RE Sh daa ee L] A. ” EP FAITH with US = by buying WAR BONDS k » Ld * » » . + * EE Le LE EEE ES. abe Centre Democraf WAR BONDS | ED, MEAN MORE THAN A 9 GOOD INVESTMENT VOLUME 63, NUMBER 39. BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1944 SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YFAR. 4 Dead, 2 Missing, SEAM SWoundedinWar [FEW 7 Pfc. Nelson Theriault, % “onia: Pvt. An- thony G. Noll, Marengo det Melvin Or- wig, Philipsburg; Pfc. Pa. Bressler, of « Zion, lose Lives in War Fou Centre Killed in France Wis on Se War De- { Fi AY i He mali nid | nm had written | went over- France received as sent to no { hi although the ther day since he r “3 ment 2 Richards bo } J bi 40 rain . Camp montis Rock at ral Little INE FOUN = WALKING ON ON Paul A. Bressler— s » Rockview Inmate CC: tured Near Vail by Ty- rone Police Chief [SES AR SIRIKES TREE Instantly Killed in Motor Crash Near Gulfport, Miss. BODY PINNED IN WRECKAGE OF AUTO Military Funeral For Harry J. Smith Held Here Monday Miesday NS Par- allermoon in charge astor of wreh were accord can Legion a: War Seaman N J ile A 3 f Fe cemetery R.vers the deceased's ompani i ner HWewgn de 4 7 dh Investigating officers aald the aut Becoming suspicious wheri he saw jmobile. in which Lhe group was re- & man walking along the highway turing to cet. Ceiled to nemotiate A CUTTY ¥ | with his trousers wet from the knees down. Chief of Police J W. Hutch. of Tyrone, toek the man into [ter tioning and later Joseph nson tod 9 que had captured 34. Erie com man who Rockview penitentiary afternoon covered he Loesch Ly smeaped from t Monday Wednesday ot the i a half east tranger [alle iced ctor cath he Tyrone where Chief ned was th wentil on that he e Cpl. Harry E. Johnson— Wounded idespread sear Oak Hall Youth Held For Court wn officd page T - Port Matilda Youth Il With Meningitis on of Prof of Port Ma- iffering from ls 0) the TET Phil- " 3 vell, and that been showing ~ — . Kniss To Speak a Unionville Meeting County Officials To Meet October 2 The annual convention of the Cen- tre Count Road Auditors be House, Bellefor tober 2. 1 fine is the auditor vention the county 1pervis and t 3 Or H 8 Kni of Spring Mills candidate for the Gen- from Charles Democratic eral Assembly will be among the speakers citizens’ rally 0 be held in at this con- | community hal} Unionville, at secretary of m. Friday. Octbber 6 | The Jublic is invited to attend held in the Ce Monday 10a m arranged. It upervisor and it Oc ~ A will eginnin 4 t B pr nt Houser reminds Pp oup _- . — _- —_— Surgical Dressings Are Vital, Milesburg Army Nurse Writes _ the Red Cros A warm endorsement of work heing done by the stirgieal dressing volunteers back home” ia contained in a letter from it Martha E Walker. recently re- ceived byiher parents, Mr and Mrs W. Scott Walker, of Milesburg 14. Walker left Italy about August 26 and was in Prance on September Bb. according to information contain- ed In the letter. Bhe went oversess | in April 1043, and saw active duty in North Africa and Sicily before | going to Italy Nevertheless, are 'y from Milesburg yet you can well understand they longer.” ing cold, but that the afternoons are delightful ‘We Gave been very, very busy some of our boys and a lot of Ger. Regarding surgical dressing work- | mans + Lt. Walker writes ers, Lt. Walker writes: “You women | During one of her rare times off at home will never know What an|guiy Lt Walker sald that she went important job you are doing. With for a walk and met a little French out yours and hundreds of other no riding a bleycle. She borrowed women's help U'm afraid our boys! ihe machine for a short ride but the would suffer greatly from infection | seat was too high and she fell, but if we did not have the clean and | escaped injury proper dressings to apply to their | The Milesburg girl is a graduate wounds. God only knows they need ‘of the Centre County Hospital the best of everything {school of nursing and entered the “I've often wondered when I've | service nearly three years ago. Dur- opened dressings if they might be ing her service overseas she has sent any that you've folded. Pach pack- | home many trinkets purchased in ‘ge ls marked stating where it's [the Mediterranean area, & - - : od broadside fog h : I h atid and crasd in A De time + yn ¥ aver the hie "ee ing over Lhe NIENwWas Maxie Bro 3 i 4 the : “ » f " ¥ of 8 1/e Harry J. Smith RELIGIOUS CLASSES Centre county. | he | ! 10 BE HELD HERE | Juniors and Seniors at Lo- | religious education in vital | from but I Guaven't run across any | beginnig Friday greatly needed and appreciated. So| beginning at keep on folding, it can't last much | of each week. The courses will be of cal High May Attend Weekly Sessions The Bellefonte Ministerial Asso- ciation cooperating with the local School Board will offer courses in the schools September 29 The time allotted by the School Board for this project Is the period 12:50 p. m. on Friday and semester duration are purely Regarding France, LL. Walker de- | voluntary on the part of students scribed the land as beautiful—much | like the hills and scenery “of good | old Pennsylvania’ She relates that the nights and mornings are freez., (Continued on Page Three) Democratic Rally Here October 13 ws ——— All Btate and local candidates on the Democratic ticket are scheduled front of the Court House, Belle fonte, at 2 p. m. Friday, October 13, it was announced yesterday Among those who are Lo appear will be: Francis J. Myers, candidate for U 8 Senator: Charles Alvin Supreme Court; Bernard J, Clark, candidate for Congress from the 23rd district; Ramsey 8. Black, cAn- didate for State Treasurer; PF Clalr Rose, ahd Chester BH. Rhodes can- (Continued on page Three) to appear at a rally 10 be held In| Jones, candidate for Judge of the) 3 Snow Shoe Bros. in Navy; Fourth in Army Air Force | 1 Cpl. Charles HH. W. Budinger Ensign Fhilip M. Budinger new into operation for the first time While workmen completing the 500 by 70 foot bulld- | ed ing Tit ing oul the which IT tier Wil 3 “Skip” Badinger, 5 1/¢ . iif LB and We x Un a | "a Nout 18 weatiier When the plant o we a le Civic ant ATT INO New Titan Meta] Company tu fed rods Mor 2700-ton ext here 1 | and the an employe i wn in th initial sive po Lt is expect wer rat ds the men i Continued To Collect Paper In Gre salvage Townshi es that paper and t #day thal made on the wu fury funds tion Mi and of nN Ll Club Tor beneli! «iif $i Wl | where Continued on pape Three) HEAD OF CL0 Chicago. and to Dearborn, Mich LLEFONTE 27: WILLIAMSBURG 6 in ia M ONES NAMED Frank Pinge, BHS Cap- Succeeds Mrs. Alexander, tain, Scores 20 Points in Q , £ sason’s 1st Victory (Changes Made pe F. Jon Bel was named nts Woman's Mrs Alexander |} at special coOncIu- meet. lefe a Lhe w p hye hap! way night E. Keith Anderson was name Mrs Jones’ former posi- cording secretary and Mrs Thomas was chosen 0 Anderson's former position corresponding secretary. Mrs. W Emerick and Miss Catharine Bur ket was committee to py | Belect member-at- «t | large Miller was _ named as chairman 10 suc. peed Mrs. Wallace J Ward, resign- sod, and Mrs. Alexander Brown was named pariiamentanian--also a8 pos ition formerly held by Mrs. Ward Entertainment at the club was unbile Presented by program chairman nd Miss Catharine Burket, who intro- Continged on page Four) RN a Presb. A rr terial ve Mr "rye 2 I BS Ie Leslie Chooser AE BA additional Edward R Wy cancer ‘ ¢ ng 1 Rinne a 1 yards and as ended (Continued on page Fowr) ta veryw 4 " Ini rst down : quarte; —— i— | | Telephone Company Breaks Rigid Rule To Aid Family T Ben- Stolen Car Found Abandoned in County " wen from Balaman N was found abandoned and out of fuel near the Black Moshannon dam of ithe road between Unionville and Philipsburg. Saturday moming after Mas parking place September st 4 : : ’ Last Prix he Marion {ett family In Port Matilda, quaran- ned to their home after their 11. year-old son was found to be suffer ing from Infantile paralysis. was in Centre County Commissioner O. P. a bad way The bov was in a Joins. MoCord of Fullipshurg, reported he town hospital. and members of the | had seen the car standing apparent | family were practically imprisoned ly abandoned along the mountain with no way to keep in touch with road State Police from Pleasant Oap| sub-station went to the scene and and relatives brought the car to Bellefonte, Trac Bo Mrs. Bennett Ing its New York license tag shoes" Telephone employe that the Plymouth coupe was owned house asked whether by Prederick C. Campbell, of Sala-|couldnt be Installed. (Because of manca, and that it Nad been stolen | Continued on page FIR) Priday while Mrs. Campbell was! ——— A po sto. ss 0 i in Balk * NI itr tit Cp .. Diamond Restaurant | To Be Re-opened Here quest anyone who picked up a hiteh- Announcement was made yester- 1 | communicate with spying ] hiker along the road Friday or Sai- urday to get in touch with them at ] (once. The car was abandoned in A lonely section, and the occupant would have had to walk a consider able distance unless he received a [II from a passing motorist, po- | Hee believe i taurant room in the Mrs, J. O. Hev- erly bullding at the corner of High jand Allegheny streets, has been leased to persons from oe NAMED TO BOARD OF REVIEW | Judge Ivan Walker this week named OG, W. Woil, of Haines town. ship, as surveyor for the Centre County Board of View, succeeding J. Thompson Henry, of Martha re. slgned, Tie or place in cartons NEWEPE Dery, New W " offices on the third floor of Temple Court South Allegheny J Bellefonte, will be moved Saturday new office building into the ot Gap the company | Pleasant Gap The new buliding is located atop | a small hill just east of the main plant of the company on the Wwosl- ern outskirts of Pleasant Gap, and is visible from several portions of ithe town {white frame structure Work on construction of the new building began last Apri) with Cone tractor Willlam Kennedy College, In charge. [their son's condition, and no way 1ojowned two old houses on the site, anxious friends and when the new bullding was con- | templated, plans were made for the 6 a Bell [two old structures to be overhauled passing the and joined bY a new wing between a lelephons them, Brown, Resigned; Other #0¢ ad Cala alt Af perap Cans oper inction sometime Place G. Edward Haupt Leases Coal Lands Edward waseC A New ant BG In rarfield oo coal o have stant ing « ashing niusunll Wh at OWTOLE QUARRY OFFCES Whiterock Staff to Move|32 to be Inducted; 43 to Saturday ing ——————— Whiterock Quarries T 10 for the n irse of ox After Ba (Continued on Page Powr) "ry ge 1day when the giant ‘bug expected double Titan's output of brass rod. ed by a phy The some leaks plies pressures up to 5000 pounds 0! returning the big press, and also revealed other mechanical care of before maximum production probiems O18 the m October aay tu material > Saturday morning “ay 4 high quality It is a GANTPRESS Port Matilda Boy TANTS PERATION First Rods Produced in $1,750,000 Plant BUILDING NOW NEARS COMPLETIO Expect 100 to 200 Workers to he Employed in Near Future Paralysis Victim William Bennett, 11, Reported Recovering in Johnstown Hospital; Borough Schools Closed; Religious Services Cancelled An ll-year-oid Port school boy, stricken paralysis last week | be recovering steadily 1b i ' : “i : ward at the Municipa) i ! i é ith au rite «| Johnstown, and physician Wo I him ou { t ! N jterday that they believe he if Continus pape Three {fer no permanent {]] effects - . The boy is William Bennei! 1 f Mr. and Mr: arion T. Bennet of Port Mat 2 pupil In the sev- WA KER TOWNSHIP the Port Matilda ap = COMMUNITY FAIR {A008 Last Thursda new had been diagnosed ex- the home wa Day and Night Exhibits to Be Held at Hublers- burg, Oct. 5 wit} ex ( 1A lida of ed out its first u | tine were clos i in rusion press wag put church and po are engaged mday were ‘ sumed a thi wre engaged in iron-| William complained $" In the machinery | jast Monday. but more hal The following day 45 by 30 foot wing, Usa; to ‘ » WiAT 5, Monday aowed [of infantile paralys system which sup- ed Early Wednesdays mom bed al oliapscd © ns hi getils water of osttis 8 lo of drink in the | Was { hips to be taken act sends found i« ps down is fully opera (das pronounced ed that between 100!yfle paralysis be employed The Centre ( | National fant ae Press. idation, thr GOLDEN WEDDING ~~ Wi will Ir alii ie 4 tesl runs " resident fre a gg Township commie Civi Cilut 1s oliectic 3 pliant, | om page Three) fe »¥ All~ ot y 4 Lb i Mr. and Mrs. William 7 wl Yearick Celebrate Anni- versary at Clintondale will ta 2 . will be he ; cans Ir aoe $ ject next ialr week be made by Foster received irom the be used by the community |. . {the soene of a aller iv {lng on Sunday, in honor of the eiderly couples goiten " anniversary + Ere oF om day T ry ie IT a - enter class exhibl wil we Ham Yearick (Continues on pige Four) logues, old books and | tind of ! of material in front of | OF * fem IEhnreg Phi for ool. children, 12 grand ' | great-grandchiidre: ent for the annive? joeption of | ver nh hildren and eig! y re were | with 1 will the armed fog we oonitiol of soll erosion Centre “8 counts Extension of R n er that day © 1 ar . probietn Agricultural under the direction Blaney County Extension Rep- ative, has armuged three fNeld demonstratidn meetings be held for the benefit of all Centre counts kx who oan pos AITAange aliend, according following - s— on rag . a4 PR "oy anagso el iaiTe 43s Bers AC Ieee a RY who Is in {who is believed 10 be @ overseas destination " August nte. are of coal | 1 MANck fok's be . ay fiat and his wife of rom Clete e thelr 50th August m. Joh of Lamar ding annive: urd on pope J ! 75 COUNTY MEN IN DRAFT CA r and September io importance to William Y Dr Geors Y Pittsburg wedding annive Willian ' Beliel of borough 3 and Sar- especial iy » Pa ira sibly 3 ¢ ot ami her Ts 4 for 3 O Hh " we hed : ouUrscar Albright an wis | October 5 4 Sor L a rE operations a n¥hal Yea ra t dhe October Spr "ip 6 Thursday David Hosterma: Friday, October George Weight, Jacksonville Frank Bammer. Extension mist State College, will these demonstration meeting: {present will have ani opportunity | vo. results obtained by stutp leaving sod waterways, re- arranging crop rotations with ero- sion control In nd, and the re- of many other erosion control | practices. Mr. Bamer will also ad- vise those at the meeting who may be interested In starting an erosion (control program ele the “a . a ry it a i yperation i o Hi vel Nitta: Year Year ar i AO Edward eh a of fiw Lhe CIopping n sults | | ——— Horsechestnut Tree Blooms at Hospital arge lund of a harsechiestng war the entrance of the Om County Hospit apparent thinks here When the isaves and che burrs on the remainder of the large grew brown dropped off several works age those on the odd mb did lHkewise, but tue branch didnt stay that way Soon new leaves grew, and now the Hmb I in fuli bioom in preparation for an other crop 6 horsechesinuts What the branch evidently doesn Poard No. 1, of State College. will know is that one of these days the send 15 men to Harrisburg, Tuesday, | *now will be blowing and the fine October 3 for induction and on Oc. second crop of blossoms will suffer tober 9. 19 men will be sent there a Quiik and un-springlike death for pre-induction examinations, The, Anyhow, (hese cold mornings. it's {names of all men in the quotas, with nice to think about trees in bloom the exception of the State College! pre-induction call. are listed below. Board No. 2 induction eall. October | [Undergo Physicals in Harrisburg to New Build- at Gap | general | located One Centre county's two draft boards t will send a total men 0 Har- { risburg early in October. 32 of them for induction into the armed forves street. | abd 43 indergo bullding now in | nations . n ympletion at Pleasant| Board No. 2. of Belieionte irday all offices of 160d bh ndicton Bi pre . 4 LAs rrsoun m Fa) will be located 8 tober 6 Seventeen men (rom Mie area served by the board sre sched. uwled to be inducted on that date, while 24 others will undergo physi. cal examinations af 78 Frage past 18 years rh tre v pring is to POYSICAL XR - EPH ano ' of ree al ; i 4 i large two-story of State company Do That Christmas Mailing Now! The Harold Etters, Clarence, Otto Daniel Ebeling, Bellefoule, RDI Philip Edward O'Leary, Bellefonte Mysterious Blast Heard Near Town ———— State Police ‘Pleasant Oap substations were day that the former Diamond Res called to the viginity of Axemann about 9:10 p. m. Monday when res- Lloyd Smith Injured In Motor Accident at Rockview and : | | 3 i g HE ig
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