDITOR'S NOTICE.— 111 the matter tf 1-A the rrtulr of Daniil (/ Knft,tltc'd. In the Orphan s Court ot Bradford County. N<>. 2 !, Sept. Term, ls.xs. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by .-aid Court to examine the tin il account <*l the Administrators and re port fact-to the Court, will attend to the duties of las appointment at his office ill Towanda borough, on Monday NovemU r to. 15.",-, -at 1. I'. M.. at which time and place all persons interested are required t** pm-eut their claim- , or be tore vol" debarred froui said fund. EEIJAX.XX SMITH, Oetot*er 12. 18K8. Auditor. T IST OF JERORS DIIAWN FOR 1 A DEL EMBER TERM AND SESSION'S, 1 AS. f.'u.vxn jrnonß. Athens twp—Jidius T *zer Orwell—Heber Wilson. Ben- Asy hi :u-Washing ton Ingham jainiii Lyon, Kleaz.er Alii - Burlington tup—Karl Nich sj.r.ngtield—XX'm Traey nls. -tmithtiehl Seidell Tracy, Columbia—Wm Ho-tiu Orville Kell-gg Canton —XX'illiain 1' A very. Stiesheq till—Einis B Bui! .1 dm Hray. James Warren i'usearora—X J Cogswell llerrick- l'lidau'ltr Itjruc I'OW.UKII twp- E XX Hale Kelt *y—ll II lik kok iX'yalu.-ing—Augustus la-wis l.itidiold—William C**pei | Vv y-x—Morris J Cmdbaugh M ntr**e—E C lvclio.g ~ Joal | Wai'ifu—Nathan Vvtuig Stnumera TiiAv;:l;s>- arnoßs- —FHIPT WRFK. Armenia—Alaosou Smith jSpringtield —Alf.ed Brace, Athens twp—Beffj itnin Rie j Joiin Ki.app Albany—Jnu Campuell.R is i -.uUlili* hi —Henry l'helps, sel Miller | Wan en Hill, NeLnii iiur- CauU il Se.ieeat Kendall,Al i liugaiue leu Ciaml.iii, Chas Manlcj jSt-indiug .Stone—Hoolgc A Columbia— David Ciy SU | SU\. u.-..John Ke lie pk.eu H Hvruet iTu-scarora— i Eyou Durell—l-hailc.s B Arnot ; Hiram Tu>h>r,T J Shaw Hr.invilic—Aluiit Barnes | Lowanda fcoro—E O Hinml- Jolin Snyh's. Joel 1' ickaril ri* h. .fanes .Vlakiuvon. 1) Herri* k —Joseph SiH | 1' Bur.-tow Iwßoy- Uvulx n Stoiie, Ora-i L'owanda North—Dun IKen- I tor il olconib | uedv l.it'-lilu'UI —J DCartner, Wint l'r**,v twp—Nathaniel King*- XX'nlker | ley. I.uoiu-Sidu- Orwell—Otis J Chuhbuek |XVy.i!ii-iiig— John 1 U lU nk Julius H: rltaui, LSt'hnt*-| .1 *h * S Haylord; Nels* n buck I Jcmpiiigs I'ike—A-a Warner j rrcu—Heorge Smith itoim- John A Moody. Jo WLulli iiii llez- k*ali Lading si.ill II >rb i. E F Barnes j A y-ox—K B Coolluiugii Tr*iyl,oro'- 1-JLliUu Xewberryl TI:AV'LTLLSK JL'KOILS—SKCOM) WKEK. Albany Welles Wilcox •quing'ield—Samp I Wopd, Clai k Babeork Al:in<*n Fuller, J.ina-* I. Asylum—Jolin F Dodge l'hillips Ciiu ten—lnstill lUithwcll -mitliffeld AntlionvKChild Horace II Fitch,N M l*ey Barren Allen, I ly.-.-e --tl'ild S Moody Columbia X 1 \ i M Cornel -hc-heqiiin—Win Campbell Asa A Bullock coy twp -Horace Freeman Durcll Daniel Cook 'n*yboro' Frederick J Cal til. ,'iviJJe- N X Finney. I k: . J lorry L.Xtlioi D F'oxvh r. Win b" Morse *-*wafl<n tf*iro" 'no'Hblmes lb-nick— Aiwani Tin>>r .'owanda iiorthi. David Ik.t Monroe—Jaine- Smith, Cha ty, .lame- Elliott Holland i "ti.s* aro:ii -CwoaitdimHw.iy l'ike - R is-el Cnli man, Na I'a. rui;- Wil-ix Rogers. tliau Stevens \ ells—llumplirey M >sj;er Rome II WBr owning Ridgbury- I'eter A Evans ham. TR.xx'Ktisr .TCROHS- Ttttiai wrvtt. All*;i'*r—S. !ve-b r W Chap I'ikc J. .(Li, y man, J inn's Lee Rome CC< Chafe", Ilirani Atbeiis Iwp- Sam <-i Oven Diakc, Sfta-t"--h* shire.J T'O'.cn-htre.Frjn Ridgh ay CO I teiicli.L' W eis II Arnold. Elia* Moth Ji'irpVaiu. ew sonjobu XVa'kias, jr -y.vania biin*"— r L< v i I Biirliiigtuti twp- Alcxuidei Hocb hius Lane sbc liequiH Martin B'igers, [lullington West -CUaile Hex XX Viment Mead -nilitldi' ld Edw in Iffakc-lcc Canton X Bred Smith .John !'*"vf'.vp Ro-w ell Dunbar, H\l i.-0n,.1"-'.ah rraio i-*'* Harry Hree-m* Colombia Xlaiison It Tay I'ow mila b.<ro' WinTlDod. r lor " | l'waoda twp—lohu JJingas Jinn II XX'm R Stores jib i< r Ethan RMoore, Juo l iauoliil Nel- u (!illicit M.Jiier Moor*"' boro' Authoux | Windham Martin I I lute M dim j Warren—Daniel Colu.ru ttrweli Nclaon Barnva iiX'v,ilusm f -lraßi**wu Ccgal NOTICE — lis licrcl>y jriven that a S|u'finl Court ill Common l'lcas will I* held at Towalula ill .mil for the Comity nt Hradloide omuictu ihj: on Mt IN ICO ! tliu I.'.tli day i'l NOVKMIIER next, at in .. . look in the tort-noon iii' *nhi day. Nt whirl) the Hn. IIOBKIfT H. WHITE. w ill Preside fur the trial of the lollowilip aulitcs, to w it : No. 2-7. Sept. Term Kll, Newton Humphrey vs. Wil liam Hnm]i)irey. Fjectuient. No. I*2. iVr. Term |s.r.,iHe Chasb-leuuv vs. Ira .mil Ifii hard Jennine-. Ejectment. No. 11 i. Sr|it. Term l.v'ii!, I r.iel Smith vs. Samuel Kcl luin, et al Trnfia->. N'u. lil.'i. Pur. Term ls.',o f Edward Hornet vs. Sumner. Ejectment. A 1.1.FN .McKKAX. Pret'y. Prot'y s. i >Pi. Pi Sept. 11. iNiij. A DM J XISTR ATOIt'S NOT UK. Notice i\ is hereby if it en. that all |>ersins indebted to the es tate uf II UN lit W lin i' Akl.K, dec'iU, late of Warren, are hereby requested to make payment without de lay; ami all persons having- rlnirtts against said estate will I lira .-e present theiu dull authenticated fur settlement. JAM ES . WHITTAKKK. Sept. 1.1, ls.Tt. Administrator. LWKfTTOR'S NUTICIv- Notice is lu-ie- I J Iy frivi ii that all person- indebted tu the estate of JOHN PORTER, latent Tiny f>w ti-lii •. deceased, must make immediate payment, anil all |ier<iis having de mand- against -aid estate, will present tlieui duly aNtlieli tirateJ lor settlement. rr.i, c. poitTPn, Sept 21, J s.is. Executor. C ITBT:T IT'S S A EES.—Dy virtno of sundry kO writs nf Vanil RX|>.. Issued nut nf the enurt ilf Cunt lnim I'le l*nf lli ailful il tVuirity, to me directed and de livered, w ill he i vpu -eil tu puhlir sale at tin; Court-House. Towund.i ItV' !l ;n, oil MOXf'AV. the Ist day of N"i I VMM IJKII. IV.s, at one o'clock. P. M.,the following lot, pirre or parrel ol huul situate in l.'iilgborv t\vp-Itrad- I'.>i.l county, Isiulaleil uii the llo,rtli hy lainl- now nt lately beliiflgtrnr tut 'baric-- T. Murphy, ea-f l.y lands nf llnwaril Kurt, I'eter Miller anil the highway, ami <n tin* west by thr highway, Containing about two acre-. uinre or less, all improveil, with one two story Trained tavern hoii-ie. known au tlie Cetilrei ille Hotel, one framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon, Si '/rd and taken in execution at the suit of Kleazar Pnmeroy vs. A. .1 Rrown. Ai.Stt—The following Int. piece or pan el of land situ ate in Uid-pa'iTy twp., Kradfnrd ruiuity. huundrd uii thr north hy land of Vincent Owen. on the east by lands o| llrrtur and Vincent Owen and Isaac Itnldwin. on the south l>y land of Kiu tuucl tin saulus auil on the west by land of Sauna I Tublis. Containing about one UiiNilred ami twenty acres, about To acres improved, one trained house, one log house with a framed addition, one trained barn, two 100 barns, two apple orchards and other lruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of S. A. Mills vs. A. IK Marccllus. A I.>< i Tin- following lot. piece or parcel of land situ ate in West It iriinet,at twp. I'.rad or.l county, hounded on tlu- north l>y hums of Joiiu Tompkins and Israel Phil lips. mi the east by lands of Abrum and Job .Morley, on the south hy* lands of .Toil Karrum and on the west by lauds ot IHckmsiii ;iud Hubbard-. Cuntlining two hun d:cd acres, more or less, iiliout thirty acres improved, txvo framed dwe|linir hou-s's, one framed bam. one saw mill mid an orchard of fruit trees there in.* Seized am! taken in execution at tlicmiloi .N'. T. ph k ins .a to use ol Perry K. Pratt vs. I!. Mullorj and laireu- XO St llltori. A I -Si I Tlie follow inr lot. piece or parcel of htMsitu ate in Ridgbiuy twp., jlradford ecunity, lew.iijed on tlte north l.y land of Stevens, east by lauds of James apt ai 111. -.nth Hy- fond of Alexander Thompson and wot by laud ot iicyrtst Wilkinson. Containing forty acres, more or h-ss. about thirty-five acres thereof im plored and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of James 11. \Velil vs. Vincent Steveus. ALSO- !>y virtcc of a writ of Fieri Facias, the follow ina hit. |iic. e or parn-l ot land situate in Tr.iv twp.. Brsd f-rd county, bounuod on the north by lands of John Crist ami -I dm Sadler, "n tlie cast by tlrunvlilc r :ul and I). X. Alien's.on the south by lihds of.), if. and A. Want and on the wesj by lands of Coiul it Pet.-rs. and H. It. llickok. Contaiuiu>; eighty Three acres, !* the same mo c or less, a bunt seventy acres improved, two framed houses, two trained turns and an orchard tHereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit ol ts. W. A L>. F. l'omeroy A Co. vs. William R. Mm k. TIKIS. M. W'tlOnitl FF, Towaiula. Oct. 7. Is.",s. sberilt'. A UDITOR'S NOTICE l\Utr 4* lhn\- 1\ lon CJ). V. Tutt'e. In the Common VleiU of Cra'd tord County. No. -Js-J. May Term. 1 iC>7. The uiuier.-iyiu d. auditor appointed t .distribute funds in the luuid- ol the Sheriff, raised by the sale of the de fendant's real estate, will attend to the duties of his ap pointment at liis oiliee. in the Knrouirh of Tovvanda, on Monday, the l-t day of November Is.ix. at 2 o'clock, p. M. All pel-sons liaviuff claims upon said fund must there and then present them or else be forever debarred front said tund. v Sept. 24. IKjS. P. I>. MORROW. Auditor. A 1 I* I TORS NOTICE.— >N. ][. IKficmnn rt.N. Minor. In the Comm in Pleas of Hr.tdford Connty, No. 12b, Keiiruaiy Tenu. IsJT. The undersiifiied. Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute funds raised by Sheriff s sale of the real estate of defendant. w iii attend to the duties of his appointment at bis oiliee, in T'owamla borough, on Friday the .Ith day of November Nix,at 1 o'clock in the afternoon jit wuieli time and place all fiersi.us Inti rested are mpiiml to present their claims or else forever be debarred lr>.ui said fund. i t. 7. 1x.14 P. I). MORROW. Auditor. A I DITOR'S NOTICE.— OrrinK. Harris, I il >'*• /"• li. Cii/Jul. In tin- Court of Common l'leas, of Kradlbrd county, No l.'bi, February Tertu, lxjis. The nndersisrrteil Auditor, appointed l.y said Court to distribute funds raiet U I y shenlt's sale ot the teal estate of deiendent, w ill attend to the duties of his appointment nt his oiliee in Towaiula. on Tliur day the 7.lth dav of November, lk.lh. at 1 o'el uk in the ulternoon, at which time ami plai e all pi rsous iuU-re.-ted are required to pre sent their claims or else be .orever debarred from sa.d fund. (!. 1. MOXTAXVB, t let. |O. |MBb Ai dltor. A EDITOR S NOTICE.— Walter S. X,w j\. m.m r* Harris MiHr . In the Court of Common Pleas ot Hmdford eouiity. No. 22.1. February Term, 1X5.1. The uJidei siirlied Ai dilor appointed I v said C'otn t to d's rileite lu .ds as dby Sheriffs sale of the real estate • I de.endent, will .utetul to the <1 tties of his appoint mil t ctiiisotri e. iu Towaiula, on Friday the 20th day of Noveinber. l s 6s, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at which time and place all persons hiteiosted are reipifred to jn.- sent their claims or else be boevc-r ilet.am d from said fund, C. 1. MONTANVK, <b t. p.). jo.ia. And tor, A l 11i'IX)ICS NOT. C b— Snunur! !\l'Hran, note ot i iff of J. tF. I', It ; r. /. 1) Toy or. In the Coinin ti I'it.is of Liradioid eounty, No. Jbi.Jsypt. Tyrm, lsj&. The mxlt isianed \nilitor. appointed by said Court to distribute funds raised l.y >heritrs sale of the leal estate .1 d.TenUaut, wilt a loud to the duties of his appointment at the luntse of Reuben M• -rfi r. in Hurlhf_bin. on Friday November I ah. 1 V4, at lu o'clock, in tU* forenoon, at w liivh time ai d |>i n e all persons interested are required t > present their claim.; or else be forever debarred front said fund. K. 11. I'ARSttXS. It. t oci IT. 1 s.is. Auditor. A EDITOR'S NOTICEI/.in r 'Taj,for a r V to thr nit of Xhthonirt Wnwlff imd XrtrUm 'l'. M /Irr vi. I.mrius llttxtftOi tft unit M-lj*r Ihrling. In tin Common Pie.is ot liradioid county. No, Ul,llec.T. Th - trnli rsi'j-ned, ditm-. a). point, d l.y said Court to distribute funds raised hy SlieriH'x sale of the real ("state .1 (Intend nil. w ill attend to tlie duties of his appoint ment it his ofßee. in Towamhi lsironph, on Friday, the 22d day of t tetolwr Is.ix, at I o'clock i;i tlie afternoon, at which time and pi. tee all persons interested arc n-ipiired to pre sunt their claims ur eKe be forever ilelswrvd from said fin 01. t,\ p. MtINT.V.NVF, Sept. 21. 1 S.IT. Auditor. A CDI'TOIES NOTICE.— Iu the mutter i f 1 V UII I ,iifi nf ('. I), lion unit Jninti //. /fotjt, rlrr d. In the Court ot ihiarter Sessions oi Rmdford County,' No. 1.17, In .-eiuls'i- Term, The U' lei -i.Tiu (I Aftdilor appointed by sjiid Court to dis-trfliate tend- rei-ed t(.Tt*Herwr< safe of real estate of (leteiiile.it s, w ill attend to tlie duties of his appointment it hi- dliye, Lu Tow.iiiilit Uu'u.iiydf. ou Monday the 11th (lav ot N vember Is.lT. at 2 o* lock in the arferii.Mm.at Wtiieh time ami i.l.i.v alt t.ev KIU interestof are rispitreil to pie cut their tkiun-, or lie forever deoaii.il Iroin said fund. Ki.HA.NAN SMITH, (icfoher 12. 1 -7*. Auditor. v ■ -j - ■■ , w rrvr"7t ; . * A EDTTdRS NOTICE —.N". Jl. XnruwH, —V. ;.#• lu tu i-J tli ttle* IA. M. AYinuci . fn the tVni'tnoii Fha of Lradt'i id Conntr, N"u. It i, IV eetoliorTenirdlxtU?. I'll.- Audi i -ijyueu. Auditor, appointed by said Court to (listilbiic huiils r.UM i| by Sberins <ale of real e-Uiterif ilefe. .fhtif, will af tend to tb" duties of ids ap [sunt men I at ins of.tee, in 'f ow anda bovpajrll. on Friday Lht -Ith d;ty nt N' ucjii../ 1-s -s,J n'ri.v k in'be afu ileum, at p ioTt nine and pVu-e jsH promts int. r -ted are rei|tt':rv4>i pre sent tii.'ii claims ..r else tc forever delmiT.st from s.r;U ui i. w P. D. il< tUlluVi , Qef. 7. IS*.". And t r. \l Dl'Tf R'B NU ITCiv— ln tAe anf/a nf I lit f.-iuit ol' 4'l.nii S. tiiaii, rfed. la the Or phan'- Court of nradmvu COIIUTV. The undersigned, an tu .Htm appointed by said Court to di-tribute fund- in the hands of the Administrators ol . rate w ill attend ff the Uuti. -of hi- apn t uu::d *t h. "thro., in T'owaUfU biirottaU. 'U Friday, the iii .I n ofNoVidiber, KIT, 2' ( '*, l ick iii Oie'i.tcfu on, when juut win oe all persou. interested are i-epn.vd t > pre-ent their claims, or be lon ver .h-bai ied innn said fund. L. OVKRIuN.JR. Oct 4, lsdft. Auditor
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