NICARAGUA. —The advices from Nicaragua confirm the report that the fort at Serapique on the San Juan river, had fallen into the bands of Col. Lockridge. The fort had sur rendered after one day.s fighting, and the filli busters captured large supplies of Minnie rifles, ammunition, artillery, provisions and cooking usensils. They then proceeded up the river, and took the station at the mouth of the San Carlos, after which the Rescue gave chase up up stream to the steamer Charles Morgau.— Castillo rapids was abaudoned by the Costa Ri cans, who set fire to the building and two stea mers. The fillibusters succeeded in saving one of the latter in a damaged state. A small party of the Costa Ricans remained in the fort "at Castillo ou the 18th ult., but were to be attacked on the next day. As the Costa Ricans have burned all the boats, Loekridge's efforts to seize the advantage gained does not help Walker any, for no recruits can go to him. Col. Lockridge had been stopped at Grey town, during a visit he had made there, bv the British Commander, on the charge of detaining British subjects, but the matter was satisfactorily explained, aud he rejoined bis forces. THE EPIDEMIC AT "WASHINGTON ; or the mys terious sickness which attacked everybody who put up at National hotel, just previous to the inauguration, and the cause which has been traced to the water which has been taken from the cistern of the house, into which a number of rats, who had partaken of arsenic had plunged, it is of a more serious character than is generally supposed. Mr. Lenox of Ohio died last week of its effects, and we see bv the New York papers that the wife of Mr. Jay L. Adams, who stopped at the hotel on his way home from Savannah, has also died from the sickness contracted there, A post mortem examination of Mrs. Adams reveveal ed the fact " that the stomach had been par tially eaten away ; the bowels manifested svmptoms of violent inflamation ; the lungs were congested, and the kidneys severely af fected." These appearances indicate the pres ence and action of arsenic in the stomach.— Mr 0. B. Mattesou, member of Congress, is suffering severely. Many other persons in New York, Newark and in Philadelphia, be sides the President himself, are much enfeebled by the attacks of diarhoea, having their origin, s is supposed, in the poisoned water which they drank. The New York Post calls for an investigation by the Coroner, that the public may ascertain the precise extent and nature of the culpability, if any, ou the part of the pro prietors of the hotel. GREAT FIRE IN HAVANA. —On Sunday morn ing last, a fire broke out in Tracy's Block and rapidly spread tjjl it embraced a ßroderick & Vau Dnsen's block, Bcebe's, Hitchcock's, Cor win's and Jackson's block. The loss is upwards of $50,000. The Havana Journal attributes the origin of the fire to the Watkin's folk with whom a fierce contest exists relative to the lo cation of the County seat of Schuyler. SHARP WORK. —From the time Verges the assassin of the Archbishop of Paris, issued from the door of his prison, 100 feet distant from the guillotine, until his mutilated body left the ground in a carriage, but one minute elapsed. sa<iiaaaa2> On the lf'tli of February. 1857, by Rev. J. H. Helmbold, Rev. BENJAMIN JON'ES, of the Pennsylvania Annual Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church, to Miss MARY STERIGERE, youngest daughter of Peter Stcr igere. of Albany, Bradford connty. Rv Rev. 1). Cook, at Rome. Februarv 21. Mr. ROBERT B. HALL to Miss EMMA DELPHINE HICKS. l'.v ilie same, March 4th. Mr. BURTON W.CAMP to Miss MARG A RET CH A MBERLIN*. Bv the same. March 4th, Mr. DANIEL J ACER to Miss KMF.LIN E CH A MBERLIN. REV. H. E. WHITNEY. (L'niversalist) will lis? preach at the Court House, on SUNDAY, 22d fc-tant. at 104, a. Til . and .'l, p. m. ffgf- RELIGIOUS NOTICE.—A Lecture will be BAf delivered on the subject of Temperance, on Sal - ith evening next. 22d irist., in the Baptist Church,by the l istor. The public are respectfully invited to attend. Nero ATHENS NURSERY. A rare opportunity is now afforded to those jgfcglsk wi-hing to supply them-elves with CHOICE FRUIT TREES, as we intend to offer for sale Melthe present spring a large and general assort- J , meut of FRUIT A ORNAMENTAL TREES, : :the following very low rates, for cash, viz : Apples, 5 years old, 6to 10 feet high, per hundred,slß 00 do 4to 6 do do 16 00 Carries, Plums, and Crapes, each 38 ,'varf Pears and Pie Plant, each 25 taches, l year from bud, each 10 An additional charge, sufficient to cover cost, will be ■vlv to those wishing their trees delivered. Catalogues '•died gratis. Trees should be planted in April. Or should i,e sent in immediately. web 7.1857.W5 FORD A PERKINS. H.A. BURBANK'S BAKERY, One Door \ortk of the Ward House. TOWAXDA, PA. U'HLRF. you ran find a constant supply of Bread, Rusk. ' Crackers, Cookies, Jumbles, and all kinds of Fancy "''YSTERS furnished bv the quart or keg, or cook n to order. W* Particular attention paid to filling orders for parties -•turning our sincere thanks for the liberal patronage "'•owed upon us during the past year, and hoping by application to business to merit a continuance of the ®e. we remain as ever, your humble servant. 16,1857. H. A. BURBANK. Sinking School for Children. |l" BECKER has the pleasure of announc • A mg that he will commence giving instruction in - ,n K to a Class for Children from 6to 15 years of age. s VTT'RDAY Morning next, at o'clock", in Mercur's Towanda. Terms, 25 cents per scholar, for twelve '*'os. with a public concert at the conclusion. Book to the " Young Shawm." He will be assisted by l " •- BISHOP, a teacher of excellent acquirements and experience. Having lieen very successful in teaeh ■Huvenile classes, he confidently invites the attendance wishing instruction in vocal music. * van da, March 16, 1557. yIIKIUFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ "-of Levari Facias issued out of the Court of Com ' pleas, to me directed, I shall expose to public sale kCourt House, in the borough of Towanda.on Fri luth day of APRIL. 1857, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the *>ng described lot piece or parcel of land situate in :iv twp.. bounded as follows: Beginning at a stone i fPin the middle of the south branch of the Towanda aear Sheffield Wilcox's, thence by land of Benjamin I ; '"j north 571° west 300 perches to a stone heap cor '*y l^e Foal Company's land south 32* west '"'its to a stone corner ; thence by the same south i perches to a stone corner in the middle of I "4id creek 55 perches to the place of beginning. I Cf>ir one hundred acres, more or less, being parts of j ts of [and in the warrantee name of Frederick and George Barnes. I :■< , an< ' '"ken in executiou at the suit of Joseph Me jj- t ' 4 'imiui s trator of Minor R. Wilcox, vs. Samuel Van- Nhy virtue of a writ of Vend. Expo., at the suit of ■ -JI A!^I D Vs ' Samuel Vandyke, garnishee of Minor R. I r , n , w JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. I , March 16, 1857. I mOLI TION.—The co-partnership here- I Z? '' x " tir 'K '*tween D. C. HALL and C.S. RUS- I h ,tl( ' tirm o f HALL A RUSSELL, is this day | >srm n, •\ r ?" tua ' consent. The books and papers of p i at Die old stand, where one of the ! St t )V ,j~- v always be found, and with whom settle ' ' indebted must be made Immediately. IO,T. U , N. c. HALL, " O. 16. 1857. C. K. RUSSEEL. ID c-i will be hereafter eontinued by P. C. Hall. JJero SVimcrtiscmcuts. A DM IXISTR ATOR'S NOTICE —Notice •S-OL is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of SUSAN McAFFEE, dec'd, late of Towanda twp. are hereby requested to make payment without de lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement March 14,1*57. JOSEPH HOMET, Administrator. 1 EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is her - J by given that all persons indebted to the estate of JOHN FORD, deceased, late of Pike township, must make immediate payment, and all persons having de mands against said estate, will present them duly authen ticated tor settlement. . March 14. 1867. STEPHEN BRINK, Executor. JY, r;LOCK & WATCH REPAIRER—The Vv undersigned is constantly receiving froa New-York by Express, new additions to his Stock of Watches, Clocks Jewelry, Silver ware, and Fancy Goods, comprising in part—Gold and Silver Lever, L'Lpine and Plain Watches, with a full and complete assortment of Fine Gold Jewelry such as Gold chains. Lockets, Bracelets, Gold Pens Keys' Breast-Pins, Ear-Rings, Finger-Rings, etc. etc. Also a large variety of Silver ware,such as Table and Tea Spoons Cream spoons, Butter knives, Salt spoons. Spectacles to gether with an extensive assortment of Plated Ware—All of which will be sold very low for CASH. CLOCKS —A large assortment Clocks just received, of all descriptions, ranging w prices from <5 cents to Fifty Dollars, J Watches repaired on sho?t notice, and w ARRAXTED to run well. Also, all kinds Clocks repaired. W. A. C. would beg leave to say, that be is prepared to execute the most difficult Jobs, such as ran be done at no other Shop short of New-York city. , , W. A. CHA.MBETtI.fN. Towanda, February 1, 1857. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. wt THE undersigned have entered into arrange- N ments by which they are prepared to furnish, at NEW YORK PRICES. MIfSICAL INSTRUMENTS of all kinds. We would especially call attention to Mason A Hamlin s " Model Melodeons," and the Harraomium for churches. We are also authorized agents for Lighle, Newton A Bradbury's celebrated Piano Forte. Price, from $250 to SIOOO. We shall receive gratefully, and attend to promptly, all orders-given to us. Call ou Levi Wells, at his residence in Tuscarora. or 9. W. Rodger's, in Towanda. March 2, 1857. WELLS A RODGERS. rtAYUGA GROUND PLASTER—IOO _ tons f °r sale by BAILEY & KEVINS. J MTNTOSH, DEXTIST I will lie in CANTON for a short time. Per sons de-irous of profiting by bis stay will please call early. Will be found at Dr. PKATTB office, commencing March 5, 1*57. J. M'INTOSH. B CLOVER SEEP. OTII LAROE AND SMALL KIXDS, SPRING WHEAT, and about one hundred bushels ot POLAND OATS, a very superior kind, for sale at the Woodside Farm, near Towanda. March 2.1*57. E. W. HALE. To Boatmen and Boat Builders. THE Barclay R. R. and Coal Company will assist persons wishing to buy BOATS, by the j loan of money not exceeding one-halt' the cost of their boats, on their entering into contracts, with security, to boat the Company's coal at current rates until the money is repaid. _ Offers for the building of a number of a number of CA NAL BOATS, will be received for a short time at my of fice in Towanda, where the specifications may be seen on and after the 7th of March. J. MACFARLANE. March 2, 1857. Gen. Supt.Barclay A Coal Co. TAKE NOTICE.—The b&l&tire of oar stock A of diving flue COOK STOVES, consisting of a choice lot of Magnolia and Queen of the West Stoves will lie sold at EXTRAORDINARY LOW RATES for cash. Call and examine. Jan. 29. HALL & RUSSELL. A Great Bargain for Some One. THE subscriber having purchased, repaired, and fitted up in order for business, the Grist Mill formerly owned By H. M. Peck, now offers it for sale, as he desires to remove West. Said mill is made to run with steam or water, is located in the centre of a thickly populated farming country, and is believed to be one of the best locations in the country. It has in it three run of stone, two bolts, hulling stone, smutter, and all the necessary fixtures for a custom mill. Connected with it are twenty-five acres of land, some ten acres of which is timbered, suitable for wood. The rest is for pasturing. There is also on the premises a mill house, a wagon shop, and two buildings formerly occupied , by merchants. i The terms will be made easy for the purchaser—say one ; fourth down, and for the balance time will be given. WYLLYS BROWXSON. East Kmithfield, Jan. IC, 1*57. New Store in Overton ! WILLIAM WALTMAN would respectful- TT ly inform the citizens of OVERTON and the ad joining townships, that he has opened a NEW STORE iu the HEVERLY SETTLEMENT, where offers for sale a well select* d assortment, consisting in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Fish, Crockery, Soots dt Shoes, Ac. In fact everything adapted to the wants of the surround ing community. purchased for cash, at the lowest rates, and for Ready Pay will lie sold as low as at any (dace this side of the great cities. He will make it an object for FARMERS to call on him with their Grain, Butter. Cheese, Eggs, Maple Sugar, Ac. for which he allow the highest prices. Overton. February 17. 18.57. WAV E R LY MARBLE ESTABLISHMENT. II. BALDWIN, having purchased the • Marble Factory of this village, under the superin tendence of If. Hanford, the subscriber is happy to an nounce that the Marble business in Waverly will now be conducted by him, He is constantly receiving ITALIAN AND RUTLAND MARBLE, for Monuments, Head-stones, Tomb Tabels, and Stand Tops, Paint Stones, Midlers, Ac. Having uecured the services of G. 11. POWERS. whoisweH known t<> le the most perfect Artist in the State, he offers unparalleled inducements to persons wishing to secure any of the above articles, in cheapness, style and Artisti cal beauty. Waverlv. X. Y., Feb. 3. 15.",7. JsTEW FALL WINTER M> GOODS: BKIXGSBERY & SON, beg leave to • call the attention of their friends and customers, as well as all others wishing to buy Goods Cheap, to their well selected stock of Foreign and Domestic DRY-GOODS, consisting of a great variety of LADIES DRESB GOODS, Silks, Shawls, Pammettas, French Merinos, Cashmere. Wool Plaids, Wool DeLaines. Ac. Also, a choice selec tion of Merimac, Choceco and other styles of fast colored Prints. A large and complete assortment of Yankee Notions, Hosier}', Gloves, Dress Trimmings, White Goods, Ac. Denims, Ticks, Drills, Lie ns Cambrics, Bleached and Brown Sheeting, Cotton Yarn, Wick, Batts, Twine, Car pet Warp, Ac. In addition to the above articles, there will always be found a full assortment of GROCERIES, Crockery and Glass Ware ; Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Nails, Fish. Paints, Tubs. Matts. Ac- Returning individually our thanks for past patronage, wc would as a firm, respectfully ask the attention of our old customers anil the public generally, to an inspection of onr extensive New Fall and Winter Stock. Towanda, Sept. 10, 1856. FIRE INSURANCE.—The undersigned is agent for the following safe and reliable Companies: Farmer's Union Insurance Co. . Athens, Pa. Capital, $2 00,000. State Mutual Insurance Co. . Harrisburg, Pa. Capital, $200,00 0. Girard Insurance Co. . . . Philadelphia, Pa Capital, $300,000. These Companies insure against loss or damage bv fire on the inost reasonable terms. Dwelling Houses, Furni ture, Warehouses, Merchandize, Ac., and Farm Property insured for any length of time. All losses will be prompt ly paid. C. S. RUSSELL. Towanda, December 25,1856. LOST. LOST, near the residence of the subscriber in Unio:i tp. Tioga County. Pennsylvania, on or about the 10th of January lat, a LAND WARRAXT, NO, 42,3:17, drawn to myself, for 160 acres, under the act of 3d of March, 1855, for services in the war of 1812. Said warrant was assign ed by me in blank. All persons are cautioned against purchasing said warrant, as it is my intention to apply to , the Pension Office for a duplicate of the same. February 2F 1857. JEWETT SPENCER. ONE HUNDRED BUSHELS LARGE CLOVER SEED. Also a quantity of Timothy Seed i for sale by JOSEPH rOWRLL. Februarv 1, IF7. £egal. SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of Venditioni exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the boro of Towanda, on MONDAY May 4,1857, at 1 o'clock, P. M.. a tract of land called " Georgetown," situated on 1 owanda creek, Overton township, surveyed to George Edge, beginning at a beech, thence by hind of Daniel Broadhead, south 29°, west 212 perches to a maple thence by land of Peter Edge.sonth 81°, east 275 perches to a post; thence by landof George Temple, north 29°, east 212 perches to a post ; thence by land of Paul Har dy and Samuel Edge, north 61°, west 275 perches to the beginning, containing 343 acres, 27 perches and allow ance of six per cent, for roads, Ac. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Maple Grove," surveyed to George Temple, Bituute on the waters of To wanda creek, Overton township, beginning at a post • thence by land of James Sidden, Andrew Hardy and Paui Hardy, north, 61°, west 420 perches to a post thence by land of George Edge, south 29°. west 212 perches to a post; thence by land ot Peter Temple, sonth 61°, east 320 oerches to a beech ; thence by land of Paul Moore, north 29°, east 212 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of six per cent, for roads. ALSO—a certain tract of land called " Dnnfries," situ ate in Overton township, surveyed to Paul Moore, begin ning at a post, thence by land of George, Peter and James Siddens, north 61°, west 320 perches to a post; thence by land of George Temple, south 29°, west 212 perches to a beech; thence by old surveys, south 61°, east 320 perches to a birch ; thence by land of Joshua Coilev, north 29°, east 212 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of six per cent, for roads, Ac. ALSO—a certain tract of land called 11 Union,'" survey ed to Samuel Edge, situate on the waters of the Towanda creek, Franklin Township, beginning at a hemlock; thence by land of Dauiel Broadhead, south 29°, west 424 perches to a beech ; thence by laud of George Edge, south 61°, east 160 perches to a post; thence by land of Ponl Hardy, north 29°. east 424 perches to a post; thence by land of Simon Hardy, north il°, west 160 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of 6 per cent, for roads, Ac. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Perry," survey ed to Simon Hardy, situate on the waters of Towan ia creek, Franklin township, beginning at a post, thence by land of James Hardy, north 29°, east 424 perches to a post;- thence by land of Joseph Ladlev, north 61°, west 160 perches to a hemlock sapling; t'hence by laud of Daniel Broadhead, south 29°, west 424 perches to a hem lock ; thence by land oi Samuel Edge, south 61°, east 160 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of six per cent, for roads, Ac. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Denmark," surveyed to James Hardy, situate on the waters of To wanda creek. Franklin Township, beginning at a post, thence by lands of Siinwn Hardy, south 29°, west 424 per ches to a post; thence by land of Paul Hardy, south 61°, east 160 perches to a birch ; thence by land of Nathan Hardy, north 29°, east 424 perches to a post ; thence by land of Joseph Ladley, north 61°, west 160 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of 6 per cent for roads, Ac. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Belmont," sur veyed to Nathan Hardy, situate on the waters of Towan da creek, Franklin township, commencing at a post, thence by land of Samuel Siddens. north 29°, ca*t 424 perches to a post; thence by land of I'eter Ladley, north 61°, west 160 perches to a post: thence by lands ot* James Hardy, south 29°, west 424 perches to a birch ; thence by land of Andrew Hardy,south 61°, east 160 perches to the beginning, containing' 400 acres and allowance of 6 per cent, for roads, Ac. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Enfield." sur veyed to Joseph Siddens, situate ou the waters of the To wanda creek, Franklin Township, Beginning at a post, thence by lands of George 11 'j i, north 29°, east 424 per ches to a"post; thence by land of Andrew Sadley. north 61°, west 160 perches to a post; thence by land of Sam uel Siddens, south 2'i°, west 424 perches to a maple ; thence by land of Deter Siddens, south 61°, east 180 perches to the beginning,containing 400 acres and allow ance, Ac. ALSO—A certa'n tract of land called " Mt- Pleasant," surveyed to James Siddens, stuate on the waters of To wanda creek, Franklin township, beginning at a post, thence by land of Peter Siddens, north 29°, east 124 per ches to a maple : thence by land of Samuel Siddens, north 01°, west 161 perches to a post; thence by land of Andrew Hardy, sonth 29°, west 424 perches to a post; thence by land of George Temple and Paul Moore, south 61°, east 160 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of 0 per cent, for roads. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " St. Paul," sur veyed to Paul Hardy, situate on the waters of Towauda creek, Franklin township, beginning at a post, thence by land of Andrew Hardy, north 20°, east 424 perches to a birch ; thence by lanp of James Hardy, north 61°, west 160 perches to a post; thence by land of George Edge and George Temple, south 61°, east 160 perches to tiie beginning, 400 acres and allowance of six per cent, for roads. ALSO—A certain messuage and tract of land called " Mount Hope," surveyed to Jonathan North, situate on the waters of Towauda Creek, In Overton township, be ginning at a post, thence by land of Samuel North, north. 29°, east 424 perches to a post, thence by land of James North, 61°, west 160 perches to a post; thence by land of Peter Hampton,south 29°, west 424 perches to a hem lock sapling ; thence by land of Joseph Castator, south 61°, 160 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of six per cent, for roads. ALSO A tract of land called " Germantown."surveyed in the name of Stephen llalliugsworth. situate on the wa ters of Loyal Sock creek in the township of Overton, be ginning at a post, thence by land of Herman Castator, I Joseph Castator and George Castator, north 61°, west | 220 lie re lies to a post ; thence by land of Henry Hardy, south 29°, east 220 perches to a post; thence by land of j Anna Harris, north 29°, east 212 perches to the begin j ning, containing 400 acres and allowance of six per cent. | for roads. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Frugality," I surveyed in the name of Joseph Castator, situate in Ov j erton township, beginning at a post, thence by lands of Herman Castator, north 29°, east 424 perches to a post: thence by land of Jonathan North, north 61°, west 160 perches to a hemlock sapling : thence by land of George Castator, south 29°, west 424 perches to a post; thence by land of Stephen Hallingsworth, south 61°, east 160 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allow ance of 6 per cent. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Bell fast," sur veyed in the name of Herman Castator, situate in Over t'.n township, beginning at a post, thence bv land of John Moore, north 29®, west 424 perches to a 'chestnut sap ling ; thence by land of Lemuel North, north 61°, west 160 perches to a post; tjience by land of Joseph Casta t >r, south, 79°, west 424 perches to a post ; thence by land o:' Stephen Hallingsworth and Anna Harris, south 61°. cist 160 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of six per cent, for roads. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Fredericks burg," surveyed in the name of Frederick Schoots, situ ate on the waters of the Towanda creek, in Monroe town ship, beginning at a post, thence by land of George Schoots, north 29°, east 424 perches to'a post; thence by land of Peter North, north 61°, west 160 perches to a post: thence by land ol Samuel North, south 21°, west 424 per ches to a chestnut sapling ; thence by land of J. Moore, south 61° east 160 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of 6 per cent, for roads. ALSO—A certain tract of land called "Springfield," surveyed in the name of George Schoots, situate on the waters of the Towauda Creek, in Monroe township, be ginning at a chestnut oak,thence by land of Peter Schoots, nortti 29°, east 421 perches to a post; thence by land of Peter North, north 61°, west 160 perches to "a post; thence by land ot Frederic Schoots, south 29°, west 424 perches to a post; thence by land of Hannah Woodruff, south 61°, cast 160 perches 10 the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of six per cent, for roads. * ALSO—A certain fract of land called " Briston," sur veyed in the name of Samuel Anderson, situate on the waters of Towauda Creek, in Monroe township, begin ning at a post, thence by land of Peter Schoots and Hub ert Hampton, south 61°, east 320 perches to a post; thence by land of Joseph Anderson, north 29°, east 212 perches to an ash sapling, thence by vacant land, north 61°, west 320 perches to a hemlock, thence by land of Peter North, south 29°, west 212 perches to the begin ning, containing 400 acres and allowance of six per cent for roads. ALSO—A certain tract of land called "By ford," sur veyed in the name of Joseph Anderson, situate on the waters of the Towanda creek, in Monroe township, be ginning at a post, thence by land of Frederick Castator and George Barnes, south 61°, east 320 perches to a post; thence by land of John Beiuon Jr., north 20°, east 212 perches to a white oak. thence by vacant lands,north 61°, west 320 perches to an a a h sapling ; thence by land of Samuel Anderson, south 29°, west 212 perches to the lie ginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of six per cent for roads. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Humility," sit uate on the waters of Towanda creek. Franklin township, beginning at a maple, thence by land of Jauies Siddens, south 29°, west 424 perches to a post; thence by Paul Moore, south 6l°, east 160 perches to a post; thence by land of George Siddens, north 29°, east 124 perches to a post; thence by laud of Joseph Siddens, north 61°, west 160 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acses and allowance of 6 per cent for roads. ALSO A certain tract of land called " Milton," situa te on the waters of Towanda creek. In Franklin town ship, beginning a a birch, thence by laud of Paul Hardy, south 29°, west 424 perches ; thence by land of George Temple, south 61°, east 160 perches to a post; thence by land of James Siddens, north 29°, east 424 perches to a post; thence by land of Nathan Hardy, north 61°, west 160 perches to "the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of six per cent, for roads. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Bedford," sitn ate on the waters of the Towanda creek. Franklin town ship' beginning at a maple, thence by land of Joseph Sid deii, north 29°, east 424 perches to a post; thence by land of Peter Ladley, north 61°, west 160 perchrs to a post; thence by land of Nathan Hardy, south 29°, west 454 perches to a post; thence bv land of James Siddens, soutn 61°, east 160 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of six per cent, for roads. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Hover," sur veyed in the name of Robert Hampton, situate on the waters of Towanda creek, Monroe Township, beginning at a maple" thence by land of Frederick Castator, north ; 29°, east 424 perches to a post ; thence by land of Samu el Anderson, north 61°, west 160 perches to a post; thence by land of Peter Schoots, south 29°, west 424 per ches to a"post; thence by land of Mary Wallis, south 61°, east 160 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of six per cent for roads. ALBO-A certain tract of land called "Cole's Hill," Ccgal. surveyed in the name of Peter Schoots, situate on the waters of Towanda creek, Monroe township, beginning at a post, thence by land of Robert Hampton, north 79°, east 424 perches to a post; thence by land of Samuel An derson, north 61°, west 160 perches to a post; thence by laud of George Sehoots, south 29°, west 424 perches to a chestnut oak ; thenec by land of Mercy Ellis* south 61°, east 160 perches to the lieglnning, containing 400 acres aud allowance of 6 per cent, for roads. ALSO—A certain tract of land called "Camden," sur veyed in the name of Samuel North, situate on the wat ers of the Towanda creek. Franklin township, beginning at a chestnut sapling,thence by land of Frederick Schools, north 29°, east 424 perches to a post; thence by land of James North, north 61°, west 160 perches to a post; thence by land of Jonathrn North, south 29°, est 424 perches to a post; thence by land of Herman Ca.-tator, south 61°, east 160 perches hi the beginning, containing 400 acrep and allowance of six per cent, for roads. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Hagerstown," surveyed in the name of Samuel Hager, sttuate on the waters of the towanda creek, Overton Township, begin ning at a post, thence by land of J. Sadley, north 61°, west 160 perches to a post; thence by laud of Nathan Haja, south 29°, west 424 perches to a sugar sapling ; thewen by land of Jonathan Hampton, south 61° east 160 perches to a post; thence by land of Peter Hampton, north 29®, east 424 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of 6 per cent, for roads. ALSO A certain tract of land called " Dartmouth," situate in Overton township, surveyed in the name of Samuel Hardy, beginning at st post, thence by land of Henry Cooley, south 6l°, east 3zo perches to a beech ; thence by land of James Bryson, north 29°, east 212 per ches to a licech ; thence by land of Henry Seeley, north 61°, west 320 perches to a post; thence bv laud of Sam uel Fritz, south 29°, west 212 perches to the beginuing, containing 400 acres with allowance of six per cent, fur roads. ALSO—A certain tract of iand called '• Clearfield,"sur veyed in the name of James Hardy, situate cm the waters of Towanda creek, Overton township, beginning at a post; thence by land of General Broad head, south 29°, west 218 perches to a post; thence by land of Jonathan Seeley. south 61°, east£2oo perches to a post; thence by land of Samuel Fritz aud James B etz. north 29°. east 318 perches to a beech ; thence by land of Samuel Cool ey, north 61°, west 260 perches to the beginning, Con taining 375 acres and allowance of six per cent, for roads, Ac. ALSO—A certain trac tof land called " Felicity," sur veyed in the name of Samuel Temple, situate on the wa ters of the Towanda creek, in Overton Township, begin ning at a sugar tree, thence by land of Robert Roberts, north 29°, east 212 perches to a sugar tree ; thence by vacant land, north 71, west 320 perches to a sugar tree ; thence by land of Henry Betz, south 29°, west 212 perch es to a post; thence by land of Henry Byson, south 61°, east 320 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of six per cent, for roads, &c. ALSO-—A certain tract of laud called " Simplicity," surveyed U> Peter Temple, situate on the waters of Tow anda creek, Overton township, beginning at a beech ; and thence by land of George Temple, north 61°, west 320 perches to a post, thence by land of Peter Kdge sotli 29°, east 220 perches to a sugar sapling ; thence by land of Samuel Stinple south 61° east 320 perches to a sugar tree; thence by old survey, north 29°, east 220 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres aud allowance of six iter cent, for roads, Ac. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Greenfield," surveyed to George Moore, situate on the waters of the lowanda creek, Overton township, beginning at a post, thence by land of Joseph Betz and and Henry Betz. north 29° east 318 perches to a hemlock ; thence by vacant lands, north 61°, west 290 perches to a post; thenc by the same and land of Gen. S. Broadliend south 29°, west 318 perches to a post; thence by land of Samuel Cooley south 61°, east 200 perches to the beginning, containing 375 acres and allowance of six per cent, for roads. ALSO A certain tract of land called " l/iUblb-id," sur veyed to Henry Betz, situate on the waters of Towanda creek, Overton township, beginning at a small beech and thence by laud of Joseph Betz, south 61°, eat 275 perch es to a post; thence by land of Samuel Temple, north 29°, oast 220 perches to a sugar sapling ; thence by va cant land north 61°, west 275 perches to a hemlock; thence by land of George Moore, south 29°, west 213 per ches to the beginning, containining 343 acres.and 27 per ches and allowance of six per cent for roads, Ac. ALSO—A certain tract of land tailed '• Longford," sur veyed to Joseph Betz. situate on the waters of Towanda creek, Overton township. beginning at a beech, thence by land of John Betz, south 61°, east 275 perches to a post"* thence by land of Henry Bryson nort 29°. east 212 per ches to a post; thence by land of Henry Betz, north til 3 , 275 perches to a small beech; thence bv land of George Moore and Samuel Cooley, south 29°, west 212 perches to the beginning, containing 343 acres and 27 perches and allowance for roads. Ac. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Frugality," surveyed to John Jlctz, situate on the waters of Towund i creak. Overton township, beginning at a Beech, thence by land of James Betz, south 61°, east 275 perches to a post; thence by land of Joseph Seeley, north 29°, east 212 per ches to a post; thence by land of Joseph Betz. north 61°, west 275 perches to a birch; thence by laud of Samuel Cooley, south 17°, west 212 perches to the beginning, containing .144 acres and 25 perches aud allowance of six per cent, for roads Ac. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Greenfield," surveyed to James Betz, situate on the waters of Towan da creek, Overton township, beginning at a sugar tree, thence by land of Samuel Fitz, south 61°, east 275 perch es to a post . thence by land of Heurv Seeley, north 29°, east 212 perches to a post; thence by'land of John Betz. north 61°, west 275 perches to a beech ; thence bv land of James Hardy, south 29°, west 212 perches to the beginnning, containing 343 acres arid 27 perches and al lowance. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Fertility," sur veyed to Henry Seeley. situate in Overton township, be ginning at a hemlock, thence by land of Joseph Seeley, north 61°, west 320 perches to a post; theme by lands of James Betz, south 29°, west 212 perches to a post ; thence by land of Samuel Hardy, south 61°, east 320 per ■ lies to a Beech ; thence by laud of Fatrick north 29°, east 212 perches to the beginning. Containing 400 acres and allowance. AI.SO—A tract of land called " Mount Hope," survey ed to Samuel Fritz, situated in Overton township, begin ning at a sugar tree, thence by land of J. Fritz, south 01° east 275 perches to a post; thence by land of Samuel Hardy, north 29°. east 212 perches to a post : thence In land of Samuel Betz,6l°, west 275 perches to a sugar tree ; thence by land of James Hardy and Jonathan See ley south 29° we-t 212 perches to the beginning, contain ing 312 acres and 27 perches and allowance of 0 percent, for roads, dec. ALSO—A tract of land called "Brutus," situated in Overton township, surveyed to Peter Edge, beginning at a maple, thenre by land of Daniel Broadliead, south 29°, west 212 perches to a hemlock : thence by land of Henry Betz, south ffl°, east 275 perches to a sugar sapling ; thence by land of Peter Temple, north 29°, east 212 per ches to a post; thence by laud of George Edga, north f:i°, west 275 perches to the beginning, containing 343 acres and 27 perches and allowance. ALSO—A tract of land called " Amsterdam," surveyed to Henry Brvaon, situate in Overton township, beginning at a sugar tree, tlience by land of Samuel Temply, north Cl°, west 320 perches to a post -, thence by land of Jo sepli Betz, south 29°, west 212 perches t a'post: thence by land of Joseph Seclev, south (11°, east 320 perches to a beech ; thence by land of James White, north 29°, ea-t 212 pen-lies to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance. ALSO—A certain tract of land "called Felicity," sur veyed to S. Coolev. situate in Overton town-hip', begin ning at a lwech, thence by land of J. Betz and Joseph Betz. north 29°, east 318 perches to a post; thence by land of George Moore, north 61°, west 200 perches to a post; thence by land of Samuel Broadliead, south 29°, west 318 perches to a post; thence by land of James Hardy south 61°, east 200 perches to the beginning, con taining 375 acres and allowance. ALSO—A tract of land called "Amlierst," surveyed to Joseph Seeley, situate in Overton township, beginning at a post, thence by laud of Henry Hryson. north 01°, west 320 perches to a post; thence by land of John Betz south 29°, west 212 perches to a post; thence by land of Hen ry Sceley, south 61°, east 320 perches to a post; thence bv lands of James Barnes, north ffl°, ea-t 212 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of six per cent, for roads. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Simon Cam eron. f'ashier of the Middletown Bank, Miildletown Pa. vs. William H. Winder. JOHN A CODDING, Sheriff. Towanda, March Iff, 1857. SALE.—By virtue of a writ kA of vend. ex.issued out of the Court of Common Picas, to me directed, 1 shall expose to public sale at the Court House, in the borough of Towanda, on THKKSDAY, the 2d day of APRIL, 1857, at 1 o'clock, P. M„ the follow ing lot, piece or parcel of land in Athens borough, bound ed on the north and wesi by lands of C. F. Welles, jr., on the east by the Susquehanna river, and south by Hopkins street. Containing 150 feet front, and 75 feet deep, be the same more or less, all improved, with a framed house and framed barn thereon. ALSO—One other lot or piece of land, situate in Athens borough, bounded north and east by lands of tjbipnian Welles & Harris, south by Chestnut street aud west bv the Bank lot. Containing 40 feet front, and 110 feet back,all improved, with a framed house thereon. ALSO—One other lot or piece of land situate in Athens borough, bounded north by lands of Shipman, Welles and Harris, east by C. N. Shipman, south by Chestnut street. Containing 40 feet front, and 110 feet back, all improved, I with a framed house thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Edward L. Skinner vs. William Hunt. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, March 0, 1857. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court or Bradford Co., will lie exposed to public sale on the premises, on SATCR DAY, the 4th day of April, 1857, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following property, late the estate of Simon Johnson, de ceased . A piece or parcel of land, lying and being in the township of Columbia, Bradford county, and bounded and described aH follows—Beginning at a post, north we-t cor ner of warrant lot, no. 951, thence east 166 perches to a post for a corner ; thence touth 82 3-10 perches to a post for a corner ; thence west 166 perches to a post for a cor ner on the west line of said warrant lot ; thence north 82 3-10 perches to the beginning. Containing eighty-five acres and seventy perches, strict measure. Terms made known on the dav of sale. March 10,1857. SETH SHERM \N, Admini-DaW. £egol. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to Ike es tate of Chainpliu G. Brown, dec d latenfgmitbfielcf, are re quested to make payment without delay ; and all persons having claims against said estate, must present them duly authenticated for settlement, to the subscribers. ALLEN CALIFF, Feb. 12. 1857. Administrator with will annexed. IpXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is liere- J by given that K-tters testamentary upon the estate of Brnyton A.Baldwin dee'd., Jate of Franklin tp.Jiave been granted to the subscriber. All persons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment, aud those having any claims upon said estate to present them duly attested tor settlement. FANNY MARIA BALDWIN, FRANKLIN ANDREWS, HORATIO W. HUGHS, Dec. 22,185 C. Executors. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of'GEORGE HAWKINS, dee'd, late of Armenia twp, are hereby requested to make payment without de lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. RILEY H AWKINS, Jan. 8 1857. Administrator. EX ECUTOR'S NOTlCE.^AU^sonTuT debted to the estate of ANTHONY ANGLE, dee'd., late of llerrick township, are hereby notified that pay ment must be made without delay, and all persons having claims against suicl estate are requested to present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN NESBITT. March 2.1857. Executor. ADMIN'RS. NOTICE.—AII persons in debted to the estate of JOS. CONGDON, dee'd, late of Litchfield township, are hereby notified to make payment without delay, and all person's having demands against -aid estate are requested to present them duly au thenticated for settlement. SAMUEL DAVIDSON, Nov. 25, 1856. Administrator. ADM IN ISTR ATO R'S N OTICE Notice is hcrebv given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of WM. CHfLSON, late of Sinithfield twp.,dee'd. are requested to make payment without delay ; and all per sons having claims against said estate, must present them duly authenticated for settlement to the subscriber. RUFUS C. HOSLEY, Nov. 25, 1856. Administrator. A DM INISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice -sA is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of GEO. SILL, deceased, late of Herrick township, are hereby requested to make payment without delay; and ulim-rsons having claims against said estate will pleasejtrescnt them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN BEIDLEMAN, December 27,18 M. Administrator. AUDITORS' NOTICE.— Jokn sioanabr v*. Stephen Pepper. In the court of Common Fleas of Bradford Co. No. 124. Feb. T., 1856. The undersigned Auditor appointed by said Court, to distribute the funds raised by Sheriff'sale of defendant's real 'estate, will attend to the duties assigned him at his office in the boro' of Towanda, on Tuesday, the 31st day of March, A. I). 1*57, at one o'clock in the afternoon when and where nil persons having claims are requested to present them, or be forever debarred therefrom. Feb. 15. Is.iij. C. 11. W.VTKINS. Auditor. A U DITOR'S NOTICE. — S. Hutchinson rs. O- John Roberta. In the Court of Common Fleas of Bradford County. No. 227, Dee. T., 1554. The undersigned. Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute funds raised by Slier iff s sale of defendant's real estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the borough of Towanda, on Thursday,the 2d day of April. 1>57. at one o'clock in the afternoon, at which time and place all persons are required to present their claims or else be forever debarred from said fund. Feb 15, 1856. G. H. WATKINS, Auditor. A DMINISTRATOR'S N OTlCE.—Notice XJL is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of BENJ AMIN BABCIM'K, late of Windham town ship, dee'd., art.- requested to make payment without de lay ; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. W'M. I). & ANDREW J. BARCOCK. Feb. 16. 18J6. Administrator. A I DIIOR S NOTICE.— In the matter of -a V. the entate of hanc Rosenerantx, dee'd. —ln the Or phans' Court of Bradford County. The undersigned. Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute funds in the hands of the administrator of said estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the borough of Towanda, on Monday, the 2d dav of February, 1857, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at which time and place all persons interested are required to pre sent their claims or else be forever debarred from said fund. Dec. 15, 1856. G. H. WATKINS. Auditor. The above Auditors Notice stands continued uutil Mon day, 23d "i March, Is;,;, at o'clock F. M. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford coun ty. will be exposed to public sale on the premises, on Saturday the 25th day of March next, at 1 o'clock, F. M., the following property— A lot of land in Herrick* township, bounded as follows ; Beginning a beech north corner of a lot run out for Mvron Stevens, thence south 25° west 67 8-10 perches to a hem lock for a corner, thence south 3A° we.-t 75 8-10 perches to a post on the north line of I). F". Hines lot, thence north 89° west 37 6-10 perches to a post for a corner, thence north 64° west 116 perches to a post for a corner, tlience north 2dA° oast along the east line of Marshall Hitchcock's to a post 62° on this course, thence north 104° east 52 3 10 perches to a post on north line of Warrant lot No. 163, them e south 89° along said warrant line, 144 9-10 perch es to the beginning. Containing 105 acies and 150 perch es. more or less, (excepting ami reserving a piece of about 5 acres which has heretofore been sold to Elisha Keeler from the north end of the lot.) late the estate of Thomas Jones, deceased, with about 70 acres improved, one dwel ling house, two barns, one corn house and an orchard. Terms—One hundred dollars on the day of sale, Four hundred dollars on giving possession of the property, and the balance in three equal annual instalments. B. LAFOIiTE, Guardian of the minor Feb. 24. 1857. children of Thomas Jones, dee'd. Ipx ECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—XoticTlThere J by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of Mrs. ROXY BI'RCH, deceased, late of MONROE town ship, are requested to make payment without delay: those having deniguds against said estate will present them dul v authenticated for settlement. Feb. 26. 1856. CHARLES BURGH. Executor. A PMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice XX. in hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of ISRAEL BISHOP, dec'd., late of Wysnx township, are requested to make payment without delay ; and all persons having claims against said estate, must present them duly authenticated, to the subscriber. March 12. 1857. GEO. T.BISHOP, Administrator. 4 EDITOR'S NOTICE —/ the matter cf Xx. the estate of .Xathan Maynard, dec'd. In the Or phans' Court of Bradford County- Notice is hereby given, that the Auditor appointed t> distribute money in the handsof the Admini.-tiabr of this e-tate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the borough of Towanda.on Thursday, the nth of April, 18.57. at 2 o'clock, P. M. All persons having claims upon said money must present them, or else be forever debarred from the same. p. D. MORROW, March 9. 1857. Auditor. AL PITOR'S NOTICE — In the matter of the estate of Heriah Pratt, deceased. In the Or phan*' Court of Bradford C runty. Notice is hereby given, that the Auditor appointed to distribute money in the hands of the Administrator or the above estate, will attend to the duties of his ajipointment at his office in the borough of Towanda, on Friday, the 10th day of April, 1857, at 2 o'clock, P. M. All persons having claims upon said money must present them, or else he forever debarred from the same. -March !>, 1857. P. I>. MORROW, Auditor. A 1 DI I OH fe NOTICE.— In the matter of JTX. the estate of Ransom P. Adams, deceased. In the Orphan* Court of Bradford County. Notice is hereby given, that the Auditor appointed upon exceptions tiledjto the final account of the Administrator of tins estate, will attt-nd to the duties of his appointment at his omee in this borough of Towanda, on Saturday, the Uth day of April. 1857, at 2 o'clock, P. M„ of which all persons concerned will please take notice. March it, 1857. P. P. MORROW, Auditor. A EDITOR'S NOTICE.—In the matter of Jthe voluntary assignment of Wm. Myers to X. C. Harris. Harvy McAlpin,and Thompson Satterlee for the benefit of creditors. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county. The undersigned Auditor appointed to distribute the as sets in the hands of the Assignees to the several creditors in the above entitled cause, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office, in Athens borough, rn Sat urday, March 21,1857, at 1 o clock, P. M.. at which time and place all persons having claims will present them, or be debarred from claiming any money in the hands of the assignees. H. f. BAIRD, February 24. 1857. Auditor. A I. DITOR'S NOTICE.— John Hanson to the use of R. IV. Baird vs. Rollin IVilcox. In Ltrad Common Pleas, No. 168, February tenn, 1854. The undersigned an Auditor appointed by said Court to distribute funds raised by the Sheriff sale of defendant,* real estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at the office of \\ m. Elwell, Esq., in Towanda boro' on Satur day the 11th day of April, A. I). 1857, at one o'clock, P. M., when and where all persons Interested arc requested to to attend, or be forever debarred from anv share of said fund. 11. B. M KEAN, Auditor. Towanda, Feb. 23.1856. FRESH PEACHES awl Tomatoes,in can?, warranted perfectly frc b at I__ _ £cgaL ACCOUNT with the several Collectors of State and Militia Taxes, for the County of Bradford remaining unsettled January 1, lej7 : Townships. Collector's names. Year. State tax. Mil. Litchfield, J P Monn, 1861 97977 Pike. O Ellsworth, jr 21 67 Springfield, T Rows, $23 09 Towanda tp. E R Defoug, 4 50 Troy boro', Johu M K, 26 00 Wyalusing, M M Rluck, 12 on Wilmot, J I. Jones, 3 60 Ridgberry. Charles French, 1852 1153 South Creek, Ira Crane, 27 43 Tnscarora, H Sbumway, 109 Wilmot, A Woodruff, 13 77 Athens i)oro', J E Snell, 1853 5 39 I Grefille, James Gee, C 09 Herrick, R Hillis, 7 50 Rune, N Mavnard, fit lo 1 ih) Ulster, C B Kitchen, 39 87 35 00 Wilmot, E Shepard, 20 l'J 24 00 Cant- *, John Gray. 1554 10 50 EHirelf. John Stevens, 30 43 950 Herrhk, R Hillis, 64 *0 650 Rome, ,fo>eph Alfeir, 116 36 Ridgberry, Charms French, 42 44 30 00 South Creek, fra Crane, 280 200 Stand'g Stone.John Taylor, b 08 Towauda X. C Bennett, 56 62 570 Tnscarora, O Warner, 24 72 Troy boro' Alt Moore, 847 Ulster, H D Rogers, C 2 77 17 57 Wyalusing, E Whitney. 27 34 07 Wilmot, 1> Abrahams, 6 69 Albany, S Chapman. 1855 30 02 Durell, Win Bratind. 10 37 Franklin, F F Faircbild, 32 97 800 Granville, C D Rosa, 92 57 35 00 Herrick, R Hillis, 163 40 Rome, SC Mann, 66 20 Tnscarora, I) Ackley, 46 06 31 00 Towanda X. W W EastabrooLs, 97 60 Wyalusing, H Elliott. 25 02 21 85 Athens boro', Charles Clapp, 1856 109 65 46 00 Athens twp. Nathan Edmiuster, 624 54 53 00 Albany, C H C'orbin, 122 11 27 4MI Asylum, G H Morrow, 29 24 50 Burlington W p Pheliw, 140 11 " bo., A Smith, 2 93 Burlington, J Travis jr. 166 67 Columbia, P Peckbarn, 65 40 Durell, 1) L Staats, 77 60 Franklin, J P Buruhara, 153 62 Granville, C D Ross, 237 15 600 Herrick, William Hillis, 123 17 16 00 Leroy, A D Foss, 66 97 13 00 Litchfield, It Merrill, 106 93 21 00 Orwell, A G Mathews, 27 70 Overton, D Heverly.yr. 4 90 12 00 Pike, C Brink, 362 80 Rome, 0 F Young, 223 70 Ridgberry, J Hammond, 138 24 14 50 Sheshequiu, Wl' llorton, 132 04 900 Smithfield, T J Wheeler, 72 02 41 00 Springfield, 8 D Harkness, 118 46 13 00 South Creek, Ira Crane, 45 54 ic 50 Stand'g Stone, Jonathan Wood, 112 C 5 12 00 Tnscarora. A W Gray, 137 82 Towanda bo. A J Noble, 182 32 37 00 Towanda X. S A Mills, 165 39 11 00 Towanda, James San tee, 97 R3 Troy boro', A B Moore, S3 40 Ulster, R M'Kinney, 126 10 Wvsox, John B Hines, 156 75 13 50 Wyalusing, James Lewis, 89 88 34 50 Wells, David Strong, 42 79 Warren, Joseph Wheaton, 38 15 Windham, J W Warner, 115 88 Wilmot, D S Miller, 17 55 21 50 5552 73 903 23 I certify the above to be a correct statement, as shown bv the account of the several Collectors at the above date. Ucb. I", 1857. E. B. COOLBAUGH. Clerk. A I 1)1 TOR'S NOTICE.— fn the m.itter of the estate of Enoch S. Fowler, dee d. In the Or phans' Court of Bradford County. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned. Auditor appointed by said Court, upon exceptions filed to the ac count of. \\ m. Gorseline, Executor of the said estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment , at the office of\V m. El well, Esq.. on Tuesday, the 14th day of April, 18:>7, at 2 o clock. P. M., when and where all "persons can attend if thev think proper. Feb. 27, 1856. H. B. M'KEAX, Auditor. ORRIX I) BARTLETT w. J AS. COll' KINS. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County. Decem!>er term. 1856, No. 443. And now to wit, February 14, 1857, on motion of Mr. Mercur, the Court graut a rule upon the defendant to ap pear and plead in this case by the first day of May term next, or judgment will be entered in tavor of said plaintiff for the land described in said writ. And the Court further order that a copy of ,aid rule, together with a description ol said premises, which is as follows, to wit: A certain lot, piece or pan el of land situate in the township of North Towanda. in said county, containing seventy-five acres or thereabouts, bounded as follows : Beginning at a Norway pine corner, thence along the line of William W. Easta brook's land, south one hundred and forty-five and a half rods to a post and stones, the south west corner of said hastabrook's lot ; thence by lauds of Edward Patterson's estate and John F. Means, west littv-six and two-tenths roils to a corner: thence by lands or C. 1.. Ward north five degrees west twenty rods, north twenty-two degrees west j nineteen rods, north sixty-five degrees west nineteen rods, ; north three degrees west twenty rods, north fifteen de grees we-t thirty and nine-tenth rods, north twentv-five 1 degrees west fourtten rods, north fourteen and a half de grees east forty-one rods to a post on the line of Marvin Russell's lot. thence by land of said Russell and Knos Bai ley east eighty-seven and a half rods to the plgfe of be ginning—shall be published sixty days before the return j day of said rule in the Bradford Reporter. Bradford Corvrr, ss— l hereby certify that the for,- [L. S.] going is a true copv of record. ALLEN M'KEAX, Prothonotarv. ! Prothonotary's Office, Feb. 23, 1857. TRUSTEE'S SALE.—By virtue of an or der of the Court of Common Pleas of Rmdford coun ty, the undersigned Trustee of Augustus S. Perkins, Sa rah W. Perkins, Geo. W. Perkins, Lucy H. Perkins, and Susan W. Perkins. Minors, will onfthe 6th day of March next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., at the Athens Hotel", in the bo rough of Athens, expose to sale at public vendue, all tho right, title and interest of the said Minors in the undivid ed five-sevenths of a tract of land situate in Athens twp.. bounded and deseril>ed as foHows : On the north liy land of Klisha Smith and Frederick Miller, east by ftunncl Brown, south by T. Vangorder. A.Campbell,Z. "tilthsand C. Huusickor, west by Samuel Sawyer, containing in the whole 220 acres, with about 140 acres improved, a framed house and two barns thereon. Termes made known at the sale. G. U. WELLES, Trustee, Athens, February 10, 1857. I SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry 0 writs of vend, exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, to me dire, ted, 1 shall expose to public sale at the Court House in the Is.rwegh of Towanda. on FRIDAY, MARCH 27th, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following described lot piece or parrel of land situate in Granville twp., bounded north by lands of W. H. Philips, east by lands of T. Pratt, south by lands of G. A. Johnson, and 011 the west by lands of W. H. Smith and J. Annable. Containing about SO acres, more or less, abo ,t s acres improved, one old framed house, one Qsd plark house, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit off. P. Grif fin, to the use of Jere Adatus vs. B.l). A. Griffin. ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Rome tp bounded as follows, to wit: Be ginning at a post, a corner of lands of It. Russell, thence south 60° east 98 and 6-10 perches to a post, another cor ner of said Russell's lands, thence south 77 and 7-10 per ches to a post, thence west 91 and 8-10 perches to a post, thence 12 perches, to the place of beginning. Contain' ing .>0 acres more or less, about 20 acres improved > wne 1 rained dwelling house, n~. c framed barn. one trained shed, and other outbuild'",.,, with au orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized -and taken in execution at the suit of C. L. Ward, to t ~u use of Addison W. Alger vs. Kra-tus Isivett. ALSO—By virtue of a writ of ti. fa„ the following des cribed lot piece or parcel of land situate in Tusoarora tp., hounded as follows, to wit : on the north by lands of .1, lveeler, east by lands of B. Wakelv, south by lands of O, Culver, and west by lands of L. Jackson. Containing 115 I acres, more or less, about 70 acres improved, with a fram ed dwelling house, a framed l>ani, and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Truman J. Laccy vs. Titus Danks. JOHN A. CODDING. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. 1 Towanda. March 2.1857. ( \ RUSH. WEST BRANCH CLOVER f ' SEED for sale by B. KINGSBERY ft SON. XKW FIBM AND NEW FALL GOODS. THE FIRM OF MONTANYES ft CO. has been dis solved by mutual consent. W'M. A. ROCKWELL having withdrawn. The business will hereafter he con ducted under the name of MONTANYES— having asso ciated with the firm J. D. Montanyk Jr.. and F. D. Mon tanye. We trust with our present facilities fnr the pur chase of Goofi,. that we can make it an object for CASH CUSTOMERS to examine our stock, which has been laid in with great care to suit the fall trade. ag- All accounts due the old firm, as also notes that are due, are expected to be paid without further notice. August 25, 1356. MONTANYES. JtftA MINK SKINS, 300 MUSKRA'L *" I F< x. Pi er, and other Peltry wanted, for which the highest pii e will be paid at MONTANYES. CLVUTION. —Whereas, my wife HELEN L. / lias left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation, 1 hereby forbid aii persons trusting her on my account, as 1 will pay no debts of her contracting af tcr this date. TITUS \. DANKS. 'sprin-hill December 2P, l f iG.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers