expe Sly SY FE 2 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. September 23, 1943, v crmrmm— 1 a — [neiny, Mrs. J. P. Harrington and Dr. | | N | that was vital to the effort against At this time may 1 extend to IA. A Connelly, all of Johnstown, : Home Service Hope Held for . wip gn Ny you cur enemies and was gallantly car- the deepest sympathy of myself and ——— — | " ’ | ather Connelly recelve 8 early 5 H eet : rvinig ou is on when rex if the oy 1s : | od ua HY Noetved Ris early I Bureau Active Missing Flier ving out this mission when report- of the men of this organization in education in the Johnstown schools oll ed missing in action this hour of uncertainty land studied for the priest! 5 a , : HE! studied Io the ra pod at c (Continued from page one) (Continued from page ome) We, as you, are still clinging t —————— | i ¥ ‘Re I Lu *y " 3 . 78 ¥ a. ary a WEDDINGS Field Director, stationed at the ser-{his effick ney rating was very satis. the hope that your son still alive Ar ss of all the eridecism you — Emmitsburg, N He was ordainec ' . " Be ——— S55 €, Md rdained viceman's camp. This Pleld Director factory and well. Consequently we are keep- hes , Inited States and Creat on March 17, 1910 in 8t. Gaulbert's ! Satnk “ 1" / MRS. ELLA MAY GIVIN were Meld at the Unionville Meth-|.hiureh, Johnstown, by the late Rt f Ps will then present these facts to the Although your son was not en- ing all of |} ritadn, under able leadership, are . : vy BD Aamey--Fage commanding officer at the time the gaged In actual combat with the we re fini prmation con- fighting an unusually intelligent Mrs. Ella May Givin, widow of J.|odist church Monday afternoon with poy Eugene A. Garvey, first bishop ‘FON . ) ' ; Wilbur Givin, died at her home in| Rev Willlam A. Snyder officiating. | or the Altoona diocese. Py 3 orporal Howard Lamey, of In- | service man requests his furlough, enemy, he was engaged in a mission Bellwood at 6:30 o'clock Tuesday Interment was made in the Oak He served as an assistant at St dianlown Gap, and Miss Betty Page, [saving the soldier valuable time. The — Sole evening, after a brief iliness. She Ridge cemetery near Unionville | John's Pro-Cathedral in Altoona of Rebersburg, were united in mar- |Home Service however, never at any . . riage at 9 o'clock Baturday evening time initials a “(Le a fur- was born October 5, 1867, near Port | 2 SSRN AR mn {from April 1910 until July 1912, 44 the home of the groom’ ing lough hal Tetes, Jorn dues, Matilda. She has been a resident of MRS. THOMAS HOSTERMAN {when he was sent to Bnow Shoe pr. Calvin heen giee 3 motes, Bellwood for 51 years, Surviving are] Mrs, Olive M. Hosterman, wife of where he was instrumental in build- \ ' th Ww Husler ey ‘| The first ald and disaster chair- y the Rev. T. R usler, pastor of \men of the Bellefonte Chapter of the following children: Miss Nellie| Thomas Hosterman, of Bishop street,! ing the present church there. ‘The and Miss Ethel, at home; George M. | Bellefonte, died at her home there building was dedicated in 1918 the Evangelical pron Hh A pao |the American Red Cross has com. ry rg \ rEYE YER (OY Givin, Bellwood; one grandson, Pvt. at § o'clock Tuesday afternoon, Sep- In 1924 he was sent to Philips- |. a i wdunte of Mile Town br Pleted in nrganivation char Which ! ( ) | | i k V( ) | I RS George F. Givin, located at Ply- [tember 21, 1943, after an illness of burg where he served a number of High Bhool nd of Lo I ave — the members of thei commit- | 4 Vi [N mouth, Mass. She was a member of {about 18 months’ duration. Mrs. years as pastor of Sts, Peter and st +9 Teac rus o ! bey Ihe se chart will be posted In the Methodist church of Bellwood | Hosterman wns a daughter of Aaron Paul church before being assigned’... 1 : he he rr Ret rali all publi buildings and fire house : yr. i _ and a life member of the Woman's (and Harriet Barbon Renninger and to the pastorate of St. Mary's church oom. Corp. Lamey § aradunte LED ng ¢vilians Vo know whom (0 Ol CEN | itl COLN : Y Society of Christian Service, | was born in Middleburg on June 27, in Nanty-Glo. After a short period .¢ 1 ro NUON His h Schoo har Lock contact moment's notice, in 1870, making her age at time of there he was, In October 1930, aj AVE State Ten ers College and " ' MRS. FRANK DURBIN death 73 years, 2 months and 24 pointed chaplain at the Cresson Or- ‘ hoe lor to. taf . : them vicinity " ; Funeral services for Mrs. Rosalie days. Surviving In addition to her phanage In December of the same op 4 : ni hn ard wl h thy ht Mi : William F. Emeric is mal | deeply appreciate he vole | (be Durbin of Altoona, sister-in-law of husband are two daughters, Mrs. year he was returned to Dis fOrmer joc a wien In ele mare JB Plans 1or her production depart. eived last Tuesdan Mrs. George Gross, of Lebanon, for-| Harriet C. Sprague, of Ridgewood, : v ik asics o fill | ship kit ag Ww the ceived id uestdy ! pal ul i His work ! er lal hers' Colleg She is a case of an disaster In Bellefonte and mer Bellefonte resident, were held|N. J, and Mrs. Henry Peterson Of hi ' rving ever sin hile ia tion for Register. yesterday in Altoona, where inter- New York City; three grandchlid- there in 1034 he bullt rite Stover—Rothlisberger urr.ve fron te : ment took place. She died Sunday, ren; one great-grandchill and Wo the p d Mother where hundred nd Annie Stover. of Reber Ln whip Median ad H campaign gel September 19, 1943, at her home af- | sisters, Mrs. Mame C. Gauge; 1p yeas " OE i 4 : : ro” ngerhes Oo ) id : wi a assist in " ¥ ter an extended illness. Mrs. Durbin, | Miss Ellen Renninge ih of Sel- ners vices were held ter- BE thes nw a. Ann InbeUEL, OF | a8 Wor nd raise the ney fol ocpportun 43, was the wife of Frank Durbin, |insgrove. Mrs. Hoslerman » y life y y t ’ Eh on ie welin I hey gi Ah gson Bell Telephone Company employe, long member of who until about two years ago spent church of Middlebu several winters in Bellefonte while al arrangements had not working in the vicinity, During the pleted late d winter months Mr. and Mrs, Durbin | that inl lived at the Penn Eelle Hotel and had many friends in Bellefonte DDITIONAL DEATHS ON PAGE BI1X ~8ECOND BECTIONMN MISS REBECCA IRENE EVANS . brant at the N Interment w is , poi Mr and X bre % usin & an into the local school ' Miss Rebecca Irene Evans died at 27 Selectees Selected made in Johnstown Stoy of Lily is father is a m " { the fag tar ranors y "th HARRY A (ORMAN 9 o'clock last Wednesday night, Sep- pe native of Rebersburs. and Lt. Stover reslinas Dorted tember 15, 1943, at her home near For Military Duty S D . : § has visited his grandmother ibere son as Nutrition and Car en chal , Spring Mills after n two-day illness crap rive 10 on numer cecasion ing! nan, and tie peed. 1 WS with pneumonia. Miss Evans Continued srom page ona) : ' many friends in that vicinity. After wo a 4 atl Mdin . been in poor health for several John Edward Shay. Milesbu Be Held Friday RAY of eB Ey a vor : ibe Hed wo A native and lifelong resident years. The deceased, a daughter rsey Rao ckenroth, Bellefont Continued fr page one tover went Maxwell Field. Al A ne de 0 Et elp with thi of Centre County J. Wells and Sarah Margaret ' Evans, was born In George on August 14, 1873, making I at time of death 70 years, 1 mont! RITY (SAH mid HEL A ba brs. tain Hirst are nF Beaver—K sling and 1 day. Surviving are toy msbur 4 ai : avy A " . end sister, James Evans, an Catharine Evans, both at hom was a member of the Salem ed church. Funeral held at the home alone, eres gh Samy RF SE, ih ai en ong mien scrioon we tonee oi 00 | When You Find That You Must Buy New Clothes Kisling endorf, of State College Interment was made in th I hurch Boalsburg: Guy Richard Foust, Cer wo On A wee thu tor, Re 1 Thomp- cemetery re Hi il . D: 3 id " le N ll, Centre ! die d oS . , . ip arn an « M tiny tina | vi A jagn . Y MRS. THOMAS B. McCLELLAN ¢r, Pleas nt ap. Sounty A ne Whale Somme. maid, will he bridegroom's fathe Mrs. Mary E. McClellan, of Union- HY cian State College. ia charms Atay To beta GF th ville, died at 5 o'clock Friday after- hoy anager dio Cita ta . iaTlafonia’ Sigh: Behaol hay lam noon, September 17. 1943 in Belle- TF RT a ys tiie i Paton . slaved in thes clic’ of 332% C3 4 fonte as the resuit Of a veral :, , - ra OOhrs PTA to Hold First 3 ' on a 4 vy "Heap . re ears’. iin jarah Ronald Edward McKinley, Bur- Meeting of Fall Season ye aver, ai 5 wraduais caughter of George W wid Sarah . hos ' i ' "sh : ‘ 4 - Fleck Morrison, was born ‘n Union. oof: #hd Hd joyd Ral (Continued from coupe ome; inhi Orin i iar Mets) ‘kh ! SHEA em—— fille on May 28, 1879 king. hey} Sale LOMEge, be Ihe Arst fall met f the Belles! Jrmes_embloye of the Tian Mets) + ARE a... g§ge af time of death Ved Vol Brrr: werk damon: withthe 300 Parent AT A ALON oo Datine stat 't the Nortol a ECEEDaM tonths and 19 days. She avived V=3 pn ram qn th will Id a 0 lock Tue Hea " on i d Y C D Wi h L dad ri EEDOMS SAKE 6 ber husband, Thomas © Savy os ening, Septeaber 3. in. the nih ary Base, Norio, Vo A And You Can Do With Less... | lan, of Altoona; two chikiren, Mi y hool cafet | iar fom Ey t oe rebar ' Burton Tingue, of Bellefonte, anc - Mrs. Harry Jones, of Unioaville; tw Father Connelly grandchildren, and a sister § Lro- . will feat ther, Mrs. Anna Stover and Chesney Dies Suddenly dan i y singly i . wiors relobmitw 1 atures Morrison, both of Altoona. Mrs. Mc s——— tal invitation Is extended to all Jo-' = "CC : One good suit will outlast Clellan was a lifelong member of (Continued from Dage one) cal teachers to be present : 4 y ee . . . wa the Unionville Methidist church, Survivors include five sisters and a they may become acquuinted witl three inferior suits, Skillful and also was a member of the Un- prother. n iy the Misses Mae, the parent Richards Barns . . . lonville WCTU. Puneral services : an, Raphael and Catherine Con-! Refreshments will be served Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Burns tailoring will outwear poor EE. ————— ae acs : — - - ngs She Sage 0] llr tailoring. Fine fabrics will out- i is, A. d chs, UB live mediocre fabrics. That is , : ; day evening. September 4. in ii why it is a wartime measure M It S Bedroom Furniture You re Be Cr fe to buy the best that is avail Looking For You'll Want to ficlating. The double ring ccremahy able—~when you must buy. An even better wartime measure See This Group ! 5 , d oe : ide yas be ming is to check what you have care- fully—and make as much as you can do another season, by Modern Waterfall Bedro 111 EEE Er il P Blue: VE School nd : was _empio " . ‘the Back fhe McFeely tk Lompany i i J u enlisted 'n the Navy in March He is now pottending flight studving to become a pilot. He re. cently returned from 18 months’ al Wi service in the Hawaiian Islands. The » ] I Re Ln 2 x Se . a oy H ; ki a a ps newlyweds are now temporarily ea. aE IR siding at 915 Second street, Natchi- Group Includes: Wr War | P . od s : : ADDITIONAL WEDDINGS ON PAGE y SIX BECOND SECTION ® Vanity a 1 ayo With Large Mirror —_— More Than 100 at ® Dresser wi il Boy Scout Camp Yes—even if you have to fore- With Large Mirror , i go the new clothes you'd like. (Continued from page one) : . : Bir ) We've got to k i ® 1, : . a vvyy 7 Jore's a or ‘ honor will be held in the Bellefonte 4 make sacrifices Double Bed Looking for modern’? Here's a group that Fangio Relat igin to win this war soomer. amd . has everything you want your new bedroom future, The program will be given at nothing’ y Chest of Drawers suite to have. Yes, it's beautiful new water- | a chapel period and awards received oliung's to much lo do to ; : ; » by Scouts in the past few months bring our boys home ALIVE! ® Vanity Bench fall style with large, roomy, dust-proof in- will be given ; . teriors and sound construction features as Wele Faponntlond & Caitie nl . 3 J 4 | cam nips Wo . Night Stand throughout. made this fall Scoutmaster James Biddle of the Pleasant Gap troop, . gl . and Rev. Hewes Phillips, scotitmaster “ou . . Everything you need to make your bedroom a cozy retreat has been in- of the Milesburg troop, gave reports ILLUSTRATED: Busi- cluded in this special offer. This would be an exceptional buy at any of activiucs during the past weels, | ness man's single breasted ' p . . . h ' . Centre Hall Scouts, under the . + time—right now it's sensational. Stop in. We will be glad to show it to you. | leadership of Robert Rhoads, have oxford gray suit with been taking hikes nearly every week- | chalk stripe. Also in brown end to Never Failing Spring in| with tan and in light gray DON'T FORGET as BACK THE ATTACK WITH Green Valley, it was reporied. The! with blue stripe. | Milesburg troop joined the group MORE, MORE, AND MORE WAR BONDS ! ike Centre Hall on one weekend Reports were given by scoutmage (ters and by Earl M. Cartwright, dis- ® trict commissioner. A new Council lexecutive will report for duty about the middle of October, It was an- ‘nounced by Karl Disque, field swppy. ® tive who has had been doing the iwork since the former executive, C. IM. Da be tered the army. ; North Allegheny St. Bellefonte, Penna. (ia. Damncnbers steioned wi: BELLEFONTE LEWISTOWN ithe: Engineers at Camp Edwards . Mass. —
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