II M :: N = 118 =ZO 15Wr 15Miii W A NDA: ITlorninc,'Stan 1. 1852. F ciatarbap .*Eltrtrit puttrq. THE VOIOE OF C'HE:ER.- From Heaven there comes a voice of cheer, In sunshine and in shade; • Though oft in tones we will not hear, When most we need their aid. _ • 'A Did i. but listen, we should feel Our heavy hearts grow light; And liather strength , in woe or weal, To tread the path of right. - • It whispers o'er the cradled child. Fast lock'd in Nacettil sleep, Ere its pure soul is sin4hegailed, Ere sorrow bids it weep. It soothes the mother's ear with hope, Luke sweet hells' silyer chime, tad bodies forta the nknown scope Of dark mysterittue u Time. Tip heard in manhooirs.risen day, And n ee. the vtul to might. When I t ( blue. forth with fullest ray, Forma filing least of night. It speaks of noble ends to gain, A world to mend by love. That tempers strength of hand and brain, With softness of the dove. - It falls upon the aged ear, Though deaf to human voice; And when man's evening closgs drear, It bids him still rejoice. It tells of bliss beyond the grave, The parted soul to thfill ; The guerdon of the truly brave, Who fought tbe power of From Sartam's Singnime. EASY WARREN. BY 'WILLIAM T. OGGSIIALL Raymond Warren a " nice . ' man—every. body's clever fellow. as I heard a public man once a very exterieive office," with nutner- remark , rius dines never discharged. Raymond used to tit in the chimney corner late, very late on a win• ier's night, because he vr-as too starless to get ready for bed. But aler a whtie the fire burned, low— the glow on the embers faded, and it grew cold in thectumney corner; then Rarnond became' chilly tnid he weclil sneak to rest, where his wile perhaps had b een in t several hours, endeavoring, to 'recover from the severe fatigue of a day's work, into which flail been crowded the greater portion of het hias. band'e legitimate duties. Raymond owned a large farm, left him by 'his lather, It was good land, but the feewes were not itt repair, and evervhndy's cat Ile roamed itrou.di tkte and Raymond's crops were no', suflicient to yield the family a decent4up. port. The 1.11111 had once been well stoCked, but for want of proper attention the cattle became -poor —the F beep were never foiled, even the most rig orous ‘;;eather t and many at them died. The wool was never properly sheared and washed, and when taken to market it would. not bring the market price Had it not been for Raymond's wife, who was a woman, the family mast often have Buff- eyed for the corn rOn necessaries of life Raymond's chores were rarely attended to by Inmsell, but was a neighbor,sick, no man was more wok in his Owe. He was retie 10pin as a ma n who wont ( ' 4),yayl neglect his own inter ests, to look. alter , those of somebody else He could rterer qe , hirnqelt at his own farm work. hit he was ePtl'l , lo.e I an e‘cf-lietit timid, when, to oblige a rie,:hb, he ra .k a jab in tits field.' 'IT was a bleak niontinz in mid triplet.. Ray vital Warrett . A wite wag , in the barnlard 'odder cattle-11:tymond was bed. Th:4 light of a busk tire which ht.• wife had built, shone di rectly in his face. 01 awakened him—the room Iva., warm. and %mond was persuaded by its in- vthrt ap,)earanCe. to He sat down tby the fire place l in 111.4 shirt isleeves, and waned for hie wife to cone and get diim some breakfast. As he warmed air: term he felt that he had reason to con patulate ,nmself on his happy situation, and he said m ;iirriise T 4 1 4 .1 every maitre got Foch a wife as I have. Here khe's made a good fire, and 111 bet the chores nre all ,11,ne." The chores were done, and Raymond had scarce i tits snirloyiy, when the u.efu I wife hast. eves! , a the fire place m warm her haada, which had been lhornet.thly chilled by the cold hantile of porbtolk, -anti which Fite intil been throwing hay and straw to the cattle. It muzlit be supposed that these occurrences took 1 44 eP the inorniruz—rot sn, It was ten o'- vlock *hen Raymond Warren lett his bed. His 41 bee" sewing tar two hours, befOre she PrePtfl-111,.r t,ri rklaeo,. then she urged Raymund , tot 'anitiour longe r to get up. He made faint protni oes but letilhern unfulfilled. She waited until it v:as rule n'c;ock, and knowing her hueband's easy habi s ; and a-harned to hare the cattle tinfed at that hour 01 the rimy, she determined to attend to their wants l iierseif. R".YTiad:s first salutation to her as she stood by Ibe fire was : " I mr<lr I had spine tea, Sally--:bit never ntind,. You put the things away, a little warm water, with a milk and sugar in it, will do just as well,' and while you're about it you may get roe a little piece pf bread ; but just as you choose, no matter about it anyhow. Tlin't everyman has got Barb a woman for a wife." .• ' She might have answered "It is Hot every wilnian that has got such a has. band." But she knew such remed' would only make borer leelings, and though fatigued with the violent exercise she had taken, she went cheerfully and Prepared her easy,,goodgatureditusband a cap - of tea, and then asked hint if he' svouldinot split some "Te,be sure I willin•was hie 'response. - Ilia breakfast over, he took 1p his aze,l'mounlie the wood pile and cat half a dozen allele, when a WI _ . V'!" -,- ' 2 ';: , -T'l ''':',-- ' 4 ' - ' , :. ' - .r.' •' '- i ' -!' 4 -7: ='':- 'r - ,--' -' •-' , ,, i .-7. --- - -= - - . -': , .. ,,, -1-'z ---;- •:::-.!---. -•,,.-- ,:,-- - 4,1....7--•:;.;-.1--•,1: ,..- - , -47 , -:- ',- t ---,:,,-, - ..- 4. F , i'-: 4 „ f ;-_.„,.,,...-..„, ~,...4.,._ ~. ~. .. '., .- . •-, ,- --- • --..-....,,,1 ; A:, , ; , •'. ii, ..., . t f ~ ..X • • ' :-', ~- • : V ~ , ,- - t r.F.,,,.. t.,.... :. t - j.-:,.• ', .` ~„ .•: , . .i .... ., --. •-•:- ;-' t t.;, ~, . -- • . . . .,... _, . .,' t, •:^ . .. 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Raymond saw that She grew pale, and was often disturbed with fears in regard to her, but he was too easy to mention the suliject.and the useful wife became more and moriVfeeble, mod ehe was seized with -a violent. eOugh. Raymoiai was one day thouglutuf enough to speak to the,vil lage doctor as he passed their house with his pon derous medicine portmanteau on his arm, and the benevolent gentleman, who had iorne knowledge of Raymond's peculiar feelings, lett the woman an innocent tincture, and torbai%!expostitelto the cold atmosphere under any circumstance's'. and also de. dared I at her complaint was of,a cttracter very notch aggravated by'7l..evere exercise, For a few days Raymond remembered the doc tor's counsel, and as' he had , rejpeei fur the physi-• ciao, he obeyed him as nearly as his mist' mional failitigs permitted, bat sou i the wife was again obliged to chop wood and feed .caate, and taking a severe cold, she fade; as would fade the summer rose in a frigid climate. When Raymond Warren's house was trasolate and his fireside cheerless, he saw what had been his great error during:the two years of his married life, and he mourned has wife deeply,. it must be said in his favor, both as a helpmate and a com panion. He rented his farm and managed to ex ist " easily" for ode year, but he was a' domestic man—he was not satisfied with a cNildless Widow -1 er's solitary lot,arid he began to look about him for a second helpmate and companion. Iln a few months he took to his home a woman ! whom he confidently felt wound fill the place left 'vacant by his first wife.. Sadly was Raymond disappointed. A few weeks elapsed and he into his old habit, with comple.e abandon. L , Leaving his town work in a neglected state, he kyorkeil dilligently one day to assist a neeghbar in getting wood to his house, and he returned to his home, late at night, hungry, and fatigued, expecting that hi4ltife would have !early for his rekeshmeni an inviting supper in this hope, he had refused to take supper with the neighbor whom he had assistthl. Poor fellow ! the kitchen, where was to have been his excellent supper, attended by a smiling wife . , was cold and unoccupied No frugal board was ihere, and Mrs Warren was in bed ft:iyiriiiii.l w.c. much astonish ed but was too _tent nn tri-d n cfartela,il lently he venter. tolo e‘;•!..n. Ilt, l'or crust on Witirlo to Lola titi. Not a crust was there. It %rat+. evt,lPtil his wile ha I designed that he should go to bed less; and suppeiless to bed he did go, grieving se rinnsly over his hard lot. tie had ne%er before been so badly treated, and he liought it indeed dtstress ing, but yet his disappointment was not sail eno3uls to revolutionize his constitutionil good nature, and without a mutter he fell sound asleep. likymend Warren did riot hear charnieleer salute the morning, as it dawned after the night* his grievous disappointment. It was spring time, and the birds senzunilei his window, hut lie heard them ; yet he heard his wife, who II id risen belie( k_ih e pip, rail 1111 him NI,. Wait..., li , re I've hero aa hour jr, COM. The wqcv , rp all taimed; lintel had s"me , eat. If you want .11'1) tneakfaat y 011,4111,1 Geller Was Raymond dreaming ? W.IA this a voice of reproach that came to him to his sleep, with rec. ,ollectiOns of the wife that had gone before tom to the Spirit Land ? Not so—it was a voice from the wile that dwelt with him mthis sphere of existence, that cams to remind him of duties, tiESt discharged, upon the performance of which depended the sat. Isfaction of those desires which had intruded visions of feasts upon his hours of rest. Allt this he felt; still he did not oiler to leave his couch. Raymorld Warren," again said the voice , t you left me yesterday without woral, to help a neighbor get vernal for his wife. and 'von went to bed last sight willow your supper Yriall not get a bite to eat ir9 this house till you bring me' worst to cook it with." "There's plenty of chips," said Raymond, 111 palliation, rising on his elbow as he spoke.. "'Get up, doll, and bring them into the house." said the resolute wife "I didn't know you when we were married. but I know you 110 w. I know what killed your first wife You want to make a slave of Me. I'll attend to my duties ; but if 3on don't do your chores, the cattle may sta r ve, m i d you'll never get a bite in this house unless you take it uncooked, it VII don't cut wood yourself or get somebody toslo' it for you." Raymond started bolt upright. and it was not many o rniliutes,before he was at the wood pile— Diligently did he work until he had cut an armful, which, like a tlntituLhasband, for the first time in his life, he carried into the kitchen. His wife made no allusion to whet had passed between them, and Ramond, although b - Mning with curiosity to know wlferiEshe had learned what she had revealed to him, dared not commence conver sation in relation to it. The train of evils it might .revive was fearful p 3 the easy man's mind.. His breakfast over, forgetful of "its lesson, tarelesi Ray mond - wandered away from home, his necessary morning labors.iri his farm yard unattended to, and his wood pile unvisited. He returned home-at noon,. strong in the that sit down to - ROW dinner, because he was One.of thosemen whelhirtk that wife should al ways.giire her husband'a good dinner whether she haS anything to cook or not:— hirs i i%Versen had.enough to Obok, but nenhin4 to, conk:with ;. horreet,mneh to Raymond's 'Warne tionf when lie entered hie hoinehe Wend ;he:table elirend;"and he knew he ebould.soon be inyite take a seal near it. MZ=IMMI ----ccom 'Kant, onrce t IZI '! atiraatimEss ok DE:curlers:nom mom ANY Vituatati." 'When the Invitation, same, he hastened to his, ac.customed , seat, lifted the cover from a.disk that he suppos contained meat; and, truly, there: WWI' meat, but jus it came from the butcher. fiap mond was not a cannibal; he looked at. his• wife inquiringly; she appeared to be waiting patiently' to be served. He lilted the cover of Unifier dish ; there were potatoes just as they had been dug from the earth. All the dishes that usually contained victuals were covered. Raymond:grew suspicious, ilnd he lifted the covers hastily. There was bread, as it had come from the tray t there were turnips .thiit had never been under the influence of fire; there were apple 4 handsomely sliced for sauce, and there were numerous other edibles, but nonts of them could Raymond eat. He turned for-consida ti,ot to a cup of tea his wife 11n1 deposited near his pf..te. Thole were tea leaves floating in' the cup, but the tea- looked remarkably rale; nevotheless, Raymond, by force of habit, blew it vigorrably to prepare it for his pals e. But when he put it to his itps, he found that he had Wasted lie breath ; for the water was as cold as when it came from the vi log Raymond was not a Wtty man. He pushed back his chair deliberately, s tud thou2ht aloud : 4 : In the name of }leaven what does this mean r Mrs Warren, whose co6nrettaiice during this scrne had worn a sober asirect," now smiled and answered (The victuals were all on the stove the usual lime." " It's strange they are not cooked," said Ray mond. " Not at all," replied Mrs. NVarren ; " there was no wood to cook them with." In an instant Easy Warren then saw what a it moral" there was in his novel dinner, and with a keen appetite, he went to work on the wood pile. He took his dinner and supper together on that day, and remembered what Mrs. Warren said : " Now, Raymond, whenever you leave me with out Wood you must eat victuals that have been .cooked on a cold stove." Many women would have stormed' anti scolded, but Mrs. Warren knew there was a better way to correct her easy husband's carelessness, or shiftless- ness, as the reader I leases. One day there was no floor in the house, and Raymond was about to go with some neighbors to a town meeting, when his wife hid his best coal, and reminded him of the empty flour barrel. An other day his corn was to he gathered, when a neighbor desired him to assist hint with his horses and vragon. It was a neighbor who often receivsd favors, brit seldom rendered them. Rut, when he went to hitch hi. horses before hittwagon, he found that one ttf the wheel. was missing. Of course the neighbor ditta l ,pointed. In the afternoon, tvt,", R iyti,•" id expre: , -eda 'tisk to draw his corn, In- •wifo hint where het Could; find his wagon wl:et. I.• Thus was Easy Warren's hnusehold managed, until he he2ati to realize practicall). What itle error of his life had been Peril)le said: Warren's farm lonk• • much beOr than it did 'rome yews ago" Mre Warren never interfered ivith Itaymond•', business except when-he neglected it, and then she never tound fault or scolded,-but took occasion to hr')w his select to him in a manner which - im• pressed him will his injustice to this own interest. RAyniond's cattle were well cared tor, and were tit ,„ order When his fences Were down if he do ! jet teidive them, los wife emp4ed a neigh bor to make the necessary repairs !Its wile took the papers and read ; she knew the state of the market, and, to oblige her Raymond had his grain in market when the prims,was highest.' Some peo , pie said : ' hostend." _all Warren is a henpecked hush n:. fin Che knew better; and often boa4ed that his wife was more - of a business man," than' he was They had lived together peaceably some years, when one - day,Raymond was in a good humor thinking over his .prosperoue condition, and he told his wale " I'm a woman's rights man of the true grit.= They may say you wear the breeches, if they please I'm sattsfied to have you do the thinking for onr firm. And now I see what a fool I have been, I must mirke up.fpr my early shibleisness ; and, on• der hi: jUthettskil wile's training, he became Ind us- MOH* instead of Easy Warren. Mts. Warren had tne correct idea of woman's oghts B,IJ Alififill'A wrongs We commend her manauement to those who have " easy husbands." E-iscreolly do we commend it to those unfortunate c. omen who have earned for themselves the op ;,probious title of scolds." YATCEI 1t 46ING.—Alnwst every body knows what a watch is, am' moat people understand its use ; hot afar all, very few are aware of its curious mechanism, nor have they any idea of the number of pieces of which it is composed. It is in fact one of the greatest curiositiekthat !Inman invention ev• er produced. " Mr.. Dent, in a i 4lectore before.the Londmi Royal Institute, made in allusion ta the formation of a Watch, in whichpe slated that a watch consisted of 992 pieces ; and stated that 23 trades, and probably 215 perserts are employed in malting one of those machines. ;The iron of which the balance-spring is formed, is valued at something less than a farthing; this liroduces an ounce of steel, which is worth did:, which is drawn into 2250 - yards of steel wire, and represents in the market $643. Still another process ot harder2ingthits originally fartaing.worth of iron, Tenders it workable into 7850 balance.springs, which will realize, at the common price, 2s. dd. each,,f.B4d the effects - of tab - or alone. This it may be seen the mere labor bestow. ed upon a farthing worth of iron pros it the nice .of 046-55., or - 04552, which is 75,880 tiinei its orightal Woe. Who could believe that the email article ha car ries in his pre - lilt to denote the; tirrieLotday,:mas the work 4215 perms? yet it is (Wade's se, • 11!=ME11=!=='!!=MM MN White,, the • temperance - lecturer. during his wish to Mobile, last :spring, told the following' aneo• dote in one addreaisert, to ;illustrate the inffn• ence of a bad example in the formation et habits ruinous in Their effect : • Adam mad Mary his wife, who lived in the of the old States, Were verY- good memberti . of the chart+, good sort of folks any way,and Mary thought a great .; deal of her minister : , rindi the minister thought a good deal of a glass of toddy. Whenever the minister called .to make Mary a visit, which was pretty often, she contrived to have him a glass of toddy made, and the minister never refused the toddy. Atter a while Adam got to fol lowing the example of the minister to such an ex tent that he became a drunk.int—drank up every thingl) he had, every thing ern Id get. Mary and he become very poor in conseq erica of his following the n inip•ter's example soelo sly. but the good mill hoer continued his visits, an poor Mary continued still in give the glass of todi y. One day he called in and told Mary that he as gping away for a week—should return on Fli lav—and handed her a book containing the catechi. , and told her when• he returned he should exp• t she manta be abit to answer some of the tines:tin s. Mary said Yes, and laid the bOok away very ca chilly. But Mary, like a good many other chore members, thought no more of her book until the ery Friday that the good 1 minister was to return. " that shall I do," says be here to.day, and 1 have he gave me. How can 1 • " I can tell you," said A. l ter and let me go over to good ram p and you Can a toddy." Mary took the advieet and a jug, and off he start.. filled and on his way ha taste the rum. One taste he stumbled over a pile ot and lost the rum. Hut A home. As soon as be got home Iy for the bottle of rum. rtim Adam?" Poor Ada out "that he had stumble broke the bottle and lost fix—Adam drunk—the ' gone—and the question comes the minister! It w tl God to see Adam artirtk,' ter place to hide hi - m, Feni the . ttme he was fairly un After sitting, a Va momerl thought she could answer " How rLd Adam fall ?'r Mary turned her head, rst one way, and then another, finally stammere4 out.; " He fell over a pile of ?vas !" It was now the minister's turn to look blank, but he ventured another question : " Where did he hide himself after hid fall?" t‘ Under Flitted. sir!' "There Adam, you may come out he knows all about it." Tile good minister retired—not even waiting for a glass of toddy. A good anecdote is narrated by Mr. Eaton in his Annals of Warren. of one Bona.: who introduced the first flock of sheep into that place. He brought them tmm Pamaquie, by water, and while sitting on ihiVrindlass one day got sleepy and began to nod: The patriarch of the flock, taking it for a challenge drew hack and knocked him sprawling upon the deck Whereupon Boggs, more pugna cious than wise, seized the old fellow by the wool and chocked him overboard. But he got more than he bargained for by tnis counter movement, for the whole flock feeling bound in all cases to M. low their leader, popped over after him ; and Boggs being several miles horn land, was obliged to heave .to, and-Vlith - much difficulty recovered them again. He concluded that he had the worst of that battle, at both ends—Me. Journal. TouAcco--./tuvlce Mout Wssyrno —Tobacco has spoiled and utterly mined thousand of boys, in. diming a dangeronS precocity, developing the pas. stops, softening and weakening tile boors ; and if greatly injures the spinal marrow, the Main, and dhe whole nervous foal. • A boy Who early and freely smokes, or otherwise largely uses tobacco, is never known to make a man of much energy of character, and generally lacks physical and muscu lar as well as Mental energy. To people older,. who lire naturally nervous, and cortical:lily In the phlegmatic, tobacco may be comparatively harm. less, but even to these it is worse than uselesa. We would particularly warn boys who want to be anybody in the world, taslion tobacco as a deadly The Haertecr MAN —LPt a man have all the world can give him, he is dill miserable if he has a groveling, unlettered, undevont mind. Let him have his gardens, his fields and his lawns for grab deur, plenty; ornament and gratification, while at the same time . God is not at all in his .thoughts. And let another have fields , orgardens ; lot him on. ly look at nature With an enlightened mind : a mind which can see and adore the Creator In hib works, can conaider ttferii as derbonstrations of hie power, his wisdom his goodness and troth—ibis man is greateras well ad happier in his poverty . than the otherin hiis riChes the one is little highirilum•file beasti the other a little lowei than the angel. ,They story in the pitime that ,a member of the Legislature of Am Stetetwent 1 - o,e party the other evening, end was so muckplemed with the /agar Aim - that he asked fora: few 'fire Ito taktihninn M. plant: 'Atilt* Me hist trait heAVer tasted,. and his children wouldledelighted in ihem - ,. The mere Wiles tim That theist of April; how at hand,: is the day to plant them. IMAittMM idaies in=2 she, 4, the minister is to of looked (rile the book ,'sayer the Tiestions?" am, " give me a quay Smith's and/ get some i swer his questions with ave Adam the quarter d After getting his jug i. e, Adam concluded to erought on another, until rocks and brlke the jng, k arts managed M stag,ger , Mary inquired anxious " Where jape bottle of managedq stammer I over a pilehif rocks and e rum " Mary was in a inister coming—the unlearned. "Bat here (11( 1 11't do for a man of so she for want of a bet. him under the bed. ity der, in came the mirister• is, he asked Mary if she ithe questions: treieL!s).•.:-vv - e k - m - T .- ts; - monasetuosZaM MEM Mr Arts auk the Sapttuna: A day or' two since,. wbilellseated in the editor'. al depariment'of 'ern establishment; posting-books, pundering,OCi, debts dulincluents; and showering `.loft.hatid4l blesaingi On, the gredit By& tem; 'our reveries were'suddenly broken- in .upon by the entrance of a subscriber Who has taken the Standard for sevati: Yea* time be had paid on account 0 iindars, dittugeuti !" thought we , hqre's a 'prorttise to pay one of these Vag's." A mistake U the( cciniTisaffon here . _ proves : Sulocriber—Mr. Printer, I believe I have token, yoUr paper about—let merree-rth,..yes about seven years ; end.about oil that , time, too, t b‘ail3 lived of Portage ; hoir ,you havr,s, lived, I do not know, but precious little of- my money have, you.fiugered. Howlivef, .make me Out a receipt now, here's" your money. . . (Subscriber deposits $ll on the table, winch the editor grasps nervously for fear the enbreriber's mind will' change, and fills out gt receipt. 'Exit ettlxrcrif3er.) . • As might naturally be supposed, the thermome ter of the editor's leeling,s went up into sunshibe 14 per cent. Another rap at the door—, c• Come in 1 1 ' [Tall countryman enters.] - Countryman—Well, Mr. Newspaperman,_ how tly'e do I Reen taken your paper a dingnation of a while, and, it is a long time since I 'paid any. thing. Wooldn't be with out it no how—as your list of market prices saves me fitty dollars a year Really too bad that) hasn't attended to it sooner.— HOor much is it! Editor (running his eye over the Ledger)—.ob, here it is—two and one's three, and two are five dollari. [Countryman . deposits hair a saw-horse, takes his receipt, bids editqr good bye, and ♦amuses.] Another rap I .` What, not another customer ! Awl live ilia ! (Enter, Irish sabacriber from . the Motiniain.) Irishman—Row are yew Bad lock to wea sel!, but its owing this paper fora long time I am, and sure a good wan it is—sorra a bother, barrio' shim from the ould counthry., For what am I en due gees (Editor refers to the book ) Editor—Two years and six—:months--five dollars. [lrishman deposits a yellow coin bearing the lift= ipression of the American "eagle," pockets the raysait" he calls for and is ofl .l Sanctum becomes pleasant, everything in it has a brilliant hue--evisa the rattling of the sleet against the window panes has a.charaiing sound. By Jove another knock ! 4 1 Walk in !" May Ibe shot if it isn't G., another fourteen dollar aebta. Oh, 'it cannot be possible that he is a going to pay Yes he is !—by the beard of the prophet, he jerketh his ! G —Well, old fellow, inn ha r e dunned me pret- ty often, but of course I couldn't begin to blame yob for it. I determined to put it out of your pow er to dun rze again for a while, when Capt. West made this payment. Let me see, foUtteen dollars I believe you said it was, eh 1 4 Editor (rubbing his hands with glee)—Exactly which - pays up to the 15:h of next April. G.—Here-is fifteen dollars—just credit me a dol lar in advance. Exit subicriber ) F r (solar)—A weight traristeived iroai your coli.eience to our pocket. (Editor proceeds to enter a credit and sings".oa thus may it ever be—" when the acing is cut short by 'the entrance of a German patron I German subsoriber—Vell, we gates, Mr. Brinter, heh ? Owe you for ter bapers, heh, how much Can't teat :web, rnineself but Mine chiltren say ter musht hay ter baper, and I gees if toy musht haf him, terthl man.musht bayl heh (German subscriber who is armed, ing of ti wag, chuckles and gives the editor a aigin the ribs.) ' ' Editor—Squire your bill is cit 4 five dollars. German subscriber—Five tolla'r ;ISt ish-vor be. hind, and five 1 bays you ahead—Vieh makes den.' ' (Germ'an subscriber pulls out an old stocking, and counts down out of it twenty bright half-dollars. Editor's eyes di'ate, he beeomes exceedingly 'ner vous and shows symplona,of Ilying oft the handle! FAO patron.) ,The Sky is clouded : but it never looked better -:.the light wai never strnnger. Thal horrors of a -l i trtg winter are forgotten, and sunshine reigns' in the heart. F%ett the accordeon in the book-store underneath; which a lew moments ago made air execrable noiite, is now making passable mdsic.ln the exuberance of his spirt, he could have Shaken hand with his bi.terest enemy: (A hevvY steii is heard .on the stairs What !at it ,pisSaiWe r The streak hes been ISO good than it must be_ a call on the other side. (Door opens enters L) , Jerusalem !If he• paya the Cnillenium is at hand , and the nett sound strip be a blast from the final trumpet. • • my hearty, • Y have just 'succeeded in collecting some old accounts and as I owe -iyen , a considerable of a. bill, I thought Icpuld to ' ter than let you,haee atrilfe on acConni., Editor, (strongly impressed - with the ttameotiin. ion)-IJndei 4 such chteinsutticei in the Aigitgeage 01 Dummj 411eti; • -- • Happy to - meet4air,ly -torfao.‘-ititili • •hajiP9 to meet agaib 0 , „X • . • (I. - detiOsitit*o X's on 'the fable; ditaii - the . eniiy Ind leaves.) , • Editbt has reached.nstaltsofOriect Whistles Dolly ' Day , 'with: 4aitatlcitie;f4hii. the ,ettnetarn.adrir againopene,.,lii44 • Whig:—Metre!ir - 1 'l!:in tototoeb pt,n!etii a email bfl tar ;itPrOt!isir.g.. 1426 .advocatihteif would jail as epbit twines* wittrtme party • .nirfanotner - besides :be!idt knowlion htie moo , ti Melina' la lair*iticikin:thill+ibijiity' and in 5110, t know irhat'n MMIZMMomq ME =ME , • ' " - I:1.A. IMMIin - Willatte -Oa MI Editor--Good Yowl ill is $9 MY, oijia; hands overi ' new adv_•ertisemefit and leaves.) .; ' - ;Anotlier knock !;.- Walk (Enter a leani long,,:lanki - cadaverinni. hsolcing, middle aged geritleinan, dressed in blaci with white neckcloth. Editnr takes-him for a:preoefter, and bows deferentially.) Stranger--I_ t• the _ravelling Agent of Docter Julius 0. Killemolrs Universal Regenerating De. pnratiTe ResinTerken Sytup,,, which I Wish to ad: _vertise in your paper. [Editor lights a cigar, cocks. his legs up on the able and teels very independenil Editor—WeNonli advertise quack medicines at . . his establishment unless it is'paid for in ' advance. Agent--Exclart me,' but this is no quack medi bine but one lay reeeornmended by the faculty. What are your t ine for half a column a gear in sidirance 1• - r , ' ..Eilitor—Twe L . dollais. ' [Agent do —. 41 appear to be a bit taken aback, as is as usual 1 -;: _ ch occasions, but draws his Port. monate ] :( I t _ , . Agent—H; -'s five, and five are ten, and ten t are— [Scene sitddenly ehang4 ; editorial room and / lank agent fade away ; Editor finds himself at home in bed ; wife shaking him.] Wife—lt is six o'clock. Ain't you a going to 1 1 market 1 i 1 Editor (nightly riled)—Everlasting pLdition seize the market. Didn't I tell you last 1 night I had no markrit money It -4,- [Editor nalsover and tries to continue th e e dream -- inn the churn is broken, the spell iirgone,l and all i .that remains in an uneazy doze, whiz!' is iterrupt ed by the Junior of the family h e ptriding im for 7 il l a horse, and clutching his hair for a bridle ' reign.]C' (Scene changes to breakfast table.) t Wife—l should like , to know what you were a dreaming about this morning. - i Editor—Why , Wile—Because when I awoke you, you Cimtinn e/d grumbling in unintelligible language. The on ly thing I could understand, was, ," it's anl infernal shame yoti didn't wait until it was a hundred-- enough - to buy paper." [Editor gives a ghastly grin, seizes his hat rush. - es out of the house, goes to the office, andt—works off the outside I Tut LITTLE CHILD is dead Moves° ly round the house ; , tread ter erently, when you ar near the room where the beautiful form lies in it. little cof fin. How still; the very shroud seemed sculptur ed ; you never knew how lovely he was ; out Crow ; you never kneer half his gentle virtues. Over your heart the memory-of his sweet smile hovers likean angel.; his:eye wits brighter than any of you will ever see again; his . voice more musics! than tbe sweetest lute. Oh! why does the schoOlbey langl* and shotirsiVert beneath the window wh f ere he lisei why will the steanger pass unheeding_l,. How esti travellers rattle by so heedlessly bow can the world, the heartless world, go on with! its showe t ins ft Ives, itspleasure.seeking, its tumdlts of peace and war s joy and hatred, when loving happy heart ed Willy steep's unknowing all l / Alas ! the little child is dead, and tam would thir strickefi soul ;clothe all the world in mburnine A GOon h3l2.—Always be more solicitous to preserve your innocence than corinemrd to prove it. It will [torn do to seek a good na aas a prim'. my object., Like trying to be gracef , the eflott to be papal:Li; will make you con'em ible. - Take care of your , spirit and Conduct, and y ur reputation will take care of itselL - The most tha you are calL ed to do as a guardian of your ; reputat on, is to rev I move injurious aspersions. Lei not ur good be -evil spoken of, and follow the higbes examples it l ? Mild and exp:icit soli vindication. o reputatioh can be perokanant which does not apt ng from prin ciple, and he who would maintain a ood character should be mainly solicitous toMaintai a good l ehar - ;toter void of offence tovratds acid' and fowarffs. IZEM! AFFECTED HUMILITT...-....ReT. Jesse Methodist notoriety mod to tell 'one i l , as productive of instruction motif les' . k. He woald somminies refer to a certain Joe W eaion, 1-prea cher, who was so hurablti t u n he it nid again and again call himself ads Wheaton, . e weakest of God's creatures. ' # , . A colored brother one followed Joe, in the ex. 'seiot the meeting Who in his t m eq*at modesty and propriety, solicited t 'e atterAionj of the c l on'gregation tolhe testimony .1 - lite Wieak,:np- ; T all God's creatures, except Joe 15' damn. 'rho eat is a lesson as well as a laugh in thi, story. , , A Garai . Mei; is aftable in flii co, iiersation, 'Fell erous in hie temier, and immo!e,a , le in what he ''. has manirety , resolved .con. An. 4,_prceperity dues not n)afie him itiaghiy anc(im e l riou.i, so nei tiier does adversit,y, sink him into.= annes and de: jeetiOn ; fo t riif he(eier - allows•thorp pirit than midi miry ; ii is' when he is 111:rise4:and the e • O‘ld is frowning opon,llim„ IR shottlie is qually re'mor ed•from-.the exOemesoi eerkility • a d pride, ;nd scans to trample on, a worm or cnnge to ,an Emp eror. • , .. RE gceani of ink, and seams of paper,a nd t cfsputes inhrike might have heir% spared, if wcar!glers had avoided torch of etrite at the wrong and Ainee a tenth part,o(the pains expended in atieript ing ptotrell3e. why, the where, and the, when certain, events have happened, wotild have Veen more than sufficient to wove that they never half • - pened at --- Wheti the , re..ulationk of 1,11 - est Fkrstrill were drawn upTtko tattoos sentries were:chosen for that purpose, One section %cp!' arisen, accept ed and now stantls: i. tlinfr said proprie tors meet tepidly the i . stTares:d.ry of June - 11°- 41410 the ratittOesfiol fall otilitipda) ') . 1 ee, of earli =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers