f ST, DAVID'S SHE, Pittsburg's "Welshmen Take Their Tributes There. THE AMIYERSAEY SIGHT. Interesting Banquet at the Mononga bela House, With Speeches BY DISTINGUISHED VISITORS. Garfield's Postmaster General, the lieuten ant Governor, and A FAMOUS PEEACHER IN ATTENDANCE. Around two long tables in the dining room of the Monongahela Honse last night tat 300 ladies and gentlemen. They were there to honor the memory of St. David. t Host of the gentlemen were members oi St. David's Benevolent Society. The invited guests included several prominent persons. These were grouped aronnd the center of the south table. John Jarrett, as President of the society, conducted the cere monies. On his right sat Hon. Thomas L. James, who was Postmaster General of the United States under President Garfield. Just beyond him the celebrated New York divine, Rev. D. Parker .Morgan, D. D., toyed with his fork between courses. To the left of President Jarrett the powerful form cf Lieutenant Governor W. T. Davies shook with frequent laughter at some of the "Welsh jokes. In the same group were Cap tain W. B. Jones, of Braddock, Hon. Sam uel Griffith, of Mercer, Hon. Miles S. Humphries, Owen Jones and other officers of the society. THE HOIIE ME3IBEES. At the head of the north table sat the members of the Committee of Arrangements. viz: James Morgan, J. ". Jones, Ivor Zachanas, D. D. Roberts, D. J. Evans, AI. J. Edwards, Jos D. Jones, John Prichard. At the foot of this table, with harp and piano, posed the membcis of trie Cambrian Glee Club, Morris Stephenson conductor, and the soloists of the evening, David Davis and Miss Edith Harris. The tables were devoid of all floral deco rations except that before the specially in vited guests, where call a lilies and roses scented the air. Candelabra gave the tables their glittering appearance, and every in candescent was turned on in the great chan deliers. The banquet was elaborate. A unique feature about the menu card was the inter twining of green bunches of leek, Wales' favorite vegetable, in the monogram "S. D. S." Beginning at 920, the feast did not conclude nntil after 11. A running fire of jokes shortened the time. JABRETT, SONOS AND JAMES. John Jarrett, President, opened the second part of the entertainment by submitting a .number of telegrams from Eastern societies. He then made a few remarks relating to the history of St. David's Society. It is not beneficial, but benevolent. The hearts of many poor "Welshmen have been gladdened by the works of the organization. The friends of the society in clude Scotch and Americans as well as "Welsh. Among the former are Andrew Carnegie Mr. Jarrett denied certain inti mations that, becauseof his connection with public and industrial subjects, he no longer loved his native land, its traditions and its people. The Cambria Glee Club furnished the divertisements of the evening, interspersing the speeches with songs of a national char acter. ' Hon. Thomas L. James, the ex-Postmaster General, responded to the toast of "Influ ence of St. David's Life." In introducing tim Mr. Jarrett remarked that, as a mem ber of the martyred Garfield's Cabinet, he recalled a great name. About the first thing Mr. James did alter arising was to return Mr. Jarrett's complimentary introduction by speaking of Jarrett as the "autocrat of the evening." Mr. James announced that, after a careful investigation of Pittsburg, he was prepared to say that this city is A PARADISE FOE -WELSHMEN and a place where a Cambrian will be de veloped to the fullest extent. He then told of a visit he lecently paid to his native land, "Wales, going over the cherished names in a -way that enthused all present. As to St. David's history, he carefully analyzed it with particular regard for the features that Welshmen love most Tracing the influence of the celebrated name upon the race down to the present time, Mr. James referred to the great national drama in England, and pointed out that everv act in it is being watched with breathless interest by all "Welsh people. Their sympathies are all "with the matchless statesman, Charles Stewart ParnelL Home rule for Ireland first, -and then comes "Wales great opportu nity. In conclusion, the speaker believed the influence of St David would be en lanced in Pittsburg if a church were con secrated in the name of their patron saint Mr. James came from New York yester day, in company of Rev. D. Parker Mor gan, D. D., to be the guest of the Pittsburg Welshmen. The ex-Postmaster General is tall, well built and of soldierly bearing. His shining bald head, gold eye-glasses and expansive shirt-front made him a distinguished-looking person. His voice is strong, full and musical. JENKINS AND DAVIES. Thomas C. Jenkins, Pittsburg's merchant prince, replied to the toast, "The Dav We Celebrate." His speech was a succession of poetic tributes to the lovalty, patriotism and abilities of the "Welsh people, as illustrated in their regularobscrvance every Tearof this holiday. He said: " We are here to-night to do honor to the patron saint of the Welsh people, bt David, while we are gathered here, he is being re membered alone the mountain sides and the beantiful valleys of Wales, in the mills ana in the mines, in the tbickly-popnlated districts of the East, on the fertile lands and the broad plains of the West On the sea these Welshmen have ever been at home, from time bo far back that history be comes dim. and we are lost in the traditions of the past. In the distant South, that land of possibili ties where we hardly know whether to look to the north or to the south for their guiding ' star, here Welshwomen are now weaving the same plaids, and singing the same songs and hymns oar maternal ance ors sang in the mountain of Wales J ears and j ears asro. On the islands of the sea, on that dark conti nent of which so little is known, Stanley, the explorer, and Welshmen everywhere are being earned back, as it were, to-night to their hum blo homes though they may have been and gathered around their mother's knees, listen ing over again to the legends of the past and to the trials and hardships our forefathers did undergo that this people might be preserved. We have with us here to-night men from al most every calling in life. They are not here by accident birth, educat'os and continued efforts always produce results. We hare here stranj; men and brave that at the time of our country's peril went to the front, risking their all that our homes and institutions might be protected. Welshmen have ever been at the lront, not in the rear; acd their names have gone into the history of this oar country irom the days of the Revolution down. TETJLT COSMOPOLITAN. We have men of national, and more than na tlonal,repctitlon;onebearingtbe badge of schol arship, xrom the institution of learning across the seas, that entitles him to recognition where ever men of letters are found. He is also com missioned by our Master, to whom we must all look in our hour of distress. Another known by reputation to you all; he stands now at the head of a large banking honse in one of the few great money centers of the world, and is accustomed to associate with men of wealth that would have attracted attention among any people and at any time. We bave-all read the beautiful narratives in the Bible of David, Joseph, Jacob and others; yet could hardly realize what a loss it would be to us, and to those yet unborn, if these could be pronounced fabrications. So with St David, onr patron saint Be he myth or no, the WeUh hare appropriated his name or memory to a noble purpose. Charita ble societies are being formed where any num ber of these people are found, similar to the one by which we are invited here to-night; and they are doinc untold good, visiting the sick and relieving the unfortunate. When men distinguished as our guests are here to-night, can, without to us any visible object in view, turn from their respective du ties and cares in the interest of their fellow men, w e shouldnot only pray that the choicest blessings may rest upon them, but may we fol low their example and go and do likewise. A COMING FEAST QP SONG. We expect to have an eisteddfod here during the coming year that will not only be a credit to our people, but to the city and State, and I hope the managers of this organization may invito each and every one here to-night to be present The favorite Welsh hymn was sung at the last meeting with a spirit never equaled in this country before, and I hope to nave the pleasure of hearing it again that we may all be there and all join in. Lieutenant Governor William T. Davies had taken advantage of the adjournment of the Pennsylvania Senate to slip away from the presiding chair of that body and come over to Pittsburg for a night of revelry with his countrymen. "The Conntry of Our Birth" was the toast he was asked to re spond to.To excuse all absence oi eloquence on bis part, he told the story of Tom Corwin, who, in a Fourth of July oration, described the American eagle and its flight upward so graphically that he soared too high on the same wings, and presently stopped short, stammering out, "There, I've lost the dom'd birdl" This little narrative excused the Lieuten ant Governor readily enough, and then he dwelt upon some of the characteristics he and all his countrymen get from their birth in Wales. Chief among them is love of song. The influence of song and poetry upon the same people he described, and said the Welsh people here in America have made this country, too, better for their sweet music THE NEW YORK DIVINE. Dr. Morgan, of New York, next spoke upon "The Country We Live In." This distinguished minister called it a pattern banquet, because permission had not yet been given the gentlemen present to smoke their cigars. Now, as it was 12:30 A. M., he thought it would only be proper for Master of Ceremonies Jarrett to allow any of the ladies or gentlemen the privilege of going to sleep. Trying to find some excuse for the presence of himself and ex-Postmaster General James in Pitts burg this evening, he related how it came that General Horace Porter appeared at the banquet of the St George's Society, of New York, in Delmonico's last year. He there told a story ot a boy who, running into a parlor, told his mother that he had put 30 eges under the hen. The mother was shocked. Why did he do that? Just to see the old thing stretch. So he (the speaker) and Mr. James came to Pittsburg to stretch them selves. On the subject of his own toast he took Andrew Carnegie's maxim as a text, and proving that the land of a man's birth is his mother, and the land of his adoption his bride. A TRUE COMPABISON. "And the man who loves his wife best, most love3 well his mother," said Dr. Mor gan. The proverbial temperance sentiments of the Welsh people in America were re ferred to, and a glowing tribute given the genius of the Welsh, which makes him America's most skillful mechanic. Dr. Morgan criticised the English Government for its administration of ecclesiastical affairs in Wales which he declared was respon sible for all the alienation of the Welsh masses from the Established Church, and sent so many Methodists and other non conformists to America. These things are now all changed. Everything in Wales is encouraging. As to the duty of the Welsh in this country he ad vised them to shake off that diffidence which hold so many of his countrymen back from advancement in his adopted land: They, too, must retain self-respect in all acts of life. THE CONCLUSION. Albert J. Edwards responded to the toast, " Welh Influence in America," and Captain W. E, Jones told the ladies some pretty things. One of the best speeches of the evening was then delivered by Hon. Samuel Griffith, of Mercer. Other speeches were on the programme, but the lateness of the hour prevented them from being delivered. It was 1:30 A. M. before the banquet hall was deserted. No wines were served at the banqnet. The last dinner was for men only. With women this time the affair was a greater success. PEEKIKS AND TODD HDST PAT Dr. Penney' Damages In the Charge for Fnlse Imprisonment. It appears that the remarks of Judge Stowe in the opening of the suit of Dr. Penney against Murdoch, Anderson, Todd and Perkins, the other day, when he stated that it was illegal to arrest anybody on an indefinite warrant, had weight with the jury, because they rendered a verdict for the plaintiffyesterday. Dr. Penney is accorded $2,500 damages, which sum is to be paid by Messrs. Todd and Perkins (unless they appeal), while Murdoch and Anderson are exempt According to Dr. Penney there are several more suits to follow this one, for he said recently that if he came successfully out of this one his son John and Mr. Barnett would also bring suits for damages for false imprisonment Several Annoying; Errors. There were several annoying errors in yesterday's item about the suit concerning the disputed house that Mrs. Bayne had rented in Allegheny, and on account of which she sned Ewing & Byers or putting up a "To let," though she did not rent from them. They did not defend the cause be fore the Alderman, as thev preferred that judgment by default be taken rather than have further trouble with anybody. They paid the costs promptly, and it was a mis take to suppose that there could be any de pendent levy upon goods. They Fa Tor Early Closing-. Organizer John D. Huehes, of D A. 3, K. of L., will go over to Allegheny next Mon day evening and form a local assembly of the shoe salesmen. The Pittsburg salesmen are already organized and all stores on this side of the river are closed at 7 o'clock every evening except Saturday. The Northsid'e salesmen favor the early-closing movement, and in order to accomplish this object pro pose to enter the Knights of Labor. A New Principal Elected. The School Board of the Fifth ward, Alle gheny, met last .night and organized for the year. John H. Dean was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Dr. Bell. Prof. A. J Snyder, Superintendent of the Butler county" schools, was elected Principal in place of Prof. James E. Mor row, who resigned. There were six appli cants for the position. ftTTVTC T(IRA' tend another bright let. ULlllJCl lillUxiil icr from Washington for the Sunday issue of Tub Dlil'ATClI. Her con tribution pleasantly dealt with the transforma tion now taking place at the Rational Capitol. Dr. B. M. Hanna. Eye, ear, nose and throat diseases exclusively. Office. 718 Penn street, Pittsburg, Pa. ' s&su A QUARTEE MILLION To Be Expended in a Splendid Suc cessor to Harris' Theater. PALATIAL STORES OR A HOTEL To Be Erected by the Coleman Estate on the Old Museum Site, IN FB0KT OP THE GRAND 0PEEA HOUSE It is now practically a settled fact that before very long the Harris Theater build ing on Fifth avenue will undergo such a transformation as 'will more or less affect the entire site occupied by the Coleman estate. It is contemplated to tear down the entire front of the Grand Opera House (which, is, as most people know, the Harris Theater building,) and replace it by a new structure, which may either be used for business pur poses, for a hotel, or for both. The Board of Directors of the Grand Opera House Company held a meeting yes terday afternoon in the office of Mr. Colum bus Coleman, to disenss the question as to what shall be done with the building. The board met as representatives of all the stockholders. The latter are the heirs, numbering seven in all, six ladies and Mr. William Coleman, the latter of whom is at present in Prance. " It has for a long time been potent to the stockholders that their property was not bringing fair dividends, as one would ex pect such a valuable site should do. Their profits from the Harris Theater are very small, and the third floor of the front part of the building is entirely vacant, and no revenue is coming in from that at all. The ladies of the estate have for a long time wished that something might be done, and have therefore requested the directors to de vise some means to increase their divi dends. IT WOUID YIELD NICE PEOPITS. The board,tchiefly composed of relatives or legal advisers of the ladies and all men of sound business qualities are unanimous in their opinion that the change of the building into a block of business houses would be the best thing that could be done. Mr. Columbns Coleman, administrator of the estate, in speaking of the contemplated change, yesterday afternoon, said: "Thestockholders have not yet all made up their minds what shall be done with the property, because they appear to dislike the idea of building a new structure. But the Board of Directors are unanimously for such a project, and I have every reason to be lieve that it will be done. Of course, we cannot commence to tear the building down until Mr. Harris' lease has run out" "When will that be?" "In July, 1890. The Grand OperaHonse proper, however, which sits back of the building, will not be touched, because Mr. Wilt has got a lease of that for six years to come; but a tearing down of the front would change the present entrance." "What is the project you have in view?" "Well, we have not decided upon a def inite plan yet, because, as I said before, some of the ladies have not agreed to the tearing down, and while we are confident that they will not object after we have proved to them the advisability of rebuild ing, still these is no use to form a definite plan nntil that time comes. However. I will give yon my own personal idea of the subject, and I think it would be the best thing to be done. The entire front, as far back as the Grand Opera House, should come down, and A MAGNIFICENT STRUCTURE be erected on the site. The present entrance of the Grand Opera House will then be re moved to the upper part of the lot, toward Smithfield street 'We will then have a clear front down past the tailor's store. This new structure, which 1 have estimated can only be erected at a cost of about 350, 000, conld be utilized for various purposes. If business establishments were to occupy it, the investment would yield a greater profit by far than is realized out of the property now. "Then again it is a well-known fact that the hotel business is verv lucrative. So it is possible that while the basement and ground floor conld be let for business, a grand hotel might occupy the upper floors, and, if the building were to go up six or seven stories, there would be enough rooms there to number almost as many as those of anv hotel in town." Mr. Coleman said all this before the meeting, while a reporter was in his office. He said that the matter would come under discussion during the afternoon. After the conference of the board was concluded, W. F. McCook, Esq., who is also one ot the directors, was called on, and asked whether anything definite had been decided upon. Said he: "No, not as yet; there are still two ladies among the stockholders who have not yet given their consent But there is no doubt about it going through. It is sure to come to that However, since Mr. Harris' lease lasts about 15 months yet, we have plenty ot time ahead to do all we want to." NOT QUITE CARELESSNESS, Bat the Coroner's Jury Ask the Tnrenlnpi Gas Company to Pat In Gates. Coroner McDowell held an inquest yester day ou the death of Maria Smith, who was killed by the explosion of natural gas at Tarenlnm. The evidence showed that Superintendent Girt has too many miles of pipe to look after, and there are no escape pipes. The jury recommended that grat ings be placed over all the mains for the better protection of life. The jury decided that the lady died from the effects of an explosion of gas, due to leaks from the broken gate in the main in front of the house. His Assailants Captured. Police Magistrate Brush held- Mike Mo han in 2,000 bail and James Donnelly in $1,000 for court yesterday. Mohan is ch arced with felonious cutting and Don nelly with aggravated assault and battery. Both men are said to have been the parties who attacked and wounded Mike Cave naugh three weeks ago on Forfh-eighth street New Yorkers Bay Plttsbnrg Property. Mr. John Herron yesterday bought for some New York capitalists 'the properly of N. P. Reed and Mrs. Fuller, on the corner of Fifth avenue and Cherry alley, for $120,000, The lot is 60 feet front and 110 feet deep. The New Yorkers intend to bnild a business block upon the lot. The 9Inyor Denies Ir. Mayor Pearson and Chief of Police Kirschler, of Allegheny, are very indignant over the publication of the arrest of policy players in Allegheny. They claim that there are no gambling rooms in that city and no game is, or has been, in progress at 36 East street Dangerous Twenty-Eighth Street. James Geary, 50 years of age, a switch turner on the P. R. It, was struck by a train yesterday at Twenty-eighth street and had his thigh crushed. Geary was removed to the West Penn Hospital, where his limb will probably be amputated. FLORIDA CRACKERS, Southern Florida, an unprogressive but quaint race of people, their modet of life ana their virtues and vice. Bee to-morrow's Dispatch. ALL THE DEBTS PAID. The County Centennial Committee Hakes a Clear Showing In Its Final Report The City Retrieves Itself. The Allegheny County Centennial Com mittee met yesterday afternoon in th Chamber of Commerce building and for mally wound up the business of the com mittee and adjourned sine die. Captain Charles W.' Batchelor occupied the chair. President Morrison Foster read his report, giving a detailed account of the Centennial celebration, whichbegan on Monday, Sep tember 211888, and continued for three days. The total cost of the celebration was over $20,000. The first day's committee, of which Mr. John Bindley was chairman, spent $881 07; the second day's committee, Captain C. W. Batchelor chairman, used $2,032 32, and the third day's commit tee spent $8,112 63 on the proceedings of that day. Colonel T. P. Boberts' Commit tee on Fireworks and Illumination spent $2,932 56 on the pyrotechnic display for the three evenings during the centennial. This committee was fortunate in receiving gratu itous services which would swell the real amount of their expenses to $5,000. The Beception Committee spent $732 on the entertainment of guests of the General Committee. The Transportation Commit tee, George L. Halliday chairman, did valuable work in securing uniformly low railroad and hotel rates. ' The Finance Committee, with W. E. Schmertz as chairman, did the work upon which the success of the entire celebration depended. They solicited cash to the amount of $17,799 44, and secured in de duction of bills for 'the transporta tion of troops the amount of $1,576 24, making a total of $19,375 68. The expenses of the committee were $545. The bills incurred by the Printing Committee amounted to $680 25. The general running expenses of the Centennial Committee for a period of 17 months were $1,148 76. No member of the committee was paid for any of his services rendered. The amount re ceived from the railroad companies was $2,302, making the total receipts for the general fund amount to $21,677 68. This has all been expended in the payment of bills, and the expenses of the celebration are all paid. Chairman Foster's report returns thanks to everybody who in any way, financially or otherwise, aided the committee in making the Centennial the success that it was. ' Mr. Foster recommended that a set of the emblematical pictures representing the com mercial industries of the city should be given to the Exposition Society and the Historical Society of Western Pennsylva nia. In addition to the above items $323 60 were received from contributions of pro visions. The sub-Committee on Printing, etc., spent $615 75, and $191 were paid for extra policemen. Every debt incurred by the celebration has been paid. The report of Mr. Foster was referred to ihe Chamber of Commerce for future action. GOVERNOR PORTER TALKS. An Old Friend and Polltlcnl Associate of Harrison oa the Cabinet Missouri's Place Chinese Immigration, The great and small are going to Wash ington. In the mob at the Union depot last night were ex-Governor Porter, the man who refused to be Governor ot Indiana the second time; Congressmen Niedlingerhaus, who defeated Joker O'Neil, and Frank, the Hebrew, who knocked out the immortal Glover in St Louis; ex-United States Min ister to Japan, Judge Bingham, of Cadiz, and others of more or less political distinc tion. Governor Porter said: I have known General Harrison for years. He has an imperturbable disposition, and one ot his chief characteristics is that he never loses his head. Though some of the party leaders may be worried about the formation of tho Cabinet the pnblic can-, rest assnred that the General will have his Cabinet ready when the time to divulge their names ar rives. Harrison is not a sensationalist; He", doesn't believe in wild-eyed legislation. Jio.is a just man. but not unreasonable. His foreign policy, for example, will be firm, but not teem ing with jingoism. He will demand what is right of foreign nations, and nothing more I have great hopes for the coming administra tion. General Harrison has no policy, but be believes in shaping his policy as the events arise. I feel sure that Blaine, Windom and Wana maker are slated for the Cabinet and as for the others I hardly think Mr. Harrison knows himself who thev will be. I learned recently that Warner Miller was never a strong Cabinet possibility. 1 am told that the President never offered him such a position. Naturally the people of Indiana are expected to clamor lor a share of the patronage; but I don't know what will go to the State. Mr. Miller may be made AttorneyGeneral, as the papers state. Accompanying Governor Porter were ex Consul General to Havre, General Brigland and Prof. Bloss, ex-State Superintendent of Public Instruction for. Indiana. For Mis souri, Congressman Frank said: I have It direct that Mr. Node, of St Louis, will be in the Cabinet; but I do not know which portfolio he will receive. Noble is capable of filling any of tbe Cabinet positions. He is wealthy, but he earned it honestly. Tbe people of Missonri would have preferred ex-Senator Henderson as their representative, but they are satisfied with Noble. Judge Bingham lost his grip and had to remain over for a later train. The old gentleman entertained the reporters with stories of his experience in Japan. He was the United States Minister in that country for 12 years. He believes in admitting the Chinese under restrictions, -and he is very much afraid that Li Hung Chang, the Viceroy, will turn the tables on the Ameri cans in China. POLICf MUST GO. Four More Alleged Policy Players Arrested by the Police. Four more alleged, policy players were arrested by the police yesterday. They are Lee Bechtold, Jeney Guckert and Oliver and James Force. Guckert is regarded as the most important capture. He is said to be what is known as a mid dle man. Guckert was followed all day yesterday by Officer Farrel, and when ar rested was giving out the winning numbers or "bets" to people on North Avenue, Alle gheny. The arrest of the Forte brothers was a surprise to many people. They are property holders in the Second ward, Alle gheny, and went bail for each other and Guckert. Eight men, charged with playing policy, have been arrested so far. Inspector Mc Aleese is determined to stop the business, and he hopes Mayor Pearson and Chief Kirschler will assist him. An Old Soldier Tramp. Harvey Osgood, a man who claims to be a veteran of the Mexican War, was a lodger in the tramp department of the Allegheny lockup last night. He claims to have five bullets in his body which he received in the army. One Oyer n Baker's Dozen. Fourteen prisoners were taken to Scran ton last night, by Deputy Marshal Cham bers, to be tried there for various offenses in the United States Court Rll I NVF relates some extraordinary u,uu ' " adventures of soul-thrilling interest, comments upon Salvation Army mu sic and manners, and rambles gaily through ihe fields of fancy, in tomorrow's Dispatch. Roaches. Buffalo Bags, Beetles, Water bugs, croton bugs. For t"o or three nights sprinkle Bough on Bats dry powder in, about and down the sink drain nine. First thing in the morning wash it all away . uvnu iue uiiuu iiijic, nucu all WB 1USCCIS from garret to cellar will disappear. The secret is in tbe fact that wherever insects are in the honse they must drink during the night. This being a poison, it should be used only at night and washed awav early every morning down the drain. Fifteen cent boxes at druggists. Send for circular, "How to Destroy all' Kinds of Bugs, lb sects, Vermin, etc"" E. S. Wells, Chemist, Jersey City. SEVERAL COLORS. The New Street Bill's Varying Hues Like the Chameleons. 0NE-MANP0WERIN SECTION THREE How City Attorney Moreland and Others Try to Explain It. A RULING BY. JUDGE STOWE IS CITED Bepresentative Lafferty's House bill, No. 21, seems to be chameleon hued, and the paternity of section 3 as hard for some people to ascertain as was the authorship of the letters of Junius, though City Attorney Moreland does hold himself out as willing to father it. It is claimed by some that there is no necessity for Mr. Lafferty's bill, aud as some of its friends claimed that it was gotten up to remedy a state of affairs dis closed by Supreme Court decisions that cost of making streets could not be assessed by foot frontage, answer was made that the bill approved June 14, 1887, provided a remedy. It is said the framer of the act of 1887, F. A. Magee, Esq., after seeing it in print, did not find it very good, and in this view City Controller Morrow, Clerk Shep pard and City Attorney Moreland conenr. Mr. Sheppard pointed out section 12 as the specially objectionable one: "The dam ages, costs and expenses of grading, pavine or macadamizing streets or alleys shall be assessed by the viewers and collected in the following manner: The viewers shall make a just and equitable appraisement of all damages, taking into con sideration in tbe appraisement the advantages and benefits, as well as disadvantages which every owner or owners shall or may be likely to sustain by reason of the improvement and after ascertaining the whole amount of the damaces they shall assess tbe same equitably, justly and without partiality upon the proper ties which may be or will likely be benefited by tbe improvements. TWO WATS OF 'VIEWING IT. This is claimed to be void for uncertainty. City Engineer Bigelowsaid: "The bill is a good one, with the exception ofsection 3, which provides that one person can ask for the opening of a street, and if Councils fail to pass the ordinance within six months the street is then declared vacated. The act will entirely disarrange street legislation during many years past. Here is the sec tion: It shall be lawful for any owner of prop erty nnon or over which anv street lane or al ley may bo in whole or in part located, bnt not opened, at any time thereafter to petition said Councils for the opening of the same or any part thereof designated m tbe petition, and upon the failnre of said Councils to adopt an ordinance for the opening of the same for tbe period of six months thereafter, the same shall be vacated and annulled so far as the same af fects the property of the petitioner, and it shall be the duty of the City Clerk, upon de mand of any person interested therein, to cer- niy saia iauure oi action on tne part oi coun cils to the Chief of the Department of Puhlic Works, who shall note the same on the plan on file in his office. Controller Morrow said the act was drawn to meet objections raised by Judge Stowe in a case tried in court a few weeks ago. THE CAUSE FOR IT. Mr. Moreland stated that Judge Stowe's ruling in the case of McCombs versus the city of Pittsburg, about five weeks ago, was the cause of the framing of Mr. Lafferty's bill. The plaintiff had added two rooms to his honse and they were on the line of the street "I held," said Mr. Moreland, "that he was bound to take notice of the line, but Judge Stowe said it would be a hardship to allow a man to be deprived for 25 years of the use of his ground and then punish him for overstepping the boundary. I then con cluded that we needed an act tffat would prevent such trouble in the future." Objection is also made that the Board of Viewers is reduced to a cipher bv section 3, of Mr. Lafferty's bill, r In answer to a query whether streets had not been improved under the act of 1887, without any disagreeable consequences re sulting, Mr. Sheppard and the Controller admitted that such was the case, bnt Mr. Sheppard stated that Oakland avenue and Winebiddle street were not to be taken as a criterion, as there was no serious opposi tion to their improvement. He also re marked that under our present law a heavy land holder might prevent a necessary im provement. . HE EXERCISED THE H0E8ES. An Allegheny Bank President Is Compelled to Walk Home. Mr. Wilson McCandless, of the AUe legheny National Bank, had to walk home yesterday. His colored coachman went to Washington to see President Harrison in augurated, and left a friend, Henry Bell, to fill his place. The new coachman was told to drive over to the bank at 3 o'clock and bring Mr. McCandless home. The rig did not come at the appointed time, and Mr. McCandless informed the po lice authorities. Detective Eichenlaup found the driver and the rig in the uppt'r part of Allegheny. Bell said he had been Void to exercise the horses, and was merely following instruc tions. He was placed m the lockup and the team sent lu-iue siaoie, THB A. 0. D. m ADJOURNS. Germans Not Barred Brom the Order, Ac cording to it I esolnilon. The meeting of the A. O. TJ. W. was concluded yesterday i fternoon, the only question of importance hich was discussed being the one that Germans are just as eli dible to membership lif the order as any body else. A resolutionlwas passed on the matter as follows: That the Snnreme Lodd be renucted to i prevent the State Legislative from taW.ig any acuon mat win prove inimisai 10 too lories ot tuis jurisdiction irom aoingi tneir worv in tne German language. After the nominations ftr officers for the ensuing year were made Ihe meeting ad journed, to reconvene at Wllliamsport next ifeDruary. Lilbe n White Cap Ifetter. Mr. Gus Marks, the well-khown restau rateur, has received a note flom a lady, warning him not to sell liquol to her hus band, who, she claims, is an habitual drunkard. As Mr. Marks doe A not know ,any person of the name given in, tho letter he woultt De pleased ir the lady Vfould call and explain. He desn't sell to drunkards, eitner. Seventeen People Tried. The cases of larceny and malicious mis chief against Henry Gersner and 16 others. preferred by G. E. Hemphill were tried by Deputy Mayor McKelvy, of Allegheny, last evening. The defendants are accused of stealing lumber from Hemphill's planing mill on Spring Garden avenue and de stroying the property. The magistratb re served ms aecision. Fined nnd Held for Conrt. Alderman Porter last night gave Janies Whiteford a hearing to answer charges pf cruelty 'and neglect of family and surety if the peace, preferred by Martha Cole. Th'n defendant was fined $25 and costs on, the former cnaree ana cave bail for conrt nn the latter. U Another Dead Baby Foand. A dead baby was found inclosed in a jar on the A. V. B. B. near Fortv-eighth street and taken to 'Squire Leslie's office. LONDON'S POOR S&rSySffiiK Jeet ofapaper in to-morrow's Dispatch. It is from the pen of Lady Colin Campbell, the du voreed daughter-in-law of the Duke ofArgyle. The Law nnd Order League After the State Moneys Alleged to be In Schaefer and C'nssldy's Hands. The papers are to be filed this morning in the Prcthonotary's office against J. M. Schaefer, Alderman, and M. F. Cassidy, Alderman, to recover certain amounts ot money for the State, which, it is alleged, were collected by them from parties who had offended against the Sunday laws and who were sued by the Law and Order So ciety. The amount of the claim against Alder man Schaefer is $225, and against Cassidy $175. In the affidavit against Alderman Cassidy (sworn to by1 K. S. Frazer and signed by Yost & Bebman, attorneys for the plaintiff), the following cases are, cited as having come before the 'Squire and the fines as having been collected by him: Lorenzo Lorenzin, B. Caplan, W. C. Wat kins, T. C. Watfcins, John Kandolph, Louis Bea and Leo Spuhler. It goes on to state that the money had been paid to the Alder man before April 1, and that a demand therefor had been frequently made of the defendant, but he had refused to pay it Alderman Schaefer is charged with having collected $25 from J. A. Martin. Tim Keefe, Conrad Driscoll, Sam Martin. Arthur Mar-, tin and several others, and it goes on to state that: Transcripts under the hand and seal of J. M. Schaefer, Alderman, the first being dated July 11, 1SS8, thb second Angnst 6, 188S and the third Angnst 13, 18S8, showing the infliction and pay ment to tbe defendant of several fines are in the possession of plaintiff's attorneys. It is pretty well understood that the Law and Order Society is at the root of these suits, and that they want to bring the Alder men to time. Mr. Yost was called upon and requested to throw a little more lieht upon the situa tion: but he had nothing to say on the sub- rject, except that these fines had not been turned over to tbe state, as tne law de manded. The Law and Order Society had sent circulars to all property owners, warn ing them not to let their buildings again for immoral purposes, for they will institute a strong crusade against them. LOST THB KING. A Tonng Ulan Attempts to Bob a Woman of Her Gold Watch and Blag. Last evening a young man named Albert Davison went to the house of Mrs. Mo Kenna, on Ann street, near Pride, and after talking to her for, a short time, asked to see a ring which she had on her finger. She let him have it - He then asked her where she kept her watch. She refused to tell him. He knocked her down and threatened to make her tell. Mrs. McKenna screamed and Davison ran out of the house. She followed him to Pride street where she met Officers Baltz and Sullivan, whom she told. They chased Davison, but he escaped. In his flight he dropped a high silk hat Mrs. McKenna lost the ring. A PROMINENT EDUCATOR. Tho Saperlntendent of Oakland, Cal. Schools Visits the City. Superintendent Fred M. Campbell, of the Oakland schools, California, and President of the National Education Association, stopped over in the city yesterday to see his friend, Prof. Luckey. He left for Wash ington last night. The annual meeting of the association will be held there March 6, 7 and 8; and Prof. Campbell had come on to attend it They Must Borrow Money. AH the appropriations for the payment of salaries to officials in Allegheny have been exhausted, and some will have to wait un til the appropriation ordinance is passed. At the meeting of the Police Committee last evening Mayor Pearson was authorized to borrow money to pay the police for the month of February. PUINCQF RANIfQ and bankers, with bnlNCOC DAfirVO the financial meth ods of the Celestials, their system of credit, bookkeeping, exchanges and clearing houses,' exhaustively described in tomorrow's Dis patch by Frank G. Carpenter. At Hamilton's Xou can get a piano or organ that will please you, and' if you will go in and examine them and hear the prices and terms, you will be more than pleased, for after vou have se lected aninstrument that pleases you the questionof price and terms has to be con sidered. Many purchasers are led to believe that because Hamilton has the largest, finest and best adapted salesroom in the city that his prices are the highest, but that is a mistake, as you can prove by calling and examining and hearing for yourself. It is true he does not bother with small goods, devoting his exclusive attention to the piano and organ trade, watching, buying the best quality of goods for cash and thus being enabled to sell them lower than it is possible to buy the same quality anywhere else. Among the goods he has handled for vears you will find the leadera the very best known at home and abroad, that have stood the test of artist, amateur and years of use; then you will find the finest class in medium grade and lower-priced goods. A piano witn outfit of stool, scarf and book for $190, $225, $250 and so on up, step by step, till you reach the fine, solid mahogany, walnut and rare woods at $400 to $1,000 or $1,500. So we assure you it will pay you to call at Hamilton's, 91 and 93 Fifth ave nue if you want to purchase a piano, and it will cost you nothing to call and satisfy yourself. B. &B. The greatest purchase of the season India silks. Genuine Indias, not Fou lards 65 and 75 cents, 27 inches wide. Boggs & Buhl. Men's Spring Neckwear Tjatest Styles, A special line at 25 cents; also at 50 cents all the newest styles and shapes now in stock. Open tiU 9 o'clock Saturdays. JOS. HOENE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. The First Spring overroat and suit sale of the season takes place to-day at onr stores. We have just received from New York an entire new stock of spring overcoats, many of them silk-lined and made from the famous Auburn meltons and imported Thibet. Your choice to-day at $10, $10. Special sale in our children's suit department Many of our finest children's suits, marked $3, $4, $5, reduced to $2 25 to-day. P. C. C. C, cornpr Grant and Diamond streets, opposite new Court House. B.&B. Look at our night shirts for men 50c, 75c and $1. Plain white and fancy styles. Boggs & Buhl, Allegheny. The Finest In tho Marker. Have you tried Mrs. Harrison's Inaugura tion cookies? If not, ask your grocer for them. They are delicious. its s. S. Marvin & Co. Scbofula cured free of charge at 1102 Carson st, Soutuside. B. ifcB. Gentlemen, compare our 3 for $2 shirts with the usual $1 shirt, and our 50c with other 75c shirts, you'll buy ours every time. Boggs & Buhl, Allegheny. The First Spring overcoat and suit sale of therseason takes place to-day at our stores. We have just received from New York an entire new istock of spring overcoats, many of ' them bilk-lined and made from the famous iubnrn meltons and imported Thibet Your choice to-day at $10, 10. Special sale irfVour children's suit department. Many of pur finest children's suits, marked $3, $4, $5reduced to $2 25 to-day. P. C. C. C, confer Grant and Diamond streets, opposite new uouri nouse. The Recompense Company Meets, Gobbles the Balance orStock and Resolves to Go It Alone Mexican Safety. An important meeting of the Becompense Mining Company, of this city, was held yesterday afternoon in the office of J. A. McCormick, No. 150 First avenue. This company has been in existence for a year; but the object and business has been kept very quiet The capital stock is $100,000, and the object is to develop a gold mine (not a tin mine) in Mexico. All the stock had previously been taken except $12,000 worth, which was doubled, gobbled, and thns taken out of the market entirely yesterday. This was done after the committee appointed to visit the mine had made their report. The company has a very interesting his tory. It was formed with J. A. McCormick President and C. G. Dixon Secretary and Treasurer. The property is one mile in i length and 1,000 feet wide, and is located in the monntains 9,500 feet above the level of the sea, and is 100 miles from the city of . Durango and 30 miles from tbe town of Alisos. It is 300 miles from any railroad. -Two months ago tbe company appointed a committee to go to the minesand investi gate, and if fonnd as represented the com mitteemen were authorized to put up the machinery and begin operations. This committee was composed of Messrs. C. G. Dixon, Herman Kunkle and J. A. McCor mick. Their report was presented at the meeting yesterday, and was of a most favor able character. When they left, all the machinery needed was at the foot of the mountain, and had yet to be hauled a dis tance of 30 miles to tte mines. It is likely iff place now, and active work will be com menced within a few weeks. When the company purchased the prop erty there had been a dispute among the owners, which resulted in a lawsuit that necessitated the selling ot the mines. The property was purchased by Mr. McCormick for $48,000. The ground is covered with forests of oak, pine and cedar, and there is enough fuel (a scarce article in Mexico) to run the mines about 100 years. None of the stock of the Becompense Mining Company will bepnton the market, as tbe present stockholders have signified their intention of buying the stock that re mains unsold. One of the members of the committee who went down to the mines said they were in charge of Lewis Kaufman, of this city. He has in his employ a number of men whom he pays $1 a day, and this is consid ered good wages. He said the Mexicans are not as black as they are painted. He has traveled hundreds of miles with the money with which to pay the men, and no person ever attempted to rob him. He savs he would rather travel alone in Mexico with money than in the United States. KTUF I II V OF ROCHON," by Maurice ilfc UIL. I Thompson, begint'xn to-morrow's DISPATCH. It is a powerful story of piratical days in the Gulf of Mexico. All who delight in pure fiction, based on American historical eients, should not fail to read "The Lily of Sochon." Our Kid Glove Bargains 80c and 91, Begular $1 25 and $1 75 quality all sizes. Jos. Hoeite & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. B. fcB. 27-inch India silks, new ones, empire and directoire styles, 65 and 75 cents; on sale this Saturday. Boggs & Buhl. The Fnuions Cable Line. Everybody is buying Cable Line cakes. They are splendid. You should try them. Your grocer keeps them. tts B. ifcB. New lines men's best neckwear; all the shapes, 25c to $1 50 each. Boggs & Buhl, Allegheny. Sanitarium and Water Cure. The only Eastern institution in which mnd baths are given. Steam-heating and electric lights. Baths, massage and electricity by trained manipulators". Address'John S. Marshall, M. D., Green Spring, O. B. ifcB. All the new spring shades in our "best" dollar real kid glovp. Eviry pair war ranted. Boggs & Buhl, Allegheny. How Paper Is Made. Free lecture to-night at Curry University by Mr. Barnes, paper manufacturer, of West Newton, Pa. Use Angostura Bitters to stimulate the appetite and keep the digestive organs in order. See James H. Aiken & Co.'s display for men's fine neckwear, 100 Fifth ave. How Paper Is Made. Free lecture to-night at Curry University, Sixth street. B. fcB. The best shirts at 50, 75c and $1, un laundried and unequaled at these prices. Boggs & Buhl, Allegheny. SPBING IMPORTATIONS COMING IN DADLY. French and Scotch Ginghams, Ander son's Plaids, advanced styles in French Satines, advanced designs in India Silks.complete lines of Foreign and Do mestic Wash FaDncs ready for spring sewing. LACE AND EMBROIDERY. Shipments on sate at low prices for first-class goods. Special prices on 37 and 45-inch Flouncings. Spring Invoices of MUSLIN UNDERWEAR That needs no commendation to any buyer who has used it, coming from makers wbo aim at perfection, yet meet the market in price. , Tbe following departments in daily receipt of new and desirable effects: TRIMMINGS, BRAIDS, BUTTONS, KID AND FABRIC GLOVES, PLAIN AND FANCY HOSIERY, NECKWEAR AND CORSETS. Second floor for Cloaks, Suits and Shawls, Children and Misses' Suits. BIBER 1 EASTDN, 505 AND 507 MARKET ST. fe22-TTSSu PEACHES FOR CREAM Delicious table fruit: also a full line of California and Delaware fresh fruits In extra syrup, tins and glass. JNO. A. RENSHAW A CO, ja26-ws Family Grocers. iIEO. H.BARBOUK. H UlVlti CNmiU, urveyor,. Draughtsman and Deslgnerof .Bridges koois ana aim .Buuaings, Room 62 Eisner Bulldinz. Jdel3-k68-D 61 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg. is the Interest of tbe tiosal Aaeadmeat. " The prohibition amendment received a regular boom at a mass meeting in the Fourth U. P. Church, Allegheny, last night Numerous speeches were made by clergymen and laymen. Miss Jennie Wil son presided, and Prof. J. K. McClarken opened the meeting with a strong address, in which he spoke of the saloonist as a great criminal. The Bev. W. F, Cowden occu pied the speaker's place next, with a simi lar discourse. Then J. S. Henderson followed, and said that people who came from foreign coun tries, leaving a monarchy and despotism be hind them, came over here and, before they could even speak English, attempted to teach Americans the ethics of personal lib eitr. . . W. M. Price concluded the meetlng'by expressing the wish that women should have a vote, and there would be no fear M to the Issue. "f THE PIE3T WAED SCHOOL. The New Parochial School Structure to Erected Within a Few Weeks. The First ward parochial school building"! will De erected at Ho. 216 Penn avenue, It! is to oe a tnree-story Drick bnilding, eoni j taining about five school rooms and a large i uau on tne third floor, which will be used ' as meeting rooms for the various societies ot J the church, and for entertainments. , T The plans have not been adopted, but are now being considered. The building will' have a front entrance on Penn avenue and a side entrance from Exchange alley. Workf on its erection will be commenced as sooat as possible. Father Sheedv. sneak-intr nf 1ia Ta.l said, yesterday: "By the erection of thit v:i.i; :n 111 a t.:j ... .J uuiiumg no mi aju two uiros witn onei stone. An educational institution willchej erected on a site ou winch asa!oon is now! locaieu. JOB. HDRNE 1 CO PENN AVENUE STORES. , r -"h NEW GOODS -rs THE- CLOAK ROOM. 'ih. NEW GOODS -nTTHE- CLOAK ROOM. Ulsters, Raglans and Jackets Black Jackets in Stockinette and Diagonals rA.Y.. S .a COA TV... ... .11 .. J.i and lit beautifully. New Dress Goods more of them each day. Over 00 pieces of new all wool French Cashmeres, 50c, 65c to Jl 25, choice new shades. New fancy combination styles in plaids and stripes. 50c a yard. New plain Suiting Cloths, 40c and 60c; 50 inches wide, extra qua lty,at73c. CA 4 Foreign Dress Goods Our 'oirnlias. portations now coming in 75c to $2 a yard; certainly the largest stock to b seen; colorings all of the newest, and a beautiful line of Black and' 'White Dress Goods. . . . Large stock of Black Wool Dress Goods, in plain and fancy weares. Visit the enormous stock'; of Glng. V hams and Satines, 10c to 60c a yard. T!vryTiAWMt and ht kcvIjk i1 TnaVassssV j --..,.-..,. is shown here. J. Special Kid Glove Bargains this week. - -jT - - . JDS. HDRNE I ED:!! PENN AVENUE STORES? reKVTw, TTIELLER'S 8COTCH JAMS-THKSIXMT l Imported in one pound poreeJta yesscsJso jemes, marmaiauo sou jjicserrai uuiu,mar- m. a la mm 1h h ssla si. or retail JNO. A. RENSHAW &COJ- jaas-ws Liberia NtakKs. MS i . 1 u --Vr.' r ( ' - TA-CgSg?
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