Page Two CENTRE HALL Mrs. Nellle Gibson of Warren, { great-grandchild were present staying with Mrs. Bruce ittending the event were Mr 1s convalescing after bein patient | a rs. Harry McClenahan, Mr in the Centre County Hi | | Sherman Putt, children Mrs. Howard 1 [ THE CE Pleasant’ Gap, . called on Saturday |! ! h A iP, had | evening to see Mr. and Mr Gieor ! i | S MM U L L T 0 N Heckman at their home near Cen-| NM Mi David 1 raybill tre Hall Sunday callers at the 5... a p iki. HDR. 8 " i Heckman home were Mr. ang Mi No Smuliton new y sent in I'n hard frost on the Centre Democrat last week due | Monday morning. The mercury read Warren Homan of State College ‘ I and Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn Eyster | with Mrs. | y [ [ I ) Jour J ih wrilel wy lt Le degre: zero. No . . 3 } Fry Visi | { ALIVE nt NE. 1} f [ $ i X sot 1s Badges Deanna Duane Barry and daughter Gail 08 Sunby yas gi Hill and Marys. Accord a Enabl y ? ' ) M re woyn i : } i y rding 3 the the Woman's Bible ( y and Billy of Altoona, Mr. and Barbara Jean Hagan has been HI 50 1 rt lle. He very much enjoyed meeting | recorded in the Lancaster formed church at her home | : rs. Joe Hemmis and son Joe, and | *nd confined to bed part of the Pu : 4 } ly. Devotions were in chi { Mt r. and Mrs. Jack Bair and son | ime at her home for Bruce Ripka. wh \ aul Erad- | Jackie of Hollidaysburg, Mi and | Week ford conducted the busi y rs. Fred Houser, children Judy,| Miss Helen Miller ing. Refreshment V th and David of State College, | Dr. and Mrs. D. D. Miller of Brook y . father. C. F reamet wok 1 y \ sign Present were Mrs. Ripka, 3 Mr. and Mrs. Jack MeClenahan, | ville, to Easton on Friday eve 1 52 : - 3 below for ford, Mrs. John M { ildren Li and Jack, Mr. and | where they were guests of the Mil RY " living for t y it. Mir ream- | ed Both of these Bradford, mM: \ ) Harfry McClenahan and |ler's son, Dan, until Sunda} RA ; Xie ta rv much enjoyed nding the | nets cause cool or a” Fred Slack { ¢ Denng entre Hall. R. D.. Mr. | attended Parents’ Day activit A 4 4 - , a anil 3 ion of » Central ni r. whenever Mrs. John Del H \ \n Mr MeClenahan and | Lafayette College where Dan {il : 4 " pis « Con : if the Evangelical Boozer, Mir I eluant M Mike + Hall | ler is a senior y . ) y Churcl held of McClure Mr. and Mrs. M. R ri / N . nals fn Len lon from May unti) | attended the Ascension Day Club at ; H '| Saturday afternoon, It cert and | the home of Mr. and Mr ‘ i nd Mi F. Wetzel | Kling in Juniata Mr. and M J ! whe 1 p 2%. 5 Mrs, william ¢ it itzel m of Mi anda " intl son John who. out "bi Hall, R. D ell 1 weekend i Saturday. was and fractured an and Mrs. J. H. K unty Hos. | X-rayed and put in Mrs. James Sea ory | Centre County Hospita Weekend ,reguiged CYETIE I Mrs. Stoner return Hartley | [ { ame day Levi Gleixne: \fter the regular meeting of the | Miss Mar, Paul of Lewi el and am y Sunday call Harold Stitze Harold ; Stitzer of Misses Ell Alexandria their nephev NTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. The @entre Bemorrat ] | ON K21 wcality had FO PED 1823 Arney, wi | Those nhove doubt ot of were iamaged planets Almanac enol and cold loved ones on this visit we can expect a very he Dos \ | the ttn Harwood Kreame: Pp v y y nN Mr. and Mr Robert made a hurr week OU MAY ask what are thess ? 15 your } accompanied ( y this pl in orde ring Agri tural Lancaster Almanac you will no- Herschel, ar Frida a ign MArkes Terms of Subscription Neptune aimana unoel Mursday ither-in-law rence ented a Mo- consisting ol playlet en- Mother The pro- by the matron: Mrs. John De- was presented { ] D ( ollect Utensils Miriam, Nancy and Dorothy A ve Fe iz llefon race) Houser Hagan were ar Milt family dinner at William family and Mrs. Robert tments Mrs. M. W ¥ in | shiments on Sunday. Othe: laney, Mr Lawrer Ba \ ved by Lhe ubordinate Grange Mr. and Mrs, Willia Mrs. J. F. Wet { [ et RIMHI t ing of the Wor Reforme ! church at evenin the distr Zero were Joe guest Slenker Mr as Mother and Mrs. | Don Prazie: Mr. and sons Artis supper Mead A bran ‘ OFFICE DAYS- to 8 P.M store ha J ¥ | and I 1 8 - at c - % , - ' idk . far As . . v : . Weis ct : tnd \ . of Lamar. an ' y Se nla 4 i i : ‘ ‘ . ih i a [| a : 4 | ' ; : . i { ana Kept Mrs Harold DR. A. F. PRATT, Optometrist Opposite Post Office at REBERSBURG PHON} 6-R-11 Tuesdan [ aturday, 10 A. M (HU RCH CHEMICAL SPRAY USED NEW PAIN KILLER BREYERS "NEAPOLITAN Blazer day. Sh ers, and t in ily gath Sunda: pper Mrs. Ray Sharer near Centre Hal M f ; ; Mercy wpital Satur ] ring Week ai Pe Marvin : he J : rr Combination of VANILLA CHOCOLATE & FRESH STRAWBERRY Celebrate Spring Share ® y Breve cole : Come In! See it Today! NOW JUS] Plegin TO DRY CLOTHES wiTH THE NEW Westinghouse A Pugin = - 22 CLOTHES DRYER WITH TUMBLE ACTION for “ JACKSONVILLE AND LITTLE NITTANY the 3 4] LL 2) NO INSTALLATION =: Mrs. John Ce followed during Coldron Cora H Ros Mis Herbert Gari ander Mrs Harry Burris and Mrs. George These member and B Missionar Laitheran church atter annual meeting of the Missionary Society of District in the Luthera: Miliheim last Wedne John Wert, Mrs. Claude Abner Alexander Mr : Frank, Mr Harry McClenahs I : ring details 4 ~ ; —" Mrs. Robert Rhoad ) N Homan, Mr Ralph Homa John Coldron Mr Haro Miss Bertha Sharer, M Wert, Mrs. Ray Mark Frank, Mrs. C. H. Hot Harold Leightley Mr shall, Mrs. Koy Dutrow garet Alexander and Barger The Friendshio Bible \ Lutheran church met with Clyde Decker at her home Centre Hall last Thursday evenin Mrs. Ernest PF. Prank had charge o wsibou! BOIK# [chends ore built for priceless folks... like yours! ss. of course, I's electric Just plug it in any wall ; “ Amenica’s highest compression « hrs conditions and the service free simplicity of a design When the folks vou love are involved you could justify the purchase of It pavs dividends with: No adequate gas-wasting siippage when cruising outlet where voltage can be maintained like you do your iron or toaster. Clothes are gently tumbled in warm, SUN BREEZE air — come out fluffy, soft, sweet-smelling Dryer holds a full washer load. Westinghouse gives you IDENTICAL “TWINS * Take all work out of wash day with the Laundromat Automatic Washer and the Westinghouse Clothes Dryer. Jeffries’ Furniture Marl “Drive to the Country and Save” wee )PEN EVENINGS EXCEPT THURSDAY woe CENTRE HALL, PA, D407 PHONE 27 — YOU CAN 88 SURE .i¢ ms Westinghouse — {the devotions while Mr Pa | Brooks had the entertainment. The | June meeting will be in the form of {a plenic at Penn's Cave. Member | Present wery Mr Frank Mr Brooks, Mir, Miriam Faust Mr Harry Burris, Mrs. Evan Homa IMrs. Ralph Luse Mr warren | Paust, Mrs. George Homan, Mir | Reeder Sharer, Mrs. Donald Faust Mrs. John Henderson, Mrs. William Puff, Mrs. Lynn Miller, Mrs. Mar | vin Bharer, Mrs. Marion Share Mrs. John Black, Mrs. Roy Dutrow Burris as visitors and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hess, of Winfield, came home Bunday eve. ning from Hampshire, 111, where they had visited sinee last Wednes. day with Mrs. Burkholder's uncle one f the rent ft and Mrs. Willard Rover and Donald Mr. and Mrs. M. A Burkholder | ating three-part series, Memaori MAN WITH "MIDAS TOUCH” MAKES $300,000 000 Dynamic Thomaf Fortune Ryan the man with the Midas touch Wall Street and amassed t riunes in mod. ern histors Bead how he some $309.000 £00 ind the unpre. dictable activ that marked his fabulous cares Begin the fascin. “The Por. tunes of Thomas Fortune Ryan” in May 27th sue of The American Weekly, nation’s popular magazine with the Baltimore Sunday Ameri can. Order from your local news nvaced ’ George Rishel. Mr. Rishel, a former | dealer, made | a Packard on the basis of superior safety alone And if you're obliged to be budget.con- scious « that still needn't deprive your family of a Packard. Bear in mind that the solid quality behind Packard safety has a dollars-and <cents payoll in many ways For example: ® Packard Thunderbolt engines give you more than trustworthy reliability that keeps you in the clear . . . They pay dividends with: the efficiency ol with up to 25% fewer working parts than in engines of comparable power! ® Packard's exclusive Ultramatic Drive gves You more than swift responsiveness and complete control under all driving Those are just a few highlights of the mechanical life story behind the human life story of this new 1951 Packard. They help explain why, of all the Packards builtin the last 52 vears—over 50% are still in service! we ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE C.F. HIPPLE & SON Bishop St., Bellefonte, Pa. A ——— — ———" Ln ——-
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