THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. December 2, 1943, —— — -— ore : _— w— ————— — ———— . | | The Centre County Hospital ad- 'Stormstown, to salve Lhe hunting] Looking out a window of his home [ning toward the back yard. Peters went out on the buck porch in time iyard. One shot sufficed. The deer (ministrative stall, as well as the los |problem with p minimum of trouble. | Monday, Peters saw a fine buck run- (hastily took his gun off the rack, to meet the deer coming into the | was an 8-point buck, sleek and fal {eal commitiee in charge of eolleots | ne ee a cp ps A +o eal ii EE RE EE . S———— ing canned goods for the hospital CHURCH SERVICES | Mr. and Mrs. William Hanna were wishes to express appreciation far Evangelical: The Rev. W. K. Hos- Buests of Mr. and Mrs. Willlam the generous donation of nearly 800 ” terman, pastor, with the Rev. N. L.|Hanng were Mr, and Mrs. Ernest ja,5 of fruit and vegetables, besides y 3 Hummel, district superintendent, of-| Wagner and son Larry. Miss Jean other foods, contributed by Centre ficlating this Sunday. Locust Grove Hanna, employed at State College, Hall recently ~=Church service, 9:00; Sunday spent the day at home also : school, 10:00. Centre Hall-Church! Mrs. Charles A. Miller entertain. WwW service, 10:30; Sunday school, 9:30. edthe Gleaners Evangelical Sunday Three Men ounded Bethesda—Church service, 2:00. Tus- school class at her home Wednes- As Season Opens ui ; seyville—Evangelistic service, 7:30; day evening. These members attend- ——— Sunday school, 9:30. ed: Mrs, John Shaeffer, Mrs, Btew- (Continued from page une. x borer . a Lutheran: The Rev. C. C. Otto, art Hosterman, Mrs. A, E. Limbert, ,,.q unit (nto several pieces, The ] é ; pastor. Centre Hall-<Church service, Mrs. Alma Rickert, Mrs. Reuben jaipest piece struck Weaver, while 10:30; Sunday school, 9:30, Farm- Rickert, Mrs. W. K. Hosterman and , cmaller section hit Copenhaver, ers © Mills—Church service, 7:30; Mrs. William Hanna. inflicting a sealp wound. Copenhaver : " d > # PF Eo ik Ss 7 Sunday school 9:30. Georges Valley! Miss Della Hughes of McClure, underwent treatment at the Phil- 4 ¢. hd o Church service, 9:00; and Sunday ‘spent the weekend with her sister, ipsburg State Hospital and was able ; : n O ner yes Tr 7] Fa school, 10:00. Mrs. J. PF. Wetzel and family to return home afterwards i v J a Methodist: The Rev. C. M. Ham- Mrs. Mazie Lee, Mrs. Kathryn Little information was avallable : " Eight O'Clock Colfee—America’s fav. mond, pastor. Centre Hall-Church! Breon and two sons, and Mrs. Wil- about the accident in which Car- orite—is a blend of finest Brazilian service, 9:30; Sunday school, 10:30: | liam Hanna visited Mrs, Jesse Bish- rick was injured. It is reported that — . coflee, IL comes to you in the favor. Sprucetown--Church service, 10:45; op in Milroy from Saturdey {o Mon- the group of which he was a mem- bi | seiled bean—then at the momen Sunday school, 9:30. Spring Mills— day ber had just killed a deer and were ’ " you Jv, t's Custom Ground exact! } ‘hh service, 7! Su Vv S ] ' y 1 rit rrving it to thelr car when a rifle righ or sour coffees maker Yo Olytire h service, 7:30: Sunday school, The Rev. Wilmer H Long of Nor- gg ] 8 i Ron oo oo rt get Aner, fresher flavor. Remember, 9:30 ristown, a guest ol the Rev and ay ” all A dit edd ” ty } re! 2 : h pre-ground eoffves—days, even wee! Reformed: The Rev. D. R. Keener, Mrs. Délas R. Keener fcr several © cidenta ly di charge . ahr N ~ < : old, cannot mateh the flavor of re 4 ot . Or vo rrtoke 4 ’ 134d . 1 / pastor Centre Hall-—Church ser- days, recently gave an illustrated striking Carrick’s left foot, near the i ll Pl Iv fresh coffe For res! sean . vice, 9:00; Sunday school, 10:00. lecture, “Trees of Penn's Woods," in big toe et 9 ev : buy Eight O'Clock In the big 3-pound Tusseyville—Sunday school, 9:20; the Reformed church Sunday eve-' The wounded man wa admitted | - wy A bag! » po re “Ou N it § "ee 3 . church service 10:30 ning. Special music included a solv, 10 the Centre County ospital here BOAT / rl | MILD AND MELLOW . 0» Trees." uns bv Mrs William #8bout 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon ; aA THINS ! v . , and his condition vesterday wis de- ’ y g ‘ 1 $ Campbell, and several numbers by 80d : 4 Wo Knepp—Holderman | itheran le quartet. Person 5¢ ribed as being “good.” State Po- . ’ ry Miss Melissa Holderman, grand- l x ran ma Jor 24 ol ' et . : ’ wv" > jay { r 1 7 ine] the quartet includes Chester 4 : daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A W.i - R it ig Rhoads. Ernest A. terday afternoon were investiguting 3 . ” Holderman, of Tusseyville, and Pvt 1 ober HH hE oa the {shan whicl occurred eal ] y ; : k Si 1. Harold Durst the mishap wialch ured Nn ’ = im ; 23 See it in the fresh bean when you buy! Walter Knepp, of McClure, were Frank. s and « Millhe 24. at the A W. Holderman home class will meet this evening at the Kl is Light Rieh and Full Bodied KEEP ON BACKING THE ATTACK : ae @ torter s lee from Rockview sube-station yes- BEGAN oy LR ai ad be 181 of the Evangelical church, officiat- Ladies’ Bible cla is scheduled to Bellefonte, yesterday repoited that ing. The bride graduated from the meet Wednesday December 8 at while a “fair number” of bucks hed Centre Hall-Potter High School in the home of Mrs. John Delaney been killed the first two ¢ Li the class of 1943 and is employed Mr. and Mrs. Rov 8 Jamison and 5¢ason the total was mucl in the G. C. Murphy store at State children, Kate and Nellie College Pvt. Knepp attended the Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mi Hunters an compmratiy McClure schools and is now station- gp. p. Geary in Bellefonte and far between, Mosier ed with the U. 8. Army in Arizona Mr and Mrs. T. A. Hosterman and & noticeable scarcity A dinner was served after the wed- Mr and Mr J Prank Smith were De! While deer ding to the following guests: Mr on Sunday of Mr Prank plentiful, there as married Wednesday evening, Nov The Reformed Friendship Bible with Rev. W. K. Hosterman, pastor home Stanley Brooks. The! OCame Warden Thomas Mosier; of RED CIRCLE .... 2 | se! and Operated By mig h by Lied } n & , Every minute by which the war can be sho ce Grest Atluntic & Pac Vigorous and Winey BOKAR fewer lives lost—fewer white crosses on a lonely hillside, “Enriched” : Hick 3 ok a DIG DOWN DEEPER, Buy EXTRA War Band: He: J FAMILY | Orange Sherbet igh Flavor hort the war by those vital minutes, or days conpon : ${vh shorn y v LC " months. —which mean American lives saved. BREAD [4 A IK a and Mrs. Fred Gharret and Mrs. | v in Bellet 4 derancs I doe and ines 20.01 TS, Verna Wynne, of State College - g sl aad aanah. Dave falled to sight legal buck $ . . ' 2 Los .t 1 T | Ca # 29: Rev. and Mrs. W. K. Hosterman and’ : Afi Amma Tella. | MUCh less get a shot at one, the of- : B A & P M f w th ( f d io | : Ellene of Centre Hall anda MASS ~ oo re. ‘. ALN ro Cia) a i uy [4 a S l 0 n { e n £ e . A —————————————————— RE —————————————————————— Mary Swartz Zettle on Thanksgiving. | TW illegally killed deer have been : REMEMBER ., . BROWN STAMPS G-H-J-K EXP.RE DEC. 4th “Jane Parker” | Batéd Fresh GRANGE GETS REQUEST Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stov ‘Bobby ®t ca p m. freshiv kitl- : | RO? 'RONE WOMAN Miller. harles Shaw of Altoona, | i" woo turned over to the Centre Cc ™ progress Grange. "in ce e Hall , " \ de ia By h E n Cle i Sgn jai, he ole J hs " ; ” W E FRESH i] 0 ! MN 5 Points) Rib Lb. es F R u ! T D 0 NU 5 S recently received a mn Fri SI RY ai Io aout 0 RE heh i vars A POR Ty . a | n 2 / C A MK = | H, a 8 ; from the late Mrs Al [ ».) Size 9%: than normal TN TE $ 0S (5 Bayard of Tyrone 5 AF q with Ey ns and families wis found of the persons respot ib 3 LOIN EKDS eR Lb. 30¢ (B Poinis) ® CENTER CUTS el LS. 35¢ (8 Paints) Mrs. Bavard yr any ¥ I's 4 ! yi aboths . Cn for shooting Ww deer resident of Centre Hall and vicinity, a nt . A reeees Hunters are handicapped this yes ; M ED bequested this sum in memory of wy A re : ” Ak . . : TF by several important factors. One 8 i 1) cp ad Rib i her father, Leonard Rhone, founder ils dl the great searcity of ammunition ; (3 Points) Ends Lb. Encampment and’ Mr. and Mrs. E. E Zetue, Andrew ‘ Another is that lock of snow makes POR K i of the Grange yi Pair and leader Io Grasige activities Zell n spent Th ARSgiVIng, after Saag fmpossbis, and 4 ol % | Lom ENDS ...... Lb.35e (5 Points) @ CENTER CUTS .... Lb. 32¢ (8 Peints) 43.1 mpi Shes cine = gorges HAMS wo . 53 : r, and Mrs. Pred Harvey amd ooo "wo vidiine there for several! . Ba angther actor which may: he : : Who's Lb. » np lighters of 5) li eh se were In oe da us od he 4 ht i 4 fut hae ¥ Cmoked Beiled or Viece C DATE | Ann Page CE ey Mis. Robert, Gestiast of Wilimh the run and con- |B SLICED Lb. 65¢ .. . 10 POINTS ON BGTH TYPES CRUNCH MELLO amsbprt ; ton a! n veral days last quently JE) filet nat ry Tal y WEEK ith ner par 3% | : Wii st ¢ Many o ths Buanling cating £ pa Sot hg el hay | : 5 WHEAT Ty no $e \ ¢¥ is ii i 3 iad : 3 ] | il Lim OQ a ii . 3 : BA wi ’ ‘ 5 ¢ 2 f 1 ani a cereus ars XR] SMORED wt, Pea yf | a 50 ar sali se . unt then 3 PI be hek ¢ . i £340 son Drew. of Annville Shen on Mrs. SBavilla Kryder entertained Among the hunters slo were sii x Cake 25:2 2 ed 25c¢ Thanksgiving ye Mrs. Edward Rider and Mrs. Lavina cessful were the foliowing: George | SMALL 3 nse her parents hang Fioray tw dinner on Sunday A. Kelley, of the Forge south of ; Paci Lb. C Frank. Miss Jacqueline Helsey was a town, an Sint buck weighing y SM OKED Dinis . NECTA R “ana” CUT Miss Clara Lou Wetzel visited An gepkend guest of Nr. and Mrs. Roy | about 165 pounds. shot Monday of ( ) Lb Pe Sunbury from until Sunday | putrow Indian Grave Hill near the Beech ; FRESH PORK SAUSAGE Bulk, Type 2 Lb. 35¢ ® GROUND BEEF am ub . 23 Pekoe and | 2 i ; i i Orange Peokoe | GREEN | | with Miss lores Kline el M tuth Billow spent the 1} Creek trestle on 0 Show Shoe 4 I I ur, a {Sy Yattion with PR Charles Hoover. of Willowban! POINT FREE! FRESH DRESSED and DRAWN — HEAD & FEET OFF T E A BEANS home Mis Charlotte - J Ephrata v and {1 John A Kirkpat- ot re Beliefonte RO A 8-poimt tx ® 5 | spent the Thaniogiving vacation rk pert 4 day ot bec heme bere weighing 18 pode Timi mor: | CHICKENS o S1c « FOWL = 47c¢ ie 49s | =210 paren r. and 1 ¥ Pkg. C Cen e with her ® the Snow Shoe Mountalr 4 ——————— % Kel : Coalport here they spent Th » : : Ld Ww with the Ley ; Leonard Schreflier, 16 Mr. afid Mrs. William P. Campbell Gl 8 nn, 0 "land Mrs. William Schreffler, of Val- and daughter Anne, Jae 3 Max a Fink nt last Tues eal ne treet Bellefonte ot 8 9 - a Fresh Dressed, SEA TROUT ".» Lb 35¢c oh or five ir t > olege 8 " : v : 18% giving dinner in St bh day with Mrs. J Harold Dw point buck weighing 165 the home of his HOLE X ry children Patton township after having been “ Campbell. Guesls of hong ry Muth Bailey, who was spending a out less t an hous 2 and Mrs. Robert Campbeli on leave ving vacation with his pa: as. Milesbure from his army post at p Sibert, | in Lewd bo n led at the W ar Wingate: Albert Kochik Snow Frewh Fresh { Fresh Dressed “Sunnyfield” “pil! n Ala. Lt. Campbell will nd IW | op erlin home on Thai Shoe nt buck: William Walk- i Stewin Pt. 59¢ Pan Lb. Oc | Spanish—Lb y PY Shury weeks at Camp Belvoir, Va, before eh af ies ewing a | PANIER—LD. is Camp Bev, Va. etre 1, FE 1, 0° RE CO By sr bf P:R 1 FAMILY, | couoen sake relly § 10 Alabhama Mary Flink, were also guests of Mi Gap. one t each. Robert Xa . ant ———————— and Mr rlin ang amily in Thompson. Jr. Bellefonte, 7-poin bs ‘ MARKET QUOTATIONS Thanksgiving buck, weighing 125 pounds: Mo HOLSUM'S PEANUT CRUNCH . }'> 30¢ EDUCATOR CRAX .... : 24¢ 1]! i C ted Weekly by C. ¥. Wagner ¢ Bryan and T. N. McAlarney, both of % Jur & Co. Inc. Flour Dill. Be 'N. J. visited her parents. | Bellet buck each; and K T= Jo GRANDMA'S MOLA With 30% Sop & Co., Inc, Flour Mill, Bellefonte Newark, N. . visit her parents. Bellefonte, one buck each ant ; BOUILLON CUBES Reeth Ox, . .... Te SSES ‘os 20 oa 200 ul ' Wheat 170 Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Goodhs near Charles Rider, Colevilie, 8-point ! 11h : 25-Lb. it's Yi 8 Tans weakend a § BOSCUL COFFEE ........ 330 PREMIUM CRACKERS «nc ji» 230 e147 Pigs. gq Jamison and daughter Sireessfyl State College hunter § MEXENE CHIL! POWDER Tis ide ENCORE EGG NOODLES Jo : i8e . { daugl Oats (ate. spent Saturday near Mifflin. include Henry B. Young, of Irvin — Bares 0 burg with Mrs. Kathryn Jamison avenue, who shot a 6-ooint buck §8 CRISP COLONIAL TOASTS .... 5» 220 dexo SHORTENING ........ 3° “SUNNYFIELD" “ANN PAGE" Rye 20; and family in the Besar Meadows: Jay Lightner Buckwheat 5| Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Spyker of State College. R. D. shot a 4- £ DAVIS BAKING POWDER ..... “** (de [DEAL DOG FOOD .......... %" NUT pM. ; daughter Ruth, spent Friday point buck weighing 135 ponds in ¢ PORT PANCAKE PEA with relatives in Mar- the Barrens, Monday (i CAKE FLOUR seemina .... 0" 180 BORAXO HAND SOAP MUNIGIPA L A J. D. Slenker in Lock Haven. ed in an early survey . A. E. Emery and two children, | Following are the Kills made irom 4 Th y H S J . Wayne and EC eTile. vere also Sun- that community, Mond ey re ere .. ". o 89 weel uicy le bt po | First day honors apwar lo be : ER : : Jane an Martha Spyker firmly in the hands of Pine Grove : | i day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Slenker. | Junior Gearhart, 8-noint buck shot the weekend with Mr. and Mills hunters with 10 bucks report- : 24 ne. 21C| J 4AcC — NEW SHOW TIME — re Cnr, 8:30 a. m.: Jahn Show Time—7:10 and 3:00 P. M. Harbold f.noint. Barrens: Harry 3 a hes Admission llc and 30c a 3 Ellenberger, buck Tussey Mi. Bob : : ba A es . 4 - AMAR VAPIAVMAMANAIVIAAAY Johnson, 6-point Barrens: Paul ; : fialig las > § 1 WEL an Ripka, 10<point. Barrens; Eldon % bry Ly es ro, FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY Harvester and Hubert Harpoter, 11- ‘ : 2 ov, A 4 “Northern” {REET point gnd 6-point. both in the Bar- i 0 is WL 4 . FLORIDA 3 C PAYS HIGH rens: George Lanck, 4-point Bar- uy I LUNCH . rens: Wilbtr Dodd. 6-point, Tussey ‘ fd 10's-80's i TOILET ( Mt Ralph Judy, buck. Tusey Mt ; ££ as rices George Horner of Boalsburg, got ed | or A EAE en a buck the first day. Lemont nim- ’ — bas There are 86 many ways 8 serve delicious ARP TI M (December 3rd) no rods had little better luck with Earl ¥ Co al AE oy Seqneten] A a - "oo te or Late Model Grove's 11-tointer shot Nittany MAE by 7 Grapefruit... in breakfast halves, fruit cup segments, ; / 12-02. SE ( S mountain, the best report from that 3 Vt salad sections, beverage juice It's a favor treat 6 Rolls 28¢ Tin Cc U | ) A R Clyde Snowbarger of ¥ id 3 SARE community and se nutritional, tee! Lemont, is Jepariad 1a Jave bagged ; , Palmer C. Bierly a lhe re Alleghen Howard 4) ” Sweet > 2 OCTAGON OCTAGON Proveietor street. was successful in bring ng j uicy ranges Florida mom . » oren C rian, EBERSBURG, PA. Raine A fine buck as. the season ofp 2504-288’ ; LAU NDRY TOILET one 26 Millheim f reve mere to Bl Large Pecans OiSedin. o - 45¢)\ SOAP | SOAP ° ; esh Snow Giant “aks Jleslauiacs {| Cauliflower 557 + +o 2 *29c¢ | \3*14¢/2:e Bellefonte, Pa. Foe 25 Iceberg Lettuce =: 2++23c| | Maine Potatoes © 51.63 “Palmolive Storage Fresh, Clean - Penna. Blue Label Crisp Pascal BATH SIZE | somo [| SPINACH |POTATOES| CELERY !f soap give thorough but gentle ae- | George Stover tion. Don't make birds sick. Centre Hall. Pa 2 23 15.L% 49 2 3 : - , Pa, Lbs. Lb. Stalks 0 TE Phone 61 | >C bos C Lge. 244 C 2c 19¢ : | ing Rotamine. No toxic afters Oak Hall Station, Pa. King of the Cowboys, ROY ROGERS . . . . Sons of the Pioneers and Ruth Terry, in: “The Man From Music Mountain PLAN FOR DESTRUCTION ANDY COLOR CARTOON MAA SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY {December 4th) A thunderous drama of the men of the Merchant Marine! HUMPHREY BOGART ALAN HALE JUNE BISHOP “Action In the North Atlantic” Also Finest Selected Shorts i” AAAI RLAAAIILAAAAAMALAALATAAHAAA ALLA LL RAAB WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY {December 8th) Judy Conova Dennis Day "Sleepy Lagoon” TRAINING CHAMPIONS BLACKETING CARTOON FHA FI TITRA LAMATAALAAA A MAAA LARA MAAALAAA LATA E TELL HTHH AAR HARTA ALAELLARAIRVL HERA AMAIA AAAI shock. Phone Boalsburg 2661 EC a A A Ch A.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers