Page Two THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. October 5, 1944 REBERSBURG NONI pr ie Md gaugtiies i evenin Sundar haool Confer of Linde: ine M wi ard Ph M 3/¢ Of Mt alvin reon Jr, moved last Sunday mon rey at the usual time, at the Homan home Me VAS 1 weekend a wo Roi tl Mrs, Allee which will be the annual Rally Day r.oangd M 5 A Bier lv hom rot home into the hom alch in the Sunday school, and the Har- daughter of R. A. Babcock went ley rece iron ve J be held at av 10 SDE] Seve 1 Valves Galore! Wide Selections! Rea! Savings in Every Department! For 8% years... A&P has held to the policy estab- you shop regularly at your thrifty A&P Super Marker lished by tts founder — "To provide more and better food oN The really wide selections will surprise you, too, Make up fur less money.” And to celebrate its 85th Anniversary... your shopping list now and plan to restock your pantry ARP again brings you an outstandir \g Array of money- c shelves completely! Yes It's Time to Turn to A&P's ving food values! { ompare the values featured here with 85th Anniversary celebration... two bl your food basket ’ ye 14° what you've been paying. See how much you save when and count your savings! FLOUR | OLEOMARGARINE SunnYFIELD | BOSTON BEANS 5 WL] mn TOMATO i 18 SA ONIBLETS’ CORN “ion GOLD MEDAL EV AP. RLS WATE (ign bt Spi [ : ao | PALL jsp | ' MACARONI! SPAGHETTI = = ® 3 Pig CE i nd TEA 393: 0. 34¢: un Visits Bellefonte 7 MEAT DEPT. VALUES of +. GET COFFEE “OVEN TREATS” i SEER HAMBURGER B74 MUNICIPA} So | 23¢c De pp MILLHEIM — NEW SHOW TIME — . EXTRA Ta 4 Bat Ving | 39 Shows Now 7:20 & 9:15 P. M. : OF je s—— —— i —— 4 EE hrs. tax Of. Sih. for the BOALSBURG ‘ Cc ADMISSION Ie & 35¢ Pe ire F REM FULLY DRESSED . Pick of Plentatien # . op a i . 2 Regul lo — ——— A £ Rosien i A : . "Hover Saver” Roor'ed 55% Kular Soc Va FRIDAY NIGH] ONLY A v : Fresher... in the Been °F DINNER ” tober in ! E Fits” Your Colfeepot £9 0 5 OR ls Cc : Ee EANIWICH 5 A 2 BR Ma Lee in Her Most M ; f 2s . Richer in Your Cup “SHANTYTOWN" . wird rn. M “936 3 ET A © Fruit Cake . un we |, 08 TT SH te Peon Breakfast Rolls ough S04 | a | Gos wi Telly wel, hy | ae . SATE AY air ONLY \ I. the \ ny alh A P. A : Coffee Cake . ne ! “ih 26¢ i wr | Spiced Ham ;: 90 | IN dl Can (an LE .e THE EVE OF | Smit mn arnt i “5it%s ws 0 Meat Loaves i: 3 Zamiedlnl Marvel Bread . .. . “i lle ST. MARK" [ca Yan peed 1% amr Swift's Bland Lard . ... i a) fh SUGARED Dea COD FILLETS wi 300 FROZFN pe FROZEN f Shorts NEW DIRECTORS 320 Also the Finest Selected C. « C. ELEC Is M i i | REDFISH FILLETS WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY October 11H : p Sai \ 1 THESE A&P aon, ean Ally W 1 EXCLUSIVE PRODUCTS “TWO GIRLS AND Jock Wilkinson. Keron tate . at Sunday KRAUT YT ARE OUTSTANDING “BUYS” A SAILOR” i ‘ 1 : v ¢ | ’ Quay guaranteed from source to sale .. and : Putty a Afters DAME t a M , ; \ f priced to save you money, Try several today... complete satis. of a Mu ‘ ! er oe nt Ga " ta - ™ faction guaranteed . Yo d ata . tected Shorts LAE UR ie ANN PAGE EXTRACTS lm *= 23¢ | Ha— ea i ii TPL wi. | 29 SULTANA MUSTARD .. amy eR D ANN PAGE GRAPE JAM Square & Round Bagel canst | Sweet Potatoes . . «5 29¢ ||| suLTANA PEANUT BUTTER +» axe ag. a ENCORE NOODLES .. .. » 18¢ Coliscum Roller Rink Pir gil Yellow Onions imma, + 436 Ul xn PGE MELLO WHEAT w= o3e Alice Ne k and Miss Anng Dal Jonathan Full Red-- " Y " Aion EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT | Sues Apples wei bu uo Gh, 250 ||| SUNNYFIELD CORN FLAKES "=, 7¢ Mr r. Ch. Jone Mrs. Virginia ANN PAGE 0:00 to 12:00 . hs Weigh Gr es J 2 Lbs, 29¢ BAKING POWDER .....qu...""™ 12¢ tague and Me | mes Horner as- 0 ay Quality LJ SULTANA ORCHESTRA PLAYING THIS SATURDAY NIGHT usted with the making of bandates ) oo oR" al the RM Cross Ta at State PP g Red or ob For Picking 2. 21c PEACH PRESERVES Loch il Ba BE BE I I Hh 25¢ » College. Tuesday evening ud ’ a vom Wedneudy eppers c.. ¥ osu | CRESTVIEW EGGS .vurn...™ 49¢ VICK and HIS Oklahoma Ramblers (Colored) svaning ¥1h Mr. Charisse Bohn a DT SAN ate Guleghi tt 1} abate bap Maine Potatoes "5 ' . "1.89 ||| ANN PAGE SYRUP ......... "= 19¢ Mr ana Dirk Charles Bits Bundy WHITE SAIL CLEANSER.....% 4¢ ROLLER SKATING and Mie. Harry Soively and nua. PA. BLUE LABEL SUNNYFIELD CAKE FLOUR ™™ 20¢ ter Janet, and Mr and Mrs. Elmer Friday Nights S:00 to 11:00 [| [amiely’and daginer Nancy. of | A&P MATCHES ™ gu ™ . .6 ™ 28¢ Sunday Nights 7:00 to 10:00 Mises Ruth Ros and Ellen | P 0 i A T 0 - 5 . Sunday Matinee. " 2:30 fo 5:30 inger Hospital Di aville were: rs ANN PAGE VINEGAR " 12¢ cent visitors with the former's par- “ ents Mr. a . Charles Ross SUNNYFIELD RIC N on 1i¢ Coliseum Roller Rink | fies = ww 95¢ PANCAR i or at LU wh Ww | Chie" Cnm: vit at esas eves PANCAKE FLOUR uo Te East College Ave, State College, Pa, [i (Dine, Oct. € a+ 8 dclotk)at the home : : (OUTSIDE BOROUGH) R of Mr. Virginia M. Mvers All ie © ON SALE NOW! DOTOBER SUE OF. WOMAN'S DAY members are urged to be present ' Mrs. George Homan of Linden YT ry ght hahaa ke Ld ie 1 Hom eh afi sic? gush was 1 Lod |
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