.Tits Simulacra Picts. The Brandreth Fills glee c eogth for weakness—they are liked best by th eocra t ic , bras - token the most of them. Dr. Bnuniretli can give personal reference to thousands who have been - restmed / min a bed of sickness by their use, when every other means had proved entirely unavailing. These cases are continually wearing in this city and in every part of the U n i on . Get Brandied, is Pills if you are not perfectly h a w, and they will restore you—if medicine can do ii—hecanse they expel those homom which are the cause ) o f i m purity of the blood, and at the. same time the: body iorstrengthened by the operation of this most excellent medicine. - • s o w by J. D. &E. D. Morracrx, Towanda; G. A. POlll5ll, Athens, only authorized Agents fur Bradfonl Vottny• A CARD. The Ladies of Baltimore and Washington, among w h o m are the following, have kindly permitted Dr. G. Bairn Smith to refer to them as having been cured by his Sugar Coated Indian Vegetable Pine." Mrs. Elizabeth Heffner, Light Street, Baltimore, cured o f cos tiveness, which had been standing nearly three • Mrs. Ann,Nickols, Charles Street, do, severe pains— ma there is, nothing equal to Dr. Smith's Sugar Coated Pills. Dealers furnished at the New York College of Health, 79 Greenwich street, New York. And sold by E. H. itlisoN, A. S. Co map siN,Towanda lisant.Gt a ns, Orwell; lons NICIXORE, Rome - J. E. Bruoca, Pike. c c7CAUTION.—As a miserable imitation has been made by the name of "Sugar Coated Pills," it is nem* pry to 6e sure that Da. G. Brae. Satires signature is on every box. - Price 25 cents. , DEMOCRATIC REVIEW. Greatly Reduced Priee--from $5 to $3 per !nom .INGLE COPY, 25 cssra. Prospectus of the next (or 17th) Volume. The price of the DEMOCRATIC REVIEW has hereto fore been too high--not for its size, cost, and character, but for the means of tens of thousands of readers 'who wou ld be glad th receive it, and among whom it is high lvdesieble that it should circulate. For the purpose, therefore, of largely widening the range of its usefulness, and of multiplying the numbers of those to whom it may le accessible 0 has been determined, simultaneously with the great reduction in the expense of postage, to reduce its subscription price also, from Fire to only Three dal- ISM, and when several unite in subscription, to as low as 52 50, or-even 52 30 per annum. This very large reduction in the receipts (accompa nied with buts comparatively small diminution of its ex penses) invokes, of course, an entire sacrifice of profit upon it, unless compensated by a vast multiplication of its subscribers. There will be at the outset only small reduction in its number of pages; soon to be restored to its old number, without increase of price, when the anti cipated success of the experiment shall jostify it. The Powrarrs OF DISTINOCISRED DEMOCRATS Will be continued—engraved in better and more costly style than heretofore, The - POSTAGE will hereafter, for any distance, be only fire and a huff tents; it has heretofore been fur over 100 miles, eighteen cents. We look for an extension of circularion to be reckon ed by ten.l of thousands, as the result and compensation of this great reduction of price. Every friend of the work, and of the Democratic principles and cause, is confidently appealed to to exert himself with an active in terest to procure it subscribers; both to extend its use fulness, and to carry it successfully through the crisis of this great reduction of its receipts. Those who have paid in advance for the coming year, will receive it, at the reduced rate, for a year and half. TERMS HENCEFORWARD NVAIIIAIILT IN ADVANCE.) Single copy, $3 00 Eight copies, $2O 00 Four copies, ' ' 1 t 00 I Thirteen copies, 30 00 It will thus be seen that when thirteen copies are or dered at once, the price is brought down to about $2 30 orb. For six months, half these rates., These rates afford high inducements to agents and others to interest themselves to procure subscribers. - The cash Fydeni and payment in advance must be uncompromisingly adhered to. The past relaxation of it has caused an accumulation of not far from $90,000 of debts due to the work. Hereafter, this must be whol ly refdrmed ; nor must either the most eminent political friend, or the most intimate personal one, be displeased on experiencing its application, in the stoppage of their numbers, if they neglect this rule; the vital necessity of which, at the present reduced rates, must be obvious to all. No communications will be taken from the Post Of fice unless free of postage. -- All communications, both on editorial and publishing business, must be addressed henceforward to the under signed. Those relating to the settlement of the past debts due the work will be still addressed to Mr. H. O. Laxo tsr, 8 Astor House. the past arrangements with whom, as publisher; have reached their termination. July, 1845. J. L. O'ScamvAN, 136 Nassau st. New York. Important to the Citizens of Bradford County l_lch Once more at the Head of the Heap ! AS USUAL, the fi rst arrival of new goods for the season, are this day opening at BAIII'Dc;, N 0.3 Neck Roe, where we invite every body, men, women and children to'eall and examine our 'splendid assort- Cant. We owe an apology to our friends for the crowded and jammed up state of things which hair existed for several months pia at No. 3, but the public are aware that such results must necessarily arise from the fact that we have generally had the largest and best assort ment of goods in Towanda, and it having been ascer tained to a tertainty, and generally understood that the Plate whey cheap is at Baird'r, No. 3. In order,how ever, to obviate some of the difficulties, we have just completed a large 'and commodious storehouse in the tear of the brick block, where many of our heavy goods will be removed, and we hope now , to be able to wake room (or our many friend., and enable them to do busi ness in our store with comfort and despatch. We also have the pleasure of announcing that we ha-se Henry,Snelden dr Co. "• fairly floored"—theirope rations intended to injure us fall harmless at our feet, and our arrangements are now complete for keeping al ways on hand a•splendid assortment. It is impo,dide to enumerate all,the articles, for they areas numerous end the assortment so general. that it would require at least ten acres equare of foolscap. We cannot refrain, however, from. informing the fair ladies of Bradford that we have for fall and winter dresses, a large assortment of plain black, figured and colored ALPACA, monslin and rep de !sines, French cash meres; (new styl e s A ffghans, bmnhazin es, winter ging. bores, Scotch and American. An kinds of dress and Dress and Cloak trimmings, fringes, gimps, cords and lanais, laces, edgings, Victoria skirts, &c. Men, Young and Married, We are opening blue, black, brown and grcen.broml cloths ; fancy sod plain caasimenes and sattinets ; the nicest lot °Westing:, ever offered in Towanda, &e... GROCERIES. A few more tons of those cheap Sugars and Tcas, and other articles in that line of business. Retail Gra eery can be sappliel with NUTS, F RUFFS, &c., cheap et then they can buy in Owego or Elmira. Hardware, Crockery. Rs/t, 4•C. withoneend. As we informed you above, it is useless , In dosing this ad4ertisement , we need not say to our friends, don't forget the plate." fofatierY body knows Where to find BAIRD'S CHEAP STORE, right in the centre of the new brick block. We kaow that to insu re a continuation of your very liberal patronage we hire only - to continue our very low prices, and to keep, as we have done, the best of goods. We intend to do thitt.and knit no fears but you will call and see us, not withstanding any p,oheriik stories that have been, or 1 4eY. be told you by some of our neighbors. One thing you will always find at Pio. 3, that we always sell goods laid& we hare, as cheap as those we have not. WM. H. BAIRD & CO. Towanda:Sept 1, 1845.. Pro. 3, Brick Row. 20 QUINTALS CODFISH. • 109 EDEIVED THIS DAY, at No. 3. Also, Mick batrOs and halt 21, '1t• 2 . ' • BAIRD & co. NEW ESTMILLSILMENT 2L - 3MMOW' my , Mr NYE & CO., worddri spectlly ini.tro the citizens of —gil tow. f 'oda and the public neeetili/v in* theylaveoa.t%TNE it ,00raltkt I; n - FURNITURE, of the best nate :lll oni I bads, and workmanship that cannot .. " 1 be 'surpassed, in addition tothe final assortment in country whops, we will , keep on hand and make to order SOFAS, of Tarim* and most approved patterns ; Sofa Rocking Chairs,rupbolatered in superior style, and for ease and durability cannot be surpassed even in our large cities. Also, the half French Ma hogany Chair, beautifully upholstered, with curled hair, which never loses its elasticity, and finished with the best hair seating. We flatter ourselves that having had much eiperience in the bulginess, we shall be able to satisfy ell who may feel disposed to call, both as to quality and price, and by etrict [attention to , business hope to merit and receive the patronage of a liberal com munity. L. M. NYE & CO. Tovtatla, September 1, 1845. VM d +1 lit :fIAW f ti MAY BE DAD at our shop much lower than it has ever been sold in Towanda. Goods are cheap, and wheat and boards, and that is the reason we cap afford all for to do it. All kMds of produce will be received in payment. Also, LUMBER of all kinds. Sept. 1. L. M. NYE 4 , CO. 4 11C111311-1FrIlE•1111171166 WILL be kept• on hand a larger assortment, and Made to order on shorter notice and for less mo ney than can be produced at any other establishment% the land. Those who are under the necessity of pro. curing that article will end shall be 'satisfied. A good hearse and pall may be bad in attendance when desired. Bepternher . 1, 184.5. L. -.llf. NYE & CO. ,e,.. THE NORTH BRANCH IRON & COAL COMPANY" owning a large body of LANDS, on and contiguous to the we tors of the branches of Towanda Creek, in Bradtord , County, Pennsylvania, are prepared to dispose of the same to wallets. Application may be made to SAMUEL C. NAGLEE, ' At Greenwood, near Monroeton, Brad. co. Any trespaseirs on these lands will be prosecuted according to law. Information of the same gireri to SAMUEL C. NAGLEE, will be suitably rewareed. By order of the Managers. Sept. 3. HENRY M. NA GLEE. Agent. . List of Retailers , ®F Goods and Merchandise as filed in this . office by the Commissioners of Bradford County, April 15th, 1845. Class, Paid,Unp'd ATHENS BOROUGH. Welles & Satterlee, 12 $l2 50 L. S. Ellsworth, ' 13 10 00 Chester Park, 14 7 00 Kingsbery & Comstock, 13 10 00 George A. Perkins. . ' 14 7 00. ATHENS TP. John Watkins, 14 7 00 ASYLUM, John Horton Jr. Elmer Horton, BURLINGTON, Coryell & Gee, A. & S. H. Morley, Lockwood Smith, CANTON. A. II Gaylord DURELL, U. Moody & Co. 0. D. Chamberlin &Co. FRANKLIN. R. K. Hawley, J. W. Mereur, MONROE, J. J. & C. Warlord, Hanson & Phinney, D. C: & 0. N. Salsbury, • Rogers Fowler. John Naglee & Son, ORWELL, Henry Gibbs, Theophilus Humphrey, PIKE, Daniel Bailey, Smith & R. Barnes & Co, L. C. Belding, G. J. Norton, ROME, John Passmore, RIDGBERY, Clark & Coolbaugh, 10 50 Abner Roberts, 7 00 Coleburn, 13 10 00 SMITHFIELD. Lyman Durfee, E. S. Tracy, SPRINGFIELD, 700 Eleazer Norman SHESHEQUIN, Allen & Storrs, 10 50 Horace Kinney & Co. -7- 10 50 Wells & Nichols, 7 00 STANDING STONE, Albert Newell, • " N. D. Watford, H. W. Tracy, TOWANDA BOROUGH, H.. Mix & Son, 13 10 CO Elliott & Mercur, 12 12 50 0. D. Bartlett, 14 7 00 .1, D. & E. D. Montanye, 12 12 50 B. Kingabery, 14 10 50 J. Kincrbery Jr. a 700 H. S. & M. C. Mercur, 12 12 50 C. Reed. 10 10.50 W. H. Baird & Co. • 13 15 00 Tracy & Moore, , 14 10 50 E. H. [Mason, ' S. S. Saily, . 4 700 Mdntanye. A. Mcintanye, . L S. Wood & co. /..I AA I 1). Kelloge, . - Patrick O'Shin. " ‘ G. E. Flynt .& Co. 13 10 00 TROit, S. w. dc . D. F. Pomeroy, Eli Baird, 0. P. Ballard; G. F. Redington, W: A. Guerin, Lriyton Runyan, ULSTER.- Guy Tracy, 1,. Truman; William Gibson, WYALUSING, John M'Kinney & Son, Mahe Lewis, waRREN, Marcus Tyrrell, • " 10 50 Benjamin Buffington, 7 00 Robert Cooper, Alexander Dewing, " 10 50 WYSOX, gparding, The unpaid licences in the above list 'must be settled tot September term, or costs will be made immediately hereafter. L. PEIRCE, Treasurer. Treasurer's Office, Towanda, August 20, 1R45. . DEDICATIONI THE Catholic Church. in the borough of Towanda will bq dedicated to the service of Almighty GO& on Friday, the sth day of September nest. • Dedica. lion sermon by the Right Rev. F. P. Kinrick. Catholic, Bishop of Pennsylvania. .An opportunity will be given to the charitable Ladies and Gentlemen who feel (lisps. 'sea to contribute their mite. towards the liquidation of the debt accumulated by building. Divine aervice to commence at Id o'clock A. 141. FRUIT. ENGLISH WALNUTS, Bruit auti, filberts, W monda, pea nuts, figs:snil raisins for sale cheap at Sept. 2. • BAIRD'S. 'III.ARDWARE .& CUTLERY, Carpenter'. and JUL Joineeslo4 strap hinge., rope of "Wain*, for sale cheap at" BArRD'R. HINTS .di OILS, Dye' woods and Dye atolls, a g very brio stock, just received at DAIRD'B A CHANCE - FOR PRINTERS. A WARRINGTON PRESS FOB BALE: MILAVING enlarged tie : Reporter. tbe Fres' which' walleye heretofore owed, is carried tor, sale, Very' etitlAP FOR . CASE.' - Ilia a Washington patent; Imperial size, and an water and baler worting in vas, never was put up, It will be deliventd at Owego, El mira or-Ralston: 4deture' E. B.Ooennies & cos: Towanda, Fa. - • augßO. • sidjciunsed Special AN adjourned Special Calk will be held at the Court House in the borough of Towanda, in and for the county of Bradford,WEiMoodsy the ild day of November next, at 2 O'clock in the glom*" of , said day for rbo trial of all pauses certified to said c o urt. By order of the Honorable WilliaM /mop. president of our said court. • • /..IRON CHUBBUCK, Prot Prot's. Office, Towanda, Aug. 140846. TOWANDA ACADEMY: THE next L academic year of this institution, will commence on Monday, the first day of Septem ber next, under the str,wrintendence and management of Mr. J. C. Nandercook, as Principal. JNII. P. WORTHING, Atistawtt i Min Sarah B. Ttrorthing, Preceptresis Mr. Vanden:eels has been successfully engaged in teaching for ten years past; be has much expdrlence in this important an truly elevating department of humid enteiprise and twoevolence, and brings testimonials from various sourced of good moral character, and excellent scientific and literary attainments. Mr. Worthing is a gentleman of very excellent at , tainments, experience and skill in teaching, and cannot fill to do much for the advancement of the student and the prosperity of the institution. Misr; Worth ing, the Preceptrew of the Female De partment. has aireaey,'by her devotion to literature, and her superior virtues, obtained the unqualified confidence of the community, and the esteem and affection of her numerous pupils. Young ladies will seldom find an instructress, better qualified to meet all the wants of the student, not o oly as a tercher, but as • guardian friend and associate. They cannot but be improved by ner exempla end society, as well as by her engaging barna. tiona. TUITION will be as follows, in all the departments: Primary and common English studies, with Pen manship, composing and spiaking, • $2 50 Natural, ifatellectual and moral science, botany, chemistry, history, astronomy, rhetoric, logic, book-Irmping. drawing, painting, &c., 4 00 Mathematics and thedanguages, 5 00 Incidental expenses, per term; during winter, 25 No student will be received for less than balls term, and no deduction will - be made for absence, except in cases of illness or other unavoible causes. The Academic year will be divided into four terms of eleven weeks each. There will be a vacation of one week after the first term ; also one week alter the tbitt and a vacation of six weeks after the fourth, including the harvest season. We desire to make the Towanda Academy an agree ble end desirable resort for students from abroad, as well as those at home; a place where the purest virtues shall be cultivated, and the germs of science firmly set in the youthful mind. For this great object, no care or labor will be spared on the part of teachers or trustees. The Principal should be consulted before purchasing books, as several changes are contemplated in the text-books of the School. 14 - 7 00 14 7 00 Students from abroad ran find board with the Princi• pal or others, on reasonable terms. Lectures will be given regularly by the Principal and others, on the most important topms of education, and a society organized for the especial benefit of young men. There will be two examinations and exhibitions during the year, the time to be determined by the teschereand trustees. HIRAM MIX, President. 14 7 00 .. . 41 10 50 13 10 00 14 10 50 " 700 Enos Tomkins, 4 , David Dash, J. D. Montanye, Burton Kingsbery, C. L. Ward, H. S. Mercur, John F. Means, William Elwell. Towanda, July 31, 1945. 1 4 u t. 7, 00 13 15 00 14 10 50 15 00 10 00 14 7 00 AT MY OLD TRADE AGAIN! A. M. Warner; Clock Sc, Watch Maker. AS opened a shop in the Drug Store of A. D. Montanye, two doors-below Montsnye's Cheap Cash Store, nearly opposite Kingsbery'sßlick Mansion, where be can be found at all times, of day, and he at again invites his old customers and others to give him a call. He pledges himself to them, and the public generally that all work entrusted to bis care shall be done correctly and warranted to perform well or no pay. Having bad much experience in his business and being determined to give satisfaction, he hopes to bailable to satisfy all. t He also has on hand a small atavism* Of JEWEL HY, as low for cash Li can be had at no. 100, Old Ar cade, or at any given number in the Brick Row, altho' some of it might have: been purchased of Shelden &Co. He is not able to boast of as large an assortment of gold chronometer, donlea, lever and V.Epine Watches, diamond rings, pins &c., &c., as can be found in the assortment advertised near the Hay-Scales, but what he has shall be sold se low that competition with him would be useless. 14 7 00 . . 1.5 00 “ 10 00 He tenders his grateful acknowledgements to the public for past favors and at the same time, solicits a share of public patronage. Towanda, August 20, 1845. COONTOM PRODUCt of every description will be to ken in payment for work. Casa not refused. 10 " 50 No. 3 at their old tricks again. BILL BAIRD started last evening for New York, and in about three weeks from this date, health, navigation, and providence permiuing, (we don't fear Henry &cam ¢ C 0.,) we will have another tremen dous lot of tremendous good, and tremendous cheap Goons. In the mean time we would say to our nu =retie friends that we have a very good assortment now on hand ; but knowing as we do, that children will cry to go to natno's ORM RTOili, and that the honest farmers of Bradford Co. and their kind hearted companions will be out of humor if No. 3. Brick Row fails to have on hand at all times, all such articles as their comfort and convenience require, we have deter mined to have on hand an elegant assortment early in the season. We will give you notice when our goods arrive, and we know you will all he here to take a look at them. W. Q. BAIRD do co. 7 00 August 9.1845 _ . To the Collectors of Bradford County. y RAVE given notice that all, whose Duplicates of R. County and State Taxes remain unsettled on tbe 13th day of September next, will positively be proceed ed against in a legal manner. The financial condition of the State and the County. imperiously demands that the laws for the collection of taxes should be rigidly en- forced. This is no humbug. Mark that. " L. PIERCE. Treasurer. Treasurer's Office, Towanda, Aug. 13, 1845. 12 12 50 13 10 00 14 • 10 50 13 10 00 14 10 55 7 00 . 10 50 • Hemmtipathic Physician. panTOR L. PRATT, woc4 respec tfully inform jp the citizens of Towanda and its vicinity, that he will be happy to ho of essential serdee, to those who nerd medical aid. from his experience in the system which he adopts, he flatters himself that the community r well pleased with its effects upon the various dimmer which ..flesh is heir to." His office can be found at the residence of L. E. DeWolf Esqr. Towends, June "ith 7 00 " 700 HtirM & CAPS BONNETS , all the late sty for Tale at , MIX & Or three new end CHEAP GOODS. They will be sold cheaper than ever. (if possible) to make room for Fall Goods. Look for Pro.s, "filayingaßank," ea it is the only genuine Cheap Cuah Store. - ' July . 22. ' G. E. FLYNT , & CO. SAVINGS BANK.—No, b, Rdekrrow. , _ Super blue black silk. : . . • do. ' , do. . st ri ped. .. ' . ',. ' Rich chameleon ' do. . . Plaid . " do. . . Parasols. ribbons. ' Cashmecres, Delaincs, ' Ladies' Cravats. Conceal.' ' ' , , Sheatings--cheip al ever.' ' , ' . ' Window.paper; ar e., &e.. 2 'The iarnieare a for of the roan,' New' Goods jUilt ;Mend at - '' - 'G. E. FLYNT & C0'0... ~ lIIPORRItIONS , FALB, the gawks,. article for sale ~ at BAIRD'S, the only agents ha Towanda. , t glawl 20 .• 1 1t5. , • • • 7 " • 13:1332321 No. 3 Brick Row A FEW LEFT - - . Z--.. 7...17.-0.:•:11,1:7.,07;_lail,. •,, ''' ..0.- i • -4 ` — .z i sie , . k • ~ 1 .1 ..........-, . _ - im„ .. ... : : : . : - , 1 Dagueiriotipe , matures. Frith X_ /latter, lialt - SPECTFULLY announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Towanda. and eicinit.e. the(leY have opened rooms in the new building"upatairirsoCith west comer.of the public aqua:D.(io the room formerly occupied by Myron Moron as . a law office,) and would. be hippy to wait on- all those who may wish good likenesses of tbemeelres, single or in group,. En trance west side ofltiontsnye's store.. Mr. Y. 4l• F. have the satisfaction of knowing that their Portraits are equal Ao arty taken in the 'city of New York or. Phila delphia, end superior Io anyteretofore taken in the counuy c and respectfollyinvite the ImPur and Gentle men, to call and essmina specimens. POrtraits taken equally well in clearor cloudy weith er. When children an whir when, deer day - should be elected, The how's between 9A. M. and 4P. M. As the color and material of the dress, adds much to the beauty of the impression, therefore for Ladies, silk dresses, of any color (except white, light blue, or red.) either plain, striped orfignred, are the beat for the put . pose, g7Persons having inferior picture', can have them etchenged on reasonable terms. As our stay is limited, persons residing in the village or country seduld'do well to call as early u conveni ent Towanda, Jtily 801 h, 1845. HO, FOR THR BRICK ROW. Jib. 4, ikfretnd to Shine. Mit ERE ARE WE, ON HAND AGAIN with a ER new arrival of fresh GOODS, directly from New York City, Consisting of Broadcloths, Cassimeres of the newest styles, Sattinetts, Kentucky . Jeans. Gambdons, Summer cloths. find VeSiings.. • every description and • variety, The !melt styles of Baliwinis, Fancy Prints, and Ginghams, Irish - Linens, Linen 'Diaper, Brown and Bleached Sheetings and Shirting; Apron Cheek, Cot. ton Balling, Mk Wadding, and various other things in that line too numerous to mention: ALSO, a large rock of Groceries, Hardware, and Crockery, which together With our former stock renders our assortment complete. And we wish to be positively understood, that we CAN and WILL sell as cheap for CASH, as any other establishment in Town. the " Savings Bank" not excepted, and if strict attention to the wants of cur tamers and cheap prices merits patronage, we say again, that we are bound to shine. 07Please cad on us tie. fore going elsewhere. Goodfresh Butter, and all kinds of GRAIN and LUMBER taken in exchange for goods, for which the highest market price will he paid. d3Don't mistake the place—Nn. 4 Brick Row, two doors ahead of the Salim Bank and next door to W. H. Baird and Co. Towanda, July 1845. TRACY & MOORE MIRE cheapest and best lot of Crockery in Tower' da may be found at TRACY dc MOORE'S. July 20th., 1645 No. 4 Brick Row. WILLOW WAGGONS and Cradles for el& dm, for sale cheap at July 30. TRACY & IOORE'S. AGOOD assortment of Tin end Stone-WOre a TRACY 4. MOORE'S, No. 4 Brick Row. ASPLENDID lot of WHIPS of esery description at prices to suit tho purchaser at July 30. TRACY & MOORD'S. N 0.4 Brick Row. 'PATENT PAILS, Brooms, Clothes, Pins, Hearth Bruthea, Trace Chains, Shovels and Manure orbs, thy Knives and Hand saws for sale of the very lowest pliers for cash at TRACY & MOORE'S. MCI WALL PAPER, Window Saab of all sizes and Glass at TRACY & MOORE'B. July 30. N 0.4 Brick Row. DRUG & GROCERY STORE Keep it Before ;he People. THAT the Old Drug Store, west side of the Pub lic Square, is now receiving the largest assort mentor' Drugs and Medicines ever offered in this mar ket; among which are the following, viz • Sulph. Morphia, Blue Mass, • do. Quinine, N it. Silver, Eng. Calomel, Quick do. lodid. Potation, Peperine, Red Precipitate, I Ipecac, White do. Tart. Antimony, Strychnia,. lodine, Elateruim, Valerian Root, Kressot, Seneca do. Put,. Jalap, Serpentatia do. Ext. do., • Gentian do. ~ Ext. Colycinth, Colombo do.• , ' do. Gentian, - Pink do. • do. Cicuta. Senna. do. Hyosciamus, Adhesive Plaster, do. l'arazetum, Csatharides, Spnng and Thumb Lancets, Lancet MCI &c., The attention of PHYSICIANS is particularly in vited to the above articles, they being just received from one of the most respectable houses in New York and will therefore be warranted pure and free from 'dotter. ation in all cases, and disposed of at very low prices. OILS AND ESSENCES. Wintergreen, Cinnamon, Peppermint, Rosemary, Wormseed, Hemlock, Elasashass, Lemon Lavander.ller garnet, Aniseed, Cloves, Juniper; Amber, Cajput, way. Monard, Fennel, Almond. Origanum, Cedar, Ara -1 ber, , &c. PATENT MEDICINES. The most popular of the day, such as Dr. Jayne's Expectorant Wistar's Balsam Wild Cherry, band's Sarsaparilla, Dr. Jayne's Carmanitive, Balsam Hoar hound, Turtington's Pink Expectorant Syrup, Bate mards Drops, Anderson. do., Lamott's Cough do., Li quid Opodeldoc, Balsam Henley, Preston Salta, Mrs. Gardners Balsam LiVerwort and'Hoerhound,Dr.Spoons' Digestive Elixor,Dr. Moons Ella. of Opium. Dr. Ben jamin Godfrey's Cordial, Dr. Weaver's Worm Tea, Cheesman'a Arabian Balsam, Balm of Columbia, But ler's Magnesian Apirient, Henry•'s do., Dr. ThoraptiOn's Eyo Water, British Oil, fiailsem do., Macassar Bear's do., Gravre'i Hair do., Croton do., together with many others to numerous to mention. PILLS. Compotd Cathartic, Dregory's Reopen. Female, German, tee Windham Billions, ldjlea' Tomatto, Brandrithta, Wright'a Indian Vegetable, Dr. Phinney's, Webatet'i, Moffat, and Bitient, Aletateis. Bishops, &e. 'PAIS7O, OIL AND DIM STOFFIC. White. Red.arid Black Lead, Chrome Green itbroute Yellow', Yellow Ochre, Prussian Blde gime Pink.Bestrar Lead, Litkarge, Blue Smelts, Venetian* Red. Vermilli.n, Turmeric,. Annetta, Indigo. Copperas, .Allum. Crude Tarter, Cochineal, Solution of l'in, Venligris, Blue Vitro!, Glass. 7by 0, 8 by 10, and 10 by 12, Putty, Linseed Oil, &c, • - A. D. MOI4YANYE, Daoaaler. • Towanda, May 21, 1845. Not the Towanda Sliacin's Bank. nor No. 3 Brick Row. nor the Old Arcade. But No.l, Brick Row, VS NCO ACKNOWLEDGED to the identical spot where. goods are sold cheaper for cash or rtmly pay, than any other establishment west of the cities of New York or Philadelphia. Persona wishing to prove this fact, candidly do it by calling in tome. No time will he spent in akintringifints, or Riling ont bills of , a worthless InaNtuffora, Hat the whelte time and atm. &on of the subscriber and his clerk. will be delusively devoted to.selling goods cheap.. A nimble six penee, better than s slow shilling. , O. REED. Jane 23,,1845. , . N 0.2 Brick,Row. 1111,ERE IS NO. 3 AGAIN-20 Quiitlisir Codfish jost reed 'and for sale at ' • % BAIRD'S. Jusio26. Nu B , Beiek Rotv.- • I Vi aihe''..tthility . Ploughs. 4DO* %gnat:aunty ploughs, for sale at the '7illgs $a k. Plough marchinui Supplied at mann ltatutetapyrieefr, and. Fannin's' oit the most matanable teams- 1 • i• • • G. E. FLYNT Co. • July 10- ~• •Noeslliiek Bota- • z 'PORE SPERM et - LINSEED OHS. .1. vr4s on hand it — G.. E. 1 0 1. 1 1 NT & CO's. SHERIFF'S .SAI.E. • MPy eittoe(of a ;Fria otylntl. expo.. isaneil from the • coUrt of common pleas of Bradford - ionty, toile directed, I shall expose to public Sale at the' Name of WM. BRIGGS, in the Borough -of Towanda, on Sa turday. the 6th day of September next, at one o'dtelt, P.M.. A lota land in. the borough of Towanda, site ate on Main insect, bounded on the east by said Mein atreet, on the *north by 'en alley leading from Main to Second itreet; on the wesiter Second street, on the mouth. by_ Abraham ;Goodwin's lot, lately occupied by Alen ' ham Gesidoin, containing less than one-fourth of an sere, being the same lot on which the' Eagle Tavern lately stood. Seized and. taken in execution at the gait of David M, Bull, to the uie of D.F.Barstow vs. Towanda Bank. .1. N. WESTON, Sheriff. .9heriil'a (idled, Towanda, Aug. I 1, 1845. . TONtC DUNGANNON WAILS, and shall be teteividn morn , to which the attention Mer ettantn is invited at wholesale. at July 7. • • • • MONTANYE'S. Dr. J. N. Sumner, Surgeon Dentist, 100ESPEbTFULli t Y informs his Mends that har m', ing re`novered from his illness. he will make his next mfeandonal visit to Towanda, on or • befote the End day of *lobes next. IEIRUFF4-Just received a supply olLemans. Prunes, Yip, Raisins, dtc. at CHAMBERLIN'S. Jane, 1846. No.! Brick. Row. wormer azanames 9 . Taken .I . T 'PAR for all kinds pf Goods July 1. '845. by ELLIOTT & MERCUR. Cigars CiaarS - FOR SALE , at DR. MASON'S DRUG' STORE , a lare lot of the best CIGARS in Win, by the box, singlegar or otherwise, and very cheap. Tee:wand:4 July 30,1845. An Appi.entice Wanted. WAHTEIi,by the subscriber, an apprentice to the TAILORING business. A lad from 16 1817 years•of age, who can come well recommended. is re gaited. j G. H. BUNTING. Towanda, August 20. 1846. • TON SUGAR & HOLASSES.—Tbia day reed 1011 by the " Cheinung Line" and for ado cheap , by' the.pound,jaallon, Bartel or Hb'd. lull 1. BAIRD'S. ./fo. 3 Brick Row. .1 8 ) i i) , Z nel gelu r in u e jebrebyt TOWANDA SELECT SCHOOL: 9th. WING to some arrangements that have been made, the present term of this School will continue uri ti e 16th of August. Then there wilt be - a vacation of two weeks, and the school will be removed to the Academy.l . JNO. P. WORTHING, SARAH F. WORTHING. i Teaeheis• ' FRANCES HUTCHINSON, . . Towels, July 21, 1845. : CHAIRS AND BEDSTEADS. _ THE subscribers still continue j 1 Ale to manufacture and keep an hand 1711! at their old stand. all kinds of : MI Cane and Wood seal Chairs ; -,-;....,:,.,• 7 . - ",.. -1 - , also Settees of variotts kinds n --- \ 4• BEDSTEd l J&-of every -. description. which we will sell low for cash or produce. TURNING done to order. TOMKINS & MAKINSON. Tswarida, April 23, 1845. Au',persons indebted to the estate of Jeritite R. Bowman, late of Towanda township, deeeated, are requested to make immediate payment, emi -all those haying demands against the same are requested to preaett them, legally attested for settlement., . The administrator, will meet to adjust the elaitita of Said estate, at the house of Geo. Bowman, on the last Saturday of each month. HIRAM SWEET, G. BOWMAN. Towanda, July 2, 1845. Administrators. No. 4 Brick Row ONE DOZEN Morim's celebrated GRAIN CRA DLES, with Harris' Scythes. for sale by Jana 23, 1845. • . REED. Friends & Fellow Citizens. WE are now in want of Bradtml • County stock, and any persons hating cprtiffieates, called county orders, can find a maket at No.. 3, where they will he'taken at par in exchange for any of the articles comprising the largest and cheapest stock of Goods in the United States. • We bad some thoughts of taking a few shares of "Savings Bank" stock, but we find after the " Pan. nick" which m now about over, it has gone down below par, and holden ire beginning to think they have burnt their fingers. Don't forget that our office is at No. Brick Row W. H. BAIRD & CO. . itIDiDsTUNEB.—Tbs beat assortment of Nova VIII" Scotia and other kind of grindstones, ever bran& to this place. for salo by 0. D. BARTLETT. A IR DOZ OLD FASHIONED SCYTHES, • splen. ID did article (or sale choap by July I . O; D. BARTLETT. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Samuel Edsall, deceased, latC of W mixa tp., arerequetted to make immediatepay meat, and all those haying demi ndeagainst the same are requested to present them, legally attested, for settlement. JESSE EDSALL, NATHAN ALVORD, Jr. Wells, July 7, 1845. Administrators. EMILIIPLEILIEU ItaINKM.c.•• • THE PAMPHLET LAWS of the last Legisla r are have been received, and are ready for dim* button. A. CHUBRUCK, Prot. Prothonotary's Office, July 8, 1845. ,-- MEDICINE AND SURGERY. JAMES M. GOODRICH has located himself et MONROE, for the practice of his profession, and will be pleased to wait on those requiring MS lei vices. He may ha found at J. L. Johnson's tavern. • Releience may *mule to Drs. Howros dr. MASON, of Towanda. April 23, lti4s. TX CD 9:1" o • lIIRAM MIX & SONS', ALRE now openinu at their stores beautiful and cheap lot of SUMMER GOODS, direct from the City, which will be sold for Cub, as low as can be bought at Sayings Bank," or at any afore in town--call and see, Towanda. 19th May,.'4s. at IRDTTER FIRKINS, • first rate snide. for sale Aug. It. BAIRD'S, No. 3, B.R. insrAviNG pumhased the entire stock of goods lately jut opened by D. C. & 0. N. Salsbury, and slalomed the entire businoss. and reiponsihility of the firm Iwould return my thanks, to former containers for their patronage, and solicit the rime and the public generally. My stack of Goods hi complete and will be sold Ori the'most lawn! terms. ••• , Any quantity 'of LUMBER will be received in: as: *no for Goods , and for frralfrisatity,cashwitl bopaid, • Produce °fell descriptions will be *ken for geode. Monroeton, Aog.f.ll. 1845. D. C. sAr.stnntr. DISSOLUTION. B istrtnersbip heretofore existing tj t 4,11:03 the subscribers, under the firm of D.C. & P.N. Br& bury, fs this day dissolved by nuirual_evesinent At ontdsoding debts are to bi paid by D. Al EhthlntrY; Irk° * a l so to set a e a maims due tie late Imi. Those huh* unsettled.econtusui pith the fermAtifl Omit edge the Innis *speedily is made. " " •IL c. sAussitititv Monrecton,. Aug, :1,1845.. Q. N. 15ALSBURY, Administrator's Notice. TO THE PUBLIC ! £U AM Mlareltw At the Elmira (leap Cash Store . , Aro. I s RrUk Roes. 8. CH&SISSIUAN.e into:mobs public dud)* hi parahrieed ar 1. S. Word & wear stroch of grids; 'end his jure reeeivet a aim -apply. which renders, hiit hesOntlielq Drtigti, - Medi cfnu, Paints, Oils. Dytitujitemer Fecaulg Greecriee complete,. His slack coodde io part or thorfolloodog NitDICPE. II . 111 rcel froritlpbt;i • •. do An** • . 0 lue camphor Gum - Assarcedita • ''" Aiwa' ica Arrow tool' Aotimtw~. Aquarintia Aqua animinis "Ether Gamboge Glauber WU ilegeticts '• Harlem oil Hydriorde Pow* /ecland,mosa Ipecac lodine . Brimless Moe Vitriol , Bayberry bark • ." do Sallow ' Balms Star do flopairs Barbsdors tro Balsam honey Blood root Blue pillo , . , _Julep r - . „. . • Balsam Fir '.liimper Beirki Black drop 'Lunar Candle ' ' ' Barley Pealed . . Liquorice ball and road Bateman. dross, „ Landau= ..' „ • ~:: Bugundy Pitch . _ Morphine . .... Cayenne pepper Mama African do - Mace ' " Camphor Musk Calomel .. • . j . Nos .Vomica .',. Chamonile nor. Oxalic acid Corrosive sublimate Esaential oils, an kind* Cochineal Gil soap.. - i Cantharides Paregoric. , , Cubebs ' Pills Coe. inudicus Phosphate iron" ' Carbonate iron , Quicksilvei • .• • do - Magnesia .a . • ,Queens., do Soda - Quinine .. . Canoga • ' . . Red Preelpitatif Colocvnth ' • ' Benne ' si',.. " ' Chloride lime gaga Lead '' Cream tartar• ..... B .l l iii,seg Dragon's blood - Valerian root Dover's Powders Station Digitalis Uva Ursa Emery, assorted Vol. I.inimeist ' Epsom salts Yen. turpentinO, Acc,&e, A complete variety of GIZOCERIEB.: such is Tea, Sugar, Coffee. Starch, Raisins, Cinnamon, Bode Creek. era, Ginger, Pewit, Eng..Curratta, Nutmegs, Tobacco and Snuff, Candles. &e. . „ .. , A complete assortment of Asian, Dye-doffs,, dow Glass, Patent Medicines, &e, Tnwande. itine 16, 1648. MIIt US EIS; —A genets l assottment of sr, 'Rot, Flesh, and shoe brOshes at * ' CH A MBERLIN'S;No. I Bait Rose. Executor's , otice A LL persons indebted. to the, 'estete of Jambe% latt , of Canton. deed, are .requert4 to make immediate pajment, and all those haringdemiads against the same are ikmerted to meient'them. 'letraf attested for seitientent to either of the sotiscribeis in Union township, Tioga co. CHARLES 0. SPENCER. BENJAMIN LANDON. Canton. July 1, 1845. Ezecular's._ . '.IIF":iILAR:3IOIL.7.IIIOR.a T received and for stale at B. Kiagaberi's Store, a few barrels etipernae FLOUR, from Overton rialtmarsh's mill. Warranted an extra article. June 23, 130. A -NEW SUPPLY f ' BURTON KINGDEP Rif informs the pobilie gene. rally that he 'hie lust reeeiired died from New Vert City, his spring atciek of GPODB.' It eotopilies a very general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware die. Hie goods have been selectee with moth care, and wiU be sold os cheap as can be bought in To. wands. Call in and 'we it it is not an. .Toivands, April 30, 184 b. "Goods for the Millions," TUBTtecelsed it theScurings BEM. a number of tons • of those cheap Groceries, which's:takes our assort ment complete. Those who patronise our auk- carob lishment. will detive a decided advantage well , thous who porous at other stores voila do business on the credit system. as they are not Overehsrged equivalent to the delinquent:it'd those who' never pay.' "No IS, Brick Row. G. R. FLYNT & CO. ANCY ARTICLE 4.--A great anisty for sale low, at CHAMBERLIN'S,. Jana 1845. No. 1 thick Row. Portrait Painting, by W. ll.. Perkins, NORTH SIDE of the equate. in the room over J. C. Adams' Law Offiez--Col. Ma's block. Likenesses warranted.: Transparent Mind., of any size or pattern desired. ' June 18, 1945. O[LS—Linseed, Sweet, Castor and Lamp. ON, good and cheap at CHAMBERLIN'S. Jar, 1845. No. I BA& Now. MONTANYE'S STORE Corner of the Public Square it Vain Street. lirE largest and cheapest let of goods ever offered n Bradford County is now opening at the above store. The most fashionable Goods of the smog, such as Balsarines, Lawns. drc., with every variety of P,riot manufactured in the United States. All the new styles of Summer Goods for Gentlemen lays sad youth. . BOOTS .f SHOES of any quantity and any price. 20 "dn. HATS at the lowest possible price. GROCERIE4 of all kinds and HARDWARE in 'abundance. , Returning sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage they have heretofore received, they pledge themsehresie sell as cheap as goods of the name quality can be par chased in this or any of the neighboring, Tillers. We would therefore advise our friends to .before por• chasing elsewhere.. J. D. &E. D. MOISTANYE. Towanda, jay 12, 1845. .THE TOWANDA CHEAP sToRg. GREAT .ATTRACTION &la lIZ SI 3 TI h EBIBMINZ. MOTHS THE subscribcr hos just returned from N ew .York with a splendid assortment of Spring and Bum uuner goods, which he offers (or sale at host fifteen per rent. cheaper than goods have ever -been, or' ever will be sold in this bomugh. His stock consists of ta reign and domestic DrylGonds, such as Preitch, English and American Cloths. Casolosnc*, SeuineugrKetdocil7 Jeans, li3umrner stuffs. A splendid assonrcent of Prints of all prices, also * full supply of Drown and Bleiehed goods, also, Pane); Goodir. such sa Linen Handkerchiefs. Black, Blue Black, Plaid and striped Silica. Thmadand Muslin Edgings, Ladies and Gentlemens Cravats. Ben net Ribbons. Damask. , and -Mouselimde Lsine Missals, Parasols and a thousand article-A 00 nonierouste Mention. GROCERIES—Brown, Loaf and Crushed Sugars, Croix r Pratirico and Nov Orlknallotasses.l.logra se and . Anicricsit Windy. Volta:id Gin. Teas, dre.; Sao Crockery; Ml* Hardwaril - tkc.dre. , • ‘'.. - All personi -desirous of purchaking goads low will do well to give Frtm a call before purchasing eireatimi. Butter, Eggs, Cheese and Crain - taken In pqmeot for Goods... • ' CHARLES REED, Toolplio, May It. ISO. AIN 2 thick Ro w. In r;il your etifmgs, tindfrstn O infr,.. A NI) TO UNDERSTAND'where Vag* ane to .bid ME At trim fnrtel mi,ota Egtablish ment. WIONTANYWA KTORE. eminent' the 'tithe squint and .rnitn irreet.'whese anceb shsep tor ,rin &rased of Tarthe Reidy, end ehrayserfil ere, lies left if the MTh timelines to do Moines, at es matta profit as at ley ether establishment this side of &ter I'o4 City . to kdd?tiort ip tormet gultir.tve hare teen ire* hrig. nails ertieles of Husbandry, such es &Thee,. fley n ibt Ertenei, Crates. Mkes. . Also, .500 *didn't trevrete 84 6 iLT, put op in tbs We* Nit .'` . 110 yrnblOOPETrNa fur sale..ery, cheap... Wanted. 410.000 SHINGLESsod aexpesy Poatda l .. tot which Llkterel picas will tepid, - July 7. • J. D. &E. D.MONT ANTE. :: El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers