¢ Two UNIONVILLE Methodist Church services: Sun- day School at 9:45 a.m. Youth Fel- lowship at 8 p.m. and the regula: worship service at 1 p.m. with ser- mon by the pastor, the Rev. Vowle: Special music by the choir, in keep- ing with Palm Sunday Mrs. Edith Musser, whose died recently, wishes to expre thanks to the members of her day School class for the | Hall, who passed away at her late home last Saturday afternoon about 2:30 pm. after having been bedfast for only two days. Funeral services were Tuesday at 10:30 am. in charge of Rev. Vowler of the Methodist Church, assisted by the Rev, Shall- haas of the Free Methodist Church Interment was In the Oak Ridge Cemetery. We express sincere sym- ute, also to ail the pathies to her sister, Miss Minnje neighbors who sent cards during her | in her of sorrow and bereavement | ne Mr. and Mrs. C. R and Johnnie, of Altoona day guests at the | er, Mrs. Grace Stere Miss Charlotte We are sorry ness and death rough citizen the father 5 her Sun- floral trib- friends hours Mr. Walter the Veterans spent the family here for pital Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Showers, Infon township, had open house al) Sunday, Mar. 11, in honor of 50th wedding anniversary. Her husband, Mr. and Mr Stover, of Altoona, were to enjoy the day with they also have been married years, March 12. Many person: from here went up to congratulate them, and they received many cards besides. We wish to con- them on this occasion and them much more happiness ind health in the years to come. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Williams and | daughter, Miss Nell, motored to Al- ona, Sunday, and spent the day with their daughter and family, Mr Fisher ahd chil- Zahniser, a patient in Hospital at Altoona past weekend with his returning Sunday e/8- further treatment at the their ster and Harry E there SPECIALLY TREATED —— wd ind calls gratulate RED CLOVER wish TIMOTHY ALFALFA PASTURE MIX And other Seed $27.95 bu S$ 8.05 bu. $42.90 bu 50¢ 1b. Newton in stock and Miriam the past few Matilda Hannah Way visiting for 1 friends in Port Maine CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES $3.50 cwt, up wishes to take thanking all he: i neighbor their as- kKindne trib- vse recent ister, the Hall. The held Tuesday r home the Glcaners Sensor ’ ol CERTIFIED CLINTON SEED 101 $2.00 bu. floral CENTRE FARM BUREAU Call her WOT Pleasant Gap 3ellefopte 2351 "A-1 USED CARS BARNETT MOTORS BELLEFONTE PHONE & HIGH STREET, U2 1949 FORD CLUB COUPE MAROON ~HEATER—OVERDRIVE—SEAT COVERS— CEILING PRICE) 316 W RADIO—SPOTLIGHT FORD 4-door Sedan FORD Club Coupe-~Heater, radio, overdrive, 1600 miles MERCURY 2-door Sedan. Good tires, white sidewalls MERCURY 4-door sedan, overdrive, heater and radio MERCURY 4-door sedan, overdrive, heater and radie FORD Custom 4-door sedan FORD EIGHT. Overdrive—heater, radio, spotlight, HUDSON 4-door Sedan PONTIAC Silver Streak 8—Loaded. PONTIAC SIX. Loaded. FORD 4-doeor PLYMOUTH 4-door Sedan FORD 4-door Sedan FORD coach BUICK Super 4-door sedan, heater and radio PLYMOUTH coach MERCURY 4-door sedan 1940 CHEVROLET club coupe 1939 FORD 2-door sedan 21939 CHEVROLET coaches i R( FORD half-ten pickup FORD half-ton pickup—6 cylinder, § speed transmission FORD PANEL, 8 cylinder, new motor, FORD PANEL, 6 cylinder. FORD PANEL, 6 cylinder. USED CAR LOT IN MILESBURG See JIM LEITZELL, Mgr. Phone 3512 BELLEFONTE 1950 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1948 1948 1948 1947 1947 1547 1946 1946 1941 11 C KS 1947 1947 1947 1948 1949 Largest Selection LOVELIEST and LOWEST PRICE Yes—this is what many folks are saying every day about our COATS AND DRESSES. They are right— that is JUST what we have, All Sizes . .. 6 months to Pre-Teen SEEING IS BELIEVING We Are Specializing Also in BOYS’ CLOTHING Sizes Including 12 * Shirts Socks * Longies * Shorts * Shorts and Shirts ETON SUITS—long pants, washable and crease re. sistant, : ETON SUITS—short pants, separate jackets, J-pe. SUITS—Jacket, Longies, Hats. Brother and Sister SUITS—3-pe. TOPCOATS and CAPS SEE OUR SELECTIONS. .. Then look elsewhere and we know you will come back here to buy . . . where vou get the best for the least, Peacock Kiddies’ Shop PHONE 1186 BELLEFONTE THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. EY EA. Sunday School class of the Metho- dist Church were entertained at the home of Mrs. Carl Flick on Tues. day evening. | MONUMENT conducted from the home on | Mrs othy work Ruth Confer and Mrs. Dor Klcbe have started back again at the Sylvania {Wt a Hospital for after having been patients month or two plant Qa | Both ladies had operations perform loneli- ia past of | | nloved ‘over ! Raymond Bumgardner i {| Mrs i birthday ' i Power of Jesus ! | ed during their stay at the hospital Miss Kathryn Mackey had sever. al teeth extracted on Thursday of the past week. Charles Confer had few pulled Saturday of the week Phil sick better been n Mrs on the Httle who ha list for a while is at this writing Mr. and Mrs. William McMuller and baby, of Indiana, Pa. were Sunday visitors at the Merti Schenck home. Mrs. Schenck, em- at Williamsport, was home the weekend The Wentze! family has moved into jouse vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Martin, on High Street Mr, Wentzel employed the Orviston brick plant One of our boys will 1 Induction this week 1ady Mr Knan of Loganton the h leave Thu Robert 1} | center f namely sl Mr. and Albert Mackey attended the party at Mike Furl ! riday night. They reported + fine time. I wouldn't how old Mike his sixties ion't look it Monday dinner bert Mackey home Mrs. Leonard Winklema: hildren, of Avis POTTERS MILLS The Ret spencer vi A 1 School on Friday Sprucetlown two and Mr Raymond but All Rey Mill Tavior and the Potter neluded crviced C. Shue, of evangelist, Spec dered on CCH of the Zion Hill Movie Mills school Alice I tf Educ Those Wylat Mi were Belle! f Patters ner ig! vd Lewi The Rev, Shue home of Mr and Mr and dinner with Mr Faust Thursda Mrs. HE. Faust spent the John Burkholder h tre Hall Mr. and Mrs. Joh Wednesday night with Mr Ted Wyland and family The practice teachers fr College on Tuesday were Jeffries, Jean Richards, Jer: man and James Middlesworth ubject was music game Dinner guests at School this week were Mr. Bohn, Bo erly Brows frvin, Fleanor Boorer, Harriet Vogt Jovee Klinger, and Mr. Sim EUB Plans Palm— Continued frome Page One) Scripture Lessor This Glad Easter Da) Christ”, by the Senior Frit me in Wyland spent and Mrs State Irene vy Wels. The and utdoor the Potter Mins Mills Miller OG The Anthem “The Risen Choir Anthem the Junior Choir Anthem “An Faster “Pease. 1 Leave With You Young People’s Cholr The Cffering Anthem, “Consider Easter Mom” «Violin by the Senior Choir Nocturne” —Zameckn!c Stringed Tri Anthem, “He Is Risen by t} Young People’s and Senlor Choirs The Benediction and Response Recessional Himn, “All Hall the Name Postiude The Strife Is Q'er Lilies Obbligato!, the by tha Organ Municipa THEATRE MILLEEIM, PA. FRIDAY & SATURDAY (Mareh 16 and 17) Hero's 4 Rea! Treat for the En- tire Pamily 15 Hit Songs Youll Thrill to “LL ‘GET BY" (Color by Technicolor) June Haver, William Lundigan, Gloria DeHaven, Harry James “Color Cartoon” “Single Reel” WARNER NEWS ISSUE MONDAY NIGHT ONLY . (March 19) The New Story of Beloved Mrs. Miner Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon, John Hodiak "THE MINIVER STORY" Color Cartoon WEDNESDAY NIGHT-MAR. 2) MOU (AW “Cartoon” NEWS sn NOTE; This Theatre CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY NIGHT, wil WEAVERS SARE: Reel” NTAIN ! Tube | A 1. Thomas Mitchell— |i wooden office along and the putting front of an iron fence the property. Again, another letter from the Farm S8chool”, written In October that he is going to Washington New Years and brother Benner there and asks Mary if she would join him in the trip. Again he threaten . Lo box all his goods and store them ide, who was ' a S16 aceldent 11 #5 "he does not intend spend i another winter there.” He tells ” daugh- | ing to Bellefonte at Thanksgiv- id the ing time, of finding no one to irequent | witertain him, and of having Burn- | ve shis dinner the side had asked Miss Linn to n ake | House That hostelry wa her home with her while her father bullding on the spot now ipied was on his mission to Mascow, and Temple Court. It happened that Pract Jomo i" » a brother Willlam with his wife his ister'a choice 'n we ee WC the former Margaret Linn, had Tells how he and John Harris the beenn Invited to a Thanksgiving father of Mrs. John McCoy, spent dinner at the home of her brothe; thels wh helping Rev. J. H Judge Samuel Linn, That residence Barnard the Presbyterian brick. house erected the of Linn Stieet and (Continued trom Page One) were Sarah and Delinds Benner, daughter of J. Matlock | | Benne the son of Gen | Philip Benner, the great ironmas ter, and lived in the old brick house {on High Street now replaced bv the | Murphy Indies SRY! right after to see his youngest hopes Store Judge James Burn [killed In a run-away | 18580, had married Rachel, {ter of Simon Cameron | Cameron daughter: | visitors In Bellefonte. My to of were Conrad a oce nt stone bn fal the Locust wa fn in ch had time pal ! corner Alley Mr ' Thanksgiving isi! However, his : ince it Seems that was not wasted he made calls on some of the saw Valentine Wille original home of James come: to actually going to mar: He «180 visits Mis daug! of Gen whose home fo! ith of Per the College ago” and that dead In a [ continued Farm Sch Niege { 1867 Junction™ turi adie wWOaNnX Harri 1 that Dr Lettie nt the a trip to Wash cal Waddle, the Bennet Shugert, and ewly admit. hesitate and the conclusion he i» Pugh Buchanan a Cieorge RBUChanan was just that days able iter Austin ted but Many Years Hall. ke mai osed E few evervihing was The ¢ known both as Agriculturil C vears, although after Agricultural & posed, the latter nam ve been formally make the trip becau of the new that the x victims nhvsle 4 SRY? apital of One rominent IANS {f the 1} ms LO Nave Dr treatment is mentione Edm VR own Deen Ceo of ¢ whe the RN e seem sdopted ris Mr Lhe marriag lin Miles, a ironmaster ith John Dorr Huntingdon Rebecca nn Al hi f ronm Vale: tead of turke Te be 4.H Leaders— Continued from Page One! the 7:30 m.. Halfmoon function Hall, Tuesday, March y Fosier m Walker township at the hig » stmilag Hoo, Tuesday, March 20. at 7:3 and *hal 5 m Bust Penns Valley at the F helped P Vy hool on Monday. March 26 at TX »p Woodycrest at the church fay. March 233. at 73pm Hall at the school on Mondas at 7:20 p. m.. Belleft Grange Hall, Pleasant snday, April 3. at 8 p.m; 1 af dhe home of Mrs. Slewart on Friday. April 6, at 7:3 continued next week at the Grange 20 havir starte at 7.3 However, William established Ow ronnd existed h chool in 1858 had alread hi ar Thur Centre Apri nte at V Cat inder mansion at Centre Purnace was the } Moses od cheduled | Little Nit etings still to be the 4-H Clu of valley. Pine Grove Mills, Port Matilda, Pine Glen, Snow Shoe Blanchard and the formation of club for the greater State College area which ix to include those club nembers from Houservilie Stats wants College. Lemont and Boalsburg Local leaders who attended the meeting Monday night were Mis Preda Lohr and Mrs. Ralph Rudy of Woodsgrest. Mrs, Stewart Dillot inden Hall: Claude Myers Spring Mills: Orvis Hosterman, Ellis Rear- ek and Henry Zerby, of the East Penns valley Club; William Luse Centre Hall: Frank Musser and Joe Hartle, Jr. Bellefonte club: Charles Cameron. Boalsburg, representing the county-wide Baby Beef Club Lewis Kerstetter and Russell Zerd: Walker township: and Fred David- of Halfmoon The planning session Was con ducted by County Agents L H Bull and C. D. Delong, and Mr. Mint. mier from the State club office at Penn State Thompscn he father tansy The letter cont 3 wit} remark witl would leave this He compl ver and out Ler partie place without regrets ins dull anxious to establishment. He y 10 Bellefonte the this is the most mi Sunday Urse years sed away before the com- munity really began to grow any prospects for a future. He ask about his relatives and speaks about his assistant. Isaac Mitchell, a boy st then of Girard Col vho was to be employed wit} the W. F nolds bank in Belie- fonte and became Secretary { the Bellefonte Trust Compa: Another letter, later in the year still dated from the “Farm School tells of going to hear the Re Robert Hamill preach at the Spruce { Creek Presbyterian Church; that {sane had gone to Bellefonte over the week-end. and that he hac bought a new riding horse, which — a come of the young ladies of the neighborhood had been trying out Moves Made— for him. He again compiains that the Farm School is not the best Continued from Page One) district. At a meeting In the high locality for a store”, and promises to sell out his stock at the earliest «chool last Priday night, these plans sere set for operation opportunity. He is, however, much pleased with his new boarding house Ballots are being prepared for dis- kept by Mrs. Jack, whose husband tribution to residents of the bor. had been one of the purchasers ough. Bach ballot contains the a large tract of land at the east: pames of 30 candidates who are ern end of the village capable of making assessments plus Notwithstanding the fact that space for writing in the names of as School” many as ten more persons. Results being sell his ver ' § neck. e Al erable place of Of «¢ twenty pa wit i out a La SOO! Re Inter wr wl the Farmers High had before that time been incor will be tallied for the election of ten porated as the “Agricultural College persons | each ward. This as of Pennsylvania” In order to take sessment istee will work with advantage of the Morrill Act, the js assessor and determine the value ‘Farm School” seemed to have of each property in Its own ward sontinued to be the title of the This will be accomplished by taking village for some years. In his letter ghee averace of the ten estimates of April 27th he writes, “The Col- Ballots will be filled out and sent lege building Is getting along very io the school or borough office. Bal- well. It will be finished by the 1st ating is secret. Purther information of November. They have ninety 4 rs on she ballot. They will be students.” Sufficient space had been 'gistributdd to the homes by school completed In "Old Main” at the IT time of the opening of the school | Committee members are Dr. John {to make the building usable but. | Covey, Carl Johnson and Ken- ‘principally on account of the Civil peth W. Miller, representing the | War, the whole building was not school district, and Leslie Thomas, completed until late In the year parry Justice and ©. Ward Fisher, | 1062. representing the Saline} The letter also refers to Dr J Jot Pugh's talking of bullding a house offic ve “It looks as though he intended gotions will not raise taxes, Assess getting » wife. 1 wonder if he will ments Will be based on A percentage succeed in getting Rebecca Valen. of the ma value which will pro- tine hape not fof 1 think she }s 'vide the wiilié 14x funds as are Te. too or him.” Probably an ex- | ceived at present. hibl of some feeling of jeal- - ousy, since Frank himself seemed family who are on the point of sailing for Russia. He refers to the bullding of his brother William's new on High Street, where the Theater now stands, and the fact that he's tearing down his ‘ March 15, 19561 ano AN | LICENSES and Bara F. Packer Hosterman, Coburn Eugene B. Tyrol Kershner, Coburn and petty J. Bpilee MARRIAGE Ardell w | Betty 1 Ronal Sara C Spring Township PTA To Meet Parent. | Townshij Donovan Dizon P. Reill and France A. ( lege 1 ot iA f Ter ( Lawrence ’ DErsours James N D., and Mars Dale P. Herma ‘and Margaret College Anelier and Glady Harold fonte, and fonte HST Clyde E. J Margaret H Charles F id Vilma (yeorue and Man Donald R. D since Sori 52, real Kerlin Pa I'm profits Phone making buying from Centre Hall WOODRING'S Easter Flowers will bring the true significance of Easter into vour heme. A potted plant or lovely cut flowers will add that certain touch. You can have all the cheerful colors of Springtime in one lush bouquet or plant from our greenhouses, Enjoy them now or at Easter time. but enjov them often. by just calling us. Easter Spring Flower Bouquets... Try These Specials Freshly Cut From Our Greenhouses NARCISSUS IRIS $2.00 dozen $3.00 dozen POTTED EASTER LILIES CUT FLOWERS... Carnations CARNATIONS DAFFODILS $3.50 to £1 dozen £2.25 dozen 69¢ Yellow Daisies Daffodils Easter Lilies Snapdragons Calla Lilies 5 Sweet Peas Gladioli Roses Narcissus Stocks Iris POTTED PLANTS... Hyvacinths Hydrangeas (;ardenia Bushes * Tulips Rose Bushes * Azaleas Mary Other Varieties of Potted Plants CORSAGE FLOWERS... * Carnations * Yellow Daisies Roses * Daffodils Violets Gardenias “ Sweet Peas Iris Narcissus * Camellias Orchids THIS EASTER DAY, SEND YOUR COMPLIMENTS WITH FLOWERS . . . CHOOSE FROM OUR LARGE STOCK. OUR DISPLAY ROOM WILL BE OPEN SATURDAY, MAR. 17, in Petrikin Hall «+ + Please Order Your Easter Flowers Early . . . Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere! | Woodring’s Floral Gardens Phone 4771 Bellefonte, Po.
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