he Cenfre Democraf / BACH ploy AVIRA wi BONO 3 VOL UME 62 NUMBER 37. BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1943, SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR Pemoc ats Henszey, 3 Districts Go Referendums; Mile Bans Liquor, Bee in| WETTSTEIN, GALAID*® SHERIFF NOMINEES Poorman, Miller i in Tilt for Treasurer's Office; Lucille Ward Gets Nomination Centre County mery election decks for the final battle ber for most of the count y of the townshi th offices Democratic Rept ible: in turning out in only a frac of their registered strength candidates who will carry standards into the vember 2 In addit he voters burg borough turned of beer and liq in that com- munity voters of P wt Matild a borough approved the sale of liquor voters at the leared the y Novem- ind many Tuesday p ang boro ana voters. part selected the party contest No- onal final of Miles- down the sale ont 107° hile willie Boggs towns hip , and How ard wwn-| ship both voted in favor of of both liquor and beer In the offices in which there was a contest Democr: ats nominated Ru- dolph “Rudy” Wettstein, of Union townshin, for Sheriff; Sam Poor- man, Bellefonte eraan for Treasurer; and Fred C. Mensch of Miltheim, ang Charles Hipple of Bellefonte, for Commissioner, In the unoontested offices Frederic G. Hof- fer, of Philipsburg, nominated for Prothonotary Harry man, of Gregg township, f ter: P. B. “Ben” Meek, of lege, for Recorder; . Tictor gart, of Miles 15 Clyde Watson of ftor; and Anthony State College The Republican “Jerry” Galiada officer, for Sheriff: of Spring for Prothono- tary; Sheriff Edward R. Miller, Treasurer; Lucille 8 Ward fonte, f Register; Leamer R Woodring, of Milesburg, for Record- er: John H, Henszey, of State Col- lege, and Harry V. Keeler, of Belle fonte, for Commissioner: James the sale Hara was Regis 1 1~ State C Bru Mrs township, r (Continie dd rrom page four) W.5. RANAIN, 89 DIES AT HOME The Late William B. Rankin Wililam B. Rankin, dean of Belle- fonte's insurance agents, and one of this community's oldest residents, died at his homes on East Curtin street at 12:30 o'clock Monday morn- ing. September 13, 1943, after a sev- eral weeks illness. He was aged” 88 years Although Mr. Rankin had been away from his insurance offices in the Crider Exchange building for several weeks, his condition became serious only about a week before his | decth. He entered the Insurance business in Bellefonte in the days when agents traveled 2bout the country on horseback and set their own fire insurance premiums The deceased. a son of John A and Mary Blair Rankin, was born at Rock Springs, Huntingdon county, on January 3, 1854. As a young man he was associated in business with his father in offices building on East High street 1888 the firm moved Exchange building In into Crider's The insurance | agency has been in the Rankin fam- | fly name for more than 100 years. VContinus on page Siz) Pfc. Muirhead Gets Additional Decoration | Pfc. Edward L. Muirhead, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Muirhead of Blanchard street, Bellefonte, has been awarded the Silver Star for gallantry in sction. Earlier he re- ceived the Purple Hesrt and an Oak Leaf for wounds received in the Af- riean campaign. Pvt. Muirhead, who is believed to be the only Centre county service man who has been wounded twice in separate engagements, has been in Africa since November 8. He left for overseas a year ago in July, He is believed to be in action at thig time. Sr pri- | A. Cor-| fori | of Belle! R.| Hughes, of Bellefonte. and Howard | in the Furst | Democratic Votes Cast at Tuesday's Election Sheriff Pro Treas, Rp: | i | | VOTING 0D Pag uosulqoyg fF PRECINCTS WANS uTWIo0 J wes Aparg Vv wes ure) y H agony | | | | | | | -3 NW 8 W WwW. Ww Bellefonte Boro Bellefonte Boro Bellefonte Boro Centre Hall Boro Howard Boro Milesburg Boro Millheim Boro Port Matilda Boro Philipsburg—1st Ward Philipsburg—2nd ward Philipsburg--3rd Ward South Philipsburg Snow Shoe Borough State College—East Div State College—West Div State College—North Div Unionville Boro Benner Twp.—N, P Benner Twp-—8. P Boggs Twp.—N. P Boggs Twp —E. P Bogus Twp. —-W. P Burnside Twp College Twp Curtin Twp Curtin Twp Ferguson Twp Ferguson Twp. —E Ferguson Twp. -W Gregg Twp—~N. P Gregg Twp —~E. P Gregg Twp —-W. P Haines Twp —E. P Haines Twp -W. P Halfmoon Twp Harris Twp. —E. P Harris Twp.-—-W. P Howard Twp Huston Twp Liberty Twp Liberty Twp Marion Twp Mlies Twp —E. P Miles Twp —~M. P Miles Twp —-W. P Patton Twp Penn Twp Potter Twp—N. P Potter Twp. —8. P Potter Twp -—-W. P Rush Twp.-N. P Rush Twp BE. P Rush Twp.-8. P Rush Twp -W. P Snow Shoe Twp. —E. P Snow Shoe Twp. -—-W. P Spring Twp-—-N. P Spring Twp -8. P Spring Twp -—-W. P Taylor Twp Union Twp Walker Twp Walker Twp Walker Twp Worth Twp Total Majority TILECASESS AIRED IN COURT 80 «3 =3 BS =F w= BO CO »= J Pp 63 we - » E w P P —. i ah lomer Ae Pd a G3 w= od we da i de 00 =) BD 31} — _ og w E.P MP Ww. P > © 13 6 oB 165 Tax Sale in 1935 May Not be Valid Who owns the town hall of South! Philipsburg borough. and do some of you people who bought properties at | Treasurer's or Commissioners’ sales {back in November 1935 have a clear | title to your purchases? { These weighty problems were be {ing ironed out yesterddy mn Centre |Dature of a War Bond rally, for the | jcounty civil court, i suit brought by the town fathers of | last Wednesday eame on the eve of {South Philipsburg against Matthew | {the opening of the Third War Loan | Kelce and his wife, Ruby | campaign. | Back in 1933 the borough bought | Judge Ivan Walker, the building and lot from Howard address Vaughn, who owed 1032 taxes on the | Italy's surrender makes it doubly ! place. In the course of time the back imperative al this time that suffic- taxes were returned to the Commis- ent money be available to launch sioners’ offices, and then the .Treas- [8nd carry on a full-scale attack urer—stil] in Vaughn's name, even 2gainst Germany and Japan. He though he had sold the property. The hall was sold by the Treas- hower for his part in bringing about urer to the Commissioners in 1935 {Italy's surrender. | and the Commissioners sold it to the! The Rt. Rev. William E. Downes, | Kelces, Matthew and Ruby, in 1841. speaking of the new turn of events All the time, of course, the South in the war, declared “We all rejoice ! Philipsburg town fathers were in the | with our fellow Italian citizens, the | place and supposed they owned it, Italians of this community 1 until they were dispossessed in 1941. country Impetus to Third War Loan Drive i gathered on the Diamond in Belle fonte for a victory rally sponsored by | Brooks-Doll Post, American Legion,’ {in celebration of the surrender of i Italy in a brief’ {the Kelces as owners went on trial been with us from the very begin- | yesterday, it developed, in tracing ning.” {the course of the unpaid taxes through the various government ag- as master of ceremonies at the rally Continued on Page Six) IContinged on Page Siz) NOMINEES THANK VOTERS We, the Democratic nominees to County offices, are deeply apprecia- tive of the interest and support shown in our candidacy during the Primary campaign. To all voters of the county, Democratic and Republican alike, we pledge that if elected on November 2, we shall do everything in our power to administer the affairs of the county in a just, impartial, effic- lent and economical manner, RUDOLPH “RUDY” WETTSTEIN, for Sheriff. FREDERIC G. HOFFER, for ry. SAM POORMAN, for Treasurer, HARRY A. CORMAN, for Register. P. B. MEEK. for Recorder. FRED C. MENSCH, for Commissioner. CHARLES PF. HIPPLE, for Commissioner, J. VICTOR BRUNGART, for Auditor MRS. CLYDE WATSON, for Auditor. ANTHONY A. DONAHOE, for Coroner. Reg. Ree 311142666 1641 1476 2800 26502128 2024 A large crowd last Thursday night’ Commissioner Auditor | | 0 Pag addi “3 Sew) xossamog “1 V pedunag ‘Ar — DJ Sg osu uesye 1207 2455 i MINAL COURT VIGTORY LY SESSION CLOSES: Titles to Lands Bought at Surrender of Italy Gives Bond Salesman Gets 11 to 22 Months in Jail, Fined $1000 A plea of guilty, two verdicts of Choose Hipple, Mensch; | ARGE eeler are GOP Nominees |[§ {program of tile orbthe Allegheny Reulongl Ad- oll, Ras AVE ALOR po Part of Road Carried Away as Earth Drops Into Mine Stope COMPANY REPORTS NO HEAVY DAMAGE Cave-in Somewhat Sim- ilar to One at Warner Mine 7 Weeks Ago less thar EVEN Yeerks mammoth « Lope mine at Cols newer mine of the Any oI Buffal Mond; Coming te the Smndoned mpuary of the located ‘Belle! inte if the well leading Valley Hirar 10 Run Valley and company ol Or more 1] ms of trees which formerly vite extend above the ground ie ayn Magee, works m the National Gypsum Company clared that the cave-in occurred over stope No. 6. In which no work lu been carried on for about six week He said that Monday afternoor fw Of miners was at work in an- ther stope about 300 feet i! that nothing unusual ! Continued on Fope Sin) Paul W. Hartsock to Speak in Pittsburgh Paul W. Hartsock, of Belicfonte, traffic manager of the Warner Com- pany. Beliefonte, will appear on the the 50Lh regiiar meets Severn S100 wrt ANAge Hotel William Wednes. the visory Board at the Penn In Pittsburgh day As Retneral secrelars ool hipper organization M tell of the tivitie next will a HIE foe " re tf $ ne Will Mepor of which he & job ahead for the shippers will don sions atl the meeting ang als ommi The ang the he lin tiee hatrman railroad ate he JEU will be atten by repre industry agriculture from western Pennsyivania Ohio, western Maryland ar ern West Virgir Fdwin Wheeling, W. Va will preside Roy B. White president of Baltimore and Ohio Raliroad l be the principal speaker, ang will appear on the luncheon program Highlights of the morning session incl a general zpalysis of & conditions in this territory er of the year which deg 5 ahd nance tern a of chairman, won will wie busi or the fourth quart reports by th various committees and the ralircads, and an address on the national transportation situation by L. M. Betts, manager of the Car Service Division of the Association of American Railroads On Tuesday, five of committees will convene " the board's at the same i guiity and a directed verdict of ac- hotel jquittal summed up the disposition (of cases brought before the regular | September Criminal Court this week { Court opened Monday, The rally took on something of the | the elections, | in an ejectment Surrender of the junior Axis partner | court Monday for sentencing, forcefully pointed out why! ipaid high tribute to General Eisen-! | and | The Italians never meant! As the case for the ejectment of (to be In this war, they would have | Whiteman of Centre Hall, is a pat-|for he entire winter John G. Love, of Bellefonte, served | inesday when she was struck by a car OPA asked the U = joperaeed by Earl B. Swartzell, of Ney at Scranton tor a ‘warrant for was recessed Tuesday because of and concluded its work yesterdny R. Ward Fuller, of Galeton, —— Wa — ‘Accuse Woman of Falsifying Appeal According to the Williamsport Who | hyistrict OPA. a federal warrant this last May entered a plea of guilty 0) weer was sought for Mrs Emanuel {@ charge of violating the Pennsyi- |c Corman, 247 East Bishop street, i vania Securities Act, appeared was directed 0 pay the costs, a fine certifying information to a fed-| jeral agency to secure additional fuel! of $1000 and serve 11 to 22 months in | jae winter the county jail have sold securities without being registered as a seller or dealer in 4. ang Mis Ida C securities In the case of Bar] Dean, { Port Matilda (Continues on Ags # fz) Girl, Hit by Car, Reported Recovering Pe wa ky] Nency Ellen “Whiteman, He was alleged to) charged with enticing gallons was eranted on the Mrs. Corman ia irg her name on her first applica- second application According (0 OPA, a total of 500 initial application made In November, 1042, and that approximately 500 gallons EY MINE ounty Lags in Purchase of War Bonds, Repor t Shows WiLL THE FALL OF ITALY MEAN HOME FRONT DEFEAT? a home news—if County in Danger of Fall- ing Far Behind Quota of $2,549,600 SALES TOTAL ONLY $164,700 TO DATE front defeat we Laks Be llefonte Organized For House-to-House Canvass; Drive Ends Sept. 30 Ret PUBLIC 10 No Searcity—But Manu- facture Requires Vital Labor, Materials { WPB what sls urtal] Unnecessary tomers manpower This act matoches utility | which Priva has joined with wiles Wuia0ne v C¢ tinued o on page Six) BU APPROVES industries In Sup- cunmun porting the iintary Coneervatic runeportation and New ns COUNCIL TO MARE 2 ; SRL ELECTRICITY SURVEY OF TREES Diseased Ones May Be Re- Plan Post-War Activities moved : io plant a removed Tone etermine or ry one tree om = SHIOL CALENDAR = - Tuition Rates Fixed £9.28 for High School; $4.88 for Grades at Adon for the ion of the year and a 1943-44 neetin ol Board rates Mire & Lae font Mond ool calendar Begin fiscal yea First day 15: Insti Oct. 21: 1st markine pet Nov. 11: Armistice recess Nov, 25. 26: Thanksgiving Dec. 7: End 2nd marking Dec. 22: Christmas recess begins Jan. 3: Christmas recess ends Jan. 27: End first semester Mar. 8: End 4th marking period (Continued on pope Siz) Sept 8 Oct. 14 recess 9 period Aaronsburg Man Held for Desertion Charged wit de St RB hh being nn Army William eewite rehended He has at Berer ay HW State Police " Avon weeks and been successful in eluding Fed- ral and jocal authorities in a num- r of places, police said was taken tW night 1t Ouleswile's brother man Guicswile, Ww October desertion from military police he was liam taken 10 Carlisle Barrac He has Cl never been apprehended, they & (Or several had Carlisle Police Pvi ted last escaped Al said Mrs. Charles W. Reeder Her-. The wedding 35 West ter of Mr aay s Fr of shnf- LER FF, VG AAI 4 treet, Williams- Wire wil. B8 Arr rd for aug and and Williamsport Observe 50th Wedding Anniversary ci. beinime pao IN | poliefonte, who is accused of false | and 1, charged with us] Corman on a more was granted ‘the same person in January, 1043 In both instances the woman certified OPA charges, that she had six-year- ! made no previous application for oil. old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph OPA said the first application was] ient in the Centre County Hospital § Investigation reveals, here, receiving treatment for injur- man used 292 gallons of the second | (ies suffered at 5:25 p. m. last Wed- | allctment. The Williamsport District | District Attor-| | Millheim, near her home. The con- the applicant. idition of the child, who suffered a | fractured right leg, concussion of | the brain, bruises, and abrasions, was | described as being “satisfactory” yes- terday. The accident occurred when the. i child darted across the highway at the foot of Nittany Mountain into the path of the car driven by Mr. Swartzell who was going down the mountain on his way home. The mo- torist was unable to see the approach of the youngster, who ran out on the road immediately after several large trucks had passed hiding her from Mr. Swartzell's view. State Police from the Pleasant Cap substation investigated the ac- cident. a a LISTEN A low calm voice from down inside, Will speak to your conscience and say to your pride, It will ask you today, it will ask you tonight, Have you done your bit to make things right? Have you done your bit for the lads o'er the pond? Did you buy your stamp? Did you buy your bond? —Logan School, Hecla, Mrs, Cor- : MR. AND MES. A well known Bellefonte couple during the weekend ctlebrated their (golden wedding anniversary high- lights of the celebration being a family dinner at the Penn Belle Ho- tel. Saturday night, and an open {house at their home, Sunday. | The honored couple. Mr. and Mrs. Sinie BH. Hoy, of South Thomas | street, were married September 14, {1893 at the home of Mrs. Hoy's fos. {ter parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christian iDale, who lived on the farm on | which the fish hatchery at Pleasant {Gap is now located. The bride and | groom went to housekeeping on the { Dale farm there and for two years {after thelr marriage Mr. Hoy con~ Thursday evening wn Methodist The ceremony "or Huned 4 on page Fix Pine liam port. t street " Shooting Victim Is Reported Recovering James PF. Hunter, Nt aged 11 Pittsburgh youth seriously wounded in the face in a shooting accident near Julian on Labor Day, is report. ed to be recovering in a Pittsburgh hospital The youth, who was struck by a bullet his father intended for a fox the two were hunting on the C. M Myers farm at Julian, has under gone an operation in which his shat. Jered jaw was wired # place, and ‘wathin a few dave he expects to undergo an operation for the repair of damaged face muscles. Later on a skin grafting operation is planned His aunts, Mrs. Kathryn Herr and Mrs, Marian Book. both of Altoona, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. C M IMyers of Julian, had been in Pitis- schools of Durgh until Monday to ald in car- ing for him SINIE BH. HOY tinued to teach in the Benner township. After that he de- voted his entire time to farming from his father, the Inte he | XK Hoy and for 18 years he tillag the fer | a tile acres of what is commonly H W. Rabert of East Lamb street, known as “the garden spot” of the formerly of Snow Shoe has been present Rockview penitentiary lands ‘named by the board of directors of Mr. Hoy retired in 1924 and moved the Bellefonte YMCA to take charge to Bellefonte to his present home on of the ¥ offices here until a per South Thomas street. In 1830 he sold manent secretary to replace the late the homestead farm to Rockview L. C. Heineman has been appointed, penitentiary. it was announced yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy are in excellent! A boand spokesman sald the board health and continue to remain ac- Planned no immediate action on the (Continued on Pape Pour) [aetection of & Dew secretary, A
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