Where t A HEAVY BOMBER cruising at a speed of 250 m.p.h. lons of gasoline an hour, he Fuel Goes may use 200 gal- @he Centre Democraf WHERE THE FUEL GOES An Army Trans- port burns 33.000 gallons of fuel oil un day. \ ar VOLUME 62. NUMBER 18. BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1943, SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR. 3 Men ounded As Sei ®n Opens ft Port Matilda Man in Seltous Condition Af- ter Accident in Woods; Few Hunters and Light Deer Kill Mark First Two Days. Three them serio son in Centre this week Reports fi of ) that The season © Mond COUNTY SOLDIER KILLED IN Pfe. Willis G. Martin, ‘Moshannon, Is County's 26th Reported Fatality 29, horged Weaver hilipsburg v 1 1 reported being though they vement he Was 1 impros condait said The a Bud Daniel A bull ged truck wm Page Two) COUNTY GRL IN county Centre County's twentv-gixth re- ported casualty of World War Pic. Willis GO. Martin, 29, son of Mr and Mrs Milford Martin, of Mo- shannon His parents sage from the i NoOUunCcing that had beer killed § action in Italy .on October 10 details were given in the messag Pfc. Martin, who participated the battles for Casabla Biser and Tunis, was seriously wounded August 14 at Salerno, Italy. Por more than a m I is believed to have undergont ment before vice Pvt. Martin Moshannon area as ducted into the Army on June 20 1942. He was sent Ft. George Meade, Md., for training before em- barking for ov Verseas duty. He ar- rived with U. 8. forces in Casablanca (Continged om page Siz) Railroad Worker Bags 18/2-Pound Gobbler Gilbert A McKinley. 37 Curtin, employe of the Pennsylvania Railroad, interrupted his work FPri- dny morning long enough to bag an 18%; -pound turkey gobbler-—the first turkey he's ever shot McKinley and several fellow em- ployes on the Runvill-Clarence sec- tion of the Snow Shoe Branch, were traveling up the mountain on a handcar, on their way to work, when McKinley. who had taken his gun along in the hope of getting a turkey, spied the large gobbler near the tracks. He stopped the handcar, yale a short distance into tHe w s and soon returned with the large bird Sunday was a festive day at the McKinley home with the hunters mother, Mrs. Isabelle McKinley. and brother. Carl both of Milesburg. be- ing invited to the turkey dinner have recely ed a War Depar me he returning t better kr Eddie” was in WWHn In to of near il is! IPRTNENT FRE Ruth Hoffer Climbs Down Firemen’'s Ladder From Third Floor Mid-city fires rout score: 2 saved by ladder ends a banner headiine in Monday's Philadeiphia papers. Of interest is the fact that a Philipsburg girl was one of the score apartment aig Me damsels sa 0 fire fight ried her (als ved 5 car we dashix buildit artiment whom wa Wg COMPAN) caped Judy been Mis has er Erad- with Hoffer ramp’; ‘ontinged om Page Three) down the lad Lougee he emplove ince ————— —— Dean Phipps Store In New Location: The Dean Phipps Auto Supply store during the weekend was moved into the room in the Owens building at the corner of Allegheny and Bish- op Streets formerly occupied by the Bellefonte Hardware Company The new quarters provide more than twice the floor space available in the former room further north on | Allegheny Street Edgar Weaver, manager of the store, announced yesterday that a number of new lines of merchandise have been added to the stoek, and that additional departments have been opened, including household items, electrical supplies, hardware !sporting goods toys and others Some remodeling of the store has been compieted and further improve- ments are planned as soon as neces- sary materials are available Weaver | said J. Thomas Mitchell, Local Attorney, Completes History of County Bar A most interesting and addition to the written history of Centre county, just completed by J Thomas Mitchell, fonte attorney and historian published serially In The Democrat, with the first beginning this week The history is entitled “A Review! of the History of the Bar of Centre County.” Centre installment | uicable | ployed well known Belle- | will be in the Willian ¥. Reynolds i Bank, which later became the Belle fonte Trust Company. The author's mother was born at Howard, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs {Jacob V. Thomas, but was au resident | of Bellefonte from infancy all dur- ing her lifetime Upon completion of his studies at] the Bellefonte Academy. LLWG. iSchfol at Rebe. sburg, PORTED SAFE N'3. PACIFIC Survivor of Torpedoed De- stroyer McKean Writes to Wife Here MAY HAVE SUFFERED INJURIES IN SINKING Was Aboard Ship in Many Major Engagements in Solomons Area Bloomquist telephon all % Page Three) (Continned Student Injured As Chemicals Explode Daye . LeRoy Daye in the Miles Lien M: 5 dent id on of Mr { Smuliton, stu. Township High suffered pain- the face ang one fie wis Struck IN worging in the and o ful lacerations of eye Fridoy when flying while BCHoo] He Count gins DOT al was br Hoapl eaterday Elks Lodge to Hold Memorial Service annual memorial » Beliefonte Elks 1s will be held at 2:30 0 ary iVernoon 1094 ; Bun. Elks Home on The speaker E14 COCK | day a West High be Rev. Francis P. Davis 8t. John's Episcopal church Officers of the lodge harge of the memorial while special music will be furnish ed by Titan Male Chorus. The public is invited to attend the ser- | vice a atl the street recid " wi Le I ceremonies the cn — 54 MEN CALLED i BY DRAFT BOARD : 31 Go to Army; 20 Navy, 3 to Marines in Month's Quota Fifty-four men from the area served by Local Draft Board No of Bellefonte, passed examinations for military service in the Novem. officials announced this oS “ ber call week Of that number 31 will be taken by the Army, 20 by the Navy, and 3 by the Marine Corps. The Army contingent will leave for the recep- {tion center at New Cumberland on | December 15, and the ones accept- ed by the Navy and Marine Corps will leave this week to begin train (Continued on page Three) n—————— ED ———————— POLICE SEEK GUN SOLD BY BEECH CREEK YOUTH An 18-year-old youth an automobile in Lock Haven and sold a shotgun for $3 on a Belle-! | fonte street wag apprehended early J. Thomas! |lnst week by State Police from the! but it is far more than Mitchell entered Haverford College, Pleasant Gap substation. The youth | to: who stole! that. For Mr. Mitchell's account of and upon graduation from that in-|is Edward L. Rupert of near Beech! the activities of members of the bar stitution entered the law offices of | Oreek. includes many a fact and anecdote | Blanchard and Blanchard, where he of general history, much of it here- | studied law. He was admitted to the tofore unrecorded. { Centre County Bar in 1804 and prac-| The work represents the fruits of | ticed here until 1918 when he went two years of research and composi- {to Mississippi. He remained in that tion on the part of Mr. Mitchell, who State for 12 years, returning to since early Youth has been interest. | Bellefonte about ten years ago ed in local history as a hobby The author, son of the late Isaac | him in close touch with historical Mr. Mitchell's practice has brought | and Deborah Thomas Mitchell, was born in Bellefonte and received his! early education at the Bellefonte Academy. His father, a lieutenant in! the Civil war, was a native of Phil-| adelphia, but came to Bellefonte upon completion of his college edu- cation, and for many years was em- | . | Gata, for he specializes In land title work and legal matters of similar nature. Mr. Mitchell and the late Gov- ernor James A Beaver were largely {instrumental in founding the His- torical Society of Centre County, (Continued on Page Siz) Police said be stole a car owned | by J. Earl Nyman of Howard, R. D..| { November 21, and drove it until he was caught the following day near! the Centre County Hospital, Police | stated that the youth sold a 12-: ‘gauge double-barrel shotgun he found in the car 0 an unknown man | he met on West High street. Police! the gun is returned. Rupert was returned to Lock Hav! en where charges against him will! be brought by Clinton county auth- orities are interested in obtaining the gun | to return it to its owner snd stated! that no prosecution will be made if {pointed Mrs. Mary Cole Heverly, SON [ Thar's Gold in That Thar Bar ! nd bear wa mountains two men had killed it with a couple of well-aimed bullets. November 17 ir : on : wher : —_— " the mountains near Yarnell Thet the ct ey af A druggia AS while skin: he ’ Ey he 2s JOT: hag the Andrew Jeune lism sid joints. sore falo Run muscles, and the lke Oldsters will Sea Bix Bg sou there's nothing like bear oli Ls " rabbad on well to relieve such oon. sharp knife AEH Erase a But ger | & £3 5 SANE get tit of the alter the Vitis a Pro Bear ofl § Mig 4 f al in Bul- Valley Sha wiey nearly Fen “Chin Fhe he was using sip Shivers wh wb) es reported 18 cents MRS. B. HEALY FOUR TRUE BILS IES SUDDENLY County Jury Commission- Grand Jury Ignores One er Succumbs at Home Jill; Reports on Inspec- After Heart Attack tion of Co. Property { 1a id ine Distr the Grand Jurs December t bill Cents ang B. Heals four afi one sone erie L3¢ presenta - was with Lt vas reach ved the case { Lock Haven Heals at Rockviey death follows lipsburg. f. & b Lemont, morals 8] Phi 3 Weaver Walter Ji Walker P . Healy to sers out § ol I Jury Commis. CHAIRS held at tre dg ine named oirad term as sioner, a pos of her death Deceased was a daughté and Mary Landers Farley born in Cincinnati, Ohi 7. 1871. Surviving is a daugh ginia C., at home, Mrs. Heals graduate of Notre Dame Ac Cincinnati, O. and was the family of seven children member of St church, Bellefonte Funeral services Steward Ro Woodverest, State (Continued on Pape Thres) SCOUTS TO HOLD ANNUAL DINNER Entertainment is Planned For Event at School Cafeteria, Dec. 14 it she ang Oa To, adems were held o'clock yesterday morning John's church, with the Rt Filliam BE. Downes officiating. Inter- ment was made in the church ceme- tprvy oy Preliminary plans are in progress for the annual dinner of the Muncy District of Boy 'Woodycrest Man In Jail on Morals Charge Steward Ross, aged 70, of Woody - crest, near State College. Is in the Courity jail under $1,000 bail on a icharge of having illicit relation with a daughter, officials report Ross was arrested by Pvt. John L | | Bisenhooth, of the Rockview sub- i station State Police and at a hear- {ing before Justice of the Peace Harold D. Cowher, of West Bishop | Btreet, Bellefonte, last Wednesday. | { he is said to have pleaded guilty to ithe charge. In default of ball he i was committed to jall ——— cember 14. The dinner will be serv. ed by the high school home econo- mics class under the direction of Miss Verna Ardery Robert Smith, of Lewistown, new executive director of the Juniata Council, will be introduced to the | Cates of State College, chairman of ‘the Juniata Council, will be one of the speagers. Officers of the district i will be nominated and elected at the meeting following the dinner, Entertainment will include songs i picture of scouting. Tickels ok y \ (ER each and persons are to NAMED JURY COMMISSIONER | reservation with E. Keith Anderson, Judge Ivan Walker yesterday ap- chairman of the committee, or one | of of the committee members before | East High street, Bellefonte, as Cen- December 10. All parents of Scouts | fre County Jury Commissioner in in the district, members of troop: the post made vacant by the death committees and the district com- of Mrs Fred B. Healy d {Continsed on page Six) $ ARE RETURNED - Scouts of America | ‘to be held in the cafereria of the Bellefonte High School Tuesday, De | (district at the meeting fonte phy who has been in the ‘U. 8 ‘March this year, has been promoted Hrom Lieutenant to Captain, accord. by the Kiwanis singers and a motion | WRITES MS, | ININDIA Former Bellefonte West Penn Employe Finds Country Interesting MANY RELIGIONS COMPLICATE DIER N GUST Ft, IN ves LIFE 4 ” S. Soldiers learning How to Barter With Native Tradesmen flowing letter was rece } I John ( Louise Tingue, of Unionvil from her hus- bang Corporal John C who is al nt somewhere in India. Cor- poral Stere, before enlisting in De- cember, 1942, was employed by the West Penn Power Company of Belle fonte and he and his wife reside Bishop making her Unionville dated ved Blere lle FL | Blere a on ’ Street Mrs. Blere now home with } Corporal er mother in Stere's 1943. and bs letter October 30 As id you will tre f are = ira act I 85 1 Am alowed India is truly ¢ and enchantment 10 the life of medi. few of the people clothes, that is any- re: oramiilon a The men old a loin cloth seem to follow a pattern. The seems 1o be a saree a long flowing robe shoulders and the ground remote ls A Gress from a Dem clothes or iin shee! about 10 The women's little defini standard costume which contists thrown about very nearly jralling The saree is most ma feria] from coarse muslin the (Continue on Prge Theol thrown more is of 3 their on 4 ade of ars in Everitt Drug Store Is Sold Yesterday The Ev Allegheny 4 store o South ior the operated pe eritt drug street, Bellefonte bE Ed Hven YOR by Donald R. Everitt terday to Charles L. Scheibley, who cones Bellefonte from Lancaster The new owner will take charge to- i Ts] was sold to Mr. Bcheibiey is a graduate of the Medico-Chi College in Philadelphia, in 1911 began Career as a pharmacist. For the past two years he had been Owner Of a drug in Lancaster. He and his wife rented Mingle home on High street and will move thei: sessions here Immediately Mr. and Mrs, Everitt and <daugh ter, who came to Bellefonte seven years ago, will continue to reside in their present apartment above the store. Mr. Bveritt haz accepted a position as service representative of the Smith, Kline and French Drug Company. His territory will include most of central Pennsylvania During his residence here Mr. Ev- eritt established an enviable repu- tation as an able and dependable business man Dan Grove Leases Cadillac Garage Dan Grove, of “the Grove garage 8n 8 : ule ang EAE store have East POs- the fe coi North Thomas Street, Bellefonte, has | leased the Cudillac garage formerly occupied by the County Chevrolet Company at the corner of Allegheny and Bishop Streets, and yesterday * the establishment was opened for business under the new management. Mr. Grove, who expects to continue with the Plymouth and DeSoto agency, announced that the entire second floor of the garage will be de- voted to general car and truck main tenance and repair service, while the first floor will be used for storage Purposes All equipment and furnishings have been removed from the former location on North Thomas Street, into the new quarters said The Grove garage had been locat- ed in the Thomas Street building formerly the Haagen Garage, since January 1842 The stock .and fur. nishings of the County Chevrolet re- cently was disposed of at public sale. Local Physician Becomes Captain WAC ———. William J. Schwartz, former Belle Army Medical Corps since ing to word received Monday by Mrs. Schwartz, of East Curlin street, Captain Schwartz has been sta- inotied at a base hospital in Panama since August, Prior {was located for a t leans, La. i Schwarte and with him there. a ‘a transfer to the Canal Zone, t family returned their Bellefonte. i reaching goal Mr Grove Lands Damaged Plane in E ngland Ut. Eugene Shultz, Former Centre Democrat Employe, Brings Crippled Fortress Home After Raid on Germany; Crew Listed As ‘Missing’ After Parachuting to Earth in Enemy Territory. Eugen Shultz ol Democrat lot of a Flyin England after Lt Ala ontre nere iamaged 1r PHILIPSBURG BOY FATALLY WOUNDED Native of County Acci- dentally Shot and Killed at Clearfield England Shultz enli 18 mont} WAR FUND HERE NEARING QUOTA - Expect Final Reports Will Put Total Over $20.- 00 Goal Bellefonte 1» within faacie ts quota for the Belle. JAM fonte Community War Fund With Jr Bellet ohiy partial reporis received from al from Ee number of indugtries the campaign ibis home early Friday mor how totale $196B252 of tx £20000 found the same alternoo: the OF Car Stolen Here Found Same Day of Penn paris street ils Rg ™ v iv BB EX} ™ ' ony will ‘several hundred report: C. Brown palgn The Welfare tion. i guota ¥ $12.200 National na Official returns had been 1 from the Bell Telep! West Penn Power © Wa Continued on pape Siz) reported that or mpan: The time has arrived to pian that most useful of all gifts a subscription to THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT something that will not only be appreciated every week of the but carry with it a constant reminder of the giver Send a gift subscription to some sure to include that boy in the armed forees overseas orf in the training camps at home Nothing sou can think of will bring more pleasure at so modest cost. You really are sending Sty two gifts for the price of one Vear and be friend or relative Here's all you do to arrange for a gift subscription Cut out the blank below. fill in the blank spaces by writing plainly the name and address to whom the paper is to go, and send or bring it to this office with one dollar and a hali--the price of a year's subscription. If the subscription is 10 g0 10 a soldier. be sure to include full military address. And if the paper i= 10 be sent overseas the rate is two dollars We will begin sending the paper immediately with the first issue of 1944. We will also mail a Yuletide card to the recipient bearing your name and greeting, in time 1% reach him or her by Christmas Day (Use this form when orderbg subseriptoon gilt) THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT. BELLEFONTE, PA Enclosed find $150 (or $200 if overseas) for which enter a Christmas subscription gift for one year (0 the following address: RENEWAL ]
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