Page Two THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. H hh: | be charged with six per cent Council Schedules— MONUMENT Additional Data— Old Issue of | Cae aged pT; balance ; . (Continued Prom Page O | ed From | ne { January 13th. “John M. Hale & Mr. and Mrs. John Heichel, of | : P Par nire Democrat | C0." propose to sell the best qualit Blanchard were Sunday visitors at | The new line, when completed, | marl i : oa : the William Durkin home, They | (Continued ¥ ' Page O sweeper with a water rinkle tachment. Accord ! at the meetin er similar to College, woul about a yea: ff “Salaeratus” by the keg or the | will carry approximately fifty to 10 rw eo i 4 million cul feet rd { pound That firm was located wk their niece Della Girton, along | ion DIC [eet per day « i ral IAs to the Pittsburgh area Philipsburg me with them to spend the night : . — . : y I d \ The Manufactures Light y f { wet | { I'he fourth and last page is de Roy Young and Ella Peeler were | HL HY ther 4 : " visitor ol th Raymond | Heat Co. has been engaged F Lot Ken |i n othe voted solely to advertisement An 1sitor at ¢ Qi) 1d | a sweene vy ad y "EY Kp "oA +t thi . ! so! wit} | W ms of | ( ¢ : . sale of he ae 1 Sweeper to 1 ie. Miss Doris Young was | Grins leases througho his gen . W , of | Orphans Court sale 0 the 1 ir nished by i eral area for a considerable peri I" refs resol Parsons real estate by John Tonner Q 4 W id visitor at the home of Pry oat FL T f Al y ' Several Cou hi Dickey. of B h of time, and has well ov \ ut tion \ nia legislature { as clerk of the Orphans’ Court, and mi CK MN ¢ [ [} t x ’ employe ‘ ‘ ga di “EH dred thousands acres of leases taken | which contem; bby 4 the usual administrative account tion at Clairt \ STE at the present time 1 tal { bd It would | by Tonner as Register are fully set Neil Merryman and | The pipe line starting near Can- | fur tate ni without ex- | forth, as well as another Orphan it Sunday at her sister's | onsburg will extend in an terly | pen the state. Something that | Court sale * by James Potter a Centre Hall direction and will y we Mon vil not i ished Another | trustee of the real estate of Pete) wh Mrs. Wilbur Gates, of | gahela River near Elizabeth It not £ § 1 reasury { Jordon. An inquest notice is pub and Mr. and Mrs. Paul | then swing to the nor vin 1 led f i he be fit { ished by T. M. Hall, Sheriff, on n, of Blanchard, were | win, Export, Indiana ar hilly i rend re not ibject | the real estate of Evan Mile ¢ Visitors at the Al- | burp. It will cross three other ris evenue dut | A sale of ‘“callcoes, chintz ol a di asi ign vrs. M home. Sunday visitors | enroute, the Youyhiopheny ne ol H X FORAUYY fl mou delanes and cashmere tn . ; 4 , ! f hi ! y In Japan and Mrs. C. A. Dor- | maugh, and the Susauehann hat le ni Ahieionte fangther of “muslins, ticking Gene, Christine and | point near Hyner. The northea RO Wilke ' lathe rillings” are advertised by the firm Hall terminus of the line i PRrox ee 8 | ! ! trict { hevnolds & leib The first of General | ly three miles northeast f Lhe i vv Ii lather | these partner wi wm ¥ Rey. mn Sat- | quehanna river ‘ it 1 hold who had come to the tow! past week It Is estimated that the cont P ! : pid J ! ! iy vears before and his knee. Dr. | the main line, with numer Le ela ¢ Jackson in his | money maker. The se ing 1 father everal stitch pproximately $10,000,000 ‘ I Mi BE (the name few Meanwhile, indication re tl nd repre the Unite ways) who became 1 drilling for oll may begh \ e 1 v J elore | first High School Blair Heverly had | lands in this area f { etary ement follow their family G. Edward Hau f ne Bell ¢ he Ht 01 Liniment and Elixer as been named | fonte, executed a | ar nit Lie ¢ ¢1! €Y | eure rheumatism was born in the | lease for land wn w hit ‘ / : nef & Co. druggist tal and has four entre and Clinton count i Lt He « later the McCoy ther » said that the Shani & \ ne um ; the Mexi- | Linn ironwork: ‘reek, had to | als to the producing fields, wil ! ' € dha two was the Better of New Clarence Youth er tues toe nbn ihe re 3: LL > oy vn | BIGGER BETTER BUNS FINE Enlists In Army an ne { Andy Army-Alr Force wer dos See Us Before You Buy » L 1 — . Legal Notices e f A RAOURCEs Yhatl or. and Mrs. Ha Dickey « SPECIAL THIS WEEK BIDS WANTED J \ hd that | Pennepacker al en of B 1938 PONTIAC Six Sedan $205 sled bids will be rec 1935 PLYMOUTH Sedan $95 1950 PLYMOUTH Spe I use sedan, radio, heater 1950 PLYMOUTH Spe 2 Deluxe edan, heater 194% CHRYSLER NEW YORKER, radio, heater, loaded 1949 DesOTO CUSTOM weds . heater 1948 PILYMOLTH pec Del ‘ n, radio, heater 1948 PILYMOUTH Del 1946 PLYMOUTH Spe Irel door ilo, heater CHRYSLER WINDSOR seda HUDSON SUPER SIN DODGE SFDAN, heater PLYMOUTH ! DeSOTO DODGE four or INTERNATIONA Thi our opportunity ' r af iling price, they ail read tog CHRYSLERS AND PIYMOUTHS ON DISPLAY FOR DELIVERY i f ha : ' 4 DA Sua i & y SS — Cameters, Movting of Ut [for the Curtin residence. now the dently the A | Lo ker Motor Co { water users in The Willian Cemets \ rd |. Rug fe sR ! ‘ ngenec cr 0 r * progressing. =Total | tion of Martha wi ; t= | plant th “entre Democrat g of Bellefonte 1} CHRYSLER. PLYMOUTH & DIAMOND T TRUCK DEALER ter department {or at Lhe Sugar ol . Hl : an v | " : . . ye » to $1881 4° April 21 at 8 pn Ving indicate ne important : i 405 I. Bishop St Phone 18 Bellefonte Thoma AMotNLe on Apri Zi at 3 n f the great iron Dlapts of thase t) : ‘ " " Edw rd Hauj vice receipts amount- | | t SH a papa af -{ ho hops OPEN UNTIL 900 P. M cadward 1} : : " ET t former Meek | CLLET Ldays more than the statement a Bowihg the value of the taxable ea Advertise the CD for gadd rem be i A ———— a —— TT SHAFFER STORES COMPANY | “0 STORES AND SUPERMARKETS SERVING CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA | . neaon iN YOUR USED " an wan cele AB ® © @ © Penn Alto—Neo. © (an CAMPBELLS SLICED PINEAPPLE 2cans 72¢ PORK & BEANS Penn Alto 23-0z. can 19¢ CREAM CORN-—tall can . 3 for 48¢ ha | riately named th - i gr. |S ectric Range GREEN GIANT PEAS 3 cans 60c¢ i 1b. Bay 86c | | gl TOMATOES-No. 2 can 3 for 57¢ | a HUNTS PEACHES-halves 3 for93c COFFEE Sf 7 OR CREAM OF WHEAT-veg. 19 RY. ALTO | : ARMOUR’S CORN BEEF HASH 43c TEA BAGS ARMOUR’S VIENNA SAUSAGE 18c 16 count 16c || = Memphis. Tennesse Ritz Krispy Crackers Grahams ei the same EFRIGER. \ f OR SHAFFER SPECIAL Crackers Ib. 31c 2 Ibs. 54c Ib. pkg. 3c © HOME DRESSED MEATS | "a sm ve CORTE poo sia oe: tan) [225 worn $900.00 Beef Plate Boil Shobia 42¢ vg es Shank End Fresh Shoulder c that he mas a complete” ine of | Fresh Pork Shoulder Roasts » 52c | done at he boriest otc" Jame; RADE-IN ON AN Fresh Pork Shoulder Steaks 67¢ a G8 Ara PHILCO R ANGE OR BACON SQUARES Ib. 31c PIGS FEET .. 3 for 25¢ Advertisements continue with one MEAT LOAVES—plain - pimento - cheese . . "2 Ib. 33¢c ied oy Dr. MeCop, ended oo | RELI ALTO LARD. sed ib. pha, A | [|e Sc bak REFRIGERATO CLEARFIELD CHEEZEE-American or pimento 2 |b. 92¢ Stationary P The spelling moe: oh printer's erro That office. or was probably in a portion of w-— the Hiding now oc« ied by the ———— ULL-O-PEP | Electric Supply Co. on High St AT "GARDEN FULL-O | Henn Baker, Agent advertises the LIME ... 10 Ib. 23¢c CHICK | “New York C Philadelphia Clothing $s * | | | Store located In what was for. merly the office of Willlam © CLOROX LAWN | STARTER | Welch J. P. This was a portion of ULTRA REFINED TE ——-———— ——— ——— It ye brick building torn down to be | | Ad eo o SEED ...... Ib. 69¢ iol ot ’ t 19¢ | | 5 ag . formerly known as the home of J q Ss. i CERTIFIED SEED $1 75 |M. Benner and his sisters, C. C M | } POTATOES | | Price, of Milesburg., advertises his ; | own make of “One and Two-horse CASH AND CARRY PRICES WITH NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE a ohn 11. MicPadaen oem] HIGH ST. PHONE 4282 BELLEFONTE town "FRY the paper's publishers, as Chief FOR DELIV ERY Clerk of the County, notifies all the | county tax collectors that they will WW ————-—-———
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