afr 4 , .11 = - "‘ iSta IntfinW • , , Cindit's Cany Ledures. Walt haws byrra tith Mail A - pretty tune Of night to come io Led. Mr. C.andle. Ugh I -As cold too, as any ice: lffaseitigh to give any two- Matt tier death. I'm sure. What, I slieuldn't have locked iii the coals, in tired I „If I hadn't, rive no Aoubt the fellow would have staid all night.; It% sli very' - tttell for you; Mi. Caudle to bring.; people hone—but Wish you'd think. .first what's forsupper., ~That beautiful leg.of pork Would have,Served for our dinner to-morrow-1.-and now it's gone. : , /can't keep the house upon the money,- and I tvon't.pretend to . do it, if you bring a mob of people every night to clear the Cupboard: • -. I wonder who'll be so ready to give you.a supper when you want one;: for want one you will, unless you change your plans, Don't tell ine, I know I'm right. 7 - You'lE first :be 'eaten up, ani then you'll be laughed at.. I know the world. , No, indeed, Mr. Caudle, I uon't_think ill . of everybody ; don't ray that. But I can't see a leg of pork eaten up,in that- 'way, without asking myself wat it's all to endif such things go oni And then he must have pick les, too ! Couldn't be content with my cabbage—no, Mr. Caudle, I won't let you go to sleep. It's very well for you to say let you go to sleep, after `you've kept me awake till this time.. Why did I keep awake ?- How do you suppose I could go to sleep when 1 knew, that man ; was below drinking up. you substance in brandy-and water? fur he couldn't be content upon decent, wholesome gin. Upon my word you ought to be a rich man, ,Mr. Caudle.— You have such very fine friends. I wonder who gives you brandy when von go out?' 6. No indeed . ,,lte couldn't be content with my pickled.cabhage—and I should like to know who makes better—but he must have walnuts. And you too,like a fool—now, don't you think to, stop me, Mr. Caudle ; a poor woman may he trampled to death, and never say a word—you, too, like a fooILI wonder 'Who'd do it for you—to insist upon the girl going for pickled walnuts. And in such a night too !'_With snow upon the - ground. Yes, you're a man Offine fbelings, you are, Mr. Caudle! but the world doesn't know you as I knotv you —fine feelings, indeed ! to send the poor girl out, when I told you and sold your friend, too—a pretty brute he, is, I'm sure--- . -that the poor girl had got a cold and chilblains on her toes. But I know what will be the end of that ; she'll be laid up, and we shall have a_ nice doctor's bill. And'you'll pay it, I can tell you—for / won't. •• Wish you were out of the world ! Oh ! yes, that's all very easy, I'm sure 1 might wish it. Don't swear-in that dreadful 'way! -Ain't you afraid that the bed will open and swallow 'you ?---; And don't swing about in that way ! Thai wilt do no good. That won't bring back the leg of pork—and the brandy, you've poured down both your - throats. Oh, I know it! I'm sure of it. I only recollected it' when I'd got into bed—and if it hadn't been so cold,. you'd have seen me down stairs agatu, 1 can tell yOtt—l recollected, it, and a pretty two hours I've passed. that I left the key in the cupboard—and I knew it—l could see by the manner of You, when you came into the room—l know you've got at the other bottle.— However, there's one comfort; ycru told the tosend for the best brandy—. the very best—for your other friend. who called last Wednesday. Ha! ha! It was British—the cheapest British— and nice and ill I hope the pair of you will be to-morrow. ...There's only the bare bone of the kg of pork : but you'll get nothingelse for dinner, 1 can tell you. ' a dread ltd thing ills; the poor children should go without = but, if they have such a father, they, poor things, must suffer for it. - 4 , Nearly a whole leg of pork and a pint of brandy_! A pint.of brandy and a leg of pork. A leg of—leg— , •leg•;---- pint—"•• • r And mumbling the syllables, says Mr. Caudle's MS.. she went to sleep., "OLD SCRATCH. 91 --SATAN.••••-This old gentleman, although Considered rather sharp thin otherwise, has been served some very acute tricks. Among the rest, we have beard of a poor cob bler who made a league with him,' and after enjoying every earthly blessing. he was wated upon by his brimstone Maj esty, who demanded his 50u1... The cobbler took a sharp knife, and ripping off the sole of his shoe, threw it aitheleet of his illustrious guest. '.What does it mean?" cried the latter. "Look at the Contract l" cried the cobbler. • Satan eamined the writing, and found that the 'Word was spelt sole. which only added him to a piece of leather. He turned ,on his heel and went off scratching his head ; and he has been.called ”Old Scratch" ever since. Gciarts.--Genins cartalone comprehend gentus,and noble mind,understand oneof its Own stamp; at the same time. it sees ignoble: spirits, more dearly than they do them selves. He who sees. 'under stands the blind man ; but the blind man car.uote omprehend- him. t3UI, PzA . . weds a timiencylo biitat ariQ fret:l4E4l ;;;Beciuthelhejr increase the power. of the QA's light. Will 4 0 es a &noel c"Pliqg beep man warm la Wiuter v and ice from melt ing in -the=sraturnert Because it bOth preients the passage of heat from the man and to the ice. Why doeS a person 'with a cold- iti the head. catarrh from the eyes and nose experien& more relief oaapplying to the ty.e a linen or canarte handker chief than that atade.of cotton 1 Because the linen, by •eonducting readily absorbs,the beat and diminishes the inflammation, while, the latter by refusing to passage to the heat; increases the temperature and the pain. Why are loose clothing warmer than such as-fits close ? ! Because the criantity of imperfectly conddcted air thus confined around the body, resists the escape of the animal heat. Journeyman Printer& From high to low,they are the same care less; well informed, good hearted men— knowing how to act better than they do. Nothing atAintes, yet evrything if occa-, sion requires. it: we have one and the same individual of the craft, a minister in Carolina, a boatman in we:fern canals, a sheriff in Ohio, a sailing master on board a privnteer,i_n fidler in New Orleans, a dandy in. Broadway,. N. York, a. press man in a garret printing -office, and an editor of a country newspaper. Having nettling_ to loose, no calamity can — over whelm them, and caring to.gain nothing, no tide of fortune carries them upwards from the level `where they wish to'stand, the happiest dogs in christendom, Phi losophers by practice,, spendthrifts by in clination, they. - complain not when the stomach cries for bread and they have none to give, and in the next hour if for tune favors the meanest, expend more for unnecessary delicacies than would serve to keep than in wholesome food for a whole week. Hints to Young Mtn. Always have a book within your reach, which you may catch , at your odd minutes. Resolve to edge in a little reading every day; if it is but a single sentence. If you can g ain fifteen minutes a day, it will be felt at the end of the year. . Regulate your thoughts when not at study. A man is thinking even while at work. Why may lie not be think ing about something that is useful. '1) Resolve in your mind what you have last been reading. Remember that most of the matchless effusions of Robert Burns were con ceived while he was toiling after- the plough. Every thing that tends to emancipate - us from external restraints, without ad ding to our own power of self-gover a mong, is mischievous. - Keep out of bad company, for when the devil fires into a flock, he will hit somebody. OArGIx of FASITTON.— , Grandpa, where do people get the fashions from?' "Why from - Boston.' 'Well, where do the Boston follies get them from r 'From England.' 'And where does the English get them?' 'From• France.' 'And where do the Frenco get them?' right strait from There now stop your noise.' • , A Tsar.—lf the clergy should be in want of a test; any time within twelve months, they can do no better than to take it from the book of Hezekiah— Ilezekiah Niles we mean—in these words: "Pay the PRINTER,for no man la bors SD hard to enlighten his fellow creamtes. He works day and night, and often gets more kicks than cop pers !! " • SymenTint - .-A good deaeon making an official visit to a dying neighbor. who was very . churlish, and universaly an unpopular man, put the usual question. "Are you willing to go my friend ?" "Oh yes, said the sick man I am.' :'Well,' said the simpleininded deacon 'I am • glad you are, for all then l fighbars are willing!! THE ENGLISH OP A. sporting landlord on the Surrey side of the Water, was not long ago asked the meaning of Foigli a.Ballagh : "It's the Irish for• Clear the way,' isn' it?" cries the enquirer. "I know nothing about the Irish," re plied Boeiface, bitterly, "but the English of it is clear the pockets." POTATOES.-it stated that ii pota toes are sprinkled with slacked lime as soon as they are cut for seed, and sho velled over it, then immediately plan ted, it will tprevent them from rot either in the ground or in the cellar. HONE - small portion of honey mixed With lukewarm water. and al lowed to cool. makes MI excellent, wash for sun.burns and chilblains. _ AnniFerri.—When adversity assails you, sink not under it:—struggie the nom is mighty and as the man said when he knocked his wife down with thi-Bihis• ',,..801,W.:1t;0A: . BOOT , STIOE-MAKING. ' SAGE have associated themselves - in the Boot and Shoe Mak ing basin' ess, in the borough.of Towanda, , one door West of the Claremont House, and solicit a share of public parsonage. They intend, by a caiefcl selection of stock, and by attention to the interests of their customers,to makess neat and durable work as tau be • roanulita,ured in this portion of the country. - • • • They keep constantly on hand, and' will ma. nnfactuns to' order, morocco, calf ,and coarse boots and shoes; Ladies' Gaiters, shoes and' slim children's do.; gent's gaiters and pumps, dre,&c. - JOHN L W. WILCOX, PHILANDER SAGE. f . Towanda, May 6,1844. - - • BOOT & .SIIOE MAKING. On loy own looks tgain was.. y itgAe STEPHEN HATHAWAY informs the public generally that hi is still prepared to manufacture, of the hest material, and in the most substantial and elegant manner, all de scriptiona of Boots and Shoes. Morocco. Calf and Coiirse Boots and Shoes Ladies' shoes and gaiters ;youth's do. All work made by me will be warranted to be well made. Call and try. Country Produce taken in payment for work Towanda, February 27th, 1844. Wright's Vegetable Indian Ms. IF, during •during the continuance of Storms and Floods, the channels of OUR MIGUTT 1111781111 become so obstructed as to afford an insufficient outlet for the superabundant waters, we Call,OX. pect nothing less than that the surrounding country will be OVERWHELDIED WITH TUB 111.00/1. In .a like manner with the human body—lithe Skin, Kidneys, and Bowels, (the natural out lets for USCLES9 AND CORRUPT RUNOR6) becom so obstructed as to fail in affording a full discharge of those impurities which are in all cases I=l we surely can expect no other.roults than that the whole frame will sooner or later be OVERWHELMED WITH DISEASE ! As in the first place, if we would prevent an inundation we must remove all obstructions, to the free discharge of the superabundant waters. So, in the second place, if we would prevent and cure disease, we must open and keep open, all the Natural Drains of the body. WRIGHT ' S INDIAN VEGLTADLE, Of -the North American College of Health, will' be found one of the best if not the very BEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD roe carrying out this beautiful and simple theo ry ; because they completely dense the Stomach and Bowels from all Billions Humors and oth er impurity, and at the same time promote a healthy discharge from the lungs, Skin, and Kidneys; consequently, as all thr Natura Drains are opened, Disease of every name is literally driven from . the Body. 1:15' Caution—As the great popularity and Consequent great demind for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills has raised up a host of cuontor fetters. country agents and storekeepers will be on their guard against the many imposters who are travelling about the country selling to the unsuspecting a spurious article for the genuine, It should be remembered that all authorized agents are provided a Certificale of Agency, signed by Wr mak* Wntoirr, Vice President of the N. A. College of Health. Consequent ly, those who offer Indian Vegetable Pills and cannot show a Certificate, as above described, will be known as imposters. The following highly respectable Store keepers have been appointed Agents for the sale of WRIGIIT% INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, and of whom it is confidently believed the ge nuine medicine can with certainty be obtained: BRADFORD COUNTY, PA. J. D. & E. D. Montanyo, Towanda. D *Brink, P.M., Hornbrook. S. W.& D.F.Pomeroy, Troy. Lyman Durfey, Smith6eld. J. J. & C. Warford, Monroeton. Wm. Gibson, Ulster. Ulysses Moody, Asylum. John Horton Jr.. Terrytown. Coryell & Gee, Burlington corners. Benjamin Coolbaugh, Canton. L. S. Ellsworth & Co., Athens. Allen & Storrs, Sheshequin. Guy Tracy, Milan. . A.R.-Soper, Columbia Platte. 'Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of the medicine wholesale and retail, 228 Greenwich street, New York, No. 198 'Fremont street, Boston, and 169 Race street, Philailelphia. swanr. oa CocurcurraTs.—The public are respectfully informed that medicine purport ing to be Indian Pills, made by one V. 0. Falck, are not the genuine Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. The only security against imposition is to purchase from the regular advbrtised agents, and in all cases he particular to ask for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. [not.6rn SADDLE, HARNESS dc WESIZ.VIM 4 mzuwwbmeaue.:; HE SUBSCRIBER respectfully intiarmli his old friends and the public Igetterally that he is now carrying on the above business in all its carious branches, in the north part of the building B.Thomas, as a Hat shop, on Main street, nearly opposite Mercur's store, where' he will be happy to accomodate old and new customers., SADDLES, BRIDLES, MARTINGALS, HARNESS, COLLARS„ .. WHIPS'&C., &a.- of the:latest:fast - den and heat' materials 'will-be made to order on moderate terniifer ready pay. Most kindeof cenntry:piOuee !ennui taken in exchange for;Cirork; Arinl 17; 1844. OT. YARN acrd Carpet'. 'Warp, Colored and_ White. received at No.ta. Row. iWhite. thin 114 . Itar 3P441 2 =1 3 1=ga . 9: itlerEPasNmEacE, jur e : baying fanned a copartnership for the, pcartia3 of law in 13eadked and the adjoining' countiest, - will gbio prompt and careful attention to all business crammed to their charge.' Their office will be found in i'owanda, No. 2, Brick Row: on lire second Boor: Where we or the other may be found at all business hours. Towanda, January 6,1845. 1131R00118, Paibroad -Looking ©lasses kg . ,W. kI.II,AIRD •&`CO. ,Septemimai 71.1 i. •.• No, 3: Brick-Row Ig PORTANT TO FIRMERS,IdECIANICB, it. p. non 1,1 • 3 'ziwi HAVlNGtaken the Store no. 2, new. brick . block has opened complete assortment of Merchandise selected With great.cate expess ly for this market, which he offers - for sale on the most reasonable terms. Cash, Produce, Feathers, Furs, etc.; ek., will be taken in ex change for goods. His stock consists of Foreign & Domestic Dry Goods. Pilot, beaver," _broad and gray cloths, cassi meres, satinetts, bard times, linsey-woolsey, Canton and woollen flannels, brown and blea. shirtings, sheetings and drillings; a splendid assortment of Prints, of all prices and patterns, book, swiss, striped and cross-bar muslins, plain and figured laces, Irish linens, -plain and flg'd and silk warp alapacas, chameleon lustres, Aff ghan crapes, mouselin do !sines, cable and plaid shawls, cravats, gloves, hat ribands, hosiery, suspenders, &c. Brown, crushed and loaf sugars; toas of all qualities; molasses. fine cut, Virginia and_sino king tobacco; snuff, spices, mustard. lainploil, coffee, slap, starch, 4e., Alsoa complete as. sortrnent of IFlnes arsd Liquors.. Pure cognise brandy, Holland gin, port wine, whiskey. Crockery and Glass Ware. Hardware and Cutlery, cross cut and mill saws, nails, glass, &c. Boots and Shoes. Men's coarse and fine boots; ladies' furred, plain and figured indict robbers; French slip• pers, buskins, children's cloth and morocco shoes, buffalo robes, &c. Rats and Caps. Brush, silk and fur hats ; Ole Bull, leather, fur, velvet .and hair seal caps; men's white wool and rowdy hats, &c. Every exertion will be made to please and satisfy every one who may give him a call. Towanda, Dec. 2d, 1844. moorz.-521E ;Imam 7R , Lwo ......._ . A D. MONTANYE has removed his i, Drug Store to the third door below J. 41 E. D. Montanye's store, Main. street where you will at all times find a good assort- ment of Drugs 4. Medicines. Nov. 25, 1845. WHEREAS the Hon. Wm. JUMP, President Judge of the 11th Judicial district has appointed a special court of com mon pleas to be holden for the trial of causes certified to him, in Bradford county, on Mon day the 23d day of June next at two o'clock in 'the afternoon, of which the following is a list, to wit: Alexander Barring, vs. J. Harkness Life insurance and trust company vs. Edward Overton ; Samuel Benight vs. Wro.Seely; same vs. Lewis M. Palmer ,; Chester Butler and wife vs. Amos Ackla ; same vs. John Bennett; G. M. Hollenback et. al., VE6 David Bingham; Alexander Barring et. al . vs. I. Kingsley et. al.; same vs. James 0. Tracey et. al.; same vs.liezekiah Crowell et. al. same vs. same; same vs. Ezra Allen; . same vs. Solomon Bovier et. al.; same vs. William Harkness ; same vs. Sally Welles & Geo. H. Vlielles executors &c. same vs. William S. Ingalls; same vs. James Roe ; same vs. Shubel Rowley et. al; same vs. Richard Garrison et. al., same vs. Stephen - Wilcox et. aL; same vs. Zepeniah Knapp AARON CHUBBUCK Prot. Prothonotary's Office, Towanda,.April 14, 1845. S Watch and Clock Repairing. K' :.I. CILCUBEILLI.r. '—iime RESPECTFULLY in • ti lip. forma his friends and the -7 - 7 , public that he stilicontin /_C - -,'. c ,, ues to carry on the above ( ~,, I '4 lll business at his old stand ‘,.., /. 1%:.,, one door south of Elliott \ I c -.).) ' 4 c1 . :9'` .,...,. ..:311,/ .. nitar:Nlyferocpupeossitsetotrhee, Hay Scales. , . . Watch and Clock Repairing, Will be done on short notice, and warranted to be well done. From a long experience in the business,. he believes that be will be able to ren der perfect satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. N.B. Watches warranted to run well one year, or the money refunded; and a written agreement given to that effeci to all that desire ono CLOCKS.—A large assortment just recei►. ed and for sale very low for cash. If you want to. buy: Jewelry cheap call at Chamberlin's Watch Shop. In" MAPLE SUGAR, Wood, and all kinds of Country Produce-received in payment. Towanda, March 5, 1845. A D. MONTANYE has annexed to hie Jan • former stock of DRUGS AND MEDI CINES, a fresh supply of ' • CARPETBAGS VALICES,. TRUNKS FAMILY aIII.4:IOEVIES, such as-Teas, Boger; Colree,;Pepper. Spies, Salaams, Starch; Reisins, Cavendish, Smoking and. fins cut Tobacco, Idaccaboy. Sunff, , Span ish and Cournion Cigars, iry.tbo box or other. wise, Together with many tither articles too numerous , to mention. Be sure 'and call a lifontanye's Drug 4 Grocery 'Stare. -. - ..Towanda, Dec. 4, 1844. JERE'CiItP. A FRESH supply of Clovir*ed, UMI&U. ally plaaV and clean, just received, and for safe lootirz. 0. D. BARTLETT. AND EMT eiceps3 . - CHARLES, REED, Wet ; and Dry. Groceries. SPECIAL COURT. .3NN.e.X. , 2770N: 7 ,'":• . .,:r,'•:!, ; . - . .7-,, - -, AND 1 ' '.. Keep it before the Teeple; -grin AT the Oiff Drug .Stam, west side of the Public Square, is tiow receiving the hugest assortment of-Drugs and Medieinesevor offered in this" market; Salami which - a:Oho _following, viz c - • _ " • - Sulph. , Aforphia, -Etre Mass, do. .Quinine, , Nit. Silver, . • Eng. Calomel, Quick do.] - lodkl. Norma, . , Peperine, Red Precipitate, Ipecac, White':h do. ' Tart. Antimony, • Strychnia, lodine,' • Elateruini, ' Valerian Root, Kreaso . t, Seneca do. Poly. leap, ' Berpentaria do, Ext. do., Gentioh d 0... _Pit. Colysinth, Colointui do. do. Gentian, Pink , do. do. Cieuta.Senna; 40,, Hysocismuai -AdheahriPlastdr, do. Tataxeeum, -Cintharidea, Spring and Thumb X.ancets, Lancet cases 41r.c., The attention of PHYSICIANS is particu larly invited to the above articles, they being just received from ono of the most respectable houses in. New York and will therefore be war rented pure and free flora adulteration in all caste,-and disposed of at very low prices. OILS • AND ESSENCES. Wintergreen, Cinnamon, Peppermint, Rosie mary, Wormsced, Heralock,Bassafrass, Lemon, Lavander. Bergamot, Aniseed, ClovesZiuniper, Amber, Cajput, Caraway, Monard, Femiel, Al mond. Origanitm, Cedar, Amber, &.c., &c. PATENT MEDICINES. The most popular of the day, such as Dr. rayne's Expectorant, Wistar's Balsam Wild Cherry, Sands Sarsaparilla, Dr. Jayne's .Car manitive, Balsam-'Hoarhound, Turtington's Pink Expectorant Syrup, Bateman's Drops, Andersons do., lamott's Cough do., Liquid Opodeldne, Balsam Honey, Preston Salts, Mrs. Gardners Balsam Liverwort and Hoarhound, Dr. Spoons' Ditestiie Elixor,Dr. Muons Elix. of Opium, Dr. Benjamin Godfrey's Cordial, Dr. Weaver's Worm Tea, Cheesman's Arabi an Balsam, Balmof Columbia, Butler's Mag. nesian Aparient, Henry's do., Dr. Thompson's Eye Water, British Oil, Harlem d o., Maccassar do., Bear's do., Grave's Hair do.Croton do., together with many others to numerous to men tion. PILLS. Compound Cathartic, Gregory's Hoopes Female, German, Lees Windham Billions, Miles' Tomatto, Brandreth's, Wright's Indian Vegetable, Dr. Phinney's, Webstet's, Mofrats and Bitiers, Alebasis, Bishops, &c., &c., - PAINTS, OIL & DYE STUFFS. White, Red and Black Leid, Chrome Gieen, Chro me Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Prussiap Blue, Rose Pink, Sugar Lead, Litharge, Blue Smiths, Venetian Red, Vermillion, Turmeric, Annan°, Indigo. Copperas. A limn, Crude, Tartar, cochi neal, Solution of Tin, Verdigris, Blue Vitro!, Glass 7 by 9, Bby 10, and 10 by 12, Putty, Linseed Oil, &c., &c. A. D. MONTANYE, DuvouTar. Towanda, Oct .25, 1844. COLOGNE WATER by the ounce, pint, quart, or gallon iu fancy bottles or other- wise to suit. the Ladies, at MuIiTANYE'S DRUG STORE. PAINT, Hair, Shaving, Tooth and Nail Bruihea at MONTANYE'S DRUG STORE. Information Wanted, A - 1F MICHAEL CUMMINGS, who left 111 my house about the middle of October last, and when 4ast heard of was seen in the vi cinity of Wya!using. He was about 13 years of age, rather huge for one of his age, of a san dy complexion, with fair hair. Any informa tion concerning him will be thankfu:ly received. Address the subscriber at Towanda , Bradford Co., Pa . STEPHEN CUMMINGS. Asylum, February 17, 1845. (Patrol insert and charge this office.) CANDIES, Raisins, Liquorice, & c., for the boys end girls, at MONTANYE'S DRUG STORE. Oct. 25, 1844. NEWEST GOODS, and Cheapest Prices i URTON KINGSBERY. has just receiv ed and is now opening a splendid assort ment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Paints, al, Dye . Stuffo r ike., which he will sell very cheap for Cash. Towanda, Sept. 7, 1844. lAMES LOOK HERE t Cashmeres, Al -4 paces's, Muslin de Lane's of the most beautiful patterns just received and for sale low, very low, for cash by 0. D. BARTLETT. Nov. 11, 1844. • 10,000 MAJORITY ! FIE subscriber has just received a large • and splendid variety of NE IV GOODS suited to the season, whiCh be will sell at unu sually low for cash. 0. D. BARTLETT. Towanda, Nov.-11, 1844. 001 i AT THlS—Cooking and other 4 • Sieves selling at Montanye's for less than cost, likewise a quantity of Tin. Ware, 90 tons Ground Fluter, also at Montanye's one ton best Bellefonte Iron just received, also ono ton of Nails. • January 22d., ISO. SADDLE AND HARNESS 11/21A.M3.31.11111 - 4G.-• IFILWaIIf SMITE Iff SOX, 1 AVE commenced the'_ manufacture of Saddles, Bridlei, - Harness, &c., &e., in t e borough of Towanda, in the building for= merly occupied by S. Hathaway, two doors west oft H. Stephens' tavern, where they will keep constantly on hand, and manufacture to order, Elastic Web, Common and: Wiled 0.411391)110% Carpet Rizgi; • • Trunks,* - Vcilises,*c. sc. . 'and Military Work Harness, Collars, . Carriage Trimming done to order. • Mattraases;Pew and Chair Cushions made• on shun notice and reasonable terms. . The subscribers hope - work well, doing their well, and by a atria attention to business, to merit a iltlare of public patronage. 4 - ELICANAH. SMITE & SON. 0 • GREAT ATTRACTIO At No. 1, kick ROW. - - no C3O" Vir CCM 6WM —wog RECENTLY FROM ELMIR," ~ receiving and opening a splendid . went of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, OiL t * Stuffs. do in addition a full and complete , went of FAMILY GROCERIES, The consisting in part of the following: . - IitEDICINES, 4. e , Alum = Mamas, Oil ' Alcohol - .Mace Aloes Magnesia , Annatto ' - do od e i n 'i d Antimony ' , - Manna Arrow Root ' ' Mustard seed Arsenic -' do amend Aqua Fortis . - Nursing Bottles do Ainmon. ' " Nutgalls Bottles, assorted Nutmegs Bear's Oil. Oil, Fall, Winter and British Oil Summer strained Blue Vitriol Sperm, bleached, Borax Bark Perttv.pule. do Linseed Bath Brick do Camphine Balsam Copaiva do Sweet Burgundy Pitch Oil Vitra Camphor . do Wintergreen Calomel do Peppermint Caraway Seeds - do Aniseed Cantharides do Lavender Carb. Ammon . Opodeldnc Cajenne Pepper Patagorie. Chamomile Flowers Pearl Barley Cinnamon Pepper Sauce Cloves • Perfumery Court Plaster Pill Boxes Copperas Pink Root Confectionary Prussiate Potash ' Corks, all of kinds Quicksilver - Cream 'radar Rhubarb, rt. & powdr. Curcoma Roll Brimstone Cubebs •Red Chalk Emery, ass'd from-No.Red Precipitate 1 to 6 Saffron, American and Epsom Salts Spanish! Essence Bergamot Sand Paper ..4 do Lemon Sal. Ammoniac do Peppermint do Glauber do and Oil Spruce Saltpetre Fier .Sulphur Sarsaparilla v.: do Benzoni do Nynv Glue, of all kinds Sealing Was Gold Leaf Senna Gum Opium Shaker's Herbs do Arabic Sponge, coarse & fine do Copal- Starch I ~ do Assafeetida Snuff Maccabq do Myrrh do Scotch do Tragacanth do Cephalic • Harloom Oil Soap, Castile Hiera Picm ' do Shaving Indigo, Spanish, float do WiLlsor do Bengal Spermaceti Ink Powders Spts. Hartshorn Ink, in bottles do Nit .Dulr. do Indelible Sugar Lead Irish Moss Sup. Cada . lledt Isinglass Sulph .Quinine Itch Ointment Syringes, assc,ted Ivory Black Tart. Acid Jalap 'renter Hooks Laudanum Vials, assorted Liquorice Root Valerian Root do Ball Wafers Lunar Caustic White and Red 'Near .P.RINTS. Black Lend Putty Cassia Paris White Chalk Spanish Brown Chrome Yellow French Green do Green Spt.Turpentine Copal Varnish Rosin Coach do Venetian lied Lead, White, dry audVerdigris Lead, Red [in Oilliermillion Lamp Black Whiting • Litharage Yellow Ochre , DYE-STUFFS. Red Wood Camwood Nicaragua. Cochineal Madder Ext. Logwood Muriate Tin Fuatic Oxalic Acid Grain Tin Prussian Blue • Hatchwood - Pumice Lac Dye Red Saunders Logwood Rotten Stone --.. P.ll TEAT .3.14/910EVES. - The great English re=rills, Oriental medy, Buchen's Hun- do Dr. Pest's garian Balsam of Lite do Hooper's Sands' hiannarilla do Moffat's - Bristol's Ext; dd do Persian Wistaes Balsam Wild do Brandreth's Cherry ' do Phinney Peitoral'Honey of Li- do Lee's o'Crysort G r odfrcx's cordial Cheeseman's Arabian Thonipson's Eyeirste Balsam " GROCERIES. - Sew ;ef Family Sw MI Coffee Sperm Candles Sugar Chemical Wea do Spice.and Pepper Tohicco anti Snuti starch Sal Eratus Raisins Pipes Soda Crackers Brooms Cinnamon Paile English Currants Rope 4 Nutmegs Refined Loaf Sups Ginger._ Cassia WINDOW. GI4 SS. Window Glas, 7 by 9, 8 by 10,10 by 12. 1 ' by 14, 11 by 16,12 by 16, 12 by 18 Mixed Nista st all times on bend, ready fo use. Towanda, December 16, 1844. • Second and Last Call! THE subscribers have a large amount of unsettled accounts and notes, which hare been standing from °xi to six years, ej which they have determined - SHALL cr. -ir +LLD. They have waited patiently :broke.' the recent exciting political canvass, withm: asking for their dues. Now, circumstse o l render it necessary that they should be pAid; and they woulevay for once and for all, tbsF every person indebted to them must come fo. Ward immediately, and pay, their accounts , or, suffer the consequences. Will those indebted heed the warning; or will they pay cost ! J. & a trwilot• Monroeton, March 15, 1845. MLMECIVe/LACIWIIVAi•.O-40 IP:YESES 741ERCUR baa renew° bi ' f ..) Law Office to the room one door east 0 the officeformerly =ivied by Adams 6l . ll `," cur. Entrance as before at the west 6 31 ° ' lifontanye & Betta' building. December 20, 1844. • riff ATS. for sale, and 'bathe bat estoraer, al of CAPS in town at 13.41RP5. You'.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers