E • —. -- Ihr..Urttp:tulsEgajlia -•••• I f; ' , lb - .43%. 0 my thouuhts werit away-where my infancy new, • ":NeitYlhe 'le l bd . int iqrst!Q* l°,ll if u ,sitging 4qde , ,.;;:. I 1,-,Thatlioft in anymkilannd I'sd wandered filkg'ing , titishb void dints' in a.istrOwn'tf Till my small n I ei feet iii4-iiil l tathed in kqigld. dew A's I'playnt where the butter co:pit.ifisr. How roftlftliatlinm; hank sloped down &OM - 111E14c To the spAtitAlmiAllte lilt:intuit] grew How cool wastho,4alnv the long branches gave :t r. • n , As they hung fronithePhillow and dipped in - tholtine And then each pile:filf that slept on th,ritriatis • Rose and feffigth:tia'slisve 10 if stinsett While my homoJmistAte sine !raves rare suit tminsy. s i e owr..l As I played &tie !titili where the hutiti : eips'itti; - it The beautiful thingthar I winched them Onfola,' Till they liftrd,lkfy3ltica te'voses of gold i :. 0, never a . tittAsitiAliMse days have I sett. , , .• With lesvet,of ouch, 4eobneu, and flowers of inch Bitten, How glad waltz*. Biiiriq for then therewstir noughtli To bunhen sane some beautiful, Breaking up &inn itede, ?this with each Wildiwi.M4that blew, • .9 O'er the green.thessy banks where the-butter-eopstiew.. 'llimpiths I have trod 4 Would quickly'. retrace: - .‘•• ' Could I win back the 'glidness that looked trtairliiy face, As I cooled my sraiiiili s k in_the fountain I !Cole, With a spirit sit.pem.itethe wing of • dove. ;; . : , Could I wander hgajn.ophere my forehead artiestarfd With the beauty that. dwelt in mybokorri l lumitlied And as calm, as cc:o4oe starlightrinti dew , • ) Fell asleep on'the baidr.where the butter•cupp.p . cw„ . , ; Burnam In Itral Life. " Married on Tuesday. (not lastl tir•Rev. Mr. Ash, Tifinol iNlowitt and t:liariottel3,6n roy. hu ahnvo,niaritage was ,ccintinimated lastChia city ot► .Wet4illstioi.e,:years I no; .and tnerebyhange stale, oft theutrarrei lons, 51r. slownt is a.resipeefablestioeiniker, the rest was Johli'lrelit4. - 7 ivhtiliatl t irigragaied. himself en much in his hvior, by, liii!intiustfy.. to partnershiwabon.t„tAbvee , years ago, aline had no canse,to , regrei, fits kindness. From that time Mil ilitrow6t endl Mi.- iPelsin..l were frier . diflnit tdia;deil 'tjf iliettimeltduse, until';a out- ; twelve manthe 1 4.Pceindt.ii a,' ry .‘ cUroner.o ju. about- -.10,)be: held. over. the.dett body of a man who -had been taketvout 61 , the ricer a t the Itidf'6pM2iden Lane. The de ceased mail 'airthi.tnrlp" earaure of beinka regu raidOck loafer,and,it 'the opinion tli- all pfeaetit thii lad,O,lfifli ihici the Aljp while in , a state, of -into l gettlitin-i, but the, yerdietltras, merely , tr.,-lottoil„.ttrotyp t ed..',.'i: . - The jury hei'ng dismissed, Mr. Mowitt..turn-, ed roiled Acrinak fyj k itisyfrienjJ and fellow ju ror, who hatt b i eih suptnent.- • taittlio'iiiiioi4,.'atitl . diongli't lie 8°10; him _running ii2tull.epeed Alp Maiden Lane,;7l' i is struck, him as being ,rather tiugular. and also . . ' reminded - him of -another curions fast--at telist curious-`in c'uttneeti'en with his sudden flight— namely that wiled felsinsE had firvt,goic• ed at the face of the 'corpse, fie, started and turned deViCuiri Mv.l,M.• !then; 'proceeded -tPiiint.heartlieg house.,.and then- to:bie store, ,:to look .for hie partner.; ,he not (icon 1 4creilheri nor did he returnllnd nothing could • •dbelt bhn: - • Be- "giVe~, ,qulrtes ttiinkiagtliaftliere mint fie :voiire'liitis tertous.connecoon _between „Me. RetelogAnd the! want - tha6raglitond drowned; and that in „eo nee gum; e e Feu Anicl-,ln e ; awayywith hiruselfc:-a, r :•1•., ~rBO matters reined until a certain day lastdunt, m,er, when,' lady . called on ,Cowin, at his suite, ,w.iitidili&ut far •Nic. eelsingl !She tv'ailird; the lirarticulars of his `history: t it shittnx 'loltelir .'`'• ' ' " ' 1.-Not since, ' Was rite reply. kilo** his!" returned the latty,:! , ,, to ~;., mi d i; I assure yon—at, leant niteto my knowl edge , , wz* aka, fositiae,,, !", sa What filogPliavd yinitVflet? irignirelli. flirt Ittowitt•' 1".; %.) The best in the-world," replied the lady t• A..fortl, sm liereowal:ltlr.Relsing and t artipte and theaame , persone" • • • • 'And' strange , as 'it may Seem such' was - ,the • The' itiestion 4 tittn was whether Mr.",liel sing ,wassa gentleman I and it turned outihat, she as a Lady. and that her...name was Char ;lotto 'Cittirity : and furthermore that She Was' the widow of the 'man drowned. She then :litalid l thatlter . busband was. a shoeittake? in ~frhilit'dllphia. and that she had been two years married. that her. husband, whose • name was Conroy. tooktto drinking.and treated her bad. dfkilitren; she used to spend her leisure hours by si:tting and siifeliing shoe's' for }ter husband inteittlinual poon,etp , rattle Wald 'fitifiti ithoi,liol4ive adrankinMan'andlimik bee e. way,gtrAugh,',-the;yorld ,slope, , equithii4 • 3 1h:epleltiti reert * a clathing'jfie aoon, arrlcecZr t at •Nent'.lrork.' saidesias a Joitritjytpait,'„{Oreinan`:and:partner;_, - tre..bare seep above. AtlitintWaS the'coinner's inidiest started 'fen. Thilacelphie wheys,. Site' ;Tearni;d,'.that „her„ husband,. who, had.becomo wandering loafer. had a ,weekt before set out lot New York.: where.. instead of finding *win. jetted wife he found, watery'grave:.. • 'rite finale of . thiellimantic affair wds',llta't requested Mrs'C, to 'tnitlie - his :iteise., bet; hoirmt-atill finding that hi loved •Mia.-o..even better than. Mr. Pelaing.'he.pro; ,posed irpartnershipfortlife. which was ratified b'' they'briumint `man and wife, 'a few,dayi , • l'hie tet,perhaps the.fitst instance on 4dord 'wherein a wife performed the office ofroroner's jriramsn imt., the' tinily. of her own husband:- 11140Torkpoper.•: - - • •.t.t CiiAletaii*-U-Althouali this world t sed.ma tertbave aeon the great principle of eiintiariety r ailt if althougtx. taei3 frer, in op,inion, sod as Ao acienet:l the itritnerable ripeic Oa the riciesia's *bore thskis seen and disappears; as , the Are ebbs and flows, brererinits position, tok.pniee ervondemn:howeett otter' it may bedarkened; 'oAfewile....Z.We'reeld'ent be durprisid • when throli'iiiba' , # pk`li!'eeek • tor' tat ititdirilefdrenpe r :7irbieh . „ere, dwell as longer is ihe:bitalirof -a liberalman.7ifisia - patieatelit'• bwartlif a tour: atwriteiln - a slei . 4.'l C ' U lO 'rat, and gip', equity.' • •",,,, j wiiiiii o rßrcpi,. abulitipn print at %Iroreester, •Alassactt., ...setti.".•••• Ile }gas- recently invited to atttsntra un vetltinf i nk g k ipc InutatlV N pliiiliiliPTef - FIPA I)2i aniUttiationiry..n . oesonli.l:unt' ; go, latit„,ifjoitn a letter,- from - lvtirb-lbe,followinifis - au - aline!. We have-o . e'vkl'itiii our .glotpu . s i 4 i tliii" , 1 : 14 ;. 1 4 k 1,1„. • C 1, 14 1 . ; . WillaAvelkawAint autl•ntl,als;ilits‘ in ie i Dee ptitnti prost.rutiovy audisatiea:tif , ?xhie -great istorktofillillatithrtipbsevoltall-alm• talk' of/hint-, iqs.; ilitr; tt t 'a'raltii, l titunsinatl,,,9ll9lll.3.,.a"dpi ant ?„. yliaq ecnieentrtning,nueli tw:uf ',hopes anil .interests of the future ',inlet; •cf•.•lnnatanny that: Union to whiith the abolition of slavery 'wen d irp:Lth'e' rare il Wh`dt.. l ` of the CH it cut into the 111.54.issip -that.jegnlarrie.T. r: I1T, aff.ttle ii to ()reel] to deatta.T.M•tbe.Anastile segments:67A writhing iwiliticauteries of mutual hatted f. toot tt el l:n:tinitl ppel. m,fa 4,0 i 6111) tioii e iti wiirsd till',;;',S,•aix, pv . ,.yrii; in ilie.;,,tntinap,lntli• - ,. . the boon ! run the. amputating. knife: 'through the child of, all ; that . tl)v progressiye agers i of . tujmaei ty,,ttave pr.oduceil.of freedom -and: virtue ! 4nd, that because one of its member is-infeked :'with a cutaneous tliseasO., drop of blood"' , less ,thartj-ttit'li•lich• no w, id its whole !'Dues God or;iankintfte -4111.149 die isne•rificeOs'•- this Uninh-L-tis •tssAC of the race, in %Olt:4 all,nAtio'fis should be WS .!eo.,t., And shalt 4 1 . ..riteriiians, jct. thri ui re . against as art tit, faith, but 'as: pusillanimous distittst•in•Glidt,if.utithing in the' natural gion of patriotism could stay' that suicidal> arm, let itver i lover of his, kind. pray, that the Al tnightrailio"aires-feti stint nay ' i open ~the nit • Flirt:M mitt Of his pat.' a' xi erpose oritioniilatiiiii," or ilia!' might . I!l'i'% a 1, "Come thick night, And pall it in the dunnist.imuke lliat it* iterulnife*tee, nut thpwrinntl itinstrea 'Op heaven .peept 'ha the bracket of the-delft To cry, Hold! 1-!dlife , .., ; ; 0.. , ; ; ~, . : IfitsgiPiii * b I dle Unitin'tdissolve the tvlMl'e !nor at-power we 'bare mid ITEiNiltPubolittii Slattery! niaildig! krilatii that ytiur Convention niiSt Wm isli pus trmteheroosiilea ;tom 'eyety thwart. I artist that its'Satatntal lineattienis wilt .be detect "edlittif.ditesied; Shona i r t'aurreptitinitsli ,either ' 3:9 iii: counsel, in..ilie guise .01 an angel a light. "Fat-,3tott. will but .meet to dissolve,' but to evolve the Unioft . ; to renovate it On the basitt'of the ratheriol the liOptiblie:' 'Tien baiis is broad and deep enotigh_tolmiiic,the tfloyltl:, , A better foundation cannot he laid liy fallen rites. ; , You will ineet.as our, fathers met ; you will be. I "gbti.`witer4the'if 11.4ritiu. All.vilir re their defeiMr-' , afe,chlldrea lefi.oli.tii hold. Neu. will meet to form olnore perfect Union.. elialgish justice, 'etisurii 'domestic 'tranquility. C ‘ provide for the Imatihon defence', promote the 'general welfare, L.wilii; secure. .the blessings Of liberty. to Ourselves, antldosterity. .ThitniS. the work 4 - ou Wilt invite i :to resume. !" l'hisie the" , foundation' to which you-will descend to lay the first. ilcine:ilist,'lms been Paid thereitreinee..rtiur farriers felt asleep.",, As'tlie"'nOtions rain(' . abniit Judea contributed materially to the ereetidicof Solotrion's l'euiple, so the world.•crith, all its moral wearth, will be coMe tributary to the great ,Ainerican Temple or,Liberty, founded torKwit a reek. anti,fiail its ttompletionias the asylum and admirationsirtim rites: -• '4'he 'Union! it:is:worth' the world to the destinSt'of htiman naftirerfor the abolition of,slit• ' ' ye i'Y ", - trlft 4iliT 'tti O, Weldi It ' intriziOMl,powei:nr the iiAld tO.thi).riitnn.' Nrak,iy,q Speak of thp.','Olif• tie ofsidvatiorpanil the extent of infinity ! then for.lack of amore religious term; letme express ,the,hope.,arol . bslief that your (_:tinyentiott,will entbracej,ithe , rape. bc*lf it . shad 'increase thebtrength and vitality of the Union.... Ittghat hope,iitspql.l l in Ugtutrtirttiwith which I am windui contemp 'terlfe tleirtinf.:'nr 'die, ',A mcri. cin RepidrliC: I'aYe 'finried that to the' life. , } ‘titne . ,Of,irte pr si•titage.:siiine heaYen-kisiing monument, the offspring - of ;tfte I.lth- of June, might be erected from the bettor the Ohio, op posite your city, as a kind or e e ntri.mmid",r e colitenu, - Stiying to all things Shine and "sing in - hrat4n . ,,inl." all that ran' carry *the news on :die w . 'inS.. or t!ipitiil st iYing to ,',ull ages.,, to iiii:meni . tOlurrichnettgro . atiing in, the .undiscov eked habitationsiof cruelly :- .... ~ ....I,slrutul Me Oates mu& pericd.'l ~. ' "; i • I nrminurle.lli.6 weirk• t6tomptislietl; 1116 fare clns&l'the victory w6n, the iriumph of the 'ainericatt oit. •". ' • PermrrivE.--"A 'correepeuttent of a• Nety, York paper tellii.iiliouva happy.valley in East. Tennessee. where the people live out all their daps undisturbed by •pnlilies, and very seldom going tint into the world. , Tlley • are' content. ed.'siinple in theiirtastes,'and - of course given to , wondering at and . respecting .. iierY much Ihose,of thew own narrow bounds. , One of the inhabitants some time, since returned front a journey: , whon his presence-ivis announced at [heeling" on Niniday by ihe igett tit , . in therolluning ininressi vrisrds :"" flreih reO, theie marten:mug you who boa' . just got back from New Orleans, where he saw Inv/licit men at once - • • ARISTnCRACY...-", A cotemporary truly Which of. ur aristocratic families Can look back a few . yeari, tvithout.-encriontering the ghosforsome 'Worthy peetianic f How many of the fortunes, which itOw inspire ibeii'tios sessora '.with giddy notiontt.'favliteep earned by the trowel, the jacliplane, over the counter of some Inc itolne other humble. occupation i. Yet their successors! are 100 Floodlit , acknowledge their humble Uri- Rint;antl - like most of those who do ant4ing, and - would' haVe •dont nothing, to :lift their families from the 'Aust. 'are the' bloat pertina:t einUs of their acquired arfil.ilibritina :aristoc: . - e • ; PnETrf letter 'Writer. in an article teconttnending,. rural , pfirsnittli' " A love of country: and orrtiiat pbrsults:iii; thieeisrear!r,fi.sing and fhb "g!cii 'of 'lleoltft, Whfeh'Oiantles cin *-ho the eye that glistens with healthful radiance: is•morehominating,to•the o'll7El'3nd heart orman. than.the ertifieiati'roseate hue to b e . found the.tiattree6'.' " •11 — CoNsinsneirti'm If etrtun. of a country sheet.'in 2 se iern'Cii deism npon4)l one phakespeare ,pl.4s vas produced in, his ilk, seriously and eraa4y. cautions,hic readers not to suppose. fcir , one moment. that he.had U . the' teas! , intention' of detrietingfrom the wilt-eaineir reputation =of, the COniiterate iti - • ;,-, ing I! • AuffIiSoADVERiIISEMENT. '. l -,,•_pn T. . - Williftlaik.& SAIXERtEn ~ ;ftre_.iremyint-from. Arli - A Xiiitllork,Uiti` anima ot.Ocli:of OArrbpgiarid' I I *oith4.Ghlig44Uonsketing,iir4 Clluic:Uicid ge,neW stock 'VOltt . 4 l *4,isrol lo74ll° " Inal l ig 41 f I f la " :foftolii-s4lgiiitstetini be Zuuntrgiforgotti; . see cid **, - Ovid silorecrere . l)Plettsweall'WoCisyn our ' 1.44 .;..rke 1 -! A • .......,.. - V• t i F l 4lO .7glk • - 3 1 g ,u. - . I."; j-,?.",,t_t....i ,•:, 1 ,t:-...., 1 . . . I , Hk1.10:0 williseskyinted 11111114,1 D bid • " 4 ' ..' VASts• 2,#riites;ii nti"prnatordtuironert - inee,, alpeocas and noving goods' for winter dieseis. Linen. (I'd um, 41trglirAit o:Aus.qiddiWOUll '. - lihitfli black. 51 afg. black, striped and-plairt.sai in patterni; for sale very . low at .;15v:521 , ,,L1"01.,.... .YYAP , PEP.AIi t' ArIi,IiasS;IUILSPAINTrs , -. - 25" Nagle "Usri. ffliAllson; 5.1 oils' front aittr4oo. 4 , 8411 5-16;i1201544. i3os:l-8.1134.43, 10-13:Pantbmnotilound:aistriamire - ITna ; Asarannd.honp Iron of oltoiret.'" , Alsol 5 lboo"PyOoli?- ing izindl Centre count# Iron dtati -kind* arid iliripetrer•l • '6%c:died tow..-including.4ool.bw , aull , rods. , siitscfetait, anil IL. B; 'dr. AlLiffielltl hush , elf Or which %sill be kind, skimp. at ; ..,.;, ~ .'1 -, :I; #:0. 11. - I.*e il` I' , .- 41, . , 111 -. • , . , I „., i ons 9,, Y - •=. WELLES oft BATT,ERLEEI3. .. RA Ifs Oil grage icittive antittig:#;4i'cra -,d)ei Ake hot*: 'axes, rukeA, bay, and cniniiie iies''sVeiek; Varniiirii;tivii.Choii a nil' 'genital 'atdek'ef . hard-' genre may be found m the,store of , . • - C . J . ELtE:B 4t'AT I TE'IIiME, ' . 4 WEATHER—Saltmarsh. &tenon & Cos boa, 0010 111 ' 41 4 PPP“.:l.%#herr•7l,2lAPll4l, kipakinn , plways oil hantrio olchangejrot csoa,outi.tkios, very , _Jur, p. Nq,LLEs. ,soicrTEt.u.r f rs, ; jmimEliS.-;-20.0011:LBS, OF .8 iu rrEft, eifivir in roils or firkins wanted at the highest market •pttce lot goods by.. • • .•..`l';_ Jane 9. WELLS •& SATT&RLEE , ' lOO BMA. LAKE. CIALT. at stlillirige per • June O. WELLES & B . 4 . ,TTEALE,WS. • 11DROADCLOTH8 and Cesvimeres' of ell Rhoda.; (45 , ibe,fpottil at Toti • e•9, ,1945. • §ATT,EftLEEW. A SPLENDID stock of linen and cotton Goods for gentdemurijalyear. ~,41.51, aid, linen: 'And , cotton glonsr-ueck. and. packet,lkauilker,chicra ltal i f4l2 era vata of all grades, may be found at_.; • . unF 9. 1945. , WELLS 4., SATTEELEE'S. •• tile-Head of , the NORTH 'BitANCH • CANAL. Nur, KINGSDERY. at CO. at, their, old stand one door,south of the " Athens Hotel,'" have just received in addkion to their former stock; a. 'sage and splendid assorUnent Of,raney • and Staple, Dry Poods, riticeries, rdvrFe..Qneen's ware.:Poete. which they . 'elfer at the very.lowest prices for rash, lum lier, ot'„produceraf,mpst kind*. 1$ ,VVe ask our, friends to tall and' ea:Leduc our, (1,,,,y.,t4 prices.. and we Cotter ;alewives that none shall go away dissatisfied.... Athens. Juna,2A. 1815. . „ -1131010T8 ,5Et....91110E8.-.The iargisy assortment jutp . evoubefore offered in this marketocomprising in put as follows.: ' Ladies' walking buskins; . ° : , kid Undies! this; . .1-1,. ; kid and:seal slips ; • .7 seal and calf pegged slips ; seal and cslf pegged and sowedhootees; rubber over shoes; - , • • • Mena' and boys pegged boots: • ; pegged bragons ; fipe shoes ; • ' calf and ice'. laelees ; ' Chirdiens' shoes of all kinds—. all . nt which will be sold cheap by • ..Atbens, Juno, 1845, 11. HMGSBERY'& COQ Ail ARP EN TE RS 4- JOEY E fFB 'T(101.8 stg;i .-f ae, rul 911 t ). assortment et' • H. KI.NG.IDERY & CO. , Athens, June 1845; , • • , . . • ;I"C H ES—et. A 1. Nillardi hem warrant- Grese,Or. Gr•dn , ecythes ,Je. Forks; •Quiiine• batigh scythe stones,, “ahes.. Snaths.. Cratilts.• .at Athens, June $45.',. H. KLNGSDERY &.0011. Butter !.Butter.!• " ANY quantity of gond fresh butteia , anted, for which the env highest market price will he paid. ' .Athens: June 1R45. KINGSBRRY b 0. .. 11Ailh fg. PRINTS of every variety and. [lawn front'Sin e 5 .cint?,.nt r • • 'Athena, /Ude. tR45itH. KINGSDPRY ps: ADCLOTHS, Cassnueres. & set.; 1 , 1" price fur axle 7.4ihenaj Anne. Itit4P . :!! F 14.1iINGsBagY tioj QUMMER GOODS, an endless variety for sale at Atherm.kone. .2 , IL KINGSBpRY & CO'S. igibTON. superior Otfunl GRINDST4S, just received arid :fair sale 'by .• 'Athens; June: 4845. 11. KINGSBERY & CO. FORI . I LA DIES. —Balzarines, 4 Eralzarine Lawn:Pticktett 7.4.1W11, Lnee Chupana fur male cheap, at . H. KINGSBERY & Athens June,' THE TOWANDA SAVINGS BANK! NEW,STQIIE, NEW GOODS IND NEW , PRICES: G. Fiavrr CO, ' WObi Diespect fully announce to the inhabitants of Towanda and vicinity, that we are reeeiving an entire new stuck of Goods, at s,Tracy's New 'Block: ' Two doors-below Testy & Moorr, Main street. consist. ing of • Dry Goods. , Groceries, 'Crockery, Iron; Steil, -,Natts, - Baats 4. Shoes , and for thetailies we have a good •assortment of 'MILLINERY GOODS. Besides, Ten t Thousand'Xiiiims, not to be enumerated, all of 'which were piirchaied under the sue ion hammer; expretialy for .thismarket. and will be sold'isithout resertre, &nil Posi tively Much Cheaper than gluing other establishment in Tovnubt. AlLwho favor us with a call, may be Maur. eillhat their interest will be to call again. , .(1:7 - 130 sure you are right.—No. 5. 'Tracy's New . • • GEO. E. FLYNT & CO. Towanda, May 12, 1845. . • & , . BOOT SHOE MAKING. . • • • Wit. `may . . •I . . ri.cot &OAUE hisic associated illeinserca in the Boot and B,hOO Making bilaineasiin the herough,of O' . trathaway,lolielY .MCCU pied by wag 1. H.Stephens , ExChange Betel, where they solicit a share of public patronage. ' _They intend, b?r , a carilfri selection Of Stock; and by attention„ to the Antirfetp,of thek customers; to ,makiini neat and durable Sip:line 00 hit inariuticttitedin this portion of the country:. , "Theyleep iOnSiiiiiqy on Gantt, and lOili'm,onniaCture to ord. er niotoEo, coarte "end oboes; LiklineGaite:rs; shoes'and childteifitU . gout lititeii and inucipti; , •. • JOHN . W. WILCO:C . .,' ' • • ,” FSAUg.' 'l'or.rinido,l4l,3 , 0; 045! "' " " ' • Fashloplde,,,Wa i ilorno t),„ t 0 . 12 4 61 E DuNlTivti - 7pubt.rreperguilk!in Ur form the public that hr still continues at his old stand bn the tweet aide of lifein streets 'betereeri'4Cidge bery's Bpd. Satilettliktores, - Jori wherel'ho may be found in trajlffiesiin,ali work ki,Eia lima in a style not to be stumila+d fa' BrirdfatJ,cOlit e ity,. ' l i i 4se t s to suit the ihnks. labiik' he respitifillij solicits ir centhinanee'and hems tiv striefutteetiOnlo sines" , end neteniniodatingtermit in' limit Theo3prini-statteratiier FASEirfONg"haviinst received: and he ikrprimired td 'nfirke,gorinettal le the . Inca* 60bl:table , ' '''' Hy' PimieblerittWotiori tiaild , tii CUTTING; edte`fit'tf pmi e it r i ns a i o n p: , . l C.• - He Das the latent pritig end S i rmzi ule!; Zl"cierindo., May 14, 1845. •• ' '• • • - AIL'_FEW.!_TIIOI.IBAND -YARDS thcieit 811ESTING%L aeAdsoatutimee idiarig;% l Printee Hoisicryei %Sires. &c. &c. ;law clpkttin fat ••,i Jun11'20;1815. BEED'BI. L ffZM 111 pieeding figure to reintisanfthe ISISEN; i' "tiPt.BLElTR4wErATzoisr,- iltio the great'eVaer, u igatale:lTP‘kr#lal Of ihp. ! l ady. It wiu , bq noticed that fat:cloudy mist Issues frinn all point, of the cur fare, which ind Unties the ninderf(dprecess going on This 'petifdraticiti .flOWsuninterruptetlly when we'ttrO IVllealtl4tiulciti:ses,iviten aresick.lt shonld beiho'carlOt cver,YOne to seothat it is; not Life 'cattni.d eafritained Without it, :It - Ia„ thrown off friiin . the'bloadMitt ' juices of the body, and. &ripe,- seshy -this ineami ? of:nesrly all impurities withitynte.4 The bloief,l4 ship means only, works,ifselfpere. The tiopia; g h of Scripture is; lin theblood the life." ; ' If it ei'er C ,may be, traced directly to the stoppage of the insensible perspiration. It tiever,requireh any internal iiiediCinea' to cleansq it, as .it flea itself.liy its own brat and action,, and ihrOwatiffall 'the soffending humors, ti iniensible perspire' ten. . see; alt that is 'riCceisaLty when the .blooti.is "staginant:or hifecred; . istleimit. the pores, Bud ittulleves itself finin all imptitity instantly, Its qwn beatund are sufficient;. without,; one particle of medicine, 'km tO open th'e poresitprin the-eurfsee.4T.hus we see the folly of taking sit ' much inte rnal reuiedies. A ll practiciotiews.hewever„direct,their efforts to • !rehire the trisensible perspiration, Ink it I;eetits to be nut alvveys the proper one. The7hornpioniane for instance, steams, 'the Hp!ropathist ,idirouds us in, wet blankets, the Bo monathist deals out infinitissimals, the Allopathist bleeds and doses us with' meictiry., and the blustering quack gorges us with pills, pillS,.pills. But one object only is in view, viz: to restore the in 'eligible perspiration. If this can be done, they say, we :will take . care .if the rest. 'lt will he seen. therefure, that all physicians understan d alike what is necessary to a recovery, how Much they' luny differ as to the mode of Obtaining it. To ~iyg sonic Idea: . of the amount. and consequently •th'e'importance. of the insensible perspiration, we will state that the learned Dr. Lewenhiiek, middle great Beer haave, ascertained that five.riglits el all we received in. 'to the stomach, paSsed elf by this means. In other words, ,if We eel and, drink eight pounds per day, we evacuate five pounds of ,it by the insen;ible perspiration. Thii 'iione other than' Ate 'used up particles of the brood; end other knees, giving place to the new aud fresh enes,l4 carrying with it_ all t h e impurities within pito thi . sUrfice. To ebeck this, therefore, is to ruin in the system rive - A g t;t4 of all the virulent matter that nature dlmandeshould leave the body. And even when this is the'Caie, the 1,149 a of so active a principle, that it determ.nestho..e particles, to the skin:where they form scab's, Pimples.,ulcers,,and ether spots; but if it is di tect4d inwards, and, fans upon the lungs, the conse quences Me 'generally fatal. a sudden transition from heat to golf the pores are stopPed,the. perspiratlon 'Ceases, and disease begins at mice to devetape itself, pence, a stoppage of this flow of the juices, originates many complaint... It is through the, surface that we imbibe nearly ail our It is stopping 'the pores. that overwhelms mankind with coughs, colds, andicensumption. Nine-ienths of the world die' from' diseases induced by stoppage of the insensible perspiration. It is easily seen therefore, how necessary is the tlow.ofthia subtle humor to the surface. to preserve health. It cannot be stopped; it. cannot even his rcfretked, rtiittiout , pritidireing The blood std iniestinetrinust relieve themselves of all theierwtirn out particles, and poisonous humors, and they ultist go through the pores as nature designed. Let me ask now,. every candid mind, what course set .lilo,ll/obt reasonable to pursue, and unstop the pores, after they, are closed and let •tho perspiration , flow, that the blond easy relieveitself of its impurities I Would you give physic-to - unstop ,the pores I' Or would you .apply.sounthimg.thst would do this upon the Burt:lee, misery the clogging actually is! Wool° tun this be com mon seiner And yet I know of no physician who makes:On; interustapplication to effect it. Thomason I assign is: that no Medicine within their knowledge, is capable of doing•it,. . Under these circumstances,-[ pre sent to physicians • and to all others, a preparation that , has this pewee to -the fullest extent.... It la .Vmd/tisier'r, AU-Hailing Obiltuait ,on the Worlds Salve: •It has" power to restore pers p iration on the. feel, on the head, around oldsores.• upon the chest, in short: open any part of the laxly.. whether diseased slightly or severely. When tne perspiration ts glistered, it has power to penetrate the lungs. liver, or any part of the human system. and to rat upon them, if they be diseased, by separating tha in flamed morbid particles therefrom, and expelling them to the surface. , • Ix has power to cause all external sores, scrofulomi hu mors. skin diseases, poisonous wounds to discharge their putrid matter, end then distils them. It is istemetly that sweeps otrthe wiude catatigue of cutaneous disorders, and restores the entire cuticle to its healthy functions_ r If is a remedy that forbids the nrvßfiity of scriiiiiiy and deleterious drugs tiken•into the stomach. It it a remedy That neither sickens, gives ihconveni .ence. or is dangerous to the intestines. . This remedy Is probably the only one now known, that im capahle,of producing all•these great results. Its great value is in restoring et once, the circulation of the inicetowhen checked, or disarranged •by cold or other causes. It.preserves • and defends the surface from all derangement of its functions, while it keeps open the channels for the blood to avoid all its impurities and ilia. pose of all its. useless particles. There is .a connection, harmony, and feasibility in all that defies contradiction'. It is a sample. but wonderful.principle that preserves in healthy operation .the entire machinery of new being. It indissolubly holds together. the surface and the internal %isms, the internal viscera and the Surface. They' are inseparably connected and cannot be. alisjoincel.. The sarfdeels the outlA of 'five:eights' of the bile end eyed rip matter within: , It is pierced with - milliOne of opei. lugs to relieve the intestines. Stop up these pores, and death knocks at yourdoor, Itif.rightly termed All- Healing, for there is Scarcely a disease, external or in , temal, that it will not benefit.•- It will be found the inset useful as well as •the cheapest family medicine in the World. I have used it' fur the last fourteen years with success without is parallel.' I haveused it for all disease of the cheat„'conieumption,iiver, and the most thidgerOus of internal maladies. I have used it in cases of extreme peril and harlentlinVOlSiner ithictitinost 'Miter and re sponsibility. and .1 declare before. ileaven:and man, that not iet one single case has it failed .to benefit, whinden patient was within the reach of mortal means. ,• ..1 never, to my recollection had more than five: oe sik anaorip,the thousands who have, used it, say that it was eat,favorable In theicomplaint. On the contnny Lhasa kuld.bnntlfieels and in; the warmest, and most pathtlielingoage.speak•in ita praise. .1 have, had physicians,lesrned in the profession:that° hatinti nisters of, the gospq, ,Imiges on ti? „bensh, oldertne.n, larelerir; VOttemehi c o - ilieth fi ese etbditioh *ll, mulfitirde.i Of pire i d use it in every variety 'Of" there has been buikirier.issfice;iMO'elnitcd. universal voice saying.”'MeALlister , vourAtintlnenlja 'l , ~,, , coiesuniptfun.4f all diseases, we find ti)ia ilia most. irnpwtant; Anti eontieming hiciove.ntest with the must, apposition. cow he*: ba ,ceeditell-lhat. At salve, can haestanettesset,ntent the, longs, seated es 'they are seith . . in the-systene.',, 1 . we ,say oesefor,allithat,this Qint malt will teach - the Timis quicker that can be given inlemally".'' Eye/y144 Oruirnts to the fact that if healinti 'Medicine 'Could be i4eplied on the lungs, there would he'ireat ImjieTerrec'every. The difficulty is to get the medicine there. Now do Salvo has the wonderful virtue of extraCting:the'ptitkid hu mars from all external snrcS'iiy : them ,to lEs charge. In like manner it operates titian enternV affec tions by driving all the invoLities Ihrotii,kthe i poces to the surface. Thus with' consurtiikiiii,,i(o,Sz?el upon the chest, it, metratea dirktlic.to the limp; aeparstp Affertcaiiiijatill 11411461 i ileartire;c:oriifficati4lhere;and-ex '.peht them fietm tice4steth. ; 7c is the sittipteet end ratiSteitictiitii goneatiwtheltaiiiitie, - Apible - 4/ riejf k yelling Ointment possesses this potter !tct•thianll6l eiteo 41#1. 1 2 94 1tX / Vti9';dlirinfi P.eisOtifrif Cori sumptiA con tin ually , is t ough we told it ` is foolish D ees. I care not Is. hat ii4iit,,so esn carp se 6sAttd-personis• If thiiinedieine*is t : th hands of,sonte.pplenfinedicine brawlers, they Woold 'hittkoi'lur4woii'through'the - couutty that wotihl be 01 , • - E gie is iralfi,in- . 'tietipat'kfn&liaritier generisify s ilp e d 4fifiul ;the enis and wider:the chin:yet *rdeltiltiy4Tiidir . is-exempt:r, It tne'ffinif,i'Wd_pixtuces that this disease is rtransirdiffitfiPol - drenls Irt`f'ehjlthen.''' th'e, 'wilt ortheultom I , t6t . tit the to die; 'arin'ge t' end kt thin - the - Oder:Tincture be used to 'llrPielt.l4.lo:l3• whets done, a continuance of the iNatilignt'wt 'ittripiefely rettalwtO this This ig, (lib iafedtdtid`~r~steffdctual or an method. .It ehuuki tie 'tatted ti inLint.iird ti'esita: ion . Impurities 'tieintfetiin Wilt to the'ttirfge - eby tiwantiof the insensible. 'pefspirsiioti'aiia - cutic!ile, forms sores, ptmpiea'4ce ;'it Yib~ii of d- caustic, acrid putrifying'na- It cinly:reikt)irei that if - fikiliuld . ditwhanro its Vt. rtderit partieleithrough ~the pkin, and the dif6a aty will pass off. If suffered to rembin, and drieen inwards it is frequOritlyifilatl.'S ~ L et the Sales and Ehtlar l'ineture be used as iii riero. fold and , the patient:will -soon get well. . . . El El MU • iSaltilinturrir—This is another obstinate disease but can be Cured cif xtually - as the scrofula. There is no difficulty in this`dilwithe. • !iced drhe; Etrr &lie and Deofness.—The Salve has cured porspos % of khoicad-Acheof years standing 443 d,,w,1in - bed, It_ regularly.geery week, so that voiniting „often took. ,It,eured the wife.of a man w ho'lriiigh oil in my free, fpr proposing ;such, a cure. and who now 2 . Weuld not,be,u ithoot it for the best farm in the State.' If arty one will take the tiouble.M call I will give.his name. Peebles& aml Ear-Ache,ate helped with the like, sac eess,as airs:o,4u, in the face. - Cold Feet.—Consumption, liver complaint, pains in - the 'chest or "shie, ,, felling of the hair, one or the other ',always accompanies cold feet. a sure eigh,of dis ease: in the system to' have told feet: Some persons are totally' enable to get thenlywartn; and' endure much suf. fering 'thereby. ' The-salve wili•reidore the insensible perspiration and thui 'cure evety care. It' is. infallible for this. -Asthma, Tighinsii of Breath.—lf this 'disease is not hereditary and produced by the malformation of the chest, the' salve-will cure it. Dyapepsia.—;One would aup'pose a sake would not effect this disease much but 'the All-Healing Ointment will euro tWo.soither than any internal remedy will cure one. Sore Eyes.":-I.The inflamation and disease always, lies hack of the hall of the eye in the socket. Hence the util ity of all remedies that are used upon the lids. The virtue of any medicine must reach the seat of inflam mation or it will do little good. This salve if rubbed on the temples will penetrate directly intq the socket and infuse all its virtues upcn the disorder. The pores with be opened., a proper perspiration will he created and the di-came will soon pass off to the surface. • How easy and how natural ! It is as perfect and valuable s, ,it is simple and plidnaciptneal. Sore Lips, Chapped Honda 4e.—l sell a great deal of:salve to Seamen, who say it is the only thing they can depend on to cure their raw hands, when exposed to the weather at sea. It acts like a chatmin these cotn plaints. Two or three applications cures. Pimples on the fare; freckles, tan. masculine skin, gears surface.... -its first action is to expel all humor. It will not cease drawing till the face is free from any mat ter that may be lodged under the skin and frequently liMaking out to the, surface. It then heals. When there is nothing butgriasiness, or dull repulsive surface, it begins to soften and soften until the skin becomes as soft and delicate as a Child's. 'lt throws a freshness and blushing edlor upon the now white transparent skin that is perfk.ly enchanting. Sometimes in case of Freck les it will fuse startmut those that have lain hidden and seen but seldom. Pursue the salve and all 'will soon appear. The reason for this wonderful change in a lady's face is that it excites into natural and healthy activity the Insensible l;'erspiration, while it renovates and re news the surface, and leaves the skin in as lively and delicate a condition as the moat fastidious could desire. It hi put up in, tine jars and beautifully scented on pur pose for the toilet. Borne.—Life can always be saved if the vitsls.are not injured. I have so many testimonials for the cure of this complaint that I could fill a book. I suppose there is not a family in the United States, that would consent to be without this salve a single day if they knew its halm in healing Burns alone. It extracts the pain and leaves the place vrithouta scar. , Quinsy Fore throot. Influenza. Bronchitis. —There IS not an internal remedy its existence that will run! these disorders; as quick as the salve. It opens the pores on the neck anti draws off,all the inflammation and im pure juices, and a fea' days will see the patient well. It is sovereign in these cases. Piles.—The salve nets upon the piles as upon sore .eyes. There is an intirmumon which must be dfawri from the oarts. The salve does this. Herniates Rupture.—Thi. ',he has cured some. very bad cases 'of rupture. and although it alight not all, yet it would be wise to try it. It. is a peculiar complaint., but it may be helped soine,.if not cured entirely. I have not the shadow of a doubt that it would cure thousands .if the trial was made, who. believe no medicine of the Meant benefit. . Two shillings worth would satisfy any one, whether it would do good or not. , Worms.—lf ,parentA knew how fatal most medicines were to children - taken inwardly, they would be slow to resort to them. Especially " mercurial lozenges," call ed "medical ,Itzenges," " verruifoges," pills, &c. Even were it possible to say positirety that worm were pre sent, it is tut safe. The truth is, no one can tell, inva riably, when worms nre.present. Of.couise the remedy is not applicable to the complaint. Now let me say to parents, that this salve will always tell if a child—has worms.' Lei it he rubbed on the neck and chest, to keep them from going up, and their down on the bowels and they will soon leave. It will drive every vestige of them away. This is a simple and safe cure. No Injury can coins of, it in any way. But should it be cholic, inUa lion.of the linviels, or, gripe (if the intestines, it- will ef fectually cure them so the worms. There is' probably no medicine on the face of the earth at once so sure and safe in the expulsion of worms. It would be cruel, nay wicked, to give internal doubt -I'4 medicines, so long us a harmless, certain, and &ca nal external one could be had. Clinti'e, Pain, or Inflanzmration of the Bowels.—Let the serve be rubbed in and heated with the fire or hot flat irons, and all pains and difficulty will soon cease. Swellirigs of the joints, or weakness, or any affection pf the bone, nothing is so good for as this salve. , .never knew anything so good as this salve. It causes the poison to discharge immediately, and leaves not the slightest cause-ef alarm. Poisons by nails, bites of animals, or bums, it removes when no ' thing else will. Toilet.—l have it done up in fine order for the tires. sing . case. Although I liavesaid little about it as a hair restorative, yet I will Stoke it against the world They may bring their oils far and near, and mine will restore • the hair two cases to their one. These are no idle words, for I urn ready to back it with any reasonable amount. bid Sores, Adj . /Teal ion, Ulcers. 4-c.—There is no ef eCival ivn y of curing these, but drawing off the putrid 'Matier. To merely dry it up would only endanger one' biesith more. That some sores ore an outlet to the hit. :puritiesol the system; is the only reason, because they cannot Liaise off through the natural channels tif-the In stniliblel'irspiraliori if such soles are healed up, the htiphritien fnuatintre . somnothtroinlet, or it will endaie• 'ger fireTbia is the reaenn'why it is impolitic to 'use the 'common salves ofthe dac in such Cases. For they have no power to open other r venues, to let off all this mire bid matter, and the corlielllicAces' are tdrraya fatal. This ' Salve will alwaye picuridit tot anal emergencies. j There *titon`r:to'ft-ari"lt is perfect.'' - OrionTitrial.:=Ptratins' M'; . ¢d n`e - rer bare'a broken halve riiltalirayslievent it, if used in sea-. son: n Etit P . C l ionilitint=l l eTityas having this munpla qUentlyqivii ertiptiiins of the hinds: !lice and other Ottit;' And rieier ontalitir k that it' arises funri the !her. Their Inter inaltility,t9 remove these irruptions, prOves their migapprrhsetittinn of the &larder. Such must use !t first on the feet;•then Wearlt an _the .. .chest, and the piipeulty , will,eporsgo.awayr:, 't • ; • • jilige.figimkro .or griping of t/tc Lefestihea..-{(t(si • discisetAtled the death of the late H. S. heasre . .. ikt -lunt79e,neyal and acting Sf.enttnry of the United Stine& IC is the 04 1 1;014 .. np dryie annil:sr irrre,siines , and some allied,: It isiirimglit on tiy leer 'of evacuations, Or from incarcerated Het , ;'Thertannitarelivirat, and dnics help cinethrtiee? Thei All-Ifeslini`Ointment would have , of MriLega!e and others under similar cis c;ortit..-rit„tbo salvo is used according to people n e ed .tionided ,ssith ,cerne 'ea oat 'l4 Sonia ` irivellingtiOnntebaniCarl is doing mare mischief than hei tan poasibtl little olthianintment put on now and itica iseeptherrtdown.- - , , , Indeed there - Orefew compliintn thug it 'lt is it"Taiizil.o Balei 'nntokl Tali( ao..the Arty mils e.er one's head and grain the earth, it will betiouttlit after, peed atal these is no, mercurial substance in it,. tint cc tirnly of vegetables no good glom itention:' ' We have full certificate', from all the pt.i names are hem given, but nnidraving mom merely give their Dames, Now and the ,disease . they were cured. Thomas Moshier, 179 Ninth•st— , yeak Way, cor. King and AteDoilongh sta , -4sore Way do erysipelai ; Dr J Clark, 210 Beiunoi )ItCti , Sores ;. Dr J : Corel t ,432 !Sullivan-rat-a face; F R Lee, 245 Bowery—pain in. the J Gibfis Dever-stfimily,metlicinet‘ Henry Bowery—Mtluenza ; "A Stuckey, 608 'Foon ly medicine ;; E Conway, U 8 - Cortrt—bru Elizaßunker.Flathushm-ponspmptloo; 74 Oliver id—burns ;:E Kipp, 075 Secondist- Vanderpool Cherry-st— . —cancer; Burr Nasl 'E Turner, 91 Ridge-at—do; C Mann', GI ruptures; J. Hurd, 17 Bataviasst—salt diet mer, 124 Division-a—do; J Mudie, 20 do; A, West, 107 Marks place-1)0ms, D Thorp, 146 Norfolk st—sore eves; F. Broome st—do ; P Bowe, 36 Willett rit f . ,Klc king. Phoenix Bank—do; I F gunpowder ; Dr Mitchell, 79 Iliercer-st. 7 brol C. D Jacoltson, 199 Suistou-st—rbeumatiam sell—do; E Willetts, 303 Pearl et--ertiptio 237-Bleeker-st—agae in the face ; Fran, ery—family medicine; D S JULIA, 657 W. ilv ointment; F Otten,l24.Division,stc7rhmunalism io the head; S W Rohinscm; 70. Essexatz—fticriily oim. went; 6 Haariot, 45 Allen st—,..serf eyes ;.G Coesrt 145 Division st—do ; M Develih• : 1;13 Water 3c ; P Denearest, 36S Hudson st—intlammation in the chest; N Achinson, Huston st—asthma ; M A Ban. ett, 66 Suffolk st—ague in chest; N Wyeath,42o vision st —bite of-a dog and piles; .1 Vincent, 124 Allen st—weak back ; .1 Chapman, 259 Division staftcuiet of the liver; W Grabamel9 Hester-n—painM theme, E Hamel. 19 Norfolk-st—cutaneous eruption; H Bin;. ham, 84 Laight-st—pain in the breast; A Knox, 6; Laight•st—ehapped..hands; J Culver, 194 Stanton q_ ulcerated sores; J P Bennett, sore throat.rheumatists ; G Taylor, 46 Forsyth st—.6vercomplaint; W Do king. Huston—consumptien. • Sold by 11.8. IL. C. MERCUR, Towanda, and t. A. PERKISS. [D, ADDLE & HARNESS ELK.1.1):.111 &VITO SO. r, Ee3PECTFULLY inform - that they still continue put manufacture of Saddles, Bridles, Hamm Ate., an Cul. Mix's building, next door to'd. C. Adam,' Law Orrice, where they will- kecp conat*ntly on hand, and manufacture to order, Elastic 'fele, Common. and Quilted Saddles, Harness, I . Carpet Betas, - Retell's, Tranks,, Collars, Valises, 4'c. 4•e. Carriage Trimming and 211ilitars Work done to order. attragserg, Per( and Chair Cushions mode on 'hurt notice and reasonable terms. The subscribers hope. by doing 'their work well, and by a strict attention to business, to merit a share of public pal roringe. ELKANAH SMITH & 20N. Towanda. May 21,1845. , REMOVED TO tio.l. BRICK ROW! Ir. .1. C11.4.7117E . RLi.V. RESPECTFULLY informs L.A friends and the public that hr hu R E o M I O w l rhEe where he to e still c B O n ri f e h t , R , s o Row, , o 1, e i'. a . rry on his old busim , A of Watch and Clack Repairing, 4v; e hie h will be, done on short notice. and warranted to be well dune. From a long ripen ence in the business, he believes that he will'be able to render perfect satisfaction to all who may favor him with their pstronage .B. Watches- warranted to run well one year, or the money refunded; and a written agreement -given to that to all that desire one. .• ? CLOCKS.—A large assortment just received and for sale rely low for cash. • . , • If you want to buy Jewelry -chenvaill. at Cham berlin's Wairh Slm. No. I. Brick Row. O" MAPLE SU6A R. Wood. Srld nlikindsof Coun try Produce received in payment. • : Towanda. Jure 18.18455 New Blaeksmitiiing Establishment. 'VHF: SIIDSCRII3EB, baying : for.aeti a planner j ship with his' brother, continues to carry on the business at his !mother's new stand, east Fide of Main street. south part of the borough, where be is prepared to execute all orders for Horse•shoeing, Carriage & Coach work and Edge Toole. lie ensures the public that all Work entrusted to E. rare will be well done, as he has thoroughly learned his trade and is determined to render satisfaction. 101-1 N A: EStN WINE. Towanda, Pe - ember 30, 1844.- PUBLIC NOTICE. To all people to whom these presents shall contr. D. VANDERCOOK, Cabinet • - Maker 4- Utideriaker, wishes to intorm the public, that he still cow tintxs to keep on hand a general .1114.;34,,N, .assortment of Cabinet Furniture. E K> His establishment is situated oaths - - . 1 1 lIMA corner of Main &State strects,sece anti door north ofthe Bank awl directly' oppo,,tta W. Watkins! law office. Persons wishing to furnish themselves with furniture, will foal it an object to call and examine, purchase and pay, as the subscnber is determined (for cash) to sell all lands , of furniture at a less price than ever before known. June 23, 1845. D. VANTIERCOOK. serer _c11:1-301,1:121011L'APALICIOIIIT -21X0 the usual assortment in country shops, the sub. OA- scriber keeps on hand and manufactures to order. the Sofa Rocking chair, beautifully upholstered, Islo the half French Mahogany chair, together with sofas of the latest nod most approved patterns, all of which will be disposed of for all kinds of country produce st the usual low prices. and for casket very much redu ced prices,- at the Cabinet shop of June'23, 1845. D. VANDERCOOK! COFFINS made to order on the'shorteat notice, very los/ fot ready pay. A hearse will be in at tendance When desired. June 23, 1845. VANDI • W " TED by the subscriber, any qUantily• of white pine, cherry, antj whitewood lumber, in exchange 10T furniture. D. VANDERCOOK. June 23. 1845. • HIP FOR THEiTINE. I . licucoAgf. astaf.atuala. IHE ouseribers aria! hare on hand all kinds of Mer cluiadize for the aptaon„apa,ahite'. : they do not pledge themselves to sell jow,er.loy.io or 20 .per cent• thin their neighbors,yet ih.y,cl9 pkdge ihmadres! ,, mil as low for cash an can be bone:4l4 any ~house town, Elmira. Owego . or Binghamton. . •,. May . 2o, 1341 11* SONS'. n ilditriiit‘ Repo der. Two &Nara mad fifty cents per annbrot" Fifer cent+ deducted if'paid withio the Year and 'for'CASH scut aliv in advance.' Olr; DottAn'witt be dedaited.' “Strbactibera at liberty' to disenntinntv at any time. by paying arrears tea. Most kin& oreirrrezny ritorivex received in paytnent; at the Inarkeppric,e. ' Ailverrireinenta. czetralifittr,n 'impair: oP t , veltr linen, inaer,fral for fifty rents ; iintareqiiehtiriaerl twenty•fivecenta. 'A aigentirit iienditt6yearly adveirisierr.. Jai Pat si•itro,'Of •iierifilistription. neatly and ex peditinrudy executed on now itidliaiiirinable type. Leiters on hi/enroa pcia einingt tr!) Ofßcomusscom l ree of poeti)ae, teAneole • , rf 'Office Went., Menne: prfrk Main ana, Bxidge, 'ands; ataini entrance oa th' north' doer. RCOOK
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers