M - ' " n 8- - THE. PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, SATTJEDAT, 'MARCH 23, 1889. ' - 3 - W:A FOE SAUr-IMPRQTEP HEAL ESTATE. JOR SALE-LOTS. I FOR SALE-BDSINESS. I TO LET. I TO LET. I fllXETIKGS. .APT?gT?:?J?ff??2: u Vvl 'East End Residences. TT'OR BALK-SEVERAL ELEGANT HOMES A? MBellcfleld and Shadyslde GEO. JOHN STON. .Agent, 62 Fourth ve. mnS-gj FOR SALE-A VERY NICE COTTAGE, CON ..... TAIN IN G& rooms and 2 attic rooms, corner Ulthiidgeand Fllmoretts., Bellefield; lot 40X134 Oh). JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave Fi R SALE-NEW FRAME HOUSE ROOMS, AtnlntltMl Hlk. W.m TT- T IWn4r (alAi handsome front; now rented for CI a month: price (2.200; a gooa Investment. C a. LOVE, S3 mhS-C uurin avenue TTlORSALE--ROOMHOU8E,WITHALLMOD-X EKN Improvements, corner Lane aTe. and Juniata St., East End; lot. 82x120 feet; beautifully located: price low. MCUUNE & COULTER, Agents, 88 Fourth are. mhl6-80-s "T710R SALE-K,800. WARD ST., OAKLAND--U 3-story ana mansard rrame dwelling of 7 rooms, hall, vestibule, bath, range. Inside shut ters, electric bells, natural gas, etc: nice lot; very good location. BLACK &BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. mhl9-ll-H),21,23,:S5,27,S9 Fltt S VLE-2 TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSES on Ellsworth ave., E. E., 3 doors from Liber ty Hall; lots 25x100 ft. each; this property would make a good business stand and Is sure to en hance In value. SBENCER & GLOSSER, 419 Smlthfield St. mh21-27 FOR SALE-ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS. A new house, with good lot In East End, near railroad station: 6 rooms, hall, natural gas. mar ble mantels, porches, etc, etc; price. (3.000; Iiostesslon given at once. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 29 Fourth ave., ftttsburg. mh23-9-D FOR SALE OR TO LET-NEAT NEW EAST END house, late style, 9 rooms, well finished, hard wood cabinet mantels, large closets, bath, 2 w. c, laundry, liixge porches; lot 43x121 ft.: near stevn and cable crs: location first-class. Xf. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mhlS-92-MWS -T7OR SALE-A NEW QUEEN ANNE BESI- DLNCE In the East End, contiguous to cable cars and R. R. station; 6 rooms, with bath, w. c, natural gas; price only (4,750, on easy payments; title perfect; lmmed'ate possession. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Foirth avenue, Pittsburg. mh23-4S-D FORSALE-HOUSEX-ND LOT, NO.SS71 ELLS WORTH avenue, near Roup station. East End. to be sold by order of the Orphan's Court at public sale on Tuesday, .March at 2 o'clock P. w., on the premises. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Jnh23-4S-D FOR SALE A SMALL CASH PAYMENT and annual payments will buy a fine new pressed brick dwelling. East End, reception ball and 4 rooms first floor, 5 rooms on second and 6 rooms In attic; hard wood stairway; slate mantels, with Improved fireplaces: laundry, with cemented floor; lot 75x140 feet to a 25-foot Jley: with perfect sewerage: house now open for Inspection: excep tionally low price and terms to suit. JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 512 Smlthfield si. mhl7-64-VfS5n FOR SALE-EAST END RESIDENCE NEG LE Y ave., near Penn, elegant new brick resi dence, 11 rooms, bath room, spacious and well lighted laundry, .large closets, closets with draw ers and shelves, slate mantels, tiled hearths and vestibule, speaking tubes, electric bells and lights, flagstone pavements: a very desirable and con venient house; grading, paving and sewering ol Negley avenue paid without extra cost: key can be lound at residence ofH. P. bloterbeck. corner Penn and Negley aves. THCS. LIGGETT. Ill Fourth ave mhlO-S3-Tussu FOR SALE-A GOOD HOUSEWrTH CORNER lot. In the East End, Shetland avenue and w llson street, near Lincoln avenue and conven ient to the fine property of Mr. Thos. Armstrong: 6 rooms in house, with reception hall, attic and cellar, etc, etc: fine corner lot, fruit and shade trees, etc. etc; to be sold at pnblic sale on Mon day. March 25. at 2 o'clock T.M., on the premises; positive sale: owner going to Europe; terms to suit; immediate possession: title perfect. Partic ulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mh23-4S-p Allegheny Residences. FORSALE-2 CHOICE PROPERTIES IN SEC OND ward. Allegheny. For parti cnlars see ' SPEN CER A GLOSSER, 419 Smlthfield street. mhl9-59-TTS FORSALE-J5.au WILL BUY BRICK HOUSE, 6 rooms, bath, range, etc- on Locust St.. Allegheny; lot 21x129 feet. A. D. WILSON. 55 1 ederal si., Allegheny. mh20-51-wrg FOR-SALE-ON LOCUST 8T., ALLEGHENY, brick house, 6 rooms, bath, range, etc.: stable, lot btt29 feet: price, 13.000. A. V. WILSON. 55 Federal St., Allegheny. mhSO 51-vrrs FOR SALE-NORTH AVENUE FRONTING parks an elegant 2-story brick dwelling, 7 rooms and bath, hot and cold water; price low; lot 19x110 to alley. J C. KEILL Y, 77 Diamond St. mbl"-10O-TTSsn FOR SALE AT (3,3u0. IF SOLD SOON, A frame house of 5 rooms, lot 2Sx80 feet, located at 443 Beaver avenue, Allegheny: will rent for (25 per month. W. A. HERRON A SON'S. 80 Fourth avenue mhl-2-TTS F IOR SALE-ALLEGHENT-6 NICE 2-STORY brick houses of 6 rooms each: attic andcellar. water, gas. etc: location (rood: price low If sd- plled for promptly. L M. PENS OCR. A SON, 105 Fourth ave mb23-33 TT'OR SALE-AN INVESTMENT ON FULTON JL1 St.. Allegheny, double brick, 2-storr. with 6 rooms and attic In each; bath, h. and c water, ipslde w. c, natrand a t. gas; grained all through; rents lor 5600 per yr.; price, 6,500. THOWAS LIG GETT J114 Fourth ave mhlT-77-ITS8u FOR S ALE-IRWIN AYE., ALLEGHENY RES IDENCE elegant and well built house of U rooms, all modern conveniences, rood stable etc. lot 40x220 feet; this property Is on the best park lis property is on we oesi para: ny, and Is a rare opportunity to only property on the street for tliAlKD, 95 Fourth ave xronrin Aiiegneny, ana is s. rare o nuy, neing ine oni sale. BLACK A b; mh21-20-l Suburban Residences. TT'OR SALE-LOVELY 6-ROOM HOUSE AT J.' Ingram: price. 2,600. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave mhS3-85 FOR SALE-HOUSES WITH ALL MODERN Improvements, near Wllklnshurg station; prices low and terms easy. McCUNE A COULTER, Agents, SS Fourth ave mhl6-80-s FOR SALE-A FINE RESIDENCE; LARGE lot. 100x250, on Beaver road, five minutes' walk fromEmsworth; price, 5,500. LH. IRWIN, J71 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mh9-33-s F IOR SALE-LOT ON FRANKLIN ST.. WIL KINSBURG. about 5 minutes' from station: 300 ft. front br 122 ft. deetj: crlce very low. lie CUNE A COULTER, Agents, 88 Fourth ave mhl6-80-s -T7WR SALE-NEW HOUSE 6 ROOMS, ATTIC, 1? hall, heating and Illuminating gas. water In kitchen, slate mantels, tile hearthsjlarge porch, river view. SAMUEL SLEETHTForest street, Avalon station. Ft. Wayne RaUway. mhSO-42 FOR SALE-TWO-STORY FRAME DWELL ING of S rooms, near Glenfield Station, with large lot 90x180 feet: price, only $3. 000. Also a numberof others at same place from $2, 500 to 3,000. a BERI N G ER A SON, 103 Fourth are mhSO-so-wrs TT'OR SALE-2,70O-lONA STATION. A. V. R. X: R-. modern frame dwelling 8 rooms, halL front and rear stairs, front and rear porches, well on rear porch, slate roof, etc: nice large lot 75x lWfeet:'flneview of surrounding country, and 3 minutes' walk to station; a genuine bargain In a suburban home: will sell on easy payments. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler sib. mhl9-e3-TTS FOB SALE A BEAUTIFUL 8UBUHBAN house on Beaver road,Emsworth, P., Ft. W. A C. Ryonly 2 minutes from station: anew frame dwelling of? rooms, h&lL marble vestibule mar ble and hardwood mantels, natural gas, good well water, large lot 100x250, covered with elegant large trees. This Is a bargain. Call at office and see photo. BLACK A BA1RD, SS Fourth ave. mhiJ-44-D FIR SALEOR TO LET ONE OF THE MOST beautiful suburban places In Allegheny county: the house Is large containing 15 rooms, splendidly finished, and surrounded with wide verandas; It Is completely fitted up with bath rooms, water closets and natural gas: there Is a good stable and handsomefowlhonse: thegrounds are very beautiful and well supplied with choice shrubbery, fruit and ornamental trees; the whole will be sold, with from 1 to i acres of ground, at a verv moderate price KNOXVILLE LAND IM PROVEMENT CO., 85 Knox avenue Knoxvllle borough. SalS-9 FOR SALE LOTS. Suburbnn Lots. FOR 8ALE-AT INGRAM, LOOO BUILDING lots. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave mh23-85 OR SALE AT INGRAM, 200 ELEGANT 100x220-foot lots. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth sve mhZi-85 FOR SALE-AT INGRAM-I, 2, A AS, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, U and 12-acre lots. GEORGE JOHN! bTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. mhS-So TT'OR 8ALr-Ai uiuiuuu-uai. uuoutitu F 50xl50-foot lots; easy terms, low prices. GEORGE JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave mh23-85 FOR SALE-AT INGRAM. 300 LOVELY woodland lots, ranging from J00x250 to 200x470 feet' easr terms. OEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 61 Fourth ave "h23-85 TT'OR SALE-AT INGRAM-A LOVELY HOME X? of liroomsrWmlnnesfrom station: natural is: all modern -Improvements. GEORGE JOHNSTON. Agent. 62 Fourth ave. mh2-85 .TTOR SAL-E-LOTS AT EMSVYOKTH. CON M? VEMEN'T to statlorf: one pf the finest , locations on the Fort Wayne road; large beautl- niioisat tow prices; can " """.;-;' COOPER CO' 107 Fonrth ave mb2S-55 ansceimneona. a-TTIOR SALE-LOTS NEARSWI8SVALE.EDGE- 911, OOD. Wltklnsbnrg and Brnshtpn stations istlow prices and on easy terms. McCUNE & COULTER. Agents, 98 Fourth sve mhl6-80-s TT'OR SALE-PRIDE STREET. CTTY-Jf NICE JD brick housesatabargalntlongtlmelfdeslred; this Is an Interesting property, and should com mand the attention of capitalists. . . ALLEGHENY CITY. . ... Two handsome modern dwellings In most desir able location on Ulfton avenue st prices and on terms that should be Terr Inviting: also 5 beautirul lots on this avenne Clifton Is coming rapidly to the front as one ol the finest points for residences on the Nortbslde: a handsome little four-room house Just finishing. Center St., Just north and parallel with Clifton avenue; reached by the new incline and close to electric cars; sev eral cheap bouses on Harlan avenue; Ions time. la ttniunal onnortnnitv. npn1flei.nt houses: (everything modern; choice locations; terms easy. U ''' SOLO I Email lot, Tenth ward, ssso WssaOH: H. MCCKEEBY, 96 Fifth TBW. -: , r TTIOR SALE-BLUFF ST., NEAR COLLEGE. JD lot 23 ft. 9 In. by 141 ft. ROBERT COWARD, 20 Bluff St. mhlO-28-TTSSU F IOR SALE BARGAINS IN LOTS. NEAR Wvlle ave eahta linn. 4m in ujn RRII.l.V. Diamond st. mhl9H0-rrs FOR SALE-LOT 66x110 FEET ON WYLIE ave. and Trent St. SPENCER A GLOSSER, 41S Smlthfield at. mhC-S T710RSALE LOTSON WYLIE WEBSTER AND J? Bedford avenues. SPENCER A GLOSSER, 419 Smlthfield street. mhl9-59-TTS FOR SALE - ON PENN AVE.-LOT 60X160 reet: price IL2S0 per front foot. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fonrth ave mh23-8S FOR SALE-tN SEVENTH AVE.-LOT MX120 feet: price fl,000 per front foot. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fonrth ave mh23-85 TTKR SALE-LOT FRONTING 60 FEET ON H Webster ave and 80 feet onChauncy st, with 6-room frame house: only H"00- "J!lsSf . GLOSSER, 41S Smlthfield st h"113-6 Enst End Lots. TTIOR SALE-LARGE LOT INTHEEASTEND; Jj 243x260 feet, near Penn and Fifth avenues; a bargatnTALfXANDERA LEE, 3IWood st mh23-29 FOR SALE-A LOT IN A GOOD LUUMlua at East End, 25x100 feet to an alley: price. ?w.. .. r TT T.flVTl Nil. S U. 11. lAJtx- IV. ruuiui avenne mn-J-l FORSALE-ONLYf250FORA TRIANGULAR lot fronting railroad at Dallas station: come atonceaaltwllfselUoon. MELLON BROS.. 6349 Station st, E. E. mh22-79 FOR SALE-ON A PAVED STREET IN THE East End, building lot 45x120 rt: desirable neighborhood and convenient station. ALEX ANDER A LEE, 313 Wood st. mh23-29 FOR SALE-BARTON STREET BUILDING lots. 40x100 reet; street paved and sewered; one'of the best locations at Shadyslde: near steam and cable cars W.A.HERRON A SON'S, 80 Fourth avenue. mhl9-2-TT8 FOR SALE-THREE ACRES OF BEAUTIFUL land on Stanton ave.. near inland; situation unsurpassed: fine fruit and shade trees; price and terms reasonable. Inquire of D. C NEGLEY, 6106 Penn ave. East End. JaUM2-TT8 FOR SALE-CHOICE LOTS AT DALLAS STA TION. P. Jt R.. convenient to steam and street cars; cheap and on easy terms; situation un surpassed; price ranging from 840S to fOCO. Inquire of D. C. NEGLEY, 6106 Penn ave, East End. no2S-y78 FOR SALE-ONLY t35 PER FOOT FRONT Rebecca street, corner Harriet street Twen tieth ward, large corner lot 114x154 feet eastern exposure and convenient to Shadyslde station, P. R. It.and cable line: easy terms. L.O.FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. mhl9-83-TTS FOR SALE-LOTS-THE PITTSBURG NATL BankofCommercehasa very few lots left at Wllklnshurg, all well situated and very desirable; also at Edge wood; for persons wishing large lots for less money, they have qnlte a number pleas antly situated on the hillside commanding a beau tiful view of the whole valley: they will be sold free of taxes for 1889 on verv easy terms. Apply at the BAN K, f e27-Il-ws Allegheny I,ota. FOR SALE-TWO VERY DESIRABLE BUILD ING lots on Sheffield st, Allegheny, running back to a paved street U. BER1NGER A SON, 103 Fourth ave. mh20-60-wrs FOR SALE-LOTS ON MAPLE ANDLINDEN avenues and Lombard street Allegheny, In thoTenthandTwcirth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH MCN AUGHER, 43 N. Diamond St. mh7-98-D FOR SALE-IN" SECOND WARD, ALLE GHENY, lot 25x100 fronting on Ackleyst; Stice fL 800; also, two fine lots on Irwin ave, near orth sve, 25x110. and one 20x110 for flOS per ft front THOMAS LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave mhl7-77-TTBSu xrnrms. fTlOR SALE-82 ACRES AT BRINTON, 10 JD acres, 28 acres and 55 acres at Wllklnsburg; all first class investments. MCCUNE A COUL TER, Agents, 93 Fourth ave mhl6-80-s TTK)R8ALE-OREXCHANGE-FORIMPROVED X property: Kansas land: well watered and de sirably located. Call on or address W. A. HER RON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave mhl-44-Ths FOR SALE A SMALL FARM OF 43 ACRES In bewicklcy township, only 1 mile from P., Ft W. A C. R. w. : about 15 acres rich creek bot tom land, seven-roomed bouse barn, etc. C. BERINGER A SON, 103 Fourth ave mhS)-60-WF6 FOR 8AL.E-97-ACRE FARM, CONVENIENT, all tillable, bouse barns, orchard, wells, springs, etc Price P. 000: (500 hand money, de ferred payments easy, 4 per cent Interest E. H. BUTERBAUGH, Homer City, Pa. mh23-S8 TT'OR SALE A GOOD FARM OF 130 ACRES. JD 110 acres cleared, balance In good timber: lays almost level, water In every field: near Blalrsvllle on est Penn R. R. Also others from 50 to 100 acres. C BERINGER A SON, 103 Fourth avenue mh20-60-WFS TTIOR SALE-150 ACRES, 5-ROOM HOUSE, JD farm, fine orchard. I mile from station, 18 miles below Pltsburg. only (40 per acre to close an estate: also 80 acres, house barn, orchard. 6 miles from Beaver Falls, for 2,y00: 125 acres, 7- room house Darn, orcnara, near iseaver, w Per acre must be sold: 50 acres, 4-room, barn, orchard, 4 miles from Beaver, for 2,000; send for big farm and exchange list. N. F. HURST, Rochester, Pa. mh21-28-TT8 l'OR. SALE BUSINESS. "Business Stands. TT'OB SALE-VERY FINE BUSINESS PBOP JL? ERTY on Sixth st ; lot S3x 110 feet to an alley. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. mli23-85 FOR SALE ON LIBERTY AVE., NEAR Seventh st, 3-story warehouse, lot 20x110 ft to alley. HENRY A. WEAVER A CO., 92 Fourth ave mha-67 FOR SALE-ON SMrTHFIELDST., OPPOSITE Monongahela House, 3-story building with lot 20x90 ft HENRY A. WEAVER A CO.. 92 Fourth avenue. mh21-67 FOR SALE WE nAVE MANY OTHER DE SIRABLE business locations not advertised to-day. Please call Tor particulars. HENRY A. WEAVER A CO., 92 Fourth ave. mh21-7 FOR SALE-ON SECOND AVE., BETWEEN W ood and Smlthfield streets.. 3-story ware house; lot 35 feet front extending through to Third ave. HENRY A. WEAVER A CO., 92 Fourth ave, mh2I-67 FOR SALE-THREE-STORY BRICK STORE and dwelllnr on Ohio st, between Madison ave and Chestnut st: price H0O0: terms to suit; this property is real estate; possession April I. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue mh2I-67 FOR SALE ON SECOND AVE, NEAR Wood st s vacant lot 30x160 feet, extending through from First to Second ave Also, adjoin ing, on Second ave, a 3-story building with lot 3CX80 feet. HENRY A. WEAVER A CO.. 92 Fourth ave. mh21-67 FOR SALE-315 FIFTH AVENUE AT AUC TION ; this property will be sold by order of Orphans' Court on Saturday, March 30, at 2 o'clock: lot 25 feet wide In front 34 feet wide in rear, by average depth of 100 feet, with brick dwell ing and store good business stand. A. LEG GATE A SON, Auctioneers. mh20-ll TTH)H SALE-RARE BUSINESS CHANCE JD storeroom, stock and dwelling, one square from 1'. A L. E. R. K. depot Beaver Falls, Pa. ; good well water on premises; natural gas for light and fuel; present owner doing good grocery and bakers' business: has reasons for selling. Call on or address J. C EVANS, Agent, 1051 Third ave., Beaver Falls. Pa. mhI5-89-TTS FOR SALE PENN' AVENUE PROPERTY. No. 1225. s good lot 25X100 feet with frame dwelling and storeroom thereon, to be sold by order of the Court of Common Pleas ou Tuesday morning. March 26, at 11 o'clock, on the premises. Terms, etc., from THOS. PATTERSON, Master, or JAS. W. DRAPE A CO.. Agents and Auc tioneers, 129 Fonrth avenue, Pittsburg. mh23-4S-D FIRSALE-OR EXCHANGE-A FLOUR MILL In best condition and good trade with dwell ing house and four acres of land, planted with grapes and fruit: located In West View, on the Perrysvllle road, fonr miles from Allegheny City; the owner having died the property Is for sale for rent or will be exchanged f"r city property. Apply to MRS. HARDTMEYER, on the place mb21-S5 TTIOR SALE-THERE IS PLACED" IN OUR JJ hands for sale that unsurpassed busi ness location on blxth sve between the Du quesue Club and Stevenson bnlldlug, hav ing a front on Sixth ave of SO feet running hack to Strawberry alley 240 feet; this large space of ground, 19.20U square feet, and the choice location places It far ahead or any other business property Fn Pittsburg. HENRY A. WEAVER A CO.. 92 Fourth ave mh2-67 TT'OB SALE-THK CHAUTAU'UA HOTEL A? property, with complete outfit and entire fumfsbment head of Lake Chautauqua, MayvlUe N. Y., at railroad station; 55 bedrooms, parlors and sitting room, large dining room, "billiard room and tables, commodious kitchen, cloak rooms, barbershop, office and barroom: also furnished cottage of 10 rooms adjoining hotel, icehouse and cooling room: large barn for livery purposes and all necessary outbuildings; over 4 acres or ground tastefully laid' out with ornamental and shade trees, spacious lawn, etc. etc: everything In perfect order and In condition to continue the business In lis usual prosperous state: the most profitable hotel stand on the lake; a Tare dunce for the right man: can be. bought at an Immense bargain: eatlsfactory reasons for selling. Fuller particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO.. 129 Fourth avenne Pittsburg. mh2-47-HWS fllnnufocturlng Sites. TT'OR SALE-S ACRES AT THE FOOT OF ELI JD ZABElHst, Uazelwood, fronting on river. HENRY A. WEAVER A CO.. 92 Fourth ave. mbzl-67 TTIOR SALE-5'TO 15 ACRES LEVEL LAND IN JD Eighteenth ward fronting on river and rail road. HENRY A. WEAVER A CO., 92 Fourth mb21-C7 FORBALE-AT THIRTY-FOURTH STREET. Southslde, lo 10 acres, on railroad and fronting on river. HENRY A. WEAVER A CO., 92 Fourth avenue oih2l-67 TT'OR SALE-ON SECOSD; AVE. ADJOINING JD Pittsburg Gas works, on .Westslde, lot 285 ft front and depth of 660 ft to river. HENRY A. WEAVER A CO., 92 Fourth ave. mh21-67 FOR SALE-WE HAVE MANY OTHER DE SIRABLE manufacturing sites on railroad and rlverr please call for particulars. HENRY A. WEAVER A CO.. 93 Fourth avenue mh:i-7 AS 0P1M FA1ACE SSSSS: rovft DlsrATCK. &ecrti4t the largest and mott magnificent opium den In the world, givet an aceountofittrefuentert, thows that opium ,x owrm wsitiiHouii. , , y Business Ctanarea, F: RSALE-THE LEASE, GOOD WILL AND fl vtnres Of a feed store in a ennd Inpfttlnn aim now doings good and profitable business. O. H. 1A1VE, 93 Fonrth jve mh21-79-Thssu P IOR SALE-GENERAL STORE IN FHOSPER OUStownor &C00 population, on line of P. l H. rood reasons for selllnr. Addmn .iiirn MCGAUGHEY, Indiana, Pa. mbl6-44-UThs TTIOR 8ALE-DRYGOOD3 AND NOTION JD store: great bargain to good party who will buy Immediately, or will take real estate In ex change: send for farm and exchange list. N.F. HURST, Rochester, Pa, mh5-40-TTS FOR BALE-ONE-HALF INTEREST IN A gun and ammunition business; a well-established, growing, vigorous concern: young man with experience In the trade preferred. JAMES W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. mh23-47-HWS FOR SALE-A RETAIL GROCERY BUSINESS (an old-established stand), with good paying trade; one of the best thoroughfares In Allegheny; stock and fixtures worth about 93,000: business about 30, 000. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth ave, Pittsburg. mh2S-47-MWS FOR SALE-NEAT CIGAR STORE: GOOD paying small drygoods andnotlon store, either would suit lady; stores of all kinds and prices, bakeries, boarding houses.notels, confectioneries, restaurants, coal works, etc.; 100 business chances. SHEPARD A CO.. 54 Finn ave mhS TT'OR SALE-AN OLD-ESTABLISHED GBO JD CERY business In the city, with a trade of about 30, 000 to 40,000 annually; stock In good con dition; valueabout 4,000; will sell on an appraise ment: a good stand and fine opening. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mh23-49-D 6 F IOR, SALE-A PLANING MILL BUSINESS. lumber, etc, etc., In an enterprising manufactur ing town on line of railroad; population about 20.000: value of stock about 3. 000; rent low. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mh23-47-Mvrs TTIOR SALE-A FIRST-CLASS OPPORTUNITY XV for a man of limited means to purchase a light manufacturing business; product simple In manufacture and would have ready sale this sea son: owner being obliged to leave the city, will ofier for a few days at a sacrifice. Call or address FRANK. O. VAN GORDER, 5816 Penn avenue mh20-30 FOR SALE-A HALF INTEREST IN A LARGE general store In an active mannfacturlng town on line ot railroad, near the city; business about 80, 000 annually and paying well; the pro prletor needs assistance for office work, and will sell a half Interest on reasonable terms to a com petent man, and no other need apply: this Is a rare opening: none better In the county In this line of business. Particulars given confidentially by JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth aveune, Pitts burg. mh23-47-JIW8 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock. Ac FOR SALE-HORSES AND WAGONS AT auction at Bailey's stables, on the gas works lot, Rebecca st, Allegheny, on Monday, March 25, at 2 o'clock. There are two good draught mares, half Norman; one good bay mare; Iron, spring and rough wagons. A. LEGGATE A SON, Auctioneers. . mh22-93 Machinery and Metals. FOR SALE-2 HORIZONTAL ENGINES, 18x22, IBall engine 1 small dvnamo and 2 lamps and meat choppers, rendering kettles, etc VELTE A MCDONALD, Pennave, cor. Thirty-second st. Jei6-l6S-rTS FOR SALE-NEW AND SECOND-HAND machinery; engines from 4-horse power up, boilers, pumps, etc.; call or write for prices. FAHEY A PFALLER. Faber and Washington sts., near Union depot ap24-v35H-TTS Bnscellzuieons. FOR SALE-PIANO, CHEAP, AND OTHER furniture before the 1st of April, at NO. 116 BLUFF ST., between Pride and Marion streets. mh23-19 FOR SALE CLEVELAND STONE CO. grindstones mfg. site: greatest bargain. Branch office, 49 Fifth ave F. ALDEN, Agt mlL3-96 FOR SALE CHEAP-1 FINE WALNUT SIDE BOARD, 1 fine walnut wardrobe 2 easy parlor chairs, 1 hanging hatrack, 1 H bed and mattress, 1 baby crib or cradle. Call 156 BLUFF ST.. near Gist mh23-83 FOR SALE ABOUT 100,000 FEET OF LUM BER In the toboggan slide and buildings, Forbes street Oakland: will sell dirt cheap. STRAUB A MORRIS, corner Wood St. and Third ave, Pittsburg. mh23-24 TO LET. Apartments. TO LET-ONE FLOOR OF NICE APART MENTS suitable for light housekeeping, with gas, water and bath. Apply to J. G. MORROW, shoestore 289 Ohio st., Allegheny. mh23-50 TO LET-UNFURNISHED PARLOR ON first floor, suitable for an office; also fur nished bedroom, at M EAST DIAMOND, Alle gheny, opposite Carnegie building. mh23-82 Offices. Dek Room, ifcc TO LET OFFICES-GEORGE JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fonrtb. ave. mh23-85 TO LET-A LARGE FRONT OFFICE, OB desk room with best of light PENN BUILD ING. See Janitor. mb23-65 TO LET-FOURTH AVENUE OFFICES, cheap, as low as 10 per mo., heat. Janitor and elevator service Included. W. A. HERRON A SONS. 80 Fonrth avenne mhl7-69-MTnWTh8 TO LET-FRONT OFFICES AT (200 PER YR., with elevator, heat and Janitor service. In the "Dallmeyer block." 96 Fourth avenue. W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenne. mhl-39-2,5,7,9,12,14,16,21,23 6 TO LET- IN THE McCANCE BLOCK, Smlthfield, Liberty and Seventh avenue well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. JsS-32-D TO LET-FOUR OFFICES AT LOW KENT IN GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK BUILDING: 1 single room 15x20, and 2 connected rooms 20x26 and 15x18, 1 single room 12x15: these rooms are splendidly lighted and ventilated; all furnished In modern style: walls newly painted and pa pered: possession at once. mh23-20 Business Stands. TO LET-RETAIL CONFECTIONERY-ONE of the best stands In the city. Inquire of L. T. I ODER, No. 138 Third ave mh23-69 O LET THREE-STORY WAREHOUSE with basement 133 First ave. Inquire of HUNT A CLAPP, 95 Fifth ave mhl9-44 TO LET-BRICK STORE AND DWELLING on. Main St., Mansfield, now occupied as a bakery. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fonrth art. mh23-C rpo LET-52 SOUTH DIAMOND STREET, JL large storeroom and cellar (good business stand). EWING A BERS, 107 Federal street. mb23-12 TO LET NO. 114 TAGGART STREET, STORE ROOMS and four dwelling rooms; rent 25 per month. EWING A B YEH3, 107 Federal street, TO LET-GOOD BRICK STORE AND DWELL ING on Main St., Mansfield; a good stand for drygoods, notions or trimmings. O. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave. mh23-42 TO LET WAREHOUSE, WOOD ST. -LARGE 4-story warehouse cor. First ave. and Wood st; 30-foot front; telephone 335. H.T. MORRIS. 106 Fourth ave xnh2-18-TTS TO LET-SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS 823 Llbertv st ; 130 feet deep, running from street to street: elegant location for business; elevators, etc Inquire ON PREMISES. mh21-66 TO LET-THE 3-STORY BUILDING, NO. 4063 Penn ave., storeroom and dwelllntr: complete fixtures as counter and shelving for grocery store. Inquire of GUSHING A FOX, 4319 Butler st. mh23-14-TTS TO LET ONE HALF OF STORE ON SIXTH street: best location on the street; rent ex ceedingly low 11 taken by April 1: also large room for storing purposes. Address M. D., Dispatch office. mh20-63 O LET-ELEGANT BUSINESS STAND NO. 173 1 lfth ave, opp. Court House, running through to Wvlle ave ; new plate glass fronts on both streets;' Immediate possession; rent low. J. C REIELY. or ON PREMISES. mhl9-45 TO LET-STOREROOM WITH DWELLING attached, an excellent location for store and tinware or any other business, on prominent street In Allegheny: rent, very low. THOS. WELSH & CO, 157 Lack st, Allegheny. mhB-77 TO LET-THAT LARGE AND DESIRABLE f room now occupied by Prof.Porter as college ror writing, third floor Diamond National Bank, corner Firth and Liberty sts.: this large and ele gant room fronts on three streets: will be leased at low rent GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave mh23-85 rpo 10 LET FOUR LARGE, WELL-LIGHTED rnnms with nawer about 8.000 sanare fpMl. lor heavy or light manufacturing, in building know as the Chas. B. Head bolt works. Grant avenue Allegheny. Inquire on the premises of MIL FRED ES1IELMAN, Manager of the Alle gheny Wood Carving Co. Ja23-25-Mwa rpu 10 LET-THREE ADMIRABLY ARRANGED Rinmi fnr peneral business nurnoseft. with nr without power, to rent In the new Dispatch building. Diamond street: arranged for work or for display rooms and for offices: light the best to be had in the city: electric lighting free; passen rer and freight elevator and Janitor service In cluded. Rents 3U0. 400 nd H.0U0 per annum; situation the most central, within a few hundred feet of all the public bulldlngs-and or tho leading business squares. Apply between 11 a. v. and 4 P.Matthe NEW DISPATCH BUILD1N G. 75. 77 and 79 Diamond street mhl4-74 Special. TO LET-EAST END DWELLINGS, LARGE and small. Call or send tor printed list free. W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. mbl-43-rrs T O LET-BY BLACK A BAIRD. 93 FOURTH ftvpnn dwellings, storeaaud offices in Pitts-. ourg, Aiiegneny, ussnu, 9b x.uu, ouumuae and in all parts of suburbs; our "To Let" lists are Issued every Wednesday and Saturday of each week. For revised copies of these lists call upon any of the following named: 0. F. Nonrse No. 190 Centerave. J. M. Blackburn, No. 388 Fl th ave. J. P. Urben. Franklin snd Fulton sts. Emll G. Stucky A Co, WyUe sve and Ful- 1011 . .. . AH. Wilson. Penn and Frankstown ave George . Foster, cor. Washington ave. and Fremont st Jacob Spohm No. 2 Carson St. " M. Blackburn, No. 358 Penn ave Peter Walter. Jr., No. 84 Chestnut st Charles Schwann, No. 1707 Carson st E. Holden A Co.-. 6 Federal tw r J. F. CaldwflL Manhattan and Rebecca sts. ,i .--? -T.:--" -..r.-'j . . .j.-. Louis H. VogeL WeMteraTC'Cor. Bobertsst. ' City Residences. TO LET-HOUSE OF SEVEN ROOMS, NO. 5 Bedford avenne. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. mb23-85 TO LET-A VERY DESIRABLE BRHJK RESI DENCE of 10 rooms. No. 411 Wylle ave. C. BERINGER A SON, 103 Fonrth sve. mh20-60-WS mo LET-NO. 97 CENTER AVE., CONTAIN 1 ING ten rooms snd all modem Improve ments. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. mna-Bo TO LET-S-ROOM HOUSES WATER IN kitchen; 1250 per month; Duquesne Heights, near Incline: inquire Third and Duquesne way. D. R. SPEER. mh21-32 TO LET-HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS: LARGE LOT, abundance of fruit trees, fronting on Wylle ave., nearbomer St. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave mh23-&5 TO LET-THAT VERY DESIRABLE THREE STORY dwelling, containing u rooms and bath, situate 955 Penn avenne. GEORGE JOHN STON, Agent, 62 Fonrth avenne. mh23-85 T 10 LET-THE THREE-STORY DWELLING rnntalnlnir 12 rooms, all modern improve ments, situate 177 Third avenne GEORGE JOHNSTON, Agent 62 Fourth avenue mb23-85 TO LET-BRICK HOUSE OB7 ROOMS, HALL, bathroom, both gases, 20 minutes' walk from postofflce and near street cars: rent 26 per month. GEO. W. HACKETT, 334 Webster ave. or 1009 Liberty st. mb23-37 TO LET-244 FORTY-FIFTH ST.. ABOVE Butler, brick house 6 rooms and finished attic hall vestibule inside shutters, excellent cellar, large yard: low rent. J.'B. COOPER A CO., 107 Fourth ave mh23-55 T 10 LET HOUSE OP 8 BOOMS. BATH, .A. water, nau gas, eic, a. -o. w nxuier; reu akIvMSi sleniLrnAmixi hrtnOJV -wltfi A. nir(l (II ground,' In Twenty-third ward. E. D. W1NGEN ROTH, 100 Fourth ave. mh21-80 TO LET-FOB 816 PER MONTH-A GOOD brick house 8 rooms; late Improvements; Iiossesslon can he had at once: free to April 1, S39; No. 176 Plymouth street Thirty-fifth ward. W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenne mhl6-93-TTS TO LET-OR FOR SALE-A COTTAGE HOUSE on Mount Washington, cor. Gray and Dil worth streets; has eight rooms, large lot, and Is supplied with natural gas and city water. In quire at the office of the PITTSBURG FOUNDRY CO., 10 and 12 Wood st mh22-36 East End Residences. TO LET-SOUTH HILAND AVE. HOUSE 8 rooms, nice yard, bath, gas, sewer, etc.; stable. HENRY A. BREED, 516 Market St. mh23-33 TO LET-ON BROAD AND KIBKWOOD aves.. E. E., 3 nice 6-room houses, with modern conveniences; rent low. I. M. PENNOCK A SON, 105 Fourth ave. mh23-3S T O LET-EAST END, PITTSBURG. CORNER Marcaretta and Beattv sts.. house of 8 rooms: vtry large lot stable, etc.; rent, 28. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. mh22-37 TO LET OR FOR SALE-NORTH HILAND, East End, first-class brick dwelling; 9 rooms and finished attic: modern improvements; stable and laundry; lot 60x180. W. D. KING, 64 Fourth avenue. mb21-70 TO LET OB FOR SALE A RESIDENCE OF 10 rooms, stabling, etc., and 1H acres: abund ance of fruit and shade: one of the most delightful locations In E. E. M. P. HOWLEY, 6326 Station St., E. E., or 127 Fourth ave mhl7-59 TO LET-IRVING PLACE, ELLSWORTH ave, Shadyslde several beautiful brick resi dences containing ten rooms, bath, laundry, pantry, etc: large lawns to each house: house new; never occupied. W. A. 'HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. mh!7-l0 TO LET-FINE RESIDENCE TWO-STORY brick mansion, seven rooms and finished attic cemented cellar, batbroom and all conven iences; 3 acres of ground, fruit trees, shrubbery, stables, etc : will be rented low to good party; Shadvave. opposite WUklns ave. Inquire or N. 8. SNYDER. St Nicholas Hotel, or J.B. HYND MAN, 6212 Penn ave, East End. mb5-3-TWSSu Allegheny Residences. TO LET-NO. 61 BUENA VISTA STREET, S rooms and all conveniences. EWING A BYERS. 107 Federal street . mn23-12 TO LET-NO. 40 FREMONT ST.-6 ROOMS and all conveniences, 30 per month. EWING A BYERS, 107 Federal street. mh23-12 TO LET-ON BUENA VISTA ST., HOUSE 8 rooms, modern Improvements; rent 8400. A. D. WU.SON, 55 Federal street. mhz0-51-vJTS TO LET-NO. 105 BID WELL STREET, I rooms, with all modern conveniences. EW ING A BYERS, 107 Federal street mb23-12 TO LET-N0.66 JACKBON ST.. ALLEGHENY, new brick house, 8 rooms, bath, range, w. c, etc. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal st., Allegheny. mh20-51-wT'8 TO LET-TWO NEW HOUSES OF 7 ROOMS each on Nixon street: possession at once; rent 25. EWING A BYERS, 107 Federal street. mh23-12 TO LET-ALLEGHENY-A SPLENDID RESI DENCE on North avenne, containing 14 rooms. LM. PENNOCK A SON, 105 Fourth ave mhX3-39 TO LET-NO. 39 N. DIAMOND ST.-FINE brick house of 7 rooms and all modern con veniences: rent low. EWING A BYERS, 107 Fed eral street mb.23-12 TO LET-NO. 37 ALLEGHENY AVE.; FINE 3-story brick dwelling: all modern improve ments; rent, (500. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. mhZ2-37 TO LET-A LARGE DWELLING ON STOCK TON avenue Allegheny: 14 rooms, natural gas, etc.. etc JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mh'J2-63 TO LET -ON PAGE ST.. BRICK HOUSEtS rooms, bath, range, laundry, etc, etc.; nice front yard; rent 450. a. ii, niL&un.u rea- crai si., Aiiegneny. mbiO-51-wrs TO LET-ON PERRYSVILLE AVE.-F1NE brick house of 7 rooms and all conveniences, with half an acre or ground; rentlow. EWING A B YEBS, 107 Federal street. mb23-12 TO LET-THREE NEW HOUSES ON MAN HATTAN street or 6 rooms each and all modern conveniences: rent 25 per month. EW ING A BYERS. 107 Federal street mh23-12 T 10 LET-A VERY FINELY" FINISHED honse of 10 rooms, all modern Improvements. on juonterey si., unr .ciohii are.. .aiiegnenT. GEO. JOHNSfON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave mh23-85 TOLET-1N ALLEGHENY, NEARTHEPARK and street cars, a modern brick house or 9 rooms: the house Is new and the eaulnments mod- ern In every respect. 313 Wood st. . . irmr.Vitfn.. . .. A.UX-&A.IY1JJ1J1'. & llEK, mU23-30-d TO LET-ON KIRKPATRICK AVE., ALLE GHENY, good brick house or 6 rooms and finished attic, both gases, w. c, range bathroom, etc. at R6 per month: no water rent ALEX ANDER ALEE, 313 Wood St. mh23-30-D TO LET-TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING; 8 rooms, bath, laundry, attic; In good order; No. 177 Pennsylvania ave.. Allegheny. Apply to MELLOR A HOENE, 77 Filth ave.. or A. D. WIL SON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. mh21-71 TO LET-18-BRICK HOUSE HALL, SIX rooms, finished attic mansard, water In house, stable: McDonald way, off New Brighton road. Eleventh ward, Allegheny. A. LEGGATE A SON, 31 Federal St.. Allegheny. mh22-93 TO LET-A GOOD BRICK DWELLING ON Sheffield street Allegheny: 9 rooms, with hath, lavatory, natural gas, and all modern con veniences: house almost new and In elegant order. JAS. W.DBAPEA CO., 129 Fourth ave nue Pittsburg. mh22-63 Suburban Residences. TO LET-HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS AT INGRAM station. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent 62 Fourth ave. mh23-85 TO LET -6-ROOM BRICK DWELLING AT Mansfleld! avervnlce residence: rentonlv 20 per month. C. H. LOV E, 93 Fourth ave mh23-42 TO LET-HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS, WITH TEN acres or ground, at Ingram station; plenty or fruit trees. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fonrth ave. mh23-S5 TO LET-TWO SMALL HOUSES-ONE OF rooms and one or 2 rooms, with 4 acres or ground, at Ingram. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave mh23-S5 TO LET-AT EVERGREEN, TWO FRAME houses of 10 and 12 rooms, with 3 and 4 acres of ground, at 25 per month. ALEXANDER & LEE, 313 Wood st mh23-29 TO LET-AT BELLEVUE, P., Ft. W. A a B. it., 2 nice houses, one of 6 and the other 7 rooms; pleasant location; low rent L M. PEN NOCK & SON, 105 Fourth ave. mh23-39 TO LET-8 ACHES IN CHARMERS TOWN SHIP, with house or S rooms, barn and hen nerv. welL cistern and all outbulldlna! n.rHiv line. Inquire CLAUDIUS ROBINSON, 203. DieuDen sw, west .cna, rutsDurg. muzl-49 ffi 10 LET-HOUSE 10 BOOMS, WITH GARDEN, stable etc. near Patterson statlon.vP. f!. . . R. R.. and Crafton. P. C A St. L. R. It. in. quire or B. F. SHAFFERS, Crafton, Pa., or ad dress F. C. BIGGERT, Rochester. Pa. mh2l-63 TO LET AT EDGEWORTH, P..FT. W. A C. B. It. 12 acres choice land, with 9-room house stable fruits, etc ; would make s splendid sum mer resort: an enterprising man would do weU. L M. PENNOCK ASON, 105 Fourth ave. mh23-40-TU6SU TO LET-MY HOUSE, THIRTEEN ROOMS, at Laurel Station, Ft. Wayne road, all mod ern Improvements, stable and carnage house two acres gronnd, with liver view. Inquire on prem ises, or at 219 Lacock street, Allegheny. WM. T. DUNN. " mh9-63 TO LET-FOR ATERM OF YEARS, A HOUSE stable and greenhouse with 7 or! acres of land, on P. A L. E. K. It, 1H miles below Char tiers station; farm contains 1,660 raspberry plants, 1,000 grape vines, etc Apply to JAS. NICHOL, on premises. ' mh22-39-TTS Farms. TO LET-THE BEST GARDEN FARM AT Mc KEE'S Bocks. Inquire No. 638 LIBERTY ST., Pittsburg. mh7-S4-EOD TO LET-A FINE DAIRY FARM OF 100 seres In O'Hara twp.. near the city, and con venient to railroad. ALEXANDER A LEE, 311 Wood st mb23-29 TO LET-A FARM OF 50 ACBE8-WITH dwelling, outbuildings; below bewlckley, P., Ft,W. AU R.B.; rent 1150. JAS, W.DBAPEA CO., 129 Fonrthavenne Pittsburg. mh23-49.p JUVP xontrOmtet one of hit characterUUa tpeaktofthe.ptaple he' has met,J inoluiMng, Jottph Cook and Lt, Mary Wallter. .JL&SSCaS Hozelvrood .Residences. TO LET-AT HAZELWOOD-SNUG 6-ROOM honse at IS per month. I. M. PENN OCK A SON, 105 Fourth sve mh23-39 O CET-HAZELWOOD AVE., NEAR HAZ- ELWOOD sta., new house 9 rooms, very latest Improvements; location very desirable: rent reasonable. W. A. HERRON A SONS. No. 80 Fonrth ave. mh2l-84-MThB PERSONAL. PERSONAL BOOKS WANTED-1F YOU have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth 1,000, let us know: we will buy one as quickly as the other. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, Seventh Ave. Hotel building. fe20 PERSONAL-WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother or daughters In renalrlnE and clean ing your old clothes, when It can be done for a trifle by DICKSON, the -Tailor, cor. Fifth Sve. and Wood st, second floort Charges moderate: facilities unsurpassed; suits madeto order; spring styles nowTeady. "telephone 1558. mB8 LOST. LOST-FRIDAY AFTERNOON, ON ROBIN SON, between Darrah and Federal sts., a pockethook containing papers and small amount of money. Reward if left at 85 ROBINSON ST., Allegheny. mh23-15 AUCTION SALES. BULLETIN OP AUCTION SALES BY HENRY AUCTION CO.. JJM. TUESDAY, MARCH 26, at 10 o'clock, furni ture, carpets and household goods, 23 Union ave., Allegheny. TUESDAY, MARCH 28, at 10 o'clock, furni ture, carpets and household goods, 311 Market street WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27. at 10 o'clock, furniture, carpets and household goods, 1S8 Second avenne THURSDAY, MARCH 28, atlOo'clock.furnl ture, carpets and household goods, 202 Franks town ave., E. E. FRIDAY. MARCH 2,at 10 o'clock, furni ture, carpets and household goods, 311 Market street TUESDAY. APRIL 2, at the rooms, 311 Mar ket st, at 10 o'clock, fine carpets and furniture, FRIDAY, APRIL 6, at 10 o'clock, large con signment household goods at 311 Market st, TUESDAY, APRIL 9, fine furniture and general mdse., at 10 o'clock, 311 Market st THURSDAY, APRIL 11, unclaimed freight at the auction rooms, commencingat 10 o'clock, Sll Market st HENRY AUCTION CO. mbl7-105 BRUCE & SHIELDS, Fifth avenue and Grant street, and GEO. P. HAMILTON, 149 Fourth avenue, Attorneys. E IXECUTOR'S AND ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE ELEVEN ACRES LAND, in Eleventh ward, 'Allegheny. By order of the Orphans' Court of Alle gheny County, at No. 819 December term, 1888. the undersigned, executrix of John Cooper, deceased, and Fidelity Title and Trust Co., administrator of ffm. Cooper, deceased, will sell at public sale on the premises, on "WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1889, at 2 o'clock, all that certain tract of land, situate in the Eleventh ward, city of Allegheny, county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, viz: Beginning at a point on the line dividing land of said decedent from that formerly of Fetterman; thence along said line S, 57 degrees W. 100 feet to land of Koch, formerly of S. Davis; thence along the line of said land S. 1 degree W. 1,283 feet to land of Robert Fearnley; thence along the line of land of said Fearnley S. S3 decrees 61 min utes E. 480 feet to Woods' Run avenue; thence along said avenue N. 2 degrees 55 minutes E. 485 feet to a point; thence along the line of land formerly of James McClellaad N. 25 de grees W. 947 feet to the place of beginning, containing 11 acres 15.43 perches. TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent down, one half of balance on confirmation of sale and de livery of deed; the other one-half of balance, with interest from confirmation, in one year front the delivery of the deed, secured by bond and mortgage on the premises. MARY J. COOPER. Surviving Executrix of John Cooper, de ceased. THE FIDELITY TITLE A TRUST CO., Administrator of Wm. Cooper, deceased. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., Agents and Auctioneers, mh23-52 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. BY JAS. W. DRAPE & CO. TTOUSE AND LOT IN THE EAST END XX at auction, comer Shetland avenue and Wilson street, near Lincoln avenue and con venient to the luxurious property of Mr. Thomas Armstrong. A new house, with re ception hall, 6 rooms, attic and cellar; corner lot, fruit and shade trees thereon; everything in nice order; to be sold at pnblic sale on MONDAY AFTERNOON. MARCH 25, at 2 o'clock, on the premises. Title perfect; immediate possession; terms to suit; positive sale; owner going to Europe JA8. W. DRAPE & CO., Agents and Auctioneers, mh23-51-D 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. i UCTION SALE- On SATURDAY, M rch 23, at 10 A. M., hand some parlor and chamber suites, pianos, tables, chairs, rockers, carpets, rugs, chenille and lace curtains, shades, bedding, stoves, wringers, clocks,engravings; also a lot of kitchen and laun dry f nrnishments. Sale positive Terms cash. PITTSBURG AUCTION & STORAGE CO.. 93 Third avenue. mh22-73 PROPOSALS. Office of City Controller, i Pittsburg. March 18, 1889. ( PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT this office until 3 P.M., March 30 next tor printing 100 copies of controller's annual report, to be completed in three weeks' time, and bond furnished In sum of $200. Specifica tions furnished on application and right re served to reject any bids. E. S. MORROW. mh20-74-D City Controller. PROPOSALS FOR STONE.-U. S. EN GINEER OFFICE, 507 West Chestnut st, Louisville, Ky., March 22, 1889. Sealed pro posals, in duplicate, will be received at this office until 1p.m. (local time) on Tuesday, the 23d day of April, 1889, for furnishing stone for the construction of a lock in the Wabash river, near Mt Carrjel, 111. Amount to be ex pended under this contract, about $23,000jes contingent expenses. The attention of Didders is invited to Acts of Congress of February 28. 1885, and February 23. 1887, volume 23, page 332. and volume 24, page 414, Statutes at Large Preference will be given to stone of domestic production, conditions of quality and price being equal. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Specifications and printed forms for proposals will be furnished on appli cation to the undersigned. AMOS STICK NEY. Major of Engineers, U. 8. A. mh23 2-23,24,25,26,ap2L22 PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING 48.INCH CAST-IRONWATER-PIPEAND CAST INGS Office of Washington Aqueduct, Wash ington, D. C, March 20, 1889. Sealed proposals, in duplicate, will be received at this office until noon, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 18S9. for furnishing and delivering in the city of Wash ington, 22,700 lineal feet, more or less, of 48-inch cast-iron water-pipe and such special castlnzs as may be required for increasing the water supply of the city. Forms and specifications can be obtained at this office The United States reserves the right to reject any and all pro posals. The attention of bidders is invited to the Acts of Congress approved February 28, 1S85, and February 23, 1887, Vol. 23vpage 332, and VoL 24, page 414, Statutes at Large JOHN M. WILSON, Colonel. U. a Army. mb20-77-20,21,22,23,ap5,6 OFFICE OF "I CONTROLLER OF ALLEGHENY Co., PA, PITTSBUBQ, PA., March 19, 1SSB. BOTICE 10 PEIHTEBS ASD BINDERS. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until Saturday, March 23, 1889, at 3 o'clock p. M for furnishing the office of the Treasurer of Allegheny county with the following: 153 Receipt books, i binding, containing 60,025 receipts. 115 Receipt books, i binding, containing 26,450 receipts. 89 Collectors' books, bound in sheep, contain ing 5,000 leaves. 13S Collectors' books, bound in paper, 11 bind ing, containing 6.730 leaves. 49 Collectors' books, binding, bound In mus lin, containing 5,210 leaves. 20 Extra receipt books, i binding, containing 2,000 receipts. 5 Extra books In sheep. 5 Extra books in paper. 30,000 Statements. Samplesxan be seen at the office of County Treasurer. JOSIAH SPEER, mh20-24 County Controller. TO LET. Fifth avenue. East End, a furnished house for the summer. Inquire of J. R.MCCLINTOCK. mhl38-rra 7a Liberty st E. L1NKENHE1MER, . ARCHITECT, 546 Salthfield street, Pittsburg,'' P. FrIhelto jcrcuau sBuoiBg. aeoesa mo9t,:niMiejHa-o THE MEMBERS OF JEFFERSON LODGE No. 288, F. 4 A. M.. are requested to raeer at their Iodgeroom on SATURDAY, March 28, at I o'clock P. M., to attend the funeral of their deceased brother, P, M. August Hartle, Mem bers of sister lodees are respectfully invited. By order of F. W. CARDINAL, W. M. mh227 . ELECTIONS. OFFICE OF ALLEGHENY VALLET R. R. CO., I Ptttsbubo. Pa.. March 9. B389. I THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of this company will be held on TUESDAY, April 9, 1889, at II o'clock A. M. at the General Office of the Company. Pitts burg, Pa., to hear the report of the Board of Managers, elect a Board of Managers for the ensuing year, and act upon such other business as may be brought before it THOMAS R ROBINSON, mh7-95- Secretary. LEGAL NOTICES. T)UBLIC NOTICE-ALL PERSONS ARE T hereby warned that E. B. Archer, late of Pittsburg, Pa., is not authorized to make any collections or contract any debts on behalf of "The Swiss Musical Box Advertising Agency," and that this agency will not be responsible for any debt or debts contracted for bv said E.B. Archer. JOHN DUNHILL, Sole Agent QBEENSBrntO. Pa.. Match 2L 1889. mh23-Sl NOT1CE5. County Commissioners' Office, 1 PrrrsBURO. March U, 1889., THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILL hold appeals on the following named dis tricts, to-wit: MONDAY, MARCH 25, Twentv-flfth ward, Pittsburg. By order of County Commissioners. . R. E. MERCER, GEO. Y. McKEE, DANIEL MoWILLIAMS. P. W SIEBERT. Clerk. mh 12-15 OFFICIAL-PITTSBDRG. Department of public safety, 1 PlTTSBUBQ, March 19. 1889. J SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CfclVED at the office of the City Con troller until SATURDAY. March30. 1889. at 2 o'clock P. JL for the finishing of Nos.5a.nd6 Police stations, and for the erection of a stable at No. 5 police station. Plans and specifications can be seen on appli cation to Gamble Weir, Superintendent of the Bureau of Police. Bonds m double the amount of each bid will be required, said bonds to be probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, Chief of Department of Public Safety. mhlD-16 Continued on the Tenth and Twelfth Paget. AMUSEMENTS. D ONT FAIL TO SEK TOLLY'S MAG NIFICENT ILLUSTRATION OF Campaigns and Battles of tie far! Given under the auspices of John B. Clark Post 102. In addition to the views shown a Musical Entertainment will be given by eminent vocal and Instrumental talent of the two cities. Old City Hall, Thursday. Friday and Saturday, 21, 22 and 23. Matinee, Saturday 23, 2 P. 3f. Popu lar prices of admission. mh20-76 B LIOU THEATER-TO-DAY. Last day of the EMMA ABBOTT GRAND OPERA CO. Matinee YEOMEN OF THE GUARD. To-night-BOHEMIAN GIRL. EMMA ABBOTT IN BOTH OPERAS. Next week "The Stowaway." mh23 GRAND OPERA HOUSE Mr. and Mrs. W. J. FLORENCE. To-day's Matinee-" HEART OF HEARTS." To-night-" DOMBEY & SON." Week March 25 Rosina Yokes. mh23 TT ARRIS' THEATER Every afternoon and evening! "KEEP IT DARK." March 25 "Beacon Lights." mhl7-95 CASINO MUSEUM WEEK OF MARCH 18 Great and grand double show. Cant Paul Boyton and his Educated Seals and Trained Monkeys: Wilson, the Balloon Man; Fiji Jim and Annie Rosa, the bearded lady; Smith & Carrol, Geo. Callahan. Next week, March 25. Sea Serpent mhl9-81 H ARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night Matinees, Tuesday Thursday and oaturnay. THE IRWIN BROS.' BIG SPECIALTY SHOW. mhl7-13-TJ 'TLLJDVE INTO MY CM HOME" IN KNOXYILLE. We have yet a few of those. beautiful homes as follows: First A very beautiful 6-room house, with natural gas, water, etc, for $20u cash and $19 33U per month. Second A lovely 4-room cottage, $200 cash and $16 33 per month. Third A beautiful 3-room cottage, $200 cash; $15 33 per month. .Fourth We have also a numberof other handsome properties on equally reasonable terms. 49-Take Sonthside cars to Twelfth street, and Mt Oliver Incline, or to Thirteenth street, and the Electric Railway. MOXYILLELAMMPROVMENT CO. OFFICE, 85 KNOX AVENUE. mh3-TT8Su KNOXVILLE BOROUGH. Oaklanjypquare, For Sale (99) ttt.500 "Oakland Square" dwellings, moderate cash payment, balance SoOOper annum; new two-story and mansard brick, 8 rooms, ball, bath, laundry, inside shut ters, stationary tubs, slate mantels, tile hearths, range, hot and cold water, front and rear porches, eta, large lot facing a beautiful pub lic square, around which a street has been laid out, sewered, and is being paved with asphal tum; the whole surrounded with beautiful for est trees; only o minutes from Fifth ave. cable line. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. mbl3-48-D TfOR SALE YaIflalilB6asany?uiiiiLanuS. The undersigned invite correspondence and proposals for sale of a 173-acre farm, within sight of the city of LANCASTER, O. These lands are well improved, good farming lands, and In the GREATLANCA8TER GAS BELT. The great gas well, "The Old Man Himself." is almost in sight, and the famous "Rutfner Well," near Thurston, but a few miles away. Correspondence and bids invited. I Address either HENRY1 S. LEIST, Stoutsville. O.; or J. 8. SITES, Attorney, Lancaster, O.; or SAMUEL W. COURTRIGHT, Attorney. Cir cleville, O. roh23-l-D The Witness of the Sun, A New Novel by AM ELI E RIVES, Author of "THE QUICK OR THE DEADf Complete in Llppincott's Magazine for April. Price, 25 cents. For sale by all booksellers and newsdealers. mh23-5G-D CONSUME YOUR OWN GARBAGE IN stoves and ranges while using the same for cooking, or any other purpose, by using the Enreka Garbage Burner. For illustrative cir cular, containing full information, call on or. address JAMES ANDERSON, 53 East Diamond street Je5-n57-TT8 Allegheny, Pa. f A.BALPH, BUILDING CONTRACTOR, 41 Seventh avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Telephone 1344. se5-n60-TTS WALTER J. OSBOBSE. RICHARD BABBOWS. BARROWS A OSBORNE JOB PRINTERS, SO Diamond street Telephone No. 812 , se2-k56-TTSsa OPENING-FRED BURKL THE WELL known Bellevue florist will have the open ing of his store, 322 Beaver ave., Allegheny, with a good assortment of choice cut flowers, well-grown plants, etc, etc, Wednesday and Thursday, March 27 and 28. mh23-3 fll IVP I (IRAN it tonorrow't Dis UL.I K. UUUnn, patch, tpeatu of the change in social Ufa at the Capital with the chancre of administration, the atneni of fat women into fashion ania new occupation for.. lavtc. -ib i, i ... j.xii-, . zyi (99)' TO LEIL?. This "Rent List" U publlhd only to' the "Pittsburg Dispatch? Wednesday and Saturday, -without expense to landlord, by SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., , 99 Fourth Avenue, Real Estate Agents. Established iStSL Renting and Collecting a Specialty. STOBE BOOMS, ETC, : Liberty St., M7, 3-sty. brick warehouse, (&Ss4yrv Third Ave, 143, opp. U. S. P.O. store it,3Bx, piste glass windows, cellar. 60 mo. - Sixth St St elegsntlarge store room, on 5d floor. sky light In center, large windows front tad rear, giving abundance or light handsome stairway from the front: $800 yr. Liberty ave., near 8th, 2nd floor, 30x110, elevator,' Il,(eOyr. Grant St, 113. 2 sty, store, CO. West Carson St., S. 3., 71s. store, 5 R., (3$ mo. Lowry and Clark. A.C. store. 20x401 7 B.. S354yr. Lowry St., A. C store, 20x40, 7 K., fS60 yr. Western Ave, 287 rear, 26.. iax20es,. 1100 yr. Eagle and Cooper sts. store, 4 it., cellar. fS ma. Second ave., near Soho, z acres; K. K. siding; river front; sheds, offices, etc l,200 yr. Wood St., 204 and 206, 2d floor wareroom. 30x20, with 2 offices and elevator, moderate rent to good tenant. Carson st., 1804, store 16x50 and 5 dwelling rooms,' seoyr. Liberty St., 122), 3-sty store, 20x30, 4 B., SXmo. OFFICES. Fourth ave., 99, 2d floor front, 2 elegant large of fices, modern front windows, both gases, mar ble mantels, folding doors: excellent place for Insurance office., moderate rent to good tenant. Fourth ave., W, 2d floor rear, 3 rooms, water, nat. and art. gas, Inside w. c. moderate rent to food tenant, ourth ave.. Desk Boom, 1st floor office, nicely carpeted, 60yr. Fourth ave.. 101, 2d floor front, two large con necting offles, nat. gas, t30mo. Fifth ave. & Wood St.; offices, single and In suite In the new 6 story "Eisner. Building;" Fifth, ave. entrance; Crane elevator, steam heat. Janitor services, etc; floor plans can be seenat this office. Bent free to April 1. "Penn Building," Benn ave., near Seventh it., offices, single or In sulle in the elegant news stoiy building, 2 Crane elevators, heat and Janitor services; rents exceptionally low. Floor plans can be seen at this office renn ave., we. isinoor, zio sauuyr. Fourth ave., 152. 2 K. 1st floor. $00 yr. Wood St., 201-206, 1st floor, IB. Mod era derate rent to ffooa tenant. Water St , lit, front office. 2d floor. 15x20. S175 yr. Water St., 143, front office, 2d floor, 15 ft. v. Siaiyr. Fifth ave., 163, opp. Court House, 1 office. Id floor, nat. gas and water. S3j0 jr. Penn ave., 811, two connecting parlors; furnished, both gases, 2d floor, t'0 yr. Cor. Wood and Third, office. 2d floor front, S3) mo. Western ave.. Allegheny, large parlor, good light, poo yr. PITTSBURG DWELLINGS. Fifth ave., 633, 2-sty, 9 B-, mod. Imp., bath, ran ire, etc, etc. (to mo. Bedford ave 163, below Gum st., 2-sty, mansard, 8 rooms mod. Imp., fS mo. . Boquet, near V Umot, 2-sty, mansard, 12 R.. IX acre ground, carriage house, etc., mod. Imp., ssooyr. Bluff St., 23, 2-sty, 10R.. mod. imp.. t50mo. Ward St., near Halket. 14th ward. 2-sty, 8 K., Of- copied by Mr. Copeland, mod. Imp., 1800 jr. 621 Fifth ave., cor. Wyandotte St., 2-str, 88., hall In center, front balcony and bay window, mod. con., (45 mo. 'Filth ave, 3W6, 10R. fine residence, mod. Imp., finely finished. large yard. (700 yr. Center ave.. 95, 2-sty, 7 it. side yard, mod. con.,' 835 per mo. Lot 44 feet front on Center ave. Forbes, 393, 2-sty, 8B.. mod. Imp.. (&mo. Liberty St., 1239, 3-sty, store, tui30. 4 B., (30 mo. Center ave.. 216, 2-sty.. 8 K., (2S 33 mo., mod. Imp. front and rear yards. Wylle Ave., 128, 1st floor, 5 large R.. hath. w. c, h. and c w., moderate rent to good tenant. Wylle Ave., 128, 2d floor, 5 large rooms, wash bouse and two attics, moderate rent to good tenant. Liberty ave. 4749. 2-sty. 8 R., mod. imp., (20 mo. Liberty ave., 4747, 2-sty, 8 K-, mod. Imp., (20 mo. Liberty ave., 4745, 2-sty, 8 B-, mod. Imp., EOmo. 'Liberty ave., 4741, Osty, 8 K., mod. Imp., (20 mo. Decatur st., lstfloor,2-B., nat. gas ana w. free, (15 mo. Lawn st. near Forbes, 2-sty, 5 R., (IS mo. 4742 Corday at,. Bloomfleld, 4 K., (11 mo. Rear 163 Bedlord ave,. 3-sty, 1 B., (10 50 mo, Foward ave, 22d wd, 2-sty.. SR., (8 mo. Grant St,, 113. 2 sty, 6 R., (30 mo. Herron ave., rear 98, 2-sty. 4 R-, cellar. (C mo. Thirty-third, nsar Wylle, 2-sty, 4 B., basemen 13 mo. Eagle and Cooper sts., 2-stv, store and 4 R., (22 mo Coleman sta., A. V. R. R., 2-sty, 6 R., (10 mo. ALLEGHENY DWELLINGS. Liberty st., 112, 2-sty and man., S B., mod. imp., Irwlnave"., 89, 3-sty., 9 R., (35 mo. Ellsworth ave.. 9. 3-sty, a R., 20 mo. Gallagher, 59, 2-sty, 6K., mod. Imp.. (13 5a mo. Gallagher st,, 61, 3-sty. 6 R., ball, both gates, water and w. c, (12 60. " Gallagher, 55, 2-sty., IB., mod. imp., (12 50 mo. Gallagher. 57, 2-sty., 8 B.. mod. Imp., (12 SO mo. Lowry and Clark., store R., cellar. 7 K-, (384'yr. Lowry, Troy Hill, store, 7 R., (360 yr. Spring Hill, 10 acres vineyard and4B., (660 jr. Superior sta., 1 acre ground, 10R. house, (825 yr. Madison ave, 243K, second floor. 2 B., JO mo. - Gerst alley. 102. 2 R. first floor, (7 mo. Madison are., 243, 2 R. first floor, (9 mo. EAST END DWELLINGS. Negley ave., frame dwelling, 14 R., all mod. imp., finely finished, stable, carriage house, green house, outhouses, etc.. (1,300 yr. Boquet, near Wllmot. 2-sty, mansard, 12 E., IV acres ground, carriage house-, mod. Imp., (600 Fifth ave., 3606, 10 R., mod. Imp., fine residence, large yard, (TOO yr.; on cable line. Fifth ave.. cor. Emerson, 2-sty., 10 R., mod. Imp., delightful home (750 yr. : on cable line. r Frankstown ave., 413. 2-sty. "R., (yr. Neville st., 1st from Fifth ave., 8 B., large lot, fruit and shade trees. (300 yr. Grazier St.. 7006, near Dallas sta., 5 R., (SO mo. 'Race st. Edgewood. near station, 5 R., (13 mo. 5633 Mignonette, 2-sty, 4B.. (13 mo. Ellsworth ave, 5724 near Roup sta.. 2-sty, S X., mod. Imp., moderate rent to good tenant. Greensbnrg Bike, 4 R., 1J4 acres ground, orchard, etc., (6 mo. SOUTBSIDE DWELLINGS. McLean ave., Mt Oliver Incline cew,8R.,(18mo. West Carson St., 716. store R.and 5 R., (SS mo. Beltzboover boro.. Washington ave., 2-sty, 4 B. and finished attic (12 mo. A. Holtz, tenant. Carson St.. 1804, store 16x50. 5B.. (420 year. Wharton St., 1815, 2-sty, 5 R. and attic, (20 mo. B. & O. B. B. DWELLINGS. Hazelwood, near Brown sta. Saline ave., near Hazelwood ave.. 22d ward, 2-sty. 8 K-. stable, on lot, and 3 acres of ground, with fruit trees, etc.. mod. Imp.. (36u jr. Hazelwood, Lytle St., near Teeumteh, 23d ward. 2-sty Queen Anne 7 K., (300 yr. Hazelwood. near sta., 2-sty, 7 E., hall, cellar. mod. imp., (juuyr. Glen wood, ind a v., 2-story mansion 15 B., 4 acres of ground, city water, etc., (L000. Glenwood, Renova St., 2-sty., 6 R.. (21, Glenwood, Blair St.. 2-sty., 5 R.. (16. Forward av., 22 wd., 2-sty.. 3 R.. (6 mo. Mansion St., 6, Glenwood, 2-sty, 6 B., (20 mo. IV FT. W. C. R. B. DWELLINGS. I Sewlckley. Graham, near Peebles St., completely rnr nlahri 1(1 R frmm Dnin AyitiA riwfilllnv with mod. Imp. and 2 acres ground, with fruit acd shade trees, near station, (75 per mo. Sewlckley, cor. Thorn and Little sts., 2-sty, 5 E., occupied by W. B. Treadwell, (20 mo. Sewlckley, Centennial, near Nevln, 2-sty, 8 B., acre lot, (240 yr. Superior Sta., 10 1L, fruit, etc, (325 yr. Sewlckley, Thorn t., 8 K-, formerly occupied by" A. Baldwin. (35 mo. Same with carpets, blinds now In bouse, (& STABLES. Rear Fenn ave. 410, stable 5 stalls, (33 mo. South Diamond, near Union ave, A. C., stable, 4 stalls, (240 yr. Immediate possession, '. LANDLORDS! In order to secure the benefits of this method of reaching-tenant, without ex pense to you, please have a memoran dum of your houses at our office by 4 P. M. each Tuesday and Friday. BAMUELW-BLACnEQ. 99 FOURTH AVENUE. Established?.i878. ,j ima3S-7vwa 13 ' , &Am It i u J. ft 4 I
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