Page Two THE CENTRE DEMOCRAY, BELLEFONTE, PA March 15, 1945 | : | : | JAMES O'CONNE i 8 | Hean primary ballot as a eandidate | Corp. plant her » is a member of ver dren | at home UNIONVILLE REBERSBURG |" SNS aol i Br Fiat Lota nr Ten v wo James P. O'Conner, 46, of Br hurel raver service Holt an d children, They made the Out-of -town relatives and toile "r and Mrs Norman Duck, township, is clre laud ng n OeLitiog ening at re home of trip at this tme to welcome heir ype gended Bre funeral of Ws. datghter and grand-daughter of have his name placed on the Rep Hall Sunday school new grand-daughter who just re- Verna Breon Hackenberg on Mon- Mifflinburg, were Bunday dinner \ I ay i at the regular hour. cently arrfved at the home of their day were: Rev, and Mrs, C. F, Cathe guests at the home of Mrs, Alice ith Fellowship in the evening at daughter and husband and who Das genan of Altoona, Mr. and Mrs, W. Crouse. Frank Houseman of Mili- _-_ 30. immediately followed by the been named Dorothy Ilene Harold Hackenberg and daughter helm, called at the same home In reaching rvice at 7:30, with ser- Mrs. Walter Zahniser entertained Joanne of Muncy, Mr. and Mrs. Rus. tie afternoon \a * mon by the pastor, Rev. D. A. 80W- the members of the Bridge Club at gel] Zacharias of Allentown Ezra 8 A birthday dinner was given on 3 ? i This w } tue openiny # her home last Friday evening and in Breon of Columbus, O., Elmer Bwope gundav in honor of Mrs. Elizabeth an Uda l 00 S avin S two-week i of e\ angelistic ser- aonnection therewith, had a miscels of Jacksonville, Mr. and Mrs. James . e hs . tbruy " . * Retde’s 70th birthday at the home pastor, Rey laneous shower for her daughter, pucas of Mill Hall, Mrs. Prank Arm- of her daughter Mrs, Rov Arbogast are invited. Grace Jane Shelby, who is ut the agast and Miss Emma Steffen of prs Reigle returned to her home in present time with her parents while aAnronsburg, Mrs. Bisie Miller of Wil- siddiebury in the afternoon, after a 3 : br L WA her husband Is somewhere overseas. liamsport, Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Shif- iui here eal 5 She received some very pretty and fer, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Mayes of | o, and Mrs, A. G. Cummings werd EL J seful fts New “ . THY ho hi > . wh : ; useful gf New Berlin, Mr, and Mrs. Sterner spent several ‘days last week at the ¢ Mrs, Grace Stere entertained the Houck of Hanover, Mrs, Guy Mover . y home of their daughter-in-law, Mrs vw p LB E / members of the Wi-Mo-Ma-8is club and Mr. Boyer of Bloomsburg, Mrs Walter Cummings and daughter kl " gr J OR SPAGHETT it her home last Friday evening, the Guy Corman of Spring Mills, Call- : " 4 Rosemary, in Williamsport v visiting guest being Mrs. Charles ers at the home of the deceased on 1 tl ad M am J b, eightol of Howard Saturday and Sunday were: Mrs y Bis hr h oh ‘ . a R L ig . Dd i C a atte ys writes " ichard Berkstresset - : diol oseph Spotts has been confined Annie Bartholomew and daughte Mrs ah Centael JE : a f . . a . Ba to his home for the past couple Jean and Elizabeth and Mrs C. 8 Deboiah a u 7 a 3 ny SUPDEr guests go : ’ bles wd a Lian he orion HoSterman of Centre Holl Mrs, A. Ziegler were Sune : a wk el pov a -. gg Arg J. Hazel, Mrs. Ohurles Paxon and #t the Williun Breon home in Mad- 1-Ib. Pkg. 12¢ 2-1b. Pkg. 21¢ nneumonia His many friends and Gerald Rishel of Bonisburg, Prof sy } 0 ATONE wri awa. JOY 5 Githe ow dn- Mr and Mrs. L. E Bierly spent 11h relatives here hope his complete re- And Mrs. Gilbert Hancock of Logan J ! ? \ ie 3 : “ pe pl ton. Mr ant Mrs. Woed, Mr and the weekend with the latter's far. } ’ . 4 ra pe am » > Jar Cc 1 D. Mitchell who has been Mrs. Harshberger, Mr and Mrs. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Kane ‘at King- KE land ared far at the fiome of Mr. Ginter and Miss Bess Gevhart ‘and ston Fi 4 4 4 a 16-01 * and Mrs. Robert Hall for the past Mr. Bweeney of Altoona, Mr end Alda Breon was a weekend visitor A Adi dada us ar Pa a a ‘Jar ” ard Mrs, Harry Saters of State College, 4t the Clurence Promm home in Mr. and Mrs. A D Mingle of Roar- peliefonte t ErinES Pint a home, which, during her ab- Ing Springs, Mrs. Jean Hoy and wg ong Mrs. Milton Voneds and The 33 top-quality Ann Page Foods are another reason why Syrup BLENDED » a Bottle 19¢ He - was completely cone over, daughter of Lock Haven, Mr. and oui... pron of Millheim. were Sym 30 many smart home -makers say “It's Tipe to Turn wo A&P.” N to : ne onsiderabl repair mace bath- Mrs, Charles Hackenberg, damgh- ay eallers at the home of Mr and Both made and sold by A&P. ANN PAGE FOODS are extra Spices WHOLE Cloves " ps 7c ; J . ~h wl & » national . ky Ned weral other ter, of Runvilie Mrs. Roy Campbell ; 1" vy Crt Tt Nuts room installed and several other f Ru lie M } MY Merrill Brungay good and extra thrifry Try them .. you ‘Ul be pleased Nutmeg several months has Improved turday N net t . 1St Saturd Wis Orotg a 0 ner t Cnmp atk oman AEE Hor may friends And Mrs Clendenin of State Col- Mr. and Mrs, Henry Winter of rt time be A wpe h ove- lege, Mr. ant Mrs. LL. Mark and . 15 vice IQ Te hon. op 3 ah ; ght eille of Willie maport Milroy. and Mrs, Dale Boone of Aar- —-— RR Ba kin Powder Can 1 20 ‘ment may continue and h she daughter Lueill tiie mepon onsburg, spent the waekend at the " y Can Mrs. K. G. Haines of Harrisburg, moe Tor a SEE will regain her usual good healt! arry Boone home s service to 1 held IN (hat she may enjoy r new home visited Lt. Haines’ mother Mrs. M " 5 : 5 : Lemon ® ou Sel: H SCHOOL On { ow | C. Haines the past weekend wi. us aad , ‘ : : b ARAAAT Whe ure X fac S Aly Bil Cc . v 4 heh i 1 . \ ta L p "te MOTTE We tLrus ‘lary - A | Timm Dr 1 E 1 Rover of Lock wm nlled om Mi # ar Ora hh 0 . rg Tr os thi a pL. ' a SAR N Hodes * on Sunday afternoon a Sey . . " wa fide nt \ mov | into th Home of \ VOY re Sunday dinner est kh. “a OW -heini held i 4 . i _ ok nv : ! SunGay Ali ! 5 £1 " Ailton Stover of O NN ih, Eri Np n e i a « Amaia rie ete the rmer Laura ,¢ the E Hosterman home : ald . TH g “TA g CE 3 oom wit al a * Kephart property from the apart- “fy Ned erman recently t Ju oy ag od , \% reon 5 “, \ Te nder Ww hole K ernels ’ wars er. “yt nn the ohn M. Robison prop- ALY ol i f 1} : ’ i es Aamo a . gy eived word her husband hs $M N.OMN. 1H 4 1 i" rr le , member of the | bo . a} =n nor roll for Miles Townshis FRESH CORN ON. THECOB = WITHO "i a armala é ORANG bing Cc 4 been promoted {ram i ) Bat. 5¢ . " — hit i HoSterman Is Serving . motored © Lewis- ‘aptain Joh !. MacIndoe was trooper in the Furepean (heat } H resamen 120% nN \ ty . Ron where they spent recently aws ei th Bronee S44 ig gh ienn Confer, Isat iry. ] l 1-04 e 0 ed EREA go Cc ting with thelr daugh- for heroic achievement in netion his : R yrazier, Joni fehel | : \ iw Salad rossi La hand, M: ned Mrs Cirennh Mrs Lee's parents | : glum and Germany. He has been MM. 8. A. Hierl PREDICTS INCREASE IN —~ NEW SHOW TIME — r IH oF ent Py ment « at ‘Ma st ull Aft moon caller Mr. mar = n levinte du - ‘ : Q Bt J 7 N Shows at 7:10 and 2:00 P. M. ndoe | he som of th ate Mrs, and Mrs L. L. Meek of Willams jer of marketing ar ok ing Riv » i : 3 : 4 ® ® hoics Selections LAST TIMES TODAY Thursday, March 15) ADMISSION—Me & 35¢ Maclnadoe “TAR SHOW OF THE { this TINCE t hot x 1 eis + Slatic ot 3 foods. and rapid ; | | | iH t t Li : ! Ho CANTEEN ter, Mim. ¥ ier who Ye" Wolfe and 8. 0. Mallory home figent Histon oo oS | ny Hh sy a hy © ent ' trom th b COREE. Sunday en so dd y : —— a — i - demand for something “different Full of on. man . . } iikmnz 5 preg ict mw o esh-from-t} far flavo bur FRIDAY NIGHT ¢ Univers} { Rocheste es ea Rirharet Citttl > Rit rimen: her ' ' L iy olan and a (mp Tou) TIER Rute Hotel i A lesb ATE ann ck hee Towser.” i oregecg Eon pa ina of FRESH BAY SHAD Hi Onions . . . .. DARLING” onl ring Rose ear eo ig. : r. and » flenn Hostermar #1 ph wrk wg will aval Roe nl 4l¢, Buck nh 38¢ : sited over Bundasy at the ARronsourg, « F Bunday rast tor Yhe . “on + 4 Fl Sevrwnath. 4a) NEW, FLORIDA Frank Latimore me of his tn " vel Bar. BUeSts at the James Corman home tn TAfriaerdton FRESH eanne Crain kK Ls A - 1 » iis mother M Hazel Bar- § . onan 0 As sv 1 hie f+ A Mary Nash and family of this piace ’ » ing i4¢ : Cabba e “ONCE OVER LIGHTLY" & Marine Pfc Hull B. Lucas, son of . 4 ; u " .; Sea Herring ; A = = | BE “COLOR CARTOON" Irs. Tda M. Hoff of Tyrone. form no —— : - ————— FROZEN DRESSED 3 $ lace . b i FANCY WINESAP Lake Herring . . : LAKE HERRING : Apples nm 8 BB B® # Fillets Froven SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY Mareh 17) Howling Hillbilly Bhow From the Famous Radio Pm Star “THE NATIONAL BARN DANCE” CLLr el = FROZEN Mullet Fillets { Gra efruit JUICY FLORIDA RT ere Cen Intiin og Imig RELIABLE CUT WAX SIZE 150s Beans . , : Oranges Dez. 4% um = PFARD Dog Food ... FLORIDA PASCAL SUNNYFIF LD Celery Stk 2h .- 0» > 21c Barley ee id ROME BEAUTY XA SATAN { Apples . ... 3 29c Wafers .. ....W- CALIFORNIA SELECTED, RFD RIPE COLONIAL, 100Z PKG Carrots h * ® 2 boca 15c¢ Tomatoes Cracker Meal Yams ro Contd 9 1. 23 Lb. 19¢ {i ARKII woodchopper ! Alen the Finest Selected Shorts WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY (March 21) IRISMET" | Tem a The Same Idea hnicol in The Cents BE Only Different iB)! Bob Davis Sui r ¢ BOYS AND GIRLS: avis Suits for Easte ttm BOD DAVIS suits for Easter haven't changed > very much, After all, it's either double-breast i i i es - KELLOGG'S, 12.02. PRG Shredded Wheat. . 10¢ ed or single-breasted WHITE HOUSE EVAP. Fortified with i Mil K 400 U. 8. P. Units of 4 O¢ Vitamin DD Per Pim THE ALL PURPOSE VEGETABLE MARGARINE HEYKO OLEO :: 23¢ FOR A WELCOME CHANGE S27 Hot Cross Buns 19¢ . #fere’ s What To Do | C0CO- WHEATS SE 21¢ Coffee Cake “sav s ROC SUITS and TOPCOATS FOR CLEANING NEEDS USE DEVILS FOOD TIMELY TIPS ON KITE FLYING | $95.00 to $45.00 SPIC & SP AN ml 23¢ | Layer Cake . . . #2 46¢ Fly your kite in an apen field, away from all teadlie, DINNER OR SANDWICH olen wets 8d 6d tof | SUNNYRELD | (Rolls + + « «.. « «i054 200 , Avoid kites with metal vibe. Use strong cord—ne wire 20. ry or tinsel twine and keep it dry Wat wring will conduct ROLLED 0ATS 1 1 4 LARGE scasinnpod ate ate bu yoy fe DOBES and CHAMPS | hue "5 Rye Bread . ... "= 12¢ Keap a steady pull on the string. If the wind slackans, HEADWEAR BORAR Add move wil if the kite darts : igorous CRUNCH hr Se J 56:50 * $1000 | COFFEE '= 2 5 81¢ Breakfast Rolls 19¢| U your kite should land on wires or a pole, climbing alter it or trying te knock it down with sticks and stones in dangerous. The kite is sure to be worthless anyway LET 5 GIVE and you may damage wires, cuiting _ ell the electricity lrom many homes IN EMERGENCIES, 4 CALL THE NEAREST SOAP ’ wes hd | BOB > | [| 32:20 But there's a new twist to them. As usual they're hand tailored; they have that extra Voi touch of styl ' oy | in ) Vi FYORKIE = na , - That extra stress you give your suit today DARTS AND DIVES i . heads to be thought of. That is w hy we know vou better wear and look smarter at important points a a ss -Be M LB
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