[age Right. ¥HE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. December 7, 1944 BIT UA MERRELL R. MITCHELL Merrell Robert Mitchell, 43, for the past 27 years proprietor of a barber shop in Philipsburg, died Sunday morning at the Philipsburg State hospital from a stroke of paralysis He was a member of Derrick AM. E ‘ a a church of Philipsburg and of Sus- quehanna Lodge No. 96. F, & A. M. Masons branch at Clearfield. Sur- viving are his mother and two sis- ters. Interment took place Wednes- day afternoon. ADDITIONAL EIGHT DEATHS ON PAGOR SECOND BECTION Daughter for Roykos Pfe. Andrew J. Rovko, of the State Police and Mrs. Rovko of East Bish. op street, Bellefonte, are the parents of their first child, a daughter weigh- ing 7 pounds and 5 ounces, born last Thursday in the Philipsburg hospital The infant has been named Andrea Ann Parents of Dauwghter Mrs are Pic. and George E. Zong of Béllefonte daughter weighing § pound ounces, born Tuesday at th Centre County Hospital. Mrs, Zong is the former Cecelia Kushwara of Half Moon Terrace Bellefonte Pfe., Zong 8 with Marine at Camp LeJeune, N, C the parents of a 15 last the Daughter Is Born S'Sgt. and Mr E. C. John announce the birth of a baby the Centre County Hospital November 22, The infant T pounds, 15 ounces and has been named Donna Louise. Mrs. John- gon is the daugiiter of Mr. and Mr Frank Homan of State College on girl in on weighed ANNOUNCEMENT * Re-Opening Nittany Inn at Nittany, Pa. * CHICKEN & WAFFLE DINNERS A SPECIALTY Sunday Dinners and Banquets by Reservation \ PHONE ZION 1932 5/8gt France Johnson is now somewhere in Son For Rightnours and Mrs. Robert Rightnour sant the parent ‘ weighing 7 24 Cap are of t child, a m county Deen son Novembe; in t Hospital. The in- named Robert Wil- + formet ir wunds, b he entre ail Ham ha Mrs ( i i i Local Couple Wedded 50 Years Continued from rage one) and 2 great- worthy to note connection only occurred in these are 20 grandchildren grandchildren. It is that in the entire one death has many years Mr. Teaman has been active in both church and civic work. He has been superintendent the Evan- gelical Lutheran Church Sunday School for over 33 years and has to date served two terms as Council- man of the Borough of Bellefonte Few communities can boast such a remarkable couple who are even today the active hosts to the many children who gather almost every Sunday to be with “Mom and Dad,’ “Grandpa and Grandma Mother Teaman is still the best cook and bakes the grandest ples and cakes and Father Teaman con- tinue ge up before daylight every day to take charge the chemical section of the local match company where he has lost less than a month of work due to any cause in over 50 years of of to f L& ————— Mackeyville Man Wounded Sheldon Bitner was seriously in France on Nov. 15, the War Department last week informed his wife, Mrs. Faye M. Bitner of Mackeyville Pic wounded | ; 3 3 TO SLIP BENEATH THE TREE And Not Rationed A Gift Suggestion for the * Whole Family Mother - Father Wife - Husband Sister - Brother and the Baby PRICED FROM 49c to $3.45 All Colors of The Rainbow IQR Any Style You Can Think of tacks For A Easy Selection Out on Hosiery Makes Women's Full-Fashioned 69c¢ t° $1 25 All the New Shades | | | n a Perfect Gift Men's Fancy | 3 Patterns 15¢ ** 35¢ ‘A Big Selection Packed in Gift Boxes Free ‘ SEE OUR WINDOW FOR OTHER VALUES Brown's Boot Shop “ * ih Bellefonte’s Complete Family Shoe Store | Centre County | Hospital Notes tn Monday of Last Week Admitted: John R. Tate, fonte, R. D.; Mrs. Lynn J Bellefonte Discharged: Andrew Swires, Miles- {burg: Mrs, Merrill Witherite, How~ ard, R. D. 2; John W. Parsons, State College; Mrs. Jay Smith, Bellefonte Mr Donald C. Mever and infant on, State College, BR. D. 1 Mr Russell Renaud and infant daugh ter, Snow Shoe; Mrs. Wililam Bro- beck and infant son, Bellefonte, R D. 2 Birt hs Mrs to Belle Derstine, A was Mvron Hicks, Mr, and Mrs Bellefonte, R. D. 1: a Mi Charles Atgate, Bellefonte, R D. 2: a daughter t Mr. and M Fred C. Foster, State College, R born to Mi Milesburg: a son Kennet Eckles on to Mr. and on ane D Tuesday of Last Week Mrs, Elmet Rider, of mrs. William Deck- daughter Discharged Warriors Mark er and Infant Mills R. D Admitted Tuesday Friday: Mary Brow: Admitted Tuesday Wednesday: Mrs, Madeline State College, R. D Births A daughter to Mr Mrs. George Zong Bellefonte H daughter to Mr, and M Harm Bathurst, Bellefonte Wednesday of Last Week Admitted Mr Arthur Nil Bellefonte D Dis discharg Win discharged on Homa R harged Bellefonte. R. D. 3 Harman, Bellefonte Robert Rightenour Pleasant Gap; Mrs on and infant daug! lege. R.- D. 1 Births: A daughter Mrs, William P. Geist n to Mr. and Mrs. Ru Coburn Thursday of Last Week Admitted: Mr Howard, R. D. 2 Boalsburg Discharged Sherman Bellefonte, R. D. 3; Mrs BeNefonte Mrs. Lester wind infant son, Miltheim sasler and Infant daugh'e R.D2 Wat Jean " Cuaristiar Mrs Lemont 83 Ari Merrill Witheril Robert Rishel Bierly Friday Henry E. Clevensti D Robert M penter, Port Matilda, R Minnie Carpenter State College Mrs. Mary H. Deal, State College Discharged Rufus Mo Balti more, Md: Mrs. Kenneth Eckley and infant son, Bellefonte, R. D. 1 Charles F. Adgate, Bellefonte D. 3; Mrs. Paul L. Miller and in- fant daughter, Smullton; Mrs My- ron M. Hicks and infant Miles. burg Births Admitted Bellefonte, R D Mr A daughter to Mr nd Mrs. Arthur Nilson Beliefonte, R D a daughter to Mr. and Mrs Reeder J. Sharer, Centre Hall; a to Mr. and Mrs Mervin Hocken- berry. Bellefonte son Saturday John C D1 Mrs. Lero Admitted College, R Discharged Bellefonte Centre Ha Smith and infant sor Homan Derstine James Houtz Mrs. Matthew Mil¥wir Admitted I ie P tate Colley Mi Fr entre Hall Dix Kim! Kennet! nd Mrs. Joseph Gingery ere were 48 patients Ir | at the beginning of cn to To Launch Anti Inflation Drive Continued from page one) food, food prices will factor in deciding whether return to a prosperous nomy Only slight In food prices would be needed to ff a disastrou upward ] ages and prices Me anti-inflaticn red by Uh be L Yi are postwar a reases in ot rive | nation if food price increase Waen the Anti-Inflation Shopping Lists have been distributed the pub. lie will be asked to take the list with them to food stores. The shopper will be asked to list five (tems, the brand. he size or weight of the container, the eelling price posted in ie store, the selling price. and the name of the store where the items were checked. The completed list is then to be turned In, unsigned, to the local rationing board Board members wil) the Jlists and If any item is sold above the published celling price, the grocer’s attention will be called to he error. If the purchaser de- sires, he may approach the grocer directly, calling his attention to the overcharge. Since the grocers are sponsoring the campaign, they will {be happy to have errors or over. {charges called to their attention Plans for the campaign In Centre county were made at a meeting held last Thursday night at the are permitted check over street, Bellefonte. Joseph L. Ray, lamsport district, explained plan, and tentative plang were made expected to gel under way within a week or ten days, The anti-inflation program is being instituted through- | Sheasley ration board's offices on West High | distriet OPA director of the Wil-| the for the county campaign whic: Is RECENT WEDDINGS Sheasley—Andrews Mrs, Jessie Wilson Andrew: Flemington, announces the riage of her daughter, Jessie sell, to 8 1/¢ Willlam Almon f ley, Mr, and Mr of Salona, R. D ding was solemnized Nov, 20 at 3 p m. at the manse of the Mill Hpll Presbyterian church ¥) the Rev Carl C. Gray. the double I Ceres mony being used. The tended by Miss Emma Kersettie; Tylersville, and Alden Long of Mill Hall, R. D. 1. After a short weddin trip the couple pent a week ricies of mai Ruse $1085. son ol Almon A I'he couple w nt of 0 the from U 8S N at Creat La parent room's leave - YAl I'rainin Station ¢ Ii, with hi n at Lé Fverhart—Gilliland M hk announce Hillland » marriage of to Robert hat Mr. and Mrs, Sam- | Ever State Col which took hart, of nlgce in the plate nth November Saturday evening N ceremony performed maid of hon of State Coll After 4 A If 1 nome Hazel—Victory Lt 1 Michael Hazel { the late Mr. and Mi: Mie! Hazel { Bellefonte Miss Nell Victor of Gladewater I'exa were mag and in the chapel at aL vation at FL. Myer D.C.at4p m. Satur Byrnes, post chaplain the ceremony after about the home of military Ww ay. Rey officls which a 50 guest the bridegroom ins, Mr. and Mrs Charles Kl M Alexandria, Va Mr and Klesius attended them. Until re tion for was hed ly thie bride 1 Ih Gladewate Hazel | Parochial High School a f 1630 hool Penn Bt Immediately he entered ‘ od na Q bride are FOC a furnished House atl Hyattsville, Md Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Hazel and Mr. Hasely sister Mrs. Charles Emiul 1 of Belle upyving ICCC CLOTOCET In A Circle Be on ‘square’ with yourself. You'll admit that the Bob Davis Store can solve the gift problem very easily the Take for example our new sweaters, Coat styles, sleeveless, pull-overs and slip-ons. All wool and part wool. A gift that warm him up. Belts Suspenders__ $1 up will really Sl up Gloves ___ $2.95 up Mufflers. _ $1.95 up H’kerchiefs_ 25¢ up Wallets___ $1.50 up Fitted Cases $5 up STORE HOURS fam tof p m Dally famited p m Sat Bob Davis BELLEFONTE . LEWISTOWN had been teaching home been employe { der Bell i ain 4 Bhe will oon that {fonte, and Mr. and ( Mrs. M. M | tLe Lhe AE ri H | AL Ol O0NnnN acity Burns LI ng oupie Ju Iriend who extend ns MoeCamly Mi Edw Street rring Louis ¥] Mi 200 Onk nounce the jter, Miss M John J. McC ha gratulati 23 Called For mi mi mon (Continued from page one) M “1 Phill Monda 1044 2 ocd ¢ In th 8 | William All: Robert Alls To a as rite So Military Duty i : . { Claly Hosband Sandy Maxwell Behnare Wesley- (Philipsburg) Hows Granville (Philipsburg) Wilson Blaks James O'Harrow (Powelton) MARRIAGE LIC Operators NOTICE BOND PREMIERE TONIGHT Don't forget the War Bond movie premiere at Plaza theatre here tonight. (Thursday) The Lacy 9:30 Lhe and Old ill begin at “Arsenic how w feature Is ana the p.m Tickets are Issued only upon pure chase of an $18.75 War Bond at the “laza theatre bond booth STARTING Monday Evening Dec. 11th STORE WILL UNTIL 8:00 P G. C. Murphy Co. Bellefonte, Pa. OUR BE M OPEN SELF ERVIC WEIS . "Corner Allegheny & Bishop Sts. Bellefonte MARKETS ' BUY BONDS! SIXTH WAR LOAN — MARY LO Ne. 5 1 Oc 4 +0 Poinis Try These Delicious COFFEES BREAKFAST HOUR COFFEE }-R WEIS LEADER COFFEE HOTEL & COFFEE to keep thot fresh roosting-ear flaves NIBLETS :13c BRAND WHOLE KERNEL CORN 1 21e 1-Ib bag 24¢ RESTAURANT Nabisco Crackers Graham Dandy Oyster Crackers »*¢ 18¢c Heinz While Vinegar gal jug 49¢ McCormick's Pumpkin Pie Spice pkg CREAM STYLE 9¢ CAMPBELL'S TOMATO soup 3 cans 25¢ CAMPBELL'S BLACK BEAN SOU can 1 1c Quick or Regular Mother's Oats Majestic Pickle Strips vier 25¢ Oakite 2 vkes 19¢ Cleans A Million Things Old Dutch Cleanser 2 cans |5¢ 5-Minute or Regular Cream of Wheat 7*¢ 13¢ Wheatena pkg 13¢ Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Spaghetti Dinner pee 32¢ rte Fancy Delicious APPLES . Diamond Budded WALNUTS Soft Shell FANCY PECANS FANCY SPINACH TANGERIRNES-210'y FLORIDA ORANGES-216's Penna. Blue Label POTATOES pkg 12¢ ad \J RICE KRISPIES v*z 11¢ SHREDDED WHEAT Pe 100 i 1h, 29¢ Ib. 43¢ i7¢ lle 22¢ doz, 33¢ oc 4 U SYRUP EVAPORATED « CORN CUT GREEN «BEANS IL. & S. BRAND DILL ICKLES WEIS QUALITY « Mayonnaise MADE FRESH DAILY White Daksy Brand an PILLSBURY’S BEST OLD VIRGINIA MINCE MEAT a x Ge EDDY’S PUMPKIN No. 25 om BRAND 14- RAISINS 13 SEEDLESS 15-02 pkg PUFFED 15-00 pkg 15 CLINTON PUDDINGS, Chocolate or Yanille MY-T-FINE LEMON PIE FILLING SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR STALEY'S WAFFLE SYRUP NU-MAID OLEOMARGARINE Choice MEATS * FRESH Sausage 35¢ SWIFT'S PREM. Weiners 35¢ SMOKED Sausage 47c¢ Sauer Kraut |b. 12¢ Dill Pickles . 3¢ ea. HOME BAKED pkg 4¢ pkg Sc 2%-1b pkg 26¢ 24-02 bot 26 1-1b print 22¢ Beans .....Ib. 20¢
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