Where the Fuel Goes A HEAVY BOMBER cruising at a speed of 250 m.p.h. lons of gasoline an hour, may use 200 gal- @He Centre Democrat WHERE THE FUEL GOES An Army Trans port burns 33.000 gallons of fuel oil a day. VOLUME 62, NUMBER 42. BELLEFONTE, PA. THU RSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1943. SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR. BrushValle By Qevere Storm Wind Described as® ittle Twister’ Destroys Telephone Lines, an Jproots Many Large Trees; Area Is Still Without Telephone Communication. A wind storm age violence Valley Saturday havo | Rebersburg bowled of them bein Madi | Complete Training G. Jane Zahniser jconscidus for a time ¥ { Deris Ruth Meyer The two Centre counts above uating clas pital srsin commencer were Miss G. Jan ter of Mr. and 2 of Unionvilie nd from the Bellefonte 1640 "4 We the class of main at the the required taking her tions After hopes to enter Miss Meyer i and Mrs. H A burg. and was § ersburg High School 1940. Her plans fon not definite at ti Miss Meye the Miles Tow 1929 BOX SOCIAL I PLANNED BY P.T.A Capt. Joseph M. Schmuck- er, of State Police, to be Speaker, Tuesday The Bellefonte P. T. A dressed by Capt. Jos. M er, of the State Police at port, at its regular high school cafeteria at 7:30 day evening, October 26. The ject of his address will be “Juvenile Delinquency,” which Captain Schmucker r by rite Many years 5 ition. Captain Schmucker touch briefly on the use and effects of the weed-drug, Marihuana Mrs. Louis Bchad has kindly sented to present several musical numbers by a trio composed of Rev Francis P. Davis, Ernest Martin and herself An added attraction of (Continued on Page Four) 5 will be ad- Bchmuck- Williams- meeting with fs Lami of experience | is of con ~ the eve- EE a NI Bellefonte Gets New Veterinarian Dr. Ssamul B. Guss, veterinarian, graduate of the University of Penn- sylvania in March 1043, hus located | in Bellefonte and is temporarily re- siding at the Baum apartments, corner of Curtin and streets. Dr. Guss, native of Berks county, Allegheny | form Val- had assumed the Brush county little tu ter" little twister in the noth' nig « Other areas of and wind, but ordinary The path of heaviest destruction is rej from } It 0 highway west here Bell Telephone blown ove d to be along the andall Bowe ? bu Rebersburg wrt farm Ol iit "re Ie ng been twisted All te Madisonbt ling territ lenhone epaon Te vice, official Axe Mann Cyclist Is Struck by Car who received cuts and bruises about the right arm and a possible slight concussion was un- Noll Re-Elected Head of Hospital Board Noil presicent of Pleasant Gap, wa of the THEATRE S BLY = DMAGED BY FR A man _- , Three Firemen Injured zu pr n . Fighting Blaze in Build- ing at Philipsburg The Majestic Theatre at Philips- burg was badly damaged in two- alarm fire which ravaged the build- Tuesday morning. Dam- yet estimated, amounted to thousands of dollars Firemen were from their beds at 6:30 o'clock when man noticed smoke when he passed the building going to work. The alarm was turned in from a nearby corner signal box Ten minutes later another alarm sounded to summon additional fire- men Three firemen were injured. One suffered a laceration of the head and two were overcome by smoke The fire started in a large lodg? room above the motion picture house and burned through the floor into the theatre room and through the walls and celing of the lodge room The fire was difficult tp fight be- cause of the dense smoke which hampered the efforts of the fighters fContinged a ing early age. not called a yn Page Four) Shull Sale at Millheim Grosses Over $7,000 An exceptionally fine public sale was held Saturday at Millheim when the personal property and real es- tate of Mrs. Orvis Shull was disposed of The personal property grossed more than $1600 and the real estate was sold for about $5400 making a gross sale of about $7000. E M Smith, of State College, was the auctioneer ’ A, RAAB Bellefonte Football Player Is Injured Thomas Beatty, Bellefonte High Behool football player, was admit. ted to the Centre County Hospital! for treatment of an injury to the iright knee suffered inight’'s game with Jersey Shore. y Hit Centre ne fonte Encampment in Monday | al. SHAWLEY F MILESD LPORTED DEAL German Government port Says American Killed in Action HAD BEEN OVERSEAS SINCE LAST JUNE Attended Bellefonte High School; Entered Service in August 1942 ) hd nued on page Fowr) STUDY EXPANSION OF LOCAL ARPORT Council Hears Suggestion For Enlarging Facilities For Post-War Use A suggestion for the posible p War expansion of Lie Belielonte air- port was discussed at some length st ja regulary meeting of Borough Coun. | week Monday sight after Reel #0 Kusse, secretary of the Chamb:r of Commerce, reported that the Alle. gheny Alrlines is showing some the town Ese TIger Between Pittabur erest In as “ top on a line gh Harrisbur y road Of BING Maid Oe ovey the nrot (Continged on Page Four) —-. FAMILY QUARREL AIRED IN COURT Woman Sentenced for As- sault and Battery on 12- A family which flared out in an altercation in the sixth grade of the Spring street school, September 20, ended in court here Monday moming and resulted in a woman being placed under suspended sen- tence for two years-.with a clear. cut warning that further demon- strations will result ing a jail term Defendant in the case is Mrz. De- Sales Crawford Lambert, of Fast Lamb street, Bellefonte, who was charged with assault and battery on Barbara Rockey, 12-year-old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rockey also of East Lamb street According to the story told in court by the Rockey girl, Mrs. Lam- bert walked into the school room, began an argument with tae teach- er, Mrs. Priscilla Poorman, who left the room. Mrs. Lambert then walk ed over to the Rockey girl, pulled her hair, scratched her face and {Continwed on Page Eight) feud i Grand Patriarch To Visit Bellefonte Rodger W. Haas, Grand Patriarch of the 1. O. ©. F. will visit Belle at ia regular meeting Monday evening, October 25. it was announced yesterday. The visit here Monday will be Mr. | Haas' first official visit to any En-| campment since his installation as, {Grand Patriarch ! The committee for the meeting {has planned a program of special | music and refreshments. I'he specs] {ial music will include the frst tt Deeds Speak Louder Than Words Last Thursday one of o the office in his best bluster know what the Commissions three VEUrs Apparently he had read the savings of $48,000 passed along to Centre County through the reduction of the His question was a fair one answered himself if Reports, which had appeare stone Gazette, and which are Office at the Court House ron Ww ur frequent callers came into ing manner and demanded to ars had been de ing the other thi th [raed abo it taxpayers of 1943 millage could 1 the article in which he lave he had examined the official Auditors’ and the Key Prothonotarv’s 1 in thi file in the paper hat they ing off the debts and reducing the | and the Inst the Counts The former board of Co Home and upon the debt of At the n addition to this standing notes the bonded but the $41,500 bearing interest at 4 Was 24; When the new Monday of 1940 there was a standing notes $41,500, and f $12,601.71. The the outstanding nots of their amounts due the Poor indebtedness. These payment on October 1 of placed $127,000 det office 1 debt new on it po nrst notes, three vears honded itution He During the Out board red term pal this » I) mini on Institut gin Nn year tht standing note NCE en Re while 11 DO 11 ded debt Board tu bonded debt of $112,000, out yr kK on the amount a iced the 1 i on 14 d off the stand District £45.000 on amounts “1 f £15.000 [| 1 a total reduction of $114,101.71 In the case of the offic bonded indebtedness of $200 891.01. In the + . , £ . ’ N nree vears they 000 bonded indebted On County on the first Monday of January LOO ar paid ofl tne: which will be paid November 1 of duction will be $96,851.01. Thi | County and County Institution District 18 what the you question f the offic 's Office. They whose majority ie That igures, il them ination o thonotary 1Itors memi the majority members of cratic. Attempts w i in thi concerned nor mace campaign It is no bil De real issue office is Administration, Roosevelt ton. It is solely a question of ial Auditors’ WETe prepared Hy the Commiss 80 far as the the Hoover Administration, ner Harrisburg ne Commissi Ld | « CAI Reports [3 eT a] vEeDUDI IONers MIR Were © divert your n Commissioners’ a question of the Harding Administration. nor the wr Washing Centre County and the record t of Charles F. Hipple and Fred C. Mensch as disclosed by the official records $210,992.72 and in 19 this Qouat y. They reduged the debt 3 lowered vour milisge 3 mills, re- ducing the taxes this vear $42,000 That is what they have vears and they are presenti: favorable consideration. in t for the next four years Deeds alwavs speak lou accomplished in the past four ig thelr case to vou for vour Cove heir candidacy for re-election ha " a ler than words “= Gunners’ Mate In Pacific Writes Own Views Concerning the War of the 10 be met ably portrayed in we received Monday from Mate sailors vie war, and of Oe proYiems ter the War, are , Gunners second class ing, son former M. Ward Fleming street, Bellefonte of Join, former well known Centre enlisted in thé Navy about two years Ago, oeived hig boot training =i. the Oreat Lakes Naval Training station and from there was sent Bain- bridge. Md where he Was an in- structor in gunners untili | some months ago when he asked for and was granted appointment to active sop duty. Since then he Has been on duty aboard a the Pa- cific area Fleming began in business as a writer Journal, Philipecbhurg, ang subse- quently was emploved on Bellefonte newspapers. He also worked on newspapers in Chicago and other cities before entering the service His Jetler, dated October 8 lows "We were two months without mali] and when it did come The Cen- tre Democrat was very much piesent and very much appreciated It is difficult to express in words: haw eagerly the home town paper is per- Two Bellefonte Men Enlist in Sea-Bzes county te {io warshiy the newspaver fol- Eimer Decker. manager of the Decker Motor Company. and Alex- ander Morris, III, traffic manager for the Titan Metal Company, left last night for Pittsburgh to begin training with the Sea-Bees. Both men expected to be sent to Camp Peary, Va. lo receive prelirmnary training Decker and Morris are volunteers and have received ratings as second class petty officers. They are siassed as storekeepers Decker has been in charge of the Decker Motor Company here for some years and during his absence ‘that business will be managed by ‘his cousin, former Assemblyman John W. Decker, of Spring Mills, who also will continue his teaching duties at Spring Mills. During her husband's absence,'of Lemont, is in the county jail than $i50 when Emmanuel church charge Mrs. Morris will continue her resi- dence on East Curtin street, and this week accepted offices of the Titan has been practicing with Dr. MufTly imade to determine the extent of the —newly organized quartette of the! two years ago Mr. Morris was an of Lewisburg, since his graduation. |injury were not known yesterday { Bellefonte Kiwanig Club. | employe of the Warner Company, on the Daily: Gunners’ Mate 2/¢ John M. Fleming used by the boys in the service Be- ing a Bellefonter only by reason of parental residence my knowledge of the people is limited and my interest in events aimoet nihil But 1 read my paper from sow to stern and cen appreciate how much, what Murray Andrews so charmingly re- ferred to the natives,” must en- it You servicemen as FOV . me ones tbout how about the war Maybe 1 can you straght on a few points and at the same time get some things off my chest which have been bothering me Jor some (Continued on Pape Eight) - asked fo {eel sot State Store Now On New Schedule The State liquor store in Bellefonte was one of 344 stores throughout Pennsylvania to go on a reduced schedule of operating hours Monday ! to save mopey and comply with man- power shortages. Monday through Friday the store is open from 12:30 to 6:30 p. m. and from 12:30 to § p. m. on Saturday Held on Morals Charge State Police at Rookview last week reported that Paul W. Weaver, 36, without bail on a morals 5 The man was committed to jail! 4 Jasivion in the after a hearing before Justice of the ated with paims and white cut tal Company. Peace Harold D. Cowher, of West flowers. Mrs O. B. Bryant plaved | Results of an x-ray examination lic appearance of the Kiwanisingers Before entering Titan employ nearly Bishop street, Boliefonte, police said. | the wedding music, and Miss Susan | He is scheduled to appear in court | so0M. I hokus, N. J. formerly of Bellefonte, A Missing In Action || [Close Blanchard Schools, Monday Principal Takes Action When Pupils Con- tract Scarlet Fever; Building Being Fum- igated; 14 Cases are Reported in Vicinity of Lock Haven. Liber) The Consolidated Bland for an hool at Wi Jone dd Monday hard 1.1 MARKLE DIES AT PLEASANT EAP Prominent Business Man Succumbs to Stroke; Funeral Sunday Tavior | the Blanchard Area he are brought nd There — ged | aR Dusiies 12:45 October ne ’ rieasan Gap nexpecied) at y afternoon ome in ¢ Four a home E°3 » stopped home je he ny whch Bellefonte Board 3%, College Board 21 in October Call SEES B) 4 Marine olf or the west Biong Thursday he bla out {rive the War res 1 Board Vesa Wellare terday by officers ol RIC formed thi organiza for the he has Fund were announced ye: new Bellefonte week. The new tion. which will hold drives grou he same time, x wind beenl named Bellefonte Bb Community War Pund Judge Ivan Walker med honorary chairman, and C Brown, chairman Com- ity Welfare Fund, has oeen ap- poi i 0 act as chairman in charge of the drive The quota for the Bellefonte Com- {munity Welfare Fund has been set al 811.250 and the quota YW Belie- fonte for the National Wa: Pund is $8.880 Mrs fire on ingent three- i IPAve 3 “Fh Ips 1c sign of a blaze tower * He for ne H No- we ps at the the travelin College Monday, 1 go out No. " ts > a has been it wil east na C m 2 “« Army will leave No-, | From Board No, Those who ex. amination vember: passed Peter P. Stania Kenneth Walker, Orviston Paul B. Fink. Port Matilda Donald J. Woodring, Port Matilda John A. Baissh, Clarence Orlando B. 8mith. Bellefonte Clarence Mary Harvey Scott iContinged on Page Four) secretary “This Is The Army” Coming to Plaza Leros The picture “This Iz The Arma.” the outstanding cinema production of World War No. 2-—although it is not a War scene picture 8 coming to the Plaza theatre for a grand first night premiere on Friday eve. ning, November 5 The picture and the plan of pre- sentation, one that turns superb en- {tertainment into a great contribu. [tion to the emergency needs of our soldiers. has the whele-hearted en- dorsement of President Roosevelt Herbert Hoover, Secretary of War Stimson, and the governors of all ithe states. QCovernor Martin of Pennayvivania is the chairman for Pennsyivania and he. through Wik liam Livingood, Secretary of Inter. Continued on Page Fowr) on pape Four) “- Sends 100 Volunteer Fire-Fight- physical examinations eer fire-fighters brought under call, draft oes said thousands. more in the Reitz Gap’ yi the blaze spreading both { - . Fund to Conduct Cam- one Wednesday along the Bear Meadow m. and there was no When it reached the top, it spread Applications To Be Re- Samuel H. Kunes, Jr. Howard —- aay roll for the Red Cross Volunteer Robert McCall of State College, WEDS IN VIRGIN ——————— from 8 a. m. to noon Friday, and 7 Pag ers Control Blaze After All-Night Battle (Continged on Pope Four) a ®t — ry service at the Altoons ©obtrol early last Thursday a forest examining ceiler Inst week No pre. fire ON Tussey Mountain several’ Of the county total for October, Potion Beard No. 2. Bellefonte, fur- Crews from Boalsburg, Pine Grove CAM the mountain t morning prov . » paign in Bellefonte road. about .-mile above the Boa burg Water Compan) CYORr At 8:30 when Visited again, the fire was both and west By this Continued on Pape Bight, ceived at Bellefonte, State Harry N. Zetby. Beliefonte College, This Weekend Earl M. Perks, Philipsburg Nurses’ Aide Corps training course will be held in chapter rooms of chairmen in charge, announced Registrants should apply in per- Former Bellefonte Rector|ic ? » m. Saturday, the chairmen Officiates: Ww ill Live mn | Applicants must be over 58 COUNTY MEN FIRE DESTROYS Ounty men Btrenuous efforts through {Pearl Harbor tethers were included Miles east of Boalsburg, wich burn | SCHEDULED SOON i 5 total of 38 men 14 of them Mills, State College, Potters Mills, SE —. in checking t A. Ferree watcher mountain, fanned REGISTRATION OR Kenneth LL. Bratton. Philipsburg. | Registration of Bellefonte and both towns this weekend, Mrs Wil- soni at the Elks’ building in State Hollidaysburg 10d age ENTER SERVICE FOREST LANDS draft boards night hours by more than 100 volun- Vin the does examinno in the October [60 Over 400 scores and threatened ented i Arms and Centre Hall set backfires to stop Welfare Fund And War Navs The fire broke about 8 p.m Flat tower, left the tower {from the southeast AIDE INSTRUCTION Young. Howard (Continued | State College women wishing to en- REV. NEIL | GRAY liam W. Bieg of Bellefonte, and Mrs College or Petrikin Hall, Baliefonte. ition or its equivalent, and must 18 years have a high school educs- sat ; . t . Rev. Neil Irvin Gray, of Holli- (Continued on pape Seven) daysburg. son of Mr. and Ms. James Gray. of Wisin street, bellefonte, and Miss Elizabeth Frances White- | head. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Rob. | ert M. Whitehead, of Knepsville, | Va. were married Tuesday of last’ week | The wedding took place in the Old Donation Episcopal church at! Kempuville, plans for the ceremony | having been changed hastily a few | hours before the scheduled time when the Emmanuel Protestant! Episcopal church at Kempsaville, | where the wedding was to have been held. burned to the ground | Rev. Francis Oray. of Kemipaville, and Rev. Robert J. Sudiow, of Ho- —— 5 RUDY WETTSTEIN FOR SHERIFF (Contributed) Centre county has two estimable candidates for Sheriff, and the pity "tis that both cannot share the honor of election “From my observation, and if increasing public opinion is to be relied on, Rudy Wetistein is forging to the front as a popular candidate. And well he should "Rudy Wettstein is a poor man who has successfully faced life's battles with a resolute heart and a word of good cheer. Without full possession of his arms he daily earns his bread by the sweat of his brow and supports his family in comfort. Never dismayed by what to many another man with less grit and determination would have meant defeat in life. Rudy has risen above his mise fortunes and won deserving admiration of all who know him. officiated at the ceremony. Rev. Sud. low lost vestments valued at more or black or white, I am sure would receive the same courteous attention from Rudy. “That is Rudy Wettstein as I see him and many others are be- ginnivg % learn. He would make an ideal Sheriff and merits your suppart. He is a poor man and will appreciate your vote” “A ROOTER FOR RUDY" burned. Old Donation church was decors Katherine Whitehead, of Kempe- Continued on Pape Fight) a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers