__THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. September 23, 1948. “CENTRE HALL AND VICINITY BOALSBURG Mr. and Mes; H, FP. Levis were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, Nevin Fisher nt State College, Eonday CHURCH SERVICES Spring Mills; Nov Evangelical: The Rev. W. K. Hos- at Centre Hall terman, pastor. Bethesda--Harvest| hr... Home service, 9:00, Centre Hall-- CENTRE HALL BOY Harvest Home service, 10:30; Sunday! school, 9:30. Egg Hill—-Homecoming,! . 2:00. Locust Grove-—Harvest Home,! R. 8 Hagan received a 7:30; Sunday school, 9:30 cently from Pvt, Chalmers Lutheran: The Rev C son of Mr. and Mrs. Orvis pastor. Centre Hall--Harvest teiling of some of hi service, 10:30; Sunday school, with the U. 8. Armed Forces Farmers Mills—Harvest Home ily vice, 9:00; Sunday He says Georges Valley—Harvest vice, 7:30; Sunday Methodist: The Rev. C mond, pastor. Centre Hall--Cl service 7:30 Sunday scnool Sprucetown--Church ser Sunday sehool, 5.45 Church set 9.00 10:00 Rel letter Otto, Home 8:30 5er- school, 10:00 Home ser 3 in school the Vide rmed pastor. Cent 10:30; Sunda) villeChureh servic school, 10:00 Pres M Phe LN i Church servi 10:00 ser byteriat District Soccer League Schedule Follc I } 1043-04 soccer SCH Ube LOCALS AND PERSONAL ——— TL ————————— — A —_—" WRITES FROM SICILY re. Weaver Weaver experiences Si nembering an appreciati ine support given i : Lhe rimari and Mrs. Claude Wert, near Hall Mr I Patty, of Balt more t the Claude Mrs. Ray spent last week Jacobs and Leslie Jacobs Mrs. Carl Burkholder and ter Mary Kay, retw day from Winfle ed last week witl Hes Lute Wort and visited Vert home Gilliland of with Miss id ar : family | Mu Edw and rd Glax on Thursday of Mn in Spring Mills George finéd to her home last Bpoerey wee tL ft CR Gi Ha: Margaret ned home where they val “na Mi 8 1 LT with Miss Priscilla Stuart, who teach- en sewing in the school at Indiana, pent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. YW. H. Stuart Mr. and Mis. Paul Kollerman and son visited the Orvis Rockey family Mill Hall, R. D., Sunday Mrs. Mary 8. Goheen spent Thurs- day afternoon with Mrs. PB. A heen at State College Mrs. Nell B. Fisher days recently with her QO. Norris at Altoona Mr. and Mrs. Grant Charles of State College, spent Sunday after- noon with the latter's mother, Mrs W. H. Btover . Mrs. W. H Btover and Jack Kline » accompanied Mr and Mrs. Grant Charles of Btate College. "0 Altoona, Saturday. where they spen* the day ¢ Mr and Mrs Nevin Fisher md n daughter of Staté College, ‘spent Sunday evening at the Fisher home Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Bhook of t Bellefonte, have moved 10 the Pishe. er apartment Mr. and Mrs et Centre ighter recently risburg, at Cio- daugh- Sun- visit Bob J everal Mr spent sister ner and WEEK - 1 Mi Howard Emery and . children of Centre Hell, and Mr. and Mis. Jacob hook of Belafonte were callers at the Bhook home gm od Sinwiay Mui cousins Ooheen visited het Misses Amanda and Anronsburg. reoent. Mary 8 the Haines Corn at A. Callenbsch of J. is visiting her son, F Ww wich and family class of the Belform- W001 held helr clas PE ng Monday at the home of Mrs. Charles Gearhast The member: who attended were: Mrs I Lewis, Mra. Marte Cor! Mrs Helen Homan, Mrs Bernadine Cox Mrs Elizabeth Guiser Mrs. Jane Mrs. Betty Klinger Chariot Reish Virginia Whitehead and Cileanes Sinday scl nee! Ed Hore: Mines Patiersor Le Reish Glad -U-Kum Lutheran Sunday school held Tuoendn ning Hottz home ith ares host ruses members présent Mrs Lonherger, Mrs. George Musse Robert Hess. Mr: Philio Mr Donald Baap. Mrs. Leroy Corl Mrs Fdward Sooits and Misses Mar. garet Dale and Emuna Elza 8teart MLK Dale and daughter Mar. v were dinher guests of Mr. and Ralph Dale st Bellefonte Sun, Virginia The their at Mrs The Pred Mr whe neeting ¢ » Wilbur L#Roy &i ne were . Those whe Mrs. Ella Gingrich and daughter Kathryn, spent Bubday with the Lee Smeltzer family at Pleasant Gap Mrs. Roy Clements of Bellefonte visited at the John Willams home from Thursday until Friday Roy Clements was © supper guest at the Willlamg home Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barger spent Eaturday evening in Bellefonte Mrs. William Thompson and Mrs Edgar Hess and daughter Betsy i ited relatives in Bellefonte on Mon- day fe. James Horner of New River N. C, Is spending