Camb andaaa K * * * + Ld Ld * Rh * EEP FAIT With US = by buying veneer WAR BONDS H SBsssanss adhe Cenire Democrat (WAR BONDS | £2 MEAN MORE THAN A Pers 03 Ln { GOOD INVESTMENT VOLUME 64. NUMBER fa. BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1945 SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR 11 County Men on BA oo) %, > 6% ~~ Q - War Al Thrice-Wounded Madw 1alty ast urg Soldier Now . oO . . . Prisoner of Germans; . o Missing in Ac- Two n another is War in German! wounded, acces ment c ] Centre men are The miss Pic Theodor Bellefonte missing in Pfe. Orvi fonte, missin also sinet The prisone: 8S Sgt. Je Madison missing i 1944, and prison « partment parent municat I'he wou Januar Pi ville Pvt Mill France Ishler Missing dore W Mrs. Lut ville ro Ishi wl 133 1 al MM Bellefor in Francs Ww partment message received bj parents Tuesday afternoon. Pfc. Tshier was first wounded the leg by shrapnel Italy iast year, ang ot June 5 was wound- ed In the same leg. again oy shrap- nel. On September 280 in France he received his third 14 have hee int Cary wd, believed to nin Us int =n Ple, Theodore W. Ishler Missing in Action tion, Eight Wounded. Orndorf Wounded Pie. Orren S Slightly Plc. Tierney Missing ’ plant a ibiamsport | ab before entering the segvi Continued on page Four: A — — ONLY TWO GASES w Vy b LISTED FOR TRIAL AUTO ACCIDENTS (Grand Jury Reports on In- spection of County Property Complete ‘Holiday’ For Dot bot the er rapping it » atriotiec citizer as an Intensive paper age wl material will open throughout the county on Monda: Plans {or the conservation drive or "paper holiday” were announced today by R. J Kennard, chairman of Vie Centre County Salvage com- mittee, In an cfort to combat the critical shortage In wrapping paper supplies. Merchants In the county will ask their customers to accept packages unwrapped or without bags whenever possible The “holiday” plan, expected to relieve the paper shortage, will re- main in effect throughout the coun- ty for at least a month, Mr. Ken- nard sald, and Is being staged in response to an urgent request from the War Production Board. No paper will be used In any retall store, ex- cept for articles that require wrap- ping for sanitary and protective pur- poses, he stated. Working with Mr. Kennard are the local paper salvage chairmen Who call upon all patriotic citizens be of Centre cam; other for ount ve oan aign to wrapping " Wrapping Paper Planned : i riod of State of Belle. Springer. of Philios- Curtis Watts, of Spring Mills; Balser Weber, of Howard, Margaret Stere, of Unionville, James Frye, of Pine Grove Mills; Scott Crane, of Port Matilda, and Ira Hall, of Snow Shoe During the paper holiday shoppers are asked to take baskets, carry-alls and other conveniences with them #0 they can handle unwrapped pars eels easily Baby carriages, bicycle baskets, sleds, tov express carts, and shopping carts hould be put into use: in handling unwrapped pack. ages, the chalrman suggested To send more paper to the fight ing front, citizens must use less | wrapping paper and | waste paper on the heme front, the {chairman stated, He sald “hat “from the day a soldier goes to war, he Is (dependent on paper, From his draft {card to his honorable discharge, his records are kept on it, ‘Continued on page Two) Beott salvage more | MARKS VEROA OF SCHOOL FIRE Slight Fire in Yoca- tional Shop Recalls Disastrous Event in 1939 ANN Car and Wrecker Collide on Water he mine Richard A. Woodring, 18. DuPont Chief Bellefonte Lie wrecker be Police Harry Duikeman investigated the mishap qe ng of oi sci ot I Sis i SNOW, IGE CAUSE Describe yerma “You Can Give Red Cross Any Amount of My Money You Wish,” Writes. Says Food Lacks Variety. e Hu s Life In “FAVRWINET0 Mother, Children n Prison H)SPTALHERE EscapeSlowDeath AS MEMORIAL County-Wide Meeting on Project Planned Sometime This Month lliness of State College Family Found Caused by Carbon Monoxide Gas in Apartment; All Recover at Local Hospital. Lt. Eugene Shultz Provided by Germans . German Prisoner SERVE MAN DIES CHEMISTRY MAKES == OF SDARLET FEVER VAST PROGRESS Succumbs at Great Lakes Training Center Fel 1945 a the A Training Centre, Great Lakes II of comuplications following an atleck LH ae vel Private funeral at Wetzler JRIry "aR service: were held Memon Chay» Tuesday afternoon, with wu Jr. of Mileabuis g. Interment was made ee al Milesburg Rev. DA ” NETS Part M ’ of Presbyterian cemetery L a {f the nature e lating ga. Des ¥ wy ¢ 3 n : .h i wich RES death vices were privale and One Injured in Seven Mis- © haps in County Dur- ing Weekend COA of WEenoers 41 fe Ari ited A SNON vhich had 1} lid down ¢ y embai kment into the L Damage to the Car « ick 20 dam- Al causing ICK {10 tr of Olney, 40 Detroit, Mich.. and ar owned by Clair Flick of Julian Continued on page Bix) Centre Hall Girl Training In WA Pvi. Dorotiiy V Mrs. Ruth Blazer ls taking basic training at the Third WAC Training Center. Fort Ogle- Gna On completion of the pix-weeks' basic course she will be assigned to the Army Air Forces PyL Blazer's brother, Technician (5th grade), Is with a field artilicry unit in Germany Prior to enlistment in “ye Women's Army Corps, Pvt. Blazer was em- ployed at the Army Reception Cen- ter, New Cumberland, Pa —. — Former Local Man Killed in Action Calvin Miller, youngest son of Mr and Mrs. Harry Miller, of Niagara Falls, N. Y. former Bellel nte resi. dents, was killed In action In Luxe embourg on January 14. The young man’s father is a bro- ther of Daniel Miller, C Blazer, daughter of thoroe of Centre Hall | {bone proved fruitless he was taken {to Huntingdon where a throat spec- { lalist {is still quite sore tHe Injury is heal- poe satisfactorily, it Is reported (in the offices in the Decker bulld- Wounded Veteran Visiting Home Here wound, amputated near expiration of hi 27. he will veport Hospital AtL- where he Is schedul th an no soldier Ser « artifi and five ial n CGermal ing them he VAs walking had captured were escot line when Stover was page Three Chicken Bone Lodges in Throat wounded. Pi Conlinued on of Ceorge Shugert, the Furst apartments on East Linn street plant superintendent for the Warner Company here, has been off duty this week recovering from the ef- fects of a chicken bone which lodged in his throat while he was eating dinner, Sunday When local efforts to remove the succeeded In removing the bone. Although Mr. S8hugert’s throat - wrsn WF — HAZEL RE-, “ECTED HEAD OF THRIFT COMPANY George H. Hazel was re-elected president of the Centre County Thrift Corporation at the annual reorganization meeting held recently Belle- Others re-elected were Martin ing on South Spring street, Mrs. Robert | fonte [Klinger and Mrs. Marie Wilson, all| of Bellefonte, while his mother, the Miller, vice-president: F. L. Strudle, former Olive Marshall, is a sister of | 2nd vice-president; Mrs. Fred Haupt of Bellefgnte, and B. J. Oryctko, secretary; and W, H. Brouse, troas- Mn Guy Brooks of near Centrelurer. The one new director was P. A Frost of State College. stated taal a letter would follow Sgt, William S. | SIRY MAKES Executive Tells * Kiwanis of Recent De- velopments npetruclion a soldiers’ memorial would resul additional maintenance expense, The Litwary. Mrs. Beach said, vould pre-) ‘ i CEE ETDACHER RESIONS, EEE SUCCESSOR NAMED ~~ heartily endorsed the Goepital pro- poss] K § ’ 3 RIOPposed mg oa cur - — Ix Ig Le years. LL. PF. Living- : "4 Lo manage; of he cexisnsion ou of E.1 gu Pot de Nemours raic a1 Lt not ifie Et E31 1 Ine 3 Department i her NR sis! by fi here TUeldsy y ] Addressing the Bellefonte Kiwanis b and gues! pumbering more y 100 persons in all. at the Penn Belle Hote! Livingston observed only min BOCA on la Ine af C ¢ H County Caum, secrelan Hoenits tal page Jen trp Cents i proportion of he Continued of I'v ie Shoemaker To Enter Dunlap Sales Group Frank Bennett Goes to In- gram; Mrs. Harry Fraser to Fill Vacancy prof ive transportatio ouinaker 1942. 1} Nefonte Bw { Alleghe HAS TeRRnhieC Bi sales departmers {rom du Clear Over $100 At Benefit Game ved the ¢ wa beet treatment "8 West For Shoemaker wa rd products gcoessor 10 Mr 15 Bune named yesterdas GR BRD SOE BOLISIN Men been ome were displayed by i the the speaker was nylon. He dic a complete pair of n OMI Par onte most He igh show the audience i on page 2 Bulldozer Operator Painfully Burned R I operator of a bulid G. Moore & Son of Philipsburg and leased by th State Highway De- artment for road clearing purpose was badly burned about the face and about 4 o'clock Tuesday morn- | while engaged In plowing snow on the road between Pleasant Gap and Zion Fye, It &s } 80 how ert yi of Port Matilde wer owned by W 1 wi . New First Aid Chairman PDOs « Ave ailerea at the garments 1 H combined His Legion Band conoert ium 25 Flames From Range En- velop Geraldine Hol | derman, 11 Geraldine, aged 11, daughtes Mrs. Earl Holderman, of Woodycrest State College, suffered first and sec- ond degree burns of the face and neck sbout 11:30 p. m. Saturday when an sccumulation of coal gas in the kitchen range at the family home exploded and enveloped her in! flames Jurtains and drapes at two double windows in the Kitchen were burned and the woodwork around the win dows was georched. Members of the family and neighbors extinguished the blaze, Smoke and water caused some damage 10 the home Geraldine was the only one neal the stove at the time of the explo- sion. Her mother sald the Names billowed out of the range, engulfing the girl for a moment. Her hair and {eyebrows were burned and one éye {was badly swollen as the result of repaired hands ing Sund at 3 o'clock request reported, struck a match of much fuel oll remained in the fuel tank of the machine wien the oll exploded. ihe flame ing him in the face While his condition at the hospital is reported to be satisfactory, he is understood to be quite severely burned about the eyes Husband of State College Woman Killed Word was received in State Cole lege last Thursday that Capt 8 Bruce Gilliard, a former member of the Pean State Military Department, | was killed in action in France on November 7. Capt, Gillard had pre- viously been reported missing In sc ton on that date The telegram from the War De- partment received by Capt. Gilliard's A by th ciation change regarding teachers ! work was referred to the person committee with instructions mit a report at the next Supervising Principal E for absences f1 trik « meetin cate K. Stock 2318 Three conceming Continued oh page Library Continues To Grow, Report Reveals At the HOW annual meeting of eral us the board of directors of the Centre esx Wally County Library February 1, the An it librarian, Mrs. Carl Ifversen, report people between the ages {ed an increase In the circulation of 21 are visiting the library for hool ns {books of more than 14000 volumes reference work, reading the 85 per Geraldine was taken to the office over 1944 lodicals received reguiard by the wife, the former Althea Butt of | of a State College physician where| Of the P4000 volumes circulated library and borrowing 'ooks for State College, gave no detalls onl ie received treatment, returning/in all parts of the county, 65 per home use Books on hobbies careers detalls on how he met his death bul home afterwards, cent were read by children, (49 per adventure and personal reminiscence jeent by pupils In the township of the war are the subjects most {s00ls) and 35 per cent by adults. sought after by this age group This large increase in the circula-' The Hbrary has been designated tion was made possible by the co- as headquarters for Boy Scout read. operation of the teachers of the ing material There is on file a com- county and by the regular visits of plete collection merit badge the bookmobile during the first six pamphlets which are nn constant montis of the year. The bookmobile | use. Boy Scouts In all parts of the driver, Chandler M. Walk, who vol- county are welcome to use this ma- unteered much of his time for this terial ministry | The Uroasurer, Miss A Bianche bookmo- | Underwood, reported (mt the tots! ble since | expendittrg for the year was $6.- | 831.48, or average of about $14 Library now owns & a year for each person in the coun over 15,000 volumes, In (ty, The American Library Associa : C a minimum of $10 yeat for each person ‘or libran (Continued on page Five) abd 141 ©» _ 0 Dect requested by borer ! creaming numb Following four years as a member of the College staff, Capt Ollliard was transferred to Missourl about! two and one-half years ago. About| SEDAN AND TRUCK COLLIDE NEAR CURTIN of with the George Patton, Mrs, Gilliard, daughter of Prof. and Mrs, W. E. Butt of East Hamil ton avenue, with their two children, and Lindalee, are residing Ohlo. Capt. Gilliard only child. His mother died his father two and iP Th 1 Hi i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers