DE MOC RAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. 17, 1944. and Bothy Rishel rer und Mrs, Hor- announce the birth Pebruary ebruary THE CENTRE t—————— ETE TT _-_ hive: {i 1's FUNGI J Two Fred Lonberger, Frid; | dinner wa in hon of M Lot WwW. E fomal Jul iil Of Liu Reformed Me Jam Hi CENTRE HALL AND VICINITY | ent ST AT REE ET nd Mi 1 Bundi of im nett $3050 or the | Barb Wink, Pau }, JOY } yiagnt day } { Presbyterian day. He ¥ i bout twenty-five rer, were 8 y supper gue of rected | Mi J CHURCH SERVICES Evangelical: The Rev. W. K. Hos- termin, pastor, Lemont Church servite, 11:00: Church school, 10:00 Mr Spring Mills—Church ervice, 2:00 Tusseyville-—~Church service, 7:30 . ; or Ch rch school, 9:30 Rickert i 5 \ An Lt Mi I Oh tud = 1 . . i M1 nd Mi | Willinm 1 } Hl St UKE: utheran I atheran The Re 4 yl 7 . Sar. ta of Mi PF ursdny and Friday evening, Feb- | Chorus “entre ction la . Sundad | | " aOentre Tian Musk w ‘ 4 early at hel me in Hefonte ruary 17 and 18 at 7:30 g'clock. All by 0 Sp: n MIL, ( he 4 vit i oh Strayer ol ! vi utheran church members in the 4 4 y 5 9:3 Spring Mill rch service,’ aka {A a. # fen Troms. Bellefotte: to Mititm rr 30; Church school, 9:30. Ty , Yo po! ay Ww : yi n n Si reed fel y: 8 of hi { thi 4 . Cioodhart sheckler | mpani ank Smith of Mi C. K. Lippard, retired mis- Bellefont Reuben 8 from Philadelphia, will con pect Dac ton i Cie l 3 10:00 Methodist chool sublie l Wednesday 1» 10st Of : mond and Mi Hanna were Mi en service, 9:30 rch | J \ Eli y Kay ini nd Mi | 8 t Wagner ang ! \&l' 5s own Sprucetown *hurel ervice 10:4 ladelphis " Saturda [ter Larry, and Mi oun WK N You'll save and, get fine foods, too when good look for these famous er, Eight O'Clock, And remember, money buy eating when you choose these fine foods! Next time you you pastor both maker and se'ler, cuts Vi ym mar brands! For A&P, as manufacturing and distribution youl ALP brands en laboratory-tested for Marvel, Sunnyfield and White ALP Exclusive Foods labels . . Ann Page, Jane Park. ALP, ! end sha Red Circle, Boker, . costs Church schoo | § k I Mrs. Fra McClella LOLS Reformed } Mu ! ited M1 N {err. N I ! brother, and daughte Mild State College and made according to the mos clit House , That's are these are ony & few Hanna standard st! quality you save 8s you serve grand meals! Change To A&P COFFEE NOW! EIGHT O'CLOCK 3: 59c RED CIRCLE 47 c BOKAR 15¢ 2.51c Nectar Tea Fie ang ... 0 3 Softasilk Cdke Flour... *;" 26¢ Gold Medal Flour as. 3.37 1 Gerber’'s Baby Foods Sine Ic Cutrite Wax Paper... .... Tr 15¢ OPERETTA TO BE GIVEN IN ~GIRL APRN 1h Bag Mild and Mellow ARY fnmune tivans, Neo TENDEMHALOUR ELD tor for wuality helivivus Cume to Ann Page MARVEL | Bosron Beown BREAD Iahing . temderness nnd fimsor! Low ratios Rich and VFull-Bodied point salu Friced low “Er #xire 2 SRY IBEN, Tin Serve Ann Page Boston Mrewnn Hrend treat nd shire te be » entire Yamily! ARNEY DIES AT NIAGARA MRS. MILES Vigorous “Just Heat and Eat” and Wines FALLS ) | GREED N STAMPS GH and J xjrire turds ehraary 19th | IONA CORN . - 11¢| IEP. ve 215: = 19e Rie I ULTRA REFINED 13¢ GAUZE | CLOROX . . . SHOE PEG CORN | eT | FRESH FRU ITS and VEGETABLES! 21c LAYER I RING | CABBAGE . 1 49¢ 23¢ 24; LETTUCE - 49c Oe - 2c . 33c¢ NORTHERN | TOILET TISSUE | 6 28¢c i R——— Colonial Topsy Cookies. . . N. B. C. Graham Crackers Old Dutch Wright's Silver Cream AND PERSONALS AT 1% u LOCALS Cleanser LARGE HEADS CAULIFLOWER ENNA, BLUE LABEL POTATOES 15 (ES, TE BROCCOLI . . 2 IDAHO, BAKERS POTATOES CALIFORNIA LEMONS - 300 SIZE NEW | NEW CROP . 4 ~ 15¢ 3 = 200 ria « v “ 1 I 4 . ’ Mildred Luse entertained the The last } we basketball game of ITVeasurs ouse ut shop i CAKE 39¢ Hogut MARVEL BREAD SPINACH . Bag fon » Loaf | 10¢ | | FANCY PROCESSED 2 = Ze i 11 SWEETS . . 12 2% FAMILY SANDWICH || FULL OF FLAVOR FLORIDA sitio || || ROLLS | ORANGES : = 2 > 49 EN — YOU icc made ANN PAGE FOODS “AMERICA’S PANTRY FAVORITES” thrifty have discovered how wonderful are foods and how they stretoh food Right » when War has turned sical planning tepsydursy, thew AAFP help you hold oo 1%¢ 21c 46¢ 12c¢ 15c 26¢ 19¢ Regular . Sandwich 10.Lb. = u un Bag i Lont eC ———————————— WHITEHOUSE SUNNYFIELD EVAPORATED MILK | CAKE FLOUR >» 10 = 88¢ FAMILY FLOUR 2% ___ MEAT SPECIALS! FRESH PORK LOINS 30; -25¢ - 36 HAMS ie. Ly - 33¢ END 34¢ End, yuh Ready To Eat, Skinned a PICNICS St 18¢ 1» Aner Ann Pag throughout ARI dollar! ~ Yes, you and other shoppers on own Show wan UNIBIPA} | & ner ET EEE FESS 1S MILLHEIM FRI Lh Redding were Mrs, Waiter Dreibel. A time—7:10 and 9:90 F ; ant Gap, were callers (il »«. Crabapple Jelly Grape Jam ..... Salad Oil . . . . Baking Powder Mello Wheat Peanut Butter qunlity foods sold exclusively by food bills and dress up menus LOIN END CENTER cut Admission lc and 30 Ann Page Lg» LIE »- TE HET Le LTE APE TT 1 Print nu Ann Page 25¢ Smoked Skinned FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY g si ollege, Thu Feb. 18th : in Smit Sill, OKia ne 3 D wid A : i , : forms mother ¥ § Mildred A Li ' vei it Sort 1 ’ : ine 1 t of tin Cnemien Ca Ann Fuge med Can COW i Ron Phe Ann Page His Singing ’ \ utd \ ing ¢ Mrs who has | home of ] M. Hostermm { “FRONTIER FURY"! a Okinhoma: since: last © One nt were: Mrs. T. O “CARTOON PETE SMiTn-] (ober Will not return with Sgt. Smith Jones. Mr a: yr SCREEN SNAPSHOTS Gears: ahi eo! and Miss Smith Small Smoked ® 1602 dar Ann Page Fond 2 LI | = iS Pint Bottle Ann Cuge Whole, Ry i Port the home of Had Lb. SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY (Feb, 180th) A Real Show fer the Ent Family “HAPPY LAND” A Fox Picture Frances Dee Carey Ameche Harry Don Also Finest Selected Shorts LL 8 Ls $e WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY (Feb. 23rd) Joan Davis, Jane Prazee "BEAUTIFUL BUT BROKE” America’s Funniest Radio Gang! IYO HORE SUTIN a he flidred Smith O. F. Smith, J and daugh- of Middle River, Md., Mr. and Howard Peck and two children Lewistown and Mr. and Mrs Robert Glenn and son of Lock Hav mn and Miss Frances Harvey of College Members of the Woman's Culld Cabinet of the Relormed church met Wednesday evening at the hom of Mrs, Virginia M, Myers. Plans were made for a Joint meeting on March 2nd. The members present were: Mrs, T. G. Jones, Mrs. H. L Wink, Mrs. Maury 8 CGoheen, Mis H F. Lewis, Mrs. George Mothers. baugh, Mrs, GG. E. Meyer, and Mn Clarence Cox and Mrs. LeRoy Kling er | Mrs. Jacob Bharer, Mrs. Henry White and Mrs. Ollie Yyelser of Cen. {tre Hall, and Mrs. Elizabeth Chat. ham of Lock Haven, spent Monday | lat the Frank White home Mrs. {Chatham spent. the week at the White home sere Mr. and State M Paul College, spent Ella Gingrich Mrs. John Corl and son of Slate Wednesday with Mrs Musser entertained with on party Saturday alternoon In honor of the seventy birthday of her son, Bobin The guests were Mrs. Irvin Rishe] and daughter Dor. othy Lou and son Billy of Lemont Mrs. Pred Lonberger and Miss Joan Hess, Billy Patterson, Jerry Rishel Legal Notices ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of HAROLD D. COWHER iste of Beliefonte Borough, deceased Letters of administration on the above estate having boon granted to the undersigned. all persons indebt- 4 0 She Said estath wre requested make me inte yment, and those having claims ARAInat sald estate same withowt dels to THOMAS B. Beilefon te Pa, Administrator, MW ugh |attomey for Ann Page Ann Page Ann Page Ann Page Blended Syrup Sandwich Spread All Purpose Mustard Orange Marmalade . .. Macaroni or Spaghetti 3 Pint Jar 23c 12c 18c nn 25¢ 16 Glass 16.02, Jar 2b. Phg. I8c—I-Lb. Pkg. 10c SLAB BACON Piece A&P Fish Features! FRESH SHAD Roe Fresh Haddock Fillets Boneless Bluefin Herring '» 39¢ | Blue Pike nian ' Se Wale 29¢ » FRESH OYSTERS 39¢ Buck ' 27¢ | Stewing 60¢ | Frying 65¢ 23 alt |! | LUX Jur FLAKES a 23c RINSO 23c Laree Pav age LIFEBUOY| SPRY HEALTH SOAP 3 c20c ib 4 2c 3. 68¢ SHORTENING Lux 3 . 20¢ -y eo. 0 0. OWNED AND OPERATED BY THE Fw : GREAT ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC TEAC, © @ re
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