. _ tiftlre---*Veltralft'ittalllit,- ~ , ,, ---(3 4 '.llllPitatirenktostrallit." , ,- ... , --7,1 - . . 'the events which ere nn* in progreßa in Ausirs. THE TURKISH , iNiVt,t.;_-:.--- : Ix,- lisbilterfreeplekrith.moredhan ordinary irilereq--• :1 ' • se. -_ 1 ,,'.-.. - ••••• t- - 7• , • f . • 141 0 g° ll P. - I• ll souveries haVe • been Aillotteed fit a ; ) „r„ ,„ - .i.„., ,Ilaite 4teeiownitollie pninilatikin and ,form a 4 aosl, The g*nssitils A thsisfic artu' ed 'l' .se° ' l''''`i,, A people t .Asnitg . nit-heti Mr their a'cifiiiy",3enterPrise en Tueittlay last, bringing later and intiturtitet newa, , ,,, D 4 i tit ,.gfr,„,,,. mi tt , in t ,, t ,,,,, of • pi,p,41,,,i,„ the'l t•ota the Twit ish umr, ‘• •:•-•‘ ••••'' '''' ', '1 talitletinf Ptc'lglesdi cirille tcountby hai(been gre' .. aily", •.. ',....: .:,,, - ..,... . From th e seat et War we have'unfir'detail • -• - Atf the i inntnoteit.,7•.Wealth--lints biert creats,t ra l tidly,enin. previous engagement, „„ c i f,pin 1, that , 1 1e,,,,i ve 1 coerce has been exriainfed„ social habils have been . t hed at 11.“ , 9e of battle had been torivit. the Jet i itvi M Ahrelt :,'e st i ll i unsettled, new interests, as diver. . . st e triu mfiritio .. ) - . ..;i6--Lif i lift.s , oiitiita -, , t , fi lf,...r i k. ...ttlahle;pro,viiices.ltas.e been.eteatcd, nod as a matter kish bannere. Of neeessitv. - a feJistative policy is • demanded, , 4rl2*- - orOanditintio.statement of any „ poke the 1 1 vvliirti inyoivett intpettant chereles in the ,pnbi l td C li t l ifikifieveltielitit . is, 'het, or, the trintite ;.;• of the ) 'ante-tufo "I'lle'n‘"jettnot •to The iii eO lO l , lll l ed t *stranott hate managed Aims so as to produce -41 , thrifteir forte of two thon.and was eompe' tell to l rn-t" •. , .„ . 11 „,,,,„ ' ! u. -teat pinata it is( trittent. 1,1, ovules:. rind ircoor i.e. evacuate the island in front itl the ' s'trut= tent men have been anoniveett, fo enfince qui 11141 . 3. ' position of ChM:zero. lii cott.ra..t to thIA am 't::: ;., r. .‘„. ~..,y , . 1.. ,.. , ,.... 1...i, : . , imr : • .. : . .. 'cheek, we have the details of ,he fop.'.' ,:,4 bri!l/410 ; ' "e' - ‘• "' •-, •" • ",'" ' ''''"'"'".e°lY fln '"nue . .. - t iiistattert,,irtrounit , idiot insiltrallt . Wll l e .t he.eten t etd fnxi.y 'if, 'he la go, ; :.:•rf in tri.e.itt , tnif,aCing then, itr. I. — _VIE EldTrI.E or OLTE:fIizA. .0 1 , , .5 , '.1, . • 1 i a way lie mu -lprrprdlirial p , 04:.4. , 11. ro the ge l -or a l Alte;hve now detaileknecounts (It this tin-I t tr-. f „ gem " h N„tte, ,twat,, !relit tr:zi.l,, ores repro oliii,le•r - between the Slas dm rind 11 ' 1 ` .11 ""• • - 1. 1 s.Olll l . I , i e oii ns t,ells 01 the I ,N-rpl , .. being, am u.,11y, from proves to have been an affair of imielt more impfo-; m . we , mime „tale .....,.._..., ~ . ti . ... i a n ew; . , ..„ 4. Renee-than' than 41 first stated. Alter a rontimi-,1 i ~ I, 3. ,, i ' n v l ctoija, lie`'`e'p',7,2.lelo`::ll;:!e'se'i,tflenitlyrion e AM kern mitliti:44,olN o v-it to da3•'br"l'• tt 'he 3.1. I pet rent of the population ! 'nee failure rif the Co• the Turkish aromaalien became ex lutiekted 11.1" I ; ',lomat Otlire 0) ilot io0 1 vi0001!iliong - xnualy10 to the welt wkld cries of Moslem warfare, he ertt:i•-• Tki k• . ; v. it is ;t l / 1 .1 sS.V.ier,ll2le le Ihe 4 D 1,-3011110 colpmes "ail fdrie charged 'the enemy with bayonet .. .and -a. 0.1 ,„ r 0 , ,„ 1 „ 1 , ~.„ , f ~,,,,ti er ',tali—that efleavirni bre, and scattered Mena at ail pnints 1l• he toot =l . ~-..., , In Sri the co lony:- :4; make. cons ,, ,tillions In( it-w in Jett I.lrAlls•ultundted on the 6 ' 13 nt "led . tn'i "•"""' ' fe l ,VeS ; , fie expl.riment has not Testi:tea as tavola Jell, and wive driven back upon .. 11 ue.t I itteist, where , „ I , n+exp, ,, ,••,-,1. - si,..heavy fire from die artillary of :he ;three, hr,,,,,, : h.. 1 .'. the reOin,,lgt,Ferom , •rtt ofil,•iais in the i f raorent 'op The pOrsuing s,. .10 Turks,, k I .henr.. no:11111151 .0 (Then- . (~ 1 c ,„,,,, 1 1 .,, 0 ~ n ri v, c d t o , 4 ,„,t the ipveet 4 1:41,1•) : and etzlerbl encaroped upon the field, their first care' L . e 1,. , .1)0F4,1 fit \a 1nton;(3'1111 :11 5• tilt Ana 1. ,,h, a being to fortify the Po -1 1131 rnllClin. , for a le:21-Lett , e , rums,, , -(1 et '«n chant. . i itabstring,lta this eieg,agerinent, /I \11.1•Ini I. , ter of t. ,,,,, ; , he 1 „,„, , ~, ~,,,,, h ~,,.,,,, , „ ~r, , r' ••. 'clinic 10th saptt "It is not 1,1,,t) 'lto lie I,dio Amg h ,, ~v , , , ,,, 1 ,,, 11 .. c „, •, ,t e ,_,,,,,,, 1 ,,, 1z 0,, ,fie rit.,,,,,h, litattling - news will fii.tl i' , w..y in,• ,, , 0 , -ai Fl .0 1 s, I.u, ~,,,,,,, ~I I, , I s. 'i. , ~.,,,,,i.., ~1 ivmp,,, h, r .,,,,,,,,,,„ you may rely‘initilteilly on ins ntrlt. The v:stery , „ , ,i 1:\ ti,, ex l ti ~, ~ ~ f ,.. 1 ; sox ~ s.. h 1 , 1 .. 1, , ,,the I si f.theiTu f ks ( w hich -was °Wing In Ire.l44tery ) ~, io , t . , ,i, n, , : v 1 ,, , , 1 ,,, !t' „,..0 , I I :,,,,, , .1 i.,11 1. 1 ,-, t,iv i ter irertLeornplete than is gertet.stly rkivposed. :1!A• lt ,, e-e •!',.,” -;1 he tv , tottia . e.i t t , pi••;• -P JI e crea•tott outposts nearest ittit river,. wet,. P,,1 , s sand rh.•Y : •1,1 ~1 3 1 , 1 , 4 ~,,,,,,i; n ,. , a , 4 .., ~..,4 , 4 . 4 . % ':, 4 .4 -t al i pot only perntit . ed the Turks to 0 ,,, -• tv , :..' • 1 ,'-; , ‘;''L: • ' • , I 1 • 11 • ....• al 1: ~ 1.4 , ii. n 1 i,2 • 1/1,,11., :01 ,) ~e type: Artiteice;of 'their approach, but aettiltb• tis-lcted ,1,, nt • 1... ,., • ,, ~ ; 1;.... , 4 i 1.' 41; 1, 1 •II ~) ~.• Cl':.'.t 11 Of Vll-.1 , :ill gni Work oftlemh. The cainwilads 1.01 . 1'd. ttltl. ' . . I ' ' , 'l'll t.) i.n• ,!. I 4 ..-, 11, 4 11..1 0h I .•I .1., ti •1 t-etvett alightintermiF.Fool, twerny•eight 11 , ,u,5. • Ti e dst , . it,„,,,,,, ~: „ i i i ,..„ ,1.,.. et ,„,i,„, : , , - ,j,, t h,,,,, t .I, s ,:i o ut , was a mistake • affair bezati ir, t h en-v.l no ..,„., _ ~. ~ , . ' • • , • , ' ,_ -I the . , t - ,41 l'E 111 t• I ,-11 , 1' ~, ,r.-, an.! -oat vtie.n tween the Ist and 2.1, and la,:ed to 1;., e 3 I.*: . • ~ • ,ae 1 .,i,,,,,, , ,•I ~,,,,,,, ~, a i into 1 ies sha:l ho giv ' 7 '- '0,,F 1 -- 41,..1 , 24D.'— ' lteoveit;ned to be g..l..tier. l'.). c . irctil.c. .-, "r .',"O ' .1 •.tle , t t • ••.: y. ;i, f..... 4 H0 ,1.% e Conn `etfilit Ititifiarrient will be ealed ','.. e ra t . • at 411 t•. 11 ',I, :i. , I .... , ..1 tyMe t; ~e111.n,, ,1 ta1l ve:v.•P, 'lnd 1y date. This, howst•er, was rintil,ely 1., be thin .t M. k l, om•bn ; a rwil I,rmi ilia ~,d er of l i e r e,i, , :i c y case. ottlesa 'et graver e -*/)ts slmuld at Ise nolo.t-y, it Ip, 4.e to I ner, end t 1,11 I..verey inl then A „c a t nlet , c„,,,,,..,1 ~‘-,,,,, ittell till 5,„1, 1 ,,t,,y, t h e tydv...,7.1. ), 'a t,. .e it i..-.4,..d i,.. ci.:Vti :oil i,g, 'lit Sir. nth. 'the result-of the dell'oe,ta.im..3 wa-, as ti:,•,,t, hie , 1 1;,,,r ( re.d, ir . a c •, 1 , c tr., ,, -e i h e ( - ow I t i, kept secret • Tit' e°71111 . 1 11. - t:: 1 111 0 a 11•11'n no at 1.11 In " sa , v the st •The Czar's 0 - eclat:llion of wit lila been Only - di:. ...e...1.• , d ~ An. • , en. er...t); Iv; 1 . 1 0 not fee) trxtir,_ cussed by the Lottautt Press. They ,1,1 not rem isti ~.,! 11., ii. , 4 •li , ItP t.).11-'11:71141, 1/1 int 111. 4 1t;r 110131:e 5 4 c. j i,l6„qt-sorknoet, but have .f...tea to say ant) 'him; . ita, 1 „1 .. .. m, .140 =et it . I.'l 1... !:1 . Sl•Inl /I hatichit , e, - ~cglarly noticatde ~t...,- etex , ..l, v, tit b‘• , I Iti t,l , ~ := t•til'.' •• 'So far as an opinion can be Itmnt . .l I tlm i',, t i:-..,.. 11.- r •;,.•-i 0 , , it:- ~. -n, ii-,..;, ~,1 „ill, a tl., nt of the nelespapercarof of enfl ‘P:Sill Inn s , it, •,, t , 'tic, nt d , tif , A. , n ty itio wirl , l'• ~, ( 1 1 a: ••,‘. s n -, w hiN,„,,,,. an unwilltn-me-vs 10 t..e'.iv've 11+ , 1 G eat 11.,'. ant cm, ....,:.:. 1, i Vl.. : C.,. :,I y ~:, '• .-t . Tlv,i -In . , popoFf . ./ tiled 40N-10Apt,1 in t o anymetite tle•-pl iy of ii- , a Poles. Toe ~; ' ~••:To., 1 ) h,,,• i•.• •.I •lic 4,- - .erriinvtd 46 'he wish arpeals to be dive„le,l4 Ma , tha -lrnt , .l tim. 1',..;.my 'll ) 1',...• .4. . ,i.'..li .:. i's mdile ileyeent notwithstanding tie teadinets of Fiat-co to engage . !torn or , 1,1 9', a. ,'.„,,,, ~ .- vs "t I„ , m o o,,er e rnr l . l: ,- ,- in the tray. ,ow ~I did , •••:,,,. ( I feeh ~ Irt , e a i , rll two •Inta . .pt• Ile iteres- :i.e .nnt , 11 .I:Vir •end •ite'-s on oh,. . • °- •'Flutscs. —1 here is a very prey alvmt feeling tlll , ."-', „ ; , ' -r r • ' . • France and England eannot avoid 1:1e . 01 ,, dmeit is , .. ''' 1 t' " . " . :( ' el) '''''-''. I'd ' It 3 " Y e I (she :4°- active hostilities in ,fin E4st. It is' even said that . ‘ . ` , ' , ' , : i c r :;'''' , ' L ' '`.'',,""'`• , ,I.ll"''' air =:l l "de 4l. y„ 9 ells Fienth Government has props -ed to B tact a' ii ,i i . :;,4;.y. ,• ‘ ..., ,i , r. ii , ,i. , 1, - ;,.1 , , , r ; 1 . . • e' i t:l , ..tet Tu. , ' procure once to order fleets t,) We 1;1 wk . S•i. A s.ery L:00$ : et ' ~ , •-...,_. -Pit s n` , 1 . ,, ~;. I'' 1 1:r 1 f lIRITI rirdi that a dinner, last week, at St Cloud, the Emperor • I. ' ; il . "!, '`..`, l `o ' ll al . ( I ..'n 1 Te . nda the lil one pot's. liddreesed several g eneral: who were at the tittle, . ""' (4 II "' " n " A"' '"'''' 1- ' t "1 the tone °I feel _ *aid whilst AN pressin2 his anxious desire for lion,-,r....; i n-' is b , ( ' i . t . Aus"!"1 and E'igia'.d , ais t ' , alert I .t. pit 1...1, 1 of a lie Q edrary art•tocracy is re• table pelce, th 11 - 0 ..11 - 111.3 hat) gone 100 tar, and that ' , , ~., ~. . poo hl game,' li P.1.411. , ..1V0r In commie=.. One l oo k s Jto thought the moment was al hand when neither , , , . ~ . i ahrtrlge the rights i 111-1, 1 4n , 1 am-fp - 11 to boner nor interest would permil IhP sa' toll uf Fiattre 'i' ( , ) ", I . a • 4 .. 1 , . a ,,,, riorrillra 01 il ,, t l'ent , :t% aril lie nris'oetaey to October any longer in its se thha , O. ' 1 E L id" I '''' ''' l I: a.' a r iticttlou earn:4l,re .al , 1 , -.TheCzitert manifesto caused a 2 , e....t sensation in . .!,.., il •' - '. eFaris. It was genet:llly legarde.l as a cotirerm le. 1. ' . Al 13 , •ndizo the miner= 7.re re ;1,, , ..,1(1,11 col resis pop daft toes colitis Sid4tern P, v IC.I-.-1. 00 I: 1111,1 V tam _ it, it . . which the feebleness of their diptotn;cy hal lino - ... Ie - ‘ ,o ' jam ' nl'in'''frin-9 !heir . P''''''' ll "Y ; :he l'emorra. le i lrinciple, that they wilt h ut snl,Plit voted., .0 taxxien a nllOOl Si r•esehl: Ginn —a pi it.cirle, the J • mil:1)•,• ru Ce. I f in h ., t. - 'l. cations 'inc indOpentrell'e ~l the A rnerietot Cotetde, iii '17;6. The firiti-h (lit• vivrnmv,nl hag exaeled a five6p.e fee of thirty slid. ling , per inoi.th : , out every ,t . i..gor in the colony ' 'flt.• fee, or Init., 1,. a bePll,et.foteeil kVidl !Ogni rig. : 1, terent:e pr rice having, to many trt.tances, levied tc,,on the trniero goods and tools tor ply. mete. The di?. e hare, in publie nesting, re . I solved not to pay ti' tax, as ,they were not repre. ! vsented in the 1,-gi:vla re Governor Ls Tinto re. i in-e,l to receive the depu'l•iert from' the trieerno, -,lleging !feat the American Sttlers had iti--tigate=f l dm on tort, r .. . I .nto mmers have armed themselves, and resolved to tender a 'en silittlit:l ,. I",e, by way of v o ci p rorn i, e . a:1,1 that, -traits it, Inc rt fossil, no license v‘ h a t.o. ever should be taken not, and every teht on !lie cold-11.1,1 shoul , i bear int itne , riplioll to Mat effect At, the Governor Itreatens 11,ein with force, a ,rml. li.r.•tcn •is int I,,ilhe. . - . - &nether Battle Fcstrgh!. ? The - following, special dif.pierli frof•heil L'veipod. jut before the departure of the ,1//:.tic : . VAisss, AlondAy.—Gorisi..hakr.ll rq-t ow on thir Bib init. for Ohenilza, to ef,ll.l:ie 4,3,2 Iviih - therz 2-1,000 troop=, rre.•l 3 - tbbillli-m3me op wish the Teri;‘,,a «!m hll.l mat teemeel Wink. Severe f2islin2 and the Russians were obliged to retreat a secmsti ',inse t in /is - Order, sin Bllcilaies!—LaVing nn 'v 1. , 1, in I,lm attacks on Ol'eni . z t, not le,l than 3,00 me:1! Thi. As authentic. On the 9:h the Turks were ‘l;icen from the 1 , 4. ml orposite Guirgero. Reiittowemews C.IIIIJ in their pO r api,) they inamechat ly a l'er re:oc /;, and hDiti - aElmaris - rnovim: en o•.t ez • The Czar has Fornmarily EO.l Elm En- fro,ti operatives 'torn employment En the RuEsiani e w-York. James Quin, the 31orderer of Muka lla Wiggins—llls Arrest—Nosy in Jail. The bfoudy tragedy for which Quin now lies in tit of this . couroy, occurred 111 Jere la-t on a canal boat at Nanticoke Darn Al.ritita Wig iris. the un fortunate VII9B I IM of this mu der , wit:: an ab:ni,lism.,l character, met we believe had pas. , ed as ti.e wife of Quin on the boat, on which he was a hand For some cause, whin!) wit! trud,r,b.ed!y ryadepan. ifeat on the day of tTial..Quin split tier bead ripen With a hand axe, and fled this pair oh 'Lc country, "girth lill1e!of no efigr made by any 0;10, to snore him. The•Commksioners 011111 s county uttered a reward of one hundred thpllars for hislivery. to the Count! Jail, and SO , lll learned, tEtat a Mall ;an iwering tits description had been a!re,:etl and. coo fined ig the 'jail of Lancaster Contry, on' charize this murder. An investigation proved the prUsoner ' not Quin, and some tire weeks since a better was received at the Commissioner's Otrice . (mot the Marshall of Toledo City, Ohio, stating mat rumor had fitted upon a man ilton stopping there „smile mime, and for whom a reward from this County , had been offered.. The Maa-halt was teplied - . to by an explanatory letter and hand-till. I nothing more was heard of it. mail Monday tri_ , , e.1,e1 ; the identical James Quin , arrived in this piptro; by the Sctanton blast Stage, in earr.paily wt ti(l M. t Cobleigh, Depiny Morshrot) r. ntrrli lodging at the jail--s-parti'ig at the entiala.o, w;1!) Mr. Cobleigh. Yesterday triaruirg .i; pligmer was visited in his:sell by the Corn mis , ioners Clerk, and acknowledged hinurif the James Q,Jio; and was beside i•ten+itiedl hy,sev eral an-Cio al/Ce-i when the reward for his apprehension was pro-nie ly paid to the Da puny Marshall. Considerable credit is due Mr. Cobleigh, int. his good mane:gement in this case Do is one of vont- • shrewd, .determined, athletic men, Whose eel) . pearance indicates his adapt ion to triune catching, and limn t' - .e number he has secured nn that 2reat thoroughfare through the city of Toledo, we judge hi, appearance does trim no iirjusnice. Ills eye had been, n upon Quin, who passed by aotheiname there lot several weeks, and when satisfied of his hien i. suddenly accused him with—•' flow' are you Quin?'' " How are you " " You ARE J ones Quin "lea!" «1 want you then"—and arrested him.-- We,lurbear givit%any opinion concerning the chars, actor at the prisoner's guilt, and shall await his Irj. at. the services of Harrison) Wright, , bait ten engaged "for the Common we,thh.—przerne Mites. '• Nor eysspyttrgo —The President Iris reinsert In approve of the finding of the Court Martial, in the calk/o1 Capt. Horace B. Pistil, of the Third' Irrille• tyousntenced -to be cashier eil " for " it r nokenness ,on tigayP. ..Tbe.. President thinks the charge was nit. e aepogied ,by . satisfactory ev,idence, but says ',Crib. cars Inuit not " chew opium" without the adiice of i phlsicrait. ,()• fh the .19th'ine., a little chili; whmin pa. rents' reside in Pottsville, was se badly maned by the upsetting of a teapot, inai it died in about t!'en ty.four hours. 1 1 ,ttr' There i'ebtri,iint on ther inotnniii en - J . Choirehuiditaitroad,on•Montlay=rmettlair , ifklocokl rop:ipe and one or two can were smashed, built°. DoT hurt. , . ICMMII The Iltlhoditt Property Suit. The important Property Quo.Ft no bet..vee-. ftfe• . two 14alit'llt'5 of the Menfolk,' Chi-eh, we.tirehttfll t() lie 'atts:eat 13 ad..U.,tfd n ,11%5 Cry. It wit ba teeollry'r d in 1811, the General Cot:lere4.ee ot , he Church, •t.e Lightst Leiti•••!a•tve C Iliat body, before wioc/4 the kih.oae et au.] eundue: oi the lin , hops must paw a 11.41,1,L•ruit,), became evetted to a painbil degtee i!1 n•-prof to Me ease ut 131,h0p ,I:+ucea • , ‘Ah,r beeume. E•y rnarre;e. r'utinrc •, •J •slaeo . perry. 1.1 Cri;turTltAhee of the Reljott (Liken ul •hu, ease .by the Ni, h• IN rnr j , n t to the Coo ferenee, tie ‘lvte - Z;CeS G.+lll he S ' ,111; h atowunei.•,l that they shold.l he compelled to firmadt,t.rtt•i ecrlesi.,== 4.41 ',4,3;%,1:1i)f) t o. Ce, theif whoa,-von to file rite:-i• .” , in !he ra..e i f 11.-licei . 1 i Nrii:cx 1.1 . .. is iticornrotbbl , :wilt' the , i lbw ix.? a1,..1'n-t•1bb,r,... , rlt 11. e Chrfreb ii, h e s u i l th i , , , , ,, S a v 4, The C.,,,.vrelice acquiesced in .he ;rt•rice ''l r...t , vier-, : ti I a pi; I it a hivi,d!y separa toed of tre Church m .,i1.,...,, bn,lies, tfs l N it-- diem nod : , :rin 1.r ,, , tt a , fel 14.'i The Chinch S nib ‘e:l= min.7.-il. a 4 . rt renrii Ji ica•tics aveilvd li , in d c I' I• t`,-, ! i; ei i ~; :e tk.ce ,, i:y. flit iLe Ci.,,,..e1, N ;:1i'.•.1......cti11 , ~ 1y _te. (tied to ;rant them an er, , li..ibto slia;,. i ii I, ~,,„ir, rd the ni . ..meyeki escali'.l-Ilincoi,!hicli hid Cara ' l ull' lip ‘O-y Ike commcn berichieCitin , an.! i It e•s i't' ! b :th Fev:lons of the Church Tit iii t i VIU , 4..! A.:- I•141'd WV: :Ile '4,0(1 Id :bit -1:c11 a divii ion was 1.1- •Ii bred by thin .cmnoi . o ion 011'w Clint( )1 I A sod a as !tie. etiret v; m Int/rier.l by dr. .5 - Itylt• ern Church, in the Urn ed t.. , :ri' .s Conits ri New.. Yr), k and Ohio. Ad enr. , t` devi., , ors sxert.,TenderCd ; in,32.1-. NEf,4O:l, of New-Y. , rk, ji,viditi4 in favor of the Snell/ern -org;,lnlz virni, a1,,1 Jii.r;e 1,1-AVITr, of (Thin, in favor el ;he .Norifier& body In order that a Irigrrion so 'pair,fah an.] necessa ' rily productive of .so lunch scandal, might be bro . !. to a riots, a mee tog of CorinnksioneN horn the . ..Iwo ChurcheN was recornmeri• -1 by Ju.le Ml.cs's, : . for th'e purpos.c of an amicable ailjus!ment of their i respectivev4ims The prornsillon +.xB9 nr Ce reed ' ti the reprrsenta.ivra of ihe•Church South, and I y three nf, rho Ch i nch N.irtli ,Itaring in charge 11,e property in New-Vo,k Thr+e holding the proper ty in Ohio, diongh stron;dy urged by Judges 111:1,cati i end LEAVITT, ,ii , ni by their dtsaingnished advocate, Ayr. E AANG , F .l j il l ice i,ate. Li 'no to be hoped, upon i every ground, that this sound and Chtigian advice i may prevail. and ifkat tiro scandal of two great Chris: 1 Nati bodies engaged in ling:lrwin ahem p , cuniary 1 menets mac thus be elooed; by tin ultimate and i amicable irdjustment 01 Atli , * vexed question Sure ly no amount of mere pecuniary lose or gam can be for a moment weighed liglinst the injury which the i protraction of The . unferthnute suit mum occasion to the rommon came, ~ ... . _ Judge M Lems, 4 yielding to the earnest regnest of both parties, has consented to act as umpire; and he is now in this City for that purpose. Rev. Drs Smith and 'Fat ly. ol Virginia ; Green, of Tennessee and Parsons, of Kentucky, appear as Commission errs for the Church ''Sonth-; and Messrs. Carlton, Phillips, Porter, and, Rev. Dr. Peck, act for the • NardurroChurch. The Commission will probably be occupied in the consideradim of the case daring thetieekl and we trust that the resell of its action be's final close of °nerd the most lamentable eceleitisstical-controversies the eountry,thart aver known.—.N. - Y. Daily limn. MEI 44,0r4v'0 ..M4..p0vt4r..- 0.. GOODRICH, EDITOR-. Tuwaoili 4 .Atiltday, %umber 30853. Terms of The Reporter. • 12. ad per siniumiftosid trithin the year cetits will deducted—kit cosh raid actually m udvianre $I 00 will be I , docied. No piper Brut aver two yen rs. unless you for. Aocco.risztutters. pet tonere of ten lines, 50 cents for the a r . t ceill A for each soltsernieni insertion. P - Otrito m the 4 ' tuna.. Mock," north side of the l'uhlie %q u o re, net. I door to she Brodford Hotrt. Entrance heiween Alesint. Adams' and Etwell'slaw offices. The Zuropeau - News. The:news - by the Atlarvieovatelt we publish,to• day. i. of,:the utmost importance, fully confirming as it dues the reports of actual hostilities- baying commenced between the Turks. end Russians on the In - diner. The,crossing of the Danube was ef• im:+ed by iho Tutki with a tLvi-ion of . nearly 100,- OCM men, alai the Sultan has deelarsil his intention (ori f ice 110 thin,, in do with the Vienna note, hot in sists on a perfectly new treaty to settle matters in hrure. All attempts, however, to negotiate now, in the rnid,..t tt.,-howititief, a r o preposterous. Tt‘e war t 4 commenced in earnest and with vigor on the pin et the rinks, an I any attempt uf the Sultan to rPpre,,* the ardor ot the troops would be treated iv ; tt •enrn. The affair on the banks of the Danube, which rammed by the fast news from the East is-tivw ;given in .letail. The Turks gained a most vie,nly, and the Russians retreated will Inst.-cf . I'..Tr) ;tiled and wcquuled. • T'a- Rtr , sian commander, GotseltakofT, has re cervod orders to act on the offensive, and to press die Tinto• on all sides. A despatch nom Vienna, tl red the 15 h November, states that " the Russian crimatro eht.r moved forward to Obenitza with 23,000 (1,:e5, mos ly in fahtry, and on the 11111 met Turks, tvben epic ed bavip ensued. The Russians were comi , ctled to retreatithe 1 2 CCOMI time, in disorder, on to Ehicharest, having lost, in the four attacks which they tria.'e en CPCILi'Z3, 3000 men. This is .reliable. O.r ;he 911,tha Turks were driven from the ishintl opposite Guingero, but subsequently re it•forcemects airtved, 'ts hen aid Turks retook the i - land and held it. Tito Poles in the servlce of . Rosvia are. moody and )irk mann. Indeed, it is cer tain that ifiey favor the - Turks, and at the crossing 01 the Dama, by the troops of- the Sultan, they evinced' hi alarm , nor did they rush into the eon: test against the Turks with the impetuosity that r - their c.flieers desired. This is a dangerous element in the Russian army, and may be difficult to man age The Czar secretly suspects the designs of En gland, and bas discharged, in a most summary manner, all the English operatives from the Rus sian Yards. The late Diplomatic Circular ul Count Nesselrode has been published in both France and. England, and the press is unanimous in its condemnation. The French and English fleets are still in the sea of 31.nmora, but inactive. Napoleon 111,4 is said, has exp , essed himself wedded to the pointy of ac. tive opeia.inns by France to aid the Tusks, while *the English Government vacißates. ..Prussia and Aui.rtia profess t eutrality in the matter, though tits _letter pow, r has s.rong Russian feelings. Ness , Diooks. Nye are ottr.geti to Messrs. Dewitt & Davenport, ICO NasFan street, N. Y., forolti early cob. of Souse's " Tale of j the Later Cru.ciles" m eat ly known as "The Monk'e Revenglt or the Secret Elemy ;" containing 210 pages octavo fttlirrt. fne book is-w.cten with marked ability, and in. •eles's the reader beyond anything 01 the kind re• cooly issustl from the American press: The fame ul tl:e itu hor is a high bid in is favor. This " ter t.:4.l 3 ;Fa,'es" is truly a marvellous 4 1,310, and right VeasaTly told—larking neither tbletes , nor proba gala y ; tale of bitter wrong=endul,ing wrong, wrongisoccesPlul wri ug—but for a time only, and not . n.r.v.vehed 5j !ha lynx eyed keeriness Of the most innpiaeable of avingeta—a defratided peir, a lover, a perjured priest. Mso.•for an early copy of " - Helen Mul_vave, or Executorship,'' a book ilevoW to :he dia. 4.1,1 , !a-lc n 1 onderwining or overthrowing the pow. .:r of Catholicism at the nineteerth century. The k la of the same tone and character ag " Beat rtee,:' hpd evinces the same polemjal tale»ts in every page. It -is torl s much of a sectarian work to meet our views ; let it st}le nrd acumen are,ex reedingly fascinating to the reader. These weiks are for sale by Dr. Piniren, at his 0:11.1 S or; where all the late publications may be fuel We have also received a bound copy of a new School Book, styled " Political Class-Book, n( the State of Peonpylvattla," by Daniel Fuller, and pub liked I•y EC.& J. Biddle, Phila It comprises a laminar exposition of the Consiitutton of the Sta'e and of -ome of the more important features or the initinttiensitstablished in accordance there together with remark's on the general priori pls of the governmental powers ly the author, It onmes with recommendations in the sequel.from Goti:Bigler,.Jutlfte Grier, ex Judges Bell, Rogers ~ : 171(1 11.1yeA. CCtr. Cascaras meets on Monday next.: Mort at the Members and already at WatAingtoo, and and the canvass for officers is progressing with great spirit. The prominent candidates for Speak er Otl'ltnt Hones, are Sow, of Kentucky; Ow, of South Carolina, end DISNCY, of 0114 For Clerk, Mr. 009NEx has no formidable competitor. The President's Message is c alreadj prepared, and in the hands of the printer. As, it is the first communication made to Congresi ity!Gen. Preece, it will prorrably contain the programme of For eign add domestic policy of his. Arlininistratioe.!-- anticipata, a paper -of unusual wisdom end' ability, We shall endeavor to laylipbefore our rea , dors next week. ALAMO. U.S. Sanqoa.7—The Dintocraticcana ea in the Legislatura of this State has nominated C. C. Clay for the long term , in the U. S. Senate, ex piring in 3859, and jleriatnin ,Fitzpatrick for the shoti.,fegn, expiring in 455—the same that he now thotris by op ointment of the Governor tar' CRIS . 000111tercar4 li - .,The!yecttni - theet. .of .*0 - many dflitructive:fres in Pitee,hat."finalif.iltons‘4 our:eitizens(Oitienze oithelr:ciangtr:; _anti uhtiats4tiia hale been - takep to OTPRi l llame iraariiff- 'The lown , Conne - it have of tereA, fewaul Inr 'los-apprehension and aanviafinn • of the incendiaries, as loiloOrs 1 4" . `~ $5OO -Rawatto.-The Town Council ot. the Bo• rough of s Tovranthi,. , by Reitalation passed this day, oiler. a Reward of ,ivo Unwired Dollars !- to any perkin who will tarnish to them . such infor. motion as shall lead to +lie detection and conviction Of any perann'entlageil as principal or aecessory in Betting either of the recent flies in faill Borough. By order of the Wm, Conneit, • A D.- MONTANYE, Seey. Council Room, Nov. 18; 1853. Ots. Tug ToWANDI"iiiRAtet BAND Kilt give the first of a series of Crineeits, , on Monday evening next, - at the Court House. This liantl,Anqer the dime-, tion of Dirrnicri; (Who has (i•Wide repntalinn as a performer and composer„) . has attained a de gree of !kill which wilt make their Concert a rich musical treat: (lir citiiitos are snider obligations to the members fophe lime and expense they have incorrect' in• pros' idirlg the borough with a Band, anti will undoubjedly. patiii , Vie them, when - it is undersinglthat he proceeds are intended for the purchase Ofirtialti4-4ti heavy item of expense Tho , e straniirs Who may be ininwn, and are fond of a concord pI sweet sounds, will be amply repaid by an attendanc4 , . trdl- Our Thanksgiving, Dinner received arlainn• al zest, by yeason of a very acceptable present of green corn from B S Russum., Esq , n 1 this bolo'. This species of corn, called the Stowell Evergrsen, can be pre.ierved in all its freshness thintighnot the winter, and ivhen'placed upnn the table has all the appearai2 , ce as well as the flavor of the same article in August. was the first lo introduce the species into this County - , and gives notice that he will compete with hit brother larrneti at the next Agricultural Fair for the premium. We are requested by Mr. Bamven of the Weil Rouse, to give notice. that he is now prepar ed with Sufficient stabling for the accommodation of all who may call upon him. A large barn 113 S been rut up, and finished, on the In south of the House, in an incredibly short pace of time—which is isolated, and in no danger from adjoining °nil- Or The second quarter of the Female School of Aliss 0. P. (Litmus, wit commence on Ttiesthiy next. The excellence and Irigh character 01 iii school, and the general satisfaction given, are evi dences of the ability and experience of the teachers. c ; ,- , tor, in the street, between E. D 'Montan. ye's anti the Wkril (louse, some (lays 'lnce a child's white fur cuff, with black fi pots. The fiy,ier will confer a great favor by leas;ing the tame at this office, Rum= 1-Lat.h.—The official vole in Rhode Is land on the adoption of the New Constitution is ;a follows: For the New Cortmautiugi, 3778. A.2ainr4 it 7618. iNit.jority aguinst the New Constitution, 3811. Melancholy Church Dedication. 13y the laSt Dan-ville Intellig,encer we have the particulars al a most melancholy occurence at a church dedicalan. That impel- says if at, on Wed nesday, Noveiner 9 h,the new Prrsbyterian church edifier., at Washingtoriville, 9loitnnr county, was dedicated to the worship ef the Almighty God, at tended by a train opqiicumstaricett such as perhaps I never occurred beffitfe, on a similar occasion. At was a very wet day, and at 11 o'clock, A , the Rev. John H Rittenhouse, the pastor of the congre gation, drove up, got out 01 his conveyance, tied his horse, raised his Umbrella, and as he approach ed the church, and was within a short distaOce al the door, was seen to fall. He was immediately taken up by a pewit, present, and carried Into .the church where 's. Hull and Caldwell made el forts to restore him, but he- never spoke or moved alter he fell— he was dead ! fl, remains were soon removed to his .late residence; three fourths of a mile from the new church, where hia a ale and three children, one of them but a few weeks old, had separated with him but a very >tiott time previous, forever—in this hie. The congregatton, or those prasent, accompanied the remains to the house, and then returned to the church, 'is heti the dedication sermon, prepared by the deceased, was read by the Rev. D. Waller. The deceased was aged about 33 years, had taken a deep interest in the erection of this new house of worship; and as he was just about to voter it, to aid in the dedicieion, Gol call ed him from his-field of labor, for Fame wise purpose, beyond the comprehension of those whei are thus forcibly ad morn-bed to be ready for the end of time, arid the realities id eternity. - - TRAGEDY is N: 0 —The Second District was yes. terday the theatre of a terrible bloody tragedy. A thousand vague rumors, romantic stories, and strange Vonjecturesi were afloat in' regard to the af fair, none of which' we suppose are-en:illed to much credit. The following version we received f r om the Coroner, and wesuppose is about the roost co . reel ; but still there is a mystery connected with the matter which is diffittult to solve. A very beautiful lady, an attache of the Orleans Theatre, named Mme.' Sage—well m known to the frequenters of the I opera, for several years—wtto has been residing in I house No. 80 Bourbon street, Was yeicerday shot in the head with a,pistol and very eel iuusly wounded by a gentlemen 'named J Bedford, who, after tiring two or three shots at her, placed the pistol to his head and blew his brains out. dklam. Sage is a mar ried woman, bet her husband had bean absent for a long time at Cincinnati where he had formerly resided with his wife. Ile returned day before yes terday, accompanied by Mr. Bedford, the deceased who had been 'formerly acquainted with Mme Sage in Cincinnati. Mr. Sage coriducted Bedford to the house where his wile- was staying, ant) of contse a mutual re cognition took place, and Bedford was apparently very happy to meet with his old • acquaintanee,— About noon yesterday, however, Bedford entered 'the parlor where Madame Sage was seated upon a sofa, and'imthediately dravVing, the pistol enac'ed the terrible-deed. What could possibly have in duced Jim to act in this singular mariner, is still a myory. Though, as we before remarked, there are a thousand conjectures as to the causes. Ma. dame Sage is very severely, but t . it is thought not -mortally wounded. The Coroner'held an inquest on-the body of Bedford, and a• verdict of suicide was returned. He was a man of very fine person• al appearance, and was about forty years of age, N. O. Delta . ' (rr The citizens of Schuylkill county held a meeting in Pottsville on Thursday last, for the pur pose or consoltation as to the beat means of mob fishing a • Miners' Hospital. Such an instinittnn,kr the bene fit of disabled mine?. much needed in that region. Mr Student of Allegheny College, at Mead ville, Pa., was badly burned on the 12th most., by the breaking of a camphane lamp. Vole?: We pre at length enabled to present the official_ letei - otevelf '4;o4* at ate late eleition: - ;.,Theiti• lire half beiioorePlete for some weeks, except thai 'it lacked thtrvote hi Forest county. Havipg Ow , —, bfih taeb iy , 4 e rote o a , ~ n , we place the whithi in Or Colurrigs, sea matter of record, al:Wough the prier. al rest* is !‘ old b6rre." Counties.. Knoi. Bund. Adams, 1446 , .1722 Allegheny, . ''` 52)4 ' 5587 Armstrong, ' . 2066 1244 Beaver, - 1508 ' 1333 Bedford, 1790 1700 Berk., ' 7 6838 3407 Blair, ~ 1516 1834 Brailfo:d, .' s 2846 = - .2215 Bucks, 5076 3BBl Butter, ,• '1835 ' 1952 Cambria, ' . 1673 ' 101.1 Carbon, 1042 . ., 297 Cintre, 2343 1228 Chester,' ' 4569 4880 Clarion, -' - 1997 670 Clearfield, 1151 222 Clinton, 1 /20 . . 753. Columbia, 2053 291 Crawford, 2334 1426 Cumberland, . 3024. 2160 Dauphin, 2476 2378. Delaware, . 1432 1728 Elk, ' ' 400 99 Erie, ' 1434 2017 Fayette, 2706 1727 Forest, 1- - 60 21 Franklin, ~ . • 2706 2842 ninon, Greeros; 1889 703 Huntingdon, ' 1563 . 1845 India, 1359 1457 'Jefferson, . 1059 " 421 Juniata, 950 798 •Lancai , ier, 5519 8829 IA w fence , • 738 1400 Lebanon, 1228 1969 Lehigh, 2023 989 Litzerne, - 4132 1790 I...vcorning, 2463' ' 1523 M•liean, ' 355 168 Mercer, 2246 1458 Mifflin, 1359 997 Monr-te, i 1858 192 Alunl.tomiery, 4535 3214 Momour, 1004 429 Niwthamwon, 2937 1382 Niiilltumberland, 1847 912 Pei ry, 1600 955 Phil. city a. co., 21722 18C29 Pike, 561 , ' 87* Potter, ' 643 81 Schuylkill, 4022 1987 Sanieisk•i, 740 1855 Sit.qtwhaiina, 2017 745 Sullivan, 411 ' 155 Tio.ga, • 2146 701 1511100, `? 1541 2216 Venangn, 130 427 W a iOn, * 920 424 W 3-1, ing'on, 3369 2830 Wayne, 303 441 lVe,-tinarelantl, 3110 . 1815 Wynin in.!, 898 336 Yu! k , 4231 3015 153989 110182 133101 118171 iIf•TONISMNO TUC NATIVE 4 AT CAPE PA1.14 k 4.— Tile U. S ?lop Cois4 . l inner recently tape Palmas. the laird Cr.lohy on the IVeseto Coast of Africa, sort 'he Comer.. fore seta pers , q, In reconctle the quarrel evts ., i?_! be - iteen :he „Jir bites aid Cavatty tr•bes The JAIN WIZ trit,t It, Commodore to go away or Mey Mould entoll hr. head, Thos.ftiottifly M.lma.wo riot belo2o.r. •0ht..1 by :be Fortune - o.w he sent art ;woe t taut ith tot shore tlt howl 7.4, Th, it true. ttit great numbers ant thteateoed to cut thepary otT tt landed. The Cornanslore (4,1, the It iwitzer over the houses and the but ,sting the shells brought the Jarboe,: to net rna ('hey ;tip do_ zed a: .,1 to tinge , their cryniro..., and . Me her- ti e t I ret -tor k the oath of _li rent:stop by taking a moo Old ts a I , ler and spit hog it out again. A correspondent olik lialtrntore Scn speakorg of the slave tr. de on the coast, says:— " A few necks since there was an Arne:bean set at Cape Coaal castle, and from some sit=pi ous,circurnstances about her she was detained, but there not being sufficient evidence she wait releyr. ed., and the, next heard of her was that she had ship red neatly 600 slaves at Loans, nr near ttf-re; the Portuguese supercargo [hummed - the command, and the American (quern took passage in the steamer (lope on her last voyage to F,ergland. The slave trade both in dre lttgli's and to the nor,hwartl, more active then ever " - • Clint.c.RA AT zca.— The recerdir oft holera al ,tca are not,colitined to lie papers on ;his side ol the Atiantto. The papers t ,nntice the reiern 01 several emigrant vessels, ohkid to rud bat k by :he deves!ation of the r) , sea-e. The fladding vessel ot 2000 lot4bnrilen, bound from 1.1,v etp , r I to the U. S., pat bark alter b. log nine Lay 01 i n the channel, wch the Astaic cno`era, of very %mat type rite among the passenger, 'thirteen t f her na‘- sengers diet, a numt‘cr Mit hers were sick. Atio h er ship, the Ko.,:tith. hound Iron, Ltveritool. return: ed tiLet bele , " nut 15 day. There had teen 50 persons a ttacked , on' of tire IS dial The ship • (...omeeflamm, wh:ch arrived at New Int k yester day, lust 100 of itt'r itact•E'r f.4,`rF. Or" Ti,e Witkerltarre Record of the Time , . thin ks thro bornolti out to be Supplied V , rh Wryer \Wits. Certainly it r ugh?, and let the citizens go to work and bare tt.em erected. Old Age Among the complaints incident to persona in the more advanced stages at his, are Indigestion, Pros. tratton of the Nervous system. and Physical and Mental Debility. There are, in many cases, such a derangement of the orryout system. that they find it Impossible to obtain-the million( of steep tired na• ture demands. Myers' Rrck hose, by impant a vigor to the blood, and through that to all parts of the system, ramose all these difficulties. The fee. ble patient becomes hearty- and all the functions perform theit office r -harmoniously. See,,the follow ing certificate : I hereby certify that my mother•in.law, Mrs. Brown, has been an invalid for twenty years; affect ed with nervous and General Debility, and Cough.. For the past six years she had not passed a night without severe coughing spasms, until two weeks ago; she then commenced taking Myers' Rock Rose. n table spoonful before well - meal, and one at retiring; since that time, her sleep has been quiet, cough has entirely subsided, We feel enciititaged to hi-pe that a remedy is at hand to restore her to comfortable health. ' • • New Haven,Conn., April, 1852.. J. PEART..r MYERS' EXTRACT of Rock Rose, for sale by Dr. H. C. PORTER. Towanda, Pa.,rf whom . pam phlets may be had gratis. MARRIED, In Canton, on Thursdni;iit i.st.,by the Rev Julio' Foster, Starox Banana L&rnno,, of Orwell, and Miss Hilmar( Consima. Mcimroan, of the former place. / • iq Monme. OR Friday theitd of Sept. last, by T. M. Wilsoo,Esq.,Faascss Mrta.en, and Miss EL: zr• sera Davidson ; all of the former _ place. By the same, at Monroe, the 13. h Sept., FRANKLIN A minims, and Miss Mstissa /IALDWIN, all of Franklin. Also by the same, in South Towanda, on the 25th of Sept., Asa Diaocr. and Miss Asst Donets; iltiotit by the same, in Towanda Doro', on the Idth of Nov. lam, *runty , Bola and Mac 0 LTA kIkINI ACINGLIILtiIt, all of Monroe. Also by the same, at Monroe, on the.,23d nit, MAN• XING DAMN, add MISS Mass J aq2oBAvamit, all of Granville. geyar"24. %VW.'ttitoNn of Ihrighamf on, will preach hfl~CHouxer, in Towandn, on Snot! plsllo, 11;‘1, and in the evez,, nlptcll2loi; c , k r. s - Noce 4rrival WINTER; Forsyth.'l'orno. 1436 , 1772, '4849 5768 2067 -13G7 .1443 1363 1810 1722 7345 3244 1514 , 1880 • 2834 2203 5084 3883, •1811 1982 1632 1062 1023 7 370 2449 1213 '47311 4821 • MO . 621 1029 293 1111 735 2068 712 2230 1490 3001 2168 2437 2749 1401 1707 354 94 1345 2028 '2746 1618 60 21 2736 2869 725 575 1910 708 1569 1817 1020 1590 743- -085 870 854 5968 852.8 726 1431 : 1243 1962 1925 996 4146 1773 3437 1611 329 ' 179 2210 _1470 1532 1022 1851 IS! 4478 / 3221 1004 434 2961 1355 1881 591 1622 81,8 22274 19145 566 82 533 80 4028 1995 715 1534 2i07 764 380 lns 1925 4 697 1537 2257 1184 41,9 908 . 39S 3454 2759 1627 442 3230 1939 '876 362 4279 30.9 FL EL'InitPUR ffits just recei-( sts•ortmcnt.of (40bs, or the public. is.re•pktratly solichr Towanda. Dee. )5353. DISSOLV V I (1 N OTICE is hereby given th Att b, heretofore ex iNtinq twtt‘der foe Eitenberger,' was thssolvd i l Ar mmthe 20th of October, s 5). Th. t o , se t t l e d by- Moses Eileobervr, whi 'l l settlement. Wlll.llll MON.E's I'. F. EMI' • Terry town, Nov. TS, 1853. AL. KilL Kr. AL ll' MILO ' inxrasx sr!tr WINTER, GO , South Corner of Nerror's ARE now openinz th”:r Fait at;d Wirocr !ra !.., nn and complete wgcrtmcnt, at.o , which will ho %CM at av, ry ?r Pay. Among air - • rlm• !•,• ! • Dit 21 4;001)s will he found a ffr...,e - yar,:t . rnnsimine.in B e ", n .TY, • • r , , 3 „ "„f1 • 411 I • , e • riz.lN Also, for men's r.•r 3 r Ca s , imeres, Tweeds, licct:c'e - and Summer AlBO, Shnelinv.. , , iirt:r 1 , ' , 21c1, TICK ine tium Tiler G,.J • Yarn, rarre , Warn, (',:ton ISa (.1;01:EMES AND PLIV, A fail ct.e'rt will ha ker , of 11 a T Ti (7,.ffee, l'ev,pvr air wil, (to we r,..! whorl, Ef.r.V7 A .11.13. A lar o l , a nd !stole .1 7-.11 c., Ila / . .i , ,;••• 0. . . • 131,1,(..i 1 . .. r Ili' , Ann. lho public t., nn t 1;7 l'7; IleVlll2 th.lll a.atp.edV •al.• h , r wa• p t.r.o. ?.1 0;7.1 WINTER I nmr receivin:, r o : ur , %; . 1 ekTIZIATTZI2I. tr Y /71 • re ; I Gio,2l , am , 14)1-Im••• " •‘• all r.,! •-• .Fr. t zt-t r tl if:ii !•-.v Ion? t Mel Land many ~ her 1.!!.1,, PI! 111 the , ! •• t:lve satP f in 1: •rt Tot nn la, ..N,v 1••-•1 large f .f Po I 11 nratlf•Jrcl County. reanq;: EtTwz Outtf.,rl.•••• j) v ' S F V ay. t fie snd • I leo+, of ritioui sz E. Na. 1,2, P4 e _s4, $lO. $l2. jl6. and $.20. tare -better and clearer thin the straiz+ t ter, whit' knives set thatonally on the shaft. The knives on liove?'s ("quer art. yr rnaltlE:a filen] tO'illl at r' it a ro!fer. They rut steadity.ufth na jerkin: kept in 'repair. r-ich khifee. an b e taken e' peer,' vt. it t di)•iurbingnibt „ and if necdbs.iry each kni • • br,, I ~..• to keep them all true, if I , r thin another. 4 ,Every , b :labor and fee&navine, Fur salt. v.l,,,kra'e at made to thi be v. ho buy t,; :1 a.: '. 17 Alhen*. Pa., N •NerrO ,r 1(1, --Bradford County Pr,mium (qt 3 \ll.l 11 , 710)1,13: , ;41.t: to he found it the r;ee,tv. fen 1 ch..% e ranted)—for rate at The Aztteuhutal nn..l Nov. 10, 1553. \\4l. 1 STOVP ! STOVES! 41 . 0 Er. t Var, 41,3 N.-I and Nizt,—,evvrit.l pillt rfl , Ovens, ana,an 1 which is a rnridotlll n and National Air r the well ' , elected stock of qrzar,t and school hctiireStoves. 1.1 , 1 LT %v.:0111 ,1 sizes and prices Fait n'd .^ and 'see. Nov. 10. 11. \% Sausage and lYlincc meat C 7.1 PRIOE6 $4 and $5 of these exrellant labor .o.inz ..•• capable of totting from trn to 'No hour, and are very., pqrt ra' repair, for sale by I, Athens, Nov. In, 1251. ) M. " TOWANDA 1F 2 2 . 0.6 1 L1E THlShystitbtion, for the edue-dien ,fi•on sues °petted on 'Eurolat . •e. 2. , 11-ser , the h a .{ I:n} terter:!e • h uoiF tultte r the charge ..t OLi IL sox, aideliby her sister. All:. Rl:Ater t P. The nurn,btif of pupils t " rk scholastic year consists of for , v .f,ur TERN 3--36. Spond 312 par qu the studies pursued. No extra charge fr.,r the LAI Vd per quarter. • Bartle via:a—Rev. Dr. Ar tet. r As, Vier of the College of New Jersey. Prlnceion. Hon. Darin Wll.llofr, loos LAroarr. E. VVAltu.Esq., flotir.Gco. NAs Tangos, lowa 3. 4 11,11110 CC* MISS REBECCA D. IONSO:s1 propos instrubticin to the yriumt ladies of I on the PIAO. Trrraoo per g adorr. Applicati N on to be roade,to Miss Han . . Ward House, or at tba Towanda Fera.str S September::, 15631 CW , ;i v;..'c 744. - zi-c."rim- E ■ =9 , 1 l 1 AbV:iITISENIENT .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers