vis KEEP FAITH im @he Contre Democral wd by buying : é i 600D INVESTMENT). A PO EL 2 2 Sssnsann = =n = os S = =] oP VOLUME 64, NUMBER 5 BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1945 SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR. 0 Countians On RALRIADSAND Draft Calls Show Semmens] Call Meeting On Cast Sharp Increases ‘ets Memorial 4 | Total for Week Show ¥% re Dead; Four Missing 105 Men Involved In Board 1 Calls to Affect | ‘Council Committee Acts to Consolidate Opin- and Five Wounded Action, all Were in Orders From Board 180 Men in Month | | ion on Type and Nature of Memorial to Be European Theatre of © rations. High Winds, Frequent 2, Bellefonte of February we ah Erected Here Ten Centre County casualties in er n® ) el Snow Storms Cause Reminiscent of the heavy 8 etive \ D Bostird No. 1. of World War II during the week list | Pacific, wm tose ie Me) at : . ervice calls during the early stages i wi 1 4 men te one as having died as the result of ' hon Giant Drifts Over Mi the wa the Pebruary list re . ’ ’ ’ wounds; four missing, and five E . C leased this week by Local Board No wounded in action, according to War T 5 Peters Wounded. ntire County , of Bellefonte, are the heaviest in Department message received by y month: relatives x All form { transportation In wenty-four men have been Sir. fle cled to report to Harrisburg for Pvt. Donald H. Meyers, 24, Pleasant i . induction on Tuesday, Pebruary ¢ n } ry | i I ( Ld | Gap, died January 7, as the result of four others reported r immediate 25 men from that ive lig spony : wounds received in action in Bel- 2 i 1 y Ww | i 1 “It's Worse Here Than in Aleutians Soldier Declares tn ula - wind roads | Induction durls January, and 79 glum " oy von oy | Others hay M1 NO 1 Lo appear Missing: ave been open fe induction phys I exami. S/8gt. Cyril ! H ie a in Luxembourg Pvt. Theodore J. Catherman, 19. of § Ast W there have beer Moose Run. in Belgium, Januan : i wdditionnal lght snow storm Cpl. Carl W. Bailey, 30 Matilda, In Fran Januai Pvt. Robot BB. Wagn MM Stat i i . " ; f 850 { y have th iri i om I rick lair Peter Philipsbur College R. D.. in Belgium, Jar § ge 4 Bg on CRON : ounty Laat ii Cit Anderson. Bellefont The Wounded: . eS j 5% ! fbi i voir, " Bo William HT Barn Niai pe ‘ ails Loui: C arneneto . i oer " Oo rent 50 Ri: } 1" » it vsah . " ‘ . 4 i : ni ' - Pic. Clark C. Custer, 33 Mile v rs tO clear ! These | burg, seriously, in Germany k {or Gilbert Lloyd Adams IR_ChINes hav ni eration | Port Matilda uary 17 L § . veral weeks, and for a time " Pvt. Walter J. Charnik, 20, Clar- PE Bn © : rating 24 hours a day cence, slightly, in Belgium January 9 LS : Yesterday one bulldozer was open- Pvt. Harold O. Peters, 20, Belle- E 2% g up the road between Pine Grove fonte, slightly, in Luxembourg on , 8 fills and Stats College and ‘he January 12 : ay ther was working on the road be- Vaughn Monro i Hetuy Shuey, R. D. 2, Hub- Henry Vonada, Howard, R "y i | Pvt. Harry C. Menold, 19, former] tween Oak Hall and Centre H : 4 2 ! of Bellefonte, Wounded in Belgiu Pechnician Haro ters, 20, Bulldozers are needed when ‘he sui date. dua ; Ens "Ma Jos MeP no 10 GIVE COURSE 3 ol : MIG Ml ioOwarad eLer snow is 00 heavy 10 De Moved Oy _ . Aka Pfc. Harold L. Neff, 21, Bellefonte tit in: hie the giant Dlow-sauitbed department wy side al Ro belfast RE. D. slightly In Pranee January 4 Lehtlv Wounded in action in Lik. oe Ne PloWequiPpeq Coa Trelis Bhe left London on Jane ’ s Q Se" iid er ig or i US parents The Hichway Department ised 3 : ih hp L S>gt. Drapcho Missing. learned in & War Department mes- bulldozers to open up the read lead- BELL ONTE MAN 4H CLUB LEADERS a rion . tr \ HOME BUILDIN' t i wounded soldiers to Lhils country, and e received Saturday ing into the Black Moshannon aire rg i rl an + win oh oh ) he county technician enlisted in port, where four or five persons are wal nt 17 war brides abo ) : Troop C of Tyrone, farmerly cavalry, employed at the weather station ahd . . now a mechanized unit, in February, The runways also were cleared of During the crossing she and the Instruction Designed to e. Clarence 0. Hult : others helped relieve the monotony PRET wt wi 1941, and trained at Indiantown the deep, heavily drifted snow sq » . . G ater hie dpe imap. i. ow amdiiu’ AD: { the trip for the wounded vy Aid in Planning or in Gap. Later he spent some time on provide emergency landing space y maneuvers in southern states, and aircraft Roy Wilkinson, Ir. 2 9, Re- A Series of Enrollment eating ang. ins ay HA . Far Purchasing Home in Octber, 1043, was sent overseas, All the main highways in the adanasas J : Kia : ny Cy —— landing in Ireland. He is believed county were open yesterday and| Celves Promotion; Is at Meetings to be Held Dur. on I - we fect Pr Re # of Bellefonte, Pleasant one foot both feet. Prior , is © - leasant to have taken part in the D-Day were declared to be in fair condi Front in Belgium ing February Gap, Miesburg, and irroundin invasion of France and went with tion, Many secondary roads. how- districts who contemplate purchas- his group into Lusembourg. His last ever were blocked. The secondary {ic : letter to his mother was received road leading from the Pleasant Gap- just before Christmas Zion highway, past the airport to Tech. Peters’ family lived in Miles- Bellefonte, was open early this week burg and in Tyrone and he attended but had drifted shut yesterday schools there before entering ser- Many secondary rosds have sec- ching port, Nr: Carpeneto and the other civilians board at- onte youth who enlisted Detallnd plans for organizing the tended s sour class in which ‘TE ; tt 5 buck private three 1945 4-H Clubs in at least nine com- they were told what not to reveal War Ww be interested fs after Pearl Harbor, is now a munities of Centre county were out about the trip in order not to | being Spon red by Major in a field artillery unit and Ded on Monday at a lesde zs’ Linen - pede the war effort ber df Commerce thr is In the thick of the fighting in *on held in the Penn Belle Hote! at Food in the British Isles i far ayivama State College ; i . Belgium, it was revealed Tuesday Bellefonte. Assisting the jeaders in more scarce than in the United ® course wiv SOK i. x ¢ ti re n Hic. The Jully mpved a Betis - Song Which are ay to he when Mr. and Mss. Roy Wilkinson, the discussions were County Agent States, Mrs, Ostpencto said, In & poi Sah a huh wil a wher a i Pn ther. Pfc. Pred Peters. who Is be- of North Bpring street, Dellefomts, fy C. Blapey, assistan: County week the individual ration calls for 10a ¥ ais wn gi Builting a ome REE bits me a fom lieved to have gone Overseas re reovived: word of the promotlor 0 Ads Willen B Wosngasld, who g eer small’ pleee pf butter, ores or buying a we ig spec- 0 3 , An Telly Teel Dike giving the Old Nowe " their son, Captain Roy Wilkinson, hatidies the 4-H work and Willon sugrter potind of mest. and some falists fram the department of Arch. ; ently t . tecture of the College will direct th RLY a bresk i r. to the rank of Major BE Jeffries. State +H Club leader times one of two eger During oné ure of ihe Couey iL direct UM i Catherman Missing Major Wilkinson 20. enlisted in A series of enrollment meelings period the didn™ see an egg for five ons and discussion Fic. Hull is 39 years " Cat L ung s me after wt h « "™ ¥ ¢ - oo oi 4 pond . Te the Army at Altoona on December has been planned for the month of months he six main subjects are finan ering the service = eT 10, 1941, and was sent to Pt. Bragg, February in order to have all Cen- Many meals are made up entire. ® anmng. cosh ICON. at the Titan Metal Cor “Mocha: IN Y MILE TRIP N. C.. for basic training. In April tre county clubs formally organized Jy of potatoes and butter mil Nd contra 3g COUrse 1s piahn Ie expects to return TOA i 1942. he became 3 corporal, and for the National &H Club Week In December Mrs Carpeneto and Prmaniy for person { moderat i med lores in passed examinations for a second starting March 3 One new come ) husband Geard a German 1¢ 3 yon nave beth Lynne at Ee RN liewienancy, being sent to Pt. Sill, munity which in recent years had nO bomb pass over the section of Lon. OF Panning on DUying RAIA —— fe Two Bellefonte Business Oklahoma, for further training 4-H club. and where the ninth club don in which they live and fall : i we “ a : 4 . R H Phili 4 . After a transfer to Camp Atter- will probably be formed, is Boals- six miles away h peop . | Pe ev. ewes Hips Men in Epic Journey bury. Ind. where he was assigned burg Pred Markle, sii had assisted What a relief to be away from 'WI¢ DOME and gi Ran ‘nv To Leave Milesbur embourg since December 20. it Was Milesbury was serving with the in From College the fleld artillery, he returned to, with the Pine Grove Mills chi witi Contingfd on page Three 9 revealed Friday moming b Var fantev He: ant rion: Gr Ane K Ft. 8ill where he received his com- probably be the local leader of ! y od mer mission as a first Heutenant Subse Boalbsburg +H club . i - i Department message received is ‘ ” skis Sagamm att Tene, t h hat: tame dfite MARY £ " I Mr anit} Mi Bre 3 8 a while home on iur- hag been so long since many of quent training at Pt. Leonard Wood Other community clubs will I pat - a i 3 : i ) 1g! i 3, he » WArred in AVE had any experisn in Croas- Continued on page Pour) formed by boys and Riris of these 20, 9 rer llesburg thin ; wort tim we country driving in automobiles that Continued on page Bix) Sgt. Drapcho was one of first ‘spent another furlough of it tor saga by two well known Catt TTAPCIY Was bine of the Ast spent anGther fufiough of wbe OF SR ao ae NOUR Brooke Leg In Fall Ak, Board, presenting - i before the XN €, N ad later w ent § nte Monday RAW rr as bok. the On axed Floor Killed In Belgium OF OLU . LA ALE board on October 28, 1940 e left Ft Clellan, Al where | «aspect of high adventure " c— \se day before Thanksgiving to be- | maine : ‘ ra i . y s R Melvin M. Smith, of East Prospect aa M———— . — hi aaa wd Morton anneid Mio Dosim ondilie wn, Bn y : 3 Scott, of the First Na- oh College aie Second Lt. Albert C. Mack wa ’s te Q 2 . . S gin training and was stationed ice. | tonal Bank Bellefonte "RR Pal Thue State College, was admitted i na 14. AY C. Mack . Kiwanis Speaker Sketches Former BHS Star Athlete Camp Hood, Texas, and e ais | x era fae Mil to the Centre County Hosyital here Killed in action in Belgium on Jan- . we amp Hood, Texas. and el Campbell Bellefonte attorney, both gundae for treatment of fractsiren UATY 9, according to a telegram re- Sco of Veterinary Assumed Duties Here before going overseas last . \ nt of a irea : pe ; England reside in State College, and com-|j.g celved from the War Department ' Monday ung ng in England " mute daily to their work here Mr. Smith was a guest at the Al- last week by his wife, (he former Services ‘ on Monda) e was serving with ar They set out as usual, Monday | pert Kerstetter home on Fast Beaver Patsy McLaughlin, daughter of Pat- im . unit and subsequent; t ink at th Barger col marning ta Aviva $ ' “tit , Jack Watson former all-arourn . morning, to drive to the County sven: Qian oT Pi R rick McLaughlin, formerly of Snow sworentatism of a certificat ¢ Jack atsor form all-around Belgium and Germany and fin mines at Karthau re has bro- gaat nue, State College Saturday of Presentation of Staff Sergean ri has been missing in ¢ : > as fonte, RB. D, and husband of the street, this week received the first Camp Chaflee, Ark., where he was Ww. B. Cook Purchases : fii is i 41 < : " i £1 EH i iy! A : wd 8 ¢ thinking little of the recent pone when he slipped and fell on Shoe, and tie former Myrtle Rob- recognition to Bond C. White, past athlete at the Bellefonte High School tb Luxerhourg. In 3 ie re iy wl Bon sss. ‘Oman mewners 1 snowfall and the high winds Which ge waxed floor. Mr, Smith is stew. Inson of Mt. Eagle, who now live at president of the local Kiwanis Club, has een RAINES. SECTEiATY anil pis ceived tw Y otk aro. he yo 2 oof : Mle ear pm x ar and re Wal. D8G caused deep drifts ard at the State College Elks Club, Jersey Shore and an address on the role of vet. HCA Cirecior of he Be lefonts ¥ M vO dbo. Pl Em os bay 3h ph f a, MI al i al They managed to drive through | In addition to his mother. Mrs erinary medicine in its relation to C. A. and began his duties here on ag es Jad a 4 where plows had gouged narrow one brother and five sistess, he Is Juncheon of the Bellefonte Kiwanis Th a . hr Ppt Wp Js hel . a i a a AR pals in the worst spots, until they Suffers Laceration survived by his wife and seven and Club at the Penn Belle Hotel, Tues be 0 vacat Na ce he death of haul “it feels good to deep in a w 7 il Continued on page Hix - one-half month old son, Billy Pat. day einemal n : wl Ta TET All of the five children of Mr. and " —— IT a” Allen M. Kofman, aged 6, son of + been serving as manager of the ¥ y » . Servi avy Ar wed rded a raational Board A 4 N « tf « . Mrs. Drapcho are in service. In ad- J “ . i Charged With Taking Mr. and Mrs. Ed®Ward Kofman, of Wirghip Bg 8 hain n . Ayan by thé Internation Boa and he will continue in the employ One to Work at Titan: others are First Lt. Joser’:, now in ? ; Tires from Tractor treatment for a laceration of the 0 iwior WOlnded He was hos- od to Mr. Witie wd ie ape Haste Mr. Watson was born in Belle- + Other Had Quick the Pacific war theatre; First It 5 _- 4 r———— bridge of his nose, Friday afternoon pitalized in England for a while man, leutenant governor of this Ki- Wi . Sade " ‘ tine &. Watson, now of Altoona, and re- Cpl. Jo Ann of the WACs, now ata- 2 Soriog Miiis, and Perry Ray Decker,| The child was injured when Ge! orem front fighting. He had been meeting as 4 guest, Toe citation 1 at Ft food. Mo rinse : r . as st oy % rel whi f ' the Belle®onte igh Se Min 183 Viel at beamed Waa. Me 1 2, of Spring Mills, R. D.. are under | Was Struck by a shovel while he was prior to entering had been employed leadership, His devoted service 0 he Delle on i aul tn 183% 2 at th p Y HH h s successful i= hy yi A Pvt. Meyers Killed. - yo n court on charges of larceny the Kolman “ome w Lock Haven Paper Mi the club ang for his sucee a \ : Bt oli . player Pvt. Donald H, Meyers, 24, son of The men, dftesied Bf Siate Police In response Mr. White declared "ln, craguation he was employed rouh that his term as president was 8 o.oo tyme in Lock Haven and from Deidences pressed the belief that Kiwanis is hiet we Y. stationed at Aberdeer ' 3 leas of gulity y were released ame athletic instructor at the ¥ Abe low, ¢ was learned la A telegran 2 | FT, R trom ES EY ie furnished the most democratic organization In of ~ A After two years he accepted April 1044. when ek received Monday by his parents Wt : Ra : Pennsylvania, a similar position at Berwick two years in the Sou The Pleasant Gap soldier was a a EE) : Mr. Hartman ab inifoduced BY, Two years later Mr. Watson en- here uly week as one club president, + EB. RUMDSTEET, (orad semi-professional baseball sent to Bellefonte bn ison of the paratroopers. He was ES GR Le wo lires and tubes from a tractor . a—— and the principal speaker of the po i help with: the Want inducted into the service April 25, § He. Ty meri ufter the public sale at the Mrs. | % College Welfare Lists In- day, Dr. W. T 8 Thorpe, of State ssi — the Titan Metal plant 1942, and at New Cumberland was pre ahr ag Orphie Dobbles farm near Spring German College, director of animal pathe ER ; d ‘ the Alr Paree. who was overseas to try division and took basic training 7 was sold at the sale and when the Cam Says Living Condi- ; . i h at Coamn Wheeler, Ga, and two ni new owner claimed the machine he) P, ‘ & . 1945 Drive Continue Until Feb. 15 the Italian area In November 1964, tions ‘Could be Better’ | begin 2 came ome thi Moines, Towa, Pfe. Harold L. Neff, 21, son of Mr. tubes had been removed, | RAAUAINAR Recognizing the large amount of i Because of abnormal weather con- AITIVAL in Italy, Henry was trans- | nto Side of Truck tre County Hospital, the State Col Infantile Paralysis yesterday noti- And finally the unit to which he was assigned to the 14th Armored In. former Payllis Rockey of Halfmoon letter from her nephew, 8, Sgt, Wil- |leve Welfare Pund has allocated §1,- | Rosalie Evoek, aged 7. daughter of fled Mrs, Balser Weber of Howard, hen atlached received orders to re. maneu and Mrs. Henry Rockey of Buffalo ‘he was taken prisoner by the Ger- ficlals of the fund reported this lie. | Of Dimes activities, scheduled to rival here the men were given 30- mi at EE tao Dari Run Valley, was slightly wounded mans in January 1044, week : have concluded yesterday, will be day furloughs, and Henry came i y bell, Ky War Department telegram received | Known Beecis Creek automobile deal- [and sister, Mrs. Nellie Edmiston and | crease of $300 over the amount given sh| The telegram to Mrs. Weber read : Friday by his wife, revealed er, has purchased the Irvin Hotel atiniee Betty Edmiston, both of South [to the hospital last year, and the ¢ “Owing to abnormal conditions teered for (raining with lhe Para- seryice March 1, 1943, and trained thers, It was announced yesterday. |written to him repeatedly and have purchase necessary sion of the March of Dimes active troopers and was sent to Pt. Ben. wy, 4 headquarters unit at Fort Mr. Cook, who moved to Look sent him a number of boxes, Sgt. new’ wings on September 16, he spent & apogcow, Idaho, for two weeks be.|Who was in the automobile business pre Stock, written on October 4, give even better service than in the short furlough at his parents’ home. fore going to the University of Crli« In that city until entering military that he had received only Or The county soldier attended the months. He was then transferred to|orable discharge from the army. ‘ received Spring township school and was em- the Alr Forces and wag sent to|Since then he has been conducting more than three years before enter- and after a short period was sent holds the DeSoto abd Plymouth ing the armed forces. In addition to Pullman, Wash, to aitend cadet |Agency, and brother survive: Mrs, Wilbur, Subsequently Pfc. Neff was trans. rooms, and Mr. Cook plans to com- Breon and Mrs, Melvin Burris, both ferred to the infantry and went to|pletely remodel and redecorate the meeting his 19 rifts and negotiate one-way lanes Baia fante Youth Oatherine Mack of Lock Haven, and human welfare, featured the weekly Monda) bed waom he had never seen The past-president’s certificate Since that time H. W. Rabenrt han dition to Sgt, and Pfc. Drapcho East Linn street, Bellefonte received Mack had of Trustees of Kiwanis, was present- 0, "oo ution, officials said . : ’ attand ‘ fonte, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jou : . Edward, also in Luxembourg; and Clarence William Zerby. 42. of [at the Centre County Hospital and later rejoined his unit for the wanis district, who attended the Trip to Italy in the army for over tiuree years and commended Mr White for hix fine sided here until his graduation from a "0 bail each for thelr appearance Playing with his brother, Charles, at ing football, basketball and baseball E sali msisaeien et dh ministration last year Mr. and Mrs. Hunter T. Meyers of a i om Rockview substation, were giv- Ple: . A ‘ ) ! ¢n hearings before ‘Squire Abram - : ‘ Pitguant Ca, tS oi ing B We louser of Rockview, and entered most enjoyable experience, and ex- yo. went to Clearfield where he T ¢ Luther ( member of a Glider Infantry Div. . vo | ; They are charged with stealing wy Continued on page Three) we ’ H ’ ¥ » enry CO first assigned to an armored infan- | : : © Sa Mills on December 15. The tractor stitution For $1800 in | (Oontiiubd ob Page Three) ‘March of Dimes’ to His brother, Pre. Henry months leter was sent to Pt. Des found that the two front tires and! Girl's Sled Runs —_am kc also came Gome this week. Upon his Just a year later “16 was sent to and Mrs. Irvin G. Nefl, of Belle-| Mrs. Earl K. Stock, of Bast Bishop | ucts work performed by the Cen ditions the National Foundation for ferred IiGin oue outfit to another, fantry Division, Last fall he went Terrace, Bellefonte, daughter of Mr. | Lock Haven Hotel llam 8. Edmiston, of Bellefonte, since 890 to that institution for 18, of- ; Centre county chairman that March um to the Unilad States. Upon ar- i i . of tratning was sent to Camp Camp- ‘1 8ction In Prance on January 4, a) William B. Cook, former welll Although the local man's mother | The new figure represents an in- | continued until February 18. game. At the expiration of the fur- Last August Plc. Meyers volun! ape county soldier was called’ for (Lock Haven from the Boyne Bro- | grring street, and Mrs. Stock, have | additional funds are to be used to Mr, O'Connor authorizes the exten. ning, Ga. and after recelving his ogi Wash, and then was sent to| Haven from Beech Oreek in 1038 and gamiston reported in his letter to sald, He went overseas in November, [fornia, where he remained for nine service; recently was granted an hon- | tors written by , Btock on June | ployed by Whiterock Quarries for Buckley Field, Colo, for training |® ®arage in Lock Haven, where he to his parents, the following sisters school, The Irvin Hotel consists of 75 of Pleasant Gap: T'5 Ray H. Mey-| (Continued on pags Threw) building ns 1 i i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers