March 15, 1951 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Five “My Hair Stood on End.” Emotions affect inner organ: | “Scared? My hair stood on end!" | This sounds sillier than it is. Emo- | tions cause strong reactigns and up- | set the digestive tract and aggra-| vate peptic ulcers. Tears flow when we cry, fears cause dryness of the mouth, clammy sweat, nausea and diarrhea. The heart beats more ra- pidly. Patients hide their fears doctors must search out this f The Medical Society of Pennsylvania and actor Logical Reason He: “Why do you weep and fle at a picture ginary woe met? She show over always so husky and full ‘em from Ker- They're of life when 1 buy see their big adv, in this Ol DeoDic “For the same reaso Mins . . . scream and when a man vo don’t know slides into secon (WM. B. RANKIN AGENCY MARY M. RANKIN, Agent COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Crider's Exchange Building Bellefonte, Pa. vell jrsue. id base.” | PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will offer at public sale on his farm 1 mile northeast of Hublersburg, on Saturday, March 24th Beginning at 12:30 p. m., the following personal property: HOUSEHOLD GOODS attachments; Prem- heatrolas; Glenn- radio cabinet; mirror; Maytag battery radio; hair; rocking chairs and other New Electrolux cleaner ier Duplex upright cleaner; 2 wood range; Kit wash stand: beds and springs: gasoline washing machine; Victrolas; clocks: wood hox: chairs; drop-leaf eum rugs; Cream Riser separator; stove: 10] stroller; swing; dishes Yaa 1°¢ dlryge + chen cabinet ’ dressers: iarge CUSY stands; Congol- New Perfection oil pen; hia arsall tail / table; small tables, ‘ . 1 . i 3 eo 1s . de 4 . other oil stoves: niy chair; piay reed » Crocks, and many other items. brass dish-" ANTIQUES: kettle; picture frames and other iten Hanging other lamps: coffee grinders; sinks; irons; iron kettle; [ 24, 0 1 tank and pump; oil drums; 6 h. p. gas engines; 280-gal. gas International gas engine; 1', and 2 h. p. d-inch belt; sausage grinder: 500- 1 3 Ol! broode PF. new lawn mower; chicken wheelbarrow and many capacity battery fence charger: crates, feeders; 1 I; bags: 400 |b, tretchers, ice; ™ thar anni » for scales, other scales; forks, thor ar 4 ‘11 9YY other art LOO numer TERMS—CASH. R. E. BROBECK E. E. HUBLER, Auctioneer Public Sale Having sold my farm, I will offer at public sale on the premises, 2'; miles east of Loganton, on THURSDAY, MARCH 29 BEGINNING AT 10:30 A. M,, the following personal property: TEAM OF BLACK HORSES S000 pounds 12 and 13 VEeArs ] 1. ernt 13 Head of Guernsey and Holstein Cattle May and remainder fresh dur- r., 16 months old; 1; Holstein heifer, All cattle are bred; 4 shoats, 50 re Red chickens 10 milk cows, 2 are fall cows, 3 due in June and 2 by tir ing winter, grade Guernsey heifer, months o 5 months old. eligible fos stration TB and Bangs wl and artificially to 60 pound : 80 New Hampsh FARMING IMPLEMENTS John Deere n cently reconditioned; Joh Ore match, like new; New Idea 4-roll shape; 2 wagons on rubber, rack and box; McCormick-De er in good McCormick-Deering side delivery rake with all new teeth ; Massey-Harris 7-foot cut grain binder; John Deere corn binder; John Deere mower, 5- foot cut, like new; 9-dise grain drill: 4-row weeder: Iron Age potato planter: International potato digger; International horse cultivator: John No. 52 plow; Oliver No. 74 2-disc 2078 walking plow; New Idea manure spreader; dump rake; roller; 3-sec- tion harrow; 2-row International corn planter; 1940 Ford truck, W license; 500 chick capacity brooder stove; Esco 3-tan milk cooler and hoist; 8 milk cans, milk pails and strainers ; set of hand-made tug harness, other harness, 7-8 inch hay rope, forks and pulleys, new last summer; hay by ton or load, oats, corn, pota- toes by bushel; clover and timothy seed; 1 bushel of Funk's G-12 hybrid seed corn; Del.aval No. 12 cream separator ; 2 grass seeders; wood saw; 1'5 h. p. John Deere gasoline engine ; corn sheller ; double trees; single trees ; neck yokes ; butt chains; and many other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS: CASH. LUNCH WILL BE SERVED BY THE LADIES AID C. A. Heltman H. J. STOVER, auctioneer e Of ale. Wer grade reg tests good rubber, tractor cultivator to corn husker, in A-l rack, other has ring drophead hay load- ie | §1 re one Nas shape ; Deere plow ; in | deck | young minute | tered say “John, 1 willie." The father unable to lift hi said feebly Always Do home prougiy chool Feebly Spoken They seasick couple lay stretched out chairs, Meanwhile, thelr son became roudier by the ] y J y J! today Finally the mother mus-| What did you learn : 4d h nother trength and enough told his mother | “Nothing, the face but 1 recess.” Tommy came his first day at voice ald Tommy look of he added learned a wish you would speak to! seeing her class, “Nothing lot durin on head, | i Hello, Willle : \ [PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will offer for sale on the NEVIN LONG FARM, 1 mile east of Salona, Clinton County, on SATURDAY, MARCH 17 Beginning at 12 o'clock noon, the following personal property: 8 Team ofHorses Farming Implements 1950 Ford tractor, dise plow to fit same; Iron Age corn planter; 3-bottom Oliver dise plow ; Rosenthal corn husker, good as new; good International side delivery Massey hay loader; David Bradley mowing ma- 1941 Chevrolet pickup truck; 2 good box wagons: 150 feet new rake ; chine; tired plow ; 2 good rubber sulky rope with pulleys and harpoon wagons ; Syracuse hay T-foot McCormick-Deering grain binder: David 60-foot belt ; other fork; endless and single trees; chains; forks: shovels, many TERMS CASH E. F. Swartwood RAY CARPER, Auctioneer ~~ Public Sale The undersigned will offer at public sale on his farm, ‘y+ mile north of Warriors Mark, or 7 miles east of Tyrone, on Friday, March 16th Beginning at 10:00 A, M,, the following personal property: of 20 Milk Cows Consisting of 2 registered Holsteins ; 14 grade Hol- stein and 1 Jersey. 4 bred heifers were artificially bred in January and February; 8 yearling heifers, grade Holsteins; registered Holstein bull, 13 months old, sired by H 24. This herd is T. B. accredit- ed, certificate No. 561544. Bangs certified certificate No. 21615. Health charts furnished day of sale. Buckskin SADDLE HORSE, 7 years old, saddle and bridle. Muskovic white ducks, 3 drakes and 7 hens. FARMING IMPLEMENTS McCormick-Deering Farmall M tractor on rubber: McCormick-Deering F 12 tractor on rubber: McCor- mick-Deering 6-foot combine and power unit: McCor- mick-Deering 2-row mounted corn planter ; McCormick- Deering power take-off corn binder, good as new: Me- Cormick-Deering 8-foot disc harrow; MeCormick-Peer- ing Little Genius Fox forage harvester, corn attachment, windrow pick-up and knife grinder, good as new; Gehl 13-inch ensilage cutter and pipe; 7 foot New Idea tractor mower; Case single disc 16-disc tractor drill; New Idea manure spreader: John Deere manure spreader with lime attachment: 8-foot double cultipacker; 2 section weed hog harrow: New Idea hay rake; lime spreader; 16 inch belt pulley for M tractor; 1935 Chevrolet pick-up truck, with stock rack, T license: 1936 Dodge pick-up truck and rack. R li- cense ; Pick wagon unloader, endless web type; electric power pack for unloader; E.R.D. automatic plow hitch for M or H tractor; 2 spike tooth harrows: grindstone ; land roller: Lion hi-lift, will fit M or H tractor: Gait- erman windrower for 7-foot mower; dump bed; front hitch for M tractor; lot of new parts for McCormiek- Deering Runion harvester; No. 400 Blizzard ensilage cutter with 40 feet of pipe; 2 hydraulic cylinders for Farmall tractor; corn sheller: seed corn drier: 2 car axles ; hay rope, fork and pulleys; lot of used tires: dry belting ; side hill hitch for M or H tractor: 8 new Colter discs for Little Genius plow; an electric tractor grass seeder; set of new horse shoes: Lowden litter carrier and track with 22-foot swinging boom and 4 new switches; 2 cross-cut saws; 2 kerosene space heaters; antique churn; old-fashioned hay rake; 22-gal, copper tank; 2-unit Surge milker with 19 stallcocks, pump, pipe and motor; 4-can G-E electric milk cooler; dairy electric water heater; 15 ten-gal, milk cans; 50-gal. drums; set of tractor wheel weights: 12-foot elevator: 100 bushels of oats; walking plow; lot of harness: ker- osene automatic water heater; hot water tank: hot air furnace; 12 gauge single barrel shotgun and shells ; lot of new guards for Thomas mower; and many other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS: CASH. LUNCH WILL BE SERVED ELWOOD F. BECK H. L.. HARPSTER, Auctioneer W. C. Morrow and Leon Cox, clerks . py 4 Guer 18¢ h} 4 S-bottom tractor plow; or] Scotland | Tnen disappointment in Lucky World The world was created in confirmation De Gazetiu About the Scots ! a country where there | all the toll gate | no Benate Dally Times | cessary Arkansas iX GRY nre nt ; The detours at City ay | frm— PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will offer at public sale on the Lester Condo farm, 2 miles southwest of Spring Mills, on the George's Valley road, on FRIDAY, MARCH 16 Beginning at 9:30 a. m., the following personal property: y “ /] Guernsey, 7 are vaccinated ; 3 Holstein heifers will be consisting of 9 Holsteins and one 3 Holstein yearling calves, also vaccinated; a 3-month-old Guern- fresh shortly after sale, also vaccinated; sey calf; a black pony, safe for any chlid to ride. FARM IMPLEMENTS 1948 70 Oliver just overhauled, and culti- vators! 52 John Deere 2-bottom tractor plow; McCor- mick-Deering 8-foot tractor disc, used 2 years; 8 ft. cultipacker, used one year; John Deere 3-section spring tooth harrow; John Deere corn planter; 9 hoe horse grain drill; John Deere grain binder, 10 ft, cut, pow- er driven, on rubber, like new ; McCormick 8 Yt. binder : McC.-Deering hay loader; McCormick-Deering horse mower; Dane side delivery rake; size 100 McCormick- Deering manure spreader; wagon on rubber, the two rear tires practically new, size 7:50-16; 65 bushel wagon box, good condition; 100 bushel wagon box: set of ladders; 1-row potato planter; 2-horse plow; David Bradley hammer mill, like new; 95-foot belt, 6-inch, like new; electric Farm Master 125 rope and pul- tractor chains, size 12-38, in good con- dition; Broadcaster seeder, like new ; of harness, good condition ; and bridle for riding horse: 1- horse cultivator; 2 milk pails; strainer; butter cl fence 100 tractor, 16-foot hay endless eed cleaner, LiKe new; of leve: harpoon; i. 11 saddle milk cans; 1 i tip § . shar . s bus yy irn ; e1eCiric Ience charger, Ty charger. cabinet radio; and many other rticies numerous to men TERMS: CASH. Auxiliary of the iy CARL K. BRESSLER Spring Mills, Pa. E. M. SMITH, Auctioneer UBLIC SALE The undersigned will offer at public sale on the J. J. SPANGLER FARM at TUSSEYVILLE, 3 miles west of Potters Mills, on Route 322, on oF hwy FRIDAY, MARCH 16 Beginning at 10:00 A. M,, the following personal property: < 17 Head of “CATTLE Consisting of 8 Holstein cows and 2 Guernsey s, 1 Holstein will be fresh by sale time, 1 will fresh- cs et COW en in April, 1 in May, and the remainder are fall cows: 2 heifers due in the fall; a steer, 1 Year old: 2 Holstein bulls: a stock bull; a yearling bull; 8 shoats, weigh from 125 to 200 pounds. 2 HEAD OF HORSES, wi. 1500 Ibs, each FARMING IMPLEMENTS: tractor on rubber, rear, good working or- der: Case 2-bottom 14-inch plow; Pennsylvania grain drill; Black Hawk corn planter with fertilizer attach- ments; McCormick-Deering 2-horse cultivator: Ad- rance mower; Keystone hay loader; McCormick-Deer- ing side delivery rake and tedder; Case binder, 7-foot cut; McCormick-Deering manure spreader in good con- dition: Deus corn husker, like new; McCormick-Deer- ing potato digger ;: McCormick-Deering 7-foot disc har- row, used one year; 6-foot cultipacker; two 3-section Case spring tooth harrows; 3 wagons, one a Conklin with box, one a John Deere on rubber with flat bed, like new, one a McCormick-Deering with hay ladders: land roll- er; dise scraper, like new ; fodder shredder; top buggy : spring sleigh; fanning mill with screens: 130 feet of hay rope and harpoon; grapple hook, 6 foot spread: shovels and forks: 2 wheelbarrows on rubber; log and tie chains; set of harness, bridles, collars and buggy harness; 10 by 12 brooder house; steel chicken nests: feeders: water fountains: electric fencer; battery fencer; insulators; hog wire; wire stretchers; 2-unit Surge milker complete with motor and pipes, like new ; Esco milk cooler, 4 cans; buckets and strainer; 2 brood- er stoves, 1 electric; full line of butchering tools, scald- ing trough, kettle and rings: butcher table; 40 gallon copper kettle; 2 crosscut saws; 30-inch circular saw and mandrel; two 30-foot belts and a 93-foot belt: 20. foot ladder; H-gallon oil cans; oil drums; Myers pump jack with 4; h. p. motor; Domestic 215 h, p. gasoline engine ; rubber tire lawn mower; scales; some hay and oats; potatoes, HOUSEHOLD GOODS: 3 stoves: cook stove, heatrola and coal stove; cup- board; sink; chairs: antique rope bed; dresser; and many other articles too numerous to mention. FH — TERMS: CASH. LUNCH WILL BE SERVED BY A CHURCH ORGANIZATION C. E. Slutterbeck RAY CARPER, Auctioneer PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will offer at public sale at the residence of the late Mrs. Daisy Luse, South Main St., Centre Hall, on Saturday, March 17th Beginning at 12:30 p. m., the following: HOUSEHOLD GOODS 2 antique blanket chests; Columbia sewing ma- 4 ft. Frigidaire; Westinghouse electric stove; kitchen cabinet: extension table; Premier rug throw rugs; long mirror; lamps; 2 chine; Seller sweeper ; good occasional chair; some radio; magazine «tered rocking chairs; library table; parlor se tand electric large plate glass mirror; y. floor Cros ley and end table; uphol- 6 dining room chairs; writing stands; rack + 4 10% tee: 5 fet D-piece bedroom suite; room hall rack: B- | » (€eSK ; , table lamp; t wail iron; toaster Edison Ded and pureau ks Jock hed ictrola: pedestal stand; ( x12 medicine cabinet ; 00m rug; rocker; bedroom 2 clothes trees; good trunk; cot; new oll heat- bed clothing; 6 kitchen ipboard + machine; 2 mail round mirror; some 2 porch chairs; fruit ci Eas 5 ironing boards ; some dishes and glassware hairs; kitchen stool; 2 Coneoleum rues - wash mgoieum rugs; wasn tubs; wardr : small gar- to of utensils; lot of crocks and jars; 100 numerous ohe : lot den tools: and many other articles mention. TERMS: CASH. J. FRED HARVEY, Administrator, Philipsburg, Pa. HAROLD E. LEIGHTLEY, Auctioneer Fred lLuse, clerk farm 3' 4 mil ) east of Spring Mills or 2145 miles ) » Al:1} . 1 f "allay [ xt Of Potters 1} $ Qf theicde of eOrge s Valley on FRIDAY, MARCH 23d Beginning at 9:30 A, M., the following personal property: 30 HEAD of CATTLE Consisting of 15 milk cows, 2 are first calf Hol stein heifers with calf by sides, 3 second calf Holstein heifers with calves by their sides: 2 Guernsevs, 1 fresh Dec. 19, the other wit a Holstein with calf by her side ; Holstein 13; Holstein fresh Noo Shorthorn fresh Nov. 19; resh June with t sale time; June 22 h calf by her side; fresh Dec 6: Holstein fresh Nov. 1R: 19; Holstein Win calves. ; "OWN SWISS, Guernsey 30 aque Guernsey due June This is Holstein Holst in stock bull. old enough bull, 5 months 3 Holstein veral veal calves. TEAM OF SORRELL MARES, weight each ; ats and pigs; 200 Kerl i y. Guernsey dug a good producing herd, st averages 4.3 ow Vears oiq. Holstein 10 months old: stock bull § % : 10 service; old : heifer calves, [Re 1400 ! in strain Leghorn ounds SOM «1! i hens. FARM IMPLEMENTS: John Deere model A tractor on rubber. in excel- lent condition ; John Deere tractor cultivator to fit same new John Deere 2-bottom 12-inch plow : John Deere manure spreader, like new: John Deere side de- livery rake; McCormick-Deering hay loader, good con- dition; rubber tired wagon with box. like new: 9.hoe Hoosier grain drill; Iron Age potato planter with fer. tilizer attachment; Black Hawk corn planter with fer- tilizer attachment; International corn planter: Bliz- zard ensilage cutter with pipe and shredder bars, No. 12; McCormick-Deering corn binder: Deering grain binder, 7-foot cut; Frick 28-inch threshing machine with 75 feet of double endless belt: 2 stable blankets: harness, collar, bridle, for team : 2-unit Surge milker and motor: 3-can Westinghouse electric milk cooler with new linings: 8 milk cans, buckets and strainers: Stewart electric cow clippers; 4 bushels of clover seed: Sebago and Katahdin potatoes, certified last year, for cooking and planting: 500 bushels of Clinton oats: 1000 bushels of corn ears; baled straw and hay ; 2-row hand potato duster, like new. HOUSEHOLD GOODS: Antiques: corner cupboard, walnut dresser, cherry dresser, four drawers, 2 old chests; spool beds: wooden beds; 6 old kitchen chairs; a highback rocker: clock : davenport; 4 iron beds with springs and mattress: dressers: stands; two 9 by 12 linoleum rugs, like new: Story and Clark piano, recently tuned: kitchen and dining room chairs; round extension table; large ward- robe; writing desk; gun cabinet; porch glider: porch chairs; radio victrola; Apex refrigerator; Frigidaire: electric stove, used 2 years; tan and ivory Kalamazoo stove with pipe; AGM oil burner, heats 3 rooms, com- plete with pipe, used 1 year; bed clothes and braided rugs, both new: complete set of butcher tools; copper kettle with stirrer; computing scales, weigh up to 25 pounds; electric brooder stove, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Lunch will be served by the ladies of Locust Grove Sunday School. TERMS: CASH. DOLEN D. DECKER E. M. SMITH, Auctioneer tractor. Advertise your farm sale in the Democrat, ¥
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