E nifittgtt,t.orc 111 'w ICtn~t rrrl F s . mon v. , I. t 0 , c at) a 11a g, tver!ma Nell ailticated . nam a - • • Weals in lot to This iftiv*einelit. 1004 goo - L.. AglicuAutal_si M= 1. • r ti 6 ninuas iti tr i ,0 , .men!t*rw, Ftlienee ould have mule mtwb:pqktet if t:it . lutre~iiamu ,oith every Wriciit•Cetiolikesociimectp . aniTltie ` e'x%i r era in which Ilirillaiesocoeeded : lutazto ritardedThiv jrOV I P II . , We Can eeperiment either by means of Di:l4l► . iibscitiatitvill, ciaminitig ,The pfaeStfin iodation with each other, and _hyponsid. *ring 'Their reciprocal . r,ttfliefli andiolpterying its re- . Sults,' or. by means of trials or ispOrirturnis; Irig . seme Ithowfl situations • • v . , • Astermitted with precision,•obscriing their reCipro; cal acmcfivanki preventing as mite), a+ we can, any faieirn or'untlibirn body hem lidlueociflg MeM.- eultiofour*Operiments. • trial is a cuestion athhisett to nature- ; w ten I 'fia4 . 2 question is propetly - pet, nature will.fleeeti.: jardy reply either yes, 0rti0.,•.. ' ii is only %tilde the last ceniary; that,,,The art i. of esPerimlnts,has *been clearly apprettene. c 4 4,, It isoo this art that the pfulcipal power Of 'man Over The Material world is toinured,„O r d that poWer . 011 become es'ended in pr:porifon ,as he :teirigethitari nearer' perfection, and carries 'full.praCtice. 4 There is a particular Lind of esOriirtents• which have, arriCed almost to :pasfeloiaa„.and' - ahich. can .1;i regulated with a de• gMa of preeision equal to rhat which is attained in 110 . 6ther . 'practical . scitinceshesc .are•-cortipara . • .11te Atisiii in ,The open' , It Is true that experiments:of this: kind are not elteily made; but, ,nevertheless, they are in the power of every retlecting-agriculturitit: - Wliciever has accomPiished one experiment, whatever may lithe peculiarity of the circumstances undei 'Which ,it wakninite, and has given a faitTiful,acrount,of batt:welreontribilted to theadatincemeidof - Science, and eoi.sigtrentty_to useful piactiet!, and has enti• tied himself to ilia giatituder !O. coeemporaries ,autl•of prospelity. It would tartan AO power of an single ingindual to accomplish any &atoll *ratite number of . these experiments and 'it could not b e expected from him.—Toe er. Pusan nT Austst.s.—l have thonght• that, as a general thing, oar farmers do not consider sufficient. ly the value of this valuable agent el fertility. In how IsYCiits'envoi indeed, tin we find any efforts made to economize it, or reader its, great wealth tirailablelor the soatenance turd /*Port of iegeta tie life. Aceonling to an English agriceltund ;au Om or great iatellgence, the quantit, of liquid Ma nure prodeeed by a single cow iw one year is eqrial to fertilizing one and one fourth acres (S EP, producrng effects as permanent as do the solid ex ; leretusents-soided b 3 the same animal in w tervil °flint& A cord of good loairOltoroughly sat 4a with thii - energetic and fectindating hums as equal fur all practical. purposes, to . a cord of the best, Well:rotted manure. If them quid and solid evacuations; iccleditiOlte straw or other materials used as litter, are- kept aspirate, andel:taking 1704 former by tibsorbent loam, pre ticably well dried; it has been.found that they will manure land, in proportion by bulk,Of seven liquid' Go iiixtpolid; white their actual Value, is as two to one.' One hundred pounds ot covr'S :urine, aye btfr inthotity, produce thirty.five - , Pounds of the most powerful salts, which have ever been applied in agriculture. No one therefori,• can - doubt for into moment that by neglecting to ecownniso this powerful and valuable agent, at once the most tle.. cidedly ealutaiyiwits- permanent effects II the 'uld araenitions of our stock 'equals One•Itall the value of the.solid excrement, and if there be aty shapitedeircese be relied on the recent experiments Orchernical men, this is a very moderate, apptisar, ia italpt, r richly,wctith saving.4Gmnantown Tee Sesau.. FAttitii.=There are 'bewail& or s ierma 7 in this New f.ugllaill States, varying in size from ; • twrintyfireto Dile hundred acres upon tsbicb thnu panrinoftarnithas not antyPre, but are weli.tii.do in'tbs• and bate target firn i ties aunkutlyttlprovparity. It is travOtiediilitren, ror wa4ari4ogriT 4ve tO gp,yt „eclat/4414 11n41 it this atmesaity that hus filled the abuts eonnt - ci with Yankee ooroiraueis cif: all kiwis, iIPRI I!. lass c14P41/Planicia. steam C 1 01e• !-Oue grtadeive'railigstiodimiiiisiive lams, Is,. thniinuentluetellies which .charactertzea the . urbrole'Na '''srankee clock liver run wi L th more regnlmiti. than the übcds - lif The operations ealModetruitlf sena of - the small fisruieti. - Look at their cattle, foils's; hog", sheep, geese, ducks, and ehicketos• Tnerif is appeamuce of onriaif• tisk** ibrift ab o ut prerphing animate, Sr, ioartimate upcMlOnikof tlfese;pleme. Uis true, Many of the occupant's work with the same °idle:dila* mole their littera and follow all tbe same time-grin. ova Practicer' ;but the next gettratioliviillbidore alive to the sph it ef inipronutett. , reinICTINi. CURC AWL any potion afinald. ba siva: by a bee of other insect ; ttdreolne spitts ot unpentifter so tit! phtte,.ant! the pain wilt net*, eaiwer in One tainate: ft is 5 151 , l iltSt strootiliOnFanibite ol a coppeibensianake mayini ilitrained in a liKiriiiiAtinned pp* ast#of ti4s ar,ucl!,o"4,*l.lmYl,.iw/ORnlrla 4310 Aleit4sl4 o thet caiehitivi. lo l 0 31 leolk .3 ou bt 04. , The effect of ail poison is tio minuet Okblai'd iessOsi*9 :prove"! Wfiree *tee pafeie4 ongequeuee . i4 c Pall:•"a:. ' 4 ) 111 9 6 64, itanta . liateito of tu4entlue r ot weir, peas/ mainland espanding tptalities eutst'ittottonto the difilraltsw.FasetexCattirrip 7 .ll7. • , V. 4 11.13 rat seiiaratoly 'Whites on& yolks 'Atwell', no; 1134 1 Oa 4 1 k of dertol elite naval whisk 01l into babbles . ; add Itx of Sane toll tha grated tierdsel two lemma Yi1". 11284 " 43 lial"skgrate , clut°ili4/46" Ofill;t1,01k la a 'pick oven.' teciPivitUXUALeOPio kitiOtitti V1191•041:10 stimt tiii - Ltw — lietio: viidOiroot for cl as , "keg Vtay; , S , - Thy , yrodii#2 000 heridia it9r,„r4l anstrateTOorbiri#4l#theivi. ugr of s so ). oo 'Peviwimell!Mg 00 iiefr4" 0 , 1 ?* 4 ki veil not 5000' :16* theto mt9OPOCrc:, :, t. ' ._ .r)_ .... MEI 11111 ~~ ~Yl~af~. , _ . , - .': -. 1-".4ii.titliiitiOutigni . ooii':* Agricartifilif §leves Storef - AT-- '14.714E144‘ PA witizaims; _- 4:o3's saistss,!" • Bait Rota - lone. rote, resher, With the Latist snit Impoqatzt -Inffiroreitentr, - Ar' • • • rrhinirPriteof iisecureiL • • THE subscriber taloa this rorthoti ,inforrn the . ranners'of -Bradford and that:adjoining mind* that be is agent for, and ha, fOr salF. the itioie eel ki ted and unequalled IfOrse Powsr and Threshing-Ow ehines,,which be is prepared to runtish on IlinAarne terms as.by the mannfacturer.Arith Ibis-addition of the. Actual 'cost of transportation, contracted for at dui *stand best rates. - The subscriber has sot& a. number of the above ma. ; chine* in this. and the adj sitting counties of Chemune and Tipp. IC liwand all viittout exception harwgiven the very beeifsatisfaction, and where they are-known. all farownegivo them the praferenee.-eit, 'tenant of economy in.-threshing, beingoperated. with - much le expense, mol .iracking and untatioginach less grain than..any other machine inane - The; orodicove Poorer Thresher and Sepanttor is .capable. With three or fain turn, of threshing frond 1,50 t 0.200 Wishers of wheat Pr sye. or double that quantity . duals; per daj. rates& The prizes for Emery dr. Co.'s Ono • j from Power, 05 00 do , Thresher Ind Separator. 35 00 do 'Bends, wiench,oilsr and • extra pieces.. ' 5 00•;4125 00 Two4torse Power, • sflo .O 0 , do. Tresber'and Separator. 35 00 • . do oiler, wrench; Ow., 5 00-4150 00 Also*heeler's ons•hiwierpower,Threaber„-, . . and:Separator, Complete, (improved this • season) . • - • $1.20 00 Wheeler's two-horse Power, Thresher and Separator. complete., Price Or Emery's Treiber and Cleaner, • . with bande. wrenches, &c., • 75 00 do Saw- KW. complete for Mr 33 00 Price of Grant's Fan Mills, ado led for • band or power, front 22 00 to 25 00 !rho subscriber will also the tinning season be *- rased to furnish to order fi, • Co..s NEW TRUES .Mt AND CLEANER Emery; le Co.' tor nearly twolesra past hare been experimenting t&?errect a elesneroo be twisted :with their Power for public and field three/116g mid'with much time and expense hive pueeeeded -to their' entire satisfactima o and ate now prepared to furitist e• *Ulf cleaner, combined with all the• advantageif of _their overshot eyfirtib r. and at the same time requiring leis fore, to operate its rotary motion than •is required by the 'vibes** separator. it his been thoroughly tested during the -fait harvest. and some of them have been used the past aeisciri ' ( or threshing_ in the best grain growleg sections of the itite of New York the bast sueeeti=threshing months together an'equal am ount and at. less expense; than the common threshers with die vibrating separators. • • The Cleaner his an the" tileantagelf of i good'fatt; ning mill, cleaning the grain fit for market, waiting none. The additional Cost being but iittialaUre than a fanning mill; otabont fiirty - dellerrt-feehhilt the whole Thresher - arid Clarice inst. s73' to. the ,kmariner, rod with puny fir.CON tsiohirrse.slBs - '00; 'ollte Cieatiereaft bel'ibusebel;' Mid the Ttereafter ite• 44 alone when desired. ' Dined Thresberind Clean er sre.destined to take the .platm of the old. expeliiivi sere cumbrous thresher and cleaner now in nee. Variners and otiters'etsliing to 'pieictsier:ltni of' the abovo4nentioned Horse Amens lid Threshes, will savelmoble, risk sod expense, by pin:basing them of the subscriber. t o -On account or 'the large demand fur the allot. Machines, and the diflieulty of immediately filling or. tiers for them, ,persons wishing to putehiss Machines should give me tinkly notice ai to- what' hind sod at wbaf tune they• Wish 116 Paean , the= 1 Farmers wishing to do their threshing immediately after hones, should procure their machines as early as the first of Juiy. Alio fur sale • • it; . CE . ....DSZIUIVIMENT Or IMPROVED ' ME" At mernufadurees retail price., etteA" ai „ CORN_StiELLERS, HAY St.SIitiIIV,ICUIIPAS, CUt I TIVATOUS, cOI.I.I4PLA,NTg”, SiVBILE,SIVARD,SEIB.SOILt allot PLOWS, DOES • POWERS. .FOR' CHURNS, SENDAIIit CHURN, GRANT'S GRAIN CRADLES;' Revel* g -Horse -Rakes. ,:livp-Shtstr and . Namto • ; • forks; §%. . • Cait 'lrratui 'Wood chitin and tell :fittnpl;.' LEAD PfPßof sit 4014 in bar oirsata ll 4o l 4 l : tier, cheap . for '• - • : • - H. 111.1VELLES the routiet 'sealer,. be pm. paced o turnhh I.T.Grant & Co.' cetebrated patent - 1) • Pr/salmis rata : ertitfle,- whisksib and' retk • The entitle sillier furnished with Man'. etlarated Bc7the, the bettirisdiiis Uniint 'tura warranted. Wen respeethillrsofirtinl froth town anarxerattY nrchaitisr. A tio for sale, 'literati and weft eetetted ireartneator, WOK, PARLOR' -OTHER T ' MOP Va 22017 6 . 2 . 747111114 pAttc;sysrtv,,,,ripets, MS.oo l Ptg!e,s, sad Hail , will comPui fat % 14; with those of en; ?la.!, Otorcia Amy of the Cup nelekt ' 7.7:: trii;loooll434 and' Skeet ~Tron.,:treit, 4 i r cash. Ana full Catalogue of 'Agriet men* slut- tkoses, , funsished either here; or olt spidestift bywril r., RAYMOND M. 11/ .ELLE& .- Aditsts, Ps, No ember 1841:4 .. - lyStO: ; mt. t tab 11lir "-.101.11r-ei i iiv' w ittiii4a4U vstO *Am OR !ant - .34swatblig -4 bobsperup,:lat isio 410041merk. aitisilfaari aisle on be6l,broiflripwriusitepldellcidi int stabenj,gosntitet No.. „ . ; LIFEANDFIttiiNSURANCEISdoM*. -Th•vatiitstiiat.ittsisuiritiiiievriss -a Ti Oa Ike ier i, - by glid dige r dot:ortyras. Ohaitit xlifiled StU.OOO. l F. rd.; ii4vr; Moodiest gaamitai, A(tava; Es =dAir* mike giteu; atidapplieatiaa* jeer rarot by ":. : ` z:: 1 • = • r'l;:klPlEl.l);Atitini,ll. 6 0 1 *.qin, Agi!!lst lute bfries •th Wet • •• • , • • The . larpsj 4onspany'jytllii§VOila: Cepitafivir Chrat,loo,oloo atepbafs: Tits-State lkitaiit; at tiastitabattiii '1 be groat Penaayleenie 1. twin* Pinnate' :and.licinhauCkkampsay. witWi larva and ilm(44sidokt, ceeb Awl), Br i t both's stock and mutualAkmpiinte • - J. Agent, Atbein, Pi.• • '• Peassicra.msd' Bonin" Land , ' weireiter.', `Tire subraftier him; yreerred tat the Pension tont, nocersaty inotruitioits' awl tonnes stwin the Pu• Per de potlment Wasbiattooorlll otteutl.lo' the Ipplication of 15oldirrily Widen, ood;.nilsioiettikhio of g EOdiers; aim by ibo late foie are entitled - 0 llothitj , LW* fur Amite* rendered during war of 1512, or soy-of the Indian 4irs 'We 1780. :And Penibis der tbe set, of 'Oontifoo.' The Kati "pension kiwi and &Arlon* 0,14 to aioy pexsioOo not titre lame 'entidea to •thdro. " Prompt 'attention „ Overt post. itabl eommonirstiont, by • Atlt•nr, Dee. 28, 1550.' .% .1. E. cANntiM:' - THE UNITED STATES',. .:: ; tiff:SMCE, 'ANNOY AND :TRUST COMPANY. 6hani.4 '• -Office No. 29.1 literchants* Exchange. , ORGAIZZI) upon. the ‘a rabid plineiple," Meek and Mutual, which cotrAincd features otter to, in sured minabers double the nodal treeurity. The Cash vte.) of paymenb hat sten been adopted, thus almi,l. ing the heavy dnitebacts treated by unpaid Premstnix notes. The' UM* rate* of premiurnnipon which - la-N.' lithe are being issued, is the Nati stale experienee this protesi 'sheik, be adopted, es affording requisite reier ay to be injured, snd en undoubted guarantee fur the perpetuity of such intentions. •• An experimental te bV) may:kelouinT,lrcthlers,st tba;aety Itistao a poli cy shreld - Obiaits' ts greatest value. . Life -Insurance , . ve r croperly, is arresting - the attention of the world. We public howeier, In commendable iviilingness to embricieed employ its wise and saltitary mansion), should make ultimate l security • the primary and roost important object, which can only be attained by io ad justing the premiums as to antieipite unexpected lust re and lincumtions of evrty lint' It u •the purpose of this annpany annually to credit, upon the Wine of bolsters and book* of th e Company,such an ommant o profits as shall not affect the stability; or impair the sacredness of its contracts. Premiums um, at-theop tion Grilse insured, be paid annually; sent 'annuity, or quarterly; in advance: All necessary information, together with Hanks, pamphlets, ite.; may be obtained gratis, at the office of J. E. Cantszve, Athens, Pa. 14500 Stepiten It. Crairtord; Paul 11 Doddard. - Ambrose W. Thompson, • Lawrence 34:Omar, ' Benjamin W. Tingley. -^ Gunge M'llenly. • -Jseeb L. nuance. • James Deserves, Williams if; GendstlN - -; • - Jobn:L...Linton: • t STEPHEN W. ERA WPOHD; President. Autumn W. Termite" Vice President. - • Dula. C. Irtisit; Secretary andl'realirer A savant anuel Eyre. Cprinuts- arm Arrossaa—.Thoutie p a r c h. ;P:ALNEkliw•StadiarLEsarnirrer for Athens. December 27,1850. , •.*) fi.r hiL .- ' , , - -• L. ti, unrietwr; -:; ,'• 53.16111.5L1M15T, :P AATIP 23 tei, Avow., I), tike: thia `it ithrid;to irifoiM r Wr trona lid 'ibis Cotiiiminity it% gene*, - that, she may Is tonna at'his olDer in Troy Imo' the weak fiillowilictbe 10,ationti mut Frailkth •titnalaituin each month t and at the Ward Hattie, in Towanda, the first yak' orvitab Coati. '. Also, at Wirfiiirdilattitai in Jiloarmetoty. the week followiag Abe lint Soodaya la Jannarydtpril,, July. and Oeloi•cr.. - Also at 'Canton emlers, the week following ,tha.33 Sundays in iraeh of the above months. Alsa. at Burlington Comers, the week faUowila the third ,Ruitilaya in Feb.,. May. A ug . an d N o v. Also at Smithfield Ceram •tlin wieek following the third Barrage in . Ike.. March, Jerre, and ,Sept._ , And also, at Athena, at Misted% Hotel. theweeks following the first Sun day.ilayi in iddrch,, , Jana. Aug„ and Noy. At the alaive time and places hero ; poses to °Petals rofessionally. in all the dew:manta of,Dentat Stymy and Mechanism'. ' Troy. Nov. t8;1850. , , . INISSOUTTION.--Notice is hereby given, that the Jur: partneoship heretofore existing between the ,sub. scribers in the harness and Trunk making bushiest is Ibis day dissolied by Mind consent. 'E. Smith & Son will Settle the business of the later firm. Those indebted must make immediate payment. and those who have agreed to pay grain, are notified that unless de. livered at the time agreed, Cash will be expected. IKasegithesl3, JERE'VULP. ": .1, • • • • .% SAM RAMA, :IRK I'agADTORY pppECITIXJ:Ey: Anfoinl the the y 41- VwileVniitintie :huaideite eattetrAtietariti, am% 4 1 .0 cit Public iminire,. alit) Will keep hirid.tin4 masinfacitire to order. every variety of #ADDLES, HARNESS, TRItIIikCB;VALICES, Ace.,of the beat material awl or Warkmanahlp, not to be surpassed. Bp etnet Mention to -bulkiness, and promptnees :it; rnUtilling enitegemente, they hope to' einitioue the fib; awl patronage they" have heretaore enjoyed. . VanntAosirenarattea will be dolman shoat netioe, in the neateatninner. - All kinds of Grain. Produce. Hides, p belt . Pei* *4 • • .! n Szch!Pge Zt , • ../ MMERKIOS MRCS PUTNAM/AI jt,;(04 1. ..,:. and, Je..*4l4,LStere A w MINER takes this AMMO of informing 1l r ktintobteusttmtent and the pnblie.gtmerallyi , that hi hasparchased of 3. T - his stock of Watches, Clocks and Jawelry.'•liii hal couitheneed the above boohoos i t 4 ill of it..wariois Ostithestl the old stand drier lane/r o an Mefriirtroci, two doom sontleif With /fie reputation , as a. yratclt,repairer lase wen eseddislmod in this stommunity . , that it be litindirAutOrti. t 0 ay's ' , taco 4 0 is .es- Pengnee anAlifcsd Ith.sollaigs Ely cflirincit atherough, InOwlidgeof dm business, be has confidence in saying to thepublie„ bring colour watches and clocks, till A Pm& 1014 or Iteptdring doe...warranted as I recommend, or the some refunded.- A good aimmtment ell:flocks, Watilierritni 'keit moinsarderintisod.; ; • '• ; - lady mono shall he—ittick Cult doern, ad no credit Credit need•not be asked fini-irss I lat barna not tri *take iti owards; telly-11; A*. M. WARNER:'; PAIM , . . • - : .K, , ANO- 7 " . 81.1,4113£0rNi 0168 1 CA than :Dia l ek:_t' Midi- liar the Stiaio.iiver 'Etwelfir' tiovv'efro* l befotoefi' EtwOlro oto,L l A.lonoet law , oirtepo tow)!ent tie pray .41„wrays - briktiat; engoireA., 1 ';ViViiid l o‘o7ll. o .. aStt; I, fer t t " 1 .,c , r MINTODJI, DENI-IsT, a Is i 44. Apant-144*. Aiidat , mull' oectillied ' .. b bd!. Lik MdaturnYtt 44. : :Nil , ''' r' ,I`,* MI operations, antorrotlng to 1650, or. over: - ono 6ll pitivimia aj.o;* Mmaintler , in ' three morrOw:" , # the opted 'proves ereptistiiiitey,the atooeyiiehtigi 4 be .' A, woo *nand however mot &two the prong 'o tfithelflett uhpeitl; with's proviso: ~,. -,,,, ' 131 " 11 "ToNATORTER-7 ' IJIMONS t 4 irleet 4401 641 r.1 4141 1( 4 111 8 " S op*, 1 0$7 eMtjto ... s attoda goe_all4 ma k& rig4niEß4 l o till* IMAM 161 ' ' 44 anikaar. tkicalt for,saltle,,,Too.:X:*,cchi V 11110/Piirortikida W ihaspivet&itiii - , f l al , ratinfri 9 l47 - ' • •,' DIA/CTOIIII. E. EIMITH, • i y.~~• ~~"'''~`r #' . s:;.r. : . . ' k it . ,.... : , A1110,01 2 41).,,. DmilrTT • jiiiiker'itUdltlea)o=V44o; * e -"-Phi firlkstritig cam It one of the 'greatest Di pits , of medicine over dame ever poldisloid it kka city_ *need it! : ' ...", '. - f . ..,i,,...q):t..-,;-r,i PrOnilited by noottimPunt 1644 1 n5:0f (Inaba 41' foe the .kenekl At, my, afilick:felie**DP l ;API sire to ono timpsi . sorKeilocilithiPritir 411.1 " 14 - and the.cfiesPie(ial Init . ) 'Obtained friti - fltlit4NCKS PlitiltiONlC SYRUP. AlintAteeyilMaaffo':, i- we. AIWA - wit a violent cold; WitiehirenledePSwllgi. "anOlde sad every feir days woblkl `Mini Wirt : kleN6nti: my ednahwttilli4wwitlitii:. Ittnt: 'Ai I had violent, (Biter porplag 2 thille," Nadi prafoa .eirfate At Altai with Oil 40 40* 4,Akatittitti ;and 'treat or appetiti:/toy,iyitifii vu :ma*, IMP': Crated. Will it . .wthtted *co WY hetrati,!..or the ihnti,—; x*o,o' 149 #lll moment physiciina of thirk city at-, Maid me, .and aßer .finhiestMgoall,their• slOilli.,pofr, ' nounced my ceselneurible:. itirteed,::Mil.sadd :m y? • fling's were almost govitt.Mid,4 ion*. not priasibt.y.re. l cover.: At this stage Or 'my irmie . o *sit pinuodleili Open tot if . Di; Same k's rsilmolite AO* koabgfors' I hid lake!) half a dirt A WO* WU/ 0 ) far, **AV as to be la in iabeilt the hetain f ... _''lt seemed to sttengthal raspy. whole s ystem -- it kkiee - 140d'ilie, =Ugh dad atop 4 'Ped the'idevding-!-MT. bnieeill,lvettai,• l olltOrtVird'. Avery,thint I . ate; sainedlti 4 1100. as endirill4l, my whole system. Indeekancli." w a s` r ifteseittiny !width and so widdrot.the.atingkithat 11 hewtoW` Oa sanguine els speedy Bare, mod s -ed • ttieiise ,ir the:ineXcifte r ber*; the disuse ; was tboroughlyividleatidliihichteibitediniinethif shack of bleedinglit lbeatings, lilt tril;tietiompitiled Ily . " dis-, fivislng tough. I "'gem commenced taking th e Pol. movie Syrup, and twit foe Dr. Schenck whia,Jran a ; examination.carefulexamination. advisedwm to continue rig it., Before I had Mien four bottles; an *Weis - formed in' iiiiiide. which gathered and broke, disclougini *a near as l can judge, a pint of very,disagreeable yellow mat ter. This seetnid to cleanse and purify kny'aikole-sys-, test; Fran this Alan I Swop get bole", ,and AM happy to say entirely recovernl;. I am' site at this' tame I enjoy bitter health then T have for the last ten. yetivO. Since commenceditaking the Polypi& 4Syr -144 have ne Ser /ailed to *encamped )t Wherever I went; test other; in well as myself. might ; 'be saved avid from *hit MORA &inapt !Joe I feet it'll duty I owe to the afflicted to ptaudi'itio the Weald:: Permit me to mention's fey eases which have come tinder my ittitialiate observation. Being on a visit ta Camden, N. J.; last summer, saw a child, evidently la the last siege of bowel' consumption. The mother' Informed me that the philriciiins had given the ehild:up as in carabfo. I told bee' whet benefit. I had 're **red frorra the tint of Schencitie. Putmonic 13yrup,and, Induced her to procure a bottle. I beard nothing aim° from the little sufferer until abotit.thrce month . after; being hi the market, my sitention was , drawn to W lady who Vbseried me very attentively.;. She finally approached me, and asked if f etas not the lady whir recommend. ed Schenck's full:mule thrup teller dylng child last summer in flatrileir: I replied that I wink. Site said that her child had entirely - recovered, and 'was oneoln- Monlihealthy. Her name is MIL Wition,„and now resides in Dridesburg. Another lady I would 'mention in pairticidaroddl had, a scrofulous affection.. Her face and neck presented one continued sore, and one of her ryes Was .eriously affected with ,it. dhe had become greatly emaciated, and to all'appearwes past ricovery. I induced her to try Schenck" Palmenrc Syrup, which she did, and is now perfectly. mired. Martha lady, Hai. 'McMullen; arktbse residence I will give on appli. cation, was evidently in the last stage of Coniutoption, I perailed upon her to try the Palmer& Syrup. In a very , short time she was entirely Ilt , eoverat, and now en: joss escellent health, hating became exceedinglY fieshy Ilharre me threijsmeu!seithiailmyknowtaleg,i z erhielt I know were wed b 7 Schenck a rolmonWtifrop, " All Who doubt thiiitstement, end Sill tabeihe 'trouble to Wien me at fitY residence 'Polish Iwo isle doom does lenth north side,4 think, t rill be ibleli lads riettleity convince them by own `case, aid: others that Iktiew have been, cured by this Syrup, cilr,ies my cure. theta havibin AO maw ' i 4 are me III t DCW what ("look, that I kirk' bad i verygood '' rigidly of Ii oi F po iiniiiing • roil - rainy that' have taken 444 have. been greatly be:nattier] illemby.iiuld I ' g Orients afflicted with Crirtinption off User Coen int, would lend 'tor Dr. Wrack, and let him li *Sambre 4 their lunge , and if he say, he can ern e : ;fiftieths dircetkins, and prevent taking e a / 4 mi Wilt :rapidly , weever. GULIELIVIA L. ELBERT • PhiladelphiOdiii 29, 18419, • :1 •_ 1 • J. H. ElensieiZl ; Dear hart l lintotett Zii6eri for several years, u a member fif my itbuftb, inelievo all taps Menem in her augment,.amt eta INN joked to find her again restated pi health:: Ai thing more, in additiou to.her rtatimient• is mid/sup - Yours. truly,,; THOS. - L. JAHRWAY.,. , Pastdr the North nesbyteritin Pnch, • Philadelphia. June 20, 184 g. 6th st:altiemareen. -Prepared and sold by 1. If. scHeNck, at his Lab' Military S. E. eorues Coati:L.& Marshall sta.; and by the Mowing Agents in Bradford County. Gea, A. Perkin!, Athens; D. Balky, LerayesiDet T. Humphrey, Orwell f:Msynskl , dr, Woodburn, Rome; J. J. Winfina, Mottreeton; D.V; Parkhurst, La Roy; Witatlibooe, Genton; King, & YpiktrgTrojr. *rid byllllX de - MOON,Tdituida. ' „. $1 Per bolt* or ss'xier half &zeal, ,• • • Oral& Gmecnberg /tidal& Pitts;" • itiodieed into the Ut 8. teat 1846 _ Theirex 1.4 ,4%. try : virtue., and: ler all °the 4 It. in :this Axton '' ,' btu, tiabed the m as fAe afttattl fedidne bf fie tral• eale.tngethet with the • Graelimbeig Etk, by , I in' 1.1 " 111 P4S APS by; :stints appointed in each town in„thaeionfy. ~_, ._, ~. ~ .: , • ' Abel; for este, the Grrafenbetg Menial of Flialth, a . complete 11111 100 X for Familia*, containing informs. tion relative to the treatment of almost every lona of ef - diattese; "UOO pager—price, 60 Cents. _ N;'. 11. A Tinnily Newspaper will' lie even; free of dargi; for one year, tit All oWh Plualiss 431 fuledaborl • Dfitikeinat. ‘''' ' satirtieti All citnimonicath be 'es must to l O. In. iptraak- Elmira, Chemong trendy, N. Y.,Genentl Ag't. : 7 ;k. Very Strausige hat trate., lk-.gentlemen 'of Utica, N. Xi, ha oblianid from • the Witeh-huel a simile remedy Welt -lays a trmrciatt claim Whop name of ," family can alrthan soy fa st we dare ever bergIMICIVIK. t . Nothing ie coatutoted with it-bat s little Wieobol to preserve it, stid jpl,it eras with ghat certainty in eetnovint pain mid all tocatisitosiiikni, faring - Mt *or* bartintmhz ' rora and lameness, rapidly... fillfw , loreereirrirphiliii4. etiolertatorl as. hemorrhage, ear ache; hMth.soiter tale nelr#l 4l an corm affectioiwAs -.: 1 .4 1 0 1 1 Ao.Water end ss hrmialli, and it is called— :-liiitair,i,Parn Destroyer and Healing Zegad." inienidosemieptAi3ltind'rt.atreet".hrtamen this Wittlair..lllo...Poeilioniintrodieo ttiir Inkirelise *log& tad liotrooviolota is 44bYtlois 4 Mid tteoe)3Albri~sßbtctoli~bi~b'wairdl~ 'pd' we now warrantecany bottle to gi7o,'• ' i A man by the namirof gleam tinfif artiele.milledAtThrte abide 'lelsitaii.lti he from the Wileb-bs If{ taiiit4shrib; Winne • a raga deception. Jimd it is a. troy imperfeptm4. liit elerhelowheeenttAillitier"' : - For sale atkllealifilkelMo:frallaho, 8.- 8. kin insn,Simintejou v .tarh, Ltyab l4ll l l 7lAblniler Itilkyl;Aohltal : • flans 41k 1 1850 , 03 '.:llo,Mitirottb 0APP 1 46 ,4 TTyttetri roused tbri iireiCrw" f divarems9, A-a.• ail work mirrored tis iuj erwelriEr ke#Eo. teA Meunier etittricepwek: - Notice" kit at , ther d!Ward Rorwil wilt ensure ittecirioth • Ll • • 214 24; 1 eso: . 1 i Jos: cAifor Bl Iti?!lOL Fibril Word. r. umn,_ .1 FARMERS can Gad CID°B .104101‘1111,3r , / 1 oto ; 42 :i7"ili 10.1.404 Wil4-131,41 crfi . 2 " 1 " 1- 14- Vois —t ori Wag/Igo Vilify!, re tap olio!! 'IMRE . :UV Bilotti* Win tau zuw• T .. :!0 2 r-J7 :e ftr ' '' . f",, , :« ,SA. f;,11:- - i .1 - a a ~ ...;4-4,- ...,: ;,.. - citv' - • 00 .0 I,k 47:41, 1.4.4 t ' 4 - IWO 0! IS '''' 3 '''''''' % ' t.' ' ' ' ,_ %• , *' ' ~. 1.. :.1:' ''''' ,:' ',.. ..?, ..: 'F'R •sloatitze-4-dvit -- •Nimi9 t , , atipiAneto 41 gni4llolello4l4;PlalPiakii.' -- : Il 131 git46l4:ol4ol.lllneadnil, News) jobi yaw 4 .1 1 08 4 11 0 iY• (01 11111 ePSateiP 0 441 1 11 1 5 04114,1014.1 tioneilicre *WO4 fiord Ptglosiihy nodtbensintry, g/als Vane* 10 slI s s 110 !: *4,0 1 0 4 -. it *" *hakes , Pis 'Pik; i L i t - ._ '; • ' o '''''' 4 A 1 , 4), , - t arse, c wag!. t v, . ,- -•— l'iieseji, pei quotes.. '', 1" . 4 , , ', 'St O! lionh 4l . ," —,' , : 1 , - altiiic l 4. on trim) , quilbOli pl -,; ~,!,Wfick = Srisigpidev nisAiel,,ps! )- , , . Ail young hidireeelviogiartruencia . oa -us phut.. i rlini e ged go 641 * hirlN 9C,lo l P! , a,shogork i illthig 'Pail ,*#t Wrig o, higkilidelicirk: 9 11 01 tIllai lit.l°l I t U IS EulAelscWieetteeL --:. 01 111 nossfiesnuni es, l l 41411beetfirenth04.410. u tier quoilaili c .. - .-- ..•'. N • .71 .., -.- • .." : 1 - --, $1- 00 ,_' -, 7 ,'.- Priaikag and Oath% hi w ater edam hiehidiag. . 4 die asa °f alai s,ol,,imilki*kliearr. -•- . _.,,,' !I potato r poii#4, &e. ,:i - ~ ,*•OW, • mtvet on P llOlOl B OO Mks -* -, "- - - . • 10 OD -gainting usnonnint iiinatilsOnsilonlwons) 6 1 0 ‘ 00 10/ 01- '0 1 i 11 .. ..1 . d s . , 44 0 ionnufs paint* on i sag and wee, * - Wein ,- . , 8 OW `Ci l .4 ll B 00 • 111 4 as;l , - ilk - - - -8 -08 Pe Wis - nswere,Pei 4 1 , : '. ; .' - tui.iiid Winhing; . ' *saki twallotiti 4so'lier lierlt. ,L ..,.. -,........ tenere posup*K,niii 'lnner!' $3 , the'. NEWS' wilrrp .&108IFFIN.B101 1 0 . _ 4*,860";* Y:•; *DI:. I. - cepa, piomptitientb - 1 1 - .4 . ,• • ~•,, .i. 'BOOT - 14; ,BliOt.iltilta ACTORY . Ell joiiN W. I#o64:,iltii:nica6r3 ittairitsbiidr meat to - tha *ltuanaingsberes and Ban ks?. att . ores,', and. wberW ha. still solicits - Csobarti nt public patronage. ,Ha in btrobt. , by a earefaL redaction of stuck, and by ittAnttowto tint •interests dbl. mow merkto make's. peat v.:l.l4BmM° wart mean ba.ssi nufactured in tbia put 7,,tbaoolletrY• He will keep emeweietY on bands Ind =antedate. ‘ciotlfet• Morocco, Call and -Coarsalfoottaad Nicol Lcidise Gaiters., ages, .41rti ON: Mares da. I Genes Gaiters and I'urnps4 , e, -. _ , (a Country Produce: wfwwwt dew/ iPlagan,tekelim in mutant for work. at,tboutortat prig. - Towanda. April 28 , 1850. COMMOIA_V-WORKS, (NEW ESTABLISHMENT.: 1.1 H M' E subacribers hsve commeliced the TO: DRY bbsiness at the ord Stand. Rowdy , - occepl. led m a Chair and Bedsteiri Facia, in thelleiroughyf rowenda, where vie :will hold ourselves in renulineM to !attend to the want* of MI; mil an persons who may !favor us with s can. We tope by strict .mention to ;business to merit a *bare of Pat& Winn* , • We are Siting ip'aMACAW'S `-`BIIGP etherwilid with the FenesolN ?Ark tiro`. beilklile *We to dearly mail{ Midi ifjimaliess.amijitting up, 4r. -We Win endigrear heelitgoodemiectuieniat eieel on Wyk so; that ;iwitceners sons : beiemeamodeted so the shamed notice, HAYING Wine piano to *MEM the genies of ei; petiMeced worimits from dm Sadie of ft. Y., we &wee etnieives ire shin offpont:he a 'verb; :Mainho tarattet fiaa ae ititej is ears 'be done in 'any Mint :establishment. We shall &bolo 'repined be the - loanufacture •of ateMitry the rpnintity,and Wiltheep cardinal:yin hind .11 610; select patients; for **it. . . 6 11 it subtaibereit to Pemonsisba may twin rival O any thing Kent kilitvoup s can tbd wig 131. !.4 1 i Tel they will.not go itwaidissitistied. pt6ttin Rodiror rangier! slt4es, Mill cranks, Old - geonsiki ,c2sl tonstanfig on hand. Also plows of &rpm!, spired patterns We& Plow Paints by the piece ;or InsulitYlo suit' Pierchami,: as tow as me be ptioMea at mil other establishment. Colrivators of the meat appioved pattansoelio a superior artkle 'Of Cori Pki, fir sate by, •EXOS TOMPWIM3i • . "N. C. TOMPKINS, • GEO. W. POTTER, Towanda Aim Rath, Ill* a;; Cr Old medial eaten in exchange firuwcielt. Rewind 'to' B. Kingsbery's Block! st':a.l L thflattberift, • - .... ~" • -1 T A 8 jail etturned fiointbeeity .410: I. -1. of New York 'with a large Ai i sniPly offratchmi, .levielry end C 0 ~.e ARter wore, comprising in part, - • 'lthe" &Roils% .'artirles:—Lever, , , ‘: '.-., ..: L'Epirmind Plain Watches, with ' jit.„, ', - , -- - a -complete assoitreent of Gold .Jewelry, such SI Ear Rings. Fin 'ar' Rio ;a, Breast Pins, Riscelets.Lockeer, Gold chains, Gold Pens. Keys, etc.Atm.' alt sorts: Of Mier*** and sky qacerritirftaial Beideall of which he, Caen , fdr sole exceeedingte cheep-for CASH. - • , ; Metres repaired; on short maim, and toositrated to ran well, or be money will be refunded, and a writ. ten agreement siren to effect if required. f:b1: , B.—MAPLE SUGAR, sod. Conniri Produce taken In pascuent:forwork; and aims. : learn am, and Ppm:, hint Ike Produce mustAcpautrakeithercor* is dolie--I war against , credit iti &tits forms; : , L. •,,W. A .: CHAMBERLIN. Agent. - ~ Towsnda, mil 28, lap., ,„ , ~. s , 1 'Omsk, order in tbit Eg 'MitLk* 41fi n g TIPPANVICr *4lo* • v . . =WO w i ,C} . ~ 'i tts IZEOZIKaarea nitienlier hu - retaktved iltirrods shove 1001000 snd out tboopo 'of:the streatorbere he Pcto Alsoofsetors sod Itend,c_allAilds:of coast '4l seat CHAIRS; end: 13 of various kinds, 1 ADS of every deserip• it •I will sell low for . i Chevy Lumer. or el tor N g* W reeofffil for . TIIreeING dose to 'CAM located moo _ .. 'ca . , ‘ _ . cip banc l / 4 orttode in' 4;aer; in trz ' ' /lms ItAKso ha m - "Opporo.lMsreit 9,1849. - '1 .now, SielittiOn of tliel'Alvil= -wlicithig his shame(' dl be futnishea with EgabluiB3FLAMlond itit,4olo,4l l ior- Moe* SalAtlN')g4 4c-winvskiro.at, lwrsiettitifietit wayiiiiodefr h"asted 1 JE&'-ediei'llie Shoe ' thsCissiliewie ypo. the 4 1 . 1 1". /o';' .I.A l l l .**l- 0 0440.**, I # l l o , l 4 l4 PffliM by I - D. Di urruar. - 6 Jt - • 4 TOWANDA'f AC/APEMY: t - mat etttoner rittionstitutipi imeottnete• f - telltob447 th 6-1 4 1 ".daY44 411 40 . meg soder Sitchanrent Baum wrruietied * tee mis s XelitAgiftW, IhilioaperddeisofElesse web: • Wthist oeig .. pby and tied: Wee*, p , ns. oo The eimet.'esies.Eagliiii finedetar.Plelee ._.l.:Aritbeketioand Trankse Ausbei4 _ 306 WkdOpitY.Oleatistryiltiilto*4l , ogie, UVOOtet XOO I IV , 4 Os 00116 unrYiTrivenceetirfeer bitp.CoeieB4l,7liceiUalimewis Ude ; Creek 414 5ei4.4 1 1 12 4ei• ' te yid,. get end Mynas*, - -•• 33 N° ic/ 4411 0"ill -11 . 0 : 1 e4-iieli.** tikae due e half 'tern. Eehelareetit4Oni idterl44, Onisineeteept and before the middle of arinairer wilt, be charged fi x reeribobi`ipserret • . '• Sarni eseborobialned in_prioatefinillies On res. sonable terms:. „ J. 14 MONTANIMPren L. eve rad Das/ of Trostees: Towanda. lktAllllllso. s' #4tive.y Di. ;Celebititr...lialienies . Pefoioney Itslass; roe splivio. Pemotal Expretera, out Conresia/P,""; Polawoity Linfasent. arner:Conamer_ And Dyspeptic Miatute, Coughold WitMatie Pills Ifereine, Fermi* Fife- - y ou gr oge , • • Fatah lipeddier' Pim and Abadan! codl iter•Oilotte., ihalOy Una carload a And teak ary . '; - rrreMdeated esigio th e treatment of Cough Pith; Coonnoph os *Mimi p.e -`lil7ofsk, iski n Itiolloudisio, , Fesiote - Oisfkotb s Pilot 4 pi' rdchla ommosa viii.taited 'mow laipiiied omit diet iong:stmoda bt4itelfsrldharlifilding Dr. Stifi f o;! inlSing Step SWIM, . . , Ott tbe yr/Tendon and ede d Consumption. Aaiun. Dimmed theZesn, ohe4- and an the meshed o yreserring health rot ham, to ah oW a g e, , — //tbs baldrabtadd 441 To the Coe. I funsP4lo l. lx6ds out the onli•namnalk hope AN Is. lid. To mothers, the direct** beams-me theorem) amino otnltildren rueinsalosida. -7d,oooermisse this book have 'passed through the pees, and the ems condones unabated. L rei Uri fly 8: S. Frrce & Co., 768 Brosolysy, Imam & poßrEu r Tavilladar lod by U. E. RATRBONE; Canton... casAr. MA's" Guide inraliciii ;rie directions to periods using Dr. ritcki retmdie4 to be bad gratis:of ell the isonts. =I 11111,414E6- ' liar; Bak Stove, &tab, Shea, Paint, %Aim Yu elk; Bash. Artists reined end Sable, Camels Rah and stripping Pencils Blenders dr Daggers, Whits Walt 3Counter, Fled. Tondo; Neil, Omit Broom; Clothes lu6o, Lathei. Tame; Wan) & bleckaig Brushes. • SaMiTEMIAMIDUrikt -Tobacco and. sear Baia, Panda Shells, Nargh4 Itattlea, Breast %lisps, Teeth Rings, bed 'pals, 'yoga sheakki beseus, house and isbilinniner at:Trues* paserkai esthetes*, eirAt irlatisee, pavan* themes sere, apasalates6 forceps, tante% Liquid and speed's& sits Vasty &e. '• PAIN 7.9 AND' DVS MIFF _ liiiingtis; , wi and log:war. rasa, Er lop ;Wood, lied's. end beer, red siundent,Sudikr, eh as, cop pixie; bine vitriol, solution tin,eoiuposition dunk, od ,itricd, oxalic acid and all to ,aeidsdpain miss ar . 4434, venation • phlar k aiel English, it filt *own, `pars Om whisk b ban& kaiak , * 44 11 0 i. Ltd km% *oh i 0.41 and copal_ varnieh. tatipbtitelt. lithely, put!Y , *biting, ye Ochre, kits tu r ne4(2‘eama, ;chalk, terra di Unite, ati ISaf, tittaLieksiki teififfirafett/b101 1 041041 141116.. - ! 3 1 " 7 Lb?! b; So. to b" f 4 ;** bill; 1 4 V.- 1 4 1 , 12'400211,18, 12 by us, vii:WW4,47?ts.ti 1#..r1 - --PATENT-MEDICINES:fec. • Orrielte venni higiirtikeWifeo4-3kilaynee kilt-robineie billOarlinPuillei ;Winos aralBisPig- IllruPgw o o , l l 74:riPlentOn filerdeetesty sal dhow 1 1 014PlailigailoPIPPIAlecoarittiesollpillsoatew coed' %nowt 4intim“lloB44o46,4l4.lociesnal &e: &e. C a rr: Plea* -baba, -inneeelear; necklace and ist Fitchla.e• calelaalailEßditinitk , i t o+ l osge6eiiaripi arid;Ohnsgene,., pant ebetarali , alt bu . ' ' Abiaorbat*lentined,ifiemi oil. ' goods Mintrionine rafitiateded alto New cbar Chemical 8104 &nub Store in the Wit „, HUSTON dt PORTP w•ur. ri ,44„ 1:4; 2 ~ .4 a UFMeneWS* lokati,Aelkiir ad* anteCtibiti oikfiridt Now.poosso. 114661111:21-4. - 4iuge . stock 'of Teas, sgfuli liflidejta ceots,) Cone, Nile: PhicrilOlNOwo an ..lor booskishega fog G&W a 4 S. &. COL. MEM DAV. 3117160rDETA EVILTrat, Nv6piL4de apantiadealer in DRUGS AND MEDICINES, E2!M!M DRUG-, AND CHEMICAL STORE, To the South attain the Ward How, Tkrheta they are .nrow . /miring and opening s new ne and ext ensive asiorimentof thugs, Med. leittesiCheminsils„Taints. Oil. Glass, Varnish. Dy• Wood mita Dye Suits, Family Groceries, Choice Wines and Liqiors; Fire Works; Toys, Peeps:wry Fancy Articles, Brushes, combs,- Stone, Glass and Wooden Ware, Blacking, Tobaea. Duo/ and Ci gars. All the popular, patent medicines Ake dz.-- Their stook . 1101 r. compnser every, article nstudly kept. strong ,srbich'may be found the tallowy, • DRUGS AND MEDICINES Ram, C .niTartar. Cstsphar, Csaser Boy, Liao* ies, Alcoltocilsra Capsibs, Webs* Aloes, &am ebassomils, castor oil. dins nil. ' gaidunivet, nagsmil, =re, sulphur; borax ted!'wft'ipirstn, epr salts. cons unbUniatrok aqua stostanis. Soda. tartaric acid, tindsnans. pink: sews quinine. At the.twendal Wiwi's, myrrh, tragiousth ariddn,pno bogs dke. Corks of all Mods; bath kick;aniss reed, coriander .kaugreek, . isinglass. Otte. nests toot and . Lassen oil peruilan bark, mynas popper, emery, sad paper, opideidoe, ,haler" herbs, sarsapardh, bonne horehound, OROCERES. Sigari toffee and tea of all kinds, molests, epics pepper : mustard. eluven. , tiutmeg, - mace, 'h i ruin citruses] ante comas; salad oil chocolate, men, wo ds,and butter timbers, rice, carets. Omer, varigated,sebite and bar soap, .sperm_ and altar as dies, jags and bodes pipes; mustar, catsup, pepper saucer, stied, mackerel:salmon &c. &c. LIQUORS. Crignise, oterd and american brandy, St Croir,Old .1•1 max aid New Ettestridrunt,pure Hand and sai.sio, Irish anitidoziongshek whiskey %Otos, roosts, duet, Won; port nil 'clannpaisn sines eordi4 moo dr cite* 'some, wee: staiffe, be Moor, catielle. Orangery miskit,, amen and argent, deeper that) ever And. r beg ?errantry aid Fancy Goods. Shaving cream, soaps, mihlarY sad windier, Gonluds medicated pmfansed Nam) mew imperial *baring Math es mitlaW4l, totki, violet, mask., almond and transparent soap, wash baRS, Lubin" extracts joekey slat, patehonily, bon qtret die:mane, most, wills Fleme ‘150:41111.0.- arsinatiiner'cskwar. bay sad ' rose, water, sparkish lily white, do tongs, penis to il et ai4 paweer,-hafe Ayes hair ihrigisaiot, bait eradicator *fume satebsks,. EMI pbmer, playing card*, dice panoil point*; eilloea meal pint, Liiaerie deb hooker dnirwing pencils • pammaskin espy,- inks, red, black and indahlle, *Mobs, puma% pocks basks, trump:nag fa* to.wafers ilea. ilea 311Erbille set *Ear • in bbls:, ipnim , b b b' effr Mat asol piella&CadeskAtai akw tom ;4 116 1101:E&Wri for sale at die 4, e Cash- 00* 8, flOrt ".‘ -•.N. IL & 1111. P.IERCVB. CI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers