Page Two THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. June 14, 1951 CENTRE HALL William H. Lu ‘entre dl] Mr. and Mi "red RD, was given a party last Tuesday | and Beth and Davy of evening at his home mothe ent Saturday Mrs. Ralph Inez Luse. The ev of his 18th birt} the even cards and § presented and ren n L M Eva Balle turned served. Present ] m, Miriam riam Haga! hoads, Bill Willard Fult Russe { Allan nstity Fred Burri Rudy visited Mrs. D M with Mr to the Woma: h Trinity home last Paul Bra meeting Enterta Mrs. The Bradford the served Bracdf Mme John Sear and M1 returned nah, N.Y spent Mr. ai ] Alexander dent went me: Houser, Judy State College, with Mi: lenahan. Last users call- £. Mc- Cen- evening Neal Lo Ny- pending mother, Miss IW EOL teacher | he Christian it wwe bi and DR. A. F. PRATT, Optometrist Opposite Pest Office at REBERSBURG PHONE t-11 DAYS Tuesday and Saturday, 10 A M » 6 to 8 P.M and kept) walting OFFICE Appointmen : Wd PERSONAL LOANS | Clean Up Those Old Bills Now, With a FIRST NATIONAL PERSONAL LOAN The chart below gives amounts, costs, and repayment schedules Borrow Repay 12 monthly payments $106.00 212.00 318.00 400.00 4240.00 35.3% 530.00 “ar FIRST NATIONAL BANK BELLEFONTE, PA. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, Member Federal Reserve System SAVE FOR YOUR INDEPENDENCE—-BUY BTATES SAVINGS BONDS NO METALLIC $100.00 200.00 300.00 $ BR} 17.68 26.58 UNITED The first special motor fuel — still first because it leaves DEPOSIT! Amoco-Gas is completely different from all other gasolines, It is made differently, from a different formula. It is made from pure petroleum. It can burn completely, It leaves no metallic deposit. It saves your car's engine, and it saves you money. Use Amoco-Gas— for longer car life. There's nothing like it! leaves no metallic deposit AMERICAN OIL COMPANY Maine to Florida AE TN I——— - Bail- there. | Church, with a guest, had a dinner meeting on June 7 at Twin Aire near Bellefille, Later the group at-| tended a movie in Lewistown, Those | present were Mmes. Harold Bohn, | {Jack Bradford, Willlam Campbell, ! {Guy Jamison, Bruce Knarr, Paul | Martz, Alfred Relish, Jack Riegel, { James Bryson, Roy Dunklebarger | Glen James, Fred Slack, Harsld | | Settle, Don Smith, Robert Arney, Kenneth Frazier Ed Cihlar Jay Reed and Evelyn Breon as guest Mrs. Bruce Hartley entertained the Wo-Fo-Lo Sunday School class of the Milesburg Baptist Church of! | which she Is a member, at her home last Tuesday evening. Miss Elizabeth | Sheets, a missionary home on fur- lough from Venezuelan, had charge lof the Bible study period. A fare-! well party followed for Mrs. John Fassett, wife of the Baptist minis- { ter. She was presenmd with gift: | Refreshments were served, Present were Miss Sheetz, Mrs. Fassett and Mme Clark McKinley, Charles McKinley, Kathrine No w, Laura Hellman, Bea 8Su Gladys Breon, Betty Pisher, Isabel Wag ner, Mi Robinson, Mi Meri Sheetz Mis Riser Mr Smith ‘ollege 5 and attended the ( commencement on Mon Her niece, Mr Nancy Farmer State College, was one of the gre uates Mr Lovan Kenneth Barger \ Jimmy, are spending this week with Mr. and Mr Warren Wilson at Raystown Dam On Sunday evening Mr George McCormick ca Mrs. Harry Gardner in and Mr. and Mr n in Lemont and Mrs. P home on thelr Beach DM anda Mr M1: and led to se P. Henshall Sunday home from Red Fla Bradford ne McClellan Bradf« { RI Centre Hal f i Goodhart and Mr of Lock Haver Irvin ry were Mir Linda went to Jolugktiow week ern N pena Kenneth Frederick weighed 7 na been nan Mr. Bradford Mrs. D M. Bradford while Mrs. Brad! Margaret Vembx Crerman) Je vior McWilliams In real democra will spend son A CAY 13 labor of the t which Bure come together i atmosphere the art of uction ifices in ple mas thetic practice pean you to stud Christian vi completely identify themselves wit the people they come in abroad, living in very basi ters, eating the same food working with them side by side. a means of bringing about a bette: understanding and enabling all to feel and see the real spirit of vital Christian The people will receive no remuneration whatsoever the services thes render Afternoons and evenings as well as weekends will be spent in discussion groups, seminars and personal conferences which the stu- tdents will share with the youth of other nations. Mr. Potter has been selected by the Hollywood church land the General Assembly of the | Presbyterian church of the U. 8 {and will proceed to an international {work camp In Germany, Of the group of six young men and three contact quar i ANG } democracy for | young women, one girl is the former | Colleen Townsend, wife of Touls H. | i { Evans, Jr, (son of the Hollywood | ministery who Is also a member of {the team. They left New York by boat on June 11 and expect to ar- jrive In Southampton, June 21, A { week will be spent in London taking ' partin in the services of the Pres { byterian churches in teams of three In Scotland they will visit the home of Presbyterians. Stopping In Hol. land the team will meet with the high officials of the YMCA. a meet- | ing arranged especially for the Council of Churches They will travel touching Milan, Rome, Florence and Naples. The Itklian team of four will remain in Italy. Two will go to France and three to Germany their respective Christian work camps. The group will fiy home from Paris to New York on August 21. Travel arrangements are taken care of by the Wold Council of Churches, lard | made | BE oung group. From there they will go to | Switzerland to meet with the World | in Geneva. | through Italy, | over OR mel IH neem MI Mi Hall He 1 Cin wednesd Callahan Williams o den Club talked or ments, presel own of dried material and with flowers. She also discus rangement l he club 1} Member Club with last range play of lie green £0 A nad were Mri chairman, were hout which the Garden ment social condi The fen or Lnree Callahan busines to order 5 the Linden Halli cemetery i of their project Plans were ne member be club aeclided of meetin sie i which held June Mr Mr Member han, Mrs Weaver Char Fred Weave! cted Churche Mrs Hele: v Coble G Delaney Cre Decker Mr Delar Evan Earl Mohn Bohn where Day «¢ Mr went v bit : Cour attended Cet in Hom 100F Orph CHURCH SERVICES Evangelical Reforme Re se E Palr Church School vice, 10:45. Emanuel vice, 0% Chur Sch 10 Pent Valley Laut} Rev. Ro A. Gutshall, pastor Centre Hall Chu ol, 9:30. Children’s Das service, 7:30. Farmers Mills Wor ship service, 9.00 Chursh School 10:00. Georges Valle Church School, §:30: Communion, 10:30 Presbyterian: Rev. George Cox pastor. Centre Hall nireh School 9:30; worship service, 7.30 Evangelical United Brethren E. D. Spencer, pastor Worship service, 9:15 School, 10:00 they tre t the f the past TS 0 3 wor Wi ( rend 0 eran hE rc $ Cl 7 Rey Tussevville and Church Lemont Church School, 10:00; worship service 11:00 Bethesda — Worship service, 2:00 Centre Hall—-Church 8chool, 10:00, and worship service, 7:30 Rev. R. O. Steely of Lewisburg, conference superintendent, will he the guest speaker at the First Quar-! terly. Conference church service following the Grateful A young man got up and made his way to a little old lady standing up In a crowded streetcar. “Pardon me, miss,” he sald gallantly, “but {1 think you are one of the loveliest girls 1 have ever seen in my life to | Won't you take my seat?” “Thank you,” replied the old lady, as her eves lit up, “not only for the seat, but also for the approach” Most of the newspaper articles and many 1 [ the conceive SMULLTON Last Wednesday afternoon we | the announcer over radio tation WEVA at Lewistown make following Item of farm news FF.A. sold poultry at $2 per How can you or anyone else of poor people’ earning enough money to buy chicken meat to feed a family at such a price and pay other expenses? Such action ls selfishness and proceed: from the old Devil himself, the father of Hes Clyde Boob, of Millheim, and Lec Kidder, of Rebersburg, were busy last week treating the store and residential building of Mr. and Mr: Wilbur Meyer to two coats of white paint. The job was well done Mr. and Mrs. James R. Smith neap Fiedler (Aaronsburg Saturday afternoon guests and daughter-in-la wayne From late Saturday afternoon community had a steady rain lasted through the night and arly all Sunday that Elk Creek had been flowing past thi some time began flowh was nearly bank-full aj had rain shot lHght thunder heard The pound readiness, of were of thelr rand son Ww and on, which 80 time the soil the needed have had, outside of gusts, to Keep summer crops grows ing. Garden vegetables soaked grew that the soil For some 10 y received 1:0 but since the and {« Ife. Thanks soaking rain destructive cantily over ral enough plants rest new the ana our folk: rabbits Agent wa saving that garaen vVege- ter over Lhe should ith alum wa School VRNOREIICA: Mills at Miiis next WINGATE elling great Rit § this Origine’ Core Farm CENSORED of those aft who dare after ur taxes liberal ill expe with to n inform you widow hard The Police Fire Company di and made me and State na Person Poor a Bellefonte did ry Pa Hh WK gful fine wait till the Ch! time wh the; Gle al & will to look the COMnes to terrible They will be ashamed dirty black records on Book of Life the Ribie the Fire Company i= 777? go to Heaven her land in Hell. And als Beer and Whisky suckers will in Hell, that place of torment. It's surprising girls drinking. They and drive arount ve at their Lamb’ says that and they cant They =1ll all for eit all land riast » a oun drink that ears To the A Warm i elon Nn Cat Oweners: If you have dry celiar, put your cats in there and don’t Jet them out This will keen them off the wavs and those old Cat Murderers and Beer Suckers sont be abic to run over them then. You'inss kno that they tear un and down the highways night Hke ddic's, 1 keep my apt to be murdered. T know a cat murderer who shot a cat the other one over the head Devil will get that type. A nice big Maltees cat got Killed ‘either last Wednesday morning or Inst week or last Tuesday night bn a dirty old Oat Murderer. You old crook! What's wrong with old ear horn. You old menace, vou old rummy. 1 hope that sooner or later God fends the ghost of that eat after vou at night 50 you won't be able to rest with youu when you ran over that ‘poor kitty, 1 would have boxed your ears and smashed you in your | od peer face. Shame on you, you wicked old witch, Also that Peliefonte Fire Come pany didn’t sound thelr old ruck horn coming around the corner on West Linn Street. If they would have sounded that truck horn 1 would have heard it and gotten ‘over and let them go by. The very ‘next time they start out to answer ‘a fire alarm and don’t sound that horn 1 will jot down their license [number and give them trouble, at Wa———— The election of 1082 hasn't been editorials reprosent noth. decided yet .even Af the experts of , t propaganda. and...a.che artes tell you. what thee fit, at that, to will be psxt November, RD), | high~ | kitties in because they are! and hit | The If I'd been riding | The @entre Democrat FOUNDED | BUSH HOLLOW | There | Bchool on i kept some at | Bunday i { Ance {with Sunday B8chool | Although the | be at Allent camp and services were 75 present at i 1877 Bunday. Gu Lhe home. Come out f incre { raul A and Service Hl ociate Editor pa fens Manager OW ar come Lo ead Well Subscription | again { Friday night Church, Bus} est attendane i attendance were 37 present tr m ere re Radiant Heat Has Squash Adds Variety No Effect on Rugs To Home Garden lr f ¢ ¢ " tthe Mrs irned 8 Mn and ret home in { been WORLD'S BEST Dap,’ ICE CREAM Ck SERVES 8 Your Choice of VANILLA FUDGE STRAWBERRY VANILLA Perfect for parties ond oll festive occasions POWER - PRCKED -and then some! There's the wth GMC Synchro- Mesh Transmission linked to a sharp- shooting drive line, pouring every ounce of power back to the rugged rear axle. Ind horsepower becomes wheel - act know there's extra depth of truck performance engineered down through a GMC's broad- shouldered frame! “HERE are a lot of reasons you expect anew GMO to keep hauling - can SM a lot longer than any other truck you can buy. solid the way First is the fact of horsepower. Whether i's a gasdhne-powered ';- to 2-tonner with horsepower unbeaten in its class, or onc of the new heavy-duty Diesels — you can't beat a GMC for go’! 10% — you right And standing guard over these long- time trucks are husky brakes with more arca than most —the surest, easiest steermmg cver devised to direct a pay load home —all controlled from a spacious “Six-Footer” Cab that's Weathersealed for a lifetime. Butthe extra value you find in these great trucks doesn’t end at the power plant. GMC's come in the widest range of engine -body-chassis combinations to ht any trucking nced. The prices? No better buy anywhere! Come sec for yourself, your | LINGENFELTER MOTORS, INC. 226 N. WATER ST. PHONE 2037 BELLEFONTE, PA. {mit Ssa——— yer on © vied ruck with your GMC dealer © F> Ra
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