Page Two THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. October 12. 1944. | and Miriam of Bellefonte, R. D and children, Jean, Bobby, CGevdld | and Connie ou Ba { entered tl ‘ of gb | West Penn Named ‘ | i y i : J % 1] - - Pfc, Russell Bickle and wife and| Janet and Irene, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Campbell ve-| 1941 H. Adan g ] Mr. | Henninger : ; ! | } y a g y y 0 daugtiter Karen, of Blanchard and children Rosalee, | celved a letter from thelr son, Sgt and Mrs. Ravmond Bickle and chil- | Gerald and Ernest of Port Matilda, | Kenneth Campbell the first letter The tre Daughters of Ruth Sunday s¢ ool | Mi H. M. Hosterman, Mrs, Ausie dren, Maggie Patsy, Nelson, Jay and | R. D Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Hock- in ten weeks, Bgt. Campbell is sta- | pleture elass of the Lutheran church held Shutt, Mrs. Charles Faxon, Mrs. wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bickle enberry and children, Rodney, Darl, tioned somewhere in the Middle ing thelr meeting Friday evening at the Robert Day, Mrs. G. M. Bloom Mrs TREE —— ————————————————_————————————————————— , “ home of Mrs. D. 3. Raup. Those Fred Lonberger, Misses Anna Dale iy ———————————— present were Mrs. Frank White, Gussie Murray and Emma Eliza Mrs. Jean Confer, Sara Kellerman, Stuar ans were discussed for a Ethel Graham. Guests were Esther supper, the date to be announced Graham June White and Patsy later Peters. Miss Boisson representa- Ihe women will meet at the Re- tive of West Penn wer, lectured formed church Friday evening at 7 on Basie 7 and demonstrated ang g'elock to sort and pack for saip- served the food ment clothing that bas been collect Mr. and Mt: wl Kellerman and ed for the liberated areas (part of son, Mr. and Mrs. Israel Rettg and the UNRRA program) Miss Sara” Kellerman were dinner: Mrs. Paul Etters. Miss Helen Reish guests of Mr. and M: filllam Kel- of State College, and Harry E. My lerman at Woodycrest, Monaay €ve- arg of Port Matilda, R. D.. were din- ing. 1 linner n nor of, Mrs. Emma Charles ul Kellerman, nn whu entered and daughter Pauline, Sunday I'hese Girl Scout and leaders ent Priday night and Saturday at Camp Dunroven at Whipple's Dam Mr M. A. Clark, Mary Bailey, Betty Dunkle, Patricia Douglas, Esther = Graham, Jovce Gentzel, Patsy Pet- ers, Nancy Jones Gladys Nefl, Pa- children tricia Cain. Sheila Callahan, Beulah S | Jordan, Geraldine Addleman, Anna all, R. D Marie Gilligan. H. W. Sheffer and Mike Clark were “i | COME CELEBRATE WITH SAVINGS Bargains Galore! Savings Galore! A&P is eeclebrafing its ¥8th Birthfiay by offering you the grandest values at its com- mand! For over 85 vears A&P's policy of buying many foods direct from growers and producers and selling direct to you has resulted in savings. Visit your ASF Super Market tomorrow and see the outstanding values in the six big food depart- ments. You'll find that today, more than ever... IT'S TIME TO TURN TO A&P! Vlearfield M1 loomaqui Alters Mi Mabe] f Elizabeth Weave: a Nat wi ka Meat Department Values im EEE npg gm a FRESH FRUITS POW ri tet vs soa i BOE] BREASTS ,. * 2). Jit AND | Lebanon Bologna ®. t= 37¢ " Bs /L VEGETABLES Lard oie xiv in 39C RE . & b= - | Spiced Luncheon 6 &. 2.25 poVERD sy : CABDAGE Lu 1 29 r By the Lh Spiced Ham “i... 6 & 2.90) gjzzarps = FOR HOME MADE KRAUT FreshChickens aie » 53cC, BACKS Ar, | | HAMBURG <= « 23¢ Asp Sweet Potatoes . . . 5+ 29¢| | A&F lllceberg Lettuce ... 2 23¢ FISH DEPT. | OM. GROUND : FRESH | BOKAR Pascal Celery 30, Si 25¢ ‘Haddock Fillets .. 1 2m9l¢ Pecans «= u« : - 45 ‘Cod Fillets dui RED CIRCLE Li aroun mt. |B ReafisiiEillets me sar 2. 47¢ Early Apples = ..4 = 25¢ of Huntingdon i Gon a ; , Dressed Whiting vw 1» rd EIGHT 0'CLOCK PENNA. BLUE LAB EL : i ‘Halibut Steaks Frowa Lb. | 3 - 59¢ POTATOES ot 536 Tea™" 39¢ "“m 34¢ m™3)¢c|—— — — — Mello Wheat i Ey a 15c¢ F 10 U nD | —B. AKED GOODS | LEMON SHERBET Evap. Milk re, ..6: 51c | sw LAYER CAKE 296 Dog Food "0. o'™* , = 42¢c| *93¢ ||COFFEE CAKE «= ..... 25c] Rich Meaty Flavor cme | Bran Flakes swe , , , 5 9¢| on g4 MARVEL BREAD . . .. Tl sens ot | Keyko Margarine + 230 | momar | [ROUS ==: g eo Abd BREAKFAST ROLLS ~~~ . . 17e Tire | Macaroni gn Mi 3% 25c| B19 | ponyTs ~ a ———— | | Boscul Coffee ..... + 33c He 8 M: Ea E . . M TJ d "DOUBLE YOUR o Waldo Homan, Misses Anna Sweet MONEY BACK" Lb. MUNICIPAL 5 tna Cathrin Du Vrs wer XQ sworremme XO "TEER E 3 Fig. 61c Herb-Ox Bouillon Cubes i 78 mm En | CORN aman aw crx 2,79) | Quaker Maid Sup. » 22 Shows Now 7:30 & 9:15 P. M. | irs Margaret Sunday, Thursday GOLDEN SWEET FREE ® B® Bm BB BR Ne 2Cm = Gravymaster w 14c MILLHEIM ‘ ADMISSION-14e & 35 . "0 Nat 3 — ir wi Mi BF { elebrated >) (ream Wa DARS—FRIDAY & SAT. [iter ane wedding annivermey, Set Ban Staley S$ cm Starch Idk 9c Oct. 13 & N) ; V wd Mrs. Kenneth Houts and Phas. Ed t KC SPECIAL DOUBLE FEATURE J uaug! of State College, RD "EB FB BR FB BBR BR Rn UCATOr Lrax « « « « «oo 249c¢ LAUGH RIO™ A isitor wit Mr. and Mrs EE RON ® Campbell, BUDdAp, Simoniz Cleaner or Wax 49¢ "POLO JOR” = {ioral Be of Sula Cofless APPLE BUTT MUSSELMAN'S \ B 15 Meet Joo the Wonder Polo Ace! Mr and Mm. David Homan of (Point Free) = = = ® orax Cc Boraxo 2 For 29¢c Mackeyvilie, were weekend callers at even the horses are laugh : FV > ing at him! the W. E Homan home K. A. Rice Feast asaa MN 8c Mr and Mrs. Waldo Homan and — ALRO Jean M1 MM ren vt Bund tent Ban Ne. ili oem ome, meer | ELA } OM ATO SOU Pus 19], 00 | Mexene Chili Powder . . 14c rT ART LEE on 7 Themen. Ra (Polnt Free) | . A-Penn Motor Oil ov 18 ‘South of the Border’ gelical and Reformed church of Pipe ‘To Helena Hall met at the home of Mrs. Bd. Lb. Red memes | PEANUT BUTTER wow 2 SNC | Laver Towels 43 2 ~ 17¢ WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY | 56 Seidiah. Mrs. MW. Neldieh -.8 Broadcast Redimeat 1:0. 33¢ (Oct. 18th) Mrs. Clarence Corl, Mes Charles The Most Beautiful We Mr jon, . ’ . The Most Beautifil Woman... |i irous. Mex uth Saxion, Mrs. Es- GR APEFRUIT JUI C E .u ML 2 No 2 23 Colman’s Mustard ....o 9¢ Mrs. William Drefbeibls, Mrs. Pred n C ‘SUMMER STORM | ci ana sare Loner Poters | Wall Paper Cleaner «- 29¢ . | L R Bickle entertained witty a Cieorge Sanders, Linda i 3 sibel vd Darnell 1 dinner st his home in Linden Hall, Sunday. The dinner was In honor of Also the Finest Seloeted Shorts |i pre Russell Bickle who i+ home on SEARCHLIGHT KELLOGA'S Cocoa RANGER JOE WOODBURY SUNBRITE a furlough from Camp Swift, Tex cov Grrny, 0c, | a ear Gt ram Matches § All-Bran § Wheats Cereal Soap Cleanser jun, James and David, of Hoalsburg; “Once Upon a Time’ | wv » : - 0-0n. : evens Te fed EERE | {ennr28e ll toate Mi 21e fl 24225 [130.23 fo 5 Ida McClellan, of Linden Mall. Mr . i ————— A re - a and Mrs. ©. C. Ziegler and Shirley 1 . Ry a i
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