Page Four THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Farmer-Sportsmen Operate Club’s Farm county are crop The man fan price ol member from sale Last plow the la: Centre Hall-Potter— the gat : jis y Page One morning call and ing on breast found, both Recently his g shot \ a small raft = dence of 3 Heat Is The Enemy Of Quality in Eggs ‘roduction of quality eggs depends | many factor An eight point] itlined In Extension | leaflet can fice of i nies of the ; the he | | Maintain | of 50 to 2 75 per] in the egg | ggs three times | quickly. 5. pack erzus dally. 6. pre-cool egg cases; 7 | MArkKet egg twice a week “ keep | vel Lg 44 nfined ‘Serve Cool Milk Drinks on Warm Days Cool refreshing great demand as days get warmen | | Miss Helen 8. Butler, home eco ” Ll nomic represent eS { Announcing the NEW IMPROVED i... ih sons sosbumern: and cold milk drink » drinks are In Serve a Nutrition studies show that afiults as well as children are Jovy in calcium. The best way to irprove this is to serve at least three glasses WOO0D BROS. ‘of milk a day to each meraber of the family. Nutritionists ne.w agree a : {that adults should have about a A great combine made greater still! Has new Ford Join vy mille a day JAVA may be . s " : Used In Cooking or or bev Farming engine, ground driven reel, solid rubber [™% wmpting mir dang Vern. draper rolls, new air blast throttle control, metal fan {iixsianice, is made as Yollows: Slice i ’ i {four fully ripe banarias and bea blades, improved cylinder front sheet «oo plus 15 [them until creamy With a rotary other improvements! For big combine performance in a 6 ft. combine that handles easily with any 2-plqw tractor, investigate the Dearborn-Wood Bros. now. egg beater. Add 2 tablespoons of K & M TRACTOR SALES sugar, 1-8 teaspoor; salt, 1 table spoon vanilla, ard 5 cups milk | Stir well, pour over cracked lee Phone Pleasant Gap 751 Horntown Road « Pleasant Gap R, D. 2, BELLEFONTE, PA. jand serve at once. This will make 8 to 10 servings Copyright 1080, Dearborn Motors Corporation Another drink with a different flavor is spioed milk. To make this for three sevvings, blend together 2 cups milk, % teaspoon cinnamon, NP 181.A |‘ teaspoor: nutmeg, 1 tablespoon . sugar, 1<P teaspoon salt, and % ASK<FOR A DEMONSTRATION [RES ita or pour over cracked ice and serve al once. THE OrFFice Car “A Little Nonsense Now and Then, Is Relished By the Wisest Men.” EX 4 Fa » i a “Smile The While” Some people smile While But the girl worthwhile When her stocking in the face of death, others only frown: is the one who can «I are coming down Sucker Bait L I went fishing the first day and I don't mind giving Yessir the net result of my trip: 4 lost hooks, a boot-full of water, a lost a frosted ear, two tired feet, a bad cold, a broken Commandment strong breath, and came home wit} fish a he-man's appetite and a de go again--dut “What'd You Call Me?” a Pi ) NOW wscribers down at day referred to | sherman a I looked it up and I'll be a calor 0 5 you know what you are Bulls Eve he other morning on my “St. Patrick's Day,” but conver on went like this way St. Patrick's Office Cat O'Neal The omething Office a dollar Well, IT O'Neal TRS McBetl set here Hd wr Het same time “Heil Hath No Fury” realize what a whale of trouble the omission 1. One time the congregation o mncement in the church day y 2141 i “The ladies thi wirch have cast off clothing of all kine ay be seen in the basement of the church any afternoon ti 1 missing. b is week. Just on it see how it made the notice read ¢ 2 Spit Tune A Curtin street mother took her son to one of our treatment. Here is what ensued “To determine the cause of vour ailment,” said the Doc, “I must have a sample of your saliva” “IT ain't keep it got any in the more,” said the young gent. “Pop wouldn't let me house.’ “You don’t understand me the doctor explained ‘1 want expectorate.” I can’t do nothing like that “No, no.” said the medico. “All 1 want you to do is to spit—spi bottle over on the window sill.” ' said the lad. “IT ain't no athlete.” that “Huh?” asked the youth in amazement. “From here?” ¢ © A Bright Ideas I've heard of one woman who lives over on Thomas street who has cooking down to a science. She puts popcorn in the pancakes and they turn over themselves, A ec © What a Bellefonte Trout Thinks Ho, hum! Look who we've got with us again Sunday visitors the poor fish, I call them wonder what they think we are , Esquire Girls? just look at the short dresses the girls are wearing wish they wouldn't stand so close to the railing . . . it's aw- fully demoralizing to the young bucks down here . . . that's why so many of us are leaving home , . . attempting to jump the falls . . . seeking a closer view . . . caught Speck trying to climb the wall the other day . . gosh, here comes the hamburg brigade . . . now for another feed . . . I'm pretty well fed up on it . . . had an uncle who once died from eating hamburg . . . had a hook in it , , , wish I had a big juicy worm . . . did you hear about the—excume the interruption, here comes a helgrammite, a © © the usual bunch of That's all, folks: There's one good thing about women's pajamas. they don't get baggy at the knees. ~"BCAT" Butler, home economics extension representative of Centre county. During the short asparagus sea. son, serve this green vegetable often. When you buy asparagus, count on four servings per pound. Jt might be a good idea to remind everybody of the near approach of Pather's Day, Serve Garden Fresh Asparagus Often Tender green stalks of asparagus get a warm welcome from yn who savors its fresh garden good- ness, Plain cooked and topped with butter or sauce, asparagus is delie- lous any time, says Miss Helen 8 Howard the other — Er hi >) Methodist any —— NIONVILLE I ————— Church servic 0:45 am Children's Service the teachers of the . termediate classe Meeting at 6:30 evening worship vice at 7:30 po with sermon by Raycrof The Rey and three Method) mother, Mr Grace School 4 other cle by Mr: and Del people and from followed DY | burg I i hie HER relative in Alice Norril In- brig Holliday wWeerEend w M1 Tacoma her parent McElwain Cleveland Holtzw J Mair H rt a4 position in at Dobbs Ferry latter part of KREBS RADIATOR SHOP Hall. Pa PHONE J caning Repairing { entre You can buy a two-piece International Suite for as little as *129°° at Houts! living room furniture ever awarded the “. FASHION ACADEMY GOLD MEDAL i du - LJ A——- INTERNATIONAL Not everyone can be one of America’s 10 best dressed women chosen by the Fashion Academy, but you can have a “best dressed” living room with International furniture. The entire line—and only International—has been top-honored by these same experts for its “distinctive style appeal . . . masterpiece of expert craftsmanship.” In modern, period or sectional furniture, famous STURDILUX construction assures longer-lasting luxurious comfort. And stun: ning fabrics in decorator colors make these great values even greater. Come soon and see! from International's mew IMPERIAL COLLECTION lt $395.95 SMALL DOWN PAYMENT FAMILA FURNITURE DEPARTMENT 2nd Floor PHONED
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