Wo oo" KEEP FAITH fie reer BX WAR BONDS suse NRN @He Cenlre Democra WAR BONDS GOOD INVESTMENT VOLUME 64. NUMBER 10 BELLEFONTE, PA. THI nei 'RSDAY, MARCH &, 1945 Sharp Decline In County Casualties'- Clarence Sergeant, Previously Reported Miss- ing, is Prisoner of Germans; State College Man Missing; Clarence Youth Wounded Centre county, which for weeks has been receiving neavy on ualty reports from World War battlefronts, got a respite ‘his when only three messages, one ol them bringing encouraging tidin were received by relatives Mr. and Mrs. Emro Drapcho Clarence, learned through the Red Cross that their son, Staff Sat, Cyril DER previously missh [ IT week reporied LONG EXPOSURE ATA 10 (J Joel S. Royer, 82, of Zion, Succumbs: Was Helpless 17 Hours in Snow ell known retire iffered Joel Royer. 82, » farmer of Zion, who tack while shoveling snow on ary 20, and w 1welple snow for 17 before covered, dieg at his home 6:35 p. m. last Th {ay 1945. as the result of exp Mr. Rover. who lived gone out to vel snow garage at the rear Next day when neighbors lalled see him around as usual they inve tigated and found him lywog in snow at the rear of Le garage, hb body wedged tightly against the of the bullding. He was consclou when found and explained h ! not called for help because he didn t want to “get the neighboi1ood in an uproar.” When found about noon ing was wet from melted one finger was frost-bitten dition was serious Joel 8. Rover was a son of Jona- than and Anna E. Shgfler Royer and was bom at Zion on May 14, 1862 His wife, the former Emma Gar- brick, him in death. He was a lifelong resident of Zion, and was the last member of His imme. diate family. Funeral services were held Sun- day afternoon at the Zion Lutheran church, of which deceased wn member, with Rev Bay id Straesse of Snydertown, offic Interment was made 1 Zion cemetery I accordance 3 Mr. Rovers wie» members of the 1} 1 Th sgrved a getbhearers Febru- 0 WAS 8S In tne hou ha QeiNng Cis- there ir Mar bon ¢ ol it o nis cloth- now and His eon- Roopsburg Youth Injured By Car Sylve Scott, Trevola Scott a fractured right Monday, when | wille playin bridge. He is a County Hospital tion is satisfactory Operator of Tressler, 54. of The accident happened youth, playing with ons, ran across (ie bridge a Tressler'’s machine was going v Mr. Tressler told State Pnlice the Pleasant Gap sub-station investigated, that his attention attracted by another boy on bridge and didu't see the Scott until his car struck him. He sto the car almost instantly up the youth from chine and took him The boy's fat i ervirig in the Navy, State Police aid Bellefonte Youth Cuts Knee In Fall Jr. aged 7 Richard Alte rio East Bicaop street, received a severe laceration of the left knee, Satur. day, In a fall at the rear of his nar- ents’ home Bunday he was taken to the Cen- tre County Hospital where four stitches were required 0 close the wound, He was permitted to retum home after undergoing treatment ter 10 of Roopsburg, suffer at 6:30 ; the car wa Bellefonte several con boy pped picked ma- and unaer th f to the £3 I 10 thi YOSpit Richard Alterio of Mr. and Mn son of Titan ‘Local Expenditures’ Reach New A recent issue of the Titan News, publication of the Titan Metal Com- pany personnel department, reveals that the company’s “local expendi- tures” in 1944 totaled a new high of $1,154,000. In {lustrating the relation between Titan Metal and the comminity in which it is located “The News” quotes a recently published article by C. W. McKee, in which he relates that according to a survey it Is re- 150 to The 150 employes support from 1.- 000 to 1,200 persons, cause 300 homes sales for 25 the many of ' cam Pi¢ » Edward JoAnn, of { Leo 3 and Fr been missing in a telegram received parents ment in action, is Crerman now government prisone: ty One Smi. coun serviceman ton 3 State Of I' Cier'- nother February Sgt. Drapcho Prisoner Sergegnt Cyril A. Drapcho reported! missing in action : on December 20, 1s a ner of in Germany oO information from national Red Cross re afternoon by Mrs. Emi further « accord- Inte eived Monday arents, Mr. and Lrapeho, of Clarence. No alls were glve in t nus HNO Wa tntians to vice fiom the Bellefon Draft Board, enlisting on October 28, 1940 He received Sainihg ‘nn variou fore being sent neland in October, 1944 A member of an Infantry unit, he v action in Belgium and Germany ¢ going Into Luxembourg « to ha taken to 341 here lieved ve been eller written 13 3 t December 5 brother amp il of the hildren Drapche In addition to Drapcho, tue others in t Pacific war in Luxembourg f the WACs Mo five ¢ Emro h foroe Sgt Lt. Jo- area: It Cpl at Ft ple seph he and stationed nard Wood Lt. Smith Missing Lt. Clayton Smith, 21, son of Mr Mrs. H C Smith Soin azier street State has ction over Germany 14. according to a the Ueutenant's from the U. 8. War Depart last Wednesday night! Smith, in letters received re- Coliege, since February Lt cently ‘by his parents, said that it | Was inet vhivped by serving bomber attached Fores had “tough and the QCGermans are sny means” He was first pilot on a B-26 to the Ninth Alr in Prance, and in January completed 20 mission 3 College Air C as Heuten “LOST” BOY IS FOUND Mir of Pleasant s Parents’ car we 100F » parents leam- Answering his find been toward Pleasant Gap te ption een walk {of Titan, listed below, !pald wages to its employes which Rain Stops, Threat of Floods Averted flood wveral wemed to have Ww reat f itre county averted ceased and ! area wsaay nignt en temperature opped sharply On Tuesday the yf of Ched the t of alert Route 200 wes water also neared eve) NgNvay Port Matilda, and the highway near Martha In Milesburg., Bald Eagle Creek overflowed the norty bank just east of the borough, and there was water in the basements of a number of homes At streams however, had count tag. no piace reached flood High In 1944 community--priests, rabbis, min. isters, doctors, dentists, lawyers, teachers, artists, musicians, ete In addition, the 150 workers and thelr families will pay about $583 .0600 annually for transportation, will buy the products of 6,000 acres of land, nrovide a payroll of between $180. 000 and $200000 a year, ond estab lish a tax foundation of $2 500,000, The proportions remain the same for factories employing over 150 per- sons, the article points out, In addition to the “local expenses” the company amounted to more than $3.600.000, Transportation (motor and rail), $521,356.31; fuel, lubricant! and pow er, $185,400 63; bullding supplies, $250,085.12; insurance, $4196087; office supplies, $20,267.45; plant ser- vices, $2085143; communications, (Continued on page Three) Y badly Centre Hall Man Receives $900 Lost Last November Orvis Shay "Lr Titan Hall, Metal wr of 13 deposit box week ne w ) in War ASL ’" wnii in Belle! $00 Bond ip ni he ar on them. Bu trouble jg ia ne received an envelop Hall postoffice eight cents postage due notice him fey {01 Y tape postage the containin Mr famiiiar £500 mite Upon paying the Shawver wa brown envel nded in bonds he had lost in Bellel last Novemb The envelope Bellefonte fixed only iv item wtmarked had al- tamp doy and nae: thre wert STR e Mh FRY froma U one MISSIN WE nN- three ga There ww mailed they had been during Mr. Shawver man at Titan through oll ded $000, plus are now safely tu V-E DAY PLAN soliae ration was no indication wa : where to wi! he bonds thel hse nee employed ps a pre hased the tion others pur HONG aye One w ed aw SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR. HERE NOUNCED; pone WAS UNAVOIDABLE Coroner's Religious Service at BHS Auditorium; Services in Local C hurches V-E yest Plans jor the "obsarval noe of Day in Bellefonte, announced terday by local chiuches throsigh the Bellefonte Chamber of Come mero, AN {gr acceptance of victory in Europe with & spirit of relief and thankfulness rather than ogee galety or Giliarity Decision on the Jury Renders Loy d Lue “wh of Mi Jest type of « Be« 311 or may uggested tha for observance y {i and stored ] and red If end Bell will news me efonte be dt ¥ daytime torium the the audi ! hours later Three hours after the high schoo the Bellefonte Methodist Presbyterian thurches special services [or 3nd try forkers 1d hese services in clothing At the same Reformed Evangelical Ul Brethren and AME churthe conau frvices for person gaged in Industry The program calls for no pa or other public display of Jo belief being that as long as U servicemen in offer areas still f a long and bitter struggle until vic tory is won, demon are not in oo will conduct those emplos are Invi their time the Luthera ited SPEAKS ON WORK OF HOME SERVICE * Rev, Tells Kiwanians of Servy- ice Rendered Here 8 Th H. CC. Stenger, tr Jr. weh tions for - o—- Truck Rams Into Parked Sedan Here An Olds mobile sedan swned by Edward McNichol, of East Lamb street, parked near the Davidson candy store on West Higly s'reet, was damaged about the rear at 10:45 p. m. Tuesday when it was struck by a pick-up trugk driven by Lewis B. Brooks, of Centre Hall Rev, Stenger, Bond According to reports, Brooks was C. White who was subs'ituting as driving down High street when his the club program chairmen in the machine rammed into the rear end absence of F. Glenn Rogers, declared of the parked vehicle. Chief of Po- that Home Service provides a Close lee Harry Dukeman investigated contact between men in the armed the mishap. No one was injured and forces and their friends and rela damage to Brooks’ machine was tives at home, and tat the service slight cdn be improved if the public will ———— realize that while many requests oan be and are being granted, there are Three Planes Land |a few things which are impossible. | | In the category of the impossible, | Near State College he sald, was a recent request by the! Three Waco training on | their way to Canada, nded on | farmlands across the rallroad tracks west of the College golf course on Saturday afternoon, Mrs, Ada Catherine Burd, near! The flyers were lost and made a Mackeyville, was fined $50 and $1290 | forced landing to get thelr bearings, | costs by Alderman T. Mark Brun- officials of the State College Alr| gard last week for possession of | Depot, reported Inter, They were | venison without a permit more than | ferrying the planes from somewhere 60 days after the close of deer hunt. in the States to Canada Where the | ing season, The meat wis canned. planes will be used dn the war train. [Toe law requires anyone ing program, venison to purchase a It was sald the planes had some | which allows ane to have difficulty in aking off because of the [for a four hotth period soft mud In the the 60-day limit A review of the interesting an varied work of the Home Bervice of the Bellefonte Chapter American Red Cross was given by Rev. Harry C. Stenger, Jr. of Bellefonte, (Hinir- man of Home Service, at a regular meeting of the Bellefonte Kiwani Club at the Pean Belle Hotel, Tues dn introduced by (Continued on page Pour) ————— Fined For Having Deer Verdict In Death of | parents of a soldier who hag Bellefonte Girl Tells Amos ‘n’ Andy — a ILLNESS FATAL TO HARRY B. 3C0 Funeral Yesterday Former Senator; Was. GOP Leader in Co. r Senator Harr @ BB Voters’ Registrations Now Being Received Ww oon until M wr reoeive vole election 10 be Iu the Registration House, Belle all elector 8* On Or x om onts "io fore June 1 aso enable all elect nee Lhriy val x prior Registration from 9 & ) } exception of Saturday close at 12 Party fiir rem Lees VGAT ERM The each aay m th the will o'clock a Lime Dust Group Sponsors Meeting The citizens committee to abate the lime dust nuisance in Bellefonte has called a public meeting to be geld In the Court House at 7:30 p m. Thursday, March 15, it was an- nounced yesterday by ©. Nevin Stamm, chairman of the committee The committee has retained R Paul Campbell as attorney to deter. mine what can be done to eliminate the nuisance and Mr, Campbell is, scheduled 0 address next Thursday. The commitiee, In summarizing its | Andings, notes: “The stage Is cleared for attion--we only wait for your approval” the meeting ssn MP ————— ‘Aged Woman Suffers Fracture of Hip Miss Annie Noll, 82, of West Biah- | For Tariff Change W | EASES OR 9%% of Farm People to Have Telephones enabling ‘ live Warns of Drive Against Dogs officer : Po ble bv fines of ™ i ban 8100. o 4] sail, or bot Mr. Mars) Warm: He suggests that dog owners the following 1 Ons your dog is Leensed and tag ot all times; keep the dog nder control: know where the 85 nor more recaut Wears ways at all tm Mere 1 of Heenan prevent the animal fr dog will not om doing dam- e, the officer pointed out. Neither will tagging a dog exempt own er from prosecution if the dog is n properly controlled It is unlawful for any own or keep any dog six months old or over unless the dog Is licensed and uniess such dog at all times wears a collar and tag, Mr. Marshall warns that all Heensed dogs will be destroyed Le une Pfc. Ramsey Is German Prisoner Word wag received in Bellefonte, | | Tuesday, that Pie, Gene 8. Ramsey, of Altoona, son of the former Kath. lryn Dunlap, of Bellefonte, who was | reported missing In action in the European area on December 20, is now a Briones of the Oerman gov | L LINES ill P er mit eneral {necting of representatives vear SH PATROLS eR’ th PTA Hears Suggestions Study Expansion of Borough Limits Council Names Committee to Investigate Possible Annexations; Burgess Suggests Move to Promote Growth of Town changes the Penn i IL is hoped dial - KIWANIS CLUB 10 GREGG TWP. FIRE FURTHERMEMORIAL GO. INCORPORATED Many County Delegates at Organization Reports Ap- | Session Favor Addi- proximate Member- tion to to Hospital ship of 225 ber) 1h was At ts last semi-mmonthiy g i March 1st, the newly, inporpor- aled Gregg Townsudp Fire C stalied its new officers duct meetings © : ffrers ars from various parts of the county at ident, Ralrh Shook the Court House last Wednesday Auman; fins nigh, roid Bower; rec Action naming the 1 Bartges: to call further meeti came after { the need for mor The Bel lefonte K ¢ Kiwanis Ch given responsibility for carrying on } further activities in bebhall of posed war memorial for county veterans of WATS meeting a Pro- Centre In aii nl Charles Kiw ngs full ise reas vey groups Woman Survived by 104 Descendants ' Clearfield County Man In Jail Here 17,230 Pounds Paper Collected In Drive tow nwide IRE MARSHAL UBMITS REPORT Fires in 1944 Threaten SIST400 in Property; of Pupils Loss Only y $1,355 A panel dis cussion on the subject | In 1944 a total of of 81 87 fires in Belle [of school patrols, Jed by Miss Elea- fonte and vicinity threatened prop- | nore Diehl of the high school fac- erly valued at $187400, but through {ulty, featured a regular meeting of the efforts of the Bellefonte Fire the Bellefonte Teachers’ Association Department the total fie loss for In the high school cafeteria, Mon. the year was kept to only $1388, it (day afternoon Mrs. Sam Poorman, DISCUSSED HERE oe. ai For Improving Work there is little incentive for a pupil 0 be a good patrol member, Sbe also stated that some teachers were
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