KX22E3 fw? PPff Ky5 EfflK THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH,' TUEDAY7rlMAE0Hr t ' A Jus "fr iT -?r . a Remarket basket. - t Strawberries From Florida Begin to Appear in Market, ilGAME WiKIKG-PODLTRT SCARCE. Fish and Oyster Trade is Quiet Preparatory to Lent last. .ACTiYf! TEADE IN FLORAL LINES. Office of Pittsbcbg Dispatch. J r kidai, iuaxou x, low. y At tbe fruit and vegetable stalls of Dia mond Market a more hopeful feeling pre vails than since the holidays. Trade ap pears to look up as spring approaches. The first strawberries of the season show 'jp from Florida this week at 51 25 a quart. Tropical fruits are in good supply at old rates. Fancy oranges are, however, growing scarce, and higher prices cannot be far away. In tbe line of staple meats tliero are no new features of interest. Cattle are as low as ever, and neither drovers nor cattle feeders can find any comfort in the sit uation. Butchers, however, have little cause of complaint, as every L5U0 rourd steer they cntup must yield a prohtof $30 above what be would have yielded last fall. If there was a fair profit under the old regime there must be a bonanza now, as consumers pay all the sarnie for tbeir roasts and tender loins. Jobbing rates of butter have declined since last week, but not enough to4 affect retail prices. Good country butter is in better sup ply than for several weks past. A peddler whose beat runs far into thePanbandle reports that there it's no trouble procuring all the good country butter wanted at leasonable rates. Seldom has the supplv been as Rood at this season, a fact attributed to the open winter and the good grazing for cons. Apples of the choicest variety are abundant within 30 miles of Pittsburg at 25 cents per bushel. Transportation to markets over such roaas as we have "been having the past winter doubles the cost. Plenty of Luxuries. At fish and oyster stalls business is reported Slack for this week. Dealers say that the lull tbey are having this week always precedes Lent. Tbe good time for the trade will be fully on after the 6th of March, md, according to the experience of former years, will hold np until the Fourth of July. Red salmon from the Gnlf of Mexico, and the finest shad from .North Carolina are in full supply on fish stalls. The latter, which showed up for the first time the past week, sell at $1 00 to SI 50 each. The season for game is prac tically at an end. Florists report an improvement on trade of last week, with no change in prices. It is difficult to meet the demand for lilacs. A leading florist who laid in a large supply this morning, f ound.be had not been large enough in his views by tbe middle of the afternoon. All lilacs disappeared and more were wanted. Following are latest retail prices for Satur day's market basket filling: SI eats. The prices called for at the Diamond Markets remain unchanged. The beat cuts of tenderloin steak range from 20 to 25c, with the last figure for very fancy, which are very often no bet ter than tbe 20c article; sirloin, best cuts, from 18 to 20c: standing nb roast, 15 to 20c; chuck roast. 10 to 12c; est round steaks. 15c; boiling beef, 5 to 8c: sweet oreads. Sac per pain Deef kidneys, 10c apiece; beef liver, 5c a pound: calf livers. 25c apiece; corned beef from 5 to 10c per pound. Veal for stewing commands 10c: roast, 12 to 15c: cutlets. 20c per pound; spring limbs, fore quarter, 12K to 15c: hind quarters, 15 to 20c. A leg of mut ton, bind quarter, of prune quality, brings 12J$c; fore quarter, 8c; loin of mutton. 15c Vegetables and Frnit. Jersey sweet potatoes, 25c a half peck; potatoes,15ca half peck; celery.10 to 15c a bunch; squash, 15 to 35c; tomatoes, 50c per quart box; pumpkin. 15 to 25c; cabbage, 5 to 10c; aooles, 15c to 20c half peck; bananas, 15 to 25c a dozen: lemons. 25 to 30c per dozen: oranges. 35g) 50c; Malaga grapes, 25c per pound; onions. 25c a half peck; spinach, 25c per half peck; lettuce,10c per buncn.3 tor 25c: radishcs,5c per bunch; cran berries, 15c per quart: cucumbers, 25 to 35c a piece; mushrooms, SI pound; strawberries, SI 25 a quart. Game. Pigeons, 50c a pair. Quail, $f 50 -to $5 00 a dozen. Pheasants, S2 CO a pair. Prairie chick .ens, 2 00 a pair. Butter, Eggs and Poultry. - The best creamery butter is 40c Fancy pound rolls of country butter are 50c The ruling retail price for eggs is 20c Choice country eggs bring 25c The range for dressed chickens is $1 to 51 60 per pair. Turkeys, 20c per pound; fancy, 25c Fish and Oysters. Following are the articles in this line still on the stalls, with prices: Lake salmon, 12c; Cali fornia salmon, 40c pound; white fish, 12Jc; her ring, 4 poundsfor2oc;fresh mackerel, 3oc apiece; Spanish mackerel 45c to 50c a pound: sea sal mon. 40c a pound: bine fish, 20c; perch. 10c; halibut, 2oc; rock bass, 30c: black bass, 20c: lake trout. 12c: lobsters. 25c; green sea turtle. 23c Oysters: standard, SI per pallon; select, SI 50 ' to SI 75; N. Y. counts, SI 75 per gallon: snaps, 90c: shell oyster. 25c dozen; smelts, 20 to 25c pound; clams, SI 25 gallon; scollops, 50c a quart. Flowers. La France, roses, S3 50 per dozen; Bride roses, S3 00 per dozen; Perles, SI 25 per dozen; Klphetos. SI 25 per dozen; Bennetts, $2 00 per dozen: Magna Cbarta roses, $1 00; American Beauty, 50c51 00 apiece; Mermets, 52 00 per dozen; De Wattville, SB 00; carnations 0 cents a dozen; Violets, S2 09 a hnndred; Tjilv of the Valley, 75c per dozen; Maiden Hair fern, 50c per doz. fronds. Bermuda Easter lilies. $3 00 per dozen; tulips, 75c per dozen; mignonette, 75c per dozen; lilacs, SI 50 a bunch; daffodils, 75c per dozen; Dutch hya cinths, 20c apiece; freezia, 50c a bunch. LITE STOCK MARKETS. Condition of the Market at tbe East Liberty Stock Tarda. OFFICE OF PlTTEBUEG DISPATCH,! Friday. Mrch 1, 1SS9. Cattle Receipts, 1,900 bead: shipments, 6,500 head; nothing doing: all through consign ments. No shipments to New York. HOGS Receipts. 3.603 head; shipments. 3.700 bead; market dull; medium Philadelphias, W 754 SO: heavy hogs, S4 604 70: pics and Yorkers, S4 90. bhipped to New York. 13 cars. Sheep Receipts, 2,000 bead; shipments, 5,000 head; nothing doing. i By Telegraph. Kansas Crrr Cattle Receipts, 2,093 head: shipments, 383 head: strong and active; dressed beef and shipping steers irregular and 520c higher; cows, stockers and feeding steers steady; good to choice cornfed, $4 004 20: Common to medium. S2 S03 75: stockers and feeding steers, SI 603 20; cows. 1 252 75; Hogs Receipts,, 7,062 head; shipments, 322 bead; opened steadv, but w eakened and closed . clouer;light weights weaker; assorted heavy preferred; good to choice. S4 304 35; common to medium, $1 154 25. Sheep Receipts, 2,400 bead; shipments. 523; active and a shade high er; good to choice muttons, $4 304 60; com mon to medium, $2 503 SO. New York Beeves Receipts, j57 carloads for city slaughterers direct, 54 carloads for ex portation alive and dead, and 33 carloads for 1 the market. The trading was dull at an ' changed prices, with a trifle firmer feelinc Ordinary to prime steers, all natives, scIdS3 70 4 45 per 100 pounds; bulls at S250350, and Cry cows S3 253 50. Exports to-day 2,440 quar ters of beef. Sheep Receipts, 6,450 bead; trade fair at easier prices, with a good clearance at t4506 00 per 100 pounds for sheep and S5 50 7 25 for lambs. Hogs Receipts. 1300 head, all for slaughterers direct; market nominally steadyat S3 355 65. ST. Lotus Cattle Receiots. 1.000 head; ship ments. 900 lad; market a shade higher; choice heaw native steers, S3 804 30; fair to good do, .5 003 90; stockers and feeder, fair to good, SI 802 95: rangers, corn-fed. $3 753 40: grass-led. 81 802 So. Hogs-Receipts. 4,100 head; shipments. 2,700 head; market easy? choice heavy and butchers' selections, S4 35 04 55; packing, medium to prime. 4 30 4 55; light grades, ordinary to bet, S4 404 to. Sheep Receipts, 375 bead; shipments. 200 head; market steady; fair to choice, S3 005 25. CHICAGO Cattle Receipts. 6.000 bead; ship ments. 4.000 head; market stronger; beeves, S4 20gM 75: steers. S3 004 10: stockers and feeders, $2 15Q3 55; cows, bulls and mixed, 1 603 10. Hoss Receipts. 2C.HC0 head; ship ments,9,UU0 head: market slow and 5c lower; mixed, S1404-C0; beaw. 4 354 55; light, 454 70; pigs $ 504 60. Sheep Receipts, 7,000 bead: Bhipments,3.t00.bead: market strong; -natives. 3 605 10; western, 4 404 90; lambs, 4jqooo. Buffalo Cattle Receipts. 1,000 bead through, 160 bead for sale; nothine sold up to noon: feeling weak. Sheep and Iambs Dull; 10S15c lower; reccints. BOO head through: 8.000 head for r ale; good sheep, 4 65S5 15: pood 1-.. .1. Itf. ? T, A ...(- . ...ifl mifU lower: receipts, 4,500 head through: 6,750 bead for sale; mediums. 4 801 90; Yorkers, $4 90 CixcnnfATi Hoes abundant and lower: , common and light, 3 754 75: packing and ..butchers. 4 5064 70., Receipts, 6,300 -head; RBuiiuusufcB, w ucaa. .- MABKETS BY WIRE. Whent Dull, But a "Trifle Higher Com Moves Up Oats Featureless Bor Products Active, But Prices Weak nnd Unsettled. CHICAGO Trading In wheat to-day was be low the average of the past few. days, and a quiet and dull feeling prevailed. Fluctuations .were confined within narrow limits, the entire range being Jc. and closed about He higher than yesterday. There was no outside business to speak of, and only limited local trading. The deliveries of wheat on March'contracts were light. There was a lack of outside news. Corn ruled quiet and inactive early in the session, but fairly active toward tbe close. Trading was quite large, but confined to transactions between local operators. The feel ing generally was very firm, offerings being only moderate, while a very fair demand ex isted. The market opened at yesterday s clos Ing prices, declined &- advanced He ruled steady and closed KK nigbertban yesterday. Oats were quiet and steady, with no marked tendency. There were no deliveries on March Contracts. t - , v A fairly active trade was reported in hog products, but the feeling was rather unsettled. The weakness in the hog market had some effect early in the day, and sales of the specu lative articles were made at lower prices. The deliveries on March contracts were limlted,and ftie prospect of the report of stocks on hand showing onlv a slight increase had a strength ening influence later and prices rallied again. Outside prices, however, were not supported to the close and the market closed rather quiet. The leadlnc futures raneea as follows: Whkat-No. 2 March, SI 045gl 04: May. SI 07J1 mUl 07Jl 07k: June, J01H 102i&l01?i102iifjuly. 969493Mfe Cokx-No. 2 March. 84K34h'c; May. 35 3Si4338c: June. a3J0Mc ViigixrysWiXK; June, ognsogyit. ., Oats-No. 2 March. 2&c: May. 27Ji27K 27K?27iic: June, 2b26Jfcc AIess Tore, per bbk-March. Sll C5ll 15 ll 05U 15; Mav, Sll 20U 37U 17J 11 30; June, 11 3011 40U S0U 40. Lard, per 100 tts March. S6 67K6 70 0 05S6 70; May, S6 77i6 S0&6 756 bO; June, 6 806 82X- Short Ribs, per 100 tts. March, 5 85 5 90: May. S00O6 056 006 05; June, 6 C 6 12M6 07b 12J4. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour firm and unchanged; No. 2 spring wheat. SI 04K1 OiU; No. S spring wheat, nominal; No. 2red, 1 0J$1 04. No. 2 corn. 34Kc bid. o. 2oats,25c No.i2 rye.43JJc No. 2 barley, nominal. Nn. 1 flaxseed, SI 41 Prime timothy seed. 1 4301 45. Mess pork, per barrel, 11 12KU 25. Lard, per 100 lbs. 8 7a Short nbs sides (loose), to S55 95; dry salted shoulders (boxed), S5 255 37; short clear sides (boxed), $6 12K66 Sugars cut loaf, unchanged. Receipts Flour, 8,000 barrels; wheat, 34,000 bushels: corn, 133.000 busbels; oats. 120,000 bush els: rye, 6,000 bushels: barley, 33;000 bushels. Shipments Flour. 7,000, bar rels; wheat. 14,000 busbels; corn. 106,000 bush els: oats 69.000 bushels; rye, 5,000 bushels; barley, 18.000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was easv; fancy creamery. 2526c; good to choice. 2021JCc; fancy dairy. 2021c; good to choice. 1SJU. Eggs steady at 1213c New York Flour firm and fairly active. Wheat Spot dull: options He higher. Bar ley and barley malt quiet. Corn Spot dull and easy; options firm and quiet. Oats Spot dull and weaker; options dull 'and steady. Hay quiet and steadv; shipping, 6570c; good to choice, 8095c Coffee Options opened steadv and 5 points down to 5 points up, closed firm, 15 20 points np; sales, 39,250 bass, including March, ia3016.50c; Annl 16.4516.50c; Mav. 16.30ffll6.55c; June, 16.5016.60c; July, 16.50 16.70c; August, 16.60016.85c; September, 16.75 16.95c; October, 16.801700e: December, 16.80 I7.00c; January, 16.85017.00c: spot Rio strong and higher; fair cargoes at 18Jc Sugar Raw strong; fair refining, 4c: centnfrugals, Odtst, 5J c; refined quiet and steady. M olasses F01 eign firm Mid quiet: New Orleans quiet. Rice firm and quiet. Cottonseed oil firm. Tallow lower; sales, 200 hhds. city at 4c Rosin in fair de mand and-steady. Turpentine firm; small sales at 4950c closine at 50c Eggs dull and weaker: Western. 14l4jc: receipts. 6.4OT pack ages. Pork more active and steady: old mess 12: new mess, 12 5012 75; extra prime. $12 00 V2 25. Cntmeats firmer; pickled shoulders, 655?ic; pickled hams, 910c: pickled bel lies. 12 lbs avc, 7c Middles dull; short clear, 8 40. Lard quiet and about steady: western steam, 7 12J: citr, 6 75; March. 87 11, closing at 7 12; AnriL 7 12; May, 7 11714, closing at S7 14: June, 7 117 15, closing at S7 15: July, 7 16; August, S7 19; September. $7 2L Butter about steady, fair demand; western dairv. 13$20c: do creamery, 15&&4c Elgin, 29K30c Cbeese quiet; western, IOkUUc St.Louis Flcnr quiet and unchanged. Wheat The opening was better but at once weak ened off. and subsequently was very dull with little change: later the market stiffened upon reports of a cold wave coming, closing quiet at about ic above vesterdaj ; So. 2 red, cash, 96Kc; Jiay. 9!e5SJic dosing at 9S5gc bid; June, 955c closins at 95JC bid; July, ti85 SSSJ-gC, closing at Soic asked. Corn firm: Nu. 2 mixed, cash. 2SJ-aKc; March, 2SZbJsc closing at 2Sc bid; April, 28c, clos.ug at 29Kc bid: Slay. 3031Hc. closine at 310 bid; July, 32i32Jc closiug at 32&c bid. JQmts steady; N o. 2 cjsh, 25c; May. 27ic Rye lower; No. 2, 45c Barley slow; Iowa. 65c: Wisconsin. 71c Flaxseed quotable at 1 60. Provisions quiet and essentially unchanged. Cincinnati Flour easy. Wheat dull: No. 2 red, 96c: receipts, 500 bushels; shipments 500 bnshels Corn quiet: No. 2 mixed. 33c Oats heavj : No. 2 mixed. 26c Rye dull; No. 2, 52c Pork dull at Sll 50. Lard dull at 6 606 75. Bulkmeats and bacon firm and unchanged. Butter easier and low er; fancv Elgin creainerv, 31c: choice dairy roll, 1617c Sugar steady and firm. Eggs quiet. Cheese steady. Philadelphia Flour dull, and prices ruled in buvers' favor. Wheat very dull, and prices of options were wholly nominal. Corn Options weak and closed-a shade lower; car lots dull. Oats dull and barely steady. Butter dull and weak; Pennsylvania creamery extra, 28c; Penn sylvania prints extra, 30c Eggs weaker; Penn sylvania firsts 14c Milwaukee Flour steady. Wheat firm; cash, 91Jic; Mv, 962c; July, 94c Corn firm: No. 3, 3131Kc Oats easier: No. 2 white, 27 28c Re easier: No. L44c. Barley steady; No.2,59J-Jc Provisions steady. Pork quiet at Sll 12J. Lard, S6 7a Cheese firm; Cheddars, 10Jllc Baltimore Provisions unchanced. Bntter firm: best roll, 1318c; creamery, 20g2Sc Eggs easy at 14c Cofiee strong; Rio. fair, lSglSJic. Toledo Cloverseed dull and steady; cash and March, S4 80; April, S4 85. Receipts, 220 bags; shipments, 944 bags. BRITISH IROF. Pig Active, With Prices Irreeular, but Strong Trade Improvlnc. Special Eeport by Cable for the American Manu facturer. London, February 28. Scotch Pig This market continues active with advanced prices. No. IColtness 51s Od. to. b. Glasgow No. 1 Summerlee 52s. 5d. to. b. Glasgow No. 1 Gartsherrie 51s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow No. 1 LaneJoan.. .azs do. 1. o. d. uiasgow ,45s 6d. f. o. b. Glasgow ,51s Od. f. o. b. Glaseow No. 1 Carnbroe.. No. 1 Shotts, Ko. 1 UlengarnocK ivs. ua. at -ararossan. No. 1 Dalmellington ...45s Od. at Ardrossan. NclEglmton 4ds 6d. at Ardrossan. Bessemer Pig Active market with prices somewhat irregular but stroug. West Coast brand? quoted at 46s 9d forNos 1, 2, 3, f. o. b. shipping point. Middlesbrough Pig Market continues active and prices holding stronger. Good brands quoted at 36s Od. for No. 3. f. a b. Spiegeleisen 1 his market holds firm and demand good. English 20 per cent quoted at 80s . f. o. b. at works Steel Rails A firm but qniet market con tinues Standard sections quoted at 4 Os f. o. b. shipping point. Steel Blooms This market is barely steady, but business is fair. Bessemer 7x7 quoted 3 17s Cd. f. o. b. shipping point. Steel Billets Market continues firm and demand good. Bessemer (size 2x2) quoted at 4 5s f. o. b. shipping point. Steel Slabs This market has grown dull, with prices rather weak. Ordinary sizes quoted at 3 17s 6d.f. o. b. shipping point.' urop Ends No chance In prices, market slow. Run of the null quoted at 2 12s 6d. f. q.0. shipping point. Steel Wire Rods Dull market and tirices unchanged. Mild steel. No. 6,quoted at 5 17s 6d. f. o. b. shipping port. Old Rails 1 here has been no material chance in this market since last week. Tees quoted at 3 5s Od. and double heads at 3 10s Od. c i. f. New York. Scrap Iron Steady market but demand moderate. Heavy wrought quoted at 2 6s Od. f. o. b. shipping points Jlanufacturedlron Market steady and trade good. Stafford, ord. marked bars(f.o.b.L,pool)8 12s 6d " common bars 0 0sCd512s0d blk. sheet singles 0 0s Od 712s 6d Welsh.bara, tab. Wales... 5 Os 0d 0 0s Od Steamer Freights Glasgow to New York, 6s Od. Liverpool to New York. 10s. Od. Wool Markets. Philadelphia Wool quiet and nominal. NewYoek Wool dnli and easy: domestic fleece, 323Sc; pulled, 2338cj Texas 15827c ST. Loins Wool quiet and steady, withrof f erings lighL Ol ADA DCI I C retail the laint and ULAlIM DCULC brightest metropolitan gossip in to-morrotrf Dispatch. She tea of a girl who danced to gain wealth and a hut band, Mr. Cleveland1 entree into Ifew York society and Ward McAllister' dresdul dilemma. I such Dr. Bull's Congh Syrup is the means. to employ. FROM DIRT TO STONE. Changes in Pittsburg Pavements From the Earliest Times. THE FIRST STREET MPfiOVEMENT. Petrcleum Surprises the Bears by Display in"; Unexpected Backbone. LOCAL STOCKS GETTING OUT OF THE BUT The evolution of Pittsburg pavements from the original material dirt to Ligon ier stone blocks, constitutes an interesting chapter pf local history. It has taken nearly .100 years to bring the streets of the city from their natural condition to what they are to-day. The first pavement laid down in Pittsburg wis of cobble-stones on Short, JTerry and Liberty streets, from First avenue down. This was in 1805. 'As in all new communities, the original pavement was Mother ISarth, which, in seasons of wet weather, became almost impracticable for teams and pedestrians Among the tradi tions that have come down from that prim itive time are several relatine to teams sticking in the mud on the principal thorough fares and having to be pulled out by block or windlass As the city grew and business increased, this style of pavement became impracticable. About 1810 cobblestones began to be generally used. They were found in great abundance in the rivers, especially the Allegheny, and were brought down in boats from points 100 miles above the city. They made a solid, durable road, and were cheap, but they were hard on horses and vehicles as well as pedestrians and were almost as rough as the corduroy roads in the West Still they were a decided improve ment on their predecessor, and were in general use for 40 or 50 years About 1850 plank roads became fashionable this material being put down on tbe principal avenues Penn and Fifth (then called Fourth) as far out as Sobo and Hazelwood, while in the central parts of the city aspbaltum was the popular material Plank made a smooth road, but It was short-lived, decaying rapidly and re quiring constant repairs. It proved very costly in the end. A relic of the plank-road age lingers between Allegheny and Perrysville. Asphaltum gave better satisfaction, being easily and cheaply repaired, but its smooth, glassy surfaco In wet, freezing weather was an objection which outweighed its advantages By this time the city was large enough and rich enough to take another step forward in providing good streets Tbe question of choosing paving material was not so mnch one of money as of effectiveness and durability. Ligonier stone blocks which are said to com bine both of these qualities, were, after due consideration, selected for the purpose and are being put down on nearly all tbe streets The first cost is heavy, but this is compensated for, it is claimed, by the great durability of the material. The ease with which damages can be repaired and the satisfaction it elves to the public especially manufacturers and mer chants, who have the bulk of the heavy haul ing to do. GETTING OUT OP THE 1tUT. A Few of the Lending Stocks Show an Ad vanciaff Tendency. The stcck market yesterday was dull, but several of the so-called favorites were stronger. These included Philadelphia Gas, Electric, Switch and Signal and Pittsburg Traction. La Noria was weaker. The rest of the list showed no material change from Thursday. The total sales were 352 shares Bids and offers were: HORSING. ATTEBNOOS. STOCKS. Did. Asked. Bid. Asked. E. E. S. Bank, Lint.... 118 .... German .National 141 K.E.L. T. Co., AU'y 73H becond N 'IBank, Ally. 180 .National Ins 53 60 Allegheny Oaf Co., Ill ',26 Flttsburc Gas Co- I1L. 61 ta H. S. Gas Co. (llhun.) 38 FhUadelnhla Co M S7H 37Jf - 37 Wheeling Uas Co 2S)f Citizens Traction C9i 69) )lttsburc Traction. M4 Central. Traction I4K 24 Pitts. Traction Bonds VAX J06 l.,0.&&t.L.. K.K. U 154 MttsbnrR & Western 16M .... Ia JJoria M. Co 1 1' 13, 1 West'bonse Elec. 42 il 42 43 Unlonbwitch&blenal. 1&H 19 16H 19 Tb 3 morning salrs were 20 Electric at 42J. 10 at 4 2 at 43; 100 La Noria at 1, 35 Philadel phia Gas at 37 and 30 Switch and Signal at 18. In tne afternoon 50 shares Philadelphia Gas sold at 37, 50 La Noria at IX, and 55 Electric at 3- The total sales of stocks at New York yester day were 205,491 shares including: Atchison, 22,400; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 6,100; Erie. 2,500; Lake Shore, 7,145; Louis ville and Nashville. 5,120; Missouri Pacinc.3,870; Northwestern, 13,020; Northern Pacific pre ferred, 4,800; Oregon Transcontinental, 12,475; Heading, 9.838: Richmond and West Point, 4.800; St. Paul, 15,975; Union Pacific, 13,915; Western Union, 1L450. JIEADT FOE A CHANGE. Money Moving Alone in the Same Easy, Qnlct Way, The local money market presented the usual features yesterday. Counter business was moderate and the amount of paper offered for discount smalb Call loans were rated at o6 and time 67. Business between banks was fairly active, the exchanzes footing up $2,450, 087 31. and the balances S3S9,GSS 32. Money on call at New York yesterday was easy at 2 and 3 per cent., last loan 3, closed of fered at S. Prime mercantile paper 46; Ster ling exchange dull but steady at 4 86 for 60 day bills and $4 88 for demand. Government Bonds. Closing quotations in New York furnished The Dispatch by Robinson Bros. Wood street. Local dealers charge a commission of an eighth on small lots: ors. 4s reg . .. lWJSios U. b. 4!is. coups 107V103)i U.S. 4s rep 274(ai28 U. tt. 15, 1907, coups ,...12S)U9 Bid. Currency, 6 per cent. 1893 reg 120 Currency, Spercent. 1896 rejr. IK Currency, Bpercent, 1897 rejr 125 Currency, Spercent, lb98reg 128 Currency, Bpercent, 3899 re. wr Tbe coupon 4s are quoted ex-March 1 inter est. New York Clearings $102,702,432; balances $3,699,858. BostoW Clearimrs 115,147,853; balances SI, 950,13a Money 2K3 Per cent Philadelphia Clearings 910,632,412; bal-i ances Sl.532,017. Baltimobe Clearings $2,012,508; balances S2S0.4H. Chicago Money unchanged. Bank Clear, tags $9,891,000. COMES UP SMILING. The Bears Find It Hard Work to Break tbe Oil Mnrket. The oil market was as puzzling as ever yester day. It not only recovered from the previous day's depression, but was firm nearly all day, with a good deal of general trading.! The only important slump was caused by selling in New York. The initial quotation was 9 From 'this the market sold off to 9 from which point it slowly advanced to 92, at which itsold three times. It then weakened, with sales to 92, which were the closing figures. It was the opinion of several operators that to-day would' decide whether the marset would seek a hieher level and Jiold, or sell down again, with tbe chances in favor of the latter hypothesis Others held that the closing above tbe 92 line, in spite of strong bearish Influences and secret manipulation, was an indication that It pos sessed enouzb inherent strength to effectually resist all efforts to get it back into tbe old rut Jl. B. McGrew quotes puts 91J913c, calls 93Kc The foUowinir laBie, corrected by DeWitt Dll worth, broker In petroleum, etc , corner .Firth avenue and Wood street, .Pittsburg, shows' tne order of fluctuations etc: Time. j Bid.1 Ask. Time. Bid. Ask. Opened 1 S'"S 12.r. m.... "sl ii 0:15A. M.... 1 S1H l:00r. K... S1H 91 10:30a. M,... 81i MX 1:15 P. M.... 91 SlS 10:45a. Hi... 91 9!a laOP. M.... 91 93 11:00 A. M.... tl 91H l:4oP. v.... 91"4 92 1HI5A. M.... tiH "Ik 1:00 P. C.. 91' 1C ll:J0A. M.... 9IK li M5F. X.... 91 j SJi 11:45a. M.... 91V 91ft 2:3) F. M.... 92'4 KM' K:0OK 91J, 92, J:45P. X.... n Blji H:M r. M..., 91 01 Closed...... Ks .. li:30P. M...:t 9lg nx Opened SlMc; aiKnct. EKc: loWeit. lUe: clotea; KHe. . arrels. IMfty runs ,,....,.... 68.170 At wage raw , .i i,m Daily thlnments. ., . g.I Averace shipments - 78.514 llauv cnarter t .....v- 60, J17 Averace ensnerp, Ji'rli Clearances ..,..... ti.iiiii4,ti476,D00 .New York closed ai S2e- Oll City closed alfl-iMc. Bradrora closea at Slie. Uew York, retlned. I.loe. London, retlned. S 15-180. Antwerp, mined, 17C Other Oil Markets. OIL ClTT. March L National transit cer tificates opened, 91c; highest, 91Ko; lowest, OlJc; closed, 92ic Bradfoed, March L National transit certificates opened at 9ic; closed at 92c; highest. 92JJCS lowest. 91c Ttt6svilxe, March L National transit certificates opened at91c: highest, 92Xc; low est, giyic; close 92c New Yoee. March L Petroleum steady at 91Kc, and af teY a slight decline in tbe first hour advanced to 92Jc, closing firm at 92c Sales, 1,291,000 barrels HOLDS ITS 0.WN. A Good Demand Reported for Nearly All Descriptions of Property. The usual activity was noticeable in real estate circles yesterday. There was a good de mand for nearly all descriptions of property. Very few sales were reported, but several im portant deals were undertaken, which will be heard from later. W. A. Herron & Sons sold lot fronting on Devillicrs street,.EIeventh ward, 25x144, No. 69 Ruch plan, for $450. Lashell & Rankin, 67 Fourth avenue, sold for J. K. Jolly bouse and lot inCoraopolis to Frank M. Kennedy, for $2,850. James W. Drape & Co. sold a house with one acre of ground on Reed street. Thirteenth ward, for $7,000. Tbey also closed the sale of a house and lot on Monterey street. Allegheny, for $1,750, and sold a house and lot on Chestnut street for $4,600. They also placed two mort gages of $7,500 at Sana 8 per cent on Oakland property: also placed a' mortgage of 25,000 at 4 per cent on Allegheny residence property; also five mortgages of $2,200 on McKeesport and suburban properties at 6 per cent. Samuel W. Black t Co.. 99 Fourth avenue, sold a mortgage for $9,000 for three years at 5 per cent, free of State tax, on property.on Car son street, Soutbside. This firm reports a good demand for mortgages in large amounts and has recently placed several large ones at the above rate. - 1. M. Pennock & Son report the recent sale and settlement of a mortgage on city property for $15,000 at 4K per cent, no tax; also the sale of lot 26 in Byrnes' plan. Eighteenth ward, 25x333 feet, on Fifty-seventh street, to Thomas Jones, for $450. Black & Balrd sold to William Holmes a two story and mansard brick residence containing 14 rooms situate on the corner of Fifth avenue and Ditbndee street, lot 50x160 feet, with a good two-story frame dwelling in the rear, for $16,000. Sold for A."D. McKee, Esq. Mellon Bros sold to Dodson & Steffier two lots fronting 81 feet on Hastings street, Twenty second ward, for $900. A, BULLISH MABKET, Stocks Show Recuperative Enercy In the Face of Persistent Hammerlnu They Recover Lost Ground and Close Higher Bonds Strong. New ore, March L The stock market to day, except in the first and last hours, was very dull, but a firm to strong tone marked the trading almost throughout, and the result of tbe day's business is to leave all the active shares materially higher than last evening. For the first time in several days London came higher this morning, and this with the in creased disposition to bny manifested in the room gave the shorts a great deal of uneasiness, tboughthe battle was not given up without a struggle. The regular bearish advices were forthcoming from Chicago and the pessimistic assertions took a wide range. On tbe strength of these advices the bears made a determined attack upon the Grangers and some of the trunk lines, and considerable impression was made upon Burlington, Rock Island, Big Four and Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and In dianapolis the last two being especially weak for a sbort time. The bullish feeling, however began to crop outin many different portions of the list, and as no long stock was shaken out of importance, the shorts went Into cover and helped along the general upward movement, which before the close assumed large proportions on the com paratively limited market. Tbe Milwaukee, Lake Shore and Western stocks were tbe first to show marked strength, but were soon fol lowed by Manhattan, which the same brokers who bad bought largely on the rise were ac tive. The Oregon stocks and especially Navi gation, joined the procession, the expected guarantee of the 6 per cent dividend inducing purchases while the general list slowly ad-, vanced, though there was no setback through out the remainder of the day. Later the weak stocks of tbe forenoon rallied, and the f eatnre of the day was tbe sharp recovery of Big Four, whicb, after selling down to 10 rose to 10 ex-dividend of 1 per cent. First prices were generally slightly higher as compared with last night's figures, but there was no vim to the speculation and the bears soon came to the front as usual and Burlington, Atchison and New England showed, some weakness. Big Fonr and Cleveland, Columbus. Cincinnati and Indianapolis afterward became tbe special points of attack, and the former materially declined, out reached its lowest point before noon. Manhattan, however, be came remarkably strong in the face of tbe foregoing losses and, joined by the Milwaukee. Lake Shore and Western stocks soon rallied tbe list There was the same moderate business in railroad bonds, the sales of all Issues aggre gating $1,856,000, with special animation in Denver and Rio Grande Western assented and Bnrlington 7s which furnished $120,000 and $100,000 respectively. There was a less marked tone to the trading, but most of the list is firm, and final prices are higher in most instances The following table snows tbe prices of active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. Corrected daily for The Dispatch by Whit ney & Stephenson, members of New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue: Open- High- Low- Clos ing, est est ing. Am. Cotton Oil 58 5SJi Atch.. Top. & S. F.... 51V, S2U tCH Wi Canadian Pacific 5IH ,S2'i 61 SIU Canada Southern M7g 55, 54 51,'s Central or New Jersey. 95)4 sbH 955 955 Central faclfic. 3St S6j Sow S6K Chesapeake & Ohio ... 15S 15j y-,',1 5M 0.. Bur.AQulncy.....l01 101 100)2 lulH C, Mil. &S. faul....63 S1H 6VJ C, Mil &bt. P., pr.... 975 'JS 97 98' C, Kocl. 1. & V 98 9S4 - 954J 98)4 C St L. & i'ltts 18V 1SK 1S 19 C.,'St L. & I'ltts. pf.. 40 40g 40"2 40 C, Jit. P., M. AO Wj 3 32g 32 C, St.l,M. &0., pr. ... 921? a & Jorthwestern....I06 1063S 10S 106- C.& .Northwestern, pf. 140) O.C.C&I 72H 73H 72 7Mi Col. Coal A Iron 36? Col. & Hocking Val .. 26'2 ISU 2S 23H lel., L. &V 140& HIM 140JJ 141 Uel. i, Hudson 135 135)4 135 1S5 Denver KloO 16V Denver &RloG., pr. , .... 42VJ E.T., Va.&Ua 9tf 9 9)4 9H E.T.,Va.&Ua.. Istpr70 70 70 70 E. T., Va. AGa. zdpf. .. . .... .. . 22 Illinois Central 109) 110 mx JOSH Lake Erie .6 Western 18) Lake Erie 4 West. pr.. SV4 67 57 57? Lake Shore &M. 8 104 1041 103VJ 101 (i Louisville Nashville. 59H 60X 59K 60) Michigan Central...... 89 90 SiU SHi Mobile Ohio II Mo.. K. Texas 13K tt'A IX 13X Missouri Pacific .. TiH 72 714 7!M .New York Central. ....1083 WiH, 108 s 109 N. ".. L. E. & V M'i ax 29 29 N.Tf., L. E.AW.prel673t 67, 67M 67 N. Y.. C. A.ht.1. 18 N. Y., C & St. L. nr.. 73 N.Y., C.St.l..2dpr 45 N. YN. E 47X 47 47 474 N. Y., O. Vl 1714 UK 17J4 17H orrollv& Western 16 Norfolk & Western, pf SI Northern Pacific, M5 S4 1KH '27! Northern Pacific pref. Ej v 0 C2 ' OalO Mississippi., jr. 22(4 23S S)4 23)j Oregon Improvement. 67 V? 7) Slii 57 Oregon Transcon S3 3tfi 33U MX Pacific Mail tm 37?, OTJJ S3X Pco. Dec. & Evans 28 2 28 28 Philadel. & Heading.. 47 47 VX 47 l"ullman Palace Car.. .200 201 U 200 200 Klchmond & W. P. T.. 27)i 27)2 26S5 27H KIchniondW.V.T.pr81) 81 0 S0 bt.PanlUalnth...... 37 7 27 7) bt. Paul Dulnth pf.. 87 87 87 87 bt. P., Minn.. Man 102 St.L. ASan Fran "JH VH 2SW V St. h. A Sau Fran pr.. 63JJ 63 633i 63H st. i.. a sail r.ist pr. novj Texas Pacific 2l UntonPacIflc ( 68H' 66 60 Wabash. ,. " 13 Wabash Tireferred 26)4 Western Union 85V 86U KH &i Wheeling &L.E 65jJ f BS S Production of Southern Tig Iron. The latest estimates of the pig iron produc tion tbronghout the entire country show that In 1888 tbe South made 1.132,858 tons of pig iron, against 929,436 tons in 1887. an increase of 203,000 tons, or nearly 22 per cent. This gain is made more striking when it is remembered that many of the new furnaces in that section .have not yet gone into blast. While tbe South was making this gain the balance of the conn try produced 121,000 tons less in 1888 than in 18SL The Manufacturer? Record, of Baltimore, in commenting upon tber'joye figures, says: This is a fact well worth considering. Moreover there is no likelihood of any material increase in tbe production of iron in the North during 1889; in fact, tbe indications now point to the probable blowing out of a number of Northern furnaces which would result in even a smaller prodnctlon than in 1SS8. unless some unex pected boom should force many long idle furnaces into blast. FLORIDA CRACKERS, S southern Morida, an wnprogresHve but quaint race of people, their mode of' Iff e and their vtrmet rm net. ee w-merrewf umrxiva., TDBLIC DEBT STATEMENT. The Fenrea Show Quite an Increase In the Fast Month. WASHISGTOH,, March 1. The following is a synopsis of the public debt statement, Issued to-day: ' INTEREST BEABTSQ DEBT. Bondsat4Kper cent i 12,842,200 00 Bonds at 4 per cent 681,138,000 00 Refunding certificates at 4 per cent. 128,020 00 Navv pension fund at 3 per cent.... 14,000,000 00 Paclflo Kallroad bonds at 6 per cent. 64,623,512 00 Principal 922,729,732 00 Interest 8,024,485 00 , Total 931,394,217 00 DEBT OS WHICH INTEREST HAS CEASED SINCE MATcnrrr. Principal 2,047.215 00 Interest 157,822 00 i Total S 2,203,067 00 DEBT BEARING NO INTEREST. Old dcmandandlegaltendcrnotes..a 346,737,823 00 Certificates of deposit :.... 15,920,000 00 Gold certificates 130,210,717 00 Silver certificates 246,628,953 00 Fractional currency, less 88,375,934 estimated as lost or destroyed 6,918,129 00 Principal . 748.415,622 00 TOTAL DEBT. Principal .". $1,671,192,600 00 Interest 9,782,307 00 Total .$1,679,974,907 CO Less cash Items avail able for reduction or the debt $403,589,431 00 Less reserve held for re demption of United States notes .100.000,000 00 503,589,431 00 Total debt, less available cash items.;i, 176, 3S5, 476 00 Net cash in the Treasury. 43,096,133 50 Debt, less cash in Treasury March 1,1839 $1,128,289,313 00 Debt. less cash in Treasury Febru ary 1, 1W. $1,121,845,973 0? Increase of debt during the month. 6,443,345 CO Decrease of debtslnce June30,1888.. 37,295,333 00 CASH IN TILE TREASURY AVAILABLE FOB SEDUC TION OF THE PUBLIC DEBT. Gold held for frold certificates ac tually outstanding S 130,210,717 00 Sliver held ror silver certificates ac tually outstanding 246,623,953 CO U. S. notes held for certificates of deposit actually outstanding 15,920,000 00 Cash held for matured debt and in terest unpaid 10,828,552 00 Fractional currency 1,203 00 Totalavallableforreductlonofdebt 1403,589,430 00 RESERVE FUND. Held for redemption of United States notes acts January 14, LJ75, and July 12, 1S82 1100,000,000 00 Unavailable for the reduction of the debt: Fractional silver coin.. .24,715,021 00 Minor coin 186,243 00 24,901,269 00 Certificates held as cash S 30,800,711 00 Net cash balance on hand 48,096,153 00 Total cash In the Treasury as shown by Treasurer's general account v..f 607,387,563 00 BOSTON STOCKS. A Doll Market, With a Few Stocks a Trifle Stronger. Boston, March L Some bonds. Union Pacific, Bell Telephone and Atchison have been stronger to-day. With these exceptions a lower range of prices has been tbe rule, and notably so far the copper stocks. The dullness continues to affect the general situation. Atcb.AToc.Ut7s. 119 Wis. Central, com... 15 Wis. Central pC... 35 AllouezM'cCo.(new) 3 Calnmet A Hecla....254 Catalna 17 Frantlln 13 Osceola : 14 Pewablc (new) 5 Qulncy 67 Hell Telephone 229 Boston Land 7 Water Power 1H Tamarack 140 San Diego 22X Atch. ATop. K. B... UK .Boston & Aioany...zi3 Boston Maine 169 C. IS. 4U. 101!4 Chin. San. A Cleve. 25 Eastern B. K -.. 80 Vi Flint PereM 29 FUntAPereM. Dfd. 97J Mexican Cen. com.. 14 M. C, lstMort. bds. 70 N. Y. ANewEn... 474 N. Y. A N ew Ene 7s. 127 Old Colony. 170 ' Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex change. Bid. Asked. Pennsylvania Kallroad 55X .... Reading Kallroad... 23 13-M 23J, Bnfialo, Pittsburg and Western 12K ' 13 Lehigh Valley 54 SVi Lehigh Navigation 52 sin Northern Pacific 27K 27H Northern Pacific preferred 62 - 63 Mining Stocks. NEW York, March L Mining quotations closed: Amador. 150: Caledonia, 275; Consoli dated California and Virginia, 837; Common wealth, 500; Ueadwood T., 150; Eureka, 2; El Cristo, 150; Gould and Curry, 300; Hale and Nor crnss, 425; Iron Silver, 325; Mexican, 410; Mutual, 140; Ophir.600; Plymouth, 1037; Savage, 325; SlerraNevada, 360: Standard. 110; Small Hopes, 100; Union Consolidated, 895; Yellow Jacket. 475. Metal market. New York Copper weak; Lake, March, S16 2.5. Lead quiet and steady; domestic, 3 70. Tin firm and quiet; straits. 21 65. London Pie Tin Firm market but busi ness less active: Straits, 95 10s Od for spot; futures (three months), 96 Os Od. Copper Market irregular and business moderate; Chili bars, 79 Os Od for spot; 63 for future delivery; best selected English. 69 10s. Lead Steady market, bnt moderatedemand; Spanish quoted at 12 10s Od. Spelter Increased business holds tbe market steadier; ordinary Silesian quoted at 17 10s Od. Tin plate Market ir regular and business moderate. Boston Wool Market. Boston There is no improvement to note in the market for domestic wool. The demand from manufacturers has been light. The sales for the week amount to about 1,000.000 pounds, mostly in small lots. Fine Ohio and Pennsyl vania scarce and firm at 3638c, including XXX and No. 1, bnt sales have been rontined to X and XX. which rule at 3335c Tbe best grades of Michigan X have held at 32c. but no sales over 31c have been reported. Sales of territory have been made at 1621c. and of Kentucky and Missouri unwashed at 2730c. Tbe stocks are tiiiht. Pulled wools have been sold at some concessions. Extras quiet at 25 2Sc: supers. 3537c. Scoured wool steady at 42 62a Australian wcol firm at 8245c. Drygoods Market. New York. March 'l. Trade in drvgoods was fairlv active with jobbers. The demand at first bands is again improving, and a fair busi ness was doing in all kinds of prints at fnll prices, as well as n printed and woven class cottons. Staple cottons also were in improved demand, with indications of more activity in tbe near future. Woolen goods were In mod erate request. MAKING DEATH EAST. The Science of Sparine Palo to Those Who . Aro Passing: Away. St. Louis Globe-Democrat.! The business of a doctor in a case of mor tal ill ness h to alleviate pain, not to pro long life, and many means may be employ ed by which.the condition of, the sufferer may be rendered more tolerable. Fresh air should always be admitted; the sick room should be light and cheerful, not dark and gloomy; whispering should be avoided, and whatever conversation is necessary should be in an ordinary, though lower tone of yoice. The best death of all is a sudden death. Death by-disease of the lungs is long, and the sufferings preceding it are sometimes intense. Death from the heart is short and sometimes painfni; death through the brain is slow and dull, and of the thousands of methods by which men go out of the world, none is more to be desired in every way than death from old age. "Tbe approaches of death are gentle and the act of dying so easv that nature herself provides a periect euthanasia." t1 T V V I (If! i IS sends another briahl let Will El IjUU.iil terfrom Washingtonor the Sunday issue of The Dispatch, jfrer con tribution pleasantly deals with th-transformation now taking place at the National Capitol. Cancer of the Stomach. Mr. James Critchlow, residing on Carnegie street; baS fur 15 years undergone terrible suf fering from his stomach. At times it would give him such pain that he could only live on iime water and milk. He" bad great distress and bloating after eating, with belching of gas. fits liver also gave him much pain, ana bis tongue had a yellow coating. He had a pressure and pain over tbe eyes." He lost all ambition and kept getting worse until be was unable to do any work. One doctorsald he had cancer of tbe stomach. After trying 11 doctor all to no purpose, he began treatment with tbe physi cian of tbe Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute, 22 Ninth street, and although 67 years old, henow works every day and feels well and hearty. He savs: "That I am cured of the above conditions I hereby sign my name. "Jastes Critchlow." They treat successfully catarrh, rheumatism, dyspepsia, bronchitis, asthma, seminal weak ness, blood, kidney and female diseases. Offlce hours, 10 A. k. to 4 r. jl, and 6 to 8 p. M. 'Sundays, 12 to-4 r. h. Consultation free. Treatnest also BVoorree-DoadflBce. ' oshl DOMESTIC 'MARKETS. Fresh Eggs in Good Demand, Choice Coftntry Bntter Ditto. " CHEESE AND CHOICE APPLES F1E1T.- An Improved Tone to Cereals, Ear Corn and Hay in Demand, THE COFFEE DE1FT STILL UEWAED Office of the Pn-rsBtnta Dispatch, i Friday, March 1, 1S89. J Country Produce Jobbing Price. The demand, for nearby eggs is good at out side quotations, notwithstanding the rise ol mercury. Commission men report a difficulty in procuring enough to meet demands. Cold storage and Southern eggs are slow. Cheese is not as active as was expected immediately be fore Lent. But It holds its own, and as visible supply is far below the average for this time of the year, no fear of a dropneed be entertained. Choice country butter is in good supply and demand. The stock of apples stored away by commission men in the fall has been well cleaned up, and the choice fruit from tbe coun try begins to show up. Prices for the latter are firm. The feeling among produce commission men is that while the winter's trade has been far from satisfactory, the worst is over. There is now a disposition to let"bygones be bygones, and all tradesmen are disposed to turn their faces toward tbe better day which is about to dawn. Butter Creamery, Elgin, 3132c; Ohio do, 2627c: fresh, dairy packed, 2WgJ3c; country rolls 1822c; Chartiers .Creamery Co. butter, 3231c. Beaks Choice .medium, $2 002 10: choice peas. J2 052 15. Beeswax 2325c $ ft for choice; low grade, 1618c. Cider Sand rehned, 6 507 50: common, S3 504 00; crab cider, $8 00860 $ barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c ty gallon. Cheese Ohio cbeese, fall make, 1212c; New York, fall make. 12K13c; Limburger. llK12Kc: domestic Sweitzer cheese, 1313Kc Dried Peas-tSI 451 50 $1 bushel; split do, 2K3Kc ? ft. Eoqs l516c $ dozen for strictly fresh. Frttits Annies. SI OOlSSI 033 barrel: evap orated raspoemes, 25c $ ft: cranberries, IS 00 f) barrel: 32 40S2 50 per bushel. Feathers Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1 do. 4045c; mixed lots, 8035c $) ft. HOMIKT S2 652 75 fl barrel. Hosey New Crop, lb17c; buckwheat, 13 15c Potatoes Potatoes, 3540c $1 bushel; $2 50 2 75 for Southern sweets; 3 253 60 for Jer sey sweets. PorLTRY Live chickens, 6575c fl pair; dressed chickens, 1315c ff pound; turkeys, 13 15e aressed fl pound; ducks, live. 8085c fl pair; dressed, lSUc fl pound; geese, 10llc per pound. Seed's Clover, choice, 62 Bs to bushel, J6fl bnsbel; clover, large English, 62 fts, $6 2o; clover, Alslke, $850; clover, white, & 00;' timo thy, choice, 15 fts, SI 85; blue grass, extra clean, 14 fts, SI 00: bine grass, fancy, 14 fts. $1 20; orchard grass. 14 fts, $2 00; red top, 14 fts, SI 00; millet, 50 fts, $1 Ti; German millet, 50 fts, $2 00; Hungarian grass, 4S fts, $2 00; lawn grass, mix ture of flue crosses, 25c per ft. Tallow Country, 45c; city rendered, 55Kc Tropical Frihts Lemons, fancv, $3 00 1 00 fl box; common lemons, 2 75 $1 box; Messina oranges, S2 503 50 Jj9 box; Florida orances, S3 003 50 fl box; Jamaica oranges, fancy. So 005 50 $ case; Malaza grapes, So 50(37 00 fl keg; bananas, $2 50 firsts: $1 502 00, good seconds, fl bunch; cocoanuts, S4 004 50 fl hundred; new figs, 12 14c fl pound; dates, 56Kc fl pound. Vegetables Celery. 4050c doz. bunches; cabbages, S3004 00 B 100: onions, 50c fl busbel; Spanish onions, 7590c ft crate; turnips, 30 40c per bushel. Groceries. The coffee drift is upward. All other gro ceries are quiet. Sugars are easy. Green Coffee Fancy Bio, 2021c; choice Bio, 1920c; prime Bio, 19c; fair Bio. 1818c: old Government Java, 26c; Mara caibo, 21K K; Mocha, 3031c; Santos, 18 22c; Caracas coffee, 2021c; peaberry. Bio, 2021c; Laguayra, 20J21Kc Boasted (In papers ) Standard brands,23c; high grades, 2527Kc; old Government Java, bulk, S233; Maracaibo. 2728c: Santos, 22K peaDerry,. zu$c; peaoerry csantos, ziy choice Bio. 25c: prime Bio. 223c: eood 22c: ordinary. 21c Spices (wholei-iCloves, 21K25c: allspice. 9c: cassia. 89c: pepper, 19c; nutmeg. 708dc Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test.7Jfc: Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight, 150, 9c; water white. 10c; globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadine, lljc; royalme, 14c Syrups Corn syrups, 2325c; choice sugar syrup, 3338c; prime sugar syrup, 3033c; strictly prime, 3335c. N. O. Molasses Fancy, 60c; choice, 48; me dium, 45; mixed, 4042c Soda Bi-carb in Kegs, 3K4c; pL-carb In Js, 5c; bi-carb. assorted packages,' o6c; sal soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c Candles Star, full weight; 10c; stearine, per set. 8Kc; paraffine, UK12c Bice Head, Carolina. vgTJc; choice, 6 7c: prime, o3i6Vc; Louisiana, 66c Search Pearl. 2c; cornstarch, 57c: gloss starch, 57c. Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S2 65: Lon don layers, S3 10; California London layers, $2 50: Muscatels. S2 25: California Muscatels, S2 35; Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia, 747Jc; sultana. 7$Jc: currant', new, 4j!i5c; Turkey prunes, new, 443c: French prunes, 813c; Salonica prunes, in 2-B packages, 8c, cocoanuts, per 100,15 00; almonds, Lan., per ft; 29c; do Ivica, 19c: do shelled, 40c; walnuts,,nap., 12K15c; Sicily filberts, 12c; Smyrna ilgs, 12) 16c: new dates, 56c; Brazil nuts. 10c; pecans, ll15c; citron, per ft. 2122c: lemon peel, per ft, 1314c; orance pee), 12c Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 8 c; apples, evaporatedj 6V6Kc; apricots, Calif or' nia. evaporated, lslc; peaches, evaporated pared, 2223c; peaches, California, evaporated, unpared, 1012Kc; cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor ated, 2421Kc; blacuberries, 7H8c: huckle berries. 1012c Sugars Cubes, 7Jc; powdered, 7Jic: granu lated,7c:confectioners' A,6c; standard A,CVc; soft whites. 6J6Kc; yellow, choice. 56Kc; vellow. Rood, bj6c: yellow, fair, 6Jc; yel low, dark, Sc PlCKT.ES Medium, bbls (1.200), S475; me diums half bids (600). S2 85. Salt No,U fl bbl, 95c; JJo. ex, fl bbl, SI 05; dairy, ft bbl. SI 20; coarse crystal, bbl, SI 20; Hisrgin's Eureka, 4 bu sack, S2 80; Higein's Eu reka, 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches. Sl"50 1 60;2ds, SI 301 S5: extra peaches. $1 351 10; pie peaches. 90c; finest corn, SI SOM 50; Hfd. Co. corn, 7090c: red cherries, 00cl 00; lima beans, $1 10: soaked dn, 85c: string do do, 75 85c; marrowfat peas, SI 101 15; soaked peas, 7075c: pineapples, $1 401 50; Bahama do, S2 7o; damson plnms, 95c; green gases, SI 25; ecsplums. S2 00; Calif ornla pears, S2 50; do green gages. S2 00; do egg plums, S2 00; extra white cherries, J2 90; red cherries, 2fts, 90c: raspber ries. SI 151 40; strawberric. SI 10; goose berries, SI 201 30; tomatoes, 8592c; salmon, 1 ft, SI 752 10; blackberries, 80c; succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 2Bs, SI 21 50; corn beef, 2-lb cans, SI 75; 14-ft -cans, til 50; baked beans, SI 401 45; lobster, 1 ft, SI 75 1 .SO: mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled, $1 50; sardines, domestic M". S4 254 50; sardines, domestic Vs, S8 258 .50; sardines, imported, Ms, Sll 50 2 50; sardines, imported, Us. SIS 00; sardines, mustaj d, S4 00; sardines, spiced, S4 25. FlSS Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, S36 fl bbl; ettra No. 1 do, mess, S40; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. 1 del, messed, S36; No. 2 shore mackerel, S24. Codfish Whole pollock; 4Kc fl ft; do medium George's cod, 6c: do large, 7c; boneless bake, In strips, 0c: do George's cod in blocks, 6K liic Herrlnc Bound shore, $5 50 ft bbl; split. $7: lake S3 25 fl 100-fi half bbl. White fisb, 57 fl 100-ft half bbl. Luke front, $5 50 ft half bbl. Finnan hadders. 10c fl ft. Iceland halibut, 13c ft ft. Buckwheat Flour 22JiJc per pound. Oatmeal S3 S06 60 fl bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 6S60c ft gallon. Lard oik 75c. Grain, Flonr nnd Feed. Total receipts as bulletined at the Grain EXi change, 50 cars. By-Plttsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago, 5 cars of hay, 1 of rye, 2 of oats, 1 of corn, 1 of grain, 3 of flour, 1 of wheat, 3 of bar ley. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 2 cars of wheat, 10 of com, 6 of hay, 2 of mid dlings, 1 of oats, 1 of bran. By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 car of middlings, 3of hay, 1 of flour. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 1 car of oats and rye, 1 of corn, 1 cf bay, 1 of oats, 2 of flour. Sales on call: One car sample shell com. 33c spot; 1 car 2 y. e. corn. 40c5 days. B. fc O.; 3 cars 1 Iowa upland hay. Sift March, B. & O.; 1 car Iowa upland hay. 110 12K. regular. While sup- filies of grain and bay are, as tbey have been or some months past, beyond the wants of trade, tberd is a perceptible improvement in tone tbe past few days. Ear com is active and firm. Hay, too, is In better demand, and a re liable article has no difficulty finding custom ers, indications are that the tide has at last turned toward the better day in cereal markets. The worst is behind ui. It has been long to watt the turn of the tide, but, unless all signs fail, it has come to stay, and the hopeful feel ing which possesses all dealers has a solid basis. Grain operators are prepared to give reason for the hope that is in them," though it may be with "meekness and fear." Wheat Jobbing prices No. 2 red, SI OS 109;.No.3red,98cett04. Cobn-No.2 yellow, ear,40K 41c; high mixed ear. 3Xfil0c; No, 1 yellow, shelled, 36886c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 37K36c; hlith mixed. Shelled. S8g37c; mixed, shelled. 3o86c: Oats No.2 white, 31931c; extra No. 3, 30 30J4c; No. 3 white, 29K30c; .No. 2 mixed, 288 BYE No. 1 Western. 6061c; Ho. 2. 6556c. Barley No. 1 Canada, 9095c: N o. 2 Canada, 83085c; N o.3 Canada, 788uc; No. 2 Western. 7571:c;No. 3 Western, 6570c Lake Shore, 75 680c 1 Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents $8 50. 675; spring patents. S8 757 00: fancy straight, winter and spring. S 7506 00; clear winter. So 2505 5a straight 7? XXX bakers', $5 005 25. Bye nonr, 84 00. Millfeed Middlings, fine white, $13 00 20 00 fl ton; brown middlings, $14 50I5 00; winter wheat bran, S14 75ia 25; chop feed. S15 003)18 00. Hay Baled timothy, choice, $15 00015 25; No.l do. $14 2514 50; No. 2 do, $12 0013 00; loose from wagon, $18 0020 00: No. 1 upland prairie. S9 75010 00; No. 2, $8 0O8 60; packing do, S8 607 00. Straw Oats. $8 OftgS 25; wheat and rye straw, $7 0007 25. Provision. Both at Chicago and East Liberty bogs are off 6 to 10c to-day from yesterday's prices. Sugar-cured bams, large, lOc; sugar-cured hams, medium, 10c; sugar-cured hams, small, lie; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar cured shoulders. Sc: sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 9c; sugar-cured California hams, 8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 8c; sugar cured dried Deef setsJJc; sugar-cured dried beef rounds, lie: bacon shoulders, 7c; bacon clear sides. Sc; bacon clear bellies, 8c: dry salt shoulders. 6c; dry salt clear sides. 7Jc Mess Eork, heavy. $14 00: mess pork, family, $14 50; ard Refined in tierces, 7c: half barrels, TJic; 60-ft tubs. 7c:20-ft palls, 7c; 50-fi tin cans, 7Hc; 3-ft tin pails, 7Jc; Sft tin palls, 7c; 10-ft tin pails, 7c. Smoked sausage, long. Be; large, 5c. Fresh pork links. 9c Pigs feet, half barrels, S3 75; quarter barrels, $1 75. Dressed Meat. , Armour 4 Co. furnish tbe following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 fts, 65Kc; 600 to 650 fts, 6g6Kc; 700 to 750 fts, 6 7c Sheep. 7c ft ft. Lambs. 8Kc fl ft. Swift's Specific cured me of malignant Blood Poison-after I had been treated in vain with old so-called remedies of Mercury and Potash. S..S. S. not only cured the Blood Poison, but relieved tbe Rheumatism which was cansed by tbe poisonous minerals. GEO. BOVELL. 2422 Third avc. N. "T. Scrofula developed on my daughter swell ing and 'lumps on her neck. "We gave her Swift's Specific, and the result was wonder ful and the cure prompt. S. A. DeAkhoxd, Cleveland. Tenn. Swift's Specific is entirely a vegetable .remedy, and is the only medicine which per manently enres Scrofula, Blood Humors, Can cer and Contagious Blood f oison. Send for books on Blood and Skin Dlseases.mailed free The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. f eI-7 tts WHOLESALE HOUSE, JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this week in SILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and OHEVIOTS. For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. wholesaleIxclusively fe22-rS3-p THE FREEHOLD BANK, No. 410 Smithfield St. CAPITAL, . . - . $200,000 00. DISCOUNTS DAILY. EDWARD HOUSE, Prest JAMES P. SPEEB. Vice Prest. Eor-k35-p JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier. czema,Itchy, Scaly, Skin Tortures. SWAYNE'S OINTMENT The sfcnpla applicitloa of " Swatvb Onrraiw" Trillion any internal medicine, win cure tay cue of Tetter, Salt SWAYNE'S OINTMENT Rheum. Ringworm, Pile. Itch, Sorei, Pimples, Err ri pelts, all SKIN DISEASES no matter hov obstinate or loos n&ndUig. Sold bj dragglJU, or lent or mill for SO au. Boxm. IUS. Addresi. D. Bw.TiniSoi. PLilltlptiI.P. AU jour dmjrjjt tor ti M' ONEY TO LOAN . On mortcases on improved real estate in sums of SI.0C0 and npw-ard. Apply at DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, fe4-22-D No. 121 Fonrth avenue. llIIOKERa FINANCIAL. De WITT DIL WORTH, BROKER IN IFIETIROLIETiriM: Oil bought and sold on margin. de-!7-21-Dsn YHlTiEY & STlffHEiSttilf, EJ FOURTH AVENTJB. ISSUE TRAVELERS' CREDITS THROUGH MESSRS. DREXEL. MORGAN & CO, NEW YORK. - PASSPORTS PROCURED. aDZS-x7 STEAMKU:? AND EXCURSIONS. AMERICAN LINE, Sailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations for all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and from Great Britain and Ireland. Norway, Swe den, Denmark, Ac. PETER WRIGHT & SONS, General agents, 307 Walnut st, Philadelphia Fall information can be had of J. J. MCCOR MICK, Fourth avenue and Smithfield street LOUIS MOESER. bib' Smithfield street. mb8-d80rTS NORD DEUTSCHER LLOYD FAST ronte to London and the Continent Express Steamer Service twice a week from New York to Southampton (London, Havre), Bremen. Ss.Saale.Feb.27.3P.ir. I Ss.Fnlda.Mch. 9,11 A.3L Ss.Ems.Mcn.2, 6 A.M. I Ss.Lahn. Mcb-13. 2 p.m. Ss.Trave.Mcb,8.9A.M. Ss.Elbe.Mcb.lB,50A.si. First Cabin, Winter rates, from 75 upward. MAXSCHAMBERG & CO., Agents, Pitts burg, Pa. OELRICHS t CO., 2 BowllnR Green. New York City. ia29-71-p RAILROADS. PITTSBURG AND LaKE ERIK BA1LBUAD COllPANY Schedule In ellect February 24, lsSS, Central time: P. & L. E. R. K. L'kpabt-For- Cleveland. S.25, 7:40 A. M., '130, 4:15, 9:30pj x. For Cincinnati. Chicago and St. Louis, 5:25 A. Jr.. '1:33, 9:3U p. H. For Buffalo, 10:20 A. IT.. 4:13 '9:30 P. it. For Sala manca, "7:40 a. u.. 'lao, "9:30 r. M. For Beaver Falls, 5:25, "7:40, 10:20 A. M., lr, 3.30, 4:15, 50, 9.30 P. M. For Chartiers, 65, 55, 60, 170, 7:13, 8:40, "a-OS, 9S5, 10:20 A. M., 12.05, 12:45, 11:25, 1:43, 3 JO, 4:45, 1:ia S-2a "8:20, 10:30 P. St. AKitiVE lrom Cleveland, 59 a. Jr.. iaa, 5:40, ijrOO P. M. From Cincinnati, Clilcago and bt. Louis, 1:00. 3:00 P. M. From Buffalo, 5:30 A. M., l:0O,5:4OP.M. From Salamanca, 1:6D, 'SXO P. M. From Youngstown, 5:30. S:30, 90 A. M., 1:00, 8.40, 8rt P. M. From Beaver Falls, 5:110, 6:50,7:20, 90 A. ir.. '1:03, 1:35; 5:40, 8.-00. P.M. From Chartiers, 5:10, 5: 5:30. 10:42, -V-.W, 7:08, 7:3a 8:J0. 0-JO. 10:10 A. M.. 12rt0 noon. UiX. 1:12. Ul:S5. 3:42, 4:f 4:15, 5:00. 5:10. 5:40. 0:12P. M. 5:30 A. M.,3:30 p. M. For West Newton. 3:30 A. K., 3.30 and 5.15 P. M. For New Haven. 7:10 A. M Sundays, only. Akkite From New Haven. 10:00 A.M , asp. M. From West Newton,8:15, "10:00 a. M..'5rfBP.M. For McKeesport and Elizabeth, 5:30 A. M. 3:3c, 4.03; 5S5 P. M.. 17:10 A. M. From Elliabetb and McKeesport, 6:15 A. IT., 7:30. '10.00A. M., 5P.M- Dally. ISundays only. E. HOLBROOK. General Sdpcrlntendent. A. E. CLARK- General Passenger Agent, City tlctet office. 401Bmlthfleld street. POSITIVELY CURES' .". DYSPEPSIA J2V" ALL ITS FOBJUS. w VM o r w en P Cures Headache. iRI GOODS ail HIS. Cures Constipation RAILROA0S. -rVUrNNSYT.VAJIti tf tr UMAIlOY. Asm JLT after November as, 1883. trains tears TJatoa ? bmuw. .i.HWlUJh iVUUIII, X4W... wwawv. '"me j -& MA1X LISE EASTWAKW. " 1 jvew xora ana t;aica20xamitea ox xuisaa veaw . tltanlx rtII t Tits m AtlintleKTnressd&llT fnr th Fjmf- 3HXI&.1B- J Mall train, dally, except Sunday, 6.55 a. a. Sa oar. mall, 8:40 a. m. ,.-',; U3T express aany at sun a. m. t ' s Hall nnwii dallr a. 1 ion r m- PbliadeTnhla express dally at 4:30 o. m. 5J tastern express dally I:13 p.m. ,) fast Llna dallT at 9:1)0 n. m. -. "B Greensbarx expressSiio p. in. week days, llerry express 11:00 a- m Treek days. All tlironzb trains connect at Jerter. Cltr t liMt.Af HUwinUvn 1 n a... 9 fr lm aa1.1 1. . avoiding doable fenlsie and journey through A Trains arrive at Union Station as follows: Mall Train, dally, 823p. ra. Western Express, dally 7:43 a. ra, FaclBc Express, dally. 11:43 p.m. Cbieaaro Limited Express, dally 8:30 p. ra. Fast Line, dally. Ud6p.nw soirrirwEsr vkxx bail-wa-y. For Unlontows. o:iS and tas a- m. and 4ra p. m., wltbout cbange of cars; l.OO p. m., connect In? at Greensburg. Trains arrive from Union town at 9:45 a. m., 12.23. 6:13 and 833 n. m. WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. Trom FEUEBAL ST. STATION. Allegheny city. Mall train, connecting for Bialrsvllle... :46,a. Express, for UlalrsvlUe, coqnectlnj for Butler -. J:Wp. ra. Butler Accom 80 a. m, 23 and 8:45 p. ra. Hprlngdale Accom 11:40 a. m. and 60 p. ra. Jrreeport Accom 4:00, 8:13 and 100 pm. On Sunday 12:50 and 9:30 p. ra. North Apollo Accom. ....10:50 a. m. and 6--O0p. m. Allegheny Junction Accommodation. eonnectlnsr for Butler saa. ra. Blalrsvllle AccommodatloTi llOp.nu Trains arrive at FEDEBAL STBEET STAIlONt Express, connecting-from Butler ..tt-JSa. ra. Jlall Train 2:33 p. ra. Butler Accom 9Ss. m., 4:40and7r2Dp.ra. Blalrsvllle Accommodation 92 p.m. Freenort Accom. 7:40 a.m.. 1:32, 7X1 and 11 .-00 p. ra. On Sunday 10:10a. m. and7rfp. ra. Sprlngdale Accom. 6:37a. m., and 33 p. ra. Kortb Apollo Accom 8:40 a. m. and 5:40 p. ra. MON ON O AHELA DIVISION. Trains leave Union station. Pitts ourg. as follows: For Monongabela City, West Brownsville and Unlontown. ila. m. i or Monongabela City and West Brownsville, 7:05 and 11 a. m. and 4:40 p. ra. Ob Sunday. 1:01 p. m. For Uouongabela City, S:? p. m.. week davs. llravosburg Ac, week days, 3:20 p. m. West Elizabeth Accommodation, SJOai ra., 2 8:20 and 11:33 p. m. Sunday, 9:40 p. m. Ticket offices Corner Fourth avenue-and Try street and Union station. CHAS. E. FUHH, J. B, WOOD. General Manager. Gen'I Pass'r Agent, PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY'S LINES February 10. 1S39, Central Standard Time. TKAINS UEPABT As follows from Union Station : For Chicago, d 7t a. m., d 12:20, d 1.00, d 7:45. except Saturday. 11:31 p.m.: Toledo. 7:25 a, m.. dl2Q, d 10 and except Saturday. "..-a)p m.: Crestline. 5:43 a, m.; Cleve land. 8:10,7:23 a.m., 12:33 and d 11 rOS p.m.: New Cas tle and Yoqngstown, 7y5 a. m. 12tX, 9:43p. m. Youngstown and N lies, d 120 p. m.: MeaavUle, Erie and Ashtabula. 7:05a. m.. 12:2) p. m. : Nllea and Jamestown. 3:13 p. m.; Masslllon, 4:10 p. m.i Wheeling and Bellalre. 8:10a. m 12:33, 3:30 p. m.; Beaver Falls, 44)0, 5rt p. m., 3 SOD a. m.; Leeti dale. 5:30 a.m. ALLEGHENY Bochester. 6:30 a. m.; Beavet Falls, 8:15, llrtO a. m. : Enon, 3:00 p. m.: Leets dale, 10:00, 11:43 a. m , 2rC0, 4:30, 4:45. 50, 7:00. rt p. m.; Conway, 100 p.m.; Fair Oaks, S 11:40 a. m. : Leetsdale, S 8:30 p. m. TRAINS AKKIVE Union station from Chicago, except Monday 1:50, d6;0O, d6:35 a. m.. d 73 p. m. ; Toledo, except Monday 10, d 8:Tj a. m., 7a5 S. m.. Crestline, 2:10 p. m.; Youngstown aud ew Castle. 9:10a.m., 1:25, 755. 10:13 p. m.;Nlles andYounestown, d 7:15 p. m.: Cleveland. d50a. m.. 2.23, 7:45 p. m.: Wheeling and Bellalre, :0C a. m., 25, 7:45 p. m.: Erie and Ashtabula. 135, 10:15 p. m.; Masslllon. 10.-CO a. m.; NUes and Jamestown. 9:10 a. m.; Beaver Falls, 7:30 a. m., l:10p. m., S8-25P. m.r Leetsdale, 10: p. rar AERIVE ALLEGHENY-From Enon, 8:00 a. m.; Conway, 6:50; Bocbester, S:40 a. m:: Beaver Fills. 7:10a. m.. 6:40 p. m.: Leetsdale, 5:30, 6:15. 7:45 a. m.. 12:00, 1:45, i.30, 60, 9.-00 p. m.: Fait Oaks, S 8:53 a. m.; Leetsdale, S 6:05 p. ra.: Beaver Falls. S 8:25 p. m. S, Sunday only; d, dally: other trains, except Sunday. fell BALTIMORE AND OHIO KAILROAD-. bcliedule In esect November 29, 1888. For Washington, U. C. Baltimore and Philadelphia, 11:30 a.m.and 'lOsa p.m. For Washington. D.C, and Baltimore, f7rt0 a.m. For Cumberland. WW, 11:30 a. m., and10r20 p. m. For Connellsvflle, rf.OO and '11UO a. m.. tl:00, 140 and loaon. m. For Unlontown. tt:0O,t!l:30a,m., tlKand4:00 p. p. Forllt. Pleasant. f70 and tll.30a. m,, tlP and tl.CO p. m. For Washington, Pa.. "7UB, t9:30a. m.,35, t5:30 and 8:p. m. For Wheel ing, "730. W:30a.m, "3.35, 85) p. m. For Cin cinnati and St. Loali, T-JOa. m., 8:30p. m.- Fot Columbus. 7d0 a. m.. 8:30 d. m. For Hewark- 7.30, noa. m 3S, 80p. m. For Chicago, 7:30, t9:30a. m.. "3.35 and 8.30 p. m. Trains ar rive from Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing' ton. 7:10a-m. and 8:50 n. m. From Columbus. Cincinnati and Chicago. 7:45a. m. and 9:10 p.m. From Wheellnsr. J:dL 10:5Oa- m.. 4XL "9:10 m. Through sleeping cars to Baltimore, Wash ington and Cincinnati. For Wheeling. Columbus and Cincinnati 11 J p m (Saturday only. Connellsvflle ac at S3;30 am. Daily. fDanyexeept Sunday. SSunday only. The Pittsburg TransJcr Company will call for and check baggage lrom hotels and residences npon orders left at I!. A O. Ticket Offlce, corner Fifth avenue and Wood street. W. M. CLEMENTS, CHAS. O. SCULL. .. General Manager. Gen, FasaAat. PITTSBURU AND CASTLE SHANNON B. R. Co-WlnterTlmeTable. On and jfter October 14, 1S33, until further notice, trains will run a follows on every day except Sunday, Eastern standard time: Leaving: Pittsburg 6:i5 a. m 7:15a-m.,9:30a. m., 11:30a.m., 1:40p.m.. 3:40 p.m 5:10 p. m. 6.30 p. m.. 90 p. m., 11:30 p. m. Ar lington 5:45a. m.. 6 JO a. m.. 8KX1 a. m.. 102) a. m . 1:00 p. m.. 2:40 p. m., 4r20 p. m., 50 p. m 7:15 p. m., 10.30 p. -m. Sunday trains, leavlnr Plttsourjr 10 a. m.. 12:50 p. m. 2:30 p. m.. 5:ia f.m., 9-30 p. m. ArUnfrtoc 9O0 a. m.. 13 m., 0p. m 4s9p. m., 6o- m. jUUN JAHN. Susb PANHANDLE ROUTE -NOY.12. 1SSS. UNIOX station. Central Standard Time. Leave for Cincinnati and St. Louts, d 7:J0 a.m.. d 8:00 and d 11:1" p. m. Dennlson, 2:43 p. m. CblcaKO, 12.05, d 11:15 p. m. Wheeling-, 70 a. m., rtM, 6:10 p. m. Steubenville. 5:55 a. m. Washington. 6:55, 8:35 a. in.. 1:5J, 30, 4:55 p. m. Bulger. 10:11 a. ra. Burgettstown. Sll:33a.m . 53 p.m. 5Ians- Held, 7:15. ll.ooa. m.. 6-30. ds3:l0'40, n.m. lie Donalds, 44:15, d 10.00 p. m. From tbe West, d 1:50, d G.-OO, a. m.. 3!X, a SJ& p.m. DennlsoL. 9:33a.m. SteubenvUle, 55 p. m. Wheeling, 1:50, 8:43 a.m., 3:03, 5:33 p.m. Bnrxetts. town, 7:15 a. m., 8 9-C5 a.m. Washington, 63,70, 9.53 a. m 2:33, 60 p. m. Mansfield. 5.35,, 9)9 a. m.. 32:43d6:j0andl0.0Op. m. Bulger, 1:40p.m. McDonaldv d 6:33 a. m.. d 9:00 p. m. d dally; S Sunday only; other trains, except Sunday. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD Trains leave Union Station (Eastern Standard time): Kittannlng Ac.. 6.55 a. m. : Niagara Ex.. dally. 8:43 a. m.. Hulton Ac.. 10:10 a. m.r Valley Camp Ac, 12-05 p. ra.: Oil City and DuBols Ex-prcss,2.-00 p.m. ;HnltinAc.,3op.m-; Kittannlng Ac, 4.00p.m.; Braeburn Ex.,SaX)p.m.; Klttaan lnfrAc..5:30p.m.; Braeburn Ac.,60p.m.;Hul- ton Ac, 7u0 p. m.; Buffalo Ex., daUy, 8Ji0p. m.; Hulton Ac. 9:43 p. ra.: Braeburn Ac, 110 p. m. Chqrch trains Braeburn. 12:40p. nu and 9:33 p. m. Pullman Sleeping Cars betwees Pittsburg and Buffalo. E. H. UTLEY. U. T. A P. A.: DAVID ilCUAUUO. Geo. SucU PrrrsBUKD aiiu western railway! Trains (Cct'lStan'dtlmOl Leave I Arrive. Butler Accommodation. 6:00 am 7:20 am 7:10 ant 7:23 pm 4:00 nm. DayEx.Ak,n.Tol.,Cl'n.Kane sutler Accommouauon. ...... Chicago Express (dally) New Castle and Greenville Ex Zellenoplr and Foxburg Ac. Butler Accommodation 920 am U:30 pm 1:50 pm 4:40 nm U.-05 am 9:35- am 5:30 ra 2:10 pm 5:40 pm Through coach and sleeper to Chicago dally. MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 93U PENN AVKNUE. PITTSBUKO. PA, As old residents know and back tiles of Pitt, barg papers prove, is thetoldest established and most prominent physician in tbe city, devoting special attention to all chronic diseases. From - rbgperson, NQ FEE UNTIL hiCDflllCan4 mental diseases, nhvsical ' IMtnVOUo decay, nerroos debility laofc of energy, ambition and hope, impaired menvt cry, disordered sight. self-distruat,bashfulneav dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business-soclety and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured, BLOOD AND SKIN fca blotches, falling hair, bens pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue, month, throat, ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, sad blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. liDIMADV kidney and bledder derange UnlNnnTiment3,wear.back. graTeLca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and othee painful symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and reJ cores. Dz, whitUer's life-long, extenstra experieaca msures scientific and reliable treatment oa common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as II here. Office hours 9A.JC.to8p. m. Sunday, 10 A. Jt to I r. jc only. DR. WHIXTIEB, m Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. leS-tt-Eauw MEN ONLY A FOSmVU CURB For LOST or rafting MANHOOD. Nervous nsa. Weakness of Body Mind, Lack of Strength. Vigor add De velopment, caused bv Errors, Excesses, Jbc. Book. Modk of self-Treatment, and Proofs mailed (sealed) free. Address ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N. Y. de25-o7-TTS&wk "WEArfMWWWK- H0WT0A6T. ? r,l IxVlgTriKlManlio()dBtoMd. Prfc ' aJE''.nC matoreDeclina and Fractional ditor- . t Ttr'A, HriredirirtoStniehMed)cUMS. ' OTRON fl StalsdTRatlsesentfreiionssslieaita. VS M8iTM MJrsrarlea5Tr.V ae-ia gTTStrJt HARE'S REMEDY For men! Checks the worst cases Sa tare davs. and cures In five davs. Price SI 08. at -" J. FLEMING'S DRTJGSTOKE.V ja5-29-TTSsu .412 Market street. - IsoSe frij I facte iHTa mrm rorx. early oecr, ioc - t,ttxv ataAz tnanhood , eta IwllI BendTilotaereaiOee COD T Inrnr mil pmroiiw vt maw vst w w 'iof. FfoTrowtm, mmm;hm i-Beestraws m W -&.. . ' . s-,j. iff- .-, v . .A- ? .-, SEVl iP rf-W N. a'"'-. l1 3i - -i-i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers