,~ .~ ~;~ ilviiaj r. Itealt-thistiCkaaaw • • old 4 T' , $ 1 0 4 0. 111 11 11 .. o tea. 1 11 , 1110elo n t• war. MIL _ ‘ollloll,‘ 11.4 thfr I t the lifiut4M 4 1 48 . 1111 0 ( 1 1 1 .1. , vett . 4 7 "n• f , ArOjelpila”P* 1'0,4 r 1101 4 the eeielEtLief certab tenterterip*ltret4eitl sn ellt4loeitalPit*lWl l ,44l,oloC l6 4:4 o , 1.,-.lkkirroor tnikoilki.otr ii.tatob Tooltoo.t. norarpliea to or:lootobit sif to rot outiyl..y te.ot; torte fell ilatt,tllllll if Inikakutlet ~Irehroeleat Sensper . iiia,L swine 'die tatce" velee7l4setiog loot re 'reedit,' to ledrillrtiPieg, es es isideeseeet to iiinbirit is the lotnee.n. Ale .. others. he •pplted to Cherie. Watrour, Ogsq Editor. eitierJe , eeieek'ertiwn eh. worsted ameba pro. potition. 11. ga ANI forme. ly one of the p r o. r pThltore of t 411:101 IF/1 1 :rstivs - T 1.1111 ROY.. fltraterly - Co.luer one ilnantier rof ih, hronell "Ida, kle.trr If oik at 11...11ettle....!ien..Inree. .11411,4 rodNILLIt l TllMlrotlY.ooder the nem- of 1110.11 C wit. $1.711.1.‘11V1i k Ct). Intro enrploye.l Usu. old man a n d niread. at we enthusiast'', to pat boat IWVISaI dollera per a elk. 64 the - a,. Of bo flange. Thrte to. n hate Ivrea morning tol liltelbnt tit us all p.o.thle torn % In honer a e iNotier them. ittol thdt brim; theta and their &curdle lone market. Let I...p.ebhc dacha upon the caws of thew. ileum and bupenblc 111 CM. Ogoi .t their Tricks. They say that Dr. Too•eineers Dessaporilla soap and foe meat—thte i. fates; acer• . leayehapt t tbramili the whale en, In New Orheam, Teem, Mexico. genth Ameeiett an.t the Wert Eitaieny-i.fill Diet the aildee it Ora ., th• b e lts" it bream*. Wain-140 a. CRy !made. by mistake, la-1 ap^n4 th.tpouted.. nil we tevetie4. eachaneed pow. es petosibte; nielt an seeittegialittl serer acearagain. Thie they etteapted to iftake • great uory et awl ray that the a hole .11' our -.- • - eltare that. they Ste py NOTICE TO DRUGGISTS. Dm:gator others. wins*, any ka saperills fir,the 'Mal and geranium Dr. Tosimend's Sarsaparilla libels, as- of who sill Sarseparilla which is wrapped in eurelispea that con td. libris De our Sampan Hes sire shall ink& reeposiadde fur /he part. - • NOTICE TO TRUE PRESS. tfi. S. P. Townsend bar paid he Press is the Coiled Stakes within the lam fire yearn, at least 113.0.00(1. Others are' now !seat reoritig to reap the adventege end benefit 1.1 his Gam. (lister, by publishing that shear* is the °Mom.' Dr. Tear ,lad's Ssmaperills. mid that mars ferment., mars Am. hr.; Write aro base (she-Imo& Cud ernes W).. and as shall be lender the us -reeky pi holding publish/Am respoindble Om any ds:mare that may be dime is% in tivisli citelelnuoil to these Wm reports, which are well enleulated to injure our Interest*. IPHOOlittl PROOF::: Ileroje priter ctincin.ire Putt Dr. P. P. Serape Lille se the original. The Adloeine it from some of the most respectable and influential Papers in this atom Frees the Albany Peening Atlns. TOWNMIRAI WM MMMA PARII.t.A. Teem pr ittaklr has 0r.., Mem so repulse a remedy, or pa Twat landicips , . as Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla. ehieh woe Airginally. vigil continues to ha manufactured in , this city, at fries by the Donor himself and efierwards for oeVerol year.. Mot to the priming time by Clapp* Townsend. the present proprietor!. Since the partnership - on. formed. the Doctor has resided in New York, Shan he.keepe a store. emi attends to the bailee.. that aceumulates at that poled. The maeufse tory is ie this cur, and is conducted -by in* junior partner, Mr Clapp—hege ail the medicine is ensoulactured. Fret. of dor citizens have any Idea of the amount of this tharls inannfactored an I sold. the vales is this corm" it is shipped to the Canada*, West ladle Is. hinds, South Americo and even a Swops, is considAtoble quantities. An the misufuetory they employ a steam engine, •besidee a to to ensetber of teem, mosses and girl*. In the pie. parades of the nindieiee, mekteg boxes, priming, he. Ate., tad tars att. reads for shipment, over -WO dozen per daj W Pearly NM° bottles. Tbh is an enormous qmirdy. The great sale the medicine has acquired. If.. indented • number of aeon to get up imitation. and them is at the pew sent' dim other medicines the site, that are leaped " Dr. Ttrwareses Saresparille." Oise in °Articular. started a shat hese ege-ta Nem .Tork, iseid/es -10.1 DrJecob 'rewarmed's and apparently with • view. by dint 'of adver tising and the meal 'wench., mooted to Ia such iffhwis. to sepprepnate the same/ DE R. F. V4/4 Malin greed remedy, sad this grin at. the mtvairtete tesekheitfrom the propdarof of the name. which le has acquired Amer it, by years of psalm end expensive labors. Dr. M. P. Townsend, hemerlf of this rite. as is well known here, in the invelltor - nod oeisilled Pro pristine of Ilse medicine known es "Dr Tirorrisiend's Sar saparilla; and we think those perm v who are attempt. leg well their Miele as the origut.i, should be exposed. Frew the 'Coo reek Rely Son. tbs. TOWstarimis extroonlisory siewaseanelli. which ea tlilpl.9ll SO Koine page of the 3.:2C. will not strap. node.. Dr. X. P Townsend, ,who I. the original proprietor of Dr. Twarnoosto Swum:Ala, and whose oilers is non door to sera. Where ha Iwo bees for several years. is dalvini an its. Faeroe bu..inerst Ile recelehs no 1.11 alas fora banderol dales of Sarsaparilla per day. .no- even this eonntiot :a quantity does tot supply the demand. Ito welkin* ever v tined so great popoilanty as his preparation of the Sarsaparilla. Ili. adi• Kos of Alumnae, for 1849 east *UP" ) , and he has paid the Kew lr-nelt ttna for adeertisinv. In the hat tsar year.. owe IMO* and Is welt lorledow that's is use cheapest allow& sins ha has ha 1 dens. This snedieiral i. wedeweed le the Taaadao Wert Indies South America ftia Europe is coo dide4Whist qsantities, sod is coining into venetalnose in them alassaKrim &swell 'wham . _ Fees the G.ldes Role The Odd Felines peps, wean's. the foilooing: PASSArAWILLA.