Page Two ¥HE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. : December 7, 1944 lvrGes FARMERS TO | of present fa BOALSBURG ES LE oh Ta | ' { {1 mt 4 | 1 { } 1 ¢lal y | Every ( NeW es Ross urged b the Evangelical and Re f primed fi m Thur oh y F. mntil Sunday deputy of weh met Tuesday evenit oe ward Swank and son Dick and nance Commities home of Mrs. Virginia ™ Myers 1 eorge Fey of Baltimore Md. spent |, ’ ’ 1 1 mal § 4 | 1¢ sie ivy 1 v Pp 1 Swank and Mrs, G. M. Bloom and i IM Sund it the FRESH LIL and VEGETABLE ~ VALUES ARE BIG AT YOUR AzP SUPER MARKET _ LET'S WORK TOGETHER KEEP PRICES DOW! eT a 1 Sa Now's the time to eat more fresh fruits and source of vitamins and minerals and mighty vegetables! The pick of the harvest, from the grand-tasting, too! So eat plenty of them nation's leading growing areas, is arriving in daily for delicious and healthful meals. Re «7% Y ¢ Baysolil abundance at your AAP Super Market... member, by eating more of these plenuful, Md Tw J wo a rar and selections are priced to save you money! perishable foods, you help release scarce BE GEIAT ABLAMEC & BACH WA CO —t Fresh fruits and vegetables ase a wooderfal foods for ows Fiche wing Forces!h SWEET JUICY FLORIDA PENNA. BLUE LABEL-—U. 5. NO. | GRADE hs ORANGES =. ~41¢ POTATOES. Dean Important to Social JUICY FLORIDA (AS SEED! Security Holders T 00. 120% 150s tha". y: angerines %. ii > 30g Grapefruit Noe LARGE SNOW WHITE HEADS pa YG Cauliflower «saa "290 Sweet Potatoes CRISP SWEET PAS CELERY ~~ 2-39; ONIONS . . . 48g | oo ve toa A TTT PRE Ly CT Te Tea ll Ti. em. ihe A J J n Or ir A 71 Toi D e pt. ! ‘OVEN FRESH" Macaroni :.J.« 2/.19¢ || A&P BAKED GOORS Mustard . bn 44¢ § fous ~~ Baking Powdar 3 vw 12¢ White Vineger 1i12¢ | CHOCOLATE GOLD PlumJam.... Ww i | : LAYER CAKE ...45;: Pork & Beans a, S¢ Zmsis Seu ' Coffee Cake =: .. 25¢ Baby Foods <u 12 79¢ © 6 Pan of Eo | Standard Bran .. . =~ 2.57 A Donuts . atk ci 15: hr Mexene Chili Powder i 14c © Rolls orice « = =» « »= 100 . Pan Whiting =~..." 9c Climax Paper Cleaner = 20¢ | Fruit Buns... » £9 § | me Bh am Topsy Cookies c+ '»31c | Marvel Bread ° Fancy No. 2 Smelts "=" 14¢ Oyster Crackersn~ ec * 31c¢ TR a TT aw. Cherrystone Clams ". 29¢ yy Cn Bina A al SHOULDER HOANI STEWING Lamb ,, 33¢,, 37¢..17¢ Hamburg “= ,, 25° Fresh Fowl ioe “ 47¢ Bologna == = ,, 31¢ Pork Sausage «+, 47¢ Lard sm, , . 3 nx: D8¢ aot Fresh Shrimp .2%. ™4lc TE EIA id 5 po ® i # 3 ARATE 4 wg ¥ ee FR PN " "GET COFFEE MAYFAIR IN FEE : lb gop Canned Foods! Cereals! MUNICIPAL fis Hay! Tea "19% 3" 19¢ AILLHEIM lona Peas . .. 2 12¢ Oats — NEW SHOW TIME . pd, ach f Tl . : % 2 » ¥ QUAKER RELIABLE FANCY CU} SUNNYFIELD ag = | BSE P= Corn Meal . . . . “> Op Wax Beans . . i 15c Wheat Puffs i ———————— — im. ¢ y : , SUNNYFIELD . \ § " FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY ! ! Ff 8 bo gi) i IONA CREAM STYLE Corn Flakes !"™ 7¢ y NIGHT 2 8 GENERAL ELECTRIC || White Corn . . &'11¢c cr oy Special Double Feature Bill ho 1 1. Pick of Plantation Light Glob es 15.25.40. 48 Wa 4 ONA Mello Wheat 3 15¢ -” oe RR A © GENE AUTRY : Boat g 1 “RavorSaver” Roasted Sliced Beets . ."' 11c¢ : 8 1. Fresher... in the Bean “Ride Tenderfoot, e Will*msport office of aid t SLICED 4. “Fits” Your Cotfespot Dog Meal "uw ow bg Mushrooms . .< 41c . " | | ated Nt ) Ride Beef) 5 5. Richer in Your Cup LAKEVIEW wn JARS) Sm— ] M i ) : t La ew rull srove benef) : wie a willow | "o ¢ ruling will 3 veficial ne M sterious many workers who attain age 68 Ih y nef eo Borsibility that reduce Bag 2 x2 160 natter what » ; § | SE xd : Tomatoes «a «a » Oan C Thrill in Every Poot of esit in reduced bereft o 3 yor \ Apple Butter - a VA VEGETABLE SATURDAY Nia oNny | Ot amounts by ang 4 sm. even x A = \ DAILY EGG Cocktail .- sn 0 Can +31c (December 9) ts at protected them x 0 ul " 100-Lb RED CHEEK meche « Dana Andrew at rn b efit ut i A \ ; ALD. . ez preen fni fo na Ol GSTS Laying Mash . 2 3.63 ||| Apple Juice . . w21¢ “WING AND A i Nae Ja that the uorter, ups & I i BORDEN'S VERA SHARP PHILLIPS or WERSTER'S PRAYER, | mmm | on Tomato Juice 2x 19¢ Ni JE Vo Sh 2 . Cocktail Spread ::22¢|)|... = Heefe You Ouro cnvnemy omen on | | (RESO. Ceee ¥ GENTLE SOFT SAFE Peaches . . . “.' 27¢ HIS 10TH BIRTHDAY WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY Aptet af ARP CRUSHED (December 13) Winston Churchill a years old (1) ern issue Rolls : Na. » last Thursday Wis greeted with » Pineapple .s 0 +~'18c Do Not Miss This Punny-Bone caring cheer when he ag wi the Thriller! Youll Laugh R ipouse of Cotamons to foliow his os- | Until It Hurts! ml eustom of patting In a full days “THE work on his birthday ] “Seventy not oul"—an extremely cantervie | ona || OCTAGON | | PALMOLIVE | | OCTAGON | | OCTAGON | | SUPER SUDS | | OCTAGON : DAILY KENNEL SMUCKER'S CER mal greeting given the Prime Mine | GHOST” ister by 87-year-old Laborite Will, TOILET SOAP 2 BATH SIZE 19 GRAN, SOAP CLEANSER 2 SMALL BXS. (9 MOM Hit Thorpe, the oldest member of Come! Bring as Tamily uid Enjoy " Churehit wore a deep red rose in, 2 Niu " 9¢ 3 yo 20¢ burg 22¢ 2 Cans 9¢ Box. 23¢ 3 Cakes 14¢ his buttonhole and appeared in high good humor as various members COISIRRENNY cu, 0 congrsiuste him,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers