L889.1 Tjza-Display advertisements one dollar per TtoMare for one' insertion. Classified advertise- "inert on this page such as Wanted, Far Bale, To Let, cic, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken or lest than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BBAXCH OFFICES. $For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, -whereWant, For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad vertisements will ' Je received up to 9 P. M. for inser stion neprt morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts With TBE DIS PATCH. THOMAS McCAFFKKY. 35u9 Bntlcr street. ,EMIL G. STUCKEY. nth street and lenn are. jE. G . STUCKEV A CO., Wylle ave and Fnlton St. '"X. STOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. J- EAST ESD. 'J. W. WALLACE, 613 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTEKASHEIBLER,5thav. &Atwoodst eocthside. - JACOB SPOHN. Ko. I Carson street. CHAS. bCHWAEM, 1707 Carson street ALLEGHENY. A.J. KAEKCHEK, 59 Federal street. H. J. McBRIDE, Federal and Ohio streets. FRED H. EGGERS. 171 Ohio street. F. 1L EGGEKS A SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENKY, Western and Irwin aves. G. "W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PEKKYM. 6LEIM. llebeccaand Allegheny aves. WAXTED-HELP. 31ale HclD. -TTTANTED BUTCHER FOE SHOP WORK; 623 Smllhfield st JOHN A. MARTIN mh2-56 -TTTANTED - A GOOD BARBER AT 694 RE 1 V BECCA SI.; steady wort to the right man. inh2-55 WANTED-A THOROUGHLY COMPETENT bookkeeper; no boys need apply. BOX 918, Pittsburg, P. O. mhl-18 WANTED-COMPETENT DRUG CLERK: one that speaks German. Apply at IM EAST. ST.. Allegheny. nih2-S9 -TTrANTEU-BUGGY WAHF.R. NONE BUT V experienced hand need apply. T. B. MORE LAND, 6100Pcnnavc. mh2-48 -TTTANTED-BOY ABOUT IS YEARS OF AGE for offlcc work. Inquire at ROOM NO. TO, llu Diamond street, Pittsburg. mh2-3 ANTED-TW CTOOOD LIGHTNING ROD agents, will pav the best commission Nos. 119 and 151 FORBES A E., city. mh2-I7 TTTTANTED-A FIRST-CLASS PEN ARTIST for general drawing, bubmlt sample of work. Address P. O. BOX 117, Pittsburg. mh2-15 ANTEI-A YOUNG MAN WANTS PLEA.S ANT room with first-class board, near Al legheny postoffice Address O. P., Dispatch office. mhi-7 "rrrANTED-BOOK CANVASSERS FOR OUR V great prohibition work; a bonanza for Ibis spring; write for our extra inducements E. GATELY A CO.. 10 and 12 sixth st fe26-78 -TTT-ANTED THOROUGHLY PRACTICAL V sheet roller nlwcan take care of a train and turn rolls in housings. ApplvbCOrTDALE IRON AND bTEEL CO.. LIM., bcottdale. Pa. inhl-57 -TTTANTED A MAN TO SELLTEAS. COFFEES W and baking ponder to families in and around Pgh.; one preferred who has some estab lished trade. Address M. It P., Dispatch office. mh2-8 ANTED-GLAbb PACKER -ONE WHO thoroughly understands, packing assorted orders or lamps, china and gla. THE J P. bMITH LAMP, GLAbb AND CHINA CO., 935 Penn ave. mhS-3S ANTED PHYSICIAN OR DRUGGIST who can give a part or the whole of his time to calling on thedoctors of this cltv in the inter ests of amanulacturlng firm; noselllug. Address 6. O., Dispatch office. mhl-34 T7-ANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING j powder and pure spices: gifts with goods: j coke workers, miners or mtllmen can makemonev ' in their spare time YAMASH1EO TEA CO.. 83 Jackson St., Allegheny, Pa. JaM-86-TTS -TJANTED-EEL1ABLE LOCAL AND TRAV- ELING salesmen; positions permanent; special inducements now; fast selling specialties: don't delay: salarv from start. BRO N BROS., .Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y. fe9-0-TTS TTTANTED AGENTS IN THIS CITY AND outside towns to sell Dr. O'Kcefe's pills and bitters: stead v work; can make $12 to $18 per week. DR. O'KEErE A CO., Homeopathic Chemists, 31 Fifth avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. mli2-52 -TTTANTED-SALESMEN TO bELL TO BUbl- V NEbS men an article they all use: big profits to actUe men; no humbug: reference re- quired. Addss. with stamp inclosed for par ticulars, THE EUREKA MFG. CO., Wheeling, W. Va fc2S-10u-s TTJANTED SALESMEN-WK 'WISH FEW j men to sell our goods by sample to the whole sale and retail trade: largest manuTrs In our line: lnclosL 2-cent stamp: wages J per day ; perma nent position; no postals answered: money ad vanced for wages, advertising, etc CENTEN NIAL MAN'F'G CO.. Cincinnati, O. fe27-32-ws TTTANTED AGENTS FOR OUR NEW PAT V ENTnre-proof safes: size 28x18x18 Inches; weight 500 lbs.: retail prlco 35: other sizes In pro portion: highest award (silt er medal) Centennial Exposition: rare ihancc; permanent business; ourprlces lonest: we are not In the 6afe pool: ex elusive territory given. ALPINE SAFE CO., Cin cinnati, O." fel5-ws , Femnle BclD. -TTTANTED-A GIRL TO ASSIST A COAT- MAKER. Applvatonce to WOLKOSK.Y BROS.. 230 Fifth ave., McKeesport. mh2-U WANTED - FIFTEEN GIRLS IX) PACK crackers; girls of experience preferred: call at once at the Keystone Biscuit orkt, S4 to 100 Beech St., Allegheny, Pa. THOS. It. HERD A CO. mhl-27 Male and Female fJelo. TTTANTED-AT ONCE, A BAKER, COLORED V boy, farm hands, conks, chambermaids. house, pantry and kitchen girls, child's nurse. 20 girls for hotels. MEEUAN 'S, MS Grant st. fe2S-D -TTTANTED LIVE MEN AND WOMEN TO Y engage In an easy, paying business at , borne: can work daytime or evening and make 50c to f2 per hour: sure thing: sample and complete Instructions sent free. Address WORLD SUP PLY CO., Rutland, VL fe25-l "TITAN TED-AGENTS ON SALARY'; T5 PER month and expenses paid any active man or woman to sell our goods by sample and live at home; salary paid promptly and expenses in ad vance; full particulars and sample case free, we mean just what we say. Address STANDARD blLVERWARECO.. Boton. Mass. fels-3-D WANTED PARTNERS. XTTANTEO-IN A SUCCESSFUL MANUFAC- V TURING Arm in this city, a competent busi ness man to purchase a l-5th Interest and take the management of one of the departments; amount of capital required $15,000: the business Is well fstalulshed and highly prosperous; present mem bers of the firm are well known to us and are worthy of implicit confidence in every respect and are strong financially: all communications and conferences will be treated confidentially. JAS. W. DRAPE S. CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. mhI-52-D WANTED ROOKS. HOUSES. -TTTANTED A LARGE FRONT ROOM UN W FURNISHED, with board, b a middle aged laay on or before the first or April. Address B. A. M-, No. 114 Erie ft.. Allegheny. WANTED FINANCIAL. -TTTANTED-GOOD CITY MORTGAGES IN YY all amounts lrom (300 upward: money at 4S. S and t per cent, as to amount; security, etc. C H. LOVE, S3 Fourth avenue. mh2-28 WANTED-HOUSES TO KENT. LARGE OR small. In both cities: great pains taken to aeeure good tenants. Established 1851 W. A. HEJIKON & SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. mhl-40-TTS -TTTANTED-HOUSES TO RENT. RENTS TO V collect, monthly settlements: also mort gages on city or suburbanpropcrtyat 4, S and 6 per cent. J. DEKMITT. 40, G rant street. mh2-l9-TTs TTTTANTED-GOOD MORTGAGES FOR ANY YY amount: lowest rates of interest and com mission. PITTSBURG CO., LIM., Real Estate and .Insurance, 123 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. fer-W-trs WANTED MOlrTG AGES IN SUMS OF JW0 to $20,000 and upward, at lowest rates, on Pittsburg, Allegheny or suburban improved real estate. ALEXAN DLR 4, LEE, 313 Vt od st. mh2-93-jrws TTTANrED-MORTGAGES IN LARGE OR Y small amounts on improved city or Alle gheny county properiy. .'iivuat RUJU1.TKK, Jfeal instate Agents u uttiuuutrs, so t ounu ave. mh2-29 s TTTANTED 1XJ LOAN tj00,O0n. IN AMOUNTS It 411 HUnsuQBllwuu, uu v.. j aiiu euuurnan Droperty. on 4y percent, tree of tax: also smaller f,.;.,'.'., .. n,r MDL BLACK A KAIltll 85 1 ourtb avenue. !! VttUVO tj V AUU V fitr 11 ii e21-d2r-D ' A HMJZl-n. ! TTANTED-TO LOAN $200,000 ON MORT--,YY GAGES: $100 and upward at 6 per cent; $300,000 at 4K per cent on residences or business propertv: also In adjoining counties, s. H. FRENCH, 125 Fourth avenue. oc31-b4-D -TTTANTED-HOUSES TO RENT AND RENTS Y Y to collect; we give special attention to man agement or properties: itemized accounts, month ly settlements. PITTSBURG COMPANY, LIM.; Heal Lstate and Insurance, 138 Fifth a e. - c7-87-ws ,TTANTED-MOirTGAGES-$1.0(lQ,n00TOLOAN Y V on city and suburban properties at 4$, Sand Enrrrrtit. ,tii!mi timi fn Allerhenv and aula- ceut counties at 6 per cent: no money loaned out f Pennsylvania. I. M. PENN'OCK 4 SON. 105 oniu avenue. ipem -TTANTED-TO LOAN $100, 000; TRUST FUNDS n inortgige at 5 per cetnet In sums oC 'w ? r wurcaiesiaic, eaciusit;i iu nw gbeny County, also time amount on Pittsburg Na tional Bank stocks as collateral HENRY A. 'WJiAVB & CO., fourth aye. mhl-3 WANTED FINAJlCIAIi. ANlED-MORTGAGES-MONEYixiLOAN In sums to suit, at 4S4, 5 and 6 per cent. GRABBING i LYON, 135 Fourth ave. ap6-el-D . .., UPV1M T ru, Wn. -a.,.&T... YV LY'seUlement with itemized statement. BLACK & BAIRD. 93 Fourth avenue. a28-a29-D TTTANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP YV ERTY. over $4,000; 4 per cent: no tax. HENRY A. WEAVFJt&CO., KFourth avenue. mh2-a22-D -TTTANTED RENTS COLLECTED PROSI1T- V LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. ial9-81 WAN! ED-MOKTGAGES-SUMS FROM $500 tofooaooo to loan t. 5 and 6 percent. JAS. W. DRAPE & Co.. 123 1'ourth avenue. Pitts- burg. mhl-52-D -TTTANTED MOlrTGAGES IN ANY V amounts: H to S per cent: city and country: no delay. SAMUEL lMUEL W. BLACK sjuu.. ja20-55-MThS "M. ... , ti U., WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. -TTTANTED-A GOOD SECOND-HAND NO. 2 YY Remington typewriter. Address A. B. D., Dispatch office. fe-'4 WANTED-MANUFACTURERS AND OTH ERS seeking locations should communicate with M. V. RICHARDS, Land Agent, B. A O. R. R., Baltimore, Md. fe21-81-TTS8n -TTTANTED-TO SELL HALF INTEREST IN A V good paying bulness: FA 000 required: only a man who can give bis entire attentloc to the business need apply. Address FUKN1TURL, ETC., Dispatch oftlce. mhS-"! WAN TED-PUBLIC TO KNOW THE ELITE GALLERY, 516 Market street, Pittsburg, will make cabinets for $1 00 per doz.. and show proofs, until May 1; so come early; bring the little ones; use elevator. fc2S-8 -TTTANTED-TO INSURE TOUR DWELLING YV or household furniture against fire in re liable companies at lowest rates. PnTSBURG CO., LIMITED. REAL ESTATE AND INbUK AN CE, 1S8 Fifth avenue. Ja2-32-S WANTED BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER, 96 Firth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he Is making fine cabinets at $1 30 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: instan taneous iprocess. mh!3-k27 FOR SALE IJIPHOVED REAL ESTATE. Cltv Residences. F OK SALE-AT A BARGAIN, FRAME HOUSE nrTWme larire lnt 7H fot fftBt an Wvllft ave. extension. C. BERINGER& bON. mhl-W FOR SALE $2,500 TWO 2-STORY' FRAME houses, with stable: Gangwlsch St.: easy terms. W. W. MCNEILL A BRO.,162 Fourth ave. mli2-22 FOR SALE-$2,500-2-STORY BRICK HOUSE, 'rooms: Devllllersst.: all conveniences; easy terms. W. W. MCN EILL & BKO., 162 Fourth ave. mh2-22 F IORSALE A FIFTH AVEN UE FROPERTY one of the bet bnlldlntrs bevondthe Court House: price, $10,500: sure to advance In price. C. H. LOVE, S3 Fourth avenue. mh2-28 FOKSALE FRAME DWELLING OF5 ROOMS, hall, two porches, natural gas, water In kitchen: large lot and nice location; house almost new; price only $2, 500. a BERINGER&bON, 103 Fourth ave. mh2-40 FOR SALE NOS. 220 AND 222 ELLA ST., NEW double frame dwelling or 6 rooms in each: lot 2iS5 ft.: rents for $348; only $2, 850: tSOOcasb; bal ance to suit: positive bargain. THOS. MCCAF FREY. 3509 Butler st. fe24-97-WSBu F IOR SALE HOUSE AND LARGE LOT ON Thlrtv-eltrhth st.. between Butler st. and Pennine.; 7 rooms, hall, cellar, etc. etc.; large lot 55x115 feet; will be sold cheap. JAS. V. DRAPE CO., 129 Fourth ave, Pittsburg. mh2-3l-jrws FOR SALE CORNF.R WYLIK AVENUE AND Caramel nllcv. Thirteenth ward, a neat 2-story brick dwelling of 5 rooms and finished attic; lot 20x80 feet; low price and easy terms. In quire at GERMJlNIA SAVINGS BANK. 423 Wood street. deWga-ws East End Residences. FORSALE ON CARVER STREET. EASTENDJ nice two-storv lrame house of 6 rooms, city water, gas, etc.; lot 25x100 feet, with stable; price, $0,500. ALEXANDER & LEt; 313 Wood st. mh2-9S FOR SALE SOUTH HILAND AVENUE, very desirable residence. 8 rooms; all con veniences: lot 37x140 to alle;; stable and sewer connections. Hits K Y A. BREED, S16 Market St. mhl -37 FIR SALE-TWO SMALL HOUSES AT $1,600 each In the East End, near Shadyslde and Roup btations and cable cars. Terms from JAS. 1. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pitts burg. mb2-30-D FOR SALE $3,700-ON MEYRAN AVENUE, 2 squares from cable line, Oakland; house 6 rooms; lot 22x100 rt.: stable In rear; easy pay ments. W. A. HERRON & bONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mbl-46-D T7IOR SALE-CRAIG AND CENTER AVE. JU elegant residence: 12 large rooms; t ery hand somely finished and replete with all modern con veniences; lot 100x142 feet. 1. M. PENNOCK & SON, 105 Fourth ave. mh2-25-TTS F OK SALE-NEGLEY AND PENN AVE. handsome 2-storv brick house: mansard fin ish: 12 rooms; bath, lauudry: both kinds gas; modern In all respects: lot 45x100. I. M. PEN NOCK 4 bON, 105 Fourth ave. mh2-25-TTS FOR SALE $4,000 WILL BUY A NICE HOME In the East End, and -near the cable and rail road, 6 rooms, bath, natnral gas and large lot; terms reasonable: call at office and see photo. BLACKJtBAIRD, 95 Fou rth ave. f e26-5S-rs POR SALE-CHEAP IF SOLD AT ONCE-A desirable East End residence; 8 rooms, late improvements; large lot: near steam and cable cars: location good: send for full Information. See W. A. HERRON A SONS, SO Fourth avenue. mh2-13-2,5,8.11 FOR S ALE- 2-STORY FRAME SLATE ROOF dwelling In East End. near station: city water and gas, bath and all conveniences: tile hearth In parlor: natural gas; $4,000: pavmentsto suit. In quire MORRIS & FLEMING, IOC Fourth avenue. fe26-3S-TT8 F1 OR SALE-NEW FRAME DWELLING 7 rooms and attic: slate mantels and flip henrthc lot 40x137 feet. Grazier street, Brushton station. Bank of Commerce addition: Immediate possess ion. See JOHN F. BAXTER, Agu, 512Smlthfleld EL mh2-26 FOR SALE-ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS-A new house with good lot In East End, near railroad station: 6 rooms, ball natural gas, marble mantels, porches, etc.. etc: price. $3,000; posses sion given at once. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. mhl-52-D FOR SALE-A RARE BARGAIN-SMALL house and lot. East End, near HUand avenue 6 rooms, hall, dry cellar, natural gas, all In good order: house almost new : good lot.to an alley, side entrance: price only $2,300. JAS. W. DRAPE CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. inh2-30-D FOR SALE ON EASY PAYMENTS-A NEW and complete East End residence: just com pleted; 9 rooms, handsomely finished and com plete to small details: cor. lot 40X120 ft.; near steam and cable cars; $7,500: call at once. W. A, HERRON & SONS.80 Fourth avenue. mhl-4S-D FOR SALE THE LATEST STY'LE HOUSE, 6 rooms, with bath; large pantries, porches and an extra fine finish throughout, with a lot 50x110 feet, on Mellon St., 4 squares from Cable line and Roup station: price, $k 000, and terms to suit. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., East Lib erty. fc27-44-ThS FOKSALE AN EXCELLENT INVESTMENT, near Swlssvale station, 3 double houses, 4 rooms and finished attic each side with lots 50 by about 100. and 3 double houses, 4 rooms and fin ished attic each side with lots GO 100, will lie sold verylow. McCUNE COULTER, Agent". 98 Fourth av. mh2-29 FOR SALE THE HANDSOMEST 6-ROOM house In the East End for the money: only about 5 minutes' walk from East Liberty station; the house is new, only finished a few days ago, and now rented for $21 a month, but can get pos session on short notice If required. C H. LOVE, 9J Fourth ave. mh2-28 TTIOKSALE AN1CEQUEENANNEHOUSE1N L theEzst End: 6 minutes from railroad station; 6 rooms, with bath, w. c natnral gas, "marble mantels, hall, attic and cellar, porch front and rear: everything In fine order and almost new; Im mediate possession. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth at e., Pittsburg. mhl-52-D TORSALE NO. 3926 HOWLEY AVE., LOT 20 xlOO: new frame dwellinir: halL vestibules rooms, oaiu, cemented launary, insiae w. c.. folding parlor doors, slate mantels, inside shut ters, etc: nat. and art. gas, newly painted and paDered, 2-story frame stable in reari will be sold at a big sacrifice; possession April 1; $1,500 cash; balance to suit. THOS. MCCAFFREY. 3-V.S But ler st. fe24-97-W8SU F OR SALE -A HANDSOME SHADYS1DE residence: one of the finest avenues in the Last End: convenient to railroad station: 12 SDa- clous rooms and replete throughout with all the more recent appliances; reception hall, cabinet mantels, natnral gas. bath, lavatory, etc, etc; piazza In front, large lot, side entrance alley In rear; everything In prime order; almost new; im mediate possession given, and price and terms much less than actual value to a prompt pur chaser. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. zuh2-33-I Allegheny Residences. -COR SALE-ONLY $4,000-BRICK HOUSE: S 1? rooms and attic: water and sewers: on La cock su. near Federal St. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. fe2S-6G-Ths FOR SALE A HANDSOME QUEEN ANNE house in Second ward, Allegheny City: new and complete; all the modern improvements: 9 rooms: we have a full description ol it, and would say it will have to be seen to be Tully appreciated: this house will be offered at a price that will cell it. C. II. LOVE, S3 Fourth ave. mh2-28 ITIOR SALE A FINE RESIDENCE ON LlN ? COLN avenue Allegheny, two-storied brick, mansard roof, with cresting, bay window. 12 rooms and all in beautiful order throughout; complete modern conveniences: smooth concrete side entrance; alley in rear; brick stable and car riage house etc. etc.; most excellent property and choice location. Terms, etc., from JAS. Y. DRAPE Jt CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. mh:-30-D T7On SALE-TENTH WARD, ALLEGHENY, X? 25 choice lots. Clllton ave and adjacent sts.; city water and both cases; two handsome and convenient houses and large lots on Cliftou ave. on easy terms; these properties are close to new Incline and Federal street Electric railway: a handsome 6-rooin brick on Chanters St.. near Fayette at a bargain: four bricks on Voegtlyst, and Madison ave.: these are a first class Invest ment; also a number or two and three room houses lu Second and Tenth wards,-cheapandon monthly orquarterryp'iyments: a verv fine nine room and mansard brick, modern and complete in all its appointments; choice location: near the parks; easy term. JOHN H. McCREERl. 95 Fifth ave. mhl-23-TTs FOR SALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Allegheny Residences. SALE $40,000-FINE RESIDENCE ON mOR t North avenne. A. LtUUAil, A SUN, 91 lnM-58 i ederal St., Allegheny, TTIOR SALE-ON OHIO STREET, ALLE l? GHENY, 82 ft. front, with buildings. In quire at N O. 653 EAST OHIO STREET. fe27-10-WS FOR SALE-$17S-LOT 25X75, BIDGEWOOD avenue Second ward. Allegheny; a hillside lot, pretty steep. A. LEUGATE&SON, 31 Fed eral st. mb2-53 TOR SALE-ON WESTERN AVE.. NEAR Jj Kulton St., house 10 rooms; modern Improve' inents: totztxiza; price $7,500. Federal st., Allegheny. A. 1. ILSON. 5S fcOS-66-TllS TTIOR SALE GOOD INVESTMENT: ONLY" L1 fl, 000 for 2 new 5-room lrame dwellings in Allegheny that rent for $384 perycar. BALTENS PERG Ell 4 WILLIAMS. 154Tourth ave. mh2-49 FOR SALE TOR $3,000, K CASH, BALANCE on long time 296 Rebecca St., Allegheny, pood house 6 rooms lot 20x100 ft. to another street. W. A. HERRON & SONS, SO Fourth avenue mh2-42-MWS FOR SALE-CHEAP IF SOLD AT ONCE (Price very greatly reduced): on Franklin street, Allegheny; a verv detrable residence: 9 rooms; lot 48x130 lect. Call on or address W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue mb2-12-TTS FOR SALE-ONLY $2,500 FOR A NEW 5 ROOM frame dwelling In Second ward, Alle gheny: balk vestibule slate mantels, side entrance, etc.: lot 20x150; a beautiful home. BALTENS PERGER WILLIAHS.154 Fourth ave. mb2-49 FOR SALE-ON EAST PAYMENTS, FOUR new, 6-room houses, with bathroom, w. c, natural and artificial gas; lot 33x100. or larger. If desired: situated on line of Perrvsvllle Ave. Elec tric road. Inquire of J. A. McKEE, 708 Penn ave., Penn building, room 611. Ja31-72-TTS Suburban Residences. FOR SALE FINE BRICK RESIDENCE OF 14 rooms: with large piece of ground, at Ems worth. C. iJERlNGER SON, 103 Fourth ave. mh2-40 FOR SALE flAOOO-SUBURBAN RESIDENCE of Mrs, Eliza A. Cooper. West End avenue New Brighton road: lot 90x200; brick double house, 12 rooms and attics. A. LEGGATE & feON, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. fe28-I FORSALE-IN WILKINSBURO, NEAR STA TION, on one of the principal streets, a new frame house with all modern improvements. bath room, w. c, hot and cold water, etc, andcom Slete sewerage. McCUNE & COULTER, Agents, I Fourth ave mb2-29 FOR SALE SEVERAL NEW HOUSES AT Brushton and Wllklnsbnrg, P. It. It.; all new, and some of them are very cheap Indeed; they vary in price from $1,250 np to as high as $5, -000 each; most of them have large lots and well lo cated near station, etc. C. U. LOVE, S3 Fourth ave- mh2-28 FOR SALE-SUBURBAN RESIDENCE AND large grounds: brick house of 9 large cheer ful rooms and finished attic bathroom, natural gas, heater, range, etc ; IK acres of excellent land, fruit and sliai'e trees, shrubbery, etc: con venient to cltv and near K. E, station. ALEX ANDER & LEE, 313 Wood st mh2-97-Tus FOR SALE-2 GOOD BRICK DWELLINGS, one 6 roomsand ones rooms, at Belletield, on good sts. and near the cable line: good large lots, well planted with fruit and shade trees, etc; these properties are very desirable, and the prices are low If applied for soon; can have possession April 1 next. C. H. LOVFi 93 Fourth avenue. mh2-23 FOR SALE-IN WILKINSBUKG, ABOUT 5 minutes from station, a lot having frontage of 300 feet on Iranklln street, 264 feet on Mill street. 200 feet on South street and 64 feet on Cen ter street, with 9-room frame bouse in first-rate condition: can give Immediate possession; will be sold low and on easv terms. McCUNE & COUL TER, Agents, 98 Fourth ave. mh2-29 FOR SALE-(99)-ON LINE OF PROPOSED electric road, Bellevue; handsome modern dwelling, 8 large rooms, ball In center, heater, natural gas, laundrv, porches, hardwood mantels, tiled fireplaces, splendid lawn, 161x80: choice fruit and shade trees; neighborhood first-class: 2i acres ground: can be sub-dlvldcd. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth avenue uhl-54 FOR SALE-IN SEWICKLEY HOUSE AND large lot at a rare bargain: 9 rooms, with bath, hot and cold water, w. c. natural gas, marble mantels, dry cellar, porch, hall, etc, all In excel lent order; fine large lot. stable and carriage house etc, and price only $5,500: verv cheap: best value in the place: only 3 minutes from railway station. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth aie. Pittsburg. mhl-52-D FOR SALE THE HANDSOME COUNTRY residence of Hon. E. H. btowe at Edge worth. Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Rail way; it Is large and has all modern Improvements; beautllul grounds, well planted with fruit, shade, shrubbery, etc : in fact Is one of the most delight ful properties in the bewlckley valley, and will be sold low and on terms to suit If applied for soon: can gle immediate possession. C H. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenne mh2-28 TTIOR SALE-VERY' DESIRABLE SUBURBAN I? home with stable and two acres of ground, nicely laid off In walks, flower beds, shrubbery, etc.; on lire or electric road, Perrysville ave.. Al legheny: honse contains 11 rooms and 1 small room, fitted up with shelving suitable for storage and clothes room, also bathroom, w. c, natural and artificial gas and city water, thus combining the advantages of the country and all con veniences of the city. Inquire of J. A. McKEE, 70S Penn ave., Penn building, room 611. Ja31-72-TTS FOR SALE TWO ACRES OF LAND AT Howard station. P. V. and C. railroad, with fine honse containing seven rooms, water In kitchen, spring-house grapery, fruit trees, etc. This beautiful place is located In what Is common ly called Forcstvllle and only about five miles from 'the city, and cost only ordinary car fare This place will be sold at a great sacrifice If sold soon, or will rent the same reasonable. Apply soon to O. R.TOUDY, 1721 Carson street. South bide. fel9-6l FOR SALE-OR TO LET-ONE OF THE MOST beautiful suburban places In Allegheny countv; the house Is large containing 15 rooms, splendidly finished, and surrounded with wide verandas; It Is completely fitted up with bath rooms, water closets and natural gas; there is a good stable and handsomefowlhonse: thegrounds are very beautiful and well supplied with choice shrubbery, fruit and ornamental trees: the whole will be sold, with from 1 to 5 acres of ground, at a verv moderate price. KNOX.VILLE LAND IM PROVEMENT CO., S5 Knox avenue Knoxvllle borough. jal9-9 TTOR SALE-A HOME IN THE COUNTRY AT X. Bellevue Neville station, new frame house of 8 rooms and mansard; hall in center, upstairs and down: front building 40x19, back 40x20, front Eorch 3Sx7, side porch 40x5) :hot and cold water, ath. fine sanitary w. c. stand, etc; natural and illuminating gas; fine gas fixtures and newel It.; house is grained throughout, slate mantels and stone hearths In every room: well supplied with pantries and closets: lot 220x280, with stable, feed house chicken house and other rooms, all under one roof; large and small fruits ol all kinds lust In bearing. For terms and price inquire at 32 WEST DIAMOND, next door to Allegheny Heating Co. fe27-J-TT8 FOR SALE LOTS. Tlnzelwood Lots. FOR SALE-GLENWOOD, THE MOST CON VENIENT suburb or the city; only 12 min utes by the B. 40.: 24 trains a day each way; building lots for sale near the station at $300, $400, $500. S60U, $700. SSOO, $1,000, according to location and size of lot:termsto subpurchasers. GEORGE C. BURGWIN, Attorney at Law, 150 Fourth ave. fel-43-TTSSU Suburban Lots. TTtOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOTS, JJ near Wllklnsburg. Edgewood and Swlssvale stations, P. R. R-: low prices and easy terms. MCCUNE 4 COULTER, Agents, 93 Fourth ave. mh2-29 FOR SALE-LOTS-THE PITTSBURG NAT"L Bank or Commerce has a very few lots left at Wllklnsburg, all well situated and very desirable; also at Edgewood: for persons wishing large lots for less money, they have1 quite a number pleas antly situated on the hillside commanding a beau tiful view or the whole valley: they will be sold free of taxes for 1889 on very easy terms. Apply at the BANK. fe27-fl-WS Forms. FOR SALE-82 ACRES, NEAR WILKINSBURO station, P. K. RJ: would make an excellent plan of lots. MCCUNE & COULTER, Agents, 93 Fourth ave. mh2-29 TTIORSALE-OUEXCHANGE-FORIMPROVED .T property: Kansas land: well watered and de slrablv located. Call on or address W. A. HER RON SONS, 80 Fourth ave mhJ-44-Ths FOR SALE-OR TKAUE-FOR CITY PROP ERTY, farm 160 acres, 2 miles from Salts burg, W. P. R- R.; bouse 6 rooms, barn, etc. A. D. WILSON. 55 Federal st, Allegheny. mhl-24 UIORSALE-OREXCHANGE-KICH MERCER J? co Pa., farm or J 47 acres, CO miles west of Pittsburg, near 4 railroad towns, schools, churches; fine dwelling, good barns, large or chards, select fruit: a bargain. K. B. CHAFFIN & CO., Richmond. Va. mh2-96-DWk FOR SALE-A NICE FABM OF 65 ACRES, about 10 miles from the city; land in good state or tillage: excellent dwelling and outbuild ings, fine orchard, plenty of water: would take a small propertyln part payment. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. mb2-32-HW8 FOR SALE OH EXCHANGE 62 ACRE MER CER county farm, 60 miles west of Pittsburg; good dwelling, barn ana nice orchard of select fruit: this arm Is well located, near schools, churches and postoffice: will sell a bargain; owner Uvea in Virginia. It. B. CHAFFIN & CO., Rich mond, Va. . mh2-96-pwk FOR SALE A VERY PRETTY, SMOOTH, convenient farm, nearly all In clover and grass, abundance good water, bearing orchard, frame buildings, etc: size about 100 acres: price $2,000; also a good steam and water Buhr flour mill: splendid custom ; 14-acre lot; miller's house, stable etc. : price only $2,500; titles Indisputable E. IL BUTERBAUGH. Homer City, Pa. mhl-83 FOR SALE CHEAP-FARM 70 ACRES, GOOD 7-room house barn, orchard, etc., 4 miles from Rochester; price $3,000; also 50 acres, house barn, fruit, etc.level land, 5mlles from Rochester, for $2,000; 120 acres level land. 6-room bouse barn, orchards, etc, adjoining Beaver; must sell: price $100 per acre, bend for big farm and exchange list. N. F. HURST, Real Estate Agent, Rochester, Pa. fe23-l-TTS TTIOR SALEFARM: ATA BARGAIN-DAIRY JD and truck lann, 60 acres. Including fine two story dwelling, 8 rooms, stable and sprlngbousc; 8 acres in orchard, apples, pears, cherries, quinces, grapes, etc.: well and spring water soft; one-half tbc property is rich bottom land: the whole underlaid with 9-foot vein or coal; situated on Plum Creek Branch, A.V. R. R., one mile rrom Veronal; Allegheny county: convenient to Pitts burg: this Is a splendid property, and will be sold cheapen easy terms. Inquire MORRIS FLEM ING, 103 Fourth ave. fe25-38-TTff FOB SALE LOTS. City Lot J710 IORSALE THREE LOTS 20XU0, FORTY- FIFTH street near uulier street; cneap, on easy terms. v. w. jicajuloi unu. Fourth avenue. mh2-21-2,4,6,8,10 Etui End Lota. p IOR SALE-SPECIAL BARGAIN-LOTS ON Linden ave, K. ic, wxuuit.; oniysu a it.; lots graded; street sewered and pavei BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. fe28-83-TbS F( WR SALE-2 CHOICE BUILDING LOTS ON Wood street, each 80x550. Villa Place plan. ltrnhtrm atntlnn. Secure nlan from JOHN r. J run BAXTER. Agent, M2 Smlthfleld st. R24-3-MThS FOR SALE-THREE ACRES tlF BEAUTIFUL land on Stanton ave., near Hiland; situation unsurpassed: fine fruit and shade trees; price and tprm rpftnnnnhli. Innulre Of D. l. x.vru.A, 6106 Penn ave.. East End. Jal9-12-TT3 FOR SALE CHOICE LOTS. AT DALLAS STA TION, P. R. R., convenient to steam and street cars: cheap and on easy terms, situation unsurpassed: price ranging lrom $400 to $600. In qulreof D. C. NKGLEY, 6106 Penn ave. East jnd. no2S-y78-TT8 FOR SALE-CHEAPER THAN RENT-FOUR large building lots, only 2 squares from Boule vard place and Torrcns station and near cable line; you can make your own terms and we will help you to build: price $550: come and see us or write for list. MELLON BROS., 349 Station St., . East Liberty. fe27-41-lhs Allcghcnv Lots. ITiOK SALE-CHEAP LOTS 1 1 CHEAPLOT8I! ; Secopd ward. Allegheny, $350. 22x100 feet: easy terms. W. W. MCNEILL A BRO.. 1(3 Fourth avenue. mh2-22 XilOlt Aljrj Il.OUU UUlljUUU JjUl, iAJ- JD GART St., adjoining incline plane 38 feet front. 18 Teet rear, 125 feet deep; stores here would rent well. A. LEGGATE & SON, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. mh2-58 FOR SALE (B9J-PARK RESIDENCE 8ITES; one or more lots 21x180 on N orth ave ; fine op portunity to acquire choice building sites without Saying for valueless old buildings; terms to suit. AMUEL W. ULACK & CO.. 99 Fourth ave. fe26-6S-TTS IlInnufacinrlnE sites. - F IOR SALE-MANUFACTURING SH'E THE nronertv bounded bv Rebecca and Stursreon streets and South and Allegheny avenues, Alle- fheny City; streets all paved and sewered; large ronclad building, with lot of machinery, etc. ; f;ood facilities for shipping either in car-loads or ess. 1 or particulars inquire of 13. R. MClN 1IRE, 412 Grant St., Pittsburg. fe24-61 FOR SALE-3 ACRES MFG. BITE FRONTING 700 feet on Allegheny river and West Penn Railroad, nice 8-room house office 2-story stone building with Morgan steam hammer, 14-inch cylinder, etc, Pine Run gas connections and on gas belt 1,200 feet deep: rare facilities to profitably manufacture iron, nails, forglngs, tin-plate Rus sia sheets, plate-glass, etc.; to good manufacture lng parties at hair its value. FARRELLY AL DEN, 49 Fifth ave., Pittsburg. mh2-88 Itflscellnneons. FOR SALE-CITY AND 8UBURBAN PROP ERTIES, man ufacturlng sites, farms, lumber and mineral lands, bend for new price list. 1. M. PENNOCK & SON, No. 105 Fourth ave. mh2-25-TTS FOR SALE-HOUSES AND VACANT LOTS IN Pittsburg, Allegheny, Bellevue, Emsworth. Glenfield, Osborne Sewlckley, East End, Brush ton, Wilkin 6bnrg, Edgewood and on the South Side, Mt. Wahlneton. Cralton and Castle Shan non. J. DERMITT, 407 Grant street. mh2-19-TTS FOR SALE-$S.O0O, THIRD AVE. DWELLING; $9,000, Ben Venue, new residence; $8,250, Oak land, very fine residence: $1,600, Brushton. news room frame; $10,500, bhadyslde,legant new home; $8,000, Forbes St., near Gist St., finely finished and convenient residence: all on easy terms. W. W. MCNEILL A BRO.. 182 Fourth ave. mh2-20 FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chnnces. FOR SALE-A GOOD PATENT EIGHT ON A washing machine. GEO. R. KRESS. Nos. 149 and 151 Forbes ave., city. mli2-17. FOR SALV5-A RETAIL GROCERT BUSINESS (an old-established stand), with good paying trade; one of the best thoroughfares In Allegheny; stock and fixtures worth about $3,000: business about $30,000. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. mhl-52-D -7 OR SALE-STORES, STORES. STORES; JD drng. dry goods, grocery, notion, shoe tea, cigar and tobacco stores, bakeries, hotels, restaur ants, confectioneries, boarding houses, coal works, etc. : 100 good city business chances tor men or women. SUEPARD A CO.. 54 Fifth ave Ja30 FOR SALE-A GENTS' FURNISHING AND clothing business In a growing town, on line or two railroads, about 50 miles rrom Pittsburg; stock is in good condition: business prosperous: satisfactory reasons for selling. Partfculars from J Ab. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue. Pitts burg. mhl-52-D Business Cnonres. FORSALE-LIGHTIKON MANUFACTURING business: good reasons for selling. Address A. B Dispatch office. mh2-S0 FOR SALE-SHOiC STORE, WITH OR WITH OUT stock: price reasonable. For full par ticulars, address Mrs. AGNES HORN, 72 Southern ave, Mount Oliver, Pa. fe28-57 FOR SALE-A GOOD CHANCE FOR AN energetic man. S. M: SHANER RESrAUK ANT. 42 Diamond Market House, Pitts.; doing good business and good reasons for selling. mbS-46 FOR SALE-A GOOD DRUGSTORE IN A RAP IDLY growing manufacturing town on line of railroad; population over 3,000 and Increasing; a splendid opening. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. mbl-62-D FOR SALE AN OLD ESTABLISHED BOOT and shoe store in a good country town, on ltne of railroad; present owner has made a small fortune; satisfactory reasons for selling. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. mhl-52-D FOR SALE-A RETAIL GROCERY BUSINESS (an old-established stana). with good paying trade; one or the best thoroughfares In Allegheny: stock and fixtures worth about $3,000: business about $30,000. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth ave ..Pittsburg. mhl-t9-D Business Stands. TTIOR SALE A GOOD INVESTMENT ON JJ Fifth ave., opposite the Oakland power house: a good business location. C. H. LOVE. 93 Fourth avenue. mh2-28 F ORSALE-A PROMINENT CORNERiPROP ERTY on Filth avenue bevond the Court House; now paying a good Interest on the Invest ment. C H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave. mh2-28 FOR SALE-ONE-HALF INTEREST IN A woolen mill and broom factory In one or the best towns In Western Pennsylvania; the only business or the kind In county: fully equipped and doing well. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mh2-S0-p FOR SALE-VALUABLE BUSINESS PROP ERTIES, Liberty street and Smltbfield street; prominent and cousplcuons locations, with cer tainty or enhancement or value; excellent chance ror Investments. Particulars to prospective buy ers rrom JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth ave nue Pittsburg. mhl-SO-D FOR SALE A PROPERTY ON FIF1H AVE NUE near the Court House with 2 stores and dwellings on It; now rented for $600; will rent readily for $720, ana a property that will surely In crease in value; price $7,500 $4,000 cish and bal ance on long time If desired. C. U. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenne. mh2-28 FOR SALE SMALL MANUFACTURING property In Allegheny, near Ohio st., front mgontwo streets, lar re building with engine, boiler, shafting, etc , all in good order; excellent plate for a laundry or light manufacturing busi ness. Terms, etc., from JAS. W. DRAPEACO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. mh2-31-MWB FOR SALE-THE CHAUTAUQUA HOTEL property, with complete outfit and entire furnlshmcnt. head of Lake Chautauqua, Mayvllle. N. Y.. at railroad (Station; 55 bedrooms, parlors and sitting room, large dining room, billiard room and tables, commodious kitchen, cloak rooms, barbershop, office and barroom: also a furnished cottage of 10 rooms adjoining hotel, icehouse and cooling room: large barn for livery purposes and all necessary outbuildings; over 4 acres of ground tastefully laid out with ornamental and shade trees, spacious lawn, etc.. etc.: everything in perfect order and In condition to continue the business In Its usual prosperous state; the most Firofitablc hotel stand on the lake: a rare chance or the right man: can be bought at an Immense bargain: satisfactory reasons for selling. Fuller particulars lrom JAS. AV. DRAPE A CO.. 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. mh2-31-uws FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. machinery and Mctnls. FOKSALE ONE GOOD PUNCH MACHINE. G. R. KRESS, Nos. 149 and 151 Forbes ave., city. mh2-47 OR SALE TWO GOOD HIGH-ARMED SEW ING machines, used for men's work. GEO. R. KRESS, Nos. 149 and 151 Forbes ave., city. ml)2-47 TTIOR SALE-2 HORIZONTAL ENGINES, 18x22. JD 1 Ball engine 1 small dynamo and 2 lamps and meat choppers, rendering kettles, etc VELTE A MCDONALD. Penn ave, cor. Thirty-second st. jel6-163-rrsf EOR SALE-NEW AND SECOND-HAND machinery: engines from 4-horse power up, hollers, pumps, etc.: call or write for prices. FAHEY A ,'PFALLEB, Faher and Washington b., near Upton depot. ap24-v36X-TT8 F( Financial. OK SADE-THE OPTION ON 350 ACRES OF land to lease in the new Belmont county, Ohio, oil field. Address WM. A. MCMECHAN, Broker. St., ClalrsvUle O. fe27-15-ws OK SALE-MORTGAGES 1 MORTGAGES from $500, $1,000, $1,500 and upward, bearing 6 per cent) interest, approved by attorney: These mortgages are nearly all purchase money mort gages. An excellent Investment for anybody. Apply tb O. K. TOUDY, 1721 Carson street. South bide, t iel9-61 Ffoi-ses. Vehicles. Lire Stock, etc FOR'SALE-SOME GOOD DRAUGHT AND buggy horses and some second-hand buggies. Hos. 141 and 151 Forbes ave, city. G. IL. KRESS. mh2-47 miscellaneous. FOR SALE-1,000 PAIRS CHENILLE, TUR COMAN and lace curtains: this is a grand chalice for dealers; come earlv if you want bar gains: terms cash. PITTSBURG AUCTION CO., Wlhlrdave. ., , mh2-60 TO LET. CltT Residences. ' TO LET-GOOD BRICK DWELLING HOUSE of 10 rooms on Wylle ave., near Erin st. C. BERINGER A SON, 103 Fourth ave. mh2-40 rTlO LET - 8-ROOM DWELLING. NO. 4115 JL Bntler St., City; rent $30 per month. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent. 62 Fourth aye fe27-50 TO LET-NO. 179 THIRD AVE.. 10 ROOMS: late improvements: first class order: $75 per month. W. A. HERRON & SONS. 80 Fourth ave. ' fe28-77 TO LET-10-ROOM HOUSE, COR. CHAUNCEY and Wylle avenue: rent $33 33 per month; large lot. GEO. JOHNSTON, Ag't., 62 Fourth ave fc27-50 TO LET-BRICK HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS, HALL. bath, both gases: good cellar: 428 ebster ave., eor. Trent St., near Penn incline or Center ave. cars. W. J. PRENTICE, 1009 Liberty ave mh2-l6 TO LET-HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS AND BATH, on Penn ave., near Ninth St.: will rent to two families for light housekeeping, if so re quired. Inquire of DR. LAKE, 90S Penn ave., be tween 9 and 4. mhl-C5 TO LET-A GOOD BRICK DWELLING 8 rooms, hall, bath, w. c. uaturalgas. etc.; 10 minutes' walk from Court House: $375; Immedi ate possession. JAS. W. DRAPE CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. mh2-30-D TO LET-AT $17 50 PER MO.-OWNER FUR NISHES nat. gas for fuel; bnck house of 6 rooms, and late Improvements: No. 207 Plymouth St.: rent free until Aprlll, 1889; (wilt rent with privilege to buy, and all money paid as rent cred ited toward the purchase money, which can be paid In monthly installments ol $20. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenne mbl-41-2,5,7,9,12 Enst End Residences. TO LET-EAST END DWELLINGS. LARGE and small. Call or send tor printed list free. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. mhl-43-TT8 TO LET-12 ROOM QUEEN ANNE noUSE AT Wildwood Park: water and natural gas; washhouse and barn: rent $180. FARKELLY ALDEN, 49 Fifth ave, Pittsburg. mh2-9 TO LET-NO. 5604 ELLSWORTH AVENUE flne new house 8 rooms, late Improvements: location first class; 2 squares orRonpstatlon. W. A. HERRON & SON S, 80 Fourth avenue. re28-77 TO LET NEAR FIFTH AVENUE CABLE line and Roup station, several good houses from $20 up to $45 per month. Call or send for list free. W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. fe23-77 Allegheny Residences. TO LET-SEVERAL SMALL HOUSES IN SEC OND and Tenth wards. JOHN II. Mc CREERY, 05 Fifth ave mhl-23-rrs FOR SALE ONLY $L000-HOUSE 2 ROOMS; lot 23x100 feet: on Ashton St. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. fe28-65 TO LET-107 FAYETTE ST.. ALLEGHENY, 8 rooms, beside bath, laundry and late con veniences. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mhl-48-D TO LET-NO. 7 STOCKTON AVENUE, ALLE GHENY, elegant house 12 rooms; fine order; latest Improvements. W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mhl-46- D TO LET-BRICK DWELLING OF 8 ROOMS, large front porch, large lot, etc., on Sheffield street, Allegheny; rent. $450 per year. C. BERIN GER A SON, 103 Fourth ave. mh2-40 TO LET NO. 103 FAYETTE ST., ALLE GHENY good house 8 rooms, besides bath, range, washhouse, etc.; $400 per year. W. A, JIURRON A SO N S, 80 Fourth avenue. fe23-77 TO LET-IN ALLEGHENY, .NEAR THE parks, a new modern brick house of 9 rooms: all latest improvements; a first-class house in every respect. ALEXANDER A LEE, 311 Wood St. mh2-97-TUS mo LET FINE 10-ROOM HOUSE, NO 62 JL Chestnut St., Allegheny; range bath, laun dry, both gases, now doctor, hoarding and room ing. MAGAW, VILSACK A GOFF.105 Fourth ave. mhi-14 TO LET ON BID WELL STREET, ALLE GHENY, large modern brick house or 12 rooms; all latest modern appliances: brick stable and carriage bouse. ALEXANDER A LEE, 313 Wood St. mh2-97-TuS TO LET ON K1RKPATRICK AVENUE, Allegheny, two brick houses of 6 rooms each; finished attics, bath, both gases, w. c. eto., etc; 1 sqr. from street cars, at $28 per month; no water rent. ALEXANDER A LEE, 313 Wood st. mh2-97-Tu8 TO LET-HOUSES IN ALLEGHENY-139 Rebecca St.. 6 rooms, $25; 19 Western avenue 7 rooms, $35; 46 Resaca St.. 6 rooms, $28; 85 Shef field st 7 rooms. $28; 23 Klrkpatrlck avenue 6 rooms, $22; 3 Frazler St., j6 rooms. $25: Harrison St.. 6 rooms, $20: Willis St., 6 rooms, $15. A. LEG GATE A SO N731 Federal st. mh2-58 TO LET-THE FINE LARGE FRAME HOUSE adjoining the residence of J. L. Miller on Observatory avenue near the head of Buena Vista st., Allegheny, 100 yards from electric cars, con tains eleven rooms, bath room, natural gas. etc., all in first class order; possession lmmedlatelv. Apply to MIC MILLER, next door, or DR. HAM ILTON, 37 Ninth St., city; $30 per month only. mh2-54 Suburban Residences. TOLET-AT INGRAM-TWO SMALLHOUSES 4 and 2 rooms each, with 4 acres of ground; rent $12 per month. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave fe27-50 TO LET-AT EVERGREEN. TWO FRAME houses of 10 and 12 rooms, with 3 and 4 acres of ground: immediate possession. ALEXANDER A LEE, 313 Wood St. mh2-97-Tns TO LET AT INGRAM SEVEN-ROOM frame house with ten acres of ground; plenty of fruit trees; rent 825 00 permontb. GEO. JOHN STON, Ag't., 62 Fourth ave. fe27-50 rrro let-at Ingram -six-room frame J. house surrounded by shade trees, about 10 minutes' from station: rent $15 permontb. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. fe27-50 TO LET-SEVERAL DESIRABLE DWELL ING houses, from 5 to 14 rooms, on the line of the P., Ft. W. A C. R. K.;good location and low rents. C. BERING ER A SON, 103 Fourth ave mh2-40 TO LEI-SUBURBAN RESIDENCE AND large grounds, brick house 9 rooms and 2 nnisnea aitic rooms, natural gas, uaui, raiiirc, etc. : IX acres land, fruit and shade trees. ALEX ANDER A LEE, 313 Wood st. mh2-97-TuS Apartments. TO LET-NICELY FURNISHED ROOSIS. CEN TRALLY located. Inquire after 6 r. M. at 63 ARCH ST. Allegheny; reierence required. mhf-100 TO LET-IN THE MOST CONVENIENTLOCA TION in the city, double parlors. No. 720 Penn avenne. corner Eighth street; suitable ror doctor or dentist offices: can be had for sleeping apartments, with board If desired. mhl-31 Offices. Dek Room, etc. " T 10 LET-SEVERAL VERY FINE OFFICES. GEO. JOHNSTON. Agent, tc Fourth ave fe27-0 a 10 LET-SECOND FLOOR. 510 SMITHFIELD . St., one or two rooms. Innulre of A. M. A J. B. MURDOCH, 510 Smlthfleld st. fe27-9 TO LET-SUIT OF OFFICES ON SECOND floor No. 114 Fourth avenue, adjoining the Dollar Bank; rent low. W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. Ie28-77 TO LET-DESK ROOM IN OUR MAIN OFFICE, with use of desk: also a small room. Inclosed In glass, with use or desk, safe, etc. C. H. LOVE, S3 Fourth avenue. mh2-28 TO LET FRONT OFFICES AT $200 PER YR., with elevator, heat and Janitor service in the "Dallmeyer block." 96 Fourth avenue. W. A.' HERRO.M A SONS, 80 Founh avenue. mhl-39-2,5, 7, 9, 12, 14. 16, 21,23 TO LET- IN THE MCCANCE BLOCK, Smlthfleld, Liberty and Seventh avenue well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. JaS-32-D TO LET-LARGE AND SMALL OFFICES ON the second and third floors of Mellon 's build ing, opposite City HalL Smlthfleld street; good light: reasonable rent. Inquire at T. MELLON A SON'S BANK, 512 and 514 Smlthfleld street. mh2-27-MwTS TO LET-THIRD FLOOR OF DIAMOND National Bank building, cor. Fifth ave. and Liberty St.: this large and well-lighted room fronts on Fifth ave., Liberty and Union sts.; use of elevator. GEO. JOHNSTON, Ag't, 62 Fourth ave. "" fe27-30 TO LET SINGLE AND CONNECTING rooms In the Garrison buildings, cor. Wood and Water streets, and Third a e. and Wood street; also warehouse and basement No. 211 Wood St. Inquire at A. GARRISON FOUNDRY" CO., 10 and 12 Wood St. JalS-51 T 10 LET NEW OFFICES: SPLENDID LIGHT. The Germanla Savin its Bank. 423 Wood St.. having changed the Interior or Its building by adding 15 large, alrv and well-lighted offices, with all modern conveniences, elevator, etc., offer the same for rent at reasonable terms. Parties desir ing a fine location should apply at once at the BANK. de21-75-D Business Stands. TO LET-STORE AND DWELLING. NO. 146 Wylle ave. L M. PENNOCK A SON, 105 Fourth ave. mb2-25-TTS TO LET-WAREHOUSE. WOOD. ST.-LARGE 4-story warehouse cor. First ave. and Wood st.; 30 -foot front; telephone 335. H. T. MORRIS, 106 Fourth ave mh2-18-TTS TO LET-SECOND STORY ROOM. 55160 FEET, suitable for light manufacturing purposes, corner or Cberrv and Strawberry alleys. Iuqulre TAYLOR A BULLOCK, 935 Liberty St. mhl-17 tlonery. Apply to J. H. AIKEN, 100 Firth ave nue. fel4-83-D rriO LET-THE BUSINESS STAND. NO. 173 A. Fifth ave, opp. Court House running through to Wylle ave.; plate glass fronts on both streets; possession March 15. J. C REILLY, 77 Diamond st. inh2-93 TOLET-TWOBRICKSTORE3 WITHDWELL lNGS,on Main street, Mansfield: one been occupied as bakery: splendid opening fordry gooas or tin store; best location In town: natural gas; immediate possession. Inquire, c II LOVE, iu rourtn avenue or koimski. is. mows, Mans- field. mh2-28 TO LET-FOUR LARGE, WELL-LIGHTED rooms, with power (about 8,000 square feet), lor heavy or light manufacturing. In building know as tbe Chas. B. Head bolt works. Grant avenue Allegheny. Inquire on the premises of MR. FRED ESUELS1AN, Manager of the Alle gheny Wood Carving Co. Ja23-25-3twa 1IT- - TO AVET. Special. TO LET-BY BLACK A BAIRD, 96 FOURTH avenue dwellings, stores and offices In Pitts burg, Allegheny, Oakland, East End, Southslde and In all parts of suburbs; our 'To Let" lists are: issued every Wednesday and Saturday or each week. For revised copies of these lists call upon any of the following named: C. F. Nourse No. 190 Center ave. J. M. Blackburn, No. 338 Fl th ave. J. P. Urben, Franklin and Fulton sts. m , Emll G. Stucky A Co., Wyllo ave and Ful ton st, A. H.Wilson, Penn andFrankstownave. George E. Foster, cor. Washington ave. and Fremont st. Jacob Spoon, No. 2 Carson st. M. Blackburn, No. 3343 Penn ave. Peter Walter, Jr., No. 64 chestnut st. Charles Schwann, No. 1707 Carson St. K. Holden A Co.. 63 Federal st.. J. F. Caldwell, Manhattan and Rebecca sts. Louis H. VogeL Webster ave. cor. Roberts st. Ja2n-64-vf8 PERSONAL. PERSON A L BOOKS WANTED-1F YOU have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth $1,000. let us know: we will buy one as quickly as the other. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, Seventh Ave. Hotel building. fe20 PERSONAL YOU WILL BE A LONGTIME dead, but a short time alive, so be up and make the best orit: see that vour wearing apparel always looks neat and tidy. DICKSON, the Tailor, or 65 Fifth avenue, corner Wood street, second floor, makes a specialty or fine cleaning and repairing: give him a trial, telephone 1558. ja3 "NOTICES. NOTICE TO BOSS BAKERS OF PITTS BURG, Allegheny and surrounding tqwn. that the employment bureau of the National Bakers' Union No. 27,has removed from Jeffer son Hall, Allegheny, to corner ol Fifth avenue and Smlthfleld street, Pittsburg. Entrance on Fifth avenne, opposite Kauf manns'. ie25-5-MThS COMMITTEE. County Commissioner's Office, Pittsbubo, February 27, 1889. j mHE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILL JL hold appeals on the following named dis tricts, to-wit: Monday, March 4, Patton township. Thursday, March 7, Chartiers township. By order of County Commissioners. R. E. MERCER, GEORGE Y. McKEE, DANIEL McWILLIAMS. P. "W. SIEBERT. Clerk mh2-53 PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS, ADDRESSED TO Rev. A. A. Lambing Wilkinsburp. Pa., and indorsed "proposals," will bo received till MONDAY, March 11, 1889, at noon, for the erection of a brick church and school building on lots of St James' congregation. Wilkins bnrg. Plans and specifications can be seen at the pastor's residence Bonds will be required for the faithful performance of the work. The committee reserve the right to relect any or.all bids. A. A. LAMBING, mhl-C8 Pastor. J)R0P0SAL3 SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by the Board of School irectors of Chartiers township, Allegheny county. Pa., at the office of the architect until 8 o'clock p. si. Saturday, March 16, 1S89. for the erection of a two-story brick school building at Riverside near Chartiers, P. & L. E. R. R. The Board of Directors reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of James N. Campbell, Architect, room 814 Penn building, Pittsburg, Pa., where all bids must he addressed. WM. SHERIDEN. Jr.. President. WM. GRAHAM, Secretary. mh2-4-Tussu ELECTIONS. Office of the Westmoreland and"I Cambria Natural Gas Company, I 43 Sixth AVENUE. f Pittsburg, February 28, 1889. J THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders and the election of Directors to serve for tbc ensuing vear will be held at the office of this company on TUESDAY, March 12, 1889, at 3 o'clock P. M. mal-9-p B. MACKENZIE. Secretary. BUSINESS CHANGES. TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE iM firm of W. C. GundelBnger &. Co.. doing business at 119 Steuben St., Thirty-sixth ward, will be succeeded by George J. Raum from March 1, 1889. All persons owing the Arm are requested to settle their accounts within 30 days from date, and all persons having claims to make will please present them at once at the old place of business. Sincerely thanking all my patrons for their hearty support during my past business career, I also beg to recommend my successor to their kind attention as a man of honest business principles and qualifications, Yours respectfully, W. C. GUNDELFINGER&CO, Having had about 12 years' experience in tbe business, I herewith beg leave to invite the public In general and my friends in particular, to visit me in my new store and favor me with a trial order of anything kept in a first-class grocery, feed and flour bouseinall its branches', where every article is new, bright and of No. 1 quality, and I will guarantee satisfaction. Remaining yours respectfully, mh2-60 GEORGE J. RAUM. DISSOLUTION NOTICE THE PAN HANDLE Coal Company has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All parties having claims against said firm will present the same to John M. Andrews. All accounts due said firm will be collected by Duncan ot King's Collecting Agency. JOHN M. ANDREWS. A. J. SCHULTE. In retiring from the Panhandle Coal Com pany 1 would recommend to friends Skid patrons my late partner, Mr. John M. Andrews, who will continue tho business at the old stand. Respectfully yours, A. J. SCHULTE. Having purchased tbe interest of my former partner, lr. A. J. Schnlte, I would respectfully ask for a contiunance of patronage extended to the Panhandle Coal Company. Very re spectfully yours, JOHN M. ANDREWS. 72 Sandusky st Allegheny City. February '&, 1889. fe26-80-TUS RESORTS. Atlantic City. THE ROYAL ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Always open. Appointments first-class: steam heat, sun galleries, etc ie22-30 W.-H. REYNOLDS. THE ELDREDGE,1 NO. 18 SOUTH CARO LINA avenue, within three minutes' walk to depot or beacb. Large cheerful rooms ex cellent table. Terms moderate MRS. E. J. ELDREDGE, Proprietress. fell-3-D I TLANTIC CITY, N. J.-HOTELS, 'J. Boarding houses, cottages, lots and bath houses to let or tor sale by L G. ADAMS & CO., Rea Estate Agents, Real Estate and Law Building, Atlantic City, N. J. fel4-6-P ON THE BEACH. Atlantic City, N. J., HADDON HAUL, felS-54 EDWIN LIPPINCOTT. THE WINDSOR ATLANTIC CITY. Unobstructed ocean view. Cuisine and appointments of the best Dinner 130 and 630. G. WATERS. W. E. COCHRAN.Chief Clerk, mbl-rrssu THE, CHALFONTE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. MOVED TO THE BEACH ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. UNSURPASSED OCEAN VIEW. Salt water baths in the house. Elevator. fel65-D E. ROBERTS &SONS. HOT SPRINGS, N. C. MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. First-elns in every particular. Steam heat, Open Fires, Porches inclosed in glass. Superb Location. Ideal Climate far (he debilitated. Baths in Marble Pools. Finest in America; Waters unexcelled anywhere in curative power or luxury. G. K. LANSING, (Late of Astor House. N. Y.) Manager. fel6-60-D A COUGH IS THE FIRST WHISPERING of approaching disease. Tickling throats develop into coughs. I Coughs lead to the great enemy consumption. A stitch in time often saves life itself.- KIDD'S COUGH ' BYRUP. 'TOR COUGHS, COLDS, SORE THROAT, INFLUENZA and HOARSENESS. IT IS PLEASANT AND ABSOLUTELY SAFE. FOR CHILDREN. PRICE, 25 . CENTa FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PREPARED bt FLEMING BROa, PITTSBURG, PA. MEETINGS. Pittsburg, Pa.. March a 18SR. ' THE ADJOURNED ANNUAL MEETING of the shareholders of the Union Switch and Signal Company will beheld at the office of the company, Penn building, city, on TUES DAY, MARCH 12. 1889. at 2 o'cloclCP. M. mh2-J5 A. T. Rf 1WAND, Secretary. Pittsburg. Pa., March 2, 1889. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE shareholders of the Union Switch and Sig nal Company will be held at tbe office of the comnanv, Penn building, city, on TUE8DAY, MARCH 12, 1889, at 2 o'clock P. M. mh2-45 A. T. ROWAND. Secretory. THE ADJOURNED ANNUAL MEETING of the shareholders of tbe Standard Car Heating and Ventilating Co. will be held at the offlrej)f the companv, Penn building, city, on TUESDAY. March 12, 1889, at 2 o'clock P. M. A. T. ROWAND, Secretary. PITTSBURG, March 2, 1889. mh2-U THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE shareholders of the Standard Car Heating and Ventilating Co. will be held at the office of tbe company, Penn building, city, on TUES DAY, March 12, 1889". at 2 o'clock p. jr. A. T. ROWAND, Secretary. Pittsburg, March 2, 18S9. mh2-45 AUCTION SALES. BY ORDER OF THE CITY PROPERTY Committee of the city of Allegheny, I will expose at public sale on the premises, on TUESDAY, March 6, 1889, at 10 o'clock a. m., building lot cor. of Anderson and Lacocksts., Fourth ward. Allegheny, on which is erected a two-story bnck building, better known as the old Columbia engine house. This property is used as a business property st present Terms made known at sale. Particulars from A. J. PENTECOST, Auctioneer and Real Estato Agent. 413 Grant. Pittsburg. fe2S-4 BANK STATEMENTS. TATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BANK OF -PITTSBURG, Friday morning, March 1, 1889. MEANS. Loans, bills and discounts $1,430,022 S9 Real estate. 60,272 10 Stocks and miscellanies 33,234 50 Due by other banks 419,888 21 UnitedStates bonds 638,000 00 Specie, Legal Tender and National Bank notes, and fractional cur rency 671,948 61 Clearing bonse checks 34,355 88 $3,189,201 67 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $1,164,150 00 Profits and earnings 449,360 30 Unpaid dividends and suspense ac count 13.828 37 Duetoother banks 2,164 72 Deposits 1.559,700 22 S3,189.al 67 Tbe above statement is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. .W. ROSEBURG, cashier. Sworn to and subscribed this first .day of March, 1889, before me. GEORGE L WHITNEY, notary public mh2-95 AMUSEMENTS. GRAND OPERA HOUSE MARGARET MATHER, Supported bv J. B. Studley. To-day's Matinee "ROMEO AND JUIJET." Evening "PEG wurr-iJNUTUJN." Week March 4-JOSEPH MURPHY, mhl B IJOU THEATER- MURRAY & MURPHY. "OUR IRISH VISITORS." Next week "The Fugitive." H ARRIS THEATER .Every Afternoon and Evening, TRUE IRISH HEARTS. March 4 Palmer's "Danltes" Co. f e24-I9-T H ARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night Matinees Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. GUS HILL'S WORLD OF NOVELTIES. The Golden Boom. fe24-21 pASINO MUSEUM Week of February 25 Welches, Charles and JenniejMillie Antoinette, George Derious. Ad miral Dot and others. Admission, loc Open from 10 A. M. until 10 P. If. fe24-20 LEGAL NOTICES. FTHE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States, for the Western district of Pennsylvania, Bovard. Rose. &Company-No 2 5, Term and otners i 1889 The steamboat Mayflower. dn admiralty.) Notice is hereby given that tbe undersigned has been appointed commissioner to report schedule- for the distribution of the fund realized from the sale of said steamboat, and that he will act nnder said appointment at tbe clerk's office of raid court, at Pittsburg, Pa., on THURSDAY, March 14. 1889. at 2 o'clock P. M. S. C. McCANDLESS, Commissioner. fe27-100-D J. M. FRIEDMAN, Solicitor. No. 410 Grant street Pittsburg. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN application will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania on the 13th day of March A. D. 1889. by Jacob Loebig, J. J. Egll, Carl Troetscbal, Carl Wilkewitz, Ernest Conrad, Gustav Kubl, Henry Bauer and others, under the act of Assembly entitled an "act to pro vide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved April 29. 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called The German Workingmen Publishing Company of Allegheny county, Pennsylvania," the character and object of which is tbe transaction of a printing and publishing business and the establishment of a German daily newspaper lor public circulation, devoted to the interests and welfare of the workingmen of all classes; and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy the rights, benefits and privileges of said act of Assembly and the supplements thereto. fel6-30-s HnU5E5FDFUlJ FOR SALElnd TO LET. 3 rooms up to 10 rooms. In the beautiful borough of Knoxville. only IK miles from city postoffice. Beautiful homes are sold on payments the same as rent By all means visit Knoxville before taking your house for another year. Never have there been such oppcrtunities for people to get homes. 49-Take Southside cars to Twelfth street, and Mt Oliver Incline and Street Railway, or to Thirteenth street, and the Electric Railway. MOXVILLE LASDIMPROYEMEiNT CO. OFFICE, 85 KNOX AVENUE, fe8-57-TTSSa KNOXVILLE BOROUGH. DR. SMITH, THE MAGNETIC PHYSICIAN, At the SEVENTH AVE. HOTEL, will give A FREE LEETURE To men NEXT 8UNDAY at 2 o'clock p. JL, IMPERIAL HALL, Corner Seventh avenue and new Grant street At the close of the lecture tbe Doctor will heal the sick free of charge. Everybody invited. No ladies admitted. mhl-58 CONSUME YOUR OWN. GARBAGE IN stoves and ranges while using the same for cooking, or any other purpose, by using the Eureka Garbage Burner. For illustrative cir cular, containing full information, call on or address , JAMES ANDERSON, 63 East Diamond street, je5-n57-TT3 Allegheny.Pa. A E. LINKENHElMER, ARCHITECT, 645 Smithfleld street. Pittsburg, Pa. Freihelts Freund Building, second floor. fe2Ml-D Walter J. Osborne. Richard Barrows. BARROWS & OSBORNE JOB PRINTERS, 90 Diamond street Telephone No. 812 se2-k5S-TT8Sn it A. BALPH, ' BUILDING CONTRACTOR, 41 Seventh avenne, Pittsburg. Pa. Telephone 1344. se5-n60TT3 ' HHW..K ,v (99) ' i i -i. ii i ivf ' 'C 1 i H ' This "Rent LM" is published only Jjifc the "Pittsbure Disoatch" Wednesday andt NEWADVERTISEMESTaS Saturday, without expense to landlord, ij V -U SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth Avenue, Real Estate Agents. Established 187& Renting and Collecting a Specialty. & STOKE KOOMS, ETC. Liberty St., W7, 3-sty. brick warehouse, 2,803 yr. Third Ave, 148, opp. U. S. P. O. store K. 20x48, nlate ?ls.ga windows, cellar. 850 mo. Fourth Ave, 1S2. Jsty, 10K., ;.400yr. Ninth St, IL store K.. 2 K , cellar, $2 mV Sixth St, 24. elegsnt larjce store room, oa 2d Soar. '" sky light In center, large windows front and . rear, giving abundance of light handsome) stairway lrom the front: SS0O yr. Liberty ave., near 8tb, 2nd floor, 20x110, elevator, SLCOOyr. Grant St 113. 2 sty, store, CO. West Carson St. S. S.. 718. store. 5 K., fS mo. Lowry and Clark, A.C. store. 58x40, 7 K., J384JT. Lowry St., A. U., store, 20x40. 7 K., $380 yr. Western Ave, 237 rear, 2B-. 18x2) ea,, W0yr. Eagle and Cooper sts. store, 4 K cellar. 22 mo. Second ave., near Soho, 3 acres; IE. K. siding; river front: sheds, offices, etc. 1,200 yr. .. Wood St.. 204 and 206, 2d floor wareroom, 30x81 ' with 2 offices andelevator. SLOOOyr. Sixth St. and Liberty, basement good light, gases, WO yr. OFFICES. Fourth ave., 99, 2d floor front 2 elegant large of fices, modern tront windows, both gases, mar ble mantels, folding doors; excellent place for Insurance office. GOO yr. Fourth ave., 99, 2d floor rear, 3 rooms, water. nat and art gas, inside w. c. 350 per year. 1G0 Fourth ave.. Desk Boom, 1st floor office, nicely carpeted, 60 yr. Fourth ave.. Wl, 2d floor front two large con necting offies, nat gas, 30 mo. Fifth ave. A ood Jt.; offices, single and In smta in the new 6 story "Eisner Building;" Fifth ave. entrance Crane elevator, steam beat janitor services, etc.; floor plans can be seen at this office. Bent free to April 1. Tenn Building," Fenn ave., near Seventh st, offices, sln-de or in snite in the elegant new 3 , stoiy building, 2 Crane elevators, beat and Janitor services: rents exceptionally low. Floor plans can be seen at this office Fourth ave., 103, 2d floor rear, 3 B., nat gas, etc, . 20 mo. Fourth ave., 105, 1st floor rear, 3 K., bothgisiea, 25 mo. Fourth ave., 152, 3 sty. JOB. 1.400 yr. l'ennave., 0C6. lstfloor, 2K. 50Oyr. Fourth ave., 152, 2 K. 1st floor. SuOyr. Wood St., 204-208. 1st floor, 1 K. (3m yr. Water St., 143, front office. 2d floor. 15x31. 173 yr, Water St., 143, front office, 2d floor, 15 ft. sq. 150 yr. PITTSBCKG DWELLINGS. Centerave.. 95, 2-sty, 7 K. and stable. 500 yr. Center ave., 95, rear, 2-sty. 2 B., 10 mo. Forbes, 333, 2-sty, 8 It., mod. Imp- 40 mo. Ann, near Chestnut 2-sty, 4 It, IS mo. Cassett st.. Murphy's court 2d house, 2-sty, 2 B., fl 50 mo. Cassett St., Murphy's court, 3d house, 2-sty, 2 E., 87 50 mo. Grant St, 113. 2 sty, 6K.. SSOmo. Town-end, 30, 2-sty.. 10 K., near cable, all modern Imp. nice yard, i50O yr. Filth ave. 3MJ6, 10 K. line residence, mod. imp., flnelv finished, large yard, TOO yr. Tustln490), 2-sty., 6R. andattlc$S mo. Fifth ave., 573, new 2-story brlcc dwelling, stone trimmings. 8 rooms, hall, hath, w. c, latin- . dry, nat. and art gas, etc, 500 yr. Fourth ave., 152, 3-sty. S K. modern Imp.. 720 yr. Wylle ave., 128, 12 It .Nat. gas and water free, 00 mo. Forbes St.. 84,2-sty.7. K., mod. Imp.. 400 yr. Fifth ave., 4712. Shadyslde, 2-sty, 11 B. 50 mo. Townsend st, 42, 2-sty. 7 K., mod. Imp., 23 mo. Thirty-third st. near Webster ave., 2-sty, 5K., nat. gas and water. 15 mo. Ann bet. Jumonvllle A Seneca, 2 new 2-sty, 4E. each., mod. Imp., 15 mo. Liberty ave. 4749. 2-sty. 8 It., mod. imp., 3) mo. Liberty ave., 4747, 2-sty, 8 It., mod. imp., BO mo. Liberty ave., 4745, 2-sty, 8 K., mod. Imp., 20 mo. . Liberty ave., 4741, 2-sty, 8 K., mod. Imp., 20 no,' Second ave., 17. 5 K.. 22 mo. Bedford ave. 222. 2-sty, 6 It A attic. 240 yr. Decatur St., 1st floor, 4 K., nat gas and w. free, "ES mo. Decatur st, lstfloor, 2K., nat gas andw. free, SIS mo. Ridge st. near 33d, 7 R,, f 13 mo. Illdi-e st. near 33d. fi R.. SI4 mo. :-. Lawn st near Forbes.2 2-sty. o B. ea.5 15 mo. ex. "n-v -jornay St., i-ioomneiu, 4 n., an mo. - -joraay be.. juooDineia, 4.1., fin Solar -t., Soho, 2 It, basement 5 mo. Fowardave, d wd, 2-sty., 3 It, 6 mo. 50 mo. Herron ave., rear 93, 2-sty. 4 B-, cellar. 12 mo. 140 Crawford St. near Fifth ave., 2-sty, mansard, SB., gas, water, etc, 25. ALLEGHENY DWELLINGS. Rebecca St., 203, 2-sty, 5 It, good yard, (300 yr. Liberty St., 110, 2-sty and man., 8 B., mod. imp.. Liberty st, 112, 2-sty and man., 8 B., mod. imp., 550JT. Pike st, 39, 2 B. on first floor. 3 mo. Irwin ave, 89, X-sty., 9 K., 35 mo. Locust it., 31, 2-sty., IB., mod. ,1m p., 30 mo. Vetost, 8. a It, 12 mo. Observatory ave., 2-sty.. 10 K.. mod. Imp.,Myr, Lowry and Clark., store K., cellar,? B., 384 yr. Lowry, Troy Hill, store, 7 ft, 360 yr. llsworth, 5, near lrwln, new 3-sty.. 6 R., 20 mo, Gallagher, 55, 2-sty., S It, mod. imp., 15 mo. Gallagher. 57, 2-sty.. S B., mod. imp., 15 mo. Laurel alley, 4 B. and attic f IS mo. Spring Hill, 10 acres vineyard and4B., JsS0yr Superior sta., 1 acre ground. 10 It- honse, $325 JTV " Madison ave, 243& second floor, 2 It, 9 mo. EAST END DWELLINGS. Fifth ave.. 3606, 10 K.. mod. imp., fine residence ' ' large yard, (700yr.:on cable line. Fifth ave., cor. Emerson, 2-sty .,10 It, mod. Imp., delightful home 750 yr. ; on cable line. Frankstownave., 412. 2-sty.'SK., 400 yr. Neville st, 1st from Fifth ave., 8 B., large lot, fruit and shade trees, 300 yr. Arch st, 117. 3 B., 8 mo. Graxlerst.. 7006, near Dallas sta., 5B., TOrao. J Kace st Edgewood, near station, 5 B., 413 mo. Mignonette st, 5631, 2 sty., 4 B.,25 mo. 6633 Mignonette 2-sty, 4B.. 13 mo. &82S Penn, 5 B., 25 mo. College ave., 2-sty, 6 B., 25 mo. Ellsworth ave.. near Koup sta.. 2-sty, 8 K., 43 tad Harvard, 4th house 2B., J. Men, tenant, 8 mo. Harvard, 3d house, 2 It, A. Thornton, tenant (Smo. J St. Andrews St., 3 B., Geo. Hardin, ten., (8 50 ma SOUTHSIDE DWELLINGS. Carson st. 2523, 2-sty. store and 6 B., attic Sad Josephine st, 1906, 4 It. good yard.. 15 mo. ' McLean ave.. Mt Oliver Incllnenew,8B.,(lSmck West Carson st, 716. store Itand 5 it, 35 mcv Beltzhoover boro.. Washington ave, 2-sty, 4 B and finished attic, 12 mo. A. Holtz, tenant. B.4 0.K.K. DWELLINGS. Glenwood, 2nd av., 2-story mansion 15 E., 4 acres) of ground, city water, etc, L000. Glenwood, Benovast, 2-sty., It. 31. Glenwood, Blair St. 2-sty., SK.. tls. Forward av., 22 wd., 2-sty., IK., 3 mo. P., FT. W. A a B. B. DWELLINGS. -v Sewlckley, Centennial, near Nevln. 2-sty, 8 B., ,: fi acre lot 240 yr. ;- Superior Sta.. 10 K., fruit etc, $325 yr. Laurel Sta., 5 K. house near sUtion. 225 yr. Laurel Sta., 6 K. honse, near station, 275 yr. Laurel SU., 4 K. bouse, near station, 132 yr. Sewlckley, Thorn st 8 It, formerly occupied by A. Baldwin. 35 mo. Same with carpets, blinds now in house 45 Sewlckley, l'a.. Broad st, 1 square from station, - completely furnished. 10-room brick house, bath, w. c. etc.. 850 per mo. Sewlckley, Frederick ave.. near Little st, for', roerly occupied by Mr. Weaver, 6 rooms, bas- lnent kitchen, (16 mo. ? STABLES. i Bear Fenn ave.. 410, stable 5 stalls, (20 mo. South Diamond, near Union ave., A. C, stable, 4 (bills- JT!40 vr. ' Linton, near Overhlll, stable and 2 B., (12 mo, Immediate possession. LAHDLORDS! j; center ave.. zis, z-sty., a n., r- mo., moa.imp, ? - Seventh ave., 41, 4 K., 2d floor, ISOyr. , , Linton, near Overhlll, 2 K. and stable, (12 mo. ,: 621 Fifth ave., cor. Wyandotte st, 2-sty, SB.. ii In order to secure the benefits of this "'& method -of reaching tenants, without ex' SJ pense to you, please have a memoran-,- f dum of your houses at our office by 4 j'.'v, P. ftL each Tuesday ana rnaay. BAMUELW. BLACK i M .si 99 FOURTH AVENUE. T Cf,lVl,rM4 vCQ U)WUIUUhU 1UU, -Ji,i x -A3 l-.i i V - I - k Aii . A&?2i ..rl -tj ;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers