Nto rillbertnantuts NOTICE, attentio&of4himenunamitngeffileunof the ,L several computer offilniforigl, Indian ts ihe County Of Bratifor4 FesPectfulthdirented to the fif th section of the ct of 17th April, A. D. i 84 9, w hich requires the NAM ox commanding officer of each company, to furnish a, Copy of the 1 01 l of said company, under oath or affirmation to the County Commtssioners,Al such Ame u the as; sessmeot of taxes ate returned in each and ceery year, designating the township, ward,,or borough, i n w hich each membecresides. And they arebere by requested to furnish said copies , of the rolls to the Commissioners on or before the first day orDe eember net. C. 8. ROWELL, CI% to Cone& Fom miss s ioners Office, Towanda Oct. 8, '49. TIBT OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Of -11 gee at Ridgbery Bradford bounty Pa., October Ist. 1849. J B Wilkom . David J May Joel Peterson • T B Buck Jam e s Carrot Frederick . Kerrie* Harriet Berk John Butler Pony Callen 2 J. S. Peterson John Lynch Benjamin Depue JOHN BURT. P. M. CAUTION. ILL persons are hereby cautioned against pur- Jchasing or obtaining a certain promissory NOTF, driven by the Undersigned to Caleb C. True or bearer on the 23d day of February 1849, for W. The said Note having been fraudulently obtained will not be paid unless compelled by process of law. EVAN HOWELLS Warren, Oct. 9.'49. HO WELL HO WE LS. NORM lama PENNSYLVANIA . CANAL EALED PROPOSALS will be' received at the S engineers office in Tonkhannock, Wyoming county, until sunset of Monday. the 12th day of Noaember, 1849, for constructing portions of the following sections of canal, to wit: No's 11, 12, 21, 27, 67, 69, 75, 99, 108, 111, 112, 113 114, J 34, 159, 162, 173, 174, 182, 183, 184. Also furnishing a quantity of timber to be used in constructing dams No's 2 and - 3, respectively. Plans, profiles and spe cifications of the work,.to be let, will be exhibited at the office af , resaid, 3 days prior to the expira tion of the time for receiving proposals. and for furibec information reference may be had to M. A. Gamble, Esq. piiticiffal assistant engineer, upon the line. By ordt.:' oT the Boa of Canal .Conamiasioners, M. R. FOSTER. JR, Oct. 2, 1849. Ch'tef Engineer N. B. Pa. Canal. D Xll H ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. NO. 135 IFULVON STWEET, &wan Broadway and Nassau st , N. Y. ‘2 , 1.2 and $2 50 per Week. 37i rents per Night. N. Y. & Erie [tail Road. EVERY, BODY'S MARKET LINE. THE inbseriiers are now prepared's.° receive Freight of qll kinds, at the Owego. Binghamton, Great Bend, bmrstorri' pod Factorgiilk Drpota, Every Tuesday, :lednrsdayard Thursday of e a ch week. and continue with titular - iv throughout the meson. They will attend to forwarding tie creme to the 'New York Market, where th-y have made arrangements with ex perienced salesmen, who will attend*" t'a'e selling of the same, and return . the proceeds in Hattkehle funds at either of the above Depots. to the : allowing' perapos,i 7. - At the Store of F. Raynsford, Owego ; C. Witinney, Ificabannon ; et the . glace of its. Griffin, Great Bend; at the Hotel of E. Berwyn, Lanesbors. Aczyrs.—F. Ravnafonk Owego; C. Melcinney, I)inghannon i Jae. Griffin, 'Great arm' ; E. Emile°, Latte&boro, and t. IC, Wheeler. Union. JAS. 818 K. Binghamton. JA $. GRIFFIN,•Great Bend . Capt. James Sisk will superintend the business throughout the whole Line, and receive and fill all or. den for G ro ccriiii, Fruits, Fish, Oysters, &c.. which will be bought at , the Wont prices in New York, and forwarded to either of the above named Depots. tHAVING, ANb HAIR pRESSING. atm) ata• onazromate. ►rHE Subscribers h a vingai entered into partnership in i. the above businesa, for that purpose have fitted op two shops, one in the basement of the WarJ Rouse, the cther in the Union Block, where then will 6e rawly to serve their nomeroul.patnini it an Operations in their business, will be performed in the best style; and with the least possible diseomfort to'the gut y will constantly keep on hand all sorts of 04. and Perfumery; alas flair-Dye. a very superior arti cle, which Will permanently change the hair from gray, red to glossy black or beautiful Liown. , NQ apology am hereafter be offered for those ugly colored moustache, and whiskers that often dia. figure otheraise fine features ; arid even age itself may disguise the ravages of time, smal at pleasure assume the Semblanee of youth :' Those; ladiils ts . .wltom imbue ham %kited the ornament of a beautiful heed 01 hair, may hams the defect supplied by calling on us. n - .. WA.IIM,ei . POLD BATHS, es be had at all hours, at the shop in the Ward Braise. Oct. I, 1846. NEW -GOODS. • ..w •tf fT Or FA L L C Just received by 3ept.2l, 1949. H. 8. a, M. C. MERCUR. NEW ARRIVAL AT THE OLD DRUC STORE, eire. 1, Brick Rom HUSTON & PORTER ore 'tow receiving. at No. I, Brick R , a' Wire addition to their former It)ch. eons*: ing of brags, Medichiest; Groceries, Liguori, Oils, Paints, Dyestuff's*Fuel Goods, Ise. which will le mold at anneusily kne mum They as, otters for salithe splendid atufgetiuine Teas of the PE KIN TEA COMPANY, for which they are agent", and which they do net hesitate to recommend. .0 being an petior to any other imported. HOW' been appointed agent kw most all the gtntr oe . Popular Patent Medicines, we immure the public we Will not Wet ue that are counterfeit, es we will not buy or accept an agency front those speculators, who. by base imitations impose upon the country with their opinion* Drugs. • Towanda. June 18.1849. • • razummaiv. SPRING GOODS!' E T.. FOX, TS pow reesiviiie **fall supply of SPRING AND J 811011EW GOODS which ere offered fot aide "as low as- the saute ma be purchased et any place thi s s id e of dirdiy - of item rent. Thankful for the very Mer ril Patronage staiesded'Ari'liiin habstefore, he would respectfully eat scull from 101 l who wish to porches Goods eheap - arthie eicsit be disposed of at the lowest notch, please dell 'mike! to call s a nd dont forget the place. Nerd; Stare corner of Main end Pinem. L. ■. /111 1 4 T T,- zwal.ozow lomrsinexe% Of Tray, Bradford osier. Pa, DROPOBIB maims ;perimlical .virlis Totoarid during die sosoion- of emery court. . riorg be faindut tiro Noce of 111.-Comrceatraeradagoir ttut of gait pilksoaercarrtdfifid Nat iffy pvt , fie counto glinNileit i 14603 • HIRAM MCCO 11) nt , V - antOziiit HMr MIX bpi removed his Hnig — Hhuiii - 10: 1 1h4 riiith . comer of the PubtieHquil, iktsliiiefriosa James H. Sayre, and hiving fitted up ids itote,,has added to his former assouinent a huge soppy of muazrez &InD Z1A:155314Z1EU9 9 ' GROCERES, upots, 0111 & PAK% willow Il Wooden tare, Glauwarr, 'Wait Tilde, . Pasty Goods, ?Wintry, b. • He is agent far most of the valuable POPE LSR MEDICINES of tbs day, which can be parchasegef him with a certainty of procuring genume ankle& He is else agent far the CANTON TMA COM PANY of New Yahoo/boss Teas have attaineile wal e spread reputation for genuineness mad thaw log - price. An examination of hii dock to which he Welter the attention of the-public, wilt satisfy every one that it has been Fellected with a view of procuring4bebest and most desirable articles; end 'Purchased at the lulnut rates, Towanda. May 1; 1849. Which is also a Universal Family Embrstatlin 'for Diseases of the Haman Flesh. TIME and experience have fully proved that that this UNIVFhSAI. REMEDY has not not its equal on the list of'poputar medicines, having been more than 14 years before the public. Testimony .of the most disinterested ebasseter of its wonderful effects on the animal swoons,' is almost dai ly presented to the proprietor. A young man in the town of Wilson, whose clothes were burnt off of hire, was restored (without =Resin' g) by the timely use td the Oil. Numerous are the unsolicited statements of patients themselves, and others who have used the Oil, of cores which in themselves appear temsrkable, that they at ell interested in a pecuniary point, they could hardly have been credited. The following diseases are among many others in the cure of which this Oil has been completely succieedul and in which others' had entirely failed:— Sperms, Sweeney, Ringbone, Windgalls. Pull Evil, Cal lous., Cracked Heels, Galls of all kinds, Lameness, Fresh Wounds'', Sprains, Bruises, Sand Create, Foundered Feet, Scratches, or Grease Mange, Rheu matism. Bites of Animals, External Poisons, Painful Nervous Affections, Frost Bites, Boils, Corns, Whit lows, Burns and Scalds, Chilblains, Chapel! hands. Cramp, Contractions of thp 'Muscles, Swellings, _Weakness of the Joints, Caked Breasts, &c. CAUTION TO PURCHASERS. Beware of COUNTERFEITS, and be sure the name of the Sole Proprietor, GEORGE W. MERCHANT, LOCKPORT, N. Y., is blown in the side of the bot tle, or in his head writing over the 'auk. Don't be persuaded to take any thing else with the prelrnise it is just as good. &c., &e. This is practised by those on • principles' .dealers whose . conscience will Meta like India R. biter, ad who ape Of a kindred spiritscof those in our large rides, whose nefarious poetical her so re. centlr been gawped to the aetinn of Congreet, Those who attempt to Comperfeit ibis articli everts ferret to the law of New Yea, or May 1845, by which it will be Ellin that every parson meddling in these counterfeits is subject to indratintrk imprisonment, and 6ne. A person selling out of this site, will' be liable War iest Wee in the state, sad also to heitehf as a witness against those he bought of or sold for. , All Milers addressed to the proprietor will be respond ed tn. Get a pamphlet of the Agent 4nl fife, what wonder. are accomplished by the use of this medicine. Sold by respectable dealers generally in the poked Stites and Canada, For sale by HUSTON & PCBTER,Towanda,E.D. Wells. Lawrenceville, Edwin Dyer, Covington. Abel Terrell. Montro se , Pomp & Kinsey. Easton, Lewis .Smith & 'Allentown, H. B. Boffin, South Easters. Oct. 15th 1848. • n2o.y 1. J. A. Knoe's Clothing Store; Eligra L. COOPER, JOHN CARTER - 175 hands limited for all tads of work, immediate. JOHN A. KANE, Edina, %a;. $t 49. /NON Mil" ,iOIIIG NOW of Bradford Carroty. Pm., will make '[ preiodi -11 cal visit to TO WANDA,remainiog a week or tea day; eamareacing 9th cif May stmt. Will Worm! at the Bradford Hotel. Satisfeetoty references sod moderato phone. Teeth teemed. from one to s, whole ecit. and !ransomd to bo executed'es well es can be dam in the eitiee. • Tbe following villepes will to periodically visited : Towanda, Athens, Troy, Leßeyrrine, Rte. . Inform lirirt,twill be gives* week or eo to edema, lintii*k.ibe Reporter, OM lry . eater Antihistamine:" *AY_ I'ILTAILRAWD . 81:1K138-4, E S A; latric3o ? ,, o_it 1 V itkeNitile -end 4; 41, eftd dt Istik 1 . 14 mod, 1 1 nd• 01 toti,`ld RC • 6V&il;ql4s let : Te- G. W. Merchant's Celebrated Come listen now while I relate A tale I'm bound to tell,` Of clothin g sold at such a rate That none can underst 11, One day I called on John A. Kane Tsuit of clothes to buy, hey were so cheap that I would Wa r Persuade you all to try„ , Morns ter John A. Kane, Hurra ?or fain A. Katie ! We'll buy our clothing all of him, For beat him no one can. His Week consists of every kitia: And piled. my eyes! bow high, . You certainly can't help but find The thing to Blearier eye. There's Suits to suit all whits of men, For Wedding Church, or Shop There's Pants, Vests, there's Cloaks Of Coate a thunderis lot Hurry for John A. Kane, Horn foil. A. Kane. Howe you Jut* i suit ahem You're sore to will again. There's D'ress and Seek r aild frock Coats too - Of Cloth the very lest. There's under Clothing, Crsvats too, Silk. Wool and Satin Vests. And ea fitting to Slit 4. I need not here to tell, • His clothing on eurb maw will set first rat e e-- . 1 none better-4m he personally oversees the cutting Department, and has his goods made in the best manner, anti the best style. Hurts for John A. Kane Hurra for J. A. Kane For when I want a first rate fit, I'll call on him again: Some other time I'll tell you mein . But this before I close, • He has un band now in the Store A Slack of Slat rate dolt* .. ' Bp when you have a little Ilea And cash an bald to spare, Remember that you'll aluoyolinal. John Kshe ra'al levee you duo will; of yalsi Money at N 0.6, Water Streit, Mb doe, wait of the Bridge: Hurry for John A. Kane, Rena foci. A. Kano We'll bay our &Idiot all of tie Fee Beat him no one can. 1. M'INTOSH, ' DENTIST, EXECUTOW NOTIM. PPWININ :6114Sed C A. RIMER. thessisk - bila et &NANA es....ant herd"; #ilieraiitte map pdymist IRWIN* MORA thew 11 "imi asksig seisms laid 101144 win pier , re: alert dam duly seibeelisied for liost. R. IL 114100 N; Towanda, OSA IA EXECUTOR'S 'NOTICE. - A LL persons indebted to tbe rode et JOSZPII-EL -2-1 LIOTT deceased Uwe Wyabwins township. are hereby requested to make payment erkknordalap. eat (bore basing claims resins said estate will phase pen% stnt them duly authenticated for satilearent • JAMMILMLLIOTT. HARRY ELLIOTT. Wyalwant. May U. 184 f. Euratom ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.. ALL persons toddle'd hp the . estate et S. BOL. COMB. deceased. We of thelesteellip of Leßoy, ese herehy ►peened to stake preen without delay, sad those having Agnes ageism said suss will please proem thea duly atulteetieetert lot settlemat.. C. STOCKWELL. M. L. WOOOSTER. iSdatinititnitent. Canton, Sept. IS. 1849. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. A LI. persons indebted tothe eatet& bor pt IetILIRARD N. HORTON. decemed, of in tarp, are hereby requested to make mimed, and these baying Maims against said estate will please pro.. sent them daily authenticated for settlement. - JAS. R. DRMONY, DAVID HORTON. • • • CEA% taimvx. Sheehapiin, Sept. 10, 1849. Administrators. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTKM. ALL persons indebted to the estate all SAMUEL CHASE, deceased, lab of Towsnda Bon h. are hereby requested to utake payment without duo 7 and those having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. SOLOMON COOPER, Towanda, Oct. 2, 1849. Administrate,. AUDITORS' NOTICE. Wm. H. Overton vs. Lockwood Sinith—No, 159, Sip. T. 1845—Ft. fa. No. 97, Sep. T. 'B4B. HAVING been appointed an Auditor to distribuatthe balance of moneys raised by the Sherif sale in this case, not paid out, I will attend to the duties of toy appointment, at the Court Rouse. in the borough of Towanda. on Saturday. 0ct.20, 1849, at I eelock. P. M., when end where !all pent me interested are required topresent their claims, or be debarred from coming in upon said fund. ADDISON M'KEAN, Auditor. September IS, 1849. AUDITOR'S NOTICE THE olotifirsieneti haring bran appointed an Auditor by the Orphan's Court of the County of Brad Led to marshal assetta wad distribute the funds mad by the ask of the real and Jetsaml estate of Jeremiah decker, late of Monroe township demised, will attend to the Ju lies of said appointment at his ofna) in the Borough of Towanda. on Friday, the 2d day of November oast. at I o'clock P. M., at which time and place all persons interested will plasm proem their dame, or be debated from coming in for a share of saidlund:,, Towanda, Sept. 20. 1849. W44.BUOTT, Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. THE undersigned having been appointed an Auditor by the Orphan's court of the county of Bedford, to marshal assets and distribute the fund railed by the sale of the real and personal estate of James Morrow, deemed, will attend toThe duties of said attointment at his office-tithe borongS of Towanda, on 811111nbY. the 3d day of November next, at 1 o'clock in the ohmnoon, mion, at which time and place all persons interested will present their claims, or tit debarred fg rr coming in for a share of said fund. WM. 8 Towanda, Sept. 20, 1849. -Auditor. /►UDITOtt"B NOTICE. Brynlimy! Corn. Pleas—Brown 4. RodiareWs use vs. T. 11. Lewis. Vend. Ex. on No. 43, Dec.' T. 1846. THE undersigned having been appointed an Auditor by the Court of Cuomo pleas of Birdfonl Coon. ty, to distribute the fund raised by the sale of real raw late of Timothy H. Lewis of Monroe township, will at. tend to the duties of said appointment at his office in the Borough of Tram* on Thoriday the let day of November next at one o'clock in'the aftettroon, at which time and place ill persona interested win please promo' their claim, or be debarred from coming in GM' • share of mid fund. WM. SCOTT, Towanda Sept. 20th 1949. Auditor. DISSOLUTION. MILE partnersnip heretofore existing in the Saddle and Harness bweinees, between E. SMITH & CO. ia dissolved by mutual extent. Those indebted are hereby notified that immediate payment must be made, or their demands will be put in a course of collebtion. The business will hereafter be anima on at the old stand by SMITH & CULP. Sept. 17. 1849. Brstdfbrd County, us. - ALL ABOARD! , MIStAkE! rirliri subscriber takes the liberty, as it is s Ave corm. try, Co inform the pbblic that they need not be ioer posed Upon longer in Towanda by .11UC4 high prices,— Only look and then think what prices yoq have recd.— Hoe are my prices from this date so bung as I my in Towanda and that may he a long time, viz -Shoeing 1 hone, SO eta. Knee shoe and wet , • 20 eta. Setting shoes each ti ete. Rettmg wagon tyre , 23 eta shoeing oxen all new • 1,75 eta.; Leg chains per lb. 12} els. • • Ironing two horse lumber wagon from $lO to 1$ 00. Sleighs sei; .$ sto 5 00. All other work in propmarn; for cash or reedy pay. Crislit will be given on usual terms; My pima are aired and (make no . promissee which will net be strictly complied with. CoilTsled judge for yourselves. Hanes shod by the Year an reasonable terms. • All kinds at cowry poiloci received in payment. Towanda. September 15, WM. TROUT. TAKE NOTICE ! UTHERBAS, my wife Zoripda bag Mlt iny bed and V V and board without any jinn amuse we promcation 1 forbid all prams barboring or frosting bar on my ac count, as I Atoll pay no debut of her costracung, as leas compelled by law. BURR CRANDALL. • Wells,'lleptensbor 10. 1849. 111ZIMINPO 8 IIiCISMEWs 8 MISS • GRIFFIN, t?TOOLD Inform thatadie• 'bat ob. boa otativad vv .assortment of BAT, aonsitinig Ida varie ty of styles and also a good assotnaind of Flowers. Ibbone. BI as, dm. and a variety of MILLINERY ARTICLE! all af-whieb will be offend atm low pia. Towanda, May 16; ISO. Calacumaz UST . INVNtiar2I 4 .k.O NEW GROCERY & -VARIETY BTOK. • TIFFANY & KINGS/WRY lakes the Tebbe 1 the &ay aro wow &taut ham Now York and opening In tba atm lately necepiallsy 11.10z.siss dear south of B. Ki. g dmy Co., • imp am; simend amsortavent of IMES; PROVISIONS, I*(4 Frier Ong; Yankee Notions, Confostignam 4tc. to which the wwutiow of mamma is, invited. Tbsir assonment of Groceries and Liquors isconos/B. 9 11 4 will be sold at unusually . low rams: Cut and azwilas. L. W. TIFFANY. Towanda. ions 18.'49. B. L. KINGSIKRY.' sent. c. BEIM rIROCS & Landkids iimAiit lA* eiroije , lleer ' I LX by tie . TIMM' & ifiNOsaginr. WANTED n • • • Trig *DK ago '64 pram; to *ci l . _Comiipolp 4 ‘../ Impointh of Toiriatia; WWII - tip ailie4llo ois of Ad e* ii*inus Sod . lily of the' &lad Digelori, • Wx scam, aknourp '•- - • PAIT EN, tANE - • tiragAi- - BOOTS lES lit 1..4.4...idaii-6...mmeishm..NX.. Tprvrra dia ukteisli a *twits •• *ft Lk, alml . 1".1.1 1 asssomet 41eSioni. oft. '=faetaty ir awl: *wee amok I ellikb tiny ie slier epos sti Avail* Inas se say how, is Nee tai.. ' Iles% Bap% sad Yeeth's dist at tip Bari sail Drip's, ammo, voids% maim tt Iwo* tow ' wee at WA:fiD - HOUSE. • -r• to do put Boa, sod °omit is mow ars fa the worries of visi tors. This Homo has lam famished with wiw fmnsitong duesigh ou t, and pawns visiting Towanda either as *dams at *mug% will Sod this a desirable legestimo .at as it is gigs delefaimoign of ihs aspristufs to harp ; an estabfohugoo as will gigs racy ogisfeetio, forgetfully aolkit lbw-rib& so give these a sail. -JP. C. WARD, ITnwands. A.R. 21;18411, IL C. BALD WIN. SEED WHEAT. 2fin BUSH.BEED WHEAT. pain:fly free Ger ‘F‘i eves, thing but dr pan wheat itself far sets by J. J. WARJPORD. Wolieslan. Aapgaga V. 1842. L 13 7 Zs Igt Me • EVELING. Laying out Roods and Lots, Dividing Estates. Meowing blassouy.Eininebnmento. arnanuoly der by E.G. MEOW/. - Olien at Row Bradlind county. Pa. 11.41" • TEAS. IMPERIAL, Penes Hy.oa. Hysost. Skin sea Bled Tees. d superior Savor, tot sale .t priettm that said suit }tutees at the wide. at 111ERCIIRW. summ i ltrdboDs! MHeaved at !OA's, • btsii sup* of %tamer oods, !wai which wUI be sold damper dun ever. ear ist ing of he usual *misty of Clothe. Cosoluloweg, B lllw. met stuffs. Limns. Lines Bemire, Eleeetthpiagbease, Nankeens, Glows. Hoselry. fisbeedatte. 4 _4lt. July 30 • LAW CO-PARTNERSHIP stints 'iL annizy. CAVE this day emend iota eopartmershipm tb. 1-.ll.peretion of Law, and May mks Ws method of War mime lb. public of Ma bet. Ofbee—No. 3. Brisk Bow, (op stain) where am of them em at all times ha Ilsond. Towanda. Jane 1.'49. OICE NEW MINGLE HARNESS, far mile cheep at ty 11 FOX'S. 4 1110EICO3Er'MEMKBIliirall ILL be kept on hand a lame assortment, and made to order on shorter notice and fatless mo ney than can be produced at any other estabfrabareni in the land. Those who are under the necessity of pro- curing that article will and shall be satisfied. A good beams sod pall may be had in attendance-when desired. September 1. 1847 L. 114. NYE k CO. OLD WHISKEY-410 iste. Ohl Whiskey. kw re allied kw TIFFANY t BIN(ieBERY. T EGHORN • D PALM LEAP' HA TB—Pals and English milan braid new shape, infanta and andante do. also gents line mob skin Hats at my 23 FOX'S. VICE CRAPE SHAWL& erne be ketod - et the IN- awe et B. KINOBBERY & CO. MONROETON EXCHANGE TV. WELLCOME respectfully informs the public •1 • that he has lemml this wellAnown stand. in lbs village of Monroevon, lately occupied by Smith and Woodruff, when ha wEI be happy to receive the visits of the travvfing ennimunity. The house having been. greatly enlarged and improved, and being well-furnisb• od, is now capable of accommodating all who may favor him with I all. He wearer tii• paUle that hie undivitiod ears and attention will Int, given to their comfort, and hr hope to merit sad neAtiva a Airs of besinain Montanan. Sept. 10. 1849. CAU TON ! THE hereby cietkiberf mmobasisur a note given ley ma on Thursday Isit,fre the sum of Thirty Dolling° Henry Hill or bearer. payable by Mei middle of October. As I have received ne vale* for the use, ['hall wo pay it over compillad by law. OLIVER ELLS WORTH. JR. Leßaymille, &Pi/igniter 3. 1649. MlBB'B cbildreqa, and Infants (Hovel sad H at mr23 FOX'S. GINGHAMS—Good puler= asd good colors kr 12f as at my= TON'S. TIMANEtiI ACAIDIE THIS Institution. baring been placed is charge 0. R. B . and H. M. Hem A. B, will commenea on blpaday the nib day of October nest. The Academical year will consist of four terms of eleven weeks each: Commencing respectively. October Sib. .111149. January Id, March SSth and June 17th, Talkies per Tgrimai comtiniingliihfittifies. inclodiag Geogra: raphy and Mental Arithmetic, $2 00 same with English Grammar. and Adam's Arithmetic, 300 Higher English blanches. including Mental. • Morel ma lateNdetial Scions, 400 Algebra, Geometry. dorvet av ig. t ill, 4.60. Latin, G.neek sad Preach t 00 IPael. Ist and tad terms. 26 Bowl can be obtained in Private familitol 6a ree• aortal& terms. , • . . • J. D. RIONNANYIL hest. C. L. WARD, elee'y.. Of !kora of Trawls. Towanda. Sept. 1. 11149. J. G. GILBERT_, N. 2111 Pearl veto& New Yeeh. GEO ler Ms Paper Bugler & Floor Oil Cloth. A i.41/1311 eissonsst of American, foe& tea Goose repo Sogiap, with herders is mock for sale ie say gesoits. at the lowest Market retes.— Merchants eashle le Oat the oily of NOW Yoh Geo depari woo their eiders Wet Met ak thb hoiest pO• ass by seed* ilemeriptiee of style sal qualities. Oil Seer Oath en le salt the pereherst. Piro York &S. 10. NEW GOODS AT THE CENTRAL STORE I Nor.ombis., 5i1116141114 a My imistaid 1.... J fississwat d gram 611111MiR GOODS. which will 1..p1i a very km tams. Sousa et this seuhlYkasst. Ipso Ws lbsasst pissiphs. Yes hasp aisit trt sitl for 4 eratiassaes 41 dis aims rep jail to &ads Cheap. Tewsiris. July 4; 1849: 11. N. BETTs. RICE & PECK'B • WES TEAS EXPREgS, vetit 11144... am all kinds of -1; Merchanion. lova! New Ira& &dial 6 o'clock P. M. Ogees at t fitos at Pl. Y. MI cotileis or pods WI at oat afial est with sorogool*itoAltdal afro+ NM opt, Towanda ; L; MARION& & WHIT& wet. IluelarefrolproW al* Vs& 11 4- jatip4Wi ti.Pia TtArr P r oi, "-sws _ "( 7:telict Nis AlmMts. &Ma fraili. gear lid !atlas Imese. pT *mei MO. O algisp awl Windings clump 11 0 VOWS. - 'lbintlitande; vittwo seirisltrs ifTsii. kep ie t:IMM 'tiO mast die Cryit drrhimiiniPlois iflkadltit.aest2ll4o db. kali Bosse' the boty . of Towards. oi`..llstierdair; ;the Ilth diy, of cloctobei, 11149, oae lr- . 11C.: elk idkowirsipisas- me' of land litaatetl.4.llm tomes* of SmithilitiditiOnaded and described' as renews so ;Os the words by lads if Champion, 0. Brown west bylsad of W. row& in the bomb .briaads writes Sylireiner sad lamb Smith on the. east by land in pilssesubs of Win. Courtney. Von- Wain" 100 acres Mate sr less, shout 60 acres mi. proved one log house on. small framed in , uxe and one framed barn and apple orchard there. n. Seized and taken' n execottoet at the suit of Sala* Betts vs. John HaIL ALSO—The frillowiag tir parcel • f laid shoat. in the towitsfilprtf:Wlndkain bounded and described as tidbits nonh to land in pomre,...ion o r Silas Washers aid Peter Klllerchant east by Lind of Oliver Taylor. South by land ofo. Carpenter, and on the west by land of It. Doane Containing 05 acres and 40 iterch* . _ ;,4 1 10051'7 acre imProted•, Seised and taken -execotion.aube sit* o f 0. Carpenter'ss* B. G. Taylor. ,=•"`' . ALIO— 'A:iice or parcel of land in Litchfield, beginning it post north-west corner Of a. warrant now claimed by Wen. B. Clymer. thence north 1 0 east RD 4-10 , p to a post in the east and west road running from Bush's. titre Litchfield, thence easter• ly. according to the several alums of said matt as run by Z. Flowers, when he lotted out the land of the said DeCater. to the north-west corner of the Daniel Mallory lot. no. 147. thence south 4° west 34 440 p to a pout; thence south 12° east 34 p to. a post on the north line of laid warrant kg; :hence north 1111° west 1112 pto the beginning. Containing MI acres sad >m perches. strict measure. lb items disproved. Seised and *akin in execution at the suit of P.J. DeCater et ox. vs. WIS. Dorman. ' WM. S. DOBBINS, Sb'fr. Bharilrs 016 Ce. Towanda Sept.l2, Corning, Elmira - and Buffalo. Line. A BOAT OP THIS LINE will leave CORNING & ELMIRA for BUFFALO, every week dating the maven, in the fallowing order : Leave Canting ......" .Turadays, at 10 o'clock. A. M. Leave Corning Wednesdays, at 2 o'clock, P. M. Lam Havanna T smoky; P; M. Tow Dawn Seneca Lake on Friday. touching at Big Stream. Starkey, Lodi, Dresden. pairing, Genres. Waterloo and Stores Falk, on Saturday. • Lome Budd° for Elmira and Camino. every Platorday Morning. Leave Rochester eves' , Monday morning. BOAT CORNING,. CANT. A. M. TATUM. BOAT ELMIRA.... Cm. R. P. Praurs. BOAT BUFFALO Carr. E. H, Cases, For freight or Passage apply to the Captains on Wan), or to the Mowing /karats: W. M. Mallory. Corning. IPliCe & Holly. Geneva. S. D. Strang & Co. Elwora;Haatinga & Field, do J. Wintannuit, Hone headal,.l. Miller, Seneca Falk. E. S. Hinman. Hamm& IL. Bastado, Montezuma. LG. Townsend. BkreamlH. la, Fish, Raelrotter. Woodworth & Post. Nike & Wheeler, Buffalo. Gay & Sweet. Waterloo. " I April 12, 1249. E. W: BAIRD. 0. 11. P. KINNEY. DISSOLUTION. NOTICE I. beerbf OMNI that the eopartatwitip benokine• eliding between BRISTOL & SMITH is this day dissolver' by mutual tomcat. The aeasolos of the late 6flll will be seukd by L. Bristol. L. BRISTOL, &wt. 1849. H. SMITH. .M.Haffiralrar.ll.3lr-I - OF NEW GOODS. wvaRACY & MOOREere Dow receiving isisibe fr amortmast of SUMMER 000 Des which have been pen:based sinew the hee ran ia pima, and. will be meld remarkably low. Towanda. July 13. MOTICCie hereby gins to the metal etalleetore in .1.11 &aired County. that the Cotionissienens will at e then Arne in Towanda, on Thursday. .frifieb end- Satonlq the 20. 21,'inni Itltd day!‘ of IlefltZ,nitt sake exoneration' fres their Duplicates, d Ofeitz.tata County Tam 14 1949 et whiektiete they aqi.preret fulbr renewed to itteda viol lay their dab= later, the Vona .NOTICE.. MY wife MARY, having laft my,bed and hoard. 1 tionaby forbid all persona doing .any businow whatever with ber en my account, or with any parson or persons who profeq to be acting in her behalf, a I shall pay so debt, contracted by her on her. amain saw lbw date. ISAAC M.BROWN. Albany, August 1„ ISIS. UMMER ClrbriflNCl.—A tarp assortment of S .Gloods for None sad sore Summer Clothes t eow opening sod for Ws at op2o ItERCI,IRT: lIONNETS—A lotioiosortaires of Lelia-8W sou F 141111116 wit. sof Mee. pop. P.A. Coburg. , f sials Icoaporitai? and lowborn 13oso#8. KE RCW wToWilksa4 atter:oi'itir. NEW SPRING GOODS t • t i the New York ,and Erie ElOreg. KINOSBERY At CO., an now receiviak ,e . and meet deirabie stock of Goods. Hams bees parchearket the sea reduced prime, they as coal dewily . te the citizens af h lova Camptir. dolf tiny will eat be &hoick!. Their goals will /lei& tiwly be- acid for cask clterper than they can bebeight at Owego. elm,inr or ikiegusiee„ . To piefi diis cab and examine aer psds mad .pnces. Smug osw Day Goads may be found the Wowing: GENfLEMEN'S DRESS 00006 1 • Sew real Neel black, Mae, Olive pees mei brews Clothe: demaable Deaver, French Deelkie, end fancy Ceiaireeser; Tweeds. Sattherte. ad f& cloth • Wwata sod Bilk Swiss Satin. Cadfttier . and a "fon variety of Testinge, pleir Bed Maid UniapArx. LAO Si puss doom. ninth and Amanitas Cleaking; lisolth.llPdsdf aid Americas INagismr: haddialti&i. ebsused&. *II dad obia Oates: litlittea Todd mabraidded MIN Cow BUk dad Ilaiin Stripa* Md. plaia Olaliaii. Basket, Onside sad Lam/ Shawls: she pialhasd Was Basses al the Maid dila. CONsams. NamilladCach. dim Namniins. Was sad labia snap and blue. ad dame daterariaty si Esgradi. Amnion add Flank Plunk ebaspable Colneg. black Geode Rhino. plAjo and plaid Bib, ailk mid Cows Velvet. edliddr. Sinfin, bask. &arid Jul Maw Law" &odds Lees. plain asi Orind iaisala, somas edging, and isastunga ; pun Ililka,Oimpa, Triousissildissa ; a laratawas. mat of iNikala, duos catabein. &ate Died& woven , ' • ad& !hunk adds, Ise ape, sale sifts, Amoeba law:•, de. Alit..-1 4 Tid Ilisatimg. lawn sad limbed • cm* laid* tad. sized sad traidtap ' Gnat, bias sod hisetb., ad Ansa' Goss Flasnal. sitly butts, age- Is abntenhimat wiry adds Is dos Ossilaina is Ida, FOAM • , . .411iip amnatseas at ashity fads tie beat said: factenns; Ida. Nails, cad sad Glassokillasio Lusa, & Cd't amok 11111.,cnniot Dd Oesciau t s. Pod ' Mil boar ions. aidintrangbi and lanaa Batts. thumb sad It . !e•bt , A sosim RiAtratrate. Assam •Nias.ma mai tos liad qualivb noch, Boit. Gamma silver. Naimoli. end Ind Tads and Tei SpostdiDaadlasajclui s Umpa, all thuds of Ilitkaohilla.' did. tacks, ice. . •' . . AnCeali.,Pt .. Tinning Wit; Toed do, am at skis 14 Wit par" Adad--liiid psuanup, plain and suet, ankle in shim hiss waded. •• -1 e., BOOT,III - .AND SHOW - - ;b. lisii tidied, filaglilibis saintwomoriA: jomikmappellemtd . !kiss and eisgenNto lat . , lido aidastNiar IL. dania!d~leiti 6 4 „. IWO hkimat t , , ' Alas a pod last 10 LIATIINtas lasui t Tie Chews! as lo lisi at ' Twins Oki tit, I O. ' 11. S. 4,-. NOTICE TO COLLECTORS. • Townda . Augg'SO ß AS 4 0 dif S tbeß USCLLek • • ""t",,•••••,.% • •••••• • 4.7 e - , -----v- it , E t Etar . msr , . • - z." , A• . I [ • • SOVEREIGN , B Lhl • . hl.,tr i aseld l6 N °,l,tr that I% ?v b e:4, ___,114111al&1 0 44 1 Cr" . 103 D. i gooses Oriental Turximitir .14{: Hatitte been but sit leart9 l s,lo, list PlOidle.,Lutli ...ireniains malt, enalps!ed.yrith Wait tyibeltintdkiltr-ra. set thy; bare worked thaii Way into eintig Ron in Of. Unionand Canselas. 1 4 54 hire. sliaolptelit littigtelsit the Standard Mwkiel'a olilieliy.',l*/ per Melt vegeta*, end so adenirshlT ettoillotinded it'd when ts- . Len in large doarg,thay sieedity cortths 11:04 Ilkiehiei. nrrvoua ternale;wril,htiss naiad npinbeis fiont tbil•ir beds alter all (Abet jetnedies bad failed: . nswaiii ttk pn a liN3itaint'rti.. .. , . 6 , As dote ere spurious Pak, 141;eWilfailon CailgOn. ental or Sovereign Barn.herare to esehelote yoitelii that the ninny of •• A.. E. 4 Saute d• Co.'' Han tits lace of tba noses.. None others 9nt be genuine. .• We l iee are not semi jiilmuy..,owt z ,ot,nieklno. s.eintiotre, article twilet of or Xl*: ipr pull ll Mar; b q some oPthentfisee bred •Lbn'i Initirwe. -;•-iffianii. t* ter, tents Atm!? sue - UkettfoyeetiltpitON4wi Pales' the pobbo r zei minis & wireti4mry pwciiiiie,' 'Si neli wilt wer a2 : 4; l 4;philineg , Oletitt. n'Aliteir 4 11 9 he had arbidetieds siggitigl ee W. R;L e tanoineA CO Euclid. f(. it.„ iiiidr Tanda by_ RUSTON POR TER, and fly Agents In envy town in the country. To the Victor helmet'orthie IfIPICHK A _LTOUtili pikfil greparstione Fo foiffror, XX far licifirinese have twen...bef°mlt" duilip . ing to give relief, and , ma, cure., Ike ors ,retieetja, • disesurs. yet none have in welt sonvertv4 e t,pintsse as Dr.trtwas . • isle tie M Aultmoisieresj r um atik,.- preeedented success which they have met with; "W A" reasaitattie arm ,which , they ,harp rrfonnnt,. juady ley claim to tbirtitle of Cinque:fop qua,. 087; semis Re4lfich they have be e n recommend e d. Sherniin's. .C l3l4ll :f•OitZtOb" Core the me.t obstinate Mel of Cough in a They. bate eure4 a large Orsher of persons who Wevii been gi ► their phyrciao, Volt frient4B l 4 RA% who have been Tedoced to the verge of toe grave, oy spitting Wood,- Consinnlitimi and gerlic rever;t7 their nee have bad neekpl• ,health ~restiosid 'to the. Inegi . :o cheek sal now live to ' , peak forth Se. praise of thie invaluable medicine„ Or.Blserman'a , WORM I,OZENGEr Have bean proved in more than 400 000-caeca to lsen falliable, in fact the only eertaio ..Worm Reatroymg .Medicine ever ilimovered. ,eldhlren„ will , Ahlurs Then they crime-be forced to_leke ary, Win!, , 0 1d.iStIrPs and,the bitch! &Arai edunplaaatnakof 'o r * etas td them in this form ia.great beyond cenception. When tho ;breath of dm child becomes otferaive,. there is pkiting of the nose,"grinding of the anie.v*- ing of the teeth daring isierp, paleness about thin hp, with imbed dreejrs bleeding at the, nom liewliWse. drovisipm; starting dorini "kep t &turbid rintems. swakkisg,with Meaning scrams. youldtriomeougt. kveriihese d thirst. iorecions sickagllkat ibt stomach and Wonted stemeh--these atr 110001( toe many prominent symptom of minis, and can relieved by these immipprahlts ;pimps. They hive never been known to fail. Dr. Shenimes" • . • CAMPtI9R I.I.YZEII:GhIi" ReSrviog• burische. osswito 1 1 -14th i1te&04414 6 ;6017 of the heart end sickness in • few noinutsa r nt, cope lowness of spirits, deiPonsk,ifie .. 0 hitua l a r.„___L,n 4 7 . 4 . cramps of the stomacti. summer OK our - oger , they keep op the spints. dispel a 0 ,the 4isireesing- Ai diosipatios, end enable a prawn In undergo great me: tad or - badly toil. Dr. Sherman's f . , "POOli bIAVIS - PIA , Er ~ I• acknowledged by all Who he rs *used eta a • be Ili best suengthimPlaster • doe and a siPosysi . git remedy fur Falba ail ,n , bid!. leinsold, !mast, pea. li otios,i oleos; rhinnnatitan.'hunigro; tk. Ow „million a year . will not supply . ,tho thentawil.- r - Caution it neeweary, as there are Asia!" onpriocipiM person* who wash/ fitnr a Orions - arykla . pro.. the. coausuniti. De careful to get Shernuires Peer Kan's Plaster., with s, , fse, sisal." 4 his written name Ile tk beck--nois others are gone*. "pd Ninth 001,0 short than gond. Sold in Towanda. by guETON , &kW: TER, No. 1. Brick Row. tsj AND NEVER FAILING IjEMEDY FOR PILES,' HETHER internal,.Externel; Blind. Blpsi~g; V V Scrofula, White Swelling, Ukerated Sore throat, Canker Sore Mouth, Rheunkailsea,: Cute-, nears Diseases., Nerteriar Alketirms, Ace. Aso for. Said., Burps, Guts, Sprains. Moises, Weisel klelilird .id ptalaimios , THE FACT TO_ , THE' WORLD 'biotite!! medicines eve ( brought'befese the Fablic. NO/IE have ever been more, beneficial to 4- flietpd finmandy than !' Mims' Liquid Cure." We know that this is sayings gjest Jam if we were to write volumes, we could not sty too mutt in maim 4 tdis . . Haavri—nurroirsit Lirs—rentopratun RrVq Hundreds, nay. thuds:um* bless the.hogy hour, wlign grit they were acnosinted with its unneceadintvitiner.' and our prompt purr" is to Orions other,. thoneendr, ha* and when, they may obteus that relief, which they perhaps. bass long sought for in Cam.: . . The amnia; et eellenee of this preparatiim, o'er, all, ether inschaliss rue dm; mei* and permanent cure of PILES is lien ,iiiiowilar who hen tested it.; t , •- „• I . has been' , peevallin timusaiida o instinct% and has i NEVER FAILED I • to eaie tiii .. • • . )lOBJ Oillitl2lNTE CASES,' . . an we Ms amident it, .. Irmo RILL FA U s if, 5141 pomp Imes of tow as:cooling to dirogions: Asa proof of oor main osofidrulo o =is its oliciiFTOrs. swigs pareissoirs that, if.ofbir proper irial;it prose ioeSitlist di Mousy plaid for if loin ba gsfripartir. , The " Liquid. Cure is is olootoal &sway. for Wks; PiArpka. !fa t .IProogai oChiPoia Akfinr. ott.; 4124 fiit Seit *ma: *VD . 1 "•• • RH InIMATIA,W, • gioiqg iineut;ltaio sad ponnenept relief" „Iffe,potencntiono.eow ii Woo the Public eitipeoe the excellence of the " Liquid Com", for SatUe, Iherne Gets% %Woo, Bruins, titetelliicia, &c. Ito efrocni of • , „ , , . REAL PAIN KiLLER vs MAGICAL. Every f:qmisly.. Ake Lend theeld Owl& ioniser :es with thisfitioleibl• PreiSW WINN dm dopes' of whirl plates it wake *it teeT . eoi pa e 1 ~ottl'w Pompidou esetelois' g ceps; et 14,011 Clitei frefa duos wkelleos mood the "Liquid Clus i r asy be bed asifis of sir pOiwoiewi , Ilysts',Liqiill.Orre" is orteitoted esti by game Cs., It Epos; Shod. Mao 'Ark. Fer idi by.initAst ont. Tationds; steal for this amity. OW by C. IL Hemel. Athens; Rohm Veg. Tow: -hoes Pitimety. Illostestoo ; Henry Celdoo. Moor. 5 Lamy RIDI4 . DRESS moot - rust °Pei*. goinod iipagthiSst * ,DREB GPODS eensisting. of Wonliiitaii4Lionti Berepe, Thome. Linen, and Chanagebleklanhers. Ovindiee spa Printed littuiltiit4' "nie *OffusiAl ! jot Aninican sal GAN Menne 'lNaa t of 11.0101:—Ii1;4amen Mira" ditaaittid- cote NA' Mn glom gaiety pieta ins sad color s- • „ ' , 'rpm 41(vxmert tov-euwag ILTATIW-Mailelkia, far, ii k, edam! mai Ai* Sfrii• 1.1 cal, weal. Parma. Lesbors, paid pia palmlike! 1104 as WO sad far We at 1111101K7URIA °et , x . 1 6 & CO MYERS' ,LjQuip CURE, , • rosritvg . aftliaatributtnaaltardasis at - • 410 11 *,-.*- • ~.,~~ LC7I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers