A eruis lons Where the Fuel Goes m.p.h. may use 200 gal. HEAVY BOMBER ing at a speed of 250 of gasoline an hour, @he Centre Democraf WHERE THE FUEL GOES An Army Trans- f port burns 33,000 gallons of fuel oll a day. wl BELLEFONTE, PA. THU RSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1943, SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR. VOLUME 62. NUMBER 41. Ration Boards Fix Regtr Applications fo. ‘ow Gasoline “A” Books ation Days and War Ration Sook No. 4 to be Received October 20-22 at Schoels in County. Wednesday through Friday, Oc- tober 20-22 inclusive, have been set aside as registration days for re- newal of basic "A" gasoline ration books and for War Ration No. 4, it was announced vesterday by the heads of the various Centre c.unty rationing boards To obtain War Rationing Book No. 4. it will be necessary for rast one member of the family apply at the distribution center in at PARALYSIS GROLP LETS OFFER Training in Kenny Meth- od of Treatment Howard, it the an- Mrs. Balser Weber, of was re-elected chairman nual meeting of Centre chapter of the National Foundatio for Infantile Paralysis, held in th Brockerhoff Hotel here Friday night Officers elected were Mrs. E M Grove, State College, secretary, and Willard K. McDowell, of Howard treasurer. Mr. McDowell replaced Ear! 8. Orr of Bellefonte, who served as treasurer for the past nine years and who felt that the work should be taken over by a new of- ficer Mrs. Weber announced that ie chapter purchased $2000 in War Bonds during the recent campaign Disbursements for the year, includs (Continued on Page Eight) Loe county ' 11] has th DIES ON VISIT T0 GRAVE SIE PR While Watching Workers Build Vault for Relative Ernest L. Stover, well known re- tired farmer of Aaronsburg, died suddenly and unexpectedly at 3.30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, October 12. 1943. at the Aaronsburg cemetery where he had gone to watch work- men build a concrete vault for Don- na Mae Stover, aged 12, who died at Geissinger Hospital, Danville, on Sunday morning. He was distantly related to the girl Centre County Coroner Charles Sheckler who was called to the cem. etery, declared that Mr. Stover had succumbed to a heart attack. Deceased was a son of George and Phoebe Musser Stover and was born in Haines township on April 3, 1872, making his age at time of death 71 years, 6 months and 8 days. He is survived by his wife, the former Re- becca Reed, and the following child- ren: Ray, of Aaronsburg; Mrz. Wil. liam Mingle and Carl Stover, both of Akron, Ohio, and Mrs. W. P Caris of Willlamsport, and 11 grandchild- ren. Puneral services will be held at 10:30 Saturday morning at the Lutheran church in Aaronsburg with the Rev... 8. Shannon officia- ting. Interment will be made in the Lutheran cemetery, Aaronsburg. Mr Stover was a member of the Aarons- burg Lutheran church en cum— Apartment Badly Damaged by Fire A fire which swept through the Guy Bonfatto property on North Thomas street, Saturday afternoon, caused damage estimated at several thousand dollars. Flames gutted the lower floor used as a storeroom and caused considerable damage to the Bonfatto apartment above, In the apartment at the ine were the three Bonfatto children. The youngest, Rose, aged 3. whe had been sleeping, was taken from the smoke-filled building by her sister, Josephine aged 15. Mrs. Bonfatto was at the family green grocery store on West High stree. and Mr Bonfatto was at work at the Titan Metal plant when the blage was dis- | covered. On the lower floor, a truck, con- siderable produce and a large refrig- (Continued on Page Bight) Country Club Holds Annual Meeting Robert Morris, Jr, was elected a director of the Nittany Country Club at the annual meeting of that or- ganization! at the clubhouse at Hecla Park, Tuesday night. Directors re- elected for another year were George 1. Purnell, Mahlon Robb and Prank Books | person. One representative of the family may obtain the new book for ‘each member of the family residing at the same The distribution of Ration Books schools gddres is being handled through the with the ald of hundreds teer teacher instead of heing through the malls as wa with Ration Book No. 3 sufficient time sign reason for the change in ution The registration War Book No 4 ‘A" gasoline book simple, and individual to obtian their book mum of ineonvenience To obtain Ration Book plicants must a War Book No. 3 family I'l No. 3 must name and {whom it wa other information | SX, weight | pation It sh To obtain gasoline the volune- ent a ' Of the « o lack of tl i el as ne ' ‘th 8 : 1 distrib. system procedure for the new extremely will be able with a mini- and [or present for es required, height iid also be a renewal book age ol sent (Continued on Page Four) res A ——— For Prothonotary Frederic G. Hoffer Frederic G. Hoffer, of Philipsburg, is a candidate for the office of Pro- thonotary Mr. Hoffer is a graduate of Penn State College and for eight years was employed as cost accountant for the Madeira Bill Coal Mining Com- pany. He served as Deputy Revenue Collector for three years and is now serving as Chief Clerk in the County Commissicners’ office Mr. Hoffer is a World War an, having served overseas married to the Fryberger faugh Capt. C Fryberger, Philipsburg Civil War veteran, and there are two children in the family. He is a member of the Episcopal church Mr. Hoffer's cducational back- grovnd and experience eminently qualifies him to perform the duties of Prothonotary with dignity Gil and efficiency Veter He former Dorothy 8 of the late is T ter exty ‘Meet the Candidates’ Theme of Supper “Meet the Candidates’ will be the theme of a program at a covered dish supper to be held in the IOOF Hall Bellefonte, on Wednesday evening, October 20, it was announced yes- terday by Miss Maude Miller, Dem- ocratic vice-chairman The supper is being held jointly by the Women's Democratic Club of Centre County, and the Democratic County Committee, Supper will be served at 7p. m. All the Democratic candidates in- cluding Miss Edna Marsden, Clear- field. candidate for Congress, will be present to meet and greet the diners, Miss Mildred Hockman of Bellefonte, will entertain with music and rend- | ings All members and friends of the sponsoring organizations are urged to attend. Price of admission will be 50 cents and a covered dish ! Rhinesmith Installs Bi-County Officers Samuel D. Rhinesmith, of Belle-' fonte, District Commander of the American Legion, and his corps of aides, were in Bradford, Monday night, where they installed the of- | ficers of all the Legion Posts in Me- | Kean and Cameron Counties, i Members of the District Com- mander's staff are: John Popson, Daniel Kellogg and Alex Stergiakis, all of Belle*onte, and Daniel Krum- rine of State College. AGED HOWARD MAN IS STRUCK BY AUTOMOBILE | hone | Hockman. i All the club officers were re-elected | Thomas Shope, 77, of Howard R. for the ensuing year, as follows: W. D. 2, was admitted to Centre County W. Sieg, president: Russell P, Beezer, Hospital at 8:15 p. m. last Thurs vice president, and Lewis Orvis Har. day after suffering injuries to his vey, secretary and treasurer. ‘head and right arm when he was The meeting followed a dinner at struck by an automobile, which approximately 25 members: His condition is satisfactory, hos- were present. {pital attendants said yesterday. TOWN SCHOOLS CLOSEBECAUSE F DROUGHT Clarence Faces Serious Problem Through Lack of Adequate Water HOMES WITHOUT SERVICE FOR DAYS Fire Hydrants Dry; Snow Shoe Supply Also Re- ported Low ontinued of rain ulted in # that com- vesterday were lack » area has short Charles F. Hipple rer se by 3 age in aay 8S AF0 Sever ¥ relative rits of the Centre County and one, whe said, renort reported = y be : " % m Call 1001 Closed wey late last “Surely for the of those spoke up and his gentleman was one in county and local elections merits of candidate rat} did he make the statement h had just recently received h county and county institutic Yi i interest to vote the your county and county ins this year than last 3 home is assessed at $2004, year last year, or a total saving to, Drinking + ¢ from : county of $48,000, a sizabie several ung These are was! ] from outside sou ved i wh figures on your 1943 tax no find that on the 1943 card ¥ while on your 1942 n stitutional millage for 1943 1942 was 6 mills. sible Company i mtinned on Page Three) BOARD STUDIES ASSESSOR LISTS Many Names Dropped From Tax Lists This Year Water SUPPLY i > 11 6 milis ow What a man may do in what his record Fred C. Mensch were t} when this saving was effec re-election. Their candidacy should have the careful cor past discl . i ie m For C areful Thought al 8, Mr. Farmer, if your property not mere wi rd These are accomplished facts. Yes, a total saving of $48,000, made pos- ner in which your money, Mr. Taxpayer, was in the county when voting for this office. . CT a RIED J Bt FLERR DEA RISINER Hope Based on Story of Bomber Crewman Now in Germany CLAIMS HE SAW CREW LAND SAFELY War Department Message Holds No Hope For Sgt. George Connelly ne byry 1 reported European ome Con- Fred CC. Mensch 4 disse Commissionel were relatives TT. 0 Bii= persons hold didates y WAS a registered vt 01 {epublican for George 11 10 This vote every taxpayer knows IR Democratic candidates intelligent influence er than his e did? He was a taxpayer and is tax notice and saw that his mal tax had been reduced, voters a A i 3 ] by the individual party label. Why ed at $4000, x12 in) le L if FTE al bs titutional tax w Mr. Home Owner, ar tax was $6.00 ME 68, Your than this ax the ¥ { " | YP 5 \F Br all LAXDAYErS « saving mdeed idle a Or To tics our otice it will show Ci promises, eriiy omupare the You will hsted at will $4 counts Ww 1: Y0 n H as ir county 1 3 mills while vour SLAR FARMER. 61 (LED BY BL Had Saved Daughter Earlier in Day From Animal's Onslaught ————-——" dw the future may be judged by F. Hipple and ajority members of the board ted. They are candidates for r in the light of their record sideration of every taxpayer (ORES Charles i { i { Bellefonte’ fax asassament and collection system, bolstered on one front, sprung a weakness at another point, it was revealed Monday night at a regular meeting of the School Board in the Supervising Principal's offices While the Finance Committee of the Board reported that the auditors and tax collector had worked out a new system of keeping tax records, Horace J. Hartranft president of the Board, revealed that the 1943 tax duplicate shows a sharp decrease Encouraging Heard at Annual Cor- porate Meeting in names over the previous year Mr. Hartranft said some proper ties assessed last year do not appear on the 1943 duplicate: scores of men now in the service are listed and that many other names which properly should belong on the lists do not appear The School Board is of the opin- jon that the tax duplicates should contain the names of every adult person living or claiming residence in the Borough. Tax exemptions be- cause a person is in service, is un- able to pay, or for any other reason (Continued on Page Two) a ——— OMAN SCLUBS TO MEET SATURDAY | Conference of County Unit to be Held at Belle- fonte High School it I Despite short he wartime of nurses, and other emploves, the fact that nearly many babes were born £ Yeu t! : as t ( ¢ age ans and twice sici despite not ar 1 3T o] la #8 there las Ww year previcis the Cent . ¢ ¥ wpttal is Hc ing soo of ’ Ying «¢ 5 Yie= 1D community developed Mon day night at the annua] meeting of the Hospital Corporation At the session William P Marvin J. Rothrock, John OG J. M. Curtin and Henry hoff were unanimously trustees of the hospital Bellefonte district which of Bellefonte borough and Marion, Walker and Benner ships Election the following three trustees from the State College dis- trict, which consists of State College borough and College, Ferguson, Halfmoon, Harris and Potter town- (Continued on Page Four) ——— fp A Scrap Collection n i sory th the - Lave A. Brocker- re<elected as from the con 3 Spring town- of f 11 ii members of Centre County Federated Woman's Clubs were ad- vised today by Mrs. Edward R. Mil ler, president of the Bellefonte Woman's Club, of a change in meet- ing place of the Centre County Conference on Saturday, October 16 at 10:30 a. m The conference will be held in the Bellefonte High School building, where luncheon also will be served by the Red Cross Canteen Corps of Bellefonte at 75 cents a plate. Res. iervations should be made for the luncheon with Mrs. Robert Ecken- rode, telephone Bellefonte 2009, no later than Thursday evening, Oc. tober 14 i Members of the Bellefonte club are urged to attend at leas: one ses. sion during the day, since the pro-| gram as arranged will prove valu. able and educational. ‘New Pastor Begins i Mrs. A. W. Cowell, of State Col-| : {lege. president of the County Ped. Duties at Church seasons, and speaker wit! inciude| Rev. Kemmeth E. Troutman, for- Mrs. C. C. Peters, of State College, vice president of the north central district Pederation of Women's Clubs, and Mrs. R. 8. Kirby, of State College, county chairman of (welfare for the federation SA Pleasant Gap and vicinity from 5 to 7 o'clock Friday evening, October 15, it was announced yesterday by William J. Tucker. chairman of the salvage and waste committee in that community All kinds of scrap, including met- als, tin cans, paper, rags and rub- ber will be included in the collec tion. Cans should be properly pro- cessed, and paper and rags should be tied in bundles to facilitate handling, Mr. Tucker said. Scrap materials should be set out on the front lawns or curbings so the oti lection: can proceed without delay The collection will be made by Boy Scouts who will use a truck to be provided for tha! purpose sionary Alliance Gospel Tabernacte at Shippensburg, on Sunday began his new duties as pasvr of the Bellefonte Gospel Tabernacle of the | Christian Missionary Alliance church jon East Howard street, 4 Mr. Troutman is a native of Sha» Jailed for Having Venison | mokin and was at Shippensburg for Albert Packer, 33, Orviston, is ser- [two years before coming to Belle {ving 83 days in the Centre County fonte. He is a graduate of the Sha {jail at Bellefonte on a charge of the mokin High School and the Mis {llegal possession of venison. Offi- | sionary’ Training Institute at Nyack, iclals said he was fined $8250 for N. ¥Y. Mr. and Mrs. Troutman ar: possessing the meat and was sent to [living in the Wion house on Wil- Jail when he failed to pay the fine. |lowbank street. - HOSPITAL ENDS SNOW SHOE TOP SUCCESSFUL YEAR INE BOND SALES Reports mer pastor of the Christian Mis- | irims and wheels offer to vou, Gored unmereifully by an enrag- ed bull about noots Tuesday, Jos- eph Glenn Claar. tenant on the P W. Ake farm Woodbury township Blair county. died the Mercy Hospital, Altoona. & few hours after the atiack at Parmer Claar suffered of the entire body, a fractured col- inrbone and a number of fractured ribs. His death is have occurred from internal injuries Mr. Claar's daughter, Louise, had been attacked earlier in the day by the bull Mr Claar suceeeded in driving it off with a pitch fork be- fore Injury befell the girl Mr. Claar was just returning with the herd of cattle, including the bull, from pasture and all of them were nearly in the barnyard when large bull suddenly turned on wner abrasions thought to Sell S$78.860 to Exceed $53,353 Quota by $25,507 Highest honors War priced the sale dur- ing Third Loan drive of the popular “E” War Bonds went 0 the Snow Shoe dis cording ¢ the 1 ent . LLL War Bav- pile Gi. Alken the chairmat t+ a 14 THis atric Ap taaalorehir This Sire et hotoni eadership A neighbor saw the bull rolling $25 bond Arnon hil than one | something on the road that runs 25 id for every man, woman and | parallel with the barn and barn- Jn the district, Mr. Alkens yard. Closer observation proved it said. The district quota was 853353 to be Mr Claar, The neighbor call- in E bonds and sales totaled $78860. od Mrs Claar who drove the bull Centre county is third in the Btate | away with a blacksnake whip in the relation of E bonds sold Mr. Claar had been a farmer all the assigned quotas, it was learned his life and was born at Water- this week. While the campaign went side, near Woodbury, the son of over the top for total sales, the sale William H. and Hannah (Streight) E bonds lagged all over the Claar with few districts reaching Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Pearl quotas Centre county was E. Claar; the following daughters within 15 per of its goal, Mr. Mrs. Mae Elizabeth Robinette, Mar. Aikens said. being bettered only by | tinsburg, R. D.; Miss Kathryn, at Pike and Wayne counties home: Miss Ida Louise, at home; three sons, Corp. Ralph G. U 8 army. Corp. Paul W, U 8 Air Corps. Donald E. Williamsburg, and i of child ty L181 to Of county their #4 the cent i VFW Auxiliary to Seek New Members A regular meeting of the Belle- foute VFW Auxliary was held at the post home, South Spring street Monday evening, with 34 members present RECENE MISSING SOLDIER Pfc. Joseph O'Leary Be- lieved to Be in Hospital in North Africa Reports were given by Mrs, Clara Gross, hospital chairman, and Mrs. | Lena Garis, president of the Aukil- be An extensive is now under w ad " membership drive ay and each Auxil- ary member iz being asked to bring in at Jeast oh new member Every soldier, sailor or toarine on duty with Uncle Sam's armed forces beyond the continental limits of the USA in the war with Japan, Cer. many and Italy, is eligible to join the VFW post, and mothers, wives, anc sisters are eligible to join the | | Auxiliary : : . " Have | The letter wos written September The objectives of the Auxiliary og,’ 4.4 16 days after the date O'-| (Continued on Pape Eight) | Leary was reported missing in ac. , ! Ny —— Hon Although the letter is type- | | CLAIM WIDE BASE RIMS written, and contains little informa. | i ADD TO TIRE MILEAGE | about his condition or where- i |abouts, members of the family de- The Keystone Tire Service, South clare that the signature is his. Polter street. Bellefonte, has been Relatives here believe that ‘he named Centre county distributor for soldier either is ill or wounded and wide-base rims and wheels {that he is undergoing treatment in’ It is claimed that wide-base rims ‘a North African hospital and wheels on your car or truck | i Belief that Pfe. Joseph O'Leary. Bellefonte youth repdirted Rissing in action last week inn North Africa, is | alive and not in enemy hands was established here last Thursday when | his brother Philip received a letter | {from him i i four grandchildren. ! NEWS OF ‘mittee are: Ray C. Noll, organization meeting Tuesday of last week members of of the Board of Trustees of the Cen Mummers’ Parade Here October 29 Chamber of Commerce Revives Annual Hal- lowe’en Event; Prizes to be Awarded by Merchants; Gasoline Propelled Floats and Vehicles Banned. Bellefonte VEAr DeCchuse of wi mamma PR ade hold lowe'en 4] ning, Oclob lerday The par Ret Chambe; tot venlse ail Divi of Comment we iar itl driv Lhe the exception en vehicks will be march muammer ann hors be open to ’ foot on ha O1 COURT REGS = THO SEATENCES Rockview Fugitives Win Plea For Lesser Terms For Escaping YOUTH VICTIM OF = SHOOTING PRANK Ree Allegheny 6 senlence v 4 ath ihe other 2 4 Seriously Wounded While Demonstrating How io prison for a ial term of not less than 4 nor more than 12 years, as Iwas the practice nt that time to Shoot Japs | Op May 22, 1831. be was sent fo imockview, from that prison Jack Jones, an ecleven-year-old on June 27. 1931. He was spprebend. Onceols Mills (Newtown) youth, is ed in Charlotte, N. C. on August 26, a patient in the Philipsburg State 1037 and was returned to this coun- Hospital suffering from a bullet ty iy September that year Septem- wound accidentally inflicted by him self while playing iver The boy was showing ion how shoot Japs wh volver which he was demonstrating original term proved to be loaded and sent a bul- let through his head shooting happened Friday afternoon only hall hour after the boys left school He was removed 10 the State Hos- pital at once and his reported as serious Unionville Women Make Contribution of women interested with a res a compan- 1 Fe] re- the Goverr rf ¥ or grant- sentence parole on 3. 1943, 1 8 return. bs bs ™ ine - £5 3 a commutatic a, $30 August § he was released on 1838. On July ino custoay peniten parole and condition . " for technical ig $ Vary violation of Reed co when he escaped fi was serving 2 10 4 Judge Ivan Walker found pica was according to law sentenced him accordingly Weaver's case was the substance He too was originally sentenced in Allegheny county to serve a total of 10 to 20 years on three separate counts of 5 to 10 years each. two of therm running concurrently. He escaped from Rock- view was recaptured, sentenced paroled and then drew a 1-t0-7- year term in the Ohio penitentiary for grand larceny. On his release from thereé he was brought back to Pennsylvania for parole violation Hi; sentence for cscaping Rock. view was reduced from 10 to 2 years 160 5 10 10 years a Sans co MP S—— LOVE T0 SPEAK AT JULIAN CEREMONY John G. Love to Give Ad- dress at Dedication of Honor Roll | John G. Love of Bellefonte, past commander of Brooks-Doll Post, American Legion, will be the speak. er at the dedication of the Julian and Hustown Township Honor Roll it was announced yesterday The ceremonies will be held at 2:3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Oc- tober 17. at the Honor Roll at the Julian postoffice. The names of thirty-six men from Julian and {Huston township now appear on the ntended in oot from R a rt here that kview he term that ang re- Years is commities vil borough I the Clearfield-Oentre Counties Societs for Crippled Children recently made a contribution of $27 to the society The chairman of this committee, Mrs, Jacob C. Pox, and the treasur- er, Miss Kate Smith, hereby wish to thank each and everyone who helped make this gift possible, The money will be used in the work of the clinics held at the State Hos- pital at Philipsburg Contributors include the ing citizens of Unionville Mrs. Harriet Askins, Mrs. George Bullock, Mrs. Howard Germaine Miss Myra Underwood, Mrs. Pierce Peters, Miss Ruth Parsons, J B Holtzworth, Mrs. Blanchard Holt, Miss Kate Smith Mrs. Clark Wil- liams, Forrest Bauder, Mrs. Harry Kerchner, Mrs. Boyd Lucas, Harry McElwain, Miss Mary Turner, Mrs. Lorenzo McElwain, Mrs. J B. Stere, Mr ‘Walter Zahniser, Mr. and Mis J fox and Mr. and Mrs. J R {mms A n Union- 1 same In o follow- — ard Elected Head of Engineers Group Wallace J. Ward, of Bellefonte, was elected president of the Centre County Engineers Society at a meeting at the McFeely Brick Come pany clubhouse, Tuesday evening The meeting followed an’ inspection tour of the plant. Other officers named were: Joel E. Crouch, vice president and Bay- ard Magee, secretary-treasurer Members of the executive come J. 0. p. Toll Hummel, Mr. Ward, Mr. Crouch. Afr | Other speakers at the ceremony Magee, B. F, Nicodemus and £ Ww. Will include the Rev. O. Lee Gor- vars. idon, of the Methodist church, Port Paul Adams, land agent for the Matilda, and the Rev. Joseph A. Ww Ww Gulf Ol) Corp. stationed in Vens. Weaver, of the United Brethren church, Port Matilda zuela, gave a talk on that Ty. on COumiry. Continged on Page Fights CO ————" NO ORGANIZATION MEETING OF HOSPITAL TRUSTEES The annua) "will add 20 per cent or more to the the family were informed by the tre County Hospital, scheduled to ve been held Tuesday nigh i i life of the tires, will improve the War Department that he has been non-skid qualities, dnd will add to missing in action since Beptember t the stability, steering, traction and 11. October | the home service com- load-carrying capacity of your cer. mittee of the Bellefonte Chapter, Turn to the Keystone advertise- American Red Oross, received a re- ment on another page of this issue quest from the Bellefonte man ask- and study the possibilities wide-bate ing about his mother, Mrs. Daniel | (Continued on Pape Four) H H i | i i
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