THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. November 25, 1943, - " ——— - i | jaunt and other relatives in Milton. (ter Bernice of Mill Hall, were Bun-| Clement Reigh of Bellwood, visit Haven Weil, we can be thankful this year U N ! 0 N VY } L L ¥ {8he returned home Friday evening. 'day evening®callers at the M © led at the R. J. 8pangler { that we about } | Harold Bish returned to work at Bowman home | Saturday afternoon observe the Titan Metal plant fn Belléronte Methodist Church: Prayer service Jones announces that he will do on Monday, tor having been off this Thursday evening at the home papering and inside painting for for the past three months convalese- of J. H. Finch, which will be a'persons desiring such work done, {ng from a broken leg Thanksgiving prayer service, Bun- | Just through the winter months, Society Meeting The regular day school on Sunday morning at since he will not be available when monthly business meeting and social 0:30: youth Fellowship in the eve- spring planting and other spring of the Woman's Society of Christian ning at 6:30, immediately followed work begins, Service of the Methodist church will by the regular preaching service at | Guests to dinner at the home of be held on Wednesday evening, De- 7:30, with sermon by the pastor, Infes. Hazel Barton on Sunday, No- cember 1, at the home of Mrs, Mar- Rev, W. A. Snyder, {vember 14. were her mother, Mrs, garet Keatley, The “watch collec Free Methodist Church: Prayer Ida Mae Hoff and son, Hull Lucas tors” which are out will be collected gervice Friday evening in the church, !of Tyrone, Miss Rose Henderson of at this time, and each person i8 re- Sunday school Sunday morning at Altoona, Miss Georgeanna Holt of quested to bring a 10¢ gift for the 9:30, immediately followed by the this place, and Ida Mae, Florence, Christmas party which wil! be hold regular preaching service at 10:30! John and Edward Barton, This is a after the business session, Let's have with sermon by the pastor, Rev, correction to this same tem which a good tiinout at this meeting as it David Joseph. Young peoples meet. appeared in last week's After- Is the last meeting of the year and ing in the evening. noon guests at the Barton home the new officers will have charge the ame day were Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert next meeting ‘and we want to en- Sunday evening Keatlev and daughter, Lois Ann, of cotirage the newly elected officer home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry J A A , Tyrone Some of the new officers are Mr oe tee fy Joi + yy pe y : . a ” ie ore NT et jo a and Mrs. O. W. Bullock Clark Williams, president, Miss King an au Ne a i yrone, p one, race Foster. Ruth Parsons, vice president; Mi Jos © ® » C344 Mrs. Susie Wiser and Patsy Wiser =o 0 0 to al Kathryn Tolbhelm, secretary; Ms Sal \ a $x je! hi 8 of Port Matilda . Louise Stere urer; Mrs. Blan : » Ns ; 4 Throu chard Holt, secretary of local church activities; Mrs, Margaret Calho'mn, soc. missions Mrs. D. H Cus‘e: membership chalrman; Mrs, Clak Carver, fellowship chairman Mis Orrie Holt, spiritual chairman: Mr Carl Flick, music: Mrs, Oletha Lu- children's work; Mi Rosanna Burkholder, Mterature and publen- Ida Mae Barton, young | viee 3 Profes sor of biology at y fe There will be a special ser Baptist church on Bunda Dee. Hth At that time thet Lock home on | the i Teachers’ College, will give ining rated lecture Other Outstanding Values On A&P Poultry! Fresh Dressed and Drawn Large CAPONS “~c.™ OH = Fresh Dressed and Drawn Ceilin £6¢ | GhickENS gra Bg OW « 47¢ DUCKLIKGS . . .. 35c Burry's Seasoned 6 Or ois Work bo a Stuffing 7 13, antiques and which dern. Refreshments were served PINE GROVE MILLS : DON'T FORGET ... BROWN STAMPS G-H-J-K and the committee takes tl ms AnNoURcEanEnta have been received “rey ’ is EXPIRE DECEMBER 4th. SPERD "EM NOW! of thanking all who attended and in State Collere and Pine jssne the ones callers at ; ed end and were en- mer on Sanday at the home of the latter's sister and gh numerous request IY husband, Mr. and Mm Charles | Beighto] of Howard The he 1d trea: ona ’ missionary tea which was last Saturday afternoon and evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs Howard K. Germain, was a decligd sueeess. Persons in attendance en- over pletures which their childhood tion and souvenirs AAA Aaa a a a PMMA AMAL ALIAS IATA SLAIN cas joved lo king UNICIPAJ | MILLHEIM — NEW SHOW TIME — Show Time—7:10 and 9:00 P. M, Admission llc and 30¢ AARP RALAAMAAIBLWA IIIA WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY (November 24) Wallace Beery Fay Bainter Wallace Beery, in: SALUTE TO THE MARINES (All Techni AVAL BAA AAAI THURSDAY NIGHT ONLY (Thanksgiving, Nov. 25) Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy JITTERBUGS “HEAVENLY MUSIC” “OUR GANG COMEDY" AMAUAVATLULIALAIA LIAS FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY {November 26) William Boyd in another “Hopalong” Western ! UNDERCOVER MAN Also Added Comedy: “NATZY NUISANCE" APPT BLIVIIVAALLLAALAANAAS SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY (November 27 On the “SPOT” Realism . . . Roaring out of the skys! TONIGHT WE RAID CALAIS John Sutton and Annabella VAVLAMAAAAY WEDNESDAY, DEC. 1st: “Best Foot Forward” Technicolor. aan) ! were on display, of N 4 4 ' peo and otier relics WAITER PREY TEE TILA TIO TV ee which were there were real modern ak (10 Pvt ¢ yrored Boneless HAMS * SiENICS SQUARES SAUSAGE th Stewing helped make the afternoon and eve- y Mills of the recent marringe of as well as most » Germaing for OCorve H. ‘Woods Mrs. George MM. Woods, Hills Pittsburgh. to Mu t Keeler, who is Chap- beth Shallenberger, of Squirrel 8. Army stationed at Pittsburgh. The wedding tock ing Grounds Md, ar- in the Phrst Baptist church yn on Monday, and on Rev, Dr. Bernnrd C. Clason wccompanied to AbeT- fleinting at the double ving deen by nd Mrs, G. W. Bullock, mony. A lun cheon was served in th vho expect to make thelr home for Hotel S:henley folk wing the con the present with thelr daughter and mony. Pvt Wood a andson wn son-in-law, the Keelers, at Aber. namesake of the Inte “Dr Georae deen. We will miss the Bullocks In Woods ang Mn our community but wish them much Grove Mills. and success and happiness in thelr new late Cyrus Woods home, 7 the will re- bassador te Japan turn again. They sold thelr is still Nving In here and fumi- and was visited their son of My EE PR YOUNG HENS—UNDER 131, LBS. FRESH DRESSED AND DRAWN, HEAD AND FEET OFF. Everyone a color) perfect specimen of turkeydom — plump [which means extra meat on breast bones and joints] delightfuly tender and flavorsome. One of these grand Pilgr m birds wall make your Thanks. giving feast a truly festive fare. Don't deley— order yours NOW| hope thoy have OUR CEILING PRICE Lb. 62¢ moon Fre oh Co | [OYSTERS gig BIEY 1 [Hy ~ §5g Fresh Dressed Drawn, Head and Feet OH Head and HE HARVEST IS IN: gar iIves Ar wt off » ix here and A huving ne 5M A Thanksgiving | thes shopping? 8 Yer ARP Super Markets _ outstanding onl anit Yor pod for econgmy’s stored thelr » until their return hone delight- Roy Sunday wa Clark Will CW Centre County Hospital mms very members of A ily entertained the 7i-Mo-Ma-8is cinb of the tom. the past week at her home last Priday eve. and Mrs. O present were: Mrs. G 1 their farm equipmen® in ) 34 Williams, Among best for a well deserved © Lt and Mri. N. Emest rginia, and Miss Sa:a Hew RKO in New York City. were an ast weekender at the par home, Mr. and Mrs Samu ol Our good Meng C at the Cen : YOUNG TOMS OVER 16'; Lbs. Fresh Dressed, © ar Gilliland wn Feat ot farmers: retire A&P Fcod Stores and Super Marhets Will Be Closed AH Day T hanks- giving : Howard. fy! J. RW! 1 her k Ax of hot ; (hou=an yp and : - fruits and wet nirion ¥ At the ¥F rouh Frut ab nes high Tek Lat where quality co hb —— for sons Thanksg ving or Cahhare and scores ao sake. Make your Tha many fr ¢ ere or h AP has a bumi sent other AAMT LAAT MLMALAAAAMAAALAAAIAIAMAIAMAMAMAIAT VAAAALAMAMAMAMM AAW WWW Ir Supe MARKETS CRISP PASEAL CELERY Stalks 2 7 26-42's C Owned anf Oerited By The Great Atinntic & Pacific Tea Company [SS aaa naan AVA JERSEY SWEET POTATOES wn 290 FRESH. SNOW Y-WHITE. LONG ISLAND CAULIF LOWER NEW CROP CRANBERRIES 39¢c Bond Dill Pickles Gravy Master For Prive rae Cake Flour see <nees Dixie Oleomargarine Silver Polish “5h. | Paper Towels [2 Cross Apenn Motor 0il a Q Inet ROR ee Fancy Grade “A” A&P PUMPKIN 2. 21C “For Smoother, Better ALP Pumpkin Takes The Prize” four and the Al Ko, 2 Cans = Richer, Fies U.S NO. | PENNA. POTATOES EL hae eo Sr, 20 Page ©*** Phe Ne. ¥ §8¢ RHHROREIROWMB IQR NERS Ran 3 Change to Really Fresh A&P COFFEE | 8 O'CLOCK "uxt 3.25%9c ny RED CIRCLE 5% 47c¢ BOKAR .. Winey = = = 2 In Slc CONDOR Ns Cousin. * ui 21€C | Hs 18¢C ns. BC ns 23C « ">10c Blue Label Lb. x Hetil Elbow Macaroni lona Tomatoes Cans Imitation Vanilla 100 Baking Powder Goll by ucpeiient AT OUR WONDERFUL SELECTIONS JUST A FEW hw Tons Vigorous | Crh ae IY Pree en 120 Mires: Best Extract ....,...m™ 2M @erber's Baby Foods on Te Can 2 mile 24. 13 fan Dependable Sunnyfield CAKE FLOUR Gelatins and Puddings JELL.- OR ROYAL DESSERTS wo = N. B. C. Rit CRACKERS Ann Page BEAN | White Moute EVAP. MILK . 10 c. 85¢ 1009, Pere Hydrogenated dexo ak . 63¢c Fortified With Vitamin "A" NUTLEY OLEO . . . 2 31c¢ Plump, Tender Sultana STUFFED OLIVES . .."%™45¢ Serve A Spicy. Delicious Le Be FRUIT CAKE 2-Lb, 04 §-Lb. 2.1 h As low as They Really Fly Size Site WHITE LAYER CAKES . . PECAN COFFEE RINGS . . DATED DONUTS "i= BOSTON BROWN BREAD MARVEL BREAD Enviched « « Sliced, Enriched, ARP Hr Tender.Cooked wion Fish- 4 Hospital, FI and Miss Bonnie Powell of Boalsh Pepartne nis of thelr treatment. She is some giving dinner John LRalhe an spent a counte Centre county with his friends se | lege Bertha Albright were in Altoona last enjoyed their annmel bear hunt in Baileyville Grange Baturday at the {the school bell Mang as uspal setice her mother, Mrs. Page stayed {with Mr. and Mrs. John DeHaas [ily of Corning, N. Y., spent Sunday | drews of Tyrone, on a trip to Bouth | attended the butchering at the Floyd Boston Style @# ® Pvt. Glenn, who 8 now en Motte { ment in proper condition. sn of Midland, Pa bo day there wil Miss Minnie Rensor three Mi Betty Ho Harvest Tame at dds last week in the Centre Coun- days In better since Farmer Sanmmel Rudy go Turther Youll iy Potato | her return and her many friends on the state highway with the Bweet Polators. Ue visit us | and neighbors wish for her a mast tion of the snow [ences with her €Fal days last week He return DANISH KRAUT home Friday Mrs. GI ' ines is now emi CABBAGE J Mrs. 8. Conor Miller of State Col- lege, enjoyed a pleasant ssekend In the country at the home 4 us 3 39 Misses Gertrude and Maud iller Wedneaday on a shoDping visit to Me. RW. Reed In’ toon hospital the Breech Creek section, where they are well atquuinted with the bear habits regular meeting in Centre Hall Mac Musser 88 a guest Saturday of Billy Potter in Oethre Hall Many of the pupils io thie schools { here were expecting a vacation on Monday due to a break in the fur- Mrs. Walter Lindsey has returned homme after spending a month with ther husband who Is employed at at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bechdel. Miss Evelyn Andrews and girl |The two Tyrone girls had come to Lock Haven from the football game ion Saturday. with Mrs. Shangraw’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Edward Heverly Last Thursday Mrs. John DeHaas | Mowitain to visit Miss Myrtle An- drews, who is a patient in the hos. | pital there. | Bechdel home on Tuesday. | Mrs William Glenn js returning { Home from Missouri on Tuesday, She | overseas. A. D Gunlach ‘has rented the | | former Harter garage and has em- | {| During the past week two local boys in military service, returned home, Ear] Jawes received a medical’ aus! uretenl patient t week with her close friend, vpn noliday tah ty Hospital for observation speedy recovery Conirad M. Fry of Altoona, was gempiing re a mage SIOEESS. ed at Pred’s restaurant in State Cal Mrs. Emaline Rossman Farmer David Heichel and Samus] A. Homan represented —— nace, bul they were disanpointed as York. During Mrs. Lindsey's ab- | friend of Tyrone, spent the weekend Mr and Mrs. Shangraw and fam- | atcompanied her sister, Mrs. An- Mrs. Donald Gardner of Howard, had been there with her husband, i ployed a mechanic to Keep his equip- | discharge, and John 8hilling is alsg! oo +s 16.0: 15¢ Loaf 24-Ou = 10e DONT WATT | M 39¢ "Darts Extra From 1.55 BILLY AND RUTH TOY BOOK COME AND GET EM Mrs. Pearl Kunes went to the home of her brother in Obio for the winter, Mrs. John Williams was a sub. | stitute teacher In Tth and Sth grades for two days last week during the | = : ¥ CLASTER'S High Street Bellefonte, Pa. iliness of Mr. Kamp, the teacher, Edward Heverly returtieq from the Williamsport Hospital on Sun- day afternoon after undergoing gur- | gical treatment there. Mr. and Mrs. Mintzer and daugh- BREAD . . 17c Camels, Luckies, Chesterficlds, Etc. ‘ 15¢ CIGARETTES “=. ....
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