THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. December 9 , 1943. $ | | i BE While we are considering the var-inot forget the home front, the in-| Issues are vastly more impértant! The war has taught us to discard | Inflation, like some diseases, is CENTRE H : \ND VICINITY lous fighting branches that are gan dustrial front ang the financialithan men but it requires men tol flat-map geography, If you know dangerous because of the after-ef- didates for “sinning the wal lets | front imake issues what we mean fects — — — ————————. ——— ——— ————————v— |] V. A. AUMAN ELECTED { Miss Barbara Knapp, a student at will be collected to defray expenses MASTER PROGRESS GRANGE Penn State from Youngsville, was a Coach Paul Breon's basketball — guest soloist at the Reformed wore. team meets two new adversaries til At a recent meeting of Progress ship service Sunday morning. Miss week, Philipsburg, Tuesday afte Grange, these officers were elected Knapp spent the weekend here with noon, and Tyrone this evening. Both for 1944: master, V. A, Auman; ov- her roommate, Miss Joyce Bradford. games are away from home but re- erseer, J. Thomas Delaney: lectur- Jack Dale on of Mr. and Mrs turn games are scheduled for later er, Jack Caldron; steward, Marvin painh Dale of Bellefonte, pent last in the season Sharer; chaplain, Mrs. John B. pyesday with his grandparents, Mr. ‘The senior class play, “Don’t Take Wert, 8r.; treasurer, John B Wert, and Mrs. J. B. Wert, Si My Penny,” will be presented tomo» 8r.: secretary, Mrs, John B. Wert Miss Mary Delinda Pottel who em (Friday) evening in the school Jr... gatekeeper, Ralph Homan a ; : Hopi 4 nk "iow y } substituted last week for George fuditorium at 8 o'clock. The cast Ceres, Miss Thelma Burris Po-. v , , . \ + including the entire se . Sweeney at the Centre Hill school Including the entire senior class mona, Miss Louise Ralston Flora fh i lie ‘ i ‘or re tee ." p s ill with grippe and a head abs- being directed by Mi Samuel Gloria Brooks; lady assistant stew- Rus M y dni aun ie tan hing (HOVE : ‘ ard, Miss Ruth Burris juvenile: CC: UNIS, (JRINGs sOver AM MAch Mia: 1 ' ’ > matron. Mrs. Haroid ‘Bohn: exech{D 100] this week Mrs. David I. Graybiil is teachin y Come (o Asp for quality-famous Ann Page Béans.... delicious, tive committee member, George W. The Ladies’ Bible class of the Re- 8 a 4 h ol Sursn je UNC ey She nourishing, Boston Style Beans with Pork ! Ready cooked to Ralston; finance committee member, formed church met last evening at © 00 Pd, . ‘ross, 101 i favor pi getion. they're a “quickie” dish to save 'you time and Ray Sharer, and insurance agent, the home of Mrs. John Delaney. (00 IHS ebb, Weck In (he Dente please your fusail with their satisfying pobdness | Mate ond V. A. Auman Ihe Reformed church Christmas gon" oF oho pre Witking iA erty AAP | wer Now Only 10 Green a i a— ~ Jean Bartholomew, 1 1943-44 BASKETBALI 19 at 7:3( lock i a xe tiomew, 30s tom, ana fir i : : EAL, . SCHEDULE 1S ANNOUNCED Mrs. Chester A. Spyker, Mrs. JohN for Dennis Heloer. Movin ot Sout | VE “JUST HEAT | Points Per Jar! ett Sweeney, Sylvia Horner lor. N ; r \ AND EAT" ae nem 3 : ” \ Leagu Jan i Sprin ks, Ruth Burr 8pott Grace Hagket! Hall, aws Jan. 28. Snow Sho mre has , ery. Emma Jean home . ) d y Fi Ten Aino . ; ‘pr grb Wagner a) ind Chm 11 Qari . Rita Anderson ARs Somtt ter of Mr. and iH AMD: { Bellefont Play Fair With Food SHARE IT! On the home front, we must be content with 5% of the ' ee. food Atverican produces—the rest “we must send to our So Ariied Forces and our Allies to win a speedier victory “up h CHOOSE A&P COFFEE! Don't ds. Bus ol . buy more than sour immediate nes all the you can. DON'T WASTE ¥OOD! Flavor Makes It HURCH SERVICES eR of 4 nE he Red irgical dre , : gl. : : a ane Tae WI. Hos], G7OUDB of the Lut MISSICR- class taught by Mrs. Guy Miller an : fs ra x | od America’s Favorite! Mild and Mellow abuaa am De we. | 8 O0%clock 3: 59 h Fruit and Vegetable DS a rm Red Circle 2 = 47 ioral csessagy 10°. §97 Bokar... 2+ 51¢ ee eary Wits vid Purple Top # Condor....=u 31c Cauliflower =m | i * Iceberg Lettuce wx 2" 230) 3, a} Lm unrationed foods re “fresh fromthe farm vh vitamins snd rar ol then healin You i save money, ER RS SNR ty of f a grand var nd they contain so many toe, NEL —— rae 30." Simca; chool, 9:30. Spring marred Tecently and have goe to| Paul Fetwrlt and son Drew of Fresh Spinach i 2 we 23 | crisp Pasont © 18 en rn Be $90; i sn a pit | Ferenr —e= At Loweet Potatoes s . «= C ELERY ; C A K E in, bs SB et FE Penna. Potatoes Ray 63 2 «270 } LIE Maine Potatoes "wi" ix CH Bn 39: Serve the Children Plenty of Nutritious Orange Juice! WW <0 TLL frosting Chock Full of Juice, Sweet Florida | COFFEE CAKE Due ose fai-4 Mie: Clitord Meyer. These members Lewistown ites "Semon Engen hmch Leh A sie i DATED SUGARED DONUTS .. >= (5c Leister, Mrs Lee Mever pa | 14 be A the home of T Stanle rooks, Pert. the } Sud M y. rT Vf MARVEL BREAD , 7%, is Ho {Oe | RE td Ter. | Tess wewmteis uttendid, MI. ponies‘: Dap, Min i Frage ga Co =e SF SLICED! ENRICHED! FAMILY Mrs. J B i 44 - yy Golden . < 20-1. 1 7° | White House Niblets Corn Whole po X dag Loaves Evaporated Grains MILK | Green Beans 5. . 10: '85¢ . 5 in swonTENS ——="| Diamond Sait ©: 25 11c | SPRY *- - 68¢ cess | Elbow Macaroni iz 3:525¢ ff — ioe ALL SOAP POWDER Am Pay 1.0 2 ALFALFA HAY Is GOOD BRAN Mello Wheat Wheat Fame 2 — Sc i NSO Lye 23¢ FEED FOR LAYING HENS Lye 18¢ eanut utter ; : ECONOMICAL A LITTLE GOES FAR Poultrymen who are oncerned : } KH Page 2° Jae 47c —— - on| SION The Sortuge of toes outa. k : BABY-GENTLE WHITE , ing vitamin A can take ! Pat fn he were | Graham Crackers 1:7. 33¢ | SWAN “Gp He suggests that _ ell-cured 3 SHREDDED aifalla hay be gis nn birds every day. In addition to vita. ’ . . : AT! f ¢ min A. properly cured alfalfa hes WwW H EAT 'All-Sweet Margarine Na Yuen kb. 23¢ i nore containg protein and minerals. The the Havor i < second and third cuttings are beiter 12.0 10c | ka 99 44 100 PURE for poultry than the firs: cutting Pkg. ¥ 5 The better the hay. the more feed. . ’ / 4 Med. ing value. SBecond-growth clover and J] ,. Ke P Wea 1, MIA Compan 0 Cale H soybean hay also can be vsed (Jo * a Accordifig to extension pou'try Staley's Cream y FLOATING SOAP specialists of the Pennsylvania State » 4 College, many poultry farmers feed Fl or the hay as i comes from the mow SORA moke ICNICS "0" w. C |i 9 44100° PURE IVORY putting it on the floor of the laying H Bone In C pen. However, less hay will be wast - i Ry. ed if It js-put in a container made : of coarse poultry netting or Woven 2 IL e 0] | eo am Smoked, Boneless Lb. $ on eo, Fire fencing ¢ placed where the Whole or Pie wire fencing and placed wher h ” : Lb KIND TO EVERYTHING IT TOUCKES hens can reach it easily. Most poul- trymen like to cut it up fine with . ‘ Er CO — Pork Loins [2 . ... vw 27¢ | 1 cost water somp—ivomy When pullets are housed they ore likely to get no green feed or rough- Colonial a age. such as they picked up on the CRACKER Fresh 3 range. For this reason it would seem . or ou er 4 Lh. [H ici Picnics » MUNICIPAR MILLHEIM w— NEW SHOW TIME Show Time~7:10 and 9:00 P. MM ARRAAAAAS Admission 1le and 30¢ ATTRA IRRA IRR ARAMAMA AAA WY FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY December 10 Lulubelle and Scotty Vera Vague Pappy Cheshire and Tennessee Ramblers, in "SWING YOUR PARTNER” Color Cartoon Sport Reel Orchestra Reel SAHARA AMAA SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY December 11) ae a re Po -—. et Rough, Tough and Hot-Temp- ered George Baft and Sydney Greenstreet (The Fat Man) in: “BACKGROUND TO DANGER” Also Peter Lorre and Brenda Marshall SAR PASE a wv What a Find ! ; ; desirable to feed some of tie legume ‘ a All my troubles hays daily, after the puilets are L we FOR SILKS AND WOOLENS about small selection housed, Aside from the feeding va'ue k Fresh Bulk 35¢ of the hay, it supplies rougiage and . 10-0. 10¢ ie FRESH Por Sausage ffpe ?. 1a LAUNDRY SOAP ho Mo, - - wv AMAIA WAM MAA WY WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY (December 15) ad of toys and gifts to Keeps the birds busy pleking at Pkg. h from, ended ; “when I visited 1 mmetting. ius siting to some ox PA" | Fresh Ground Beef » 25¢ © P&G 3-1 8 WHITING = 10¢c sii “ uw 39c § Claster's = 7 vim | Sliced Bacon “¥ . | Pin Cushions BE | ANPupase dod donde | ; FAST. EASY ON THE HANDS ut, do like they did— 2! Pin cushions can be made by nu- + J | Household Cleaner R i F h 1] Small, Whele ing with dry hair-combings. Or, y BEACON SEA TROUT .. » i res AMS or Shank mare > 30¢ TOILET SOAP Sho Earl dried coffee grounds are also excel- SR ENS i on genom Siin Y| ZERO | HE fie. = ne Fresh Spare Ribs »21c § YX 3c. 20¢ A ; es | es cacti i Quart FRESH STEWING CLASTER'S #1 wines ™irr. +, | | Soe 19C | ovstens .... = ssc| Smoked Squares * 21c § xeers suns soir avo swooms Try rubbing pure olive oll into the scalp USE OUR LAY:A-WAY: for a jew nights 48 succession : OWNED AWD OPERATED BY THE GREAT ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC TEA COMPANY @ Shampoo the hair often and rinse adadetetadessdens an) well in cold water | * - FT » - Return Showing! AAA MAMA MAMA MAMAAAAA AAA LT FARAH TAALAALA LALA ALAA AAA LA LAA ALAA AL AAA Aa & One of the Greatest Stories of the Year! “MY FRIEND FLICKA"” (All Technicolor) Roddy McDowall Preston Foster Rita Johnson + ATTFRFFTHT ITI TITTIES AALHAALAAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAMAAAL AAAI LAA AAA LAALAALAAAAAAAAAAA LA LALA LS SALAS MAAN p—
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers