Pare TW THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. April 6, 1944 p—— —— RL La —_~_ - ’ : Mr. and Mrs. HO. Yearick and Wel er to 1st leutenant. Lt. Welser inyvton Musser of franklin wl ar. and Mr Jacob fSiyvers and M and Mr t. ¥. Harbach re. levening thuwshand, Cpl amsy on an island REBERSBURG | son Norman. of Mill Hall R. D. is the son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall, will conduct ervie ni{Charles Shultz visited the Iatter'sicently received word that their) eV, es Bhannon of Milibeim, lin the Paci fie " y Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Weaver and [called at the M. W. Breon home, N. R. Berl the loenl Reformed rel \ nm, George Shultz, at Tyiersville, on daughter, Lt. Beth Harbach, had ar- will conduct Communion services in daughter Elva, of Reading, were Saturday. Mrs. Harvey rungart and ! rat I'p. Nn Bunda rived safely Ir ind the local Lutheran church on Easter Mr Frank Kreamer } weekend visitors at the home of the The public sale of J. I Ziegler And M! Arthur Snyde i MifTHn M1 (i Hie ret n N ha Mi viol \ mm The Sinshiis as of Re Ww 2 oy [Bellefonte to help care for her bro. Suter paren) Mr. and Mrs. €. J.|jaet Thursday drew a large crowd DU, veaver, Jr | of good bidders. Most articles brought home M1 Ida Bair returned to her high prices. Mr. Ziegler has moved home on Sunday after spending the | to the home of Mr. and Mire, C. A winter with her brother and sister- | Page in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ployd Bower- A nd M " aucl in SOX, nt Mifflinburg tits oF 1awd Fol cre 8 Sun day Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Tarbert went | supper suests at the C. . : S E RV 6 to Pittsburgh last Thursday where ome, 1 v br th 1 they are visiting their sons, Paul of ars. Weave: 4 fi’ and Jack, and daughter, Mrs. George wi . "OS ted Mi nd / weed T H EF ve oening, and their families Mis. Hi wir at T.omont. ssveral da Ld Mrs. Fred Bender and Mrs. Edna H ie t VOR Storch, of State College, called at ty y 2 \ x 1 ret t fel ¥ sy Shall. 4 x] Bn a } : . v ang Mi a rre § i 4 ¢ Sholl fehl home la We edn “1 d Hublel ere Sunds 1} 4 Th Mt est itt I i 0} 10M - . 1 leta Bierly apd - 3i1ly Wb : nd Darryl, Mi oy Brungart and! phe > In Vegetable D g M | | [] iran no hildre: fariorie. Rodney and Je: i i lean : , | Ph) " Larry : " rd \ ef ' ry, spent the weekend at the L. 1 | Hs i Larry o { abd i -(" ! { home nn | Err oul pore Thursda Ie { . hs > ' " Yh : : 3 3 { a ’ { ' [ok ) 5 ! { 3 » , ersl ‘ ne , : f \ y called at the 1 Lover Ock vet f ‘ wit the lwere Bunda i t the Harold formed Bunday school me t the M wit Hy we eceonitly ther, William Beatty who on Sunda ntey Sun ! ome 4 felielfonts Joh eish hom f Wednesday informed of th afe arrival of her ill SN 2 FOR EASTER at ...".. Fruit for Breskie AP Super Markets In Cooked Yegetab's Side Dishes — Get your Vitamins the natural way by JN UN c I PA RE MTC pry TE rd Ah VA nN eating more of these tender, fresh fruits 140 M L from Penns Valley to the Hacken ET a Ra SL Ok 7 : and vegetables. Make your selections MILLHEIM | former Miss Celia Brungart farm RE TR hd early take advantage of these values. As Fresh Fruit Desse = NEW SHOW TIME | Show Time-—7:10 and 5:00 P.M. | Admission 1le and 30¢ oe | uman: Miss Rozella Gingeric - 150° . | , JUST THE THING FRIDAY. NIGHT ONLY | from the former © Smull farm ori a ranges 176s Der. H | ora Qs FOR EASTER DINNERS Lb 0 “Border Patrol” | ch ed m Miss Gin erioh; Jam Crisp Green | Large Crisp Heads emia herreent | Pascal Celery 0 2:4-37¢) | Iceberg Lettuce «+ 3 +-20¢ “Prairie Chickens’ |. me | om 15 BE Fresh, Full Red i High Quality, Fancy Lai Y= mbt Vexas Beets ...3-23¢ Carrots ~. .... 3+-19¢ SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY (April Sth lah Bankh am Ber > viliarny a: ! ng oh % o y *, Puy oll - —— . frem———— a—— - . - - — ———— A Fox Picture ia . gi ’ : 8-01 | 3 RP Oy ar Ne brarie 4 “set | the Prank Stover home, DEANS nnn a So for yon Easter treat : Coad | BEETS HOLE Con 12¢ iavest wews sue | Harrisburg, spent. seve FRESH DAISY | Sane Fiske: WHITE HOUSE EVAPORATED | SEES | CHEESE... . + 330 | [ASTER CAKES Bm § MILK... 10:85 April 12th Peak of Flaver and Quality | Fancy Quality— Repacked ATLANTIC | GHTI DELICIOUS! Pott, BN | CAMPBELL'S 7 : Fankenburg ’ ve oil yon rday . J; it BAIT bBEE No, 2 to top off your Easter Dinner! Tr NINE en Rs | Middletown, and Mrs. Charles R PEAS POINT FREE. / 4 Can 12¢ | SOUPS KINDS 9g » Can 1 1c Shorts B ¢ Millheim were Sat Always the Finest Selected I {in ere Sa ail d TE Ipper ests at the James Corman ¢ . i: i aa . ADMISSION y igs: Co WOODBURY'S Nor ES ; EIGHT 0'CLOCK Children—I4c Adults—710c [lA uncement has been made of { , w vd hy i ) wail bin OAP 3-23¢ | lf | A 3: c | BR » = EW Ag e's, hy’ 2% +B » N 9 , ¥ er. 3 POPULAR BRANDS | A i ? Led! 7 f 1 | PARAGON, ALBACORE (White Meat) CIGARETTES 15¢ | S=o8emm aw 4 TUNA FISH = 38¢c [ Ma am | EGGS | "|| EGG DYES | SUNNYBROOK “rr 2vnzgel | _ es Fe | |PAAS 1 re wo re wo 3 7 28¢ CRESTVIEW sumo 2 §3¢| OFFEE LAYER | PRESTO or CHICK CHICK... ™* 10¢ Ton COLOMNG, BUGS. SANDOR Ze - FINEST QUALITY PEANOT BUTTER *» a7¢ | ERPS SEAFOOD! “ , " fr # of For EASTER == ARN FRESH BUCK ’ ’ . o th ‘ | ) j : > i R d oT -E t snd oh ink MARGARINE Lh 25¢ Wa A : Smoked Skinned eady-1o-ka Shad no «27e WHOLE OR BUTT END | WHOLE OR BUTT END RALEIGH | Spring CIGARETTES... ™ 15¢ | dias | FRESH STEWING Get Quality for Your CLIMAX WALL PAPER AR fh Lb 33 | Lb. €} 0 Pt 57 T shim & 7 CLEANER ..... Shor. A806 W y £ : ysters : ¢ Ration Stamps Glass mmm mm A.-FENN : X. SHANK END. .... 1b. 32¢| SHANK END... ...Tb, 3c] SALMON wig YT JR 1 TUITE SIRI Yn ey DRY CLEANER ’ N Patents $2 29 Blues RED CROSS PAPER ai NOW ONLY 2 POINTS PER LB Steaks LIN J Ks 46¢ Gobordines. $3.08, BOs ros 270 |Ready-To-Eat Picnics + = 31¢| wx c s Tans CRACKER MEAL .. AMAA Laine, ut Pike rw =-23¢ _alfs 3.99 Black N. BC SKYFIAKE > WAFERS . While B n er Lb. 31 FRESH Kids 3.00 Whites Picnics * -29¢ aco Butterfish 23; 14-0 BOTTLE GRAVY MASTER. .. FRESH, Fully Detted (Head and Poet OF) FRESH, FULLY DRESSED SE —— hr Chicke! ns -55¢ |! Fowl <i = 47 c| oresseo nen Women’s Non-Rationed Shoes TOMATOES .......... SONNYEELD. SLICED BONELESS, BOILED Herring th, 1 1c ALP 6 3m. : SPINACH ........"% o. Hams © «= 54¢| «wv $1.69 . 59.29 _ $9.99 , $3.45 - Bacon 39¢ Cod 430 ARP COUNTRY GENTLEMAN T COMBI cs + inca mrshics JUMBO, DILL |.2.4 Lb. CARTONS, POINT FREE mew Bowes Red, Blue, Tan, Brown, Black. mt 90 LARGE GREEN | a — a a a I PRESERVES Rw Fa "on 27¢ Pickles: Buch 4c La rd LI 2 bn 35¢ Sh Fi in V) Lb. eS 1 Cc » If you are still holding a No. 18 Ration FLOUR wi 1.20 POINT FREE, FANCY * IEE URI I tu, remember it expires THE LAST OF nb MEAL : phi. + Long Island Ducklings kb 35¢ Fillets . 8 w276 FLOUR ...v. vou 20 1.29 a a ——_ As SEE OUR WINDOWS — THEY TELL THE STORY. Octagon || Super Suds || Palmolive Browns Boot Shop | | Se . 3 can 20 Bellefonte's Complete Shoe Store A Ps 2 Catia 9¢ : “i .ihe
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers