I I JO BE THE FINEST. Central Turner Hall to Un dergo a Transformation 'OF SPLENDID PEOrOBTIONS An Adjoining Lot Bought to Extend the Crowded Quarters. THE GRAND ANNUAL MASKED BALL Presenting a Grotesque Array of Odd and Charming Costumes. JOLLITI AND COKTITIALITT SUPREME At the grand masque ball of the Cenlral Turnverein in their hall on Forbes street 'last night a Dispatch reporter's inquiries elicited the information that the present commodious quarters ot the most prominent Bociety of gymnasts in "Western Pennsyl vania are soon to undergo an entire trans formation, which promies to make the hall of the Pittsburg Central Turnverein one of the largest and finest in the State, if not in the country. The number of members has of late in creased at an enormous rate, and, thanks to the cfiorts of Professor Oscar Scheer, the children's class of gymnasts has grown to such proportions that the athletic hall has proved to bo entirely too small for the ac commodation ot all the .pupils. But this trill all be changed soon. A few days ago the lot adjoining the property of the society on Forbes street, measuring 20xl32ect, was bought, and this addition to the present hall will, it is hoped, make the place large enough for years to come. The entire lot will then be 80x132 feet. Architect Josef Stillbury has been intrusted with the task of MAKING THE T&AXS for the improvements, and it is generally anticipated that the result will be a great success. .The opinions among the members are -as yet divided as to what should be done. Some think that it would be as well to save the money and simply build an annex to the present hall; bnt a very Urge number of members of the society, who take great pride in itsprosperiy, are anxious to see an entirely new building go up, with modern improvements and such arrangements as are not equaled by any other Turner Hall in the State. A meeting will be held in a few days to consider what is best to be done. There was probably never a more jolly and pleasant company assembled' in the Central Turner Hall than last night. Ever since the announcement of the masque ball .had been made to the members, fertile brains aud nimble fingers had been at work to conceive and create, costumes that might carry off the prize at last night's ball. That the result of these efforts was, therefore, a perfect revelation to all the visitors, is quite natural. TWO HTJXDBED Rf THE MARCH. There were about 200 couples in the col umns of the grand march, and such a vari ety of odd costumes was scarcely ever wit nessed here before. Among those who received the most gen eralltdmiration were: A young lady ar rayed in the carb of a nymph, with a beau tiful dress of sea-green tulle; two flower girls in white muslin, festooned with gar lands of natural flowers; two Pennsylvania Dutchmen from Greene county, who styled themselves Prohibitionists; two fellows in the regular Chinaman's garb; an imitation of John Bull, and another of a gentleman from the West of Ireland. The Toerge Bros.' orchestra, represented by 30 musicians, furnished the music for the entertainment, which lasted until early this morning. e At 12 o'clock an adjournment for supper was called. Covers were laid for about 300 persons. The ball was a decidedly select affair; in fact, one of the committeemen at the door said: "Anyone who wants to get in here must show his naturalization papers and also his tax receipts." IK THE LAKD OF SILTEE, The Aspen District Id Colorado Producing 3,000 Tons Per Week. Prof. Carl Wulstein, of Colorado, is at the Dnquesne. He is interested in the El Plomo Mining Company, recently organized in Wheeling. Mr. J. P. Witherow is also a stockholder, and the professor came here with Colonel Norton, of Wheeling, to see him.; The El Plorno Company intends to erect a smelting works for the lead and cold de posits in the Saneri de Christo Mountains. Sir. Wulstein says there is considerable gold found in the hills in the region. He reports also that the Aspen district in Colo rado is having a bigger boom at present than Leadville ever had in its best days. There are 12 silver mines in the section, and about 3,000 tons of ore per week are pro duced, realizing $200 per ton. The Smug gler mine alonethas an output o! 1,000 tons a -week. The mines are located high up in the mountains above the timber line, and where the snow is now 12 feet deep. The yields and profits are large. The Denver and Bio Grande and another road run through the country. COMPANY A'S hEW 0FFCEES. Ssccesion to the Captaincy and Two Lieutenancies Elected. An election was held in Company A, Eighteenth Infantry, last night to fill the vacancies caused by the promotion of Cap tain Kay to the Major's rank and of Lieu tenant Beese to the Adjutancy of the regi ment. Captain J. C. Kay conducted the elec tion. The unanimous vote of the company was cast for First Lieutenant Charles H. Boessing for Captain; First Sergeant Frank H. Mattern for First Lieutenant, and Ser geant James H. Tracey for Second Lieuten ant. THEIR THIRD ANKITERSART. The A. O. U. W. at Belle-roe Goto a Supper and Entertainment. General Hancock Lodge No. 212, A. O. TJ. W., of Bellevue, celebrated their third anniversary last evening by giving a sup per and entertainment. The address of wel come was made by Prof. Bohrbacker. Other remarks were made by General Master Workman Custis, of Philadelphia; W. B. Ford. J. M. McNair, S. A. Kline and others. . Stands Corrected, Mr. J. M. Taylor, in a short interview concerning Canadian annexation which ap peared in The Dispatch of yesterday, was quoted as referring to the United States navy as "a few washtubs' He de ales that he made any such allusion to the army or navy, and the above correction is therefore made. A PKOFIT IN DEATDS. How an Opportunity of a Cnrrlace Bide It Afforded Impecunious People An Old Woman Who Retails Funeral Seats. "111 bet that funeral is from the vicinity of the Point," said a liveryman on Penn avenue one day last week, as a procession of carriages, many