'-tej.' rr-;;!;wv - , - - -" "TSJ" Sp' -J j-sJS PITTSBim& DISPATCH, " 2JITESDAT, ' MARCH 26, V THE 1889. ' if t Jgfr Bi$$alt ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8. 1S48. Vol. 41, So 47. Entered it Pittsburg Postofflce, November 14, 18S7, as second-class matter. Business Office 97 and G9 Fifth Avenue. News Rooms and Publishing House 75, 77 and 76 Blamond Street. Average circulation of the dally edition of The Dispatch for six months ending March 1, 1SS9, 27,988 Copies per Issue. Average circulation of the Sunday edition of The Dispatch for February, 1SSP, 45,144 Copies per Issnc. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. TOETAGE KEE IX THE OTTOD STATES. Dailt DisrATCH. One Year f 8 00 Daily DibPATcn, Per Quarter 2 00 Dailt DisrATCH, One Month 70 Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, one year.. 10 00 Dailt DisrATCU, Including Sunday, per quarter. - 2 50 Daily DisrATCH, Including Sunday, one month 90 SltjaV DisrATCH, oneycar - 2 50 Vekkly Dispatch, one year 1 25 The Daily Dispatch Is delivered by carriers at IS cents per week, orincludlngthe Sunday edition, at 20 cents per week. PITTSBURG, TUESDAY, MAR. 28, 1839. A SEEK) US KATTER. The reported deathbed confession of a woman alle5edjtQ.be the wife of Robinson, who was acquitted of the charge of morder at Ravenna, that he was a participant in that crime, will generally be taken as cor roborative of the wide belief that he escaped his deserts, rffe new light on the subject is very far irom unimpeachable evidence; but in its agreement with the other grounds of suspicion against Robinson is somewhat significant of the fact that at present it is more difficult to punish notorious and des perate criminals than it is to get them off. The revelation, such as it is, is too late to have any bearing -on the punishment of the Ravenna desperadoes; but so far asit is worth anythine, there is some importance in the statement that the alibi by which Robinson was released was prepared in Pittsburg, and that persons occupying re spectable positions in this city were engaged in getting it up. We do not know who the persons referred to are, nor whether they are still in the city; but the assertion that they were engaged in suborning evidence for the benefit of a professional criminal certainly calls upon them to come forward and clear themselves. If that is not done, the officers of the law should take it in hand to see whether there is no evidence which will send perjurers and suborners to the penitentiary. It is not certain that this reported confes sion is reliable; but its appearance calls for the inculcation of the fact that those who will cook up false testimony to secure the escape from punishment of a professional thief and murderer, are a grade lower and a degree more obnoxious to society than the thieves and murderers themselves. THE BIVEE SHDT-L0WH. The closing down of some of the river mines, as announced in our local columns, brings the realization of a step which has long been predicted in that interest. The fact that the shut-down is made without a combination for that purpose is a prima facie indication that it is done solely be v cause there is no money in continuing oper ations. But the avowal of an intention to reduce wages which was probably the real purpose of the combined shut-down in the early part of the winter gives the step a rather unsatisfactory aspect. Accepting the evidence of unprofitable markets, we can still imagine a more conciliatory way of in forming their employes that the mines can not be operated any longer, except at a re duction of wages. "We have always op posed strikes until all conciliatory measures have failed; and we see no reason why the rule should not apply to a strike by the operators as well as to a strike by the miners. K0T UNUSUAL LOGIC. It is interesting to observe the class of logic to which a great many people are prone, as illustrated by the comments on Chief Justice Fuller's mustache and his daughter's elopement. The argument 4s evidently to the effect though it may not be put in so many words that he is the first Chief Jnstice who ever wore a mustache; and he Is also the first Chief Justice whose daughter ran away to be married. Argal, the mustache caused the elorjement. To this effect does th'e wind of criticism blow through the Chief Justice's hersute adorn ment. This is readily recognized as nttcr non sense; but it is no more so than a great deal ofthatsortof logic with which the public is drenched. Prom the day when the old Torkshireman testified that the wrecks on the Goodwin Sands were caused by Tenter den Church steeple, that class of logic has been used in a great many more important affairs. Since the Standard Oil Company secured amonopoly of the petroleum refining business,an immense overproduction of crude oil, which the Standard did not produce, lias brought down prices of petroleum, and the paid advocates of monopoly have sounded high the claim that the Standard has reduced the cost of petroleum to con jrumers. The railroad pools have been ghtinc for 12 years to keep rates up; but the natural laws of trade have been too strong for them, and their representatives are now claiming for the pools the very re duction in rates which they sought to pre vent. A. depression in the iron trade makes mill owners talk of a reduction in wages and the Democratic organs join in charging it to a Republican administration which we shall bear in mind is to a certain extent only a retaliation for similar logic on the part of Republican organs. All this is logic of the mustache and Tenterden steeple class. Some day, the world will progress to a stage when people who indulge in sham reasoning of that sort will be knocked out of court, but that will not be while the foolkiller neglects his duties in the present scandalous way. AIT UKWAEBAKTABLE PSACTICE. We find in the colnmns oT the Philadel phia Press the following, with regard to an alleged practice that is somewhat new in corporation circles: If the Pennsylvania Railroad had bought corn and brought it to the seaside at a loss so as to keep Its cars moving, as it is reported the Baltimore and Ohio did, this port would have had more outgoing cargoes of grain In the past two months and the railroad company serving Philadelphia would have passed as many divi dends as the one running to Baltimore. ' In this paragraph the practice of a, transportation corporation buying staple products in order to secure their transportation is antagonized on account of its effect on the profits of the company. That is a legitimate considera tion, of course; but it sinks to really minor importance beside its dangerous and illicit character viewed in the light of the public obliga-ions of the railways. Wc understand that the action of the Baltimore and Ohio road as alleged is de nied; but the allegation warrants the con sideration of the public effect of such a practice. It is plain that if the railroads can buy corn,wheat, pork, live stock or any other staple for the sake of securing its transportation they can very easily make it impossible fbrprivate enterprise to engage in the purchase of these staples by rail ship ment. It would be the simplest matter in the world for a railway to put up its rates so as to make private shipment impossible from the section it controls; and when a few great corporate buyers should control the markets at both ends or the line, they would be able to name just such prices as they choose, both to the producers from whom they buy and the consumers to whom they sell. Means similar to that are alleged to have built up the anthracite monopoly and, if the allegation is true, constitute its crimi nality. We do not believe that such a practice is within the charter powers of any railroad. If any railroad has been granted the right to engage in the purchase and sale ,of com modities, it involved a legislative betrayal of the rights of the people. If such a be trayal has taken place, it would certainly be a violation of the interstate Commerce law, which forbids discrimination and ex cessive charges "by any device whatsoever." Of course, the pursuit of such a practice by the railroads would soon lead to a con fiscation of private property by the corpora tions; and in time it would inevitably prod uce a confiscation of corporate property by the people in retaliation. ASHES AFR SLLEHT. There are many letters which are best burned as soon as received. Letters linger ing in pockets, desks and drawers are so many little witnesses ready to talk about your private affairs. But men will keep them, nevertheless. Who has had better reason to know the folly of preserving correspondence than Mr. James G. Blaine? The saturnine fate which has preserved his correspondence from the flan es is matter of history. The record shows that long ago Mr. Blaine was fully convinced of the theory of burning letters; but the theory somehow failed to be put into practice then. Notwithstanding the lessons of experience, the same failure permits inconvenient letters to drift into publication, in a way more amusing to the public than pleasant to Mr. Blaine. The tale told by the letter from President Harrison to Mr. Blaine, which was pub lished yesterday, is not very compromising. It simply discloses that General Harrison declined, with thanks, Mr. Blaine's kind offer to come out and help construct ihe Cabinet, The most prejudiced anti-Blaineac will be hard put to it to extract from the President's words any meaning more damnatory than that. Still, we can hardly suppose that Mr. Blaine is delighted to have it published. Some friend of his, some master of concise and epigrammatic . diction, Senator Quay, for instance, should write to him: "Burn aU letters 1" TAME BY THE 1001. It has been reported and again denied more than once that Edwin Booth and Mad jime Modjeska were to -act together next season, under the management of Lawrence Barrett The negotiations have now come to a satisfactory conclusion, the only ob stacle having been removed, and the great stars will enjoy a common orbit for some two hundred nights and afternoons next season. This is good news, but it is equal ly interesting to note what caused the delay in the consummation of this desirable alli ance. It seems that Madame Modjeska and Mr. Booth have long been accustomed to over shadow the rest of the company in which they have appeared, especially in a typo graphical sense. Their names have been printed in displayed type above their fel lows on bills and programmes. When the joint tonr was proposed this question of the type was discussed early in the day, for Mr. Booth and Madame Modjeska both seemed to fear that the other would want to havehis or her name printed inlarger letters than the other. The agreement now is that both names shall .be displayed in the same manner. It is to be hoped that .the public will be careful not to wound the sensibilities of these great artists. Applause will have to be nicely divided between them; one must not be called before the enrtain without the other, and if any enthusiast shall send a bouquet to Madame Modjeska he will do well to convey to Mr. Booth a sum of money equal to the value of the flowers. Probably the advance agent will be required to give bonds that he will lie equally on behalf of his employers. Manager Lawrence Barrett, literally, may thank his stars if he comes out of the campaign alive and sane. ME. PULLMAN'S PLANS. A reporter of The Dispatch a night or two ago discovered George M. Pullman, to whom the incense of gratitude will ascend from thousands- of railway travelers yet unborn, examining what seemed to be a plan for an unroofed sleeping car. Per haps this is some pleasant surprise in the shape of a summer dormitory on wheels which Mr. Pullman is preparing for the relief of sufferers from the heat, kerosene lamp odors 'and warm porters in sleeping cars of the ordinary build. If Mr Pullman is applying his inventive mind to this profitable and pleasant pur pose, the public will soon have new cause to rejoice. The contrast between the rail road cars of but a decade ago and the latest pattern of vestibule Pullman coaches of to-day is sufficiently striking, but there is no reason to believe that this generation will not see as great improvements in the conveniences of travel in the future. This is the age when such men as George M. Pullman and George Westinghouse, Jr., are showing the world what can be done by the combinatibn of many wise heads in the fields of invention and creation. A COHFETINQ SUGAE SUPPLY. There appears to be a rod in pickle for the Sugar Trust in the rapid growth of sugar-beet raising for the manufacture of sugars. In California, where the experi ment has been tried on a large scale, it is demonstrated that so far from there being a failure in the manufacture of that sugar, therehasbeena decided success. The crop now under contract is stated to be over 20, 000 tons, and its success there will undoubt edly stimulate its growth all over the country, Ihe permanence of this industry depends, of course, on whether sugar can be produced from beets grown in this country of as good quality and as cheaply as cane sugar raised here or brought from Cuba. But beyond that. the effect of a high'dnty.Jaken advantage of by a combination, to raise the price for the benefit of a clique, is demonstrated. The Sugar Trust has seemed to be an exception to the general rule, that all artificial meth ods to enhance prices will only call new competition into (the field. But that ap pearance was only transient. The Sugar Trust has already called large refining establishments .into existence, and the growth of the beet sugar interest promises to eventually make the competition to the Sugar Trust even stronger than that which the combination was formed to escape. Such results show that the laws of trade will, in time, work out their revenge on the schemes to stifle and obstruct their actiqn; but they do not at all obviate the necessity of legislation to prevent combinations which be-devil trade, and burden the people until new competing forces are "brought into play. An army lieutenant who is in charge of driving the Oklahoma boomers out of that territory writes that they are honest, re spectable settlers, and therefore thinks they should be allowed to settle on claims in ad vance of the legal opening of the lands for settlement There might be some force to this idea, if the settlers had not taken the attitude of defying the law. Not even honest and respectable settlers can be al lowed to defy the law. What is equally to the point, neither can cattle companies, whether they are respectable or otherwise. When tire enterprising burglar is not burgling in Pittsburg, the theory of ample police protection looks very plausible. But people whose houses are entered and safes blown open without any arrests, may begin to lose faith in it. The official canvass of the New Hamp shire vote on prohibition shows that but 50,000 votes were cast against 91,000 at the November election. It will be an interes ing question for Pennsylvania whether the 41,000 stay-at-homes were in favor of or op posed to the measure. The probability that it represents the proportion of those who don't care enough about it to vote, is also an important indication. One of the late publications is "The Autobiography of a Snob" byEdgar Faw cett. No one will dispute that, for a work of the sort specified by thetitle, Mr. Fawcett possesses especial and marked fitness. The text which the New York Mail and Express had at its head last Thursday was as follows: "Blessed are those servants whom the Lord when He cometh shall find watching." There can be no doubt that Brother Shepard took care to be in the frame of mind recommended by the text But all the watching did not prevent the coveted missions from hitting the other newspaper men. Mexico is indulging in measures adverse to the importation of American lard. This is likely to arouse the hostility of the cotton raising States and provoke a new demand for a second conquest'of Mexico. A western cotemporary has discovered that General Sherman is losing his mind. There is nothing especially new in this however. General Sherman was widely re ported to be crazy during the first year of the war; but St was subsequently demons trated that a little of Old Tecumseh's luna cy was worth more than a good deal of some people's complete sanity. The statement that Mme. Fursch-Madi kissed her lawyer, who won a $10,000 suit for her last week,- warrants ,the American bar in firmly stating that they are not taking their fees in that form. The factithat when that big Munkacsky picture for which John Wanamaker was reported to have paid $100,000 was shipped to the Paris "Exposition it was insured for but $10,000, gives a tolerably clear view of the amount of water in the advertised piece. But 40 per cent of actual cash is rather above the average nowadays. BusaiAN activities along the Danube are beginning to hold out the prospect of lively times in the Balkans before the summer is over. And now the story that Mr. Wanamaker is breaking up Quay's slate by selecting a member of the Committee of One Hundred for Postmaster of Philadelphia, is making the professional politician ponder on the question whether civilization is not a failure, after all. PERSONAL PACTS AND FANCIES. CabdinaIi Newman, now in his 8th year, was entered in 1819 as a student of Lincoln's Inn. and actually intended to become a bar rister. De. Stoeckler, the court pastor at Berlin, has no faith in Count Herbert Bismarck, who has, he says, "never shown that be is a man of bis father's eminence." The Emperor of Austria intends to visit England this year in such strict incognito that on one but himself and his attendants will know anything about it till ho is at home again. At her reception at the Arno. Washinton, on Friday, Amelte Rives-Chanler wore a literary-looking gown of white China crepe which fell in the classic curves of Greek drapery. She wore her bangs In a mass of fluffy golden waves, while on either side the stray locks were fastened down with small tortoise shell combs beaded across the top With diamonds. A larger comb of the same kind was worn in the knot of hair loosely coiled at the napoofthe neck, showing the shapely head to advantage. "Whatever they may think about her literary merits her callers agreed that she is beautiful. It is a pity," writes a correspondent of the London Star who has just returned from Monte Carlo, "that the Prince of Wales has not as much self-control as Lord R. Churchill. I saw them both play at Monte Carlo. In each case the stakes wcro high. When the Prince of "Wales won one conld see it by the look of un restrained delight on his face, while the som breness of its expression equally told when he was losing. It was quite different with Lord Randolph. He never moved a muscle though now and then one could see from the diminish ing balk of his stakes that his losses were not tight. "When Mr. Bayard became Secretary of State he found just above bis desk the por traits of Abraham Lincoln, Daniel Webster and U. 8. Grant. The combination did not please him and he banished Webster to an anteroom and hung a picture of Mr. Cleveland in the vacant place. When Mr. Blaine came to the desk two weeks ago he looked at the picture of Mr. Cleveland wittidlspleasnre. Calling one of his assistants he whispered to him earnestly for a few moments. The following day the face of Cleveland had disappeared and Web ster's strong countenance again held the place of honor. Harper's New Editress. New York, March 25. Mrs. Margaret F. Sangster has accepted the offer of Harper Brothers to become editor of Harper's Bazar. Mrs. Sangster has been for several years tho successful postmistress of Harper's Young J'eople, and has been associated in other ways with Harper's publications. She Is also a writer of graceful verse and is well known as a writer tor the religious press. The Heart Bowed Down. From the New York World;: - The Impatient office-seeker is bowed down with a wait of sorrow. , THE TOPICAL TALKEB. The Vnlneof n License and a Few Light Jottings of tbo Day. Last year when the License Court was in session a certain saloon keeper ot this city ap plied to a lawyer who, rightly or wrongly, was supposed to have a better chance- of getting a client a license than most members of the bar. This saloon keeper had foreseen the conse quences of the Brooks law, and told the attor ney he selected to press his petition that he was willing to pay a good round sum for a li cense. "What dc you call a good round sum!" asked tho attorney. "How would $500 strike your' replied the sa loon keeper, and the attorney acknowledged that such a figure would be agreeable to him. The license was granted; though I'm under the impression that the attorney who made the A application had precious little to do with (jetting -the license. The 500 fee was paid into his hands, all the same. This year the same saloonkeeper is seeking a license He chose the same attorney to pnt the application into the tender care ot Judge White. "I have made considerably over $10,000 in the year," said the saloonkeeper to the attorney. "What will you give 'me for a license this yearr" asked the counsel. "1 can afford. $1,000," replied the liquor man. . Fbom this it would appear and lawyers know there are other things in connection with license granting that smell of money that the Brooks law is benefiting some people amaz ingly. V Dr. "W. H. Monk, the English musician who died a few weeks ago, was the authorof a great deal of exquisite church music, the compiler of the best collection of hymns "Hymns Ancient and Modern" In the world, a great organist and and admirable choirmaster, and yet I re member him and his works not half so well as I recall his dyed hair and beard. He had a most ridiculous fashion of dyeing his gray hair with some inferior prepartion which left his locks a charming mixture of purple and green about 4S hours after the application. Sous baseball manager in the League, I see, has stated that he Intends to make his men chew gum to assuage their thirst, so as to pre vent them drinking water which is liable to damage their systems, or beer, which is liable to make their ball-playing a farce. Gum for baseball players 'sounds absurd enough, but what do you think of a pug dog that has the fashionable feminine predilection for chewing gum? Such a dog resides at the suburban house of one of the leaders of the bar. He is a fat, somewhat asthmatic pug, who answers, when he knows you, to the name ot Toby. His appe tite for gum is violent. When given a fair chunk of the durable substance he will retire into a corner and chew by the hour together. If while he is shewing some exciting diversion occurs, such as the trespassing of an unseemly loreign cat, Toby will quietly lay Dy his chew ing gum, with the deft precision of a Vassar girl, in some nook or corner, and return to it, maybe, after many days to resume the chew. TIH1YERSAL USB OP SALT. The Enormons Quantities Annually Con sumed In Art Had Manufactures. The great importance of salt has recently been brought to thenotice of the public, says the Newcastle, Eng., Chronicle, by attempts on the part of its producers to form a combina tion for regulating the price at which it should be sold. The great Salt Union last year bought up several salt works, and consumers ot this valuable prodnct at once anticipated an imme diate increase in its value. Competition had brought down the sale price to 2s. 3d. per ton, while it really cost 4s. 6d. per ton to produce, and manufacturers were consequently losing 100 per cent, on their business. But while salt could be purchased for this ridiculously low figure, the price for domestic use was kept up to 4 13s. 4d. a ton the middleman taking all the enormous difference in price. As a result of the formation of the union salt for industrial purposes has risen to a point which returns a fair profit, no advance has been, or is likely to be, made in its price for domestic uses. Everyone is familiar with this substance, and almost everyone is ready to appreciate its im mense value in association with food, though there are a few here and there ready to embark in a crusade against its use. Few, however, have any idea of the extent to which it enters intovarious chemical and other products, or of the enormous quantities annually consumed in arts and manufactures. It is the source of all chlorine with which our calicoes and linens are bleached; the paper we write on owes its white ness to its agency; the glass we drink from and the spectacles we use to aid our eyesight are partly composed of what was once salt. Our boots owe their impermeability of wet to the tan in which salt Is a considerable ingredient; the soap we wash withvis simply transformed salt: and half of our medicines owe their origin, cither bytbeir composition or the mode ot their preparation, to salt. The table at breakfast or dinner contains more evidence of its utility and value than the small quantity visible in the salt Cellars. The earthenware fs glazed by it, the silver spoons and forks were extracted from the ore by its agency; it is present in the milk, the butter, the cheese, and bread, and often in snmmer time the ice we find so refreshing is produced largely by means of salt. Some idea of the ex tent to which salt is employed for industrial purposes may be gathered from the above, but there are numerous other articles in the manu facture ot which it plays an Important part in addition to those stated. The consumption per head ot population in different countries varies largely according to the facility for obtaining it. In the Tjnitea States, where it is extremely plentiful, the average consumption is 50 lbs. fer head: in England, 40 lbs.; France, 80 lbs.: taly, 20 lbs.: Russia, IS lbs.: Belgium, 16 lbs.; Austria, IS lbs.; Prussia, 14 lbs.; Madras and Bengal each 13 lbs.: Spain, 12K lbs.; Bombay and very Generally in India. 10 lbs., and Switz zerlaiid.6lbs. The size of the grain indif ferent varieties depends upon the temperature at which the brine is kept during evaporation. The higher the temperature, the finer the grain, and the lower the temperature, the larger is the crystal. Fine grained salts, such as are used for domestic purposes, are pro duced from brine kept at a temperature of 224 Fah: common salt is evaporated at about 100 to 190 FaK; fishery salt at 180 to 160, while bay salt is produced at a temperature of 75 to 80 Fan. DEATHS OF A DAY. Dr. John Wilson, Ex-United States Consn). News has been received in this city of the death of a former well-known PIttsburger, Dr. John "Wilson, which event occurred on Friday evening last at the University Hospital, Philadelphia. Dr. 'Wilson bad a wide circle of acquaintances here among the Old residents. During the war he was Medical Director of the Army of the Potomac. He was In Washington on the fatal night of Lln coln'a assassination, and was the first surgeon who probed the wound for the assassin's bullet. Mr. Stanton, who had appointed Dr. 'Wilson to the Medical Directorship of the Army of the Potomac had great faith In him personally and in his pro fessional skill. He Insisted upon his attending Mr. Seward and Fred Seward, who were wounded by the conspirators on the same Historic occasion. Mr. Seward conceived quite a friendship for Dr. Wilson, and sent him as Consul to Antwerp, in 1S6S. There he remained for four years, when he was transferred to tho Consulate at the Bel-, glan capital, Brussels, where he remained for IS years. Dr. Wilson was an extensive property owner in Pittsburg, holding among other possessions a valuable tract overlooking the ground of the Homewood Driving Park. He was a man who had many friends among the older residents. His remains were taken yesterday from Philadelphia to Chicago, where his son lives. 1 Rosannn McCorrnlck. "WlSCnrSTElvVA., March 25. Kosanna McCor rnlck, aged 63, an eccentric character, who has re sided by herself near Jordans, White Sulphur Springs. In this county for many years, and who was well known by thousands of people from the North and South, who have been patrons of these springs, was found dead at home, yesterday.lylng on fertilizer sacks and sheep skins. She had a number of feather beds, but ne cr slept on them. She always wore long, heavy boots, with pistols In them for protection, rarely ever taking them off and died In her boots. At the Coroner's Inquest a verdict of 'Died" of pneumonia" was rendered. She was a great reauer, very Intelligent, a fine historian, and owner 01 two farms, a number of cattle and sheep, which she aunssed byher indus try. She told the fortunes or many a fair maiden and old-time lady In the United Mates. Sno was a great pedestrian, always walking to the city, clad in the roughest material, accompanied by her faithful dog and carrying a long staff. A number of handsome uncut silk dress patterns were found among her effects. She never took medicine, and would not have a physician In her last illness. Colonel Samuel McKelvey, Colonel Samuel Mcltelvey, an old and well known PJttsburger, died on Sunday night at bis Sewickley residence. Tho deceased was promi nent In manufacturing circles, having been the proprietor or a large furnace factory, and was ror many yean a Councilman and also United States Marshal. Colonel McKelvey's wife died ten days ago. ami the shock from the blow seems to have Hid him beside ber. jj .A 3,5 j . 1 , ( - , A'f THE THEATERS. " Keal Burglars nnd or Ynchl Uoslna Vobcs In Comedy, nnd Othej Plays. Burglary and the dramatic arf have shaken hands and joinedforces. The result is "The -Stowaway." Perhaps it is not quite just, either, to say that burglary 'and the dramatic art are solely responsible for "The stowaway," for without a real yacht in tho fourth act, the play could hardly have obtained enough popularity to float. Taken as a polite exem plification of the finer side of burglary, as an exposition of the daintiest work of the cracks man, '-The Stowaway" is a howling success. It might make an impression upon such a bur-ciar-hater as Judge Ewlng, and convince him that thero is a mysterious charm about house breaking and safe-blowing which only the ex pert operator can hope to obtain. The scene of the yacht at sea is on the other hand speaking seriously a very model of truthfulness down to the smallest detail. It makes one of the prettiest and most realistic pictures seen upon the stage this season. Ali tthls scene and much ot the mechanical and what may be termed the criminal part of tho drama are so close to nature and reality, in form and substance, that wo cannot help re gretting that the author or manufacturer of i"The Stowaway" did not allow his villains and his virtuous folk to bear a slight resemblance to creature' of flesh and blood. If he had done this a really good company would notbavo been swamped in tho balderdash, cheap and hackneyed heroics, andmorbidmonstrosities of "The Stowaway." Probably the promoters are content that the author gave them a chance for the real convert ed convicts and the apparently real yacht; or would be content If they could drop the play and the actors, too. The story of "The Stowaway" is as old as the hills. The moral of it is orthodox. Nearly all the good people are happy before the nray ends, and all the wicked ones arc dead, or as good as dead. The only noticeable sensational feature, aside from the Teraarkablv realistic blowing of the safe, 1 the murder in the third act. The villain in chief you will know him by his good lucks and the fringe of grayish hair on his brow kills a woman with great cheerfulness and a large knife. He takes his time over it, too. stabbing his victim from time to time as he feels so inclined. By the time be had stabbed her a good deal tho gallery gnds were in a condition to kill the villain. But the play proceeded after one of the most serial mnrders ever published on the stage. It must bo confessed that Mr. Mark Lynch is an exqmsito villain oven his manner of taking off his cloves suggests Jack the Ripper. Mr. Joseph Slayton 13 a vigorous clean-limbed hero, whllo Miss Emma Weathersby as the much murdered heroine Is also well cast. Tho company as a whole Including the reformed burglars is too good for tho piece. In the immense audience which filled the Bijou Theater far beyond its seating capacity, were a number of detectives and police and other city officials. The Grand Opera Douse. There is something new and very good at the Grand Opera Honse this week. A bill of light comedy, that is acted by a mistress of light comedy, with the help of some very fine actors. Miss Rosena Yokes is of that buoyant, dashing nature which is popularly snpposed to grow in very few places but France, and only in France to perfection. She reminds one of Theo, of Rhea, and yet she isn't a borrower of either. She is entirely and sincerely Vokes. Her voice is powerful but melodious. Her feet twinkle as fast as music can go with them. There's laughter in her eye, in her month, in the poiso of her chin, and wherever she goes there is laughter. She showed a pretty big part ot her talents last night in tbe queenly chosen bill of come diettas. The part of Mrs. Alcrridew in "My Milliner's Bill'' was a splendid outlet for the gayety, the light-footed jollity of Miss Vokes. Her singing of "'Is 'Art was True to Poll" was almost too carefully ornamented with comedy touches; but it was a gennine novelty to the audience, and when the daring actress caught up her train and danced a species of sailor's hornpipe the applause was deafening. She had to repeat both song and dance. In tbe impersonation of a country girl lifted Into an aristocratic scene above her natural level Miss Vokes was eqtially novel and amus ing. In tbls piece, also, her dancing of the minuet and Sir Moaer de Coverley was a thing of beanty. Her mastery of the lightest and brightest vein of comedy so rarely found in a woman was shown-in "The Rough Diamond" to great advantage. Miss Vokes has several good actors in her company, but the work of Felix Morris in "A Game of Cards" rather a wearisome, tame comedietta and in "The Rough Diamond" was of a very high order of art. Courtenay Thorpe also hit off nature nicely as the hus band of the woman in terror of htr milliner's bill. The same programme for to-night. Harrla' Theater. "A pretty play, prettily played" seemed the unanimous verdict of the two largeiaudiences that enjoyed "Beacon Lights" at Hairis' Thea ter yesterday. The company is alflrst-class one, and the drama has touches of and humor. Frank Evans is a m Jhll Gordon. Odell Williams' im athos, wit ply, heroic ersonation of a "befo' the wan" Southern pi ntleman is true to nature and heartily enjoyab J.Day uossar is a spienuia villain, ana tipn uor- man an interesting lover. A neat bUrof charac ter work is done by Harrv Sinoalr, the de formed innocent Grisley. Littler Miss Josie Williams as Charley Haynes is almost a prodi gy, and Miss Neva Wharton'slullaby, with which she soothes the littleone to sleep, brought out a good many handkerchiefs, in tbe hands of even rough old men J bo conldn't for get that probably ever since he world began it is thns loving mothers hays put their babes to sleep. Miss Grade Emrsett, as Carrie CaU 'houn, could not well be improved upon. Her interpretation of the romping girl is excellent. Tbe scenery of the play As appropriate, and the properties are very well looked after. Few better performances Than that of "Beacon Lights" have been seen at this bouse. r Acndcmy of Music Harry "Williams has a capital attraction this week with the Big Four's New Departure. With such clever? people as Harry Watson, Alice Hutchings, tfie Big Four, Flora Moore, Horseshoe Four, IfTank Lester, Maud Bever ley.Nelsonia and Houclere, Bobby Dallj, Lottie Roy, Smith and IJord, E. G. Johnson and tho Peruvian Dog Clrjtus, it is easy to understand why tho theater was crowded last night with a lauguinu; auuieuci " Notes. THE sea serpent in the nictnra over the door of the Casino Museum is a beauty, but it is nothing to the original bird of prey inside that ptlaco of art. jNor is the refined and masterly sea monster all the Casino boasts. There are also other curiosities and a by no means mean stage show. WOMEN'S TOTES CONTESTED. An Interesting Teat Cno In tbe New Jer 1 sey Courts. CAMDE,N, March 25. An Interesting question js raised 'in a contest commenced to-day over the election of School Trustees in the borough of Chiseihurst, Camden county, last Tuesday night. The election foas held under the new school law allowing Tromen to vote In New Jersey. lOf the M votes cast 14 were deposited by females, and the election of officers allowed six of the women who were foreign born to vote ontheir husbands' naturalization papers. C. Ji Haycock, President of the Borough Commissioners, which is equivalent to the title of Mayor, was one of the defeated candidates, and tie has commenced a contest on tbe grouwl that tbe six foreign-born women voted illegally. He claims that tbe law intended that alwoman sbonld have no more privileges than a man in casting her vote, and if foreign. born s le must have been naturalized after five years' residence in the country, and otherwise has nc right to vote, even if her husband is a fnll-fl( dged citizen. The question is said to bo tbelflrst of the kind under the new school law, and It will be made a test case. URUS FOR COTJ.EnE R0T,T)IRRS ecretary of War Isaacs Bales Regard ing Them for the Future. HINGTON, March 25. The Secretary of .s prescribed regulations governing the of arms for military instruction atcol under which each college or nnlveraltv wheOean army officer is stationed will be al- lowcju two three-Inch rifled guns of wrought ironivalued at S150 each; two. carriages and lliners and appurtenances, 150 Springfield cadet rlflesjand a corresponding number of bayonet scabbards and appendages. The colleges are leqnired tq givo bond equal to double the value) ot the arms f nrnlshed. AnCmuultlon will be snnDlied ns follows? Onn hundred blank cartridges and SCO primers for four-Inch gun and 50 rifle ball cartridges for each cadet engaged in the target practice. DUFF-M0KTU0MERY. A Well-Known Tonus Couple Married In This City Last Evening., A vary quiet wedding took place at the resi dence tot Mrs. H. P. Duff last evening, by the marrlaVfe of her daughter, Henrietta, to Mr. A. J. Montgomery, of Washington, Pa. Only im mediate relatives were present at the ceremony. Tbe couple took their departure for tbe East after the wedding. Miss Buff is a niece of Messrs. Duff, of Duffs College. After a sojourn 'in the East it is the intentiofa of the newly-married couple to settle down in Chicago. Tho 8 WAS Waifha issue leiresf .v ,4 jfcki&ij. vte'. k-JSakfew, tfmitrglM' 'w Trta uiikiF Xxwe&bfo. zir. i tiVmrffltktkWmi " ;v Js.- 9sflsWiWdHsi SAYED BY TALKING. Hotv Colonel jUcClnre Got tho Centennial BUI Through Legislation In Ante Bel lam Days A Political Sintenman. Fnoir A ETxrr cokkzspoxdest. Harbisbubo, March 25. "Ida not believe," said a gentleman who has been connectedwltb legislation for many years, "that it is generally known how Colonel A. K. McClure saved the great Centennial celebration from utter and complete failure. It was, the remarkable achievement of a remarkable man. The time for adjournment had arrived. The Senate had concluded its business. The Centennial ap propriation bill had npt yet come over from the House. It was expected every moment, though, and in anticipation of it Colonel Mc Clure arose to speak on the wisdom of observ ing great anniversaries. "Word came over from the House that there was some hitch. Colonel McClure still talked. After awhile word came over again that the Honsr was having considerable trouble about It. Colonel McClure was still talking. The leaders of the Senate were worried. If Colonel McClure would continue to talk'the day might be saved. He was nnaware of what was going on in tbe House, of course, and how to get word to him without attracting attention was tbe great question. "In those days I was the message clerk and it was soon arranged that I should take a pack age, of bills as if to go to tbe transcribing room with them. The main object, though, was to pass near enough to leave a note on Colonel McClure's desk in an unobtrusive manner and without advertising the fact to the Senate. I did it. The note read: 'You must talk an hour.' "He did, and itwas one of the finest speeches I ever heard in my life. The whole field of ancient history was culled from. Tbe cus toms of tbe Greeks and the Romans and other nations of antiquity, furnished illustrations that, clothed in poetic language, colored with the glow of oratory, held the Senate spell bound. No prepared speech could .have equalled it. The day was saved. The bill came over from the House and tbe Senate assed It, The great Centennial celebration las passed into history these many years, but if it hadn't been for Colonel McClure its glory would have been sadly dimmed." Business Was Rushed. "Those were great days." sighed the Speak er. "Bills then were read three times by their titles and passed in 10 minutes. A man could come here in the morning with a bill Sn his pocket and go home in the evening with the Governor's signature attached to it. The Legislature was not so large then, and special legislation bad the right of way. "Bob Mackey and Sam Josephs and Sam Moore used to run things then. Of course, there were many abuses, but tbe new Consti tution Isn't an unmixed blessing. What is good for one section of the Commonwealth isn't always the best thing In the world for some other, and legislation must be general to be constitutional. It was a jump from one ex treme to another." Queer Legislation. "Be that as it may, much of the legislation of those times was of a very queer character. Tbe omnibus bills, as they are known, which Legislatures gave birth to before the adoption of tbe present Constitution, were many of them fearfully and wonderfully made. A sam ple of their scope was given in the Senate re cently when Senator Harlan introduced a bill to repeal tho I penalties attached for the re using of certain bottles. Tbe repeal bad to be worded as follows: Be it enacted, eta, That so much of a supple ment to the sixth section of an act entitled an act authorizing the commissioners of tbe incor porated districts of the northern Liberties and Kensington to open a street, to be called Dela ware, relative to the duties of assessors, ven ders of mineral waters, passed the 24th day of January, 1849, and tbe supplement to an act rel ative to the venders of mineral waters, and an act relative to tbe Washington Coal Company; to Sheriffs' sales of real estate, to the substitu tion of executors and trustees where plaintiffs to partition of common pleas, and for other purposes, passed the 9th day of April, 1849. rel ative to tbe Pennsylvania Building and Loan Association, and to the Venango Railroad Com pany, be and the same is hereby repealed, so far as the same relates to bottles used for tne purpose of containing any malt, vinous or spir ituous beverages.'" A Poetical Stntesmnn. The House of Representatives basapoetwho has prepared a bill entitled "An act to com memorate the virtues of two distinguished Senators, to-wlt: John J. MoFarlane and Joseph B. Showalter." Tho bill is not couched in the usual legal verbiage, and, as follows, tells of the strong resemblance of the gentle men to each other: 'Unto the Senate chamber came John J. and Joseph B., , As much alike as Tweedledum is like to Tweedle- dee. They both are men of stalwart form and piercing eagle eye, In crisp mustaches, wavy locks and stately port tney vie. From lllly groves of chestnut trees comes Senator John J . Insurance Is bis dally toll and making laws his play. Upon apportionment he's strong, on temperance stronger still. For prohibition and reform he labors with a will. The fates on him have klndlysmiled;he's growing rich, they say. Although he never takes a smile, this Senator John J. From Western plains comes Joseph B., of uEscu- laplan mold. And when tbat Senator gets left, 'twill be ex tremely cold. To medicate and legislate hetolleth day and night. He eatcth heartily each meal, but never Smokes a ripe. For Joseph B. one hobby hath, to banish from the land That noxious, nlcotlnlan weed, by the good law's stern command. Uhl when they're sitting cheek by Jowl, John J. and Joseph B., Scorning tobacco and the bowl seraphic 'tis to see. Diogenes, who sought in vain a good man any where, Could, at a certain Senate desk, find, better still, a pair. Long lire these virtuous Senators, a gracious sight to sec. They're Just as like as Tweedledum is like to Twcedledee. SIMFSOJT. A FAST BARBER. A Tonsorlul Artist Who Cnn Sbnve, Sham poo nnd Trim Hair In 7 1-2 Minutes. From tho New York Sua. 2 There's a black-haired, boy-faced barber in tbe Astor House who believes he can work faster than any of his trade In the country. A man who sat in his chair on Wednesday asked to be shaved in a hurry. The shave was finished in less than three minutes. "You'll have time for a shampoo now." said tbo little barber. "Only three minutes more." It was a good shampoo, worked in with tbe fingers and a stiff brush. The head was washed and dried with a sponge. Seven minutes afier he sat down in his chair the man put on his overcoat and asked for his hat. "My razor was a little off to-day," said tbe barber, apologetically. "I shaved and sham pooed a man the other day and trimmed his hair all in 7K minutes." Lost, bat Not Missed. From the Buffalo Express. Lost An equinoctial stoim, now several days overdue. Anyone finding the same will please lose it again as soon as possible, and leave this part of tbe world to tbe continued though unwonted enjoyment of March sun shine. CAUGHT ON THE GRIP LINE. Hear tbe merry school bells ring. Come! oi children, come! Yon should U an apple bring. Cornel oh, children, comet The teacher then'U be kind to you , And things qplte naughty you can do, If that apple of emerald hue You should bring to ber. Vakct There are two young gentlemen in Allegheny that think they should be remembered by the President. Zandy And why do they think that r Vantly-Slmply because they have known Ens sell Harrison, Scwell and so Long. To Amateur Vocalists Sing In the phon ograph and hear yourself as others hear you. Goat Why, Arby, are you lame 1 Arby Yes; daring your absence my left leg got yanked about two inches longer than tbe right. Goat-You must have been at your old game, poker. Miss Adnes Won't you ask your friend to sing something for us? 'She can't, Mr. Pherjyr the poor girl is dumb." "Well, what's tbe matter with one of Mendels sohn's songs without words r" Humoriot'8 Wife My dear, while I was away, yon never wrote over a half dozen lines to me in any one letter." - Humorists You forget, sweetness, that "brer-, I Ity is the soul or wit." - 1 v. o. c. ..V- JW-T f, . METROrOLlTAH SILHOUETTES. An. Old Laundress Cremated. rEW YOEK BCBEAU SPECIALS.! New Yobk, March 25. About 7 A. ir. to-day smoke and flame summoned firemen to No. I Sullivan street, on the top floor of which lived Elizabeth Nicolas, an old colored laundress who for some time past has been acting queer ly. The firemen found her seated upright in a chair, with her clothing a mass of flame. A half-consumed mattress which, it is presumed she had, after setting Are to It, used as kindling material to set fire to herself, was at ber feet. The odor of burning flesh filled tbe room. The poor wretch was so badly burned tbat she died soon after being taken to St. Vincent's Hos pital. Before ber death the last offices of the church were administered to her by Father Daly, of St. Alphonso's Church, whose laun dress she had been. Made to Eat Her Own Wards. Rose McConlon made a long sworn statement, about a fortnight ago, that Alton C. Waito. the superintendent of the restaurant In the West moreland Hotel. Brooklyn, fn which she is cook, had given his wife cause for divorce by bis flir tations with Josephine Camming!, an inmate of tbe hotel. She was called upon to reneat her testimony to-day at the trial of the suit for divorce which Mrs. Waite had begun, and which was based principally on her incriminating alle gations. In place of making out Waite and Miss Cummings no better than they ought to be, she declared, in direct contradiction of ber previous statement, tbat she had never seen them behave improperly. When asked whether she had not testified very differently before, she answered in the negative, and when con fronted with her sworn statement she declared it was not taken correctly, was not true, and tbat she had said nothing of tbe sort Her change of base resulted in the withdrawal of the suit. Failed to GIvo a Policeman the blip. A smooth-faced young man walked down the main aisle of tbe Bethlehem Swedish Church. Brooklyn. Sunday night, with a swiftness that attracted attention, which was not lessened when people saw the haste with which be re moved his overcoat and dropped on his knees as he took possession of one of the front seats. The face of the young man was burled in his hands, and he seemed devoutly praying, when a moment later a policeman entered and took a look at tbe congregation. The policeman went away, apparently satisfied that the person he "wanted" was not there, and the young man almost immediately also quitted tbe church. The policeman, who was lying in wait, collared him at the door, in that way getting even witn the young man for having tripped blm up and run away after being arrested for loafing about a street corner. The prisoner, John Miller by namewas fined $5 this morning. An Advertisement for Counterfeit Money. An advertisement printed this morning offered a "liberal reward" for the return of a wallet "containing a large amount of counter feit money, and of other valuable papers which are of no value but to the owner." Investiga tion discovered tbat the loser was an agent of a counterfeit detector, and no shover of the queer. The wallet was found by a Bowery bartender, who doubtless thought of starting in business for himself until he discovered that the bank notes were branded by a rubber stamp or by a punch as counterfeit. Paid for His Little mistake. A, young Englishman, rejoicing in the sonorous name of Percy James Charles Mil ward, after being married to a country woman at the City Hall, about a fortnight ago, gave Clerk Fitzgerald as a fee a check for 310 on a bank in a Florida town, near which he said he had several orange groves. Tho check proved te be worthless, and, what is worse, Fitzgerald has had to pay $4 60, tbe fees of the protest, which was pinned to it when it was returned to him to-day. A LITTLE LESSON. Time to Call a Halt Upon Self-Appointed Somebodies. Joe Howard, In writing of the Centennial ball fuss in the New York Preu, says: The newspapers of the day are largely responsible for the twaddlesomeness of gossip, the unbear able impudence, the staring impertinence of women, who, thanks to lucky fortune of their fathers, their husbands, their brothers, or their lovers, are enabled to supnort their equipages 1q the park, to Interrupt the majostlc ongoings in the Opera House, and to bespatter upon a disgusted and annoyed realm of common sense men and women the petty details of thelr'flip pery, fashionable existence. Read this. Not long since I drove up Fifth avenue and out toward the park. I encountered at tbe gateway a span of tortured animals. Frothy foam flew from their bit-ridden mouths. Impa tiently they tossed their harassed heads seek ing relief for their fast stiffening necks. Silver chains dangled and danced, rattled and rang. Tbe coachman sat on a high seat, bis narrow shoulders covered with an enormous cape of 'genuine fur." By bis side little Tom Noddy, with folded arms and pious look, shivered Jn the breeze, and in a magnificent landau ffe clined a woman dressed in the height of fash Ion. Scorn sat homelike upon her Up, con temptuous regard of ber fellow beings looked listlessly from her eye. She was rich and tripey. Another equipage. Day before yesterday, with the first gleam of sunshine so welcome to so many, the massive doors of her husband's place were thrown open, and a casket with silver handles was borne, respectfully to the plate glass hearse waiting for it at be curb. Mourners with crape to the top of their hats, and gloves as black as the sDades of Erebus, followed. Decorously for a few blocks tbe procession moved, then tbe trot began, and the last scene in her life's drama recognized its curtain in the shoveled dirt, tbe fall of which was broken and the noise deadened by tne latest appliances of fashionable undertakers; and still the ball goes on. Did she have a box, at tbe ball, I mean? Oh. yes: she had a box. She had, but she hasn't. Queer what a dif ference that little bit of bteath makes. She was a higher lifer. Now she isn't. She bad a box. now she has a casket. She was of great con sequence, now she is a remains. There is a lesson in it for McAllister, Fish, Tripe and all the rest, you and I Included. HER GENIUS DEPARTED. Harriet Beecher Stowe la Belter Health Bat Weak Intellectually. Hartford, Cosjt., March 25. It is "how about six months since Harriet Beecher Stowe was brought as an invalid from Sag Harbor" to this city. Mrs. Stowe went early last season, to Sag Harbor tb spend the summer. For a time she seemed benedted by tbe change, but for several weeks before she returned to Hartford her life was despaired of. Everyone supposed that tho renowned authoress of "Uncle Tom" had but a few weeks to live at best, and by many of her near friends her life was meas ured by days. Only the care of her physician and the at tentive nursing of her children brought ber through her illness. But Mrs. Stowe finally re covered of her aliments, and is seemingly now in as good health as she has been ever of late years. The true mental condition of Mrs. Stowe, although well known here in Hartford, is seldom alluded to. It Is. however, a fact that Mrs. Stowe's mind is shattered, and she is, at best, in intellectuality now but a mere child. Her friends will not say that she is insane, nor tbat she is an imbecile, but her mind is almost completely gone. Her memory is tbat of a baby. When former dear friends visit ber, people whom she has known for years, she greets thm with a vacant stare, so indicative a symptom of cases of that kind. Of course Mrs. Stowe's relatives view all this with feel ings of dismay, but they have now become reconciled to tbe change, and her whims are treated with tbe utmost tenderness. For sometime It was given out that Mrr. Stowe did not recognize ber friends because 0 filling eyesight, but this excuse is no longer alluded to, and the fact that she is now no longer mentally capable is recognized by every one. It was also for a longtime thought to be an attribute of genius wbenMrs. Stowe showed idiosyncrasies; but the genius whicn made "Uncle Tom's Cabin" tbe most popular book of the century bas departed. The lather of Mr. Stowe, the Rev. Lyman Beecher, passed the closing years of his life with a cloud resting over his mind. His symptoms were greatly similar to those which now afflict Mrs. Stowe. Hove to Obtain n Private Car From the Morristown Hendd.l A Pullman palace car can be bought for about 112,00a This teems like a pretty stiff price, but it Is believed that the purchaser," by acting as his own porter, might saveVnough -si fees in a month to pay for the car. - I -..? ,A r 2KEOBkr wt CDEI0US CONDENSATIONS There have been 15 duels and 16 suicides at Monte Carlo this year. A curiously twisted root of an oak tree, exhibited at Panta Gordo. Fix, is said to show all the letters of tbe alphabet in its con volutions. A Bushville, 111., girl put her lump of chewing gum on her pillow. It got into her ear while asleep. It took several days to remove ir, and now she is deaf. , The youngest elopement of the season took place In New York qn Friday. A little boy 4 years old and a girl 3 years old deliberately ran away from home. They were captured by a newspaper reporter, and related how they both loved each other, and were never go ing back home again. A pound of candy, how ever, caused the young lovers to retrace their steps. 1 The postal telegraph system in England is operated at a continual-loss. Last year the receipts were 30,000 less than expenses, and there was, besides, the Interest on eightymil iionsof investment to pay, making a total de fljjljncyot over a million and a half. Since 1S72 the net loss up'on the telegraph depart ment of the postofflce has been over $18,500,1X10. Bishop Theodore B. Lyman, of North Carolina, has discovered a new and hitherto unsuspected virtue in the peanut For nearly two years be had suffered from insomnia. About a fortnight ago he ate freely of fresh roasted peanuts before retiring, and enjoyed the best sleep he had had for months. He has tried the experiment repeatedly since, and hal found it efficacious every time. It is said that In the Supreme Court reports of Georgia will be found the brief of evidence of a witness who testified that a Tal bot county farmer was so good at figures that"' the witness built a gin house for him according to his plan and specifications, and so close was the calculation that when the job was finished the witness took all tbe nails left borne in one hand, while he carried the other surplus mate rial home on tbe arm at one turn. Says Prof. Hadley: "The speed of rail road trains Is restricted within three theoretical limits: First,apbyslcallimlt of SOmiles an hoar,' beyond which it Is f ound impossible for a train to hold the track; second, an operating limit of 60 miles an hour, which practical experience has found trains cannot run without much damage to life; third, a commercial limit of 30 miles per hour, at which, all things considered, it is found most economical to run a train." One of the small humbugs of the day, as noticed by a New York paper, is an adver tising card of a coming theatrical attraction. On tho reverse side is printed a pretty, highly colored picture, beneath which Is the caution to read tbe other side, andfefterward immerse the card In water, picture uppermost, for three days, then watch carefully the result. It is needless to add the result is nil, but the scheme is rather clever, for It insures, six times out of ten, the careful preservation ot the card. A good many merchants of Atlanta, Ga., have adopted the "anti-pass book system." It consists of the issuing of books with the merchant's and holder's names written on the cover, the book containing $50 worth of coupon tickets, numbered 5, 10 and 23 cents and $L Tbe theory is that when a customer purchases a book, whether for cash or an advance, each purchase is to be made by these coupon checks, which will keep the purchaser informed, as to the amount of purchases and save tbe mer chant a vast and Intricate detail of bookkeep ing. That was a lucky fellow who found a Shakespeare folio of 1622 In a book-stall in the City of Mexico and bought it for a few dollars. For many years tbe first folio has been valued at from 13,000 to $3,000, according to Its condi tion. There is only one copy at present offered for sale in the United States, and that is by a wealthy New York publishing house, which has or had. not long since copies of the first, second and third folios. Quaritch. of London, has a copy of the third folia, which is much less valuable than tbe first or second folios, and can be bought probably for about tSOO. There are not more than three or four copies ot the first folio in the United States. Three small boys were discovered lying in an engine cab in the Pennsylvania Railroad yard, on Friday morning. In Jersey City. When ordered to leave they locked the door and threatened to start the engine. It bad about 130 pounds of steam pressure in the boner and there was danger of its exploding. Switches were turned so tbat if tbe engine started it would run off tbe track and the wheels were blocked so that it could not backup. Police men were then sent for to dislodge tbe boys. Tbe boys met them with showers of stones and coal. The policemen drew their revolvers and charged on them. A short band-to-band battle followed, ending inthe arrest of the boys. Eighty thousand pounds of bones form a part of the cargo which tbe British steamer "W locates, from Alexandria, Egypt, brought to New York a few days since. There were many human bones among the number. Egypt has become a great source of supply for bones. The cargo of the Wingates was bought of a German dealer in Alexandria, who has made a fortune by his business. He sends out cara vans into tbe desert, and there tbe natives glean a harvest without any other effort than picking it np. The great quantity of bones now found is tbe accumulation o'. thousands of. years. Those who died were quickly buried In a foot or two of sand, and tbus every strong -wind that blows reveals new mines of ghastly treasures. The Egyptians who gather them have only one scruple about sending tbelr fathers' skeletons to become American fertil izers. They will not send the skulls. These are carefully buried again by the collectors. A few days before Valentine's Day, 50 years ago, James Martin, a farmer of Balliet vllle. Pa., refused to purchase his 15-year-old daughter a dress because be said he could not afford it. His daughter took his refusal much to heart. On "St. Valentine's Day Farmer Martin rfceived a valentine, representing an old miser counting bis money, in his daughter's handwriting, and although bis daughter de clared she had not sent it, but instead a very complimentary one, "An honest farmer," be would not believe ber. When baying the valentine a friend was with her, who bought one for a miserly uncle, and the envelopes got mixed, and her father received the one in tended for the miser. Nevertheless he did not exchange one word with ber from that day until bis death last week. Just think of a man not speaking to his daughter for 50 vears. In bis will be left large sums of money to his relatives, but to his daughter a sealed packet which, when opebed. was found to contain tbe unfortunate valentine which caused this ex traordinary estrangement of the farmer from his daughter. FUNNY MEN'S FANCIES. Quite So Ye, there is no dmbtof it, "women are-rlddles." Just So Bit they are the sort or riddles men ar'n't likely to give up. London J-'un. A simile is generally supposed to be a species of comparison, but It is more of a paradox. Yon knock one of Its eyes out to make It 'smile. Terre Haute Exprttl. Jings -I understand that Jaggs is travel ing for a wholesale liquor firm now, but I never saw htm with any samples. Jangs Have you never smclleJ his breath? Lowell Citiun. He Appreciated Them. Chathard How beautifully the roses bloom on Miss Slgourney's cheeks! Saystt Anybowe Yes, I always did admire hand-painted flowers. the Epoch. "Gentlemen!" exclaimed an orator from the sister Isle, "I have a few words to say before I begin, because I know very well that my opponent will want to dispute the unanswerable arguments which lam about to bring forward." London ran. Explained. Popinjay (in Boston for tne first time)-Wbat's that blinding glare of light down the street? Tin shop broke loose? Blobson Oh, no! That's only a bevy of Boston girls coming home from school. You seo the snn reflecting from their spectacles. Burlington Free Prat. Mrs. De Temper I am not happy with my husband. Shall I drive him away? Lawyer His life Is insured In your favor. Isn't It? Mrs. De Temper-Yes, 1 made him do that before we were married. Lawyer WelL doo't drive him away. He'll die quicker where he ls.-.Vew Tor Weeily. H The3oots "Will be Saved. Actor toman ager of tank show Sorely jou doa't expect merto go in tbe tank with this ttt pair or boots? -;4Hk Modern Manager-Oh, no. Just before yooTgoT in there will bo an explosion which will blow off both your legs, but the boots will be saved.'Xou? need have no fear ror them. Philadelphia Jni quirtr. , Zm Her Mistake. Bride (of a month)-On dearl I don'tknow what is to become ormcVMy husband Is so surly and snappish and-'why,Hl can't get htm to give a civil answer to a single qnestlon. "" a" Sympathetic Mother-Well, you might-have ' known better than to marry a railroad ' ticket agent. injhoir.-Phtladelphla Record. - i Jones (excitedly) Say, Smlth.Mhere alieavy run on our bs.nk and we'll have to dose If it keeps on. 1 know you h.ve several thousands there. You better hustle If you'want to get 'em out. Smith (who has Ju)t bought one of the new pig puzzles Let 'em run. I've got three or these confounded things In their pen and.I'll but the last one In If It costs every cent Ihave, PMladsl- W J........ i IUK. .IV. wnj.iitii K '-V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers