beanhRtihan KEEP FAITH a ! dhe any > EE EE #55 S WAR BONDS on arr EEE EE AR dhe Cre nire Democvaf WAR BONDS £2, MEAN MORE THAN A — GOOD INVESTMENT) VOLUME 64. NUMBER 6. BELLEFONTE, | THUS RSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1945 SUBSCRIPTION-$1.50 PER YEAR. Bellefonte Men In Casualty Lis Four Die; One Missing and Three Wounded On Battlefronts. .% Other County Men Arc Reported Wouna ARGE FROM JADED 6 WOUNDS Y William Summers, 14, Shot by Brother While Playing. Condition Serious \J bout I'he Summer { their = VETERAN DIES OF BULLET WOUND Torsell, 2 26. Pvt. Donald | loom Killed in Action Carmen J. Suc cumbs to Self-Inflict- ed Injury rw ciéran ved of Work: “a on dix Octob F 8 H) rable had stayed away day and had gone to lhe home where they spent mie Lhe hunting turkeys, according lo state- ments furnished State Police officers’ Jobin Else #1 A ind BB BOMey” Kiriean i of Rocky sub-station Ab ; go E.# They x evernl turke but did |r ihe Tamil Tent the Haro f : : : . 5 ¥ \ : the bos al He wry : ; not He i Hallmoon Terrs sel. who served in rondllbry Summer Leroy C foute, slightly on January 19 bt. Proved rious) ah January 14 pe Col H on for Bukietonte Tot v. ounded wit he army as a "wed {Tye IY Sammi Bi irday member : ’ OREN: 8 A ZA THO SENTENCED IN TIRE THEFT = Four Cases Listed for Action by Grand Jury, Monday GM Harvey Killed in N. Ben etn Only Former Local Man Is War Casualty «5 Charles R. Breon Billed in Action - : moved ise he Orphie Dobbie ale Mills on December 15 The District Attorns nt that only four presentation wo 1 iL DOdy me mach iced for ! os Are Chester GG. Bloom drunken driving Martin L. ( Rockview Merrill L. Meyer. Spring M violation vehicle code Harry Fink, Clearfield, 1 In addition, one surety sot O peace case is to be heard at the Us gurviving al rent {ual session of summary and domes tic relations court next Thursday. toons The case Is that in shileh Isaac Dut. The bos ler of Philipsburg, is the defendant NS °P Believe Local Man In Prison Transfer orae ( ceath Belgium o D Belief furiougn wife Als Navigator's Only ‘Injury’ Was Torn Pair of Pants iL : . - Lieuten. MM. Wo il ang Uw resicing in touna for burial ww Be nt Janu ive B17 A.C e wile wllefon n Flying Fortres Ox when he of his ot front Be Al on an Eight nian Miss Soissons Speaks at CDA Meeting Here prison. Membe; Court Patrick M ers of war, probably Including at! Ardie, C. D. of A. of Bellefonte, met least cne Centre county man, were | Monday night in the K. of C. rooms removed to Cermany from a camp | on West High street with Mrs, Mary near Posen, Poland, ahead of lb Gray, grand regent, presiding assatlt against vital marshall- | STating Russian armies, Senator Tom| During the meeting it was voted at Hansu, Germany, wa Connally (D. Tex.) Was advised nite contribute $5 to the Infantile Tak Immediately after “bombs | Washington early this week Parhiysis Fund. A report wha given Oy ine Was “knocked The Senator sald his Information that a check had been received from ne engine Was —ENOCESU! came from the United States Em-[the Curtis Publishing Company ; cought fire, Lut as 11, oy in Switzerland, ¥wrough the representing commissions on sales of bomber began to lose altitude, the | State Department, From sg camp magazine subscriptions during the! wind smothered the flame identified as Oflag 84, at Schubln,| month of January Five minutes after that,” recalled | poland. the men were taken to Stal. Miss Janet Bolsson Lt. Graham, “the propelier on one | oo Camp No. 3-A, at Luckenwald, Power representative of our left engines ‘ran wild’ and the Clermany [entitled pliot couldn't stop It, We were still It. Edgar A. Spicher, son of Mr. doseribing the care of electrical kit. dropping down—about 200 feet | ond Mrs. Boyd Spicher, of Pleasant chen equipment minute, so he ordered all equipment | gop, and husband of the former pleted by the group for collecting not necessary 19 keep us airborne 10 Mary Louise Johnson, of West How. baked goods to be sold at the ane be thrown from the Fort ard street, Bellefonte, was known to nual basaar of St. John's Catholie “By the time the ball turret, flak | have been ln Oflag 64 and probably church which begins this suits, guns und ammunition had| was transferred to the eam) inf Ger- night In the church hall on Fest (Continyed on page Two) many It 1s believed here | Bishop street in Wr on Ue Lad Ne | yas forced to hall We Over Amers- Hines J HYikn I'welve hundred American of out E can ippled pia Cood vith the Mviston 45nd Bomb hh AF Porce Bombe Lady T™hird Croup ing ing yard hit bs RWay out” and West Penn showed slides Bellefonte Man Visited By Royalty In Englond a wold in the Norsh 13 &. Watson, (made her home In Philadel; Ol ‘who are not sons of {of the Post, Monday night, when It [was announced that sufficient mem- may now Join the troop, it was re« Centre County Hospital during the ‘Captain of the Kitchen” |Ourtin street, ssoutmaster of the | | troop. The Plans were com number of activities ne - Heavy Damage In Fire at Rockview Cannery Buildings Swept By Flames; Auxil- iary Building is Destroyed and Machinery Damaged. Cause of Blaze Unknown BN ANE ALLSTAR TEAM NO CHANGE [0 PLAY HERE BORD. TAX RAT Olmstead Field Service Council President Sieg De- Club to Appear in Bene- mands Better Law fit Game, Monday Enforcement MeL it and vegetables 58 88 tentativel ayn The tax rate been 13 millyd for several yearn SEE EEE aves HOSPITALS IN PA. = ok : "| sharp exci Prev- IL : 5 min vi Barbara Kline, csirman of | March of soveary Sllapaign here: on oy 1 Ee —— Li. Nell Gray Lire he LE Wise YRCA ing tor 3 : Pag g Ein KS SOV ETH) Middle op- Congressman ious Sites May Again Be Considered Savs Bellefonte from fron f 4) one of Lhe Och pick-up Casper er 10 oom ean Belie- ough from a per ’ ol All proceeds . Bellefonte Woman Is Eighty Years Old Rl Receives Souvenirs From German Front buffet luncheon Jaw snd ¢ Arid } thr \ughter Adler it Philladelplia Mr. and M Mi Mu Li Mr. and Mrs and Mr: Morton { Mrz Bi Platowsk J Sebarth Mr and Oberfield. Mrs. Edith Peters garet Toompson, Mrs. Mar Tharpe, Mrs. J. H. Wohlfeld Herbert Brown, Mrs, Mars E. Little, Miss Leila and Mrs A J. Ad- Logans To Observe 75th Anniversary " of | . } ent were Kline, Millon Lewisburg Mr The 1 ciebrate is 5 da Feln be held that « Post American Legion Howard L The Legion Auxiliary all sery ner Any not ™ ner OR Al »y vening at Broo 1 ns nit will AY tka 1° sadl api 4] sires maou N B. KENNETH JOHNSTONE Buliding or Buying a Home ser f six Infotmal cla prospective homeowner conducted by the Peng Patna of Architecture | College extension gervices February 190. secording noubecement today In { Harvey Sootl, secrelan Chamber of Commerce the course in Bellefonte War restrictions have oaused backlog of two million homes await. Lift Restrictions on Scout Membership ing to bs bullt in the United Stale [sald B. Kenneth Johnstone, head of The Brooks-Doll Post American the Department of Architecture, Legion Beout Troop of Delieforte Continued on page Two) has opened memberships to boys ———— Legionnaires i . This action was taken oto meeting Woman Receives Head Injury in Fall bers are arog to obtain a char. ter Mrs. Abus Johnson. of Valentine Any boy who is 12 yeary or older street, underwent treatment al the Logan member ceived Invitetions requested t if Hitle Cox I» JI ton EE for F State De- and the beginning to the an Mrs. Mary the of Ging onery are mediately be made Ki vived man so at abd useful gin Mrs ughter of the inte wine hag been a resident of | Belief for fifty-five sears, Por the past twenty-five years she ns ne Ie Dea uti Kine is Samuel Ole ful a da and mie Home From Scenes of War, Appeals for Nurses (North Africa and Corsica. ‘oday ad. ded Der plea to registered nurses to Join the armed forces THe army. she sald need at once. not only 0 take care of the sick and sounded In military hos. pitals in this country but glso as re placements for the nurses who have borne the jong months of constant service sinoe ae war begat The Red Cross Is doing a good (oD in the recruitment campaign, she sald [| “The girls at the fromt get wars of rl Yon “ The recent return of Lieutenant Beulsdy Person 10 her home In Tren toni N. J. after two years of service in the Army nurse camps of North Africa and Sicily, will no doubt prove pews to her friends In Belle- fonte and Centre Hall, Lieutenant Person, a niece of Albert E. and Lola Strolun Person, spent many of her vacations in Centre Hall with the late Mrs. Margaret Strohin, and In Bellefonte with the family of Mr and Mrs, D. Wagner Celss, of 25 weekend for injuries received Friday | South Thomas street. She formed sick.” sald Lieut. Person. “Some of afternoon when she fell while on ber | many friendships while in Centre them have been there (wo years way ome from work al the hose | county or more, working almost every day pital. The return of Lieutenant Person and with litle time off. They need She was admitted Saturday to the | from her overseas campaign Is told a rest, but before they can be grant. tution where four stitches were|in the following article from the led leaves there must be raplace. | ments, Inceration at the | Trenton, N. J. Times: Mi. Beulah Person, Trelis} “But despite the grue'ling «wk ve | thelr morale Is high, their health is who Is wo years of Continged on page Toy & HUlses ported by Charles E. Martin, of East is home on TS eave
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