in number, went out the avenue. "And I'll farther bet that the old woman furnished the carriages," he said, as he counted five and six occupants in each vehicle. These remarks started a line of questions from the reporter, the result of which shows that others beside the undertaker and livery man profit by the death of a person in cer tain districts of the city. It seems, accord ing to the ideas of the liveryman; that a class of people in the vicinity of the Point and like neighborhoods, are" very much at tached to the ideaof attendinga funeral and having a ride in a carriage; but in most in stances the financial condition of 'the family in which the death occurs is such that a liberal expenditure of money for carriages cannot be made, and for a like reason those who desire to attend cannot hire their own conveyances. This is a poser to them; but they have found a way ont of it. An old woman, who is a queen of the class mentioned, has entered into the busi ness of supplying carriages for the needy, and at the same time maEes it a point to realize for ber trouble. As soon as a death is announced she canvasses the neighbor hood and inquires the number who want to go to the cemetery. Learning it, she di vides the number by five, and so determines on the number of carriages to hire. On the day of the funeral SI per head is charged all those who ride in the carriages, aud it is a point never to allow one to pull out with Jess than five or six occupants; and, as only $4 is paid the liveryman, the old lady has a profit oi from SI to'S2 on each carriage load. "And," said the liveryman, "we never object to carrying that many in a carriage, because she always pays cash down when the order is given, and it is cheaper to carry five for cash at low rates than three on long time." INTO BEW TORE CITT. The Baltimore and Ohio Road at Last Se cures Terminal Facilities. The Baltimore and Ohio Bailroadhave now secured an entrance into New York City and they will enter into competition with the Pennsylvania Bailroad fdr business to New York from Pittsburg. On March 10 they will run the first train from this city to New York via Washington and Philadel phia. Yesterday, Division Passenger Agent E. D. Smith, of this city, received the fol lowing telegram from Charles O. Scull, the General Passenger and Ticket Agent of the road: We have arranged to open our line for business to and from New York on and after March 10, and commencing(with that date will establish regular train service be tween Washington and New York without transfer at Philadelphia. Mr. Smith said: "We- have been trying to get into New York for years, but could never get the terminal facilities. We have now secured them and will run trains from Washington over the Beading and Bound Brook route into New York City. From Bound Brook, which is half way between Philadelphia and New York, we will run over the Central Bailroad of New Jersey." CITIZENS' LINE TIED UP For Over an Honr Last Night, by the Slot Closing Up. About 5:30 o'clock last night a Citizens' Traction car stnek fast at Thirteenth street, from the two sides of the slot coming to gether (occasioned by the cold weather). Prying was resorted to, but to no avail at first The road was completely blocked, all the cars on the line being at the point of ob struction before the slot was again opened, which took over an hour, and drew a crowd that might have been profitable enough tor the "greatest show on earth." Some of the passengers, indeed, actually practiced gym nastics in their endeavor to see what was going on and keep warm at the same time. To cap the climax, a grip broke soon after the cars got to rnnning, and delayed the procession 15 minutes more at Fifteenth street ANOTHER FIRE THIS MORNING. A Backet Brigade Orcnnlzcd In n. Ross Street Boarding- House. At 1 o'clock this morning a fire broke out in the boarding house of Mrs. Mason, at the corner of -Fourth avenue and Boss street The fire was in the third-story front room aud was caused by the natural gas fire in the grate catching onto the wooden mantel. The latter was destroyed and a number of pictures hanging on the wall were also burned. Officer Tobin was near the scene at the time and extinguished the fire by organ izing a fiie bucket brigade. The boarders of tne house were aroused and dressed only in their underclothes and overcoats passed water up to the officer. The department wis not called ont The loss will be about $50. ITS OWN EXTINGUISHER, A Darning Water Tank on the Ft. Wayne S. R. Pats Itself Oat. An engine on the Ft Wayne Bailroad in passing Superior Station last night, let fall a shower of sparks about a water tank near that place. The sparks set fire to the sup ports under the tank and the latter col lapsed, letting several thousand gallons of water fall upon the fire, which, of course, was quenched. When the fire was first seen about 9 o'clock, an alarm was tnrned in from boxes 11 and 15. QUITE AN EXCITING FIRE. An Allegheny House Gntted by the Flames S2.300 Worth. The two-story brick house occupied by Thomas Henderson and owned by Bichard Geyer, No. 42 Park way, Allegheny, caught fire about 8 o'clock last night in the absence of Mr. Henderson's family, and the inside was completely burned out, in spite of an exciting fight with the flames. The firemen saved the furniture, etc, with a damage of probably $300. Damage to the house about $2,000. BEHIND THE RECORD. The Length of the Legislative Session Is an Uncertain Quantity. Bepresentatives Stewart, Bulger, Lemon, Jones and George Shit-as IIL left lor Har risburg last night Mr. Shiras said he thought the session would extend into the middle of May. Ten days ago the House was supposed to be a week ahead of the record, but now, he un derstands, they are a week behind in their work. GRAI'S BOATS NOT SOLD. A Bit Rumor About Them Promptly Ran Down and Denied. It was rumored yesterday that Gray's Iron Line boats had been sold to Carnegie, Phipps& Co. Both Mr. Frick and the Secretary of the line denied it The-Secre-tary stated that "the great steel company had not even negotiated lor the boats. Roads Agree to Line Up. All of the roads in and west of Chicago, except the Joliet and Elgin, have agreed to the proposition of the trunk lines that there shall be no farther manipulation of Tates. The trunk lines have positively refused to pro rate with the road that does not charge the regular tariff. SORE A CENT'S WORTH The Terrible Condition of a 4-Year-Old Girl on the Southside, WHO SWALLOWED A, COPPER COIN. The Accident Occurred Pour Months Ago, and Death Will Ensue. ' A NEIGHBOR'S STORY QJ? THE AFFAIR A peculiar and distressing case has come to light on the Southside, which is both of interest to the medical fraternity and to the mothers of children who are In the habit of dieting themselves On pennies, buttons and other little articles of a somewhat indigesti ble nature. The latter may now point out this accident to the children as a terrible example of the practice of putting pennies in their mouths. The victim in this case is a child but four'years old, and it is likely her illness will result fatally. ( Julia Stroop, a 4-year-old girl, swallowed a penny abont four or five months ago, and is to-day suffering from the results. Her parents are of German origin, And reside in the second story of a little frame house in Larkins alley, near Twenty-third street STOBY OF THE MISHAP. A call was made at the house last even ing, but as the parents oould not fully un derstand the nature of the reporter's visit, a neighboring lady, who ias taken much in terest in the child, offered an explanation of the case, and pleasantly gave what little information she possessed in the case. The family never spoke very freely of the acci dent, and the details are meager. As far as could be learned, it seemsihat one day, "several months ago, the child was given a penny, and, as she had no pocket In her dress, she put it in her mouth. A sud den shock caused the little one to swallow the cent The coin lodged for a moment in her throat, and then passed into the stom ach. The child did not complain of feeling ill, and although Mrs. Stroup was advised to physic her she did not do so. Tne com still remains in the child's stomach or bowels. A few days afterward the child complained of feeling ill. The mother thought it was only a slight ailment, and no physician was summoned. THE FBIGHTFUL BESCX.T. About a month ago the child's body became inflamed, and soon afterward large, eruptive sores broke out over ier body. The ulcers rapidly spread, until to-day she is a mass of festering fle.sh. Her sufferings are intense. For over a week she has eaten no solid food, and refuses to partake of any when offered to her. Her life is sustained by the injection of fluids into ber system. A physician from the city was summoned abont two weeks ago, and, although he has done everything in his power to check the malady and sustain life, his efforts are prov ing fruitless. t The family are in comfortable circum stances. The husband is employed in one of the nearby factories. As has been stated previously, the family are Germans and have made bnt few acquaintances in the neighborhood, and when the accident oc cured they did not know whom to call on for advice. THIS WICKED WORLD. A Physician Gives Awav One Eenl Profes sional Temptation. "This is a wicked world, and the Ameri can people love to be deceived." This bit of philosophy was uttered by a -physician who had just collected a bill for $5 for professional services. "What's up, Doctor?" asked the reporter. "That delightful individual who has just left my office has had me prescribe for him." v "Well, what of that?" was asked. "Did you notice his nose?" "Yes, and I am compelled to say he has plenty of it." "That's what bothers him. He imagines that, if his nose were only smaller, he would make a bigger hit in society. He confi dentially informed me be had manufactured a mold himself to conform to the shape of his nose, and had worn it, too, in order to reduce its size; but this method proved a failure. He now asks me to prescribe for him. I gave him a prescription, or rather, sold it',: "Will it rednce anything?" asked the re porter. "es; the size of his pocketbook; but nothing more." i KING WILL COME. Tho Celebration ot Washington's Inangura tlon Will be a Success. A m pc tine of the Inaugural Centennial Committee was held in the Grain and Flour Exchange rooms last night It was de cided to hold the mass meeting in the Cen tral Eink. General Adam E. King, of Baltimore, has accepted the invitation to be present An effort will be made to secure a prom inent Virginian, in honor of Washington's native State, to deliver the oration. A number of local orators will make short ad dresses at the mass meeting. A finance committee was appointed, and the business men will be asked to share the expenses of the celebration. A PRETTY LIVELY. TUSSLE. A Saloon Row Ends With Bloodshed and Three "Arrests. Samuel Moffitt, Charles Stoddard and Max Muntz agreed to disagree in a saloon on Butler street, near Forty-first, last night about 10 o'clock, and at last came to blows and a general row. In the. melee that followed Moffitt was struck in the face with a pocket knife, cut ting his lip, jamming his nose so that Dr. Sands' aid was required. The other two were also arrested, and taken to the Seven teenth ward station house. The saloon "where the melee occurred looked like a slaughter house after the fight - THE SILVER BRICK SOLD. G. A. Kelly Got It for the Sum of 8135 at Yesterday's Auction Sals. The silver bricK, which had been donated to the Chamber of Commerce for the suf ferers of the Wood street disaster, was sold yesterday in the rooms ofthe Chamber of Commerce to Mr. G. A. Kelly for $125, he being the highest bidder, Mr. Bailey acted as the auctioneer. ' MR. SCULLY DOESN'T ANSWER. Letters to the Absent Ex-Prleit, Ex-Pastor Elicit No Reply. , . The Secretary of the Messiah 'Baptist Church, Lawrenceville, has sent two letters to Eev. Mi. Scully, pastor of the church, one to Philadelphia and one to Bichmond, Va., but has received no answer yet The West Penn Wants 8142,000. The Superintendent and three of the Board of Managers of the" West Penn Hos pital left for Harrisburg yesterday, to so licit an appropriation of $112,000 for the hospital. An Old Soldier Insane. John Irwin, an old soldier and a rest, dent of Allegheny, was confined in the .Al legheny lpck-up yesterday on account of insanity. THE fTTTSBTJRG DISPATCH,?-TUESDAY, (THE SECRET WAT. The Mode of Enameling" Brick Explained, and tho Ingredients Used. Within the past few years an observant person could not hare failed to have noticed the wonderful strides made in brick and tile making in this vicinity, as themany fine examples shown in the best dwellings ofthe two cities testify. The most durable as also the most attract ive brick manufactured are those with the enameled surfaces, which are colored in pleasing variety. The process of their manufacture has re mained a secret until very lately. The practice of enameling dates far back into the early centnries of the Christian era, and the secrets ofthe manufacture of it were generally kept in the families engaged in the enameling business; and but recently experiments made by some American chem ists prove that the art can be applied in many different branches of industry where fine and artistic effects are to be produced. To get these effects the workman selects such bricks as are bnrnt evenly and as nearly perfect as possible. The side to be enameled is then treated with a light coat ing of soluble glass, which acts as a sizinrs. After a sufficient number have been treated in this way the application of the enamel follows. This is composed of 16 parts of red lead, 3 parts of calcined borax, 12 parts of powdered flint glass and 4 parts of pow dered flints; the whole to be lused in a crucible and reduced to a paste in water to the proper consistency. Tnen it is applied to the prepared surface, oi the bricks with a brush. After the coating has become dry and hard, the bricks Are placed in an oven, which is heated highly enough to again fuse the enamel. After that is done the bricks are removed from the oven, and a beautiful white polished surface is the re sult To obtain the colored enamels the various oxides of metals are used over the white and again burned. When these bricks are placed in build ings 'they will endure for ages, being per fectly impervious to rain or snow, and en tirely unaffected by weather. H0SPITALITY,,PR0V1DUC, ETC., Are Daly Considered by tho Local Ex ecutive Prohibitionists. At a meeting of the Allegheny County Prohibition Executive Committee, yester day afternoon the presiding ,member, T. P. Hershberger, described the recent enthusi astic convention in .Louisville, saying that even Kentucky, the Bourbon State, was liable soon to have a Constitutional amend ment struggle. Of the -1,200 delegates to' that convention, not one was forced to go to a hotel, so hospitable were the Ken tuckians. Then Mr. Horner remarked: "God is on our side and we will win in the coming contest" "But we need votes and money, too," re torted Mr. Bryce; and the meeting was over. A. 0. U. W. ANNUAL CONVENTION. To Meet for the Third Time at Old Lafayette Hall To. Day. The State Grand Lodge of the A. O. TJ. W., will hold their third annual meeting at Lafayette Hall.commencing at 10 o'clock to-day. Nearly 300 delegates are expected. The morning session will be routing work, the installation being next Wednesdav. Among the matters brought up will be the purchase of a building in this city for the use of the grand officers and to keep the re cords in. A proposition to establish a re serve fund will also be considered. A number of delegates arrived on the late train last night The head of the order, Mr. A. L. Custis, is at the Hotel Anderson. An effort was made to find him, but without avail. COLORED MEN ORGANIZING. The Iron Ring of America Perfecting Their Organization. The colored men of Allegheny held a meeting last night in the Avery Mission Church. The gathering was for the purpose of perfecting the organization of the Junior Assembly of the Iron Bing of America. The following temporary officers were elected: Caleb Inas, Chairman; H. T. Neal, Secretary; S. E. Strattie, Treasurer. ' The objects of the order are protection to the American flag, upholding of the read ing pf the Bible in the public schools, the opposing of sectarianism in the schools and other provisions similar to those of mutual benefit societies. OLD PfiOBS IN A UNIFORM. Members of the Signal (Service Will Wear Blue on Jlnty. Members of the United States Signal Ser vice hereafter, while engaged in either field or office work, will be compelled to wear a uniformwhich has recently been adopted by the War Department The outfit con sists of a blue navy cap, bearing the signal service badge of gold braid, a dark blue sack coat, with brass buttons, dark blue trousers and vest, and a black silk tie, worn in a double bow. The man who pulls up the cold wave flag and causes the chills to chose one another down your back will now do so only when he is attired in a natty uniform. A MILL ACCIDENT. A German Struck on the Head With the Handle of a Crane. Valentine Loef, a German, aged 23 years, was dangerously injured at Oliver & Phillips' mill on Fifteenth street, South side, yesterday, being struck on the head with the handle of a crane. He was en gaged in lifting a heavy piece of metal when the handle of the crane slipped from his hands and hit him on the head. He was removed to the Homeopathic Hospital. His case may result fatally. 1 Gns Too Weighty for Them. The Allegheny sub-Gas Committee met last night in pursuance of a resolution passed by Councils appointing them for the purpose of formulating a schedule of rates to be charged for natural gas. The question is a rather weighty one, and the committee was dis posed to discuss the matter carefully before making a report. Another meeting will be called. A Disagreeable Delay. The breaking of a grip on car No. 109, of the Butler street division of the Citizens' line, delayed travel over an hour and a half yesterday morning. The accident was of the Boad. All cars on the two divisions were thus delayed. Many passengers hid to walk to work. Gay's Sentence Commuted. President Cleveland has commuted Sam uel Gay's sentence of five years, for defal cation as a pension office clerk, to three vears. expiring August 9. 1889. The Dis patch mentioned the movement in behalf Gay's pardon six or eight weeks ago. Made to Sleep la a Coal Shed. An information was made yesterday by the Anti-Cruelty Society against Mrs. Mary Boss, of Thirty-eighth street, the allegation being that she made her 5-year-old child sleep in a coal shed. Gymnasium Association meeting. At a meeting ofthe Board of Directors of the Police Gymnasium Association, yester day, Detective Patrick Fitzgerald waselect ed'seventh member of the board. A trainer will be elected at the next meeting. Llncrnsta-Wnlton At John S. Bobertst, 414 Wood st. Liveb complaint cured free at 1102 Car son sta Southside, V JEEBRPABY DRA70DRAWSAB0W And Aims Its Arrow at Both the Rev enue Bill and tho Saloons. DOWfl ON THE .CORPORATION TAX. Also a Doubter as to Any Fight Between . Quay and Rntan. THE LATTER A PRIZED RIGHT BOWER Captain John S. Dravo, the Beaver statesman and Prohibitionist, was inter viewed at the Monongabela House yester day. The Captain is Secretary of the Ways and Means, and he said the revenue bill would be ready to present to the House this week. Commenting on the coming measure, he said: The only objections made to the bill come from the manufacturers, who are opposed to the imposition of a 3 mill tax on their capital stock. I am inclined to favor the manufactur ers for a number of reasons, although the ob ject in making such a tax is to relievo the bur den of taxation on real estate. About M per cent of the taxes raised come out of real estate. It mnst be quite evident that a vast deal of moneV in stocks, bonds, mortgages, etc, es- cape, and it is no- more than right that such moneys should be taxed. QUITE EXCEPTION AI. On the other hand, no other State in the Union taxes manufacturing corporations. Such a law would putthe Pennsylvania makers on an unequal' footing with their competitors. This would be seriously felt along the border of the State. Pittsburg's industries would suffer some; so would the manufacturing inter ests of Philadelphia, because, just across the line, are men making the same frodncts, who do not have such taxes to Jiay. am afraid that in the end it would react, and affect the wages of workmen. Hitherto the policy of the State has-been to encourage legit imate manufactures of every description. I read the account in Tux Dispatch this morning of how Senator Butan was switched off from the State Treasurership. I don't know anything about the inside history: bnt, when it was announced that Bntan would not be a candidate, 1 thought It was because his health was poor, and he would be given a post under the Government in some foreign land, where the climate was congenial. THE COLONEL'S EIGHT BCWEB. Quay would do more to-day for Butan than for any other man In the State. Bntan can have anything be wants in Quay's power to get for him. I know this to be true from the long standing friendship existing between the two men. I-oIaim the honor of putting ex-Attorney General Palmer in charge of the prohibition forces. I understand the Stevens wing Say they were tricked when Harry Wright was made Chairman of the convention: but it was an open and square deal. I think prohibition will win. since women are in the fight They are work ing hard, and are influential. The pulpit also is on our side, and will wield a mighty power. The politicians also want to get rid of the sa loon. Whisky has always been a drag to them. During campaigns they are called on often to "set 'em up for the boys," and every politician knows it is a nuisance. This class of citizens wil welcome the day when the saloons are closed. I want it to be understood,tbough. that I never offered a man a drink to secure his vote. 0RI)FIR8 TRSUED. Colonel Smith Instructs His Regiment for the Inaugural Trip. Colonel Norman M. Smith, of the Eight eenth Infantry, issued the following order last night: HEAD0.UASTEE3 ElOHTEESTH INPAXTBY, Second Bei'qadk, N. G. P., PlTTSBtrBG, February 25, 18S9. Regimental Orders, No. 3. L In compliance with General Orders, No. 2, dated Division Headquarters, N. G. P., Jan nary 21, 1889, the several companies and drum corps of this regiment will assemble in heavy marching order (overcoat to be worn), with two days' cooked rations, at 6 o'clock P. SI. on Saturday, March 2. 1889. on Fifth street corner Dnquesne way, to proceed to Washington, D. C, to participate in the inauguration of the President of the United States. ' IL Company I will leave McKeesport for Pittsburg in time to join the rest of the regi ment at the hour specified. III. En route all enlisted men must remain in their own cars, the only exception being non commissioned staff officers and first sergeants having bnsiness with headquarters. IV. Company commanders will see that the clothing, arms and equipments are in proper condition, brasses and tincups bright knap sack straps whitened, shoes polished, and that each man has at least three pairs of clean white gloves. V. Company commanders will make their field reports immediately upon the starting of the train; they will also seeulhat at least one commissioned officer is present with his com pany until the train has passed Altoona, and that the property of the railroad company is not abused or injured in any way. No man will be allowed to ride on the platforms of the cars, and guards will be instructed accordingly. VLThe Colonel commanding expects and requires the members of the regiment to main tain the high standing they nave attained. Gentlemanly and soldierly conduct must bo observed at all times, whether on duty or off duty. When on the streets coats must be kept buttoned, clothing cleaned, brasses bright and shoes polished. VII. While in Washington the regiment will be quartered at Gil and C16 Seventeenth street, N. W. Notice of return to Pittsburg will be communicated in future orders.) VHI. One servant will be allowed to each rnmn&nT. and hA trmftf: rtfi in uniform, other. wise he will not be allowed to accompany tho I regiment, IX. Roll calls will be held at reveille and re- traqf Ttpoei ninrla will Via ViaIH i"r Rnnrlvat 5 o'clock p. M." By order of T wk Colonel Noejian m. smith. Charles Reese, Adjutant. A SERIOUS EPIDEMIC. Diphtheria Creates a Tearful Havoc In and Around Boston. isntcux, TzxsaBAii to the dispatcii.! Boston, February 25. There is a serions epidemic of diphtheria in and around Bos ton. The Mt. Hope Home for Children, in West Boxbury, has been quarantined. It has 28 cases ofthe disease among the 30 in mates. There has been two d.eaths, but the other cases are not supposed to be danger ous. In Maiden, the Center school, in which are C00 pupils, has been closed be cause oi the presence of the disease in the neighborhood. Dr. John L. Sullivan, one of the most prominent physicians of Mal den,attended two cases which resulted fatal ly in one family, and it is alleged, failed to report the cases, as required by law, to the Board of Health, and the school children passed through the court and played about the residence several days betore .it was known that there was diphtheria there and the passage roped off. The Board of Health issued a summons for Dr. Sullivan to appear before the court, and he will be arraigned to-morrow morn ing, upon a complaint charging him with neglecting to notify the board of a conta gions disease, the penalty of which is a fine of not less than $50, nor more than $200. The case has caused considerable excite ment. There are several other cases of this disease throughout that city. Two Girls Pine for nlorganza. Maggie O'Brien and Minnie Lindsay, 13 and 15 years of age, applied to the Anti Cruelty Society yesterday to go to Mor ganza," because ot alleged ill-treatment at home. Ticket! and Sleeplng-Car Accommodations For the inangnration can be secured now. $9 the round trip. Tickets good to Balti more, with privilege to stop at Washington going or returning. Ladies take Angostura Bitters generally when they feel low spirited. It brightens them up. River Telegrams. tSPICTAL TELZQ&MIS TO TUX DISFATCH.1 W abeew Biver frozen. Weather clear and moderate. MoboautOWJt River 4 feet 6 inches and stationary. Weather clear. Thermometer 28 at 4 P. M. Bkowksvixle Biver 3 feet S inches and falling. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 28 at6r. iz. " 618893 EXTENDING THE PLANT. The Standard Plate Glass Works Contract ing; for Great Improvements Amerlcitu Glass the Best. ' The Standard Plate Glass Company has contracted for very noteworthy improve ments of its plant at Butler. There are now 400 men at work in the glasshouse, and the monthly prpdnct of the concern is 18,000 feet of glass. The company is now putting up a new furnace of 20 pots, 10 new annealing ovens, 9 polishing machines, 2 more grinding machines and a new brick warehouse, whose dimensions will be 175x75 feet This addition to the works will also require sev eral more boilers and eight more engines. One of the stockholders of the company, speaking of the enlargement of the factory yesterday afternoon, said: This addition to our works will increase our capacity to 25,000 feet of plate glass per month. The Improvements are not made on specula tion, bnt because the trade demands tbem. American plate glass is now gradually eclips ing the production of that article of Belgium and England. Natural gas been the great factor in the manufacture. By the use of nat ural gas the glass made is much more brilliant than the foreign glass, and then the article does not fade like the imported product The increase in onr plant wllf give 100 more employes workattheestablishment We hope to have everything in shape in about 60 days. THE EIGHT-HOUR MOVEMENT. Labor People Wondering What Has Become of theDemonstratlon. A great many people in labor circles have been inquiring within the past few days what has become of the labor demonstra tion in favor of the eight-hour movement, which was to have come off in this city on the 22d inst That date was the one set for mass meetings to be held all over the coun try. The supposition was that the meeting was not held owing to the fact of the Wash ington celebration Friday last The movement is backed by the Federa tion of Labor, of which organization Will iam Martin, of this city, Secretary of the Amalgamated Association, is the Second Vice President Being interrogated yesterday Mr. Martin said he did not know why the meeting had not been held. The next date set for a mass meeting is July 4. The object of the pro posed meetings is to educate .the people up to the eight-hour movement MASTER WORKMAN HUGHES, The Leader of tle K. of I CIotUIng,Cnttcrs and Trimmers. James Hughes, Master Workman of D. A. 231, Knights of Labor, Garment Cutters and Trimmers, with headquarters in Chi cago, was in the city yesterday on his way home from New fork, where he went to look after several locals of the district. Mr. Hughes is also the business manager of the Chicago co-operative tailoring establish ment, which was started by himself and a few others two years ago. The district assembly of which Mr. Hughes is the head, has a membership of between 8,000 and 9,000. They have no Pittsburg membership, there being no large tailoring manufacturing establishments here. The co-operative company is run under the jurisdiction of the district, and is mak ing money for the Knights. Last year, on a capital of $3,000, they did a business of over 512,000. COAL MINERS' MEETINGS. Alastcr Workman Jenkins Says He Is meet ing With Great Success. Master Workman Jenkins, of Subdivision No. 5, K. of L., Monongahela river coal miners, was in the city yesterday and left late in the afternoon for Elizabeth, where a mass meeting of miners was held last night. This evening he will address a meeting at Hilldale; to-morrow night one at Webster, and on Thursday evening another meeting will be held, at Brownsville. Speaking of tne meetings yesterday, jut. jeniuns said: The meetings we held last week added a large list of members to our order. Comparing the results with other meetings held for the same purpose they exceeded anything ever Known in the line of organization. I find little difficulty in inducing the miners at all points along the river to come into the Knights of Labor. Tbey would not touch the National Progressive Union, COMPOSITORS' MEETING. Nominations for Now Officers and Delegates to Denver on Deck. , Typographical Union No. 7 will meet Sunday next to nominate officers, to be elected March 27, for the ensuing year, and alto to nominate delegates to the annual convention of the Union to be held in Den ver in June. As yet there has been no op position to the candidacy of Fdward Hope for the office of President. H. J. Kimpton, the present Financial Secretary, will un doubtedly be elected one of the two dele gates to the convention. For the other place the contest between Messrs. Lewis and Lydon will be warm. MILLER FORGE SOLD. NeTr Compnny Has Pnrchnsed tho Works nt Rankin Station. The Miller Forge Company has been dis solved by the trustees, Messrs. Bobert Wardrop, Humphries, Miller and Hugh Campbell, and the works at Bankin station will hereafter be known as the Duquesne Forge Company. The new company has also purchased the Twin City Forge at Sharpsburg, and will run it with the other works at Bankin. Secretary Dillon Home. Secretary William Dillon, ot the Ameri can Flint Glass Workers' Association, re turned Sunday morning from his wedding tour, accompanied by his bride. All yes terday he was engaged in setting up the ice water for his friends. Factories Working. President Smith.of the Flint Glass Work ers' Association, went to St. Louis last night. He states that most of the Hint glass factories in the district are in operation, and he is well satisfied with the prospects. K. of L. Meeting at Sallfla. Master Workman Boss, of D. A. No. 3, K. of L., went to Salina, Pa., yesterday, where hg made an address before Local As sembly 8996. There was a large turnout of Knights in that vicinity. NEW CARPET ItOOMS, 643 and 644 Liberty Street. We are now prepared to show carpet buy ers a most superb stock ot carpeting from the best mills in the country; all of most artistic coloring and designs, carefully se lected bv our buyer, who has been with the oldest carpet house of our city durin&the past ten years,and, therefore, has a thorough knowledge ofthe wants of our oeople. Henbt Bekcer, d Liberty street, cor. Sixth avenue. FTJBNITUKE! FDBNITimE! Henry Berger. We are now taking orders for present and future delivery at the lowest possible margin for our new designs in household furniture. Henbt Beboeb, d Liberty street, cor. Sixth ave. 61eepIng-Car Accommodations Can Now be Secured. For the inauguration at the Baltimore and Ohio ticket office, corner Fifth avenue and Wood street, Pittsburg, Pa. Ihvaltiss call at 1102 Canon at. and be cored free of charge. SUNDAY'S DRY HOTEL. Apt Illustration of What a Strict Con struction of Law Leads To, THIRSTT DRDIL&IERS FIGHT SHY Of a City in Which They Can Get Ifothine bat Soft Drinks. A CLERK WHO MORALIZES UPON IT "Ton may send to my room, please, three bottles of beer and a dozen cigars." The speaker was one of three Yankees; time, Sunday morning; scene, a popular hotel. "Whatl" gasped the astonished clerk, as he fell back into the arms of his co-workej; "Why, yon ought to be glad you are living." "Come, now," replied the Yankee, a little nettled, "send npthe beer and slop fool ing." "But I caTt," explained the clerk. "It's against the law." "Oh, confound the laws! We take no stock in them. Come, send np the stuff and it will be all right." continued the Yankee. "No, that is out of the question." Then the Bostonian got angry, and com menced to curse the clerk and the city in general. "Can I take a walk?" he asked mocking ly, "or do they chain people in Pittsburg on Snnday? I never heard of such a city, and I'll be sure to steer clear the next time I have occasion to spend Sunday away from home." Having vented his wrath, he walked awav. "That is a sample,"said the clerk turning to a reporter, "'of what we have to endure on Sundays. When these people find they can't buy cigars and drinks on Sunday they usually blame us. I tell them we are not responsible for these laws. "Now some of them do avoid the city orr Sundays who used 'to stop here; but they have to stay somewhere, and they often come back. It must be admitted that whisky makes trade lively and keeps money in cir culation. Since the liquor" laws have been enforced so stringently there has been a fall ing off in the hotel business. The man from the country, who often came to the. city to buy, trade, get drunk, stop over a few days and enjoy life, still comes; but he arrives here in the morning and goes home at night. He salts down his extra cash in an old sock, and there it remains. He is silent gen erally and not so lively as he used to be; but I don't believe he is any happier. "Liquor, a little of it, I mean, seems to add spice and zest to trade. When people rush from one extreme to the other business always drops." If men were dead drunk all the time, and did nothing but carouse, such a state of affairs would be demoralizing. On the other hand, when they become too good, they lose energy and are content to live quietly, and again business suffers. Prohibition will not help matters; neither win too much whisky. A little of both would be the proper thing, and herein the solution of the problem lies." IN YEBY HOT WATER. A Man With Two Wives Is Found Out by Sponse No. 1. rsrzcxu. teligeam to the dispatch.: Portland, Me., February 25 George W. Haynes, who has led a dnal existence with two wiveSj is now in hot water because of the discovery of wife No. 2 by the first wife, and to-morrow he will endeavor to make his peace with two enraged females, each of whom supposed she was the only object of his affections. The fun began Saturday, when a very pretty little woman, with eyes blazing with fury, rushed into police headquarters and explained that she wanted her husband arrested. She said her name was Addie F. Haynes. She had mar ried Haynes 13 years ago, in Auburn, but she could not recall the name of the minis ter, and had destroyed the marriage certifi cate. They lived together until a few months ago, and he then deserted her. A short time ago she was more than surprised when she learned that her husband was married to another woman. It appears that Haynes, who is by pro fession a hotel cook, went to the town of Phillips, where he made the acquaintance of a vonne ladv of eood familv and oi more than common personal attraction. This woman a Miss Bobinson, he married the 1st of January, giving his name asW. E. Steward. Marshal Hawkes placed the case in the hands of Sheriff Webb, who sent Deputy Sheriff Sargeant to Yarmouth, where he found Haynes at Yarmouth Hotel. Haynes seemed remarkably unconcerned. He ad mitted that he lived with Mrs. Haynes for 13 years, but said he was never married to her that he could remember, and proposed to make her prove the marriage. Tho Famous Cable Line. Everybody is buying Cable Line cakes. They are splendid. Yon should try them. Your grocer keeps them. Boys' Shirt Waist Opening This week. All the newest things ready at Home & Ward's, 41 Fifth ave. it Wall Paper. Largest line pressed goods in the city. D John S. Bobebts, 414 Wood st. SPBING IMPOBTATIONS COMING IN DAILY. French and Scotch Ginghams, Ander son's Plaids, advanced styles in French Satines, advanced designs in India Silis.complete lines of Foreign and Do mestic Wash FaDncs ready for spring sewing. LACE AND EMBROIDEBY. Shipments on sale at low prices for first-class goods. Special prices on 27 and 45-inch Flouncings. Spring Invoices of MUSLIN UNDEBWEAB That needs no commendation to any buyer who has used it, coming from makers who aim at perfection, yet meet the market in price.. The following departments in daily receipt of new and desirable effects: TBIMMINGS, BRAIDS, BUTTONS, . KID AND FABRIC GLOVES, PLAIN AND FANCY HOSIERY, NECKWEAB AND COSSETS. Second floor for Cloaks, Suits and Shawls, Children and Misses' Suits. BIBER ajASTDN, 05 AND 607 MARKET ST. fe22TS6U TBIIHG TO CLEAR TIE DESK - Select Coaaeil Beaches Its Work In thtf Closlnc Hoars. Clerk of Select Council Sheppard had time of it reading ordinances yesterday. His mouth got hot and dry, and newts spitting fi'oenny-bits before he got through. The members are anxious to clear the desks and another meeting for that purpose is called ipr to-morrow afternoon. The follow ing street opening ordinances were passed finallyr Opening Grazier street, from Homewood avenue to city line; Garden alley, from Mala to Boqnet streets; Melwood street; from Thirty-third street to Denny j?roperty;"Howard alley, from Thirty-fourth street to a point 80 feet east: Denver street, from Dover to Craig ftreets; Woolslair alley, from Meteor alley to fortieth street. The .following locating ordi nances: Locating Landwebr street, from Fenn avenue tp Shakespeare street; McNally alley, from a point eastto a point west of Butberglen J"et; Rosetta street, from Fainnount street to Rebecca street; Wakefield street, from ward to Borneo street; Broad street, from fjegley avenue to Rebecca street; Mifflin street, from Main street to Friendship avenue; Clearriew street from Black street to Stanton avenue; Kincald street from Fairmountto Re becca street; River street from Station to Broad street. Establishing grade of Center avenue from Bono street to Hilind avenue; es tablishing grade of Corday alley from Keed to Cedar streets: Irwin avenue from Shady ave nue to Dallas streetr Calvin from Forty second to Forty-fourth streets; Franks-x town avenue from Fifth avenue to city line: Garden alley from Main street toFisk street; Bowery alley, from Garden al ley to Geneva street; Johns street, from Mahoa avenue to Sobo street. Repealing an ordinance opening Boqnet street, trom Fifth avenue to Allequtppa street; vacating Pitcairn street, from Ellsworth avenue to Pennsylvania Bail, road; widening Oak alley, from liberty avenue to Grant street; relocating Forbes avenue from Shady avenue to Homewood Cemetery gate. MAGIC FOB A SUNDAI SCHOOL. Prestidigitation to be Exhibited and Ex plained to Scholars. Superintendent S. Hamilton, of the But ler Street M. E. Snnday school, has en gaged Prof. Pray, a traveling- magician, to give an exhibition before the scholars to night. He will show magicians tricks,and then explain to the children how they are. done. JDS. HDRNE k CD.'B ' PENN AVENUE STORES. f NEW GOODS -IS THB- CLOAK ROOM. & ' GOODS 5 NEW GOODS -ISTHE- CLOAK ROOM. Ulsters, Baglans and Jackets Black . Jackets in Stockinette and Diagonal Cloths, S3 to S20l These are well suda i and fit beautifully. New Dress Goods more of them each day. Over 600 pieces 'of sew all- wool French Cashmeres, 50c, 65c to. SI 23, choice new shades.' New fancy combination styles in plaids and stripes, EOc a yard. New plain Suiting Cloths, 40c and 60c; 60 Inches wide, extra quxb ity, atToc s Foreign Dress Goods Onr own im portations now coming in 75c to S3 a yard; certainly tho largest stock to be seen; colorings all of the newest, and s beautiful line of Black and Whit Dress Goods. . Large stock of Black Wool Drest Goods, in plain and fancy weaves. ; Visit the enormous stock of Glng. 'x hams and Satines, 10c to 60c a yard, Every newest and best style and raii,- is shown here. . -- 'is- -,i 3 Special Kid Glove Bargains -.tela pf week. JDB. HDRNE k UM .sTA PENN AVENUE STORES. 1 . ! 46: 1L?J mm 1 . r.ir -zz w &
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