TD11471212 =lO 13:Miiii TOW.A . NDA: gdutte morning, illaa.l3, 1832. Original Votirii. For the Bradford Reporter. THE SUSQUEHANNA. Some fancy the highlands for pureness of air, Some choose the great vallies as pleasant And fair; Give me Susquehanna, abounding with hills, With evergreen mountains, and pore running rills. Tho' 'Long Crooked River' her true Indian name, Her soils, all productive. have raised her to fame; Hera farmers can toil on, and never complain, Their labors well paid in the richest of grain. Her wavy upheaviugs, like great Ocean's roll, Has hoed np her mountains with purest of coal; The shores of her rivers with min'rals abound, And iron in abundance is everywhere found; And forests are standing, not yet marr'd by time, Where grows the old oak, the hemlock and pine; And all her great rivers, at each rising flood, Are covered with goats of the choicest of wood, Where bOld rugged raftmen are tugging the oar, And singing the songs of the days of old yure. Each year when the rallies are clothed in their green Most beautiful landscapes are everywhere seen, Where waters are rising trim springs on the hill, And shaping their courses to brooks, runs or rills; Beside the green meadows are viewed in the sight, The farmer's neat dwelling, his mansion of white; And by the cascade, as it jets from the hi:l, The libm of o facery, or clack of a, mill ; „Where business most centres, a village is seen. 'With rows of white houses arid shutters of green ; With wide streets and alleys congenial to health, Where mercantile freemen are toiling for wealth; Where !Wring mechanics are Vy tits; their tools, And•pedagogoes busy instructing their schools. Behold Me broad mountains, which miners control, And dig from their depths the anthracite coal ; Where tuns counting millions are raised from the And sent off to market to more distant climes ;[roines Where thousands of lab'rers find daily employ, And go to their,labors with hearts full of joy. 1,o! down in yon valley, see smoke there arise, And curling and whirling like clouds in the skies, Ascending from Faciries, and driven by fire, -- From ores that are smelting as workmen desire The noisy old hammer repeating its sound : A pound makes a penny, a penny each pound. Near by the canal boat descends to the seas, Where shippers take lading wherever they please -These scenes all delightful besides many more, The traeler will meet on the Long Crooked shore. Monroe ton, Pa. • E. MASON. 3 Visit to flit (firanatigas ttt The public hate had reeent des:nation of Pompeii. The To/lowingletter from Mr. IV ZED. editor of the Altiany Even ing Journal. who is now travelling in Italy. shows the No rrevs which Ras been made in the excavations, and wilt be found exceedingly interesting; The day chosen for our visit to the long buried city of Pompeii proved auspicious. We had the benefit of a bright sun and a balmy atmosphere.— To us it was a day of deep, absorbing interest. We lingered for six hours about ,the now solitary edifi ces and silent streets, which, two thousand years ago, teeiwith a dense population. It is.twelveThiles from Naples to Pompeii. The road runs airing the Bay shore at the toot of Vesu vius fur ten miles, and then turns to ihe south-east through a valley and near the river Sarno, which is supposed to have been its ancient boundary, dm' therejs now a fertile valley a mile in extent be tween the city and the river. In going to Pompeii )ou pass thrcr Portici and Terni del Greco, towns that have bee'n built upon lava foundations, and are sure to be destroyed when Vesuvius discharges it self in this direction ; and yet the inhabitants live on is lode concerned as we are with the idea that 'be world us. at some future period. to be destroyed by fire--an idea, by the way, which finds strong corroborate evidence in the fact that external fires are rending mountains and upheaving seas through out a region hundred of miles in extent. Th e ancient city of Pompeii is plainly indicated bt• , ridge or modud ettending from the .base of Velume to its excavated amphitheatre, which is routed at its eastern extremity Not mock if any more than one-third of the city has been excavated —and most of this was d r one by the French, though the work has been progressing moderately under the Neapolitan Government. The task is hercule an, for the city lies buried under volcanic earth horn ten to twenty feet deep, and as the roofs of the buildings were all emitted . , thri — dprArtments were et co3rFe filled with solid earth. Volcanic soil is very fertile. The unexcavated portions of Pompeii are highly cultivated. What ever is planted or sown here produces abundantly. Extensive and beautiful vineyards gnaw and beer 'zzurrantly. These vineyards give_ps the Lagrime Carats and Falemian wines, which. 'though most 4eheiotte*, are heating and fiery, as may well be in ferred from the nature of the soil which produces the 54/ape. Them are about fifty laborers engaged now in a.e excavations. We were allowed to use the pick bet not to take away any of the spoils, though like other risitors, we did obtain-a few specimens, al / 7 °n; which were fragments of stucco and Etrus canware Whenever a sovereign visits Naples, the event is signalized ,by developing, in his pre. more, the contents of a house, and these are given by the King to his royal guest. Everything valua ble found at Pompeii has been carefully preserved here in the museum, to which, well uto Porn strangers have free admission. The excavations display streets, institotions, drops dwelhng,s, bre , &c., in a much more perfect condi. non than I hail supposed. These are al!.4 atisfacto my identified. There is neither doubt nor obscuri• ty as to the Pantheon, the Tribunal, the Temples of he, Bacchus, Jupiter, Hercules; the theatres, the twits, the houses of Diomede, Panza, kr.c /km 'Not only the walls of these buildings, bat their dale/. ent comparants, with, in some instances, elaborate fresco paintings, are 'seen. Entire streets have been excavated and renumbered. Wine and oil stores were identified by the jars and other vessels in witch these liquids were kept, and which are still In use here. In a large bake-horse, the ovens of 'hid, are perfect, bread, .pith the name of the ma ker stamped on each log, was found. In Diomede 's W ille vault, tire wine jute are still standing against !roam Or!! Lq•A 'll'l6' -1° : • 1 V,/ 1 .0 , . - • • • • 11, "1.14 11 • • • wall, close to which,sereml skeletons were found, one of which was supposed to be either the wile or daughter, from the rich necklace, bracelet and ear. rings that adorned the person of the sufferer. Near the gate of the city leading tcrAferculaneum, skeletal of a soldier, who perished on duty, with his armor on and his semi by his side, was found. The sentry-box in which this soldier was found is perfect. The amphitheatre was a noble structure. The seats were of marble. Near the arena are dens or cells in which the wild beasts with which the gla diators contended, were caged. In one of these the skeleton of a lion was f..untl. In this amphi theatre it is said , that 20,000 spectators could be seated. The streets were paved with large stones of ir regular size and shape, but with a flat surface, in which were cavities evidently caused by the wheels of vehicles. The sidewalks are liaised like pars, and handsomely paved with pebbles, and at r ennif temples. Ste. with mosaic In front of the A:estate there is a fine mosaic pavement, with the word Salve " (welcome) on the sill at its entrance. In one of the largest and most elegant —.sea ere marble dining tables. The King keeps intelligent guides at Pompeii for the tvro-fold purpose of showing visitors through the city and protecting its. treasures. We were for tunate, in addition to the information given by the guide, to having Mr. Morris, our representative to this govermnent, who knows Pompeii as he knows his own city of Philadelphia, with us. Having wandered for three hoots, which took us about two thirds through the city, we eat down .upon the bro ken wall at the Tribunal, in view of the Pantheon, the Theatre, 8.c., to our lunch, moistening our bread with Falerian wine, distilled from vineyards grow ing over a city, whose inhabitants; eighteen centu ries ago, held this beverage as fit for their gods.— flaving discussed onr viands,we resumed and com pleted our pilgrimage, passing out of the city at a gate which opened upon Appian Way that led to Rome, on either side of which for some distance, were tombs. I wish it were possible to impart to friends even a faint idea of the impressiveness and and solemnity of Pompeii. Though walking liter. ally among the tombs, all the aspects - of Pompeii are cheerful. The streets are clean, and all around you is a stillness in harmony with the 'scene and its associations. YOu look upon smoking Vesuvius, - down which the burning lava ran, making for itself channels which still remain. Haring thus explored Pompeii, we repaired to the Museum, where its recovered treasures are de. posited; and here again, mingled amazement and admiration, with even increased intensity, were .awakened. These treasures, (belonging in part to Herculaneum,) fill eight spacious halls, each devo ted to classified aricles. The room we vlttited first contains kitchen furniture of every conceivable de scription, mostly in bronze, and bearing a strong resemblance to those now in use. In this depart ment of domestic life the Pompeiians we riot tie hind those of our day. Sri adjoining room is de voted to Etruscan vases of beautiful torm. In this room, also, are several magnificent mosaics. Then comes a room devoted to glass in various colors, and for nearly all the purposes for which it is now .used. And yet, while this knowledge belonged to the buried inhabitants of Pompeii neatly two thou sand years ago, its uses and existence was comps.- ratively unknown in England a thousand years af terwards' Another, room is devoted to sacrificial vases and other appendages of heathen worship, among which are vessels for incense, idols, deities &c Then cOmes a room devoted to weights, mea. sures, scales, lamps, candelabras, &e. &c., among which are steelyard; with the name of Augustus inscribed under figures of Romulus Remus. These articles show a higher state of civilizatipn in this respect, than existed in England thningflhe reign of Elizabeth, and prove that the ages that 'Succeeded were indeed dark ones Two rooms are devoted to miscellaneous articles, including iron stocks found in front of a prison, agricultural implements, vases, essence bottles : leen] in the bath houses, a helmet with bas-relief representing the conflagration of Troy; bells of various descriptions, and those for cattle prnisely such as are used now ; flat irons similar to our own ; letters for stamping bread, so like type that the art of printing ought not to have been a comparatively modern discovery; mitrore, opera tickets, numbered to correspond with the seats, musical instruments, dice, pins, nails, locks, keys, bits freed in the mouth of a skeleton horse, Paints, illeludieg rouge, &c. In another room is a vast c,yltec.trn of memorials belonging to the amuse ments, revels. &c., of the Pompiiians Those in dicate a very great fondness for festivals, masque rades and kindred amusements, Among the di vinities to which they sacrificed, it is quite evident that Beeches and Venus were most popular. " The Cabinets of Gems are in a rourn_in which visitors, ladies especially, linger longest. This room is floored with Mosiao taken from Pompeii. There, carefully preserved in glass cases, are . gold necklaces, bracelets, pins, ear and . finger rings, chains, kw., similar to those now worn, together with a great variety of golden ornaments. There are, also, silver cups, plates, spoons, salvers, 8:c. Here, too, are loaves ot, bread, hor.ey, grain, soap , oil and wine in flasks, and eggs, unbroken and but slightly -discolored. Here, too, are bits of wearing apparel, of wool and linen, and skeins ol sewing silk. The statuary, arranged in rooms of great magni-, tuUe upon the ground floor, presents objects of pro= found admiration. In looking at these marble and bronze presentments you eanne idoubtfor a moment that you have the face, head, features and expres. sion of illustrious persons who sat for them In many instances these heads indicate clearly the qualities, good or bad, noble or ignoble, for which the originals were distinguished. And in this des cription of art, Pompeii and Herculaneum were far in advance of an age which supposes itself immea surably in advance of . the ancients. Even the sta tuary 01 the palmiest days of Rome fails to surpass EZCZTI PUBLISHED . EV - EBY - SATURDAY AT. lOWANDA, .BRADFORD . COUNTY,- . Ply -BY I.,:VIILIRA- MODIMIt:.:::. I . pmewunaft s iablt ANY QUADTn." that which has been 'elicited from the rains - of thyse buried cities. And the extent and variety of these works of art - is truly amazing. There wu more fine statuary buried in these two small cities' than has been produced throughout the world, during the MI lea centuries: , Among so many hundred statuary gems chal. tenging admiration, it is difficult to discriminate; though there are some figures that fasten them. selveampon your attention and memory. Such for example, as the " Wounded Gladiators," "The Mother of Nero" Titus," " Caligula," "' Claudi us," "Cresar," " Marcus Aurelius," " TherHunter," " A Fawn reposing on a Skin of Wine," " Angus ms," " Infant Hercules strangling Serpents," " Al. wander the Great, mounted on Bucephals, whose trappings are of Silver," ".Si otos," "Cicero,"" Ho. mer," &a. But the head which, for the last two or three years has arrested the atttention of Ameri cans the moment they enter the room, is that of Se neca,whose strong, mocked and clearly defined re semblance to Gen. Taylor is most remarkable.— Those who loved Gen. Taylor and revere the mem+ ory of that truly great and good man, recognize this striking likeness of him in the head and features of one ol the Sages of Antiquity, with deep emo, tion. W. RZCIEIPI von WILING Tarr, eas.—A corespon dent has famished us with the following receipe for making tartlets, a very troublesome class in every community, and should it meet the eyes of any to whose case it applies,the author's object willdoubt less be attained, if it has the appropriate effect: Take one handfull of the vine called Runabout, the same quantity of the root called Nimble-tongue, asprig of the herb called Back-bite, (cut either be fore or after the dog days,) a table spoonful of Don't you tell of, six drachms of Malice ; and a few drops •of envy—which can be purchased in any quantity at the shops of Miss Tabitha Tea-table and Miss Nancy Nightwalker. Stir them wall together and simmer them for half an hour over the fire of di._ content, kindle with a little Jealousy—then steam it through the cloth of Misconstruction, and cork it up in a bottle of Malevolence, hang it up with a skein of Street yarn, shake it occasionally for two or three days, and it will be fit for use. Let a few drops be taken just before walking out and the sub ject will be enabled to spread all manner of evil and that continually. N. B. Should a neighborhood at any time be troubled with too much tattleing, let them admin- ister a small quantity of•you-would-be-done. by, and the operation will instantly cease. EXPANDING TIM Cnesz.—Thuse in easy circum stances, or who pursue sedentary employment with in doors, use their rungs but little, breathe but little air into the chest, and thus, independently of posi tions, contract a wretchedly small chest, and lay the foundation of the loss of health and beauty All this can be perfectly obviated by a little atten tion to the manner of breathing. Recollect the lungs are like a bladder in their structure, and can be stretched open to double the size with perfect safety, giving a noble chest and perfect immunity from consumption. The agent, and only agent required is the com mon air we breathe,, supposing, however, that no obstacle exists, external to thb cheat, such as tying it around with stays, or having the shouklers lie upon it. On rising from the bed in the morning, place yourself in an erect posture, with your chest thrown back, and the shoulders thrown entirely off the chest; now inhale all the air you can, so as to fill your chest to the very bottom of it, so that no more can be gm in; now hold your breath and throuryour arms oft behind—hold your breath as lon_t" as possible. Repeat those long breaths as long as you please. Done in a cold room is much better, because the air is so much denser, and will act much more powerfully in expanding the chest. Exercising the chest in this manner, it will become inflexible and expansive, and will enlarge the ca pacity and size of the lungs —ScientAfic American PHYSICAL BENEFITS OF THE BAIIDATII.....The Sat,- bath is God's special present to t h e workingmen, and one of its chief objects is to prolong his life, and preserve efficient his working tone. In the vital system, it acts like a compensation-pond—it replen ishes the spirits, the elasticity and vigor, which the last six days have drained away, and supplies the force which is to fill the six days succeeding; and in.the economy ol'existence, it answers the same purpose as, in the economy of income, is answer. ed by a savings bank. The frugal man, who puts aside a pound to-day and another neat month, and who in a quiet way it 'always putting by his stated pound from time to time, when he grows old and trail, gets not only the same pounds back again, but a good many pounds beside. And the commenter= man,• who husbands one day of his existence every week—who, instead of allowing the Sabbath to be trampled and loin in the hurry and scramble of life, treasures it devoutly tip —the Lord of me Sabbath keeps it farrhirn, and in the length of days and a hale old age, gives it back with usury. The saving bank of human existence is the weekly Sabbath. o* A friend of ours says that helms been with: out money so lone, that his head aches, " ready to split" when he tries to recollect how a silver dollar looks. Eh says that the notion that we live in a world of change' is a real:Wary. An Irishman, being in church where the collec tion apparatus resembled election boxes, on its be ing handed to him whispered in the camera ear that he sins not naturalised, and could not vote. Kostarrir's Sisters are atilt in confinement in Aits• trig ; the Gonna' loss to know atria to do with the relation :He. The t amily is in great distress, an: material aid." A LADY being asked her .•'pion about tuoustach. •+ replied," 1 alWaye erlt m lace spinet Ihere.'t =I The Great Geyser la Iceland. Alter waiting sill the secood day of my sojourn at the Geiser, the keg desired explosion look place collie Mb diens, a halfreftine in the ntont, ing. The peasant, wit° came twice a day ,to -en quire if I had yet seen an minion, Was -with me when the Sat doll sounds which announced the event were heard. We hurried to the ispoti and as the waters belled over ai need, and the noise died away, Lthooght I was doomed to disappointment again; but the last tones i were expiring when the explosion suddenly took place. Utave really no words to do justice to ibis magnificent spectacle,, which once to behold in a lifetime is enough. It infinitely aorpasied all my expectations. Tbe waters were spouted with great power and volume; column rising above column, as if each were bent on outstripping the others. Ater T bad rec.orered in some degree from my first astonishment, I look ed round at the tent ; how small, how diminutive it seemed, compared to those pillars of water I And yet it was twenty feet high ; it was lying rather lower, it is true than the basin of the Geiser ; but tent might have been piled on tent; yes, by my reckoning, which may not have been pellet:oy ac curate, however, five or six, one above, the other, mould not have reached the elevation of these jets, the largest of which I think I can affirm, without any exaggeration to have risen, at least, to the height of a hundred feet, and to have been three or four feet in diameter. Fortunately I had looked at my watch when the first rumbling was beard, for l should certainly have forgotten to do so during the explosion, and by the calculation 1 made when it anus over, I found that it lasted nearly font minutes; the actual outbreak occupying more than half that time. When this wonderfuLscenewas ended, the peas ant went with me to examine the basin and cald ron ; we could approach very near them without the least danger; but There was nothing farther to be seen. The waters had entirely disappeared from the basin, into which we entered, and walked close up to the caldron, where they had also sunk to the dep:b of seven weight feet, ihough they ware still boiling and bubbling with great violence. I broke off a tew pieces of crust from the interi or of the basin and caldron with a hammer; those from the first were white, and the others brown.— I tasted the water, which had no unpleasant flavor and can contain but little eniphur; the steam isalso tree from any sulphurous smell. In order to ascertain how long it would be before the basin and caldron were full again, I returned to the spot every thirty minutes, and found 'hat for the first hour I could still stand within the basin ; but at my, next visit, the caldron was completely filled and on the point of running over. As long as the water remained in the caldron it boiled fu riously, but the ebullition subsided as it flowed into the basin, and when the latter, was lull there was only an occasional bubble to be seen. After the expiration of two hours, it was precise ly twelve o'clock; the basin was full to the brim, and I was standing near it, when the waters became violently agitated again, and the rumblings were once more herud. I had barely time to spring back, when the jets burst forth ; they continued to play as long as the sounds lasted, and were fuller than those of the former evlosion, which was per in consequence of their height being rather less—it was hardly more than forty or fifty feet.—. After the eruption, the basin.end caldron were about as tun as they were before. had now witnessed two explosions of theGei ser, and left amply compensated for all my watch fulness. But I was so fortunate as to see two other outbreaks, which varied a little from the former ones. At seven in the evening, the jets rose again to a greater height than at noon, throwing up some stones which looked like black specks in the frothy waters; and on the third night the basin was filled with waves which tossed wildly over each other, but did not spoat up any streams into the air. The waters overflowed the margin, and an immense mass of steam arose, vvhich was driven by the wind towards The spot where I stood, and wrapped me in a thick cloud, which prevented my seeing more than a few feet before me. I could perceive no odor, and felt no other inconvenience than a slight degree of heat from the steam. Gernsamsne —Lieut Lynch of the V. S. t xplo ring Expedition to the River Jordan and the Red Sea in 1848, visited the garden ofGethsemane about the middle of May. He says : The clover upon the ground was in bloom, and altogether, the garden in its aspects and associa tions, was better calculated than any place I know to soothe a trouble spirit. Eight venerable trees, isolated from the smaller and fees imposing ones which skirt the pass of the Mount of Olives, foist a consecrated grove. High above on either hand, towers a very lofty mountain, with the deep yawn ing chasm of Jehosaphat between then'. Crown. one of them is Jerusalem, a living day ; on the slope of the other is the great Jewish Cemetry, a city. of the dead. Each tree in this grove, clinkered and gnarled, and furrowed by age, yen beautiful and impressive in its decay, is a living monument of the affecting scenes that have taken place beneath and ground it. The olive perpetuates itself, and from the root of the dying parent stern, the young tree springs into existence. Thole are accounted one thousand years old. Under those of the preceding growth, therefore, the Savior Was wont to rest ;And one of the present may mark the very spot where he knelt and prayed and wept. No caviling doubt can find entrance here. The gecqpiiphical boundarieS are too distinct and clear ter an ,Instatit's hesitation.-- Here, the Christian, forgetful of ifiet present, andsib sorbed in die past, can resign himself to sad yet soothing meditation. The law purple anderimsto Rowers, growing about the roots of the trees, - will give ample 0308 for Oontettiplatitie, for ,thestell o the suffer_ing, awl *entwined death of the Re, deemer." -r .: ~ 'f. lIIIMIIIIIIMM ST 11111DANC WA •PLIOTTSI6 MEE= ETCI2O =I (.41, -s . , Yesiezineilto - iliiii ago, it 'Yonne 111,, elevieti • lean sige;-Who l livid in Parie,'ettenipfed Mur- , 'der her mother, Sister; ied'rnany'of het playmate* purpose of driiiiiing'their,, blood `Mier a earelul examination c witii';ll%• - :ertiro she"Wae'sitlieet'te Ible'ininita'oftienithaitierii; th Atkibe { young, alfrinledajdoepect of 'eine. will remember 'the case of the Sergeant'Who 'upia'at midnight= o !nye his quarterh - and - dig Ili bodies in Pere. La Chalie, which he subsequently 'devoured., Thie unfortunate man is now _cured, and hi bat thirty years'of age. He Preserves, Of the various' sodes - of his past life, only a'confused 'mdr4tar'y, like the recollections of a painful dreim. hi other days, science feared to approach ihese sufferers. • ' In 1779, a young man Feriage, tinder the influence of his malady, sinyenly'left hie ttein panions, Said surrendered himself to this horrible propensity. He selected as his retreat it caVere near, the top of one of Ifie mountains of Aare, whence he used to descend, like a beast of prey, into the cbamPaign country:Lipner II thewoMen; he could eat nothing else, and was constantly seen toil= as if in wait for :an opportunity to seize prey. He never Went abroad without a doublehai- . relied gun, a belt full of pistols; and a 'dagger. Sci great was the tensor he inspired, that he used fre quently to come into towns for food and -ammini tion,, without any molestation. A peasant, whom fie suspected of a design on him, had his house burned' over his head. He used to decoy any muleteers he chained to disco.. er in the woods, to his den, where they were uni formly murdered. A large reward was offered for his capture, in vain, until a bold peasant insinuated himself into his confidence, and captured him.— This beast of prey?, for such lie was, was executed on the 12th of Dec., 1792. He was broken alive on the wheel. For four years be bad lived exelu sively as a cannibal. Mate Paisvi—/i. paint has been op the Contin ent of Europe with success, made irom milk and lime, 'bat dries quicker than oil paint and has no smell, it is thus made. Take fresh curds, and bruin the lumps on the grinding stone, or is an earthen pan, or mode', with a spatula or a strong spoon : Then put them into .a pot with an equal quantity of lime, well slacked with water, to make it just thick enough to be. kneaded. Stir this mix ture without adding more water,,and a white color el fluid will soon be obtained, which will serve as a paint. It may be laid on with a brush with as much ease as a varnish, and it dries very speedily. It must, however, be used the same day it it made, for if kept tilt the next day be toothick ; con aequently no more must be made at one time than can be laid on in a day. Any ctdor, red or yellow ochre, may be mixed with it in any proportion.— Prussian blue is changed by the lime. Two coats of this paint is sufficient, and when dry, it may be pcilished with a woolen cloth, or similar sulltance, and it will become bright as varnish. It is only for inside work but it will last very long if varnish ed over with the white of an egg after it has been polished. DEATHS IN PeNNSTLVANIA,-The census exhib ite a vast differencein the number of deaths in the diflerent counties, proportioLed to their population. In Eastern and Western Pennsylvania, the popula tion is nearly equal—that of the east exceettlng abciut ten per cent.; the whole number of deaths in the State in the census year being 28 ; 318. Of this number the eastern divi,ion furnishes 17.661, arid the western 10,811. That is, in Eastern Pennsyl vania there was one death i to every 69 and in the Western, one in every 100. The average is one to every 82, The caunties shoW a great discrepaney. In Philadelphia city and county it gives une to 60 . In Berks one to 98. But as Berkscontains all the dead and absent on business on the election tally statistics, her account cannot be wholly depended on. Lancaster gives one to 55. Allegheny had 1836 deaths out of 138,290, which gives one to 75. Arm strong, with 29,560, has 217 deaths, which is or.t. to 136. But other counties leave these far behind, unlesi they never bury their dead. .Venango, with 28.310 has 73 deaths, which is one to 241 ; and Wyoming, with 10,625, has but 39 deaths, which is one to 272 and she looms up as the bragvounty against the terror king. Art farina SvearfuoAT.—The first steamboat that entered the Columbia river was a small one be longing to the Hiatt:tuts Say Company. When the Indians saw it they were very much astrinished, and called it the fire land. As soon as they could get on board- they examined the machinery, and bound that by some means the boiling of water would make the wheels go round. In a day of two, the ofrrcent of the boat were as much astonished as the Indians had treth, lo see coming from the a 'veritable • steam-boat, the wheels tumintrunnd, steam whizzing, and a dense smoke issuing from the smote-pipe. At lasi she came along siee, and the mystery was solved. The Indians had taken one of their largest ea% noes, and in the centre had built a fire-place of stone, in thith was firmly set a large' iron pot, with the lid pettedly tight, a piece of : old Ftove-pipe, which they had picked up during soma of their trades with the Company, served to carry off the smoke, and the motive power was given by two Indians, who lay on their baeksin the tklntilii hi the boat, and turned the trank end, wheels! When they wished to stop,they threw a. bucket of water, on the fire, and another an-the Indians, who; In this case, were operating as engines:- The 'irrita tive power of the Indians on the Coast ie , Xerygresit and in fact they poeseis a bar greater degree of in : teilectthan the diggers of the interior. They can cane very well in , stone. At Shelton's Museum may be seen a pipe carved' tMln a ipecieli'cif representing a inn' of . 1%064 min aritl woifien Fit . hug down by the bowl of the pipe, which rem. tents the common cneking utensils of the Irdiana fSV. .5;1 4 ‘.l. MAN ISIMMIME .dll , o44.Blllmmilm • ,V 1.4 MEE 4 e r • , ,a 6 7511.7 .1-.!:;t17-C6 '2O .11 MWI ii i'o_o-:y.,•4l4:kitr-A-: ugliraitan*Tinfrf have beenwell,foresay. Hunt ;to ..basereornmuted the.eotrw , orGlitrailig;Whe has . ll44ljiintiliniii m to intOkftatt.W_ EFit , an„pt, 'vefinin.cme avert,rfitWjorkir; 0 %semi, ckies • thee - lor me t'Paig l o! youth ofunisatiehaSe hie:heaitta .! lu logs hattbeets.olleyek ne t :- Why, Seth,' answered- she, r we are command: edioloie Oita aeothet, ariere no iP- ei i Ay, Martha, tint . doris race retard nie*ith thin feeling that the *Odd toii I hardly knew whit to tell:thee, Seth. I has" greatly feared thin my heart wie an' siring 'one: I hive tiled tir Wistote !Ay 'lo* on all; ben r miry hate strinetintiOhciiight; perhaps thee well getting ,rather more &tit thy A . ti than waiinterrogated the - Oitlf Sun= : Jay .. by a friend , who . 10 jest seen tarn at chorph, but, whom he now found swallowing" ease of brandy and water , at a. public barrOpm. you In Church ;hie interring listeningxery attentively to a discourse upon righteousness arty temperance s how cornea it that! noir seri you here drinking!" f Always thirst alter riencoasnese," '4 . 4 the answer. . • " DULA way for a hindependeol wOleri" said 1.1 matt a recent election at New Orleans. .‘ Wk my good Man,' said the Cletki. , iii not an limits fume yon depoaked youu vote . st. this very knows it, I knows it,' sics the iudependeut rut. er, 4 .. but thaiair was the Desuogratia ticket but this'ere is the Whig. 4g . But if you arias to vote twine I shalt have you arrested." "Non will, Will you t" shouted the son oftheraotrering people; then I say -if I'm denied the right of voting for the Whip, after goin' the whole ticket /In. the Demo• crater y there aim no universal suflerage, It's a darn one sided business, take it all around." A SAILOR in the pit of a theater, looking cmsrdre play bill, wrath "Art interval of neenty.fiveliskus occurs between the first and ser.und acts." At the end - of the first act he put on his old tarpaolad, and left the , house, saying. a Few of these people will live to see the end melt." A good bit of wit once transpired in the Legisla: tare of Louisiana, says the Picaytme, which per haps has not yet appeased in print: "Sir," said the Member from Assumption ; " am here the proud representative' of inycrmstittit entu; Vam here, for the parish of AssuMption, and While I stand iipon this floor, I and Anomption are of a piece." ' de Veep said en honorable member opposite; and you are the greatest piecenf assumption I sr• er beard of!" • TEMPER/MCI JOTS-4 GOOD osia.—.loe Harris was a whole-souled, merry fellow, and very fonff of a glass. After living in New Orleans for many Yuri he came to the conclusion of visiting an 91d oncle, away up in Massachusetts, whom he bad tot sees for years. Now, there is a difference between New Orleans and Massachusetts, in regard to the use of ardent spirits, and orteri.foistfirivietf there and found ail the people ran mad about temperance, hi felt bad, thinking with the tilt! Bong, that " keep: ins the eptriti up by potiring fhe spirits dorrn" - iiiii r y one of the best ways to make time , and be d , gan to tear indeed , that he was in dp' kle. Bit‘ Oit the morning after his arrival, the 'old ma n and his sous beiug out ca work, his sun e tO tit ea said— "Joe, yon have been living in the South, and tit) doubt, are in the habit of taking a little something drink about II o'clok. Now I keep some here (or medical purposes, but let no one know it, as myfuts band watts to set the boys a good example." See promised, and thinking he would get !writers that day, took as he expressed " a buster." M. ter that he walked out to the stable, Cid *lifttahocid he meet but his cnole. • “ Well Joe,” says he, is I expect you are aeons. tom( d to drink som e thing in New Orleans, but you find wall temperance here, and for the sake Maly eons, I don't fel them know that I hare any brandy 'about ; brit I just keep a little out here for My thee ,matims. Wilt yea .eecept tt little 1 .7 Joe s ig nified his readiness, and took ahother big horn. Then continuing his walk, he caste to attars the boys were muling res. After eoirverstnr, awhile, one of the cousins said= le dile; I expect you would like to hare a drink, and as the old folks are down on liquor, we keep some out here to help us along With air wort!" Oat some the bottle, and dow they set, and he says that by the time he went heme to dinner, ha was as tight as he could well be, and all kir visit ing a temperance amity: • town! in. Maine, a tearer was time& Mime a justice (hi being erunk in ibe street•-the fine be ing one dollar for each (dente. The Ate be paid, and was arraigned again thermal - clay. 44 No you milt, lodge!" said he, "1 1 kniiw the hivir—one dol lar for each oflence,and this is the ian'te itld drunk." (Wat tut thdd today! what grief is. frownirts o'er thy heart I Why doss thou droop and turn away, and vrhy do tears unbidden ttatt! W`nen-first I viooed thee in thine Isle—zttry - Erin, einertla or the deep—l saw thee, sweetest, only smite , not even thought that thou tiontitst weep. - The *cm 1-ghta the earth, the aephyr's kiss isolt thy Cheek ; all nature cans thil back to M irth:'then be net, " prythee, _hive, to weak." While f- liplike, my bosoars queen, one deep, fend gland kiim me ilealhig, rtiatitb • e 4, n se jabera, but you're green! Its onion', Urn., icetins "Fool ohi General Debility exclaimed rattni,gton; " it is Purim ising how long he lives, Ariik what _sympathy !lie excites—the papers ye 101 l oitemedies for " Suocittba eschargoi pallet eircumlocuUsi the following f* Colinnbribus.." as Miss Sissippi in a Tory unbecoming pa shim F' Because she has eletmed her -it Foote') to /wheat ==..• MEE urzz
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers