[l'lulll I'l l'!l-\ 1 Villii: S( llni I -lin.l li lt I"! OduUt.] Delinquent Districts. I>K!'AI:T-U V I OK CII'NII SAFE-NF . ' FI I! UIKIM.I I;U. <ls*. I -.3* | F In :i nurtili' >' of districts D.t'ifHvi: designed;; Iv administer tin- system, sons toHnukq it niftit*, unpopular, nml erij•pic* the and in irtlij crs tin v persist in evading Hie luw. I>* the employment of mi licensed teachers, as well as in other |artieiilars. Superintendents are re quired to report nil sneli to tlm I).-|mVfiiienlj iimj notice is now givyn that in tvertr Midi in stance] the lmari'l *dl be lichl ♦ iiti Ttfl coin )>liuncc witli the terms of the school law, and in case of failure, the State appropriation will lie withheld; the warrants lor the Slate appro priatiou will not he issued until the Stute Su perintendent lias s-ttisfaetory evidence that t lie Directors have endeavored to |ierloci their whole dutv in good laitli, and to the best of their ability, and the circumstances of the dis trict. NOTICE TO PwrsincNTS.—The four months certificates for the current school year, will le so worded, as to require the President of the board to testify that the schools hare been open lour months; that no teacher lias been employed without a valid certificate from the County Superintendent; that a uniform series of text ixioks lias IKCCII selected and decided upon, according to the 2i*th section ot the General School Law, page 15; and that every school in tlie district has been visited once each month, by at least one director. It is respectfully suggested to Presidents, to see i that these requirements of the law are com plied with, in order that the prescribed aHida vit may be safely made. To SECRETARIES .—Every Secretary of the board, who visits the SCIHMIJS, twice a month, as district siipenntendent, is reqwiretl to iinme diately notil'v the School Department ol that, i fact. The object is, to definitely ascertain how many and what districts list % adopted this form of visitation. 11.0 lIIOKOK. State SiipermLintent. A Damaging Disclosure. lion K. P. Stanton, Secretary of Kansas under <lov. Walker, in a late speech at Law rence in win the following statement: He (Mr. Stanton l eanie to Knnsns in '57, believing it to be the the inteiitioii of .Mr. Bu chanan to deal fairly with tin* people. Had not this been his opinion, he would never have accepted the position-of Secretary, nor Walk er that of Governor <>f the Territory, Justice demanded the ndmis.-ion that he -till Iwlieved the intention of the Administration to have been good. Its present it no of policy was an after-thoie_ r ht. Pnti! the month of Septendier lie and Gov. Walker were su-tained throughout by the Administration. He would mention one circnmstniitec that was not generally known as showing this eoneln-ively. On the Ist of September, (Jen. Whitfield and Ilr. Tebln, of Kansas, who were then in Washington, signed a letter "expressly stating that the course of (inventor Walker and Sec retary Stanton was acceptable to the people of Kansas, inasmuch as an undoubted majority were in favor of a free State." This Irtlrr vis written at the sperid rn/mxt of Mr. Jlurhonov, who was anxious to shield himself from the as saults being made upon Li in bv the South Through Mr. Buchanan's agency ihe letter was scut to the Union office, and was actually in tv|>e, accompanied by editorial comments endorsing the character of Dr. Tehbs as a "gentleman of unimpeachable veracity,'' when it was seen in proof by a Southern member of the Cabinet, who ordered its suppression. From thiil dun to thi< the course of the Adiniui-tra lion towards Kansas had been a most uustiuji ulous and shameful ouc. Amur Al. OF A STEAM CANAL BOAT FROM BFF FAt.O. —-The steam canal boat Charles Waek, the first of her class which has made the trip throngh to New i'ork, arrived at pier No. (> Kast river on Saturduy, having made the pas sage in fourteen days. She left Buffalo on the 25* li tilt, with 4(H0 bushels of corn, weighing 134 lons, and had in tow as far as West Troy the Wnt. Croxicr, with 4*9 barrels of flour, 1371 bu-hels of wheat on bord, together with some castings and machinery, making the ag gregate tonnage of both boats 277 tons The average rate of speed of tlie Waek on the canal was about two miles an hour—sometimes running three—and on the Hudson, without the tow, but with a strong head wind, four tuiles an hour. She consumed while on the canal abont two tons of coal in the twenty-four hours. On tlie whole she made far better time that could have been done by horse power and at less expense than it would 'cost for one canal liont alone on the old principle. The Charles Waek was Otic of the boats that ac companied the experimental trip with Gov King ami the State officers a few months ago from Rochester to Buffalo. Her arrival in New Yctk is quite an event in steam canal navigation. TIIF. CXITY OF THK PA-.TY.—A New York pajier states that a delegation of New York Democrats recently called upon Mr Biiehnnau nud requested liini to induce his Dunitc officials to desist from warring upon Judge Douglas in Illinois, and especially urged him to do this, in view of the beneficial effects it would have Mjmn the prospects of the Democracy of the Empire State at tlie coining election, and ttic President replied by saying that " the unity of the Democratic party must be preserved though every Democratic candidate for Congress in New York were defeated." If the downfall of the Administration long continues to proceed at the present rate of 'declension we do not doubt that, the patty will shortly become Very unify. It will consist of James Buchanan and nobody else. COL. KI.V.VKY informs the San Antonio (Texas) llcrabl tiiat lie has concluded his ne gotiation with the Mormons lor the sale of his interest in Central America, and has received an earnest of £200,000 us part of the purchase money. He is to receive $2,(50,000. He was in San Anlonia cm the 2i)Lh ult.j.ou his way to Austin. The Hero id says: M Some of our prominent citizens have re quested Col. Kiuttey to |>eriuit his name to In put before tke people for the next guberna torial election. This lie declines, saying that his privato business in this state and Centra! America wilt require his undivided attention.' SAVF. VOIR DO, TOR'S BU.M.— When Dr M i-tur's Balsam of \\ ild Cherry will cure cough's, eoltfs, hli-e/fhig at tfi<- brigs, ami arre-t tin; fell destroyer Consumption, it do -s more than most Physicians can do. A single trial will satisfy the incredulous. Buy none unless it lias the written MgmiUine ot " 1 Hutts " on the wrapper. News from all Nations. In tin- Snpj-eiyg t.'oiirt of New at III,:, u., i. iiiy lln -V' 1 Cu' iAi' 1 'itt!,. r\ . ■lll Ilk# 01 I vet the jury n-ttdi n-d wvcriliei ",]ii la* ,r ai the |>l-:biliirioi -?50'l, I• r damage- jsu- tainefi Brum ajui is it-, ivi> l. Two p*irs-nf shoes'werq lately inftdi- by a -line iii.inul'.ictmrr in t yiiuti, til! an order for ijSimtlierri plantation. They are intended for a slave, who is also an I,IUKKU,<MUI nuu-anc l'aj meats m length vwlU a cu rt">|M(ii(linir width. —The Indian troubles in 'Texas have as sumed formidable character. Late advices state that the Northern ('aiiianrlics, Kiomas and a part of the Apaches, numbcrim- in all, fourteen Indian bajpls, have delaied again-t tlmt State. The repairs of the City Hall, New York, will cost Jhi noti. The addition will lie an extra story, with a dome and clock tower. rauuiilß n| to a height con siderablv loftier than tlie old one, and improving, it is thought, the general architectural effect ot the building. The most valuable span of horses in the l T nited States, are said to be owned by Commodore Van derbilt. of N'cw York. They are matched cost him : and he has been offered S!I,UW) tor them. Prince Napoleon left Paris on the 20th, per train, for Warsaw, there to meet the Emperor of I'rn-sia. and witness the great military evolutions. The Prime was ex lwe ted to return to Paris about the sth of October. —On the way from the City of Mexico the diligence was attacked )>y roLhers ; three of them were shot dead by the diligence party who escaped uninjured. —The United States Attorney General has prepared an opinion on the aetion of the Naval Retiring Hoard, in which lie declares their entire proceedings ilU jial. eoiiH-ijnently void. On the strength of this opinion, the !'n shield will restore the whole li-tot retired and dropped officers, though several of them will he brought h< fore Courts-Martial, to answer charges to be preferred. A serious buttle is reported us having occurred between a detachment of the Second Cavulrvand the 'amain he Indians, on the Ist nit., in which Lieut. Van Camp and four men of Ihe Cavalry were killed, and Major Van, lan and ten men wounded, while forty of the Camanches were killed. Tlie Hon. WILLIAM JAY, the last of the s-uis t Chiel'-Ju.>ticv Jay, died oil Thursday at his resi deuee ill liedfoid, \\*e.-tchc-ter county, ayi-d 70. Bolli wings of the Illinois democracy hnve nominated srparatt candidates for Congress in every dis trict in the State, t xecpt the ninth. lion. Jt ii'-rson 1 >:svis is quite a lion at ftoslbi!. lie bad a kind of municipal reception a lew days ii£o, all the maci-trates of the city sat down to a dinner with htm. Ilostoa i> very peculiar in her notions. Joseph Morrison, who kept a store in Floyd county, Va., was murdered and iwarly burnt up on the injrht of the a,l inst. He was slmt, and alter Is robtwd. hi- lionse was tired. His body was discovered in the rttias half con-iimcd. Sniue money, which he was known to have possessed, was mis-ed. The deceased lues brothers doiny business in Itiriimond. Attorney-General Wharton, 'if Mississippi, h i- decided that connection with a ihiei eitlu r us a prin cipal or second, i- no bar to eligibility to office in Missis sippi, except upon indictment and conviction. —The jail at Free port, X.J., was forced by the prisoners, on the uiglit of the nth inst., and alt the inmates eseajied. —At Latigdon, Ind., a few days ago, the locomotive ran into several cattle tlmt were on thetrmk. Hue of tlie animals, a fierce bull, made -how of fight, and sneli was the strength o! hin rp-istancethat he hutted tlm locomotive and cut re train ot the track ! Mrs. K /,. (V Jndson, (tlie gifted and licaatitid wife of the notorious •' N'cd nimtline,'") \va totanl Iviiitr damri-ronsiy dl in a misprafde hovel, utterly destitute a'til a I me. Stie is a writer of great ability and a woman of m.irvidoits loveliness. lt is the desire of the Administration that flcn. Denver shall recall hi- resigiia'.ion of tlie Cmvcrnoi sliip of Ksnso-,, nntt of tlii- fact he ha- been advi.-ed. —We regret to learn that on I'iiday aftcr- I noon last, tlie clothes of a little daaghtirof Mr. Henry DeifTeitdetfer, residing near llagli.-ville, a •< itkaiUj caught tire in the absence of her parent--, and before as.-i-t,iue.e arrived, -he was so horribly burnt that she died in twelve hoars afterward-. Thi- is truly a distressing occurrence ami should serve a- a warning to parents not t leave their children alone where there is fire. A liit'r daughter of John S. Mart/., of Milton, while in linker's mill, ou Saturday, nut with an Sl.'-'ldent Unit may cripple tier for life, even il -he should recover: While in tlm mill her el-itlu - e-iifght upon an upright -iia't which w i- i:i motion,which drew her around on the tl'Mir. breaking tier leg and bruising her very much. A little girl who wa- with her, gave alarm the mill was -topped and ho was released. The child snWVrs much. The Shatnokiu Bank has commenced issuing notes again, of a diticrcut tint from the old ones, \vhi<!i are now redeemed in Philadelphia. Felix Moarer, ha- bi en elected President, in place of J. 11. Zimmerman, resigned. —Some anxious parents at Ilarrisbtirg re cently missed a little hoy, and afti-r raising a tremendous alarm and incoming worried " half to death." they found the little lellow curled up under a table, fast asleep 1 —The President removed r.l! but two of the Postmaster of Illinois, originally appointed by him, for the crime of sympathising with Judge Douglas. A store was broken into in New Bloom liehl, Perry county.last week,and the safe Liken away in to a field, where it was blown tip with gunpowder. About fatHl were found in the -afe by the scamps, of which SIOO Itcloiige-' to the Insurance Company. —The Chicago organ of Senator Douglas -ays the ItiM-hanan party of Illinois is made up of a " si-t or rogues, cheat.- and .-iudlers combined." Complimen tary ! Mr. John C. Ilollidav, of Montgomery, Orange county, N T . V., met with a sudden and untimely death on Monday. Ashe attcinfAcd to cross tire canal m idge in the lower part of the village, his foot slipped, and lie till from tlie steps of the bridge upon a pile of Wood, breaking his tiock, and causing almost iustuut death. THE COMET is to be hired to run the light ning express between Sunhury and Williatus port. Not it bu.l idea, Lliat. As tke Cot net goes ioO.OUO miles an hour, it. would jerk a train of cars from .Suubnry to William-port in | lc< time then you could say " seat" to a bob tailed kitten. 'Hie speed ef lite Comet is M> great, that it would pass entirely around the earth in about ten minutes. Fasten it to a train of ears, and thu rail-roads in the world would not keep it in work over half an hour. Su nbury Gazelle, THE H RSETOSI CORWIN BIDE*. —At a pub lic meeting in Cincinnati, on Thursday last, Tout Corwin made a speech in tlie course of which he said : " I think f eonld convince every impartial man that the horse of Popular Sovereignty is a dead horse—blown to atoms I>v Democratic guns. And us for that wind-brofien, spavined pony, the Wilroot Proviso, lie was sired by Thomas Jefferson himself, and it's the hors-e 1 mean to ride, while hair iu his tail." uu l cheers j Uqiorkr. |fe n K.\>. (JUODUICH, KDtfiht. JBB . 'Jf )WATs' I ) A : Thursday Morning, October 21, 1858. TKKMS— One thil hie per milium, invariably in art inner, hour weeks peri lous lu the t epirahon of a subset iptuik iwlirr will In given by u printed wrapper, nml ij nut i t newed, the paper will in all cases be stopptd. Cl.eillsiXd— The Itepnrter will be sent to' Clubs ill llie fol lowing extremely low rules : l. en/iies for. .... f."> 00 • t."> i ojnes for . . sl7 00 10 cojoes for 8 00 | '2O copies for.. . . 15 00 AUVKKTISKMKVTS — For a square of ten lines or less. One Dollar 'or three or less insertions, and twenty-five tents for each subsequent insertion. Jon- WORK — Kreeuted with accuracy and desnalck, and reasonable prices—with every facility for doing Foots. . Blanks, Hand-bills, Bali tickets, <s-r. MOVKY may be sent liy mail, at our risk—enclosed in on envelope, and properly directed, we will be responsible for its safe delivery. THE RESULT IN BRADFORD. A reference to the official table of votes polled at the late election will show that the poll has IKMHI a very light one, as under the circumstances, it could hardly have been other wise. There seemed to be a feeling peevaleut, which made it impossible to rally the people to tbe polls. A general opinion prevailed, that our State Ticket would be successful by a large majority, while until within a few days of the election, the miserable and imbecile scheme to defeat our County Ticket had not developed itself. There is no more difficult feeling to overcome than that of safety, and that our voters indulged in this feeling pretty liberally is proven by the light vote. I A-* it is, however, there are many gratifying features in the result. It has fully established the hoinogencoiisiiess and stability of the Re publican party of Bradford. Established upon the rock of Principles, it bids defiance alike to attacks from without or treason within. Its members have too high and sensible an idea of the usefulness of the organization to permit it to be broken down to gratify imaginary grievances, or because nominations may be made which are contrary to the judgment of a portion of the party. The members of our organization have rallied to the support of our County Ticket in .sufficient numbers to prove that disorganization will meet with no success so long as principles remain to be advanced— which can only lie effectively maintained by means of our organization. We have no com plaints to make of the few Republicans who saw fit to strike a portion of our County Tick et, for we have no doubt, in the main they were actuated by honest motives, and we have no question when time shall show them their prejudices are without foundation, they will be ready to acknowledge it. THE RESULT IN THE STATE. Official returns for thirty-six counties in the State show an opposition majority of upwards of "(>,fH)O. The remainder of the State will unquestionably increase the majority to 10.000. The delegation to the next Congress will stand 20 Opposition, three auti Lecompton Democrats, and two Lceompt unites, one ol whom will have his seat contested, as follows: Its ricl. 1 Thomas R. Florence, T.ee—contested. ■J. .Kdward Joy Morris. * A. .Julia f. Vi rus-. * 4 Willi.no >! Jl'-v.inl. * Joint WwiJ. * 8. John lii< kiT>.in, Anti-Ijcroni]>tni) Dem. 7. .Henry C. Loagncckcr.* B..Major .Inlin Schwartz, Aiiti l.ee. l>eiu. !>. . Thaddelta Slovens. * 10. .Joint \V. Killing*)'. * 11. .James It. Oaiiiphcll. * 12. .('ol. (100. W. Seranfoii. * 1 J.. William 11. I>iiiimi< k, Lecvinptoiiite. 11. .(•altislia A. Crow.* l.j ..lames T. llale. * 14.. Win. K. .Itmkin. * 17..Edward Mo Kherson. * is. .S. St.. I P.lair. *■ 10, .John ('ovule. * 2a. .William Montgomery, Auti I-ccouipton Dent. 21. .James K. Mom-head. * 22. Kohert McKnitrht. * 24.. William So wart. * 24. .('lia|iiu Hall. * 2j. Elijah Rihhit. * Those marked with (*) are Opposition. The Opposition will have a very large ma jority in the Assembly. The Senate will stand 11 Lecomptunites to 10 Opposition. OHIO.— The Republican majority on the State ticket is about 1">,000. Fifteen Republican and six Democratic Con gresmen are elected. INDlANA —Official returns Iroin thirty coun ties are received, indicating the probability of a small Opposition majority in the Legislature. Further returns indicate the election of the Democratic State ticket by from one to five thousand majority. OFFICIAL VOTE FOR MEMBER OF CONGRESS. GROW. L'AUKnrHST. VAIL. Bradford 4771 !)2<) .... Su.si|tiuJiauiia Ilsil ls.it) .... Tioga 2211 508 201) Total, 11505 12s 7 201) flriy A Frenchman named Locis BKEKIF.RB made an attempt to shoot the Rev. Mr. CI;A w- KoiiD, pastor of the Trinity Methodist Episcopal 1 Church in Thirty-fourtli-street, Xew York.Sun j day night, while the latter was conducting ! services. BRRRIKRS shot at liim with a heavily j loaded pistol, the ball from which passed by ; his head and lodged in the rear of the pulpit. The would-be assassin was immediately secured uud handed over to the Police. FORREST'S PEPARTFRE FROM THE STACK.— The Wheeling correspondent of the Baltimore Sun says : " 1 have just read a letter from Edwin Forrest to a gentleman at the hotel, wherein lie says, most emphatically, that he will never appear as nn actor again. i J HANKSGJVINO DAY IX X.sw YORK.—Gov ernor King has issued his proclamation ap pointing Thursday, the 18th of November, to be observed as a day of Thanksgiving. Rrfr Letters from Valentin report that no improvement had taken place in the electrical condition of the Atlantic cable. Tint faulty however, did i;Ot get worse, for occasionally considerable and distinct " reversals from Newfoundland were discernible. The opinion that the principal fault iff the cable is near the shore daily gained ground, although Pro lessor Thomson's opinion was directly opposed lo Hieli u supposition. It was supposed that something would be done towards under run ning and repairing tlie cable dining October, which is generally aline month on the Irish coast. Mr. Henley's gigantic magm-to electric machine hud nnived at \ uleutin and been put in operation, and, willi the aid ot this instru ment, Mr Henley hoped to he able to work through the cable during some part of each day, even if the fault should prove irrepara ble. It was the unanimous opinion of nearly all at Valentin that the laying of ten or twelve miles of the thick shore cud of the cable would tend permanently to obviate a great many of the difficulties with which the electrical depart ment of the undertaking has been interrupted. &s!T The following notice of the (ilrani In- I siirance Company, of Philadelphia, is taken | from the Lrdgcr of the 12lli inst:— '• Tin; liiraril lnsitran> <* Company. <>f this city. tliroiigli | their Hoard of Director*, yestenUy. declared a dividend I of sir jeer rent. upon tie-i tpit il stock of the Company j |iiiid in: and further made an appropriation of out-Intii j ilred dollars, a.id authorized the Treasurer to pay tli-< ' amount to each Fire I 'oiiipauy having a loeomotive steam 1 lire engine within the limits ot I'liiludelpliia, and which llii'vliave la-en approved ot hy the City Councils. The " (iirard ' In- here set an cviiuple ol general leg ' (*/(/ in fay or of Fire Companies, of the politic, and of Insurance Companies, which we hope tost* tallowed hy its compeers." ' 11. B. .Mi K "AN. is the agent for this Comi ty, who is ready at all times to take risks in this Company. jpaJT Mo part of the lute Anti-Administra tion triumph seems to give as general satisfac tion as the defeat of GI.AXCY JONES, in the Berks district. His overbearing ami impudent, assumption of authority in the last Congress, and his ridiculous idea of the importation and influence of Presidential dinners, made him a laughing stock throughout the country. The election of SCHWARTZ is as utc.\|>ected as it is gratifying. Ax I VTKI:KSTINO EXPERIMENT. —The Wash ington Stales of yesterday says that Mr.Gi.AX v . IOXKS appeared to bo so confident of re election that he actually said, in that city, he irns going t;> run only to shite Mr. 1 b ens AX how easy it was to be circled as on Ad minis/ ra tion Democrat. The result of this interesting experiment is told by the official returns. JfeiyShipmcnts of Coal from Tavvanda by the Barclay It. It. & Coal Co. Shipments fur the week ending October 10... 1 .Osft tuns. Previous shipments since July 1t... 11 .8.12 tons. Amount for tlie season l'J/.'lt tons. 0-2 "■ Wc learn by the Tioga Agitator that Mr. PARKHFRST'S name was used as a candi date against Mr. GROW without his knowledge and consent. &-if In Tioga Comity the Republican Coun ty Ticket was subjected to a fierce onslaught, but was successful by decided majorities. WITJ.IAM SANDER, who murdered PETER SIIOKK at Hamptoniburg, X. V., in August last, in a lit of jealousy, lias been sentenced to lie hung at Goshen on Friday, Dee. o. A woman has been arrested in Philadel phia, charged with setting fire to her own store. She had an insurance on the stock, of .sl,tji)o. its true value was ascertained to be si2,ltio. LITERARY T XTEt.I .IOEVCE EXTRAORDINARY! ! Mr. .IF.IH: GLANCY .IOXKS, whose fellow-citizens esteem him so highly that they have kindly allowed him to pass into retirement, has too active a mind not to improve his leisure. On dit that he will devote his time and talents to the production of a Xew Cookery Book, with select receipts from the kitchen of the White House. It will he curiously illustrated with cuts, among which will prominently figure the cut direct , given to him on Tuesday (at the polls) hy Berks County.— The Press. THE FRASEK KIVER GOLD MlXES.— Bishop Scott, of the Methodist church, writing from the vicinity of the Fraser river gold mines, says : " I am not. you know, a miner, and my opinion is not worth much, but at any rate 1 have no motive to be partial ; and my opinion is that this Fraser river excitement will prove to he the greatest humbug of the age, and that many people will sutler even to tlie last extrem ity. This was my opinion before 1 left Califor nia, ami I have seen no reason to change it since 1 came here, lut much to strengthen it. 1 fear that some parties will have an awful ac count to settle in regard to this matter in a coming day !" THE WASHIM RXEB. — W. J). Wnshhnrne, A younger brother of the famous three now in Congress, is nominated to the Minnesota leg islature, and there is talk of adding him to the Washburnes in Congress next year. There is still another brother in California, who was a candidate for Congress in 18."0, ami who yet intends to add his name to the catalogue. ANOTHER CAPTION.— The Mayor of Yicks burg has published a card in the Whig, of the of the 2d, requesting unaeclimatcd persons to keep away from that city until notice shall be given that yellow fever has subsided. A severe storm occurred at Anbnrn, X. V., on Thursday week, when the top of the steeple of the Universalis! church was blown off. A large timber fell through the church, demolishing the pews and doing damage to the amount of $2 r >o. EST A lad at Auburn, X. Y , a few days since, while playing, fe'l into a vat of boiling swill, at Ashly distillery, and was most hor ribly scalded. OFFICIAL RETURNS, Tor Bradford County, of the Election held Tuesday, October la ig 5 strut |I n it.. XK.iBUi: ! I'iis-iii''T ujji I' : . Jl'Wilt. |co>lJ.V'k: tovußK- i jUJH;k. MIH.V.. ,IIV A c ' w n T> * V~~=" ~jp! P" =: T _ -i 1 a: f > 41 | : - \ ' S | ! ItISTUIITX. y—~3* >=~ f Alliens borough 5.1 2.) ■>■> ii 54f 20 aid ill 51 2'; 4., 5;, ""77 — yd—. Alliens township 101 10) 101 .. I'M 1031 '.I 9' 0- *; |;J,: M..,, ' • , > All'Uiiy 70 32 7.7 . 7 2.7 7- ! 2t. >. I 77 7 I i - A-yltMO r A1 2 til 2 53 27| 4 2- 5 27 4 3, ' J, * Armenia ..... 7'• • • 4t ii 4 ! . .41 4 41 r.j 45 a ;; | , , Itnrliugton mi in 7- .. s h.i 12 77 7 3t> s 4! 41, J liurUuglou UwUtU 24 II 21 .. 2- 14 'L, 17 22 14 p ah I liiirlTugton West S3 20 82 27 Oil 2h !1 32 *5 3n 54 ltd 57 i*' •- . . Cunt/in... 270 14 274 .. 2Jt. 2 273 2 272 2 132 , 2174 2 v,.. • Columbia 14'.' 20 14V. 10 15ti t. 14'J I- 14 14-. (.■>;? j- Po it'll 7- .13 7h • 7- !• 71. 33 M, w w , • franklin DO 23 IIS .. 103 1( 04 21 UK) 14 7. In; ■>,,*' lirunville 120 0 12. .. 142 12, 12- 21 121 22 ix; ,";i Merrick 107 13 104 .. lis, 4 101 17 104 4< 4; 10 7, l Iti 2 I .itch lhdd SO H* S3 f, S7 22 S4 4 S3 22 73 S'.t p r , ?! *'! UHy 130 1 131 1 140 13- 120 101 loij ,'l\ 1 ' r 1 Monroe Uiwo-liip 132 1* 132 7 134 17 133 Is 131 10 ]a 1 ::'j jv i-. borough '27 21 27 \J 2 V 22 27 4(j 't\ •! !* 1 - j Orwell 177 2V 171 .. IX7 lli 17- 21 17- 17 132 1-7' •*, ,7 . Overton 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 221 23 21 23 13i vj; * I'ike 2.72 12 232 .. 234 10 247 14? 2.31 -I _><S, 2.0 ■ Jl '- * Home 14.7' 3(i| 113 .. 140 23 14:- 2 131 2.7[ 12- 111 3;, 73; North s4 .. S4 .. S4 1 S5 si .. j yj J, •' UiilgUTrj South sl so . SI 3oi 7h 3:; si utl lot, ,. h j South Creek 03 17 02 .. 04 IT] U3 1- *.'3 13 s„ 102 |.j ; Standing Stone 5.7 4X 50 .. til h 52 .71 t; 1 17 70 >.7 j, [ /. ■- Sitiilhtield 102 .73 lso 50 207 til 2o 72 101 40 103 102 ,v: |. . Siiriiitflh Id 22 s 41 222 2 231 .51 ' 221 07 232 52 231 207 37:21- 'Sh<-hhe|tiin lso is! 170 .. jsi II 17> 121 170 10, |sl 10. |■_>'. Sylvuuia T'lwaiiila 62 4 01 1 01 2 50 01 2] 57 tit. ■' Towiitid.i Uirnnplt 163 20 lti2 10 165 1- 163 33,15- 23' IJo 17- 2: !. : Town ntlsi North 02 2 61 .. t.4 1 t,l 0! 64 f,l 00 00 ,1 J ;! Tiny iMirougli. 71 23 70 21 60 21 On 21 70 21) 71 7si 1- 1,; Troy town-hiji 175 3S 17i, X7 17'.' 37, 10' 53j 160 3o 17- 1-4 22 17 ; Til-earor.i S3 25 SO lit; 03 17 01 21 so 1-t 5,-i S.i I 17 . Ul-ter so 38 Ssl 0 S3 24 1 SO 33| m. 23 St, l 105 v., M , .V ' Wv>"\ 122 27 12l! II 122 111 111' 15 123 11 11. llo 1 - ]•„ '' . \Vyiilu-iii 12.: 53' I2n .. 120 41 • 122 40l !23| 43 7o! 151 4- 7, VVHrieu 17(1, 21; 100 .. 174 2t , 171 22! 16t> 27 17v| 104 -.; l , ' Well- I SO Gl| 01 il 641 j oO| 00 Do 57] S4 12l{ 3,: ,-v • '' 1 Windham 9S 041 00 64 'X 4.7 \ 07) 4.7 OS 1' ol| 127 5: "j ' Wilmot | 73 41 74 13 74 4 6o| H 73 3| GO! 7-| 5! 1,- , f Total 4032 I<i;*> 4032 345'4774 02n 4633 lUSI'IKI.t' 533 30.70-.713- 1054 ~ . fd'N'aines of the IleiiHhrean candidate* in small capital- ; thn-e marked * were on the ' Old l.itK U" Or out t,v (3d. Hull and -i|jni ted hy the la.o ouijitoiiites. The DUUies ot Me—rs. H.\ukiii°iut KIN ItruMi \M , were iired without Hiithority. Three Days Later from Europe, Tlic Cuunrd steamship Africa lias arrived, bringing liivcrpuol dates to Saturday, the 2d inst. Tuc Ships Sultana and Ocean Chief had reached Liverpool, with £300,000 sterling from Australia. The ship Sarnn.tk, from Philadelphia, arriv ed at Liverpool Oct 2d just as the steamer Africa was about, leaving The steamer Pro|dlcr, on arriving at Gal way, had to lie run around to prevent her sink ing, owing to a leak. The steamers of the Galwav line arc here after to call at St Johns N. F. Piince Napoleon had met witli a distinguish ed reception from the Emperor Alexander, at Warsaw. The Emperor Napoleon had returned from I'larritz, and was about to visit the camp at Chalons. The fortress of Vincennes was ahout to be enlarged. The S]>nnish elections were expected to lie stormy Rumors prevailed of a Ministerial crisis, but they were contradicted. The Russian Steam Navigation Company j has taken possession of the port of Villa Franca on the Mediterranean. Advices from Turkey and the East shew continued excitement against the Christians. The Indian and China mail, previously tele graphed, reached England on the 3d. Lord Elgin and Admiral Seymour had gone j to Japan. The French had gone to Cochin China. The British Consul and all foreigners had quitted Canton. The Chinese exchanges on England had de clined two per cent. The Steamship Propeller reached Gnlwny on the 2'Jth nit, the Fulton arrived out on the 30th : the Pacific on the Ist and the Asia on the 2.1. Mr." Varley, one of the consulting electricians of the Atlautic Telegraph Company, writes to j the Times in response to an article calling in question his estimate of the distance of the limits in the cable, lie stntcs that his means of testing arc not wholly dependent upon the ) resistance offered hv the cable, and that he j searched diligently for indications of a fault nearer shore, but without success. He also' says that by the modes of testing adopted by him, the estimated distances are seldom more! than live per cent in error, and then only in eases of difficulty. In testing the Atlantic cable he adopted four distinct modes. The shaft of the Page Rank Coal Pit, near Durham, took fire, while the men and boys to ' the number of 82 were at work in the mine.— It was feared the lives of all would be sacrificed i but after great exertions in subduing the flames 72 persons were drawn out of the pit alive and the other ten dead. The ships Sultana, with £160,000 of Aus tralian gold, and the Ocean Chief, with about £200,000, arrived at Liverpool on the Ist, from Melbourne. A letter from Rcrne contradicts, in the strongest terms a report that the Flench Gov ernment had addressed a fresh note to the Swiss Minister at Paris, had received special instructions on the subject. It is asserted that the Emperor of the French is perfectly satisfied with the decree published by the Fed eral Council. Mr. Morphy, the American chcss-plnver, had been astonishing the Parisians by repenting his extraordinary performance of playing eight games, with eight separate players at one and the same time without seeing the boards. Mr. Morphy won six of the games and tlm other two were drawn. The play lasted ten hours, during which time Mr. Morphy never took the slightest refreshment, and at. the conclusion did not appear to he much fatigued. At Paris, on the Ist inst., tb<> settlement on the Ronnie passed off easily, nnd the Three per Cents closed at 73 30 For money, and 73 35 for account. Some shi]>s of the line were to proceed to Cochin China to protect the Spaniards there. TIIF. ErtriKMtc Sorm.—The yellow fever i.s on the decrease at Savannah, and in Charles ton the indications are that it lias ahout done its worst; but it hangs on at New Orleans with a pertinacity and a malignity that has always marked its ravages there. It is to he hoped the warning of the Howard Association, that strangers stay away ti'l frost sets in, will not pass unheeded. To go from this to that climate just now, is but to add fresh fuel to the flame. It is a curious fact—attested by common ex perience—that, dm ing yellow fever epidemics, clear and beautiful weather mostly predoitiiu ! atcs. Such is the case the present season at New Orleans, and such was the case on pre-! vious visitations of the jwstilence. Who cau I explain this apparent phemotueuou ? Yesterday. Two years ago, about the samelnui v •„ wc are now writing, the editor of Tin. |' ' then the Chairman ol the Democratic > Committee, sat down to address the I), : , Party of the whole country upon the u • J AMES BICHAXA.V to the Presidency, J congratulate the people upon the trim., j the great principle of Popular Soven • without Mr. RCCHANAN could not hate' elevated to that high position. That t . ! October of 'sb, lie it remembered, aid result was regarded as deciding the I'res ■■ contest in November suceeediu/. Siist • period, the same principle has been k it sistently in view by the editor of this but intermediately, between theu aud n President of the United States bus jir.: to discard the great principle which mailt President, and we have been thrown, bt< series of events familiar to the jx-ople, k j ( hostile attitude to his policy in ibis res: - ! Every effort which lias lieen made to* | conciliation and toleration has heeu ha;;j refused. As APPEAL WAS THEREFORE TAXI -i THE PEOPLE OF PENNSYLVANIA. And I. i >it down, as we did in 18.70, after lite 0. election, to chronicle the triumph of thep p'e which elected JAMES JJITIIANAN tothCi sideney. Rut we deeply regret to sav ;j this time we are called upon to njoice i . the triumph of the principle, and the deft.! the man who was elected upon it. At | writing, it looks as if almost every Coneii.- j j al Leeoinptouite in Pennsylvania bad bet-;, A ' feateti ! So much lor those who iiave I the patronage and lavor of tie- IVok ..n i the confidence of the people. Tims mi. ; i the Executive, who has tho.-eii to tun back upon the immortal doctrine uu J . American people shall control their own af in their own way, and who has dared toed in every district in Pennsylvania, aaeli. .< ' fine nee at war with the fundaments! of the Constitution. Thus much brtii? .<J : aud startling idta that not the Federal I*.a but that " the President must aud t:.„ a j sustained.*' llat this result is not only a; i ! ble to the uprising of the people a.a! I betrayal of their Representatives audi - j desertion of the popular principle by lal l Magistrate of the Republic; but it is, - 1 same time, a tribute to Peniisylvanu I and to that idea which is cheri&lud by a - people—that of protection to American u j tr y- I To the Democratic party, the nnisc l ; which have largely contributed to this | result, we have a word to say. i- 1 J that THE PHKSS has done, we have NO! • - 1 to disorganize, but to preserve that party b cause we lal)ored in was not a i It was not to uphold principles üblicrr> 1 the Constitution and the Uiiiou, but i them ; nor least of all, was it to avcug - personal feelings. AII our iustinets are u-* '• and conservative. If there isanyb'ik' history of the editor of this jwper, it>>' lias been devoted to the DeiuocraU r' aud to the Union, aud that lie hasbu-:- ed to the rights of the States, North swJ> - In this cause we intend to labor to tint l '" Wc accepted the responsibilities of oar p at the begiuiining, and we are ready them to lhe close.— l'urveys l'>'t ATTF.MITEP Rem; LAKY. —Some grace - entered the house of Mrs. Bolton, in tf part of our village, on Tuesday night week, at about eleven o'clock, with the ■' tion of eommitlug a theft. It was * :i ' some that Geo. J. Bolton, (a son 'f Me■ ton,) who is a clerk in the Treasury incut at Ilarrisburg, had in his 1" y „ certain sum of money belonging ,|J t,v ' •, and lie was to leave the next nion ', j, Ilarrisburg.' It is hcfieVed that tin ''y.'j was cognizant of facts, and In ure tb- - ~ tempt at committing so heinous a (''• ( fortunately, Mr. Bolton, who w is v . - of his frifiuls down town that even-.- , yet returned home, and there was individual in the house save a s'. , , • S A 1 Holton, who was sleeping up s.aiuv aroused from her slumbers by the burglar in effecting an entrance, ana telv gave the alarm, but IK- fore be rendered the scoundrel niadeg""d Upon going into the house beioff 8 that a very offensive stench pervaded • through which lie had passed. R ' .. %, that chloroform or some other " ;1 -' used by the villain for the purj^ 0 J 1 ''j i y stupefaction and thus more secured' laluJy effecting his designs." I We leani that this is not tho ouH", | of attempted burglary ia our ,u4 V':"." j.; "I weeks past. Our citizens slmuM ,A x guard, prepared to meet sueh ii"-*" 1 threshold. — Tuakiunnaii Vf"""-"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers