Sage Your THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. September 23, 1943, Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Morris of Millheim Philadelphia, Mrs. Vera Meyer. Mrs. guest at Ardell Meyer and son of Spring Blerly Mills, called at the homes of Mi: Mrs. J. E. Ziegler Elizabeth Weaver, E. R. Wolfe and ust Friday evening J. N. Moyer, on Friday bed since the Mrs. M. C. Haines spent Wednes- Mrs. C. A. Page day to Sunday in Harrisburg visit in Bast Orange ing her son, Lt. Kenneth Haines and honed home to ass wife. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. .aring for her. Mi Royer, Mrs. Della Shaffer and Mrs. saturday Ada Hubler motored to Harrisburg Mr and Mis R and were guests at the Haines home Cumberland. were The former returned home with J lv : them gs Cpl was n the to her ter Ing guests at the © Frank Mir daughter ited M1 and Mrs, J Dr. EB. L ter Linda were Sunda H. Hosterman | Glenn Weave) plied the pulpit of [charge on Sund Windover furlough Mrs Carl Winters of Pield, Utah, Is spending a at the home of his mother, Maude Winters Mrs. ( O. Mallory brated her eighty-second on Saturday at the home of her son in-law and dau Mr. and Mr: W. M. Tarbert, Her [riends and fam- lly remembered with calls, greeting: wd gifts Sch and Mi Ray Gloria, of | Mastellar quietly cele- birthday Royer thter dinne om personal reckengast of Centre Cou [ want to thank you, one and ward me in the campaign just c¢ TC I SR CI ORI CRT wleeting me to he placed in me in ofhice of Commissioner. ' , ’ County 1 oF [ want to assure vou that if | un in my power to help conduct that « ard courteous manner with consi : a 373) ' » itinal afRliats eg uedless ol political affiliation. O. P. (Putt O MR CCN CC I LY home ss Briton of Mrs N. Moyer, 8 RIN Good of weekend here | Miss Luctlle Blealy iBtate College Mr, and Mrs Bunday Curtis of Mrs supper Miller of Stovestown, weekend In the former Mr. and Mrs. Fred State College, spent the Sholl-Diehl home Mrs been il] the past week and Mrs Bobhy of with Mu Mr, and Mn M1 Preston Kae Anna Sunday visit hom and oC vi Mi spent became very il and confined Mm. Her daugh- who was visit. N. J. was sum t Mr. Ziegler in Page arrived on Nende; ha Mi: son Lancaster, spent Matthew’; W. H Zk Ziegler and McAllisterville, ors t the week ole r Of Ney } r. Mi weekend Gertrude recent of Muastellns Mloomsburg, Richard Berkstresser of parent Mi thet INCAY | granddaug) vir. m vrs. William Tye To The Republican Voters nty all. for vour consideration to- ng am elected I will do every fice in an efficient, economical given to ail taxpaveil Pa, leration ) McCORD HOIRMINEIE RITE PRT nme) Cassese {hmong ————— _. Ee Albert Matthews weekend with Edith EIS . ELF. bury; Main & Market Sts, Midddl * XX xX * % x * * % x * * PURE CIDER VINEGAR wi 1 Be 33544193 424 Market St, Third & Walnut Sts, Fourth & Reagan Sts. Sun- eburg: 255 Front St., Northum- berland; 17 S. Market St., Selinsgrove; 326 Market St, Lewisburg * % % oo * Today Is Axis Pay-Day!—Are We Square With Them? Back The Attack With More Bonds And Stamps! * Oleomargarine (4 RED or BROWN POINTS PER POUND) Use Red Stamp X, Y, Z, or Brown Stamps A, B Green Star : Oleomargarine 1-Ib print 18¢ NuMaid : Oleomargarine 1-1b print 20¢ 1-Ib print 24¢ Mrs. Filbert's Oleomargarine 1b print 24c¢ -1b print 25¢ Swift's All Sweet 1-1b print 26¢ Oleomargarine Dixie Brand Oleomargarine Good Luck Oleomargarine QUICK or REGULAR Mother’s Qats reg pkg 1 O- Ige pkg 22c¢ Breakfast Hour Coffee '"'"Pa2 21¢ Weis Leader Coffee 1-1b bag 24¢ Weis Quality Coffee 2 '-bbaes 5c Snosheen Cake Flour big 2%-1b bag 26¢ Pillsbury’ Best Flour 5-1bbag 3c 4-07 can 8¢ Black P ac epper at. size 33c’ 2 cakes 13¢ Flit Insect Spray Sweetheart Soap Kellogg's Gro-Pup Dog Food Ige pkg 22¢ * ®* * * * we J Qe Libby's 10¢ Thistle French Style Beans 14¢ fady Penn le Sauerkraut Cut Rite Wax Paper 125-firoll 16¢ Miracle Whip Lang's Dill Pickles qtjar 23¢ Hershey's 3 cakes 19g Pablum Cereal 1-1b pkg. Qe Old South Brand Grapefruit JUICE ge 46-02 cn 29¢c resh ,TOKAY GRAPES - Ib17¢ LEMONS ©#%9 .doz. 33¢ CABBAGE Old Dutch CLEANSER KELLOGG'S SHREDDED Blue Point Values (Use Blue Stamps U, V, W) Tomato Juice Farmer Girl Peas le Garden Beets le Killian's Butter Kernel Corn 13¢ Large Lima Beans “bag 13¢ W. K. Golden Corn #2can SILYERFLOSS 1b can be L (4 BLUE POINTS) Salad Dressing 8-0z jar 15¢ Amaizo Syrup 1%-1b jar 14¢ Chippewa Salt -ibpke Gc Old Fashioned Root Beer 6 "0% 25¢ Cocoa Butter Soap Shredded Ralston vk 11¢ lge pkg 39¢ Cream Corn Starch Argo STARCH | LETTUCE 5=% . hd. 13¢ Ib 4¢ is employed atl CGireninger Ada and daughter Na‘acy, and Miss Betty the y home here of the weekend at Diehl and Jast parents, and daughter were V parental New ni and SLL LLL ETETES TTT @ FETT T TIT TR @ TALE T TLL @ RUA L ELE L LL @ LLL LILI @ TLL LLL @ IAULILR TREE @ HELI LERAINL@ RUA I LIOLE @ FRALLA LRT CIAL @ FELT THEEIAL@ LLL ILE FEIT] @ LLRT TELL Lt @ LER Lit ie LLL LL # LLL Le A EA EAE PRL meen ' a an: yn El ALL CHARTER A NL a a ly BN | John of Lock Haven, were weekend | guests at the home of the gentle] men's parents, Mi Nurs G.!| Cummings Mrs, R. A Hosterman and spent Saturday fonte Mr. and Mt C.J re Sunday visitors at + cabin near Loganton Mrs, Gertrude Frank wos a Sun- day the home of her grandson, James Frank at Loganton, the dinner peing in celebration of Intter's daughter, Joan's A and Babcock, Mrs Mi RJ plternoon E. H Reanice in Belle Weaver, the Ji Harry dinner guest al the second family of were visitor former wrother, E. H Joel Royer of Zion also y ited the Hostermang and and Mrs. H. H. Royer delegation from the local Evan- d » Ciranoe i 4 = mierman and recent {osterman Harry Roan M1 and daughier lege pent the CMB nome William Wolle znd Mf Logonton, Mr. and ] and son Billy of homes of J. E Wolle, Monda Awarded $2500 and erly ne jant friends last some Ol or don street, a and} | ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Kline on Water street Farmer Dick Fye Is doing some custom trucking with his new three- {ton dump truck 0. P. McCord Wins for Commissioner PINE GROVE MILLS Mis. Estella Isenberg was a pleas- | visitor among Balleyville Tuesday Annie Kocher Is spending time In Qlean, N. Y., a guest n and family, Glenn Koch ney Mrs hel Elishu from the LO Shoemaker ha returned Hospital in Hunting home on Fast Main The recuperating very nice- (Continued from page ome) Official Count Board called In members of the North Ward elec. tion board In an effort to explain the matter but board members could no logical explanation The judge of out of North alr his id | M1 and daugnte; rangers and Mrs. Edwerd Clouser Nancy, were among the the pienic last Satur for Hall andall Poust of Alt visitor SURBest the apparent error for the ward was (All members of tl board women) the OfMicla) nt day al Centre election W. R pleasant town Ward A broug ww nn the i Mr Herl Poust. Randall is employ RR vilie re ur a weekend with a pa M ed by the P The Bi win Board opened it Lt for and canal Monday morn- was made two Intere by a result ht in the ounted rent and ballot box voles CHa McCord other ! all Both well as and re ommissioner Mr. Henszey, a resent Ci will ob annual Booster Night Sept resting Mis Hes the program is Ming 1 » ning mmittee red int The side in Ors I ted Wi L! 4 ] y ide during "1¢ ta is #4) ving table recount re nown Tally 462 Recount 142 369 Damage Verdict at h Continued Robert J nd u of Mile from page one) Kell of wa Al- ww we defendant DuUrg September term Countian Reported Missing In Action (Continued from page one) ida later completed ig at Salt Lake City, Utah y June he was home for a kh ana inte i ihe ali nt to Engiand June 28. In a recent w sald he hag returned to his base in England flying mission to Africa mM Ww Fd NE there On letter to his mother } ust from a Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With Little Worry Snooze Ww yorit ire fal teeth dropping wabbiing FABTEETH or and more comfort powder has n taste or feeling It's alkaline “plate oGor FASTEETH at ROOSY. Dasty I Cause nausea cid) Checks denture breath). Get ny drug store, Legal Notices ev. whe, NOTICE TO UNION TOWNSHIP TAXPAYERS circumstianoes time ne home only Due to at the known 1 will after not rn! evenings ices were Saturday stead a { OG. FLICK Collector TREASURER'S NOTICE P of Centre Count juent taxes held 1943, and the ad- that the 13. 1943 report. No- 1 that exceptions sd within sixty day after the date of the return and report, otherwise the same will be sald thereto may be confirmed abeoiutely HARRY F. JONES, Treas County NOTICE hereby given {annual meeting of the members of Centre County Hospital will be held i at the Court House, Bellefonte, Pa. Monday, Ockober 11, 1043, at 8 loclock p. m., for the purpose of electing eight Trustees in accordance { with Articles IV of the By-Laws of Centre County Hospital to represeiil | the Districts hereinafter named asd the transaction wich other business as shall properly come be- { fore said meeting. Five of said Trus- {tees shall be elected for a term of i three years to fill vacancies caused by terms expiring among the Trus- {tees for District 1. which said Dis- trict consists of Bellefonte Borough ind Spring, Marion, Walker and Benner Townships. Three Trustees {shall be elected to fill vacancies ex- | listing for Trustees representing Dis- {trict 11, which District consists of | State College Borough and College, | Perguson., Half Moon, Harris and | Potter Townships, two of which | Trustees shall be elected for an un- {expired term of two years and one! for an unexpired term of one year Provided, however, the Trustees rep- resenting District IT shall be elected at a preliminary election to be held | by the members of the Centre Couti- | ty Hospital at a time prior to ths! date of the annual meeting aia ac a designated place within said dis- trict, the result of which said elec. tion shall be reported to said an- nual meeting. If such preliminary election is not held and #0 reported to the annual meeting, an election! of Trustees to represent said District | will be held at said annual meeting | As no vacancies exist among Trus- | tees previously elected, representing! Districts ITI IV, V. VI and VII} there will be no election of Trustees representing said Districts : By Order of the Board. i JESSE H. CAUM Secretary. that the on i ¢ { for of Alfred way " dele rtheta + 0 prow he board J hei Official Cx were still en- the official vols tion Were Pits eared wri : page wi BIT y Vio elec Are oO eph cast at last 71 drys Judge Walker, Russell P. Beeder H. Bathgate of Lemont, Mrs. Jos Runkle, Mrs. A C. Heverly and Mrs Nelle Decker, all of Belielonie anc MARRIAGE LICE q NSES efonte, R Vacation th Hing some time in Cl « Elizabet ter, the guesis of Prof Robert Lannen Rev, J. NN. Groninger eran pastor was a recent galier at Fortney home Dear L Miss Bara Dann- nicely from time ago Fe Wil Mann Marie Bathurst John Genther Bir Shi Bloch James Weave te College Hennick S8oring Mills t A. Petersen State College } Ww fre 2 siutmbus. O 1shier and son Anne CG. William Columb were last Bunday call- James A. Beaver Bellefonte E31) & - . nl ress d ers at the home of Mrs. Ishier's par-| jane MM. Kisling Bellefonte \ Worirow Giadys new Luth- rey J State College R R the George Rut} Clie recovering ived sOmmhe Carl of Boalsburg -h - PELLEFON 2 BIG DAYS — Friday and Saturday — ROOTIN’ TOOTIN’ FUN! HERE COMES MISS AMERICA OF 1941 WITH THOSE SAGE BRUSH ROMEOS — BEERY AND ROGERS! F § PRAIRIE CHICKENS with TIMMY ROGERS . NOAH BEERY, JR . JOE SAWYER i" MARJORIE WOODWORTH - Rulented thas Woiled Artists WITH ROSEMARY LAPLANCHE (The "Miss America™ of 181!) ALSO THE RANGE BUSTERS BLASTING SABOTEURS! “COWBOY COMMANDOS" Dennis Max Evelyn Moore Terhune Finley EL. Ray “Crash” Corrigan TUES, & WEDNESDAY The Entire Unbelievable, Shocking Truth of the Nazi Conqueror! John Patricia Allan Carradine Morison Curtis HITLER'S MADMAN With Ralph Mergan iiss RD na You've Gol a Date With a MONDAY ONLY ~DOOR PRIZE NITE 25 Special Reasons Why You'll Like Ii! Degrees in Crime From the County Jall—It's a New Angle! ARLINE ROGER JUDGE CLARK GIRLS IN CHAINS ~ With — Robert Raymond BE —————— FOLLIES GIRL Music by Johnny Long, Bob Bryne, Ray Heatherton Bert ee e—— —— NEXT THURSDAY NITE ONLY —— “GALS, INCORPORATED" Also - “CRIME DOCTOR" eee DuPont and Glider tf hi "most and workd's DuPont when hu end ol a slate versed while himasell starting Waller ( HM with » Holo um iiy most showing =» tion Americ plane DuPont UNIONVILLE (Continued from page three) WwW. Holt, Mrs. John Whip- Orrie Holt, Miss Merriam Way, Mrs, Ida M. Hofl, and her par. ents, Mr. atid Mra. B. E. Holt Miss Merriam Way of Mieshurg pent t ; her grandmot Mra. Ruel Ethel Jean Lie former s Priestley At Unionville (Continued from page one) authority on powerless wis holder of most records for gliding visited Unlonvilie caine Gow fight from New For an hour more with res of awaiting and bis pl point The members « Zahniwet of Unionvill oF 8 rho! of the men duPont nbove interesting were: G ple, Mrs fiyving of the se 4 in Lhiere he weekend v aig with Holt daughter nday with Mrs. Esau been gager " . her, M York Or he oon ident the area transportation fo ne ack Ww { the Young Wom. ! nday of the who spent i aad : Methodist church will nr t for thei regu mony meeting tember 28 o« mox atic uve] of Pennsylvar Avia THANKS VOTERS ¢ Deny duPont a LEAR ARALARRERRARARRAR RRR RARER RRARAARARRARARE ©» » REI EEE ERE EE EERE RE EEE d id ddd didi YY ry nem Buy Bonds for future nesos ~. Public Sales Additional Sales on Page 5, Yiecond Section URDAY OCTOBER el MARCH oy Bo 14 ¢ ¢ E kK Friday, Octobe r 8 BL. HARPSTER sale at the Bver Hunting Licenses on Sale Loe nse are now id by the ladies ald of LI oo BACK THE ATTACK WITH MORE WAR BONDS! - FILMDOM'S FASTEST RISING FAVORITES teamed for romance! * Judy GARLAND Von HEFLIN AAARAARARARAAAARARAARRARRRRARRRARRRRRL Richard CARLSON Fay BAINTER Spring BYINGTON Marta EGGERTH Two Big-Name Bands! DOZENS OF BOB CROSBY TOMMY DORSEY SONG HITS! «FIRST TIME AT POPULAR PLAZA PRICES! Rb ————— — — WEDNESDAY—ONE DAY ONLY Whatta Show! Fun and Radio's Top Crime Thrill Frolic . . . Girls and Gaiety! Comes to the Screen Harriet Leen Lillian Hilliard Errol Cornell Margaret Lindsay GALS, INC. With Glen Gray & CRIME H DOCTOR His Casa Loma Orch. Warner Baxter ERE EES dd woe. NEXT WEEK-END STARTING THURSDAY oe “STAGE DOOR CANTEEN"
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