-•-ANKMII the OatDrlolll9 PZILM-UP of title 6 1 / 1 13f laildieftild root. Sew her Tewswood'e bears the yam of Hiperionty. It is indeed en excellent family medicine. and iliathig eted it in our own fierily is nth decided adiraisege, we tan reeentmend it with perfect sneer.. DREGOISTS. hi our opinion. any Warp* er shop-keeper who would sell the ominous Sarsaparilla, became they can wake a greater profit by kilos they can by sell* the :Habit, and .11 it for the original and genuine Dr. Toonsewl's Sartapurilla end deceive - thco CIOILOVICIV. would 40.11,11, soy fraud for moony. ihell.tees have ao honor .al abound out be trotted. silcumusitS. •Oretititts or sobers that tell Sarsaparilla for the smear. unreal Dr: Townaend's Sarsaparilla, that is sot *gore by S P. Tow emend, commit( a freed, sad rwiedl-s the cos toners Nee thal would he guilty of such se set *wild cow MIL any other fraud-snd no Drums.t of commis iatillitoree Fut Hoes that ours is thy only grantor. OLD JACOB' TOWNSON.. Some people who are oat well isillarmedr and have not read site pipets. cad not seem our advertisements. have bees lad ul sappote. that because these rut a advertits their sod as ' obi Jacob Tovroseud's," that it WWI. of course. be the on shoal. It is loss than one year Wore they ernemeneed to make Heir medicine. Ours has been asthenia:Hs over tea years. Many think the above language is too plean, or seiere. it it the truth ; and we world leave it to the judgment of any fair-minded men, if they do not ii it. We have labored for year., mid expeoded hundreds of thoutowit of dollars to establish the reputation of our medicine. These men are ea &Hoeing to lippropilate the profits urthewitelints. TWIN OLD JAEOD TOWNSEND They are endeavoring to palm . If me the public es en lAA Physician. &c. Lie is not a regular educated Phy Hiss. and attempted to manufaeture a onediein'e, until theta mrs hired him for the use :Whet name. They any they dt, arterial the people to believe Liu* their Sarsaparilla ie Hrs. re the mason-trot the better to deceive the puhlic, they at the same • nett assort that their's it the Old Dr. Too niewles, mad the ori,6eal ; and elides: or to make the penpleLbelieve that the oaf they marafacture., is the Dr. Towfweetre Aatharitells, that has perfonned so many wonderful cures for the post ten 'years, and which has twined a reputation whleh on UMW medicine orrr enjoyel—wihich ip.is Hot. villainous. Hopei* eitiled falsehood. We hart cam reed cuss aghast thee owe for damages. W i t nob, ii to hanalcrstookthat the old maw it no relation of r. Toweseita• whatever. lo their ad •ertisements red circular", they publialks•pounber, of pHs Ibbiehoods rempeisti{ Dr. Towneeful, widebise gill not Notice. *A..$B IllelireaTat Our oppeeents have publithed - le the papers, Olt Or• S. IP. Teenowebowas den. Title Devon., is thew -Hem sheet the ettootry, sibs lepurt tlust-we bate wee op Hsi., new, Ate. "Le. The' public Shona be oil their elm* and sateli itbridrol by thews sibeinteipled sees: • _'it'' ''. t - THIS CIIIIII.DIRA. ' '.• . . Ohlkiltsisnit. at tinpreienis rennin witkleatnierme„, , „Ail* is stkontedged..to Irehi ow aniediono *Wally. Ife* iiirtirirepo.tatitoltimerkpli) detail' blot ealotibtble - ,neweily Or the Deena yet nun illittereat- iisitheir ulesta awl reta il s. And at will pross ‘ bere as iladirwiwy f fit 41(... Hut two third. of ell confinfia tans die--cad that it e aTert ' Ibis casein be controverted. tliitiMellt_ % IlileAnOwn i Xesedg ftr ahoy Met ecorrthe On Obtainer tea, • that It w will eared. Sy an ht Hamm:Hsi amtflief sve.thst e ntcootreapow. cadt eathetliO; one, that Weal to? lefitrich The - rib :* iewitilyr einem weieteht Idindtettlegestairteaswaldlh, win phriniantieroid all netialwew • aril otherirny,tbstOread, y_ • I. owns to cure : phibt. the Quacks dealt" . 4.1 r bib “. care the Choleri iff sh yin} Its illirei-- - irtikil * ,Ilf pH' as prescribed. be certain to bill any mee et tarn..-47ha Choler& anise to he sent by Provident to leirosthe pante ot the earth to he chanty and ilrfweas. These an the Uilly great PRO !MMES. ~. • It 6 -andril by all. that- wnstrertarystdo} Whin wed, Aldo rhodd be deny* Gad nesnoweal nwoltein . as oedispeareble-hdt to Howe Offefhe, the lithrhef fiyikem. the 111114,1, wondertild, bennutal and delicate opt lea, 'lnd' s ~.5 . ,,.. e . - ,TiIE Ulm TIM •31. 0 0 t ~ „ ...1..._ Tirran of all Anna new ab VeilS P • mu I I”' ''"Arilf Whir bind; *eons; in kW wefee, s 4.6,§looiNd-su Cholera, or at direate. TioillerlMML:illswatOM-7. 1 h 8 11, ../Mlas alificheiter distarbed by sibyele.but lie* cleent4, ~, , us. . ToWNSEsys - 4kg.tput - um &i., ibis Arliktraity. 'lf • eon ea sob. . aa lineAr .i iS. allikloa l l".11 0 .t-PM7 1 1ty i let sat,ll4llP - 4,17 `44-1: - .N=Phiaii;164.1: tworsedirtfil alias irirat dtaaria VAtied•ltsbOwtallww . ONE dearly cine.balf of the slob.. that is unprecedeatmL-ill midways_ HAI eod benokial to the welt tad well, an le en penal, oneetsky..43lo24nrcjilir time. I F finallent the' clu t u ts .., ... - A...: - Lis_rec t...t - A.' 'N.) , •.. if sbq nearte • ..."4. 4 r l P l iTit iPi ttr . r al") • 11 the ' Sereripari t carryworst cans . W . eto 'WOW' Snit Itid Vent - Tbir foaming ill dirkt.t..... 1 ' sklilik . ,44. 4,..;....„ • w" - " Ng """'"gr Q !'” P's . • • Iti S. •q DeWair , Weehetwaeorne•fear enpann terra Sone 1.. ihme4411404 romps/ g.ikraw, t ApvtimpOfiveiri_ .aulk Illalltitrr ilwil""wir may Whims .theta ~to try, foe t r im ill ellitl e s„ 1 lope Isere induced to eke thir itiillne' ,_ f/sit th• o f Nue. Vie we rdlliciaa is 1 hatielpiea. pie i :Mori VD raw son speroulhirimir worbioril Imo' ank at winvaliPlathar.otthe nett rio metre. tlystrree eitiliped nnyadide all betimes i Rom vileismesambition Holoiluted in try yaw Seiseparilla. *bleb his wanly setly esteetne`` ' ' --' ' ogt 1 Y, 1 • 1 7. t ~ I At al eutOreiss /1 r. V ..-• d • lt: iti a l7Drilltein • er* ap,, , jmui of itemeram•Alllbtr the het et dionenna,4 rir. Is e au -pi. it, T o .,"r 0.. New Varb.dolliee mill ito ii the I ~,s imiwali F lNN T l g y in t- 50 . ,4 47 , ... ii - iottedifotile li s o u i.a. k ' ' iwriiiwthitqamo . • ','• ", ~, a', . ' „ .. r • .1 YJr amiiit . ,*.lsA lef hinilr Atek r Krt" 7 . f u , Toot bilk. I== % : j tit.t4 "pw - .4 4 -4-g 4404 -, tAttik • -m, * is co:Ave - w041,..1..4. -i r t,iii:shiii. - 0 1 os ~a . tai lifter ; ipt44‘ . 4nellifttiViPlew the Weft fdliitsat biris"pror. deft twyeta~liucte ifeagamii oat *nag but die' eizmus.va on:9mA @Awl , prldtt, hsvl. ail Old DrElßAisi. alrsies-' 41 • 01 d' Um* WA arms, t•Af. TEE MUGU:AL DI Groin Tomcod Sarsaparilla. Old Dr, Trammed is now sheet 10 Team of age. aid Me Mar ben 'l6 l 4 l vn es she :turncoat owl ,DiscOVERRI at the r—lrtnohtpiticanitai. rolors.X.,Pol) s3lls4PdalL -1.1.H Defog Poor lie was compelled to Built Its tesnufieture, by Which means it hail.* kept sot of enereltedAtidrilee esimicie rentseribed to those only who had preyed Its =earl Ithfifre its value .. ears of had seached the ea of man „ ecreilitelesit. ■ this persons whit hod Mtn Inteleitof foie' 4 of weed from death, ',roc-tainted Its excelienes smd wonderful - • /WALING POWER. Knottier; ,stsrry years .Pa. that he bad. by hie .311 U. 'claw and experie n ce; devised en article whit)" would 'be of Mester hide advantsye m amassed when the moans usruld, le ha eishea. 10 wimp ipso:uniting' naps& mbar its lineetimaille, virtues would be kernel and appreel.." This tinter Yin mad the means ate supplied GRAND .I.eal .LTNEQUALL.XD ,PRiPAPLArroAr Illmannfattrued loathe tamest mildest* is tailed for *mai& out the treeth awl bartrith of the land. especially as is tested incapable of .degeeenttion or doetiontion. Unlike young e. P Towasend'slt improves with y r , est never [issuers bat far the better :bemuse it is lespered semen , peraripler by a seitaiik was. The blithest knowledat of Chasidim and the latest discoveries of the art.baveall tree tamer.' rim requisition In thi'mannEterare of the Old Dr's Dateapmr.tia.. Theitarsapartila rem Itis wall Mown to medical Wen. contains many merMinal properties, and. mum Which an Inert or useless, and oasts. which lf tatabsellt= paving it tor nut., mythic* feestenterfee and seg. which Is la 1111i411UP to the wound Setae of the properties of danwpsille are so wields. that they mutely evaporate and are lost la the preparation, If they are ant preserved by a mime* micros, aeries oily to Mow eaperteeeed la ha sarautheture. Noteevet theme 'dna* erfariples, which fly off le whims. or ea ea exhale. hee, sneer beat. are the very re/radial embed emperfres of the sat.' ertilys..l... tr. I. all It. Any pence can boil or stew the man they we a dritsolesel liquid which Is wee hum the coloring matter la dm root from any thing else; they can then strain this Inlaid or verde liquid, aweesse with suer sontames. and Ora call It "BAR BAPARILI.A EXTRACT or SYRUP." Bat sank is sot tie article known as the GENUINE OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA. -~a~.~~r .:~~ 1 ~ :. _ ._. ~, Prissipat 0141411P2 Nessini-IC..lllta :ark avi Thhi Is as eneared. that all the inert pmpereles alb, Dar • saparilla root are first removed. every thing capable of tee smug acid nt of fetratentation, Is extracted and rejected; thin wiry Mick of medical Mewl la secured la arum awl commentated farm ; and thus It Is indeed lncapable efieshed any of Its valu able and healiej propellers. ?wand la Ms way, Misleads the. least lowerlbt agent In the • Cure of inssaaserable diseases. - - ------- - - Haws the maw wbg we his coannerbanas as awry AM Its (sew by ass, women,- and elikbes. )i's dad It &An woad's. in the awe of CONSVAIITTOJK DTSPFPSLI, and LIFER 110. - PLAINT. apt Ia,RNEUN4TIs.4I. SCROFULA. PELEIE cOSTIVENEtS, 11l CUTANEOUS ERUFTICAA PIJIF Ario6rums. mid all allnedottoarlaleg him IMMITY'OrTHE BLOOM' rt pnewestisjt emarvelkots Whaley la all amplalats Oslo' hem hiarelereek igrs" , agatAe.4s4hit'Nelownasithkellinahlrealer thertgeteenigialee afideoete the head. dietheeet. Cold hat lead lleadateltreldlls serklot art thekdy' tt has ant its equal lo Colds sad Cherkr ; ud ploomites easy es =dm met Beetle perapintion. ealube abeam of thew best and may other put. • But to nothing Is Ito Oxerlimee MONO maelitedlg men sad as knowledged Mom lull bade sadesera iris. FEMALE COMP womb imam iamb of Raw Alherr at Wilier. tlle Womb. Marveled., Smgrateserl. or Afesses.l r ite• of the menstrual petiole; sad thitlike ; and Is as In Carla[ all the forms of Iriclary Diseases. Ity removing obeimetlees, mid vegelatlag the ebettel aye. tem. It gives loss sad streerthrke the who* beg. gag thus eases alt *no of - Nervous diseases and debUltv, sod thus prevents at tennis -a it eat variety of other nalanee. es Vest .ftteurslien fit. rite Dew, ireeeieg, ywp.pei. Tits, awnitsiees. It elonw . lM Mood. ening tin liver to bobbin mann loess the sineuteb, and gloss pod dlentlen rellons the Meek at know kid eandtrabne. allays tilunntina. perigee the equalises the cinculation erne Mad. ponhaelag pl4l wand k equally all ova the body, and the loseeslble peninsulas ; se. Wes all strictures and Wynne., realms all obstreetkiso„ sad laslimsters toe oath* nervous system. Is not this tbs. The seiklue yes pm-eminently seed t Des ens any ot these thine b. odd eta P.-Toweling'• lab slat amen I Tbl.yin Ina% li quid Is sot to be • COMPARED-, THE OLD DR'S, because of obi GRANDTACT, that the ass la oicarAßLl of farsaiogATlON, and NEVER VONA whilei . Me other Don reseisig, fermeativ, and Weill di Mesta wasleilair It tots heirmsate ; the wear. add Itigeld -eagle ding. sad damaging other pock rots met thin \ °WON cam pound be poisonous to the system t— Met / get acid kW • swam airway slimmed wail midi What amen Dyrierwia but add 7 lb as wean Items Mat wilco fond wan Weer maw ache. what mischiefs it.prodems 7 tbuseers, heartbara, psO tempo of the heart, liver complaint, diarrhea, dysentery. Mar, and coteisptios of the blood 7 What Is Secallels bat as add humor M the body 7 What produces all cis hewn which b=ss implions of Os Skis, Scald Beak Mali Memo Fry White Swellings, Fever Beres, and all akeratiow la :ems! sad szsenial I It le nothing nada hams. bat as add substance, which soars. sad thee spoils all the thilb of the body, IMO at Ism. What causes Ibminunatisie Mit a soar or *MI Auld. which lasisaates knelt between Mojeials Mali slur When, lerttatiag end indenting the delicate Singes ars which It acts 1 So ofservoner dleessee, of ivegneity of the blond. of gauged dreidatiness, and assity all Me ellimists which MOM house amuse. • Aflow la Woo" norribloar !oohs .earibell, cad tidtrutrotp were iblierldebri, . , soutaN)Vnlumartora.-Atiot. comPzone * OF - 5. P. TOWNSEND, oist-sori ho-world fell him. It norierdend that Ala iii. Jacob Tnermwere Omaha , (*irks!' Sarstryterilla, 12 ti t)nrwricm e its Inferior preperatio• rt Monne forbid that we shoot& dead la an ankle widebr_vrieli 4 r die fond dortnd resraibriuwe In 11:1".Vowbaenen arable whlottahouldbdwrawrrortpon tbertitDr.oneh anonontato of colooloinroord crindootions from, Avesta who bore eadd, an parthasers wbo have used ri. P.TowasootraFTAXILIFTING MdlPOUltd. 4 - 4 We wish ituadorrineilwasero Woad* eliohderroLlt. that S. T. Townsend's article and Old Or. Jacob Townsandt Now. lawn% are heriero-widr *art, Ina iktititel, lisstiejler ; that they alrit unlike la esernstrdcritar, hods& radar sigh dame to common. As ... se • S. P. Torisee ii - ",r - ........, t _ sue than any aka ammo,. anielei" unpnoitialtina mon. Wad ritiiiiintria esti 'h. nahttelorni tliat=they shirreyititag a pnibiLatiestillerardilisk *II , Um 'Alton. °fibs matitleatawt Inorputing it. and urhictLanuacapabie aztrases whicirudgbEziemiet thew' di AGENTfrottitanas *taw l of >laaltt. , . But alanahLbeakcprcladnimitlas arlaialuorwasolla -14 Witt - argil* elf thidieliutor dlaaaatt It armires a mina 04.006 . a4P , . .. r l ooo 4 rulkiltrtilAcsillumis decent amal.4loa, web mare raport4r3 tbat*lmaaaos w4o walk • - waits-women' :Mal *etc Meng ;won t Ole . 12 4444 0 4, ifouglinin manner. rif stearin . bed cancentrattet thee..healiet, winnest, shoji* enensta Itedeledgeregthe Yalli.7ltf wbreb'albcit 0rati14.4.11.1 brew so arbyaraireilies erthesidlhearel It le to anarsteleads apse lbw untertseete. 4.l4smat Wastes. woeidedgelneettty. 1.1 kindle hope Id the despairiag Wei* to "esesteellitatUi eattaleeta.• tied"vitise letWthe'emalied "mod fird ,lseeteint lefineitgAte4s4l4 mamma Was 1130VOU'1` ar4 Ilse ßlo . ll+6l%l uul wens to hi* t • • e Crawl UnitarelikU Currieentra tea • Regwedve...? 7 • • Ittitigisausepretela anti Wl* kaawlwjahaofoikwliolasell. they. estlstara and linew t - py Jlm•fa t enperittaesdds ; "TtalltiteligdelliCl P 4lllVeeglg 11,4441: DR Sitsfe'reaSsseels*.L • •• - - KINK. ' reti al — a t", r otd r t ter ; 11 =4 igtqa .Wll wane fur at least two. wartiths• became cagey b e l i es iseeptdbileadfsWiegsepiiKest behest aged! ,oalararkkAa ralate,l wooOactakipsltialocaTOSlLlV wails II hams ;uncial ii iiaLimplwaa pairdally, Ow 10 May, - TWEJ4salalwaii Saily , he Shires se ire atictopparievir. Alto a rtia mom tea mairifirmturacsawancia. is arati.40...4694441,00/001=111 itititnion AtioatialorgettlagraliarY agars the Stst Ja T. I was teNeadminp I, tEenspaella ton the 24th. those days pftetietlittitelni Wad. I 4 ROSE IX ILEA dad* lalkl reitillegleligueelElersioNliplailtliallitallia a ullh" ali—xriA*Rdss" 11,60.1, tailivitof wiqcof fe l dia 'aka: .hacra Baits aficw.holi Sprocwialliet" at shmaradl ;„liteeeighe .Isregag's Ougd eat; MAY.. it haws bee to= 83 Xaslalaainll4l tiesSdiSssent sad amliew 'Oetereallfafehlig 'held; bolo Dialog aa this Viso time wawa bariowartUra af' .et Tot osird'a Taiiioyarilla. Oct, l prattler,' eintherimula pa, ()co •a 4 ( wanted twice ammo the done the led Ite" ehstetais: bare . alsaiewistir Iteovettill itemleeibalraelTharig water, which gays Ise swat distrait. The palatal!, wawa,* left we toad.wr7tateslJawe so moldy reams It OMNlrivoterri 4 anretherCeliatebat to •KiLD MORS-TO NAV altnela 8414141115111111Jat • P.llwMisiresel 'We phrielees Sleiptdred of ley apar andalag • .we PA ". ,w 0P , ,,...-1 1, ttfrs'etoaa Trisapel-Stfiss 1401 ,11ausestra1oiL1a oi)friajoresiViarititdi; iii.lll4romeriap.ir tit iitiatiftreseritist Nerni•orviTivey).** • -114 y 13•;W alsom.,rjoi o , f/y Ele2ihi~ !lo p% Coiyell i A c tr# : i l 0, bi •tr: MPyr k __ . -DAL 4 A I A 'RI P I' lir plewArms, 1 Irlowera g , ~at r6xto', Nt;..l*:lll' .-70m-r-s-flyrir."--- " Aug me adazerac g asiv ~ ,ri a m l tarlercauf p ells Orr 'MN spit .ii4PAKAWMPIMAP I4 IiI O 4. I 4_ 8, T.94# 01A WOUNDS.ll*Alioluiek .110119 11 ,1*** 10 ... 4 / 4 1 6 Oak* kroetoti ecserelyAillaeme, eseeriel,-or isterletthel. 1 - laefecoieil.kfre tbe het iitteeteseen, for ell; 144b1e away ,respresehi*, end - declare before heaven ,ete‘oser ' dratirm :64re areitarthilei tebeselit-ebeerilmurey ti et 1 Weee ityaTefilteUhneelie tlet+Olaisa-.4 have had ministers of the gospel, judges of the bescb, alderotrii,liefereateatiiiiteit'of-tb• red clolliiofiea of ttreiciet ore leis .rest, letittliere'lute bel►'but` atr•seios ~ rdi itriieilrT voice—ering • .-AreAraiter Oiirdmeki itieod if) RActirnkfikiir.—lt volume ihnest: hmardistely the iallsrimialieiv and rriellihg when lbs piM eisses IV4iiititr d -fteithreYeitionahltel be • salve liss'intedpetionieftbeltelif sche,qf sTandieg. and who had it regular ratty areek-li that l eoikitingteek Awe. T . - Deafness, Ear-ailykrlnAlli-ackel Ague in the ere 'c c,. head-We Gene . chred . cuie, diet itteany sea .4ryery AM; Jimmie; es airefrstriiia abiliif of fifteen to twenty Jailors. Otis man toil p i he bads ent.l3oo on his children without any benefit, tillan few bakes of the ointment eturdittem.. • ' • "iiilrrealiore Abelian, menet' than any other thint. - • • .refiCii.-='Trieriii tiV)lio eine of teller h besethifigi Ohs World for Muni. Piks.—Thousands areffeariyyared be this ointment. 4,44ETsagail. Mirk " 10 *(00 410.A . tfres. •• • it;Vvrouptr.tho.Pos.,mit di ee'unislor_uaing IdeMlial lir' s ,ool, 'Rent for . 804144 Liver Cempltrint,Ery sipelas, Teller. Chill &mos:Send Head, Sore Eyes, Quinsy, Sure Threag asineliilis,7sMeraaus affections Rains,Aiticase of the spine. fltad Tar:; ache; Vitrital derthi all INsegier VA - Amides; 4c- ; stffness of.t jotr,la. Swellini of the Limbs. -Sore iimM. Sums. Itheteseagisai. Pa/u, eoldiet4 C . rotsp,,,ercdkri or broken &mat, Tooth ache. Agee in the Face. 4e-, • Aged persons frodgreat relief in using this Oint mem freely. - - „. c or ns.—.flieurimral use of the Ointment will always kerpe sae from growing feopha need nreec he trou bled with them if they we it fremently: o"- This Ointment is gomi fiom_ny- PIM of the taaly or limbs Mat Are inflamed. la sum. cues it should,be applied often. . ,/ AEr TIM N . Nn ointment .will genuine unless the name of James McAllister is w ritten with a pen upon every label. lAhlgrd MEAI.IX:4II7EII. Sole Propiietor of the *hove medicine. Aosnss....H .8. & M C MERCUR, Tottratulo ; 8. H & P. Newman & Co., rCanton ; Elmore Hnr• ton. Sugar R•m. 49y Pr.neipal Office, et Nn. 29, North Third-0., ortnrs applications for *ratite, may he made, Cliektiervti Vegetab l e Purgative Pills. ARE the first and only medicine ever discovered that will.posifiri.fy cure Headache, Giddiness, Pile.. Dyspepros, Scurvy. Smallpox, Jaundice, Pains in the Back, Inward Weakness, Palpitation of the Heart, Ri sing in the Throat. Dropsy. Anhui*. Fevers of all kinds Female Ccmplaints, Measles, Salt Rheum, Heart Burn. Worms. Cholera, MOTIMIN Conghs, Quinsy. Whoopinte, cough, Consumption. Fite, Liver Complaint. Erysipelas. Deafness, !lettings : of the Skin. Colds, Nervaite emm-. plaints„ and tt fariitY'orother Diseases erisibg from ins purples of Indigiltioti: It haspertipectied that nmitly . erliedisease terwhiek the humeri frame is subject,. originates from impurities of the. Blood or Derangement* of the Digestive Organs; and to secure Health, women .remove those obstructions or restore the blood to its natural state.. This fact is tisiverstally known ;.but_lpeopla . . &see suck -an aversion medlthis, ordeal thrt - ,ims, hi urgent; they prefer thirdiseaisi ickthirenre. Until alt - iMpaired Conetitotion or aft of sicknees rebukes them for the folly of their eon duct. Still they had some excuis, for herefrfore, med. lase in almost all its farina, was _nearly as disgusting as it was bentliciaL Now. however, the evil is most of fectuallyremoved ; for Cfiekenefe Vegetable Purgative Pills, being completely enveloped with • covetao oe tune wares Beaus (which is distinct from the kernel) have no taste of medicine, but are as easily swallowed as bite of candy. Moreover they an not nauseate or gripe in the slightest degree, Which is occasioned by the fact that are compounded on scientific principles. and operate equally email the diseased parts of the system, instead of confining themselves to. and racking any par ticular region. (which is tbelpeet and admitted evil of• every other purgative.) lien.ce,t* efritir at the root of Disease, remove all impure humorlfrom the blood, open the pores externally and interns y , promote the Insensible Perspiration, obviate fiend try, Headache. &c.—separate all foreign and obnoxious panicles from Chyle, so that the blood. of which it is the sigin. must he thoroughly pure—serum a free and healthy action to the Heart, Lungs and Liver, and thereby restore health even when all other mew have failed. G:7 A.I letters of inquiry or for advice most ts• ad dressed (post paid) to Dr.C.V.CLICKENER. N 0.60 Vesey-st., New York, or his authoric,l agents [trough out the country. Far sale in Towanda, by HUSTON & PORTER. No. 1,, Brick Row. N. R. Rein' mhet. Dr. C. V. Clickener i* the invent° of Sugar Coated Pills, and that nothing of the sort was elm heard of. until he introduced them in June, 1843 Purchasers should therefore ask for Clickener's Sugar- Vested Pills. and take no other, or they will be made tha victims of a fraud. 67 The shove medicines tan he purchased of the follow ing named &geniis: Le%prying. 0.-H. Lints; Omen. Henry Gibbet Rome, D. M. Wattles 4. Ulster: Peek. hem & Co.; Won. TrleeriAthpMe, C.H.Herritk ; Smithfield, E. s.-Tratey ; Burlington. Cogell & Gee; Troy, G. F. Redington . • Canto,,. Charles Rathtione; Monroeton, B. Coolhaugh; Standing Btone, Wm, R. Storm & Co.; Wyslusing, V. B. ruttier. NEW ESTrIBLIVIIM ENT - 11 Kr 3IIM weir moo 411=312..14. -1... , M0NYE de :•00. would meetly inform the eatizenalt '-Zr' 7l( !'s , ands aid the public generally, that rqto theyarans on haadrientaitufaitan lk Nit to order all kiathrof.tiAßlßET • . • I;.z_ .r . Anro. sruitc, of the best ma•e. • • ,Rathaoifia woitmenthip that cannot theiteuet Miri4 carMillth°l?!; : VP; ly VIC i' a ,9!% a t e o f otter SYWAs. wafisais t appiiiv M. patteinsfSoli Rocking Chainey - aptiolstniiditi supror iltyle4 and toreassuiton &raid* mat ' , bar atopSmi evati•in oar , , largenitiest- , ltlamshmbalf:Freatth Ma hogany CbairPaautifolly , nphalstarerkwith ambit hair. stiebaressilisseir-Ffs ehistiiity.:msdAlaisbidmidt - thr hist bakereating.: 4We latter oomalsm Man baying had much es prrieacWis-that btsainaas. shall be-ablr to satisfy all who may frerrli!poier' seralti-lioth 6 to cfn - diffirtiall4ca n atd - .. „ ttt , ion jo linsineee hope to nal imPrine* t.rilfai liberal cow 'l y rig OerM). rinr 1:11.* =3 itieillpyckhWoleitkivrit - reel* rieetr'iiii(F-WTAkiitii:' oneadiliir OitgaVeyttiiiiitiiiritti444l,l4l titoitlitiliArtsitiNe 4 esee - WO as k. frrpiOiint ; - LIMBER War Ai& s em . •IA MI, NYE CO.' IC - A 13 .331AgStailLTOB3 =* tHIII I stilkiitilk still pentippe l 7 Sky iiilAmaniiseleratiiiilittp in hind won )4, the old mind cd TfunkinsAnd inns 'cif • t, end " 4 seat CHAlittri.itad_Str stiiiskOinds, &BED. STVADS -- of; eve4'dese.ripfaiin, ::"CiritTelC railll 'grit Toil nab dr fnatioik Coe Cherry _ Lumber. or _ d sir planki'ialfllat istisvofarAaseltif4',llLNlNG Alms sessestaisskr., 4-4 , 4 vur:: twit art. - Vytega. POlCAllaJlea:Cßibllh. 10101kallArfa011i _Man. l o4 Tr - omm* January 4, 1034 MIL OUTKINISHAMM ..141901. rafipm444,6{ln. ~.- k- It trimiiv.... It ',14.)Ar_44111400,01, . '''. , ' Atilliii lEalli la Ci a nNl.W4 o .4F.i . Oh. , uggp s itt4sles.,t•Om:` alipiailltiii , 64l4 and Astronomy. (irks lie Da olft:l l ogganal= miseries* audios,) Moral Phi ' i and C , payable queenly hit Odomeidr44 assumi. i $lOO 00 Datothollins. Poriallietr''' .: ' '' . ''' _:4.00 • - - - • ,-, ? :,., VSTIA uminsmk •-.-0- - 1 ; , 2.1 Lebo rreseh.pleriqrmurn.!. -.•— A . WOW 11lonoqee din gdallo:Yper quarter, 10 00 • Embnain Ilial nil&Werk. " 2 00 _ Any:prong lady reoeivingrimatmetieweit -tito piano, 5 privileged to learn vsigorlit, re any one.of the above impure ! a i d &MUM. diU.iiritlientekitlsiikeharge. TO • young lasbv eto-taudier-tho Sisglislairradelma, thirtirilto et leentlng each et the shoes bilitehes, ire perinanier, - -4- , , ... • , ' - -VI 00' lessemetime AM Vie Oahu; r - Ta , •••.: .-f 4 Otr Drawirkilot Online in eater colons. including ' thritmo idietarfilikimilt u drawing papar lomilloillilillft , &e. - :r-- 4 00 Oil peintioeue l / 4 0011111. - 6 1 .- . . ,;0 00 paiptiqetribsiparent winsfoiv . stoo,,iO4ing 'lll4 sopplj of trAteVeli, eadi -' ' ''' , .4 Oil Purnell piltidiii to, parr;eille and vehut,rier &Mei' impeorie ' ' ' - • ' - it . 00' Midi Wee *ilk: cure. ogre. Jo. - ' ' 4110 - Wax 'Bowe* pet, guider, '5 ow Pens at 4 init. ‘" 50 Washing. .. . _ • ''' . . 2 . . ao Bawd in vseetk!ti, 112" 04per week. Leiterif Onat-paid, addressed to the 'Whom WRIT. &GRlPirak• P• 1 1 6 •01 0 . 14 ItfolNa ex( N 4 ilr; will re eels, ,pr .. , •utientims. BOOT lc 8110 E MANUFACTORY. TORN W. WILCOX.- has remorrd his establish ./ ment to the shop between Kingsbery'e Ivies stores, and when he • still solicits & shire of public patronage. - He iambi. by si,careful selection of stock. sad by attentou to the interests of his curio. men to mike as neat d durable work as can be ma nufactured in this part theeountry. He will keep constant y on timid. and manufacture o order, Morocco, Calf and Coarse Boots and Shoes ; Ladies Gaiters. Shoes- /rid Blip, r Children's dn. ; Gent's .Gaiters and Pumps, lot. • Country Produce. of mmo,deaeriptiona. taken in payment for work, at the market pries. Ttnrinda. April 28.1847. 415,01 D IVZIO GREAT REVOLUTION IN FRANCE, Merely for the want of cheap Clocks, Watches and Jewelry! Great Rush at the , PEW CLOCK AND WATCH STORE! JAMES P. BULL mai catfully informs the citizens r i of Towanda and vicinity. th it he has lately c um ed from Philadelphia, and permanently lasted • o- T wanda, one door helow the Brick Row,in the for merly occupied by Mercur i o Hat that; where may be found gold and silver watches. - grolig fob and guard chains, gold and silver knoll*. gold pens, breast pins. finger rings. &c., cheap for mob, and every article war Tanta A large supply of CI. bCKB, of the latest im pruved patterns. tanning from 1U hours to 8 days and • month. with one winding. cO`Partienlir attention paid to repairing CLOCKS, WATCHES &JEWELRY. Orrery description, and from the long experience which be has had in the bu siness, work left in his ears will be done in the best workmanlike manner. Old gold and silver taken in exchange. Towanda, Angnst 16, ISIS.y Removed to north side Public Square ! R° Chansbergish ja Alf jest returned from the city of• New York with a • large .4jk supplykof Watches, Jewelry and Silver 'titre, comprising in pi" the following articles .L'Epine and Plain Watches, with / • - , • complete assortment of Gold Jewelry, such as Ear Rings. Fin ger Rin ra, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, Gold chains, Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Alan, an sorts of Silverware, and any quantity of Steel Beads—all of which be otters for ask esceeedingly cheap for CARE. Watches repaired on short notice, and warranted to run srelkor the money will be refunded, and a writ ten namement even to that effect if required. N. B.—NI A PLE SUGAR. and' Country Produce token in payment for work ; and ale.. learn now, a n d keret. that the Produce eons/ fie paid lawn toe work is ,lone-1 war sAnin.t math in ill it. form.. 1 1. CHAMBERLIN. Amen' Towan le. pril CR. ift4a. THE NOMINATIONS ARE MADE, IN„ IT IL. nT,T;I-r) CF 11 r. • • t o • ritizeng of e‘lii PIO t commenre.l the HARNESS AND TFIJM MAKIN 3 BiSIE% in Towanda. on Hain alert. n few J.wilis who've Bride , street. where he will keep ronatnntly on hand or make to onlar, flaied and common ;farness. Trunks and Trunk Faficea j o n d all kinds of work in h.ia.line. CAR • Ri AO F. TM id NI I iNit andIATLFT.si RY Willi Kdone to order From his egperienee in the busine.a, and punctuality: in attending to it. be hopes he may receive a shar of iiiddie patronage.' .... .Cr All kin li or 'ROA' M iy (... h Id at hisahop cheap aer than at any • her .hoop •n this eounty. , Towanda. Ju 12. :848 4 telyl 1.. minaret. 'a- 1 --; •'.- - I . ' --, ' ~ .4 r. n. iv yew. Contpletiott of the North Branch 17artiti ! • - BRISTOL BA, SMITH , • TICKVINtr forme.' ireoperrnerahip in the eteeefee Ll -f6e f rif FOOT* & SHOT'S; et the nt.l one. three dears nmih-of lire.lee're.antitrt rpoororully itiforn theirkineta etell,ah.l public. that they will carry 104 th hrataihr•--440yaert..h . eedaaio.1-mikke t. every,hinm 'lrk:Trine M4llller ant -iri-their.herst steles —Beleisinwthat they 'can .do es aNnd 4W rower Wink than can be had climatical , they arnak.lial imtboie fOirtowl arteek in Chair line to epee theme call.and they • Assn hoSwiefrisi. Reptiring done.ss shortamoicer: Produce of al kindsrkikew Aides wsetwi-irrestiontrge for-Boorswar.-43hoss and -Leather. rtrikitido_W. 14 4 0 , :It/kg; Na n s trEt (*Wy/103TR ii n eCtitiiisille rpHlB ExttlisffifilkOttelieSibitVom every thing . inconvenient or dangoous. As a loin eauactor thisanediciiii-inautwitrtortetYlitiag ytti4inerryd; seihaipliewitir4scredweisitatiniefta tits:Alto( imatiougladolgspgaiiturgital:Xiti* 4i.ssobin Nu m-410 asintolo, lionsert,/eraina, and cleanses ulcer—reduers all manne,s of.asselliass oadtamort; andeures 4 itenuisspopplisints t -plasonry• Thasisii:riewe eeteieu;'tialtsutri~ the ordinary Parity Ailments. lffiitD "nig trrtstlPror tow smim m•sflorent ' After «fiat I stated; boa biliaipilied M tlis*Clara4on.priny apinkm soil grftt ten k*lbe dutkf s tbil lid pr igioM by you is omit ,or Tax roar ors it:rik - aia illiceirai tat ty' sting sae roses:—awl-flat it-nig-Fry a mot effectual .stindi. A L .OMAt i - drt o, l "..."Paif 4FAIV*49I - chion — "Othen asasv*too' r # inly-nppliia:4ruiltsi egisilinantOlll be neressoy to ilanriiiitirAs t krapinodeof its applies. „ 4i9o..wl • icilwriPteinani a C 4 fi!nallYs NO* ittantits 10 bcadini 6 io6*- •i• • 'A : - .Ttintt rite Aovensoricittit asaglii.Pluiiaeilark,. • • • d ige ri in t g•A l i 4 i• . ernes, in - the counties Issinoir ph*el. t aliegungi 6 i W rhil-11l i AD - EP ii/i;iiE ierKili4i:lUloßEl4:slP-7*Ento bt, l. ' : m l i oL g i A ease. oft 'ns-al&iA*loo44. lEra n pit. KO 1141iitisicealer VAILMISIPSI I , I / 4 bit-wen 1 9 - 51 1 4:1 1 ,1 0 01- eiaLA !Mari siOssebaffortnifiri Erelsange..P4EaJxolo..,;., , , t ., ~ t ' - "TAXE - PARTICI'Lt iIi 4MM:ff. I - nails s bail stfilartkrfa , aidiothei *hi rti4.l any rieColfeenitehltiltidial" In Orlin' by hini -661.11111,u0.40: 0.' 11 4* walk *Ail leilli ll oo .1. :A. Orilmwhiriso inanitri in Ji4s, FetniFiolas Pacuce are awserat'thil eauseqnsimegonstlit.thene- Sad the neltalla.atiint Oualoorlis fori-grigslOipa 4 !" l "M". tabli isilinkkangorifeirs in this 'lstind,' :Ma riVdirrumal becomes feebleilialsniablete late arliteaccustomed Ifrigas sot to tippty kis mindto 'randy r, hie Map- -to tardy and velar Whip dull. , irresolute. - • .. ----.., . ; :.1. - ' . , IFiTHE ISOLITAAOTIGEst- s ..1r..? Is enshrined,*prentembrre , peal is- dealsoyedorad 'marring madertal impeolible, dike. Araks of , nereas Ilifidiapil Aolloppr. the cenntlelneil rioraticeM,4l9 aye% 'wlfbant .etsel lets% shemisordness is appmentr Tamest sperms:wines wens. amazon 'the anal ilon of 14mitkenilerlf , As1iclat.= , • -- -•-• .. s, . ~ ,IF THE VICTIM Be conscious of the earns of , his decay, sad vat it; he suffers under those terrib!isnacturnal and 4:minatory ensiladari,iletifeif t irOrYi °lnd rohnitie-' him producing motet ”ri-physital promerntiorlfirio praocippterjrirn self before the prolhisi Wier' ~.-e . allehelent nuartikonOtierianiimi la -VriWIF qiillibilonse tella_Min that this is canoed by his esibtAwitter. '. t. . ,7 YOUNG MEN !,..'lt . 1 Let no false modesty der& toil f ,litrif:•olo,bli Our eyed knownto-harrtEn m . froed Ilr' d i iiel P eets. hilitj, eare3don,e befriend you. - Ifir who places him self undi , r DR.JONKBLIN'S Tartrate, moylreligioos ly citlf II iisitiiinai is a gititlemiti, and in !hose 141 bo•o,,irt lbellifrelifNuatient. MO rave been restored'Ws, tole • vast these terrific nteliirtel iiihslin, I Gentian Pahl! . ~. -.isn, , ~,.`_- - *..t.f..V.0 -1- Pareingesof Modichie - Ariviiiee,"&e.;•firfiraZ I , v senatng'ritisiitli#l:tittisfonj . 1,2 ' or ettrielity; :- -!.."--'•-:''' ...t . ;•.:.,-,„. r - -; -'i'''' r .:74 5..r. ; ..,' - • A I ), %titi lettirs airadet44 ferthwith., 5- :', - . 4 7 , 110.:t 4:7 --- r -,- -; amiestissi44 , .B44:4 - 0 flapA - NEW 'I3O.OR.DY,JIVVIIM A YOUNG. ~ rs.esianditiitinn"JuotgibbfisimalZpice 15 ebb s ThE l lEGlSiiit Iftitmf • • ' A Trea i kisa on Affection . Love and Marriage, and. the Eltueaeis of Youth, Maturity and Old Age or tit. Lights and Mader of Married Life, (its infelicities rod enjoyments.) -`'Co be or not to he. that is the rrastion." ' (With curious Caere. illustrations, Ike.) . There are moreihings 'twist heaven and earth. Horatio Than are dreamt of in our phitorophy•-sSuarresaano This book should be in the hands of every young moo or woman contemplating waansous. Every school-boy. and indeed every arm or woman, married or single should read with- cane and attention. this truly useful work as we consider ir well adapted to awaken attention to a 'object more blighting to body., mind and soul. than any other vies. Young or middy awed persons, wafering from Dye peptic and Consurnptivesymtmos of longstanding. by a careful perusal of this most wonderful work, will find the cause of such symptoms in the baneful habit here described. • ca Any Any one sending twenty-five cents enclosed in letter, will receive Jab copy of this book by mail, o five copies wiil be seat for one dollar. 0r,6"-All letters are exrected to be JOST earn, except those containing a remittance, and addressed. ".DR. WM. YOUNG,IIS2 SPRUCE Suet, bet ween Fourth and Filth, Portantorara."ll trin34 Warranted milk, it Penalty if $l,OOO, tree from &rem aid ether Bien[ Subduers ! The Only Original and Gamine Indian Medicine The action of the kidneys is sneh as to maim them a estemble lithonttiptie. Dropsy, erase% anal Female Complaints, arising from obslnactiomr al!.-gertstin periods, are speedily remmied by their we. A nee Espeettireation from the longs ix excited by the os.; of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, thus re. mowing Pulmonary Complaint.. such as Asthma. Born rants: Rorer:ma and roe:wean of the breast - . Cmighs. .r.• Thrust. &c. By - their olio° no the Stomach and Boatels; • the PiII.. en--.. Dv•pepoit. Liver Complaint, Palpitation of tlo. Wart. Vlarti'encl. Costiveness. Fevers of all kinds Dysentery, Pile*, and the Tak..ll nt .rn-til Vir•isthe.4 (n•liar) Veginable :!) A tte , xti , r. 2#4. , licroe, of ve l a .a•~rthintt ffl I•r cn•o p - I,tr\•R cat all ktrda• i•etter Jaundice, 1.0.r0d. , 4 , 4 of .Spirst., Neural:to H .1., 1 . .1151. in the ItioieA Etc Thee Pillv ski" thoroughly tireak up Infint.nsa in w h tch eiimplaint tho y are est:finely trainable. In II i lima - romptahiiii. these Piliat exercise a complete gal mistery. lichee Fever and A 'is speedily cured by the use of them. In din Western stkil Southern State. alwre this disease mostly tirevail ,;throe Pills go like en avalanche. While they arocheaper than the fever i nil gue remedies in mairral. V. rights Indian Vegeti, hie Pills hive been pronounced ropericar to all orthein. Indeed. it would appear that if there ig.one complaint over which these Pills have•moret•poireuthan'ininner, it is-Feirertand Ague. - • • • ,i For desttoying and expelling cWintrae, no Vennifor to these Pills. Although nos have not taken pains' to makethis feet pnblic;the menitof the medicine itself has acquired for it so extensive reputation Iliad sale for the removal of Worms. Atln ti aa istened to sahibs or children, !b.. effect of the Talbsis :eguallysraelimil and decisive. All oho suffcr from Wonits should, by ell il.r Wrlght's Imlivit Venerable Poi, In-ti me ran to lonise in the use of thir - 2 0.10 N. rbby a.e. mantel to the hd - wly i sra flied ix:- A irihl con.iamthe ekep=irsl that' Wticitex P.lls. far from 'bring a ," wrack , nostrum," sr, decidedly the most valiable ntalicirte' ever MI - tied t , ‘ the public., • • IRKW ARE OP SCOAA POJITICD,COVICIIIIIVIrriI! IleMeMbef, that the original and only genuine InJian Vegetable Pills have the written signature of • William Wright on the toper ealthhinLL The genuine is for sale by iIifONTANTES 4c Co.. sole agents for Terwandarcand4gi agente.ht eli abet plots of the state. , Office deeotattimetiimaa* es *Wink aP Wrighi's! Isdias Mardiggetpos., aihaMile auk Tetail. - 10 Race st.. lol ilaidphap2 ll llTOtentakVat v o'Ne*V t . and '199 Thaws; Bolton. . 119 v I -I:4Z :F. 1, •!s..J 4.1.11;t: ,••-• • • Al:- • • y•• .• • .• To Ownemoty , and:tellers it:Horses., - CAM. FON% DER • ' r43 trir.llMNT,ihfi'the cure f `‘ Bplit Hoof. nW 7 I • , Hoof hetnektlimeekeontrae : j • tedessi POWs's' tiFet itrui• • sea in Ihe Flesh. WonnOs.. , tehtllo Broke: Cute, Kirks, - Crechsd, straitt s , - ' Ake., o n f:foseet' • • CARLTON'S_ RING-eoPle '1;1E14 - Zit the am, /G 17 1 40060 :B 164 °MIL 13 7 8 1s• sin, Winflplis and.Bpliat—e - certain ramally., _ c rTti b. niutflose eunkanol theramidet °Wyman ara.pr bs eseige.al , wvetr . ssiebarat "Inv • NA ranior r awborilt cam itt - sieetymtuse orteweet :01 one handfed any istan atinwt.cas.. They4sete b, Wares IheiTillsfilalllicinolltir . lornend 44111.11 e. Ord w remit sa.Nili York - Cicinto' cift.,l 7 :lishii s end in Vogra6l4: by 11IILITON de POlrrEit: - Uhukitagiptia 04,...p.x,e4n1Trp, -nirs; =II IRV I: I • t lo • " iseic j=of 11111• U-e m -1 if Nu= wo rt il sirg hmla. Cara ifoct irilf-inickuse,„„ as.a Mk& sarremliteme, of ibe sburraidaa pieria'dilkikke 4 . 14° 6616 .1. iT I fila l - _ „ 4,-" 004* itedieriSieje frfe'ry respect : eiddeireilsbeadsat pm( efeeted, Oise ONE BM= Of it etookoles.,, pairitero. bellbiesiitite.=Usid*Slife4lemot yrs eo n i n inedlinudimed.eiyserserbesit eseredfsr Oa bee ever hese offered Ise male. Thou b uedrodbed 'mg lo roof .poupblet& dud by #Ye we of fib [reef Autism pinti m Alley diet . were Drew-yet lost—they tier weee - Lnun_ n a Cateetat elm sow .tilos,./-4ber dal Were 81411020:444 aad feberebe Sibieselkbel ff Was litmus sad CMS. - 7 who lame used Ilaatrestoutsida. *her Imbrued aid beet ALL the efiree emedutber o xibtese teefmatoded to ere tfitoottil trek/auk EA*" tho.Cheepost e ' bemuse One *Ms of 1t brilliOnjfilifiha molder matter d -a n d, i n. c onscopeaeo, emus store dhow la much - bp. duo the .eau bide efuer_ o th er esedkibe.• It ebewitflgf, *lab elf Haitrits Pawns *di eon POVII Vha as AIM. W. fOlif &AM 04 INN4I4I* Mit NOM 4 4, 00 40. th a l. oB . Was .4hisoYi nag " 141 . 121 V ! evarrnat s. 1 0 0".47 - 0111ILDOLL 0 boebtreed pusboebt editlais lieriluseu sin* of cob% 70ST Did .as ore* Aimee as ass hobo( tberefiana ry+p.ro4ttnea.aequeeaarsetreepee, -er sad Mir utefteitelleory, ohotakt be sold et ue wow Twoltrinew OOP set MAW; le be is cheeip,es UN Tvatnieu OM &Bar. ME . , ~. SOM.; qbnar t ar -,4*110. 1 - flow welch Crr;bo. ow Much frorrot—how mad tow lota.-41401011. et freeecillit/WERceie T new the hei gfr e t e ." ll . l .- Mi te:. ... - 401 P l j e t e -. . ~ ,,,?.•••...:7. ~..4.t._. Thf• rdr essere . g in • • -de sir nevi Of a worse ease of Scrofula. /4,0 1 4 . Aoki of Bores Petitind dute 'etc iras4ararby reran Of 'Vert Genre et tint her reesper* • thst wes weer erds,densparilia re est *Meet wieder pro to ego* the cry of such.a turbo ag ri e r e litsethr of itittlid Ottriteet; N. Yard Semidefew yees-•erep coedited tp biti bed dr festron-be was Work Orwell Aged deldllided ee to be usable to rem hie ham k i wi bird Maud fhb bee Meffimil *dere— . had toed alt of the le werersediee to no goer effeell44et Mile sad soma: sod was ow eidered to. In la e ititte . Sans, mid-weld abut live teestpfrai Anti longer, %die be cotonwintedidad BRANT% PURIFICIL ids wait wee rteiretarlite fennerti , to ii•—• isle ww ea e direr* his eretpfpeoubder his chid, lodes be bombed demo the belehis ear was so esterstoendhar it meld be VW" .. out of Its ee, it only bolding b 7 it gird piece—the we deo AM was si by two trieentri ' Ufew wort the ana. le lane lis • • deer bet needy. ashedwitegh his are ege ei bay. Thus Wakaffeted with wire weak patent eva gee am 'Mew' a' on redoefflwetrof hia - berien. For borer aad fall putieulite see oar Fietpldes. - Dees; Thew Waxirun one of dr NM eltilfel phydrai Of Rame.tnetailledba - me there the day Were he ememeseel urn Breenirredfr: Peet W. examined bra and thee told him rated the iiiiirefeet fa the wild cord eat are him—dist Ws cue was . e • Wows. than Hopeless - ! • am. bear Mr. HAMM'S annementO eam re mdd tlr wife procttrettrote battleof BRA NriiP=WyMalEXTßAft —THAT Barrie enabled amtoe=hafthe iltomp tle enabled me-to get And /If fir mnatianthh.d m ih , walk Are maim and when I had Sobbed ming. !The Robs ear. mamma out.of meaty Mfrs, had healtd qt, and dint Mao mons effected a PERFECT CURE and restored me to tad AMR FOVILTEEN,WITIMMIESI The abcore facts are me/tilled to by DOCTOR T. William Ur. G. IL RR _OWN.of. Areft,Rawat Hat& Messrs. Ritdr.l.l. LEONARD, Draghilla. Aid ELEVEN other rogiectaideadanaa at Ram, , • caziofts alum. Mr. 0. B. KINNEY. soeMb;or. &aft:. 06 a. .4, flamed us dm a amanita:we in - mkt tow, WV. ereetism derfalm of Castana throat:lt Pm effamoT of BRANTS PM PITICO ' CT. A ogebeirwikstor to Omens cam, N. T. aim amiss , said Pratinta. Mr..tll3;.therrtx. &Wilt. at Gan. barii.blontgoatery county. N. tias , informed as at la *Mu mat q/ a CMICEII of lord staidzsmintitieb was effected on ea agei lady of Mu place. l‘tharafola. ibis TIMM= we Crier. try* nerrabeating power what immix, disown . the m itt ffivan , reme experience mil niumph mit therein gam bmwhat mak cam.. • FEVERS EE CURED. The IterAUCILIED Tutor 0 fbe Treobyarisi amok. Adam Basin. Monroe easony;•BI: wrote to : Ano pst metre& • hated from Mr.Cnamte_Desomm e telatin to dor mre of hid Toryism. You may depend on what It 'owes. Oslo • a Chris tlea mosi. zed an eider in tho dam*. Does yews Ss ve had to lossene of Ma le sa ef,tp sore Ids life, ht contemn. of itireentenre. The other 'b." - Istier ame& sod Mai is masmoitated, I Daares-Illemethe. Dad de is. soh. He says: I here eso *fp mem ,atrm.r.s of BEAM MEDICO:E. I pferel Am nom fersnatter nar •seNet ia: bt Magical s. and I as now esT.distoridi the bleostav of 6.101 tr &Stied a terse ate Ds'' , See Tosophletatior Ihli ratio:lsm LIVER-daMOLAINT: RIGHT'S Indian !table Pills are &s -tashed Ora their per adaptation to the amen bode la their operation. they do es - what - Satire does. nothing , mam— my have a Pone-rota law, upon tbe kidneyi and bow- Heade their pe• • ir power o'er dis- Dr. etilltiN 1117112AlltDiere Suieont; C6im, cure of the albell onf aha crest 'Oreastholtht WOO d-lad arid. LiwoOre sad was per/dip atria egAsieg BRANTS N. WV's° Vinkgr: We aeold mass hawleede of other eft' FEMALE WEAKNESSES AND COMPLAINTS. Atftdy mr,...1 to tiotfop ft totkorpt,lteen hot/ n ormrit rottwito .tillt.Uldar=timatrimel is& of Ow am Ituares Potmosoutir Romp'. It nudes no diftS ewe orei dot tiontortottot bit stwortolito, I odor inrcnozATzs XLV . :=3,O tyrrt . o.m.diom w imoTiox, Sad =WM MOMS 111111T.4,M. • • •• • OP4 - 6,‘N Of t OF --LIFE, y promoting Pm ition, they Weak op C tugtu, Rhea io Complaints, Pain Irup#ona,,Pinifilma &o '4 " ' mist te werecit. a a r ,ni x—tb, are Is arliestaili red taw Mier se as tojelk real soy OrthefaKtimarest tbst fulpfmnabr. arise cammopscht „.. slab change; Disiveosions - Stainach deems Co.; Farman Lilt •lc T,_WALTRACE CO.--Geiairesw; wee. kir truma eon d rim diSleted with a disease of the stotakeh.` reoeld not (cm tat or poesy sobstames setthent cadet MO Pe*. leek" to TmOiiint Podwoe wsolootOTT—efff Frith ik pantomime'. t. air rimertatent, tried ism bottle of lIITANC'SWED rem. .In 4 to layettes disappoints:ink, owed eat totkAnt Os *wet pre ors setae. 1 thetefote died second hottle,whith had oompkrety sest the Modelle: Teef . wine weltkordserty. sod eat est shoat T. Sling sOdieetkedds pained. Ng theatossatil bicamtaraear mem " ourir: a spectAttl ravedo y. be imetaut ., celksiec WlLttri 4 mr . Ii SIfQ;EOR6 . mu mann It • "Thria c ta k rmsatz T,Od .3fesars. V. T. *ALIA CO.: Solketiew Tut "Wrr te washers:se se.dekilitated frees dbe edheterd•lsterrites sad Yst; fig _Svre.kletrif,that the 6oOdnotliklert kild pmform sey tree. sold Aber. Her extdlest WesdOl-W was ,ailed - wersdins ts 'moister awl foreseripOome Orilledkweet sidiaret physicians. ;so or *St wee Wowed Inonsitless effort*. She became so sere a fter. tire , o % Witte time 'she - commenced taking &sat 34k. da takeadke 7l l.ll l lBo l li duo eighty- ye pounds: . tat by. thstirse Ist r tettfes,she be woribot we ll. Theme pd tbel. ellte47 4 adeok2 wells kressbaid work 0 1 *OW) • oelledl OHO weeks. • L• Al ttfttne r lf.t_ czn.,:extmraL ' ....areat4ww tat, serve' ihat OAILENT&Z says'..fier sine , re ere Worsted by Z. & Teats, Esq., of the same place. ha airLittfb igg. 110-g: FA NrS • iPplicpuarnmseasiz , mums ptintrenco s ir eVrfege;4l goroso 10 4 1 1 F . I: l W a rtriels iftaCUSTeirlair or the "^e ^ ' ticrsief. Lor ccite the gates; arel tt t raorro. lo Meek ' eed pb*.ruard. to their original. eksl 3o MU. - 1. GENERAL DEWITYIF:JHE :SYSTEM I airersiamAtif. ataf. . oaf las • tr o a cabl:**v CC4l2tal:t hive personally used BRAN'S ?I -MF YLVIX figteirmiLdeVA itr 0( no' Frorn• " I I bum no hesitation in say ffiiiitigrthVbe, witoo WorIGORATE TIRE SYSTEM Vial hare ever n.V. we.; hen imAgis aort aßeirricigzur " 11 00 *!iici.mrt 'Mos she etre sivere A ceme; • SALT RHEUM, alOri.agg"-sr°P. spur cF 1 ?! lifireriniWPOßTEß, Totem' CataletrinkaStknos4S;a a jtighbinney Canton; .DoFistiaturm.i . torn ; E.,,Ye.--lhintoliumeitegiavlOL We "' -*l OW% D,TitAn-Istodkn.: LAW. Pie ; T. Huraparf , gruiell; MaynarJ & WoodburfisirkSwi E. S. Trace? -8-aais.illl4lo.loriell & Gee, & sadordies-mo;oo l 4diki;sed 1.41 ' 4tedc 0414. 106 Uradway.V.-41( 133, " “'" A "tAttt iiit)TOrt . ALL Collectors 'whose steplipeata not paid cr eluding INS) within - 11M day'', will law h:: pleasure of being wairlaiNeaki r in autbonll-, - i tale $Ar .* OVA:- - wilhott b n days, as the dernaede •inererit asprequire prom . p e i JAMES M. PEuh., ' i Ticee'sirei.*:"Meaford tool!. TteiktriCiffte* 449. - " • MORENEWANDO .11EPifillIBERY do 110: .are now receivinedire 6 21.3. , ‘fnem.NeorYorli goober temonmeot of GOOL 6, whintinll _Ate oloW entenielrlow brash. An* ilerir-Drees Good. teethe Ladies, nnuy be fours' a deo lot of Linen Buropftlfiatz Mianbots, E m bisileml torifoo t lacivelts French i Americo Oiegbarns: sio theliMueet Caliines' mittiee Please call soles.. amines . .. A PS: WPM HANSaobif fairtiilins. ii 1 • ci r 116fi'VtidinTei#giiisiel'': FO7rtz -,---.._---. DlAVl3l.B.±Paiiifilkiis...'44lmtltis-and Vestinr; 1 r ~,XlSM'isiditT4i;;joAThrca*iikan.l fur sale ri,.e 1 . 11.16.YPURE1.7Ib .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers