Page Two THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, FPA. CENTRE HALL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Goodhart of Centre Hill, have received the medal awarded to their son, Pvt Goodhart, for courage displayed un- der unusual circumstances wiere in France. Pvt, Goodhart, who was in the hospital for 11 days, has been overseas for three years Mrs. John Watson of Millhelim, was a recent caller at the home of Mrs. Thomas Williams Mr. and Mrs. Eimer Baney and Miss Carrie Fetterolf of Warriors Mark. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Burr Mrs. Ralph Grove and daughter Ethel and Alice of Bellefonte, R. D recent callers at the home of Harry Buri near were Mr. and Mi: Centre Hall Mr. and daughters Sunbury, called on non to see their uncle and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher Mrs Fred Houser, children Beth and Judy, of State College, visited from Sunday until Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Harry Mc- Clenahan near Centre Hall Miss Charlotte Keller, commercial subjects in the Ephrata High School i Thanksgiving vacation with her par. ents. Mr. and Mrs. David K. Keller Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bradford had dinner recently [or Mr and Mrs Frank Bradford in honor of Charles Snyder and 2atty of | Sunday after- | aunt Mrs Barbara who teaches spending her Donald Sgt some- [days rick in the Methodist hospital at Brooklyn. The infant died at birth Kirkpatrick, who is now sta~ tioned at Camp Polk, La. cpent 15] with his wife during her ill-| ness Mrs. Kirkpatrick will spend several weeks with her parents Mr. | and Mrs. Stephen Guardino after leaving the hospital, The Kirkpat- rick’'s are former residents of Cen- tre Hall Sgt. Kirkpatrick and wife wre keeping thelr home In Centre Hall for thelr use after the war Mr. and Mrs. John Delaney, Mrs J.T, Delaney and Mrs. Henry Zerby attended the funeral of Mrs, John Delaney’s sister, Mrs, Joseph Case dy at Blanchard on Thursday af- ternoon Pvt. Vernal Bender visited on Thursday Mrs. Robert of Lewistown with Mr. and Rhoads Pvt. Bender who iad been in training at Fort | Blanding, Fla returned on Monrday point 'n Mary- 0 an embarkation land Mu C Lynn and Guy by Mrs. Clarence william Hanna larence Miller and sons accompanied Blazer and Mrs to Washington, D C.. on Friday, visited until Monday with their daughter: Alta Miller, Esther Blazer and Fern Hanna wi are employed there They ed with Mr Miller ter, M: Frank Long and were where they fam- Russell sch00l, Centre worship service | Reformed: Lawrence {fill these i Mills school, 9 I HOT DESSERTS FOR WINTER MEALS AND OTHER RECIPES ppointment Wor hip service, 9:00 10:00 Spring Mil hureh I"oum 30; worship ¢ {all & oo GG 4 —— = 2 ™ ; Sey A Thanksgiving feast Isn't complete without a juley, flavorful turkey! Pilgrim plump, tender young that ‘it for a king.” turkeys are birds are truly wontinue Per Baan "he (inssifien af station Friday DON'T FORGET When sou Thanksgiving Day AAFP has y need for » shop fo YOu y feat servthing yong hanks table you get top grand giving quality nt Fey saving prices Come In tomorrow RAYE money time and steps FRESH Pilgrim Brand TURKEYS FULLY DRESSED . GRADE A OVER 16 Bradford's 80th birthday sary. The Bradford's daughter Jo re at Penn State, was alse n Saturday t 1) Lm Cave rick-Mark visited (3 TO 16, LBS. 60 CHICKENS r Fresh, Fully Dressed Capons LBS. Cc LB 55c¢ . 39C + 14C 40c ..- 49 25 a3 UNDER 13 LBS. | | | LB FRESH KILLED ... FRESH DRESSED ... READY FOR THE OVEN © "GET COFFEE THAT'S . .. LARGE . . FRESH . . ROASTING Fancy, Long Island « «x= S7Cc Ducklings ... 69¢ | L —- Rhoade Mi Winifred Mills, R D on Taesday Oysters «== .. Leg of Lamb FRESH FOW CORN-~=<......... PRESERVES = Fruit Peels = = 1c: = oc | DICED BEETS 27 Bantry Flour e+. = 22¢| BABY FOODS Bain Forni. 6 = 52. | BLENDED SYRUP . . . 79 Evaporated Mil wee m 1. Pick of Plantotion 2. “Flavor-Saver’ Romsted 1. Fresher... ia the Bean Hossam i NCY na MM $4 C eh 4 | ba it Pong Y NS : Mrs merick Ancrew brother, Dr. D. | Lie fi ATLL LIL 4. Fits Your Coffeepol ” 5. Richer in Your Lup Mark, Mrs ? n yf ark rey af lh Rie hrs ors Ginger Bread Mix vom Plain Olives wre ,.... Sweet Pickles = . . Beverages "oi ru oi Gravymaster Oysters r= ..- Pork Sausage oO oO For Beller Gravies TePTew Garden Relish rw re, . oO Pint «= = nn =» Bottie O60 PAGE QUART BTL. Bile 2 QO 29 onron i #03 &3¢| GRAPEFRUIT JUICE . . 2:23 Fruits & =:«Vegetables For Your Holiday Dinner Visit O06 A Delicious Treat for Your Holiday Breakfast COFFEE CAKE .. “ 24¢ MARVEL BREAD...c...11¢ MARVEL ENRICHED . Stuffing Bread > 10¢ (I. BAKED LONGER TO CRUMB EASILY 2. BLEFDS SUPERBLY WITH SPICES 3. READY TO USE IMMEDIATELY 4 IDEAL FOR EXTENDING MEATS RIPE JUICY vour A&P “Super's” big colorful “Victory Garden” today! We have grand fresh Heap your Thanksgiving table high with these vitamin-rich foods, 27c¢ 29 35 - NEW SHOW TIME selections of delicious fruits and vegetables! Prices are thrifty and qual Shows Now 7:20 & 9:15 FP. M. ADMISSION 4c & 35e ORANGES : - si weet Potatoes . . .. mperor Grapes . .. auliflower vii 29 i) ellow Onions . . .... “39 “> OLAtOBS = fr uuu + » AY Fancy Green Beans 31 " 54.64 SIZES rapefrui - 29° mer Nunemaker, pastor. Spring Mills 70-80 4™ 29¢ Sw Combined worship service jn Re- - y x psp po —_——T ; ro Nn . oo A&P STORES formed church, 10:30; chureh school, 9:30. Bprucetown-Churech school, OPEN Wed. Night NOW PLAYING WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY November 22-23 Stand by for the Jack Pol PHIL BAKER, in ; | TAKE IT OR Reuben ning. Mrs. Harold Stitzer LEAVE IT of the devotion: The re the evening wa spent i program for the wa formerly Young Peoples Missionary Circle Others present were: Rev. and M: “ W. K. Hosterman and daughter El. lene, Betty Johnson, Margaret Smith Ex wo Von Ooo and Mis EFE== Winlired Musick of Spring Mil R D. as 250s 188s Dot Rickert on EE with plump rai. sing, glozed pineapple, glazed cherries, citron, meaty pecans, and Edward Ryan Marjorie Massow Stanley Prager Direct to you from the mdio show FINEST SELECTED SHORTS reanizat called FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY {November 24th) The lure of a woman's beauly stirred unbelievable horror! A ments were mad brain that wouldn't die! hour Jame Royer did batitute THE LADY AND ie ing a few days last week for THE MONSTER Mrs. Chester A. Spyker at the Tus- wysink school Vera Hruba Richard Arlen Mrs. Harry MceClenahan of Centre Eric Yon Stroheim Hall RD. had as a Thanksgiving dinner guest her aunt, Mrs. W. O Strunk of Centre Hall CHURCH SERVICES Evangelical: Rev. W. K. Hoster- man, pastor. Tusseyville—Warship service, 9:00; churcty school, 10:00 Lemont—Church school, 10.00; wor- ship service, 11:00. Spring Mills | Worship service, 2:00. Locust Orove Church school, 10:00; evangelistic service, 7:30 a Ruest Refresi). wrved during the social SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY (November 25th) Danger as the stagecoach start. ed . . . danger walling at the Journey's end . . . bul the most exciting adventures in the miles between ! STAGECOACH Clairs Trevor John Wayne Andy Devine LATEST NEWS ISSUE AND COLOR CARTOON w TWO DAYS WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY (November 20-30) RED SKELTON, in: 11:00. Centre Hall--Chureh school, 10:30; worship serviee, 7:30 Penn's Valley Lutheran: Rev. C C. Otto, pastor. Centre Hall--Church school, 9:30; worship service, 10 2. | , BATHING BEAUTY Spring Mills—Church school, 9:30; (All technicolor) worship service, 7:30. Tusseyville- Worship service, 9:00; chur:h school, A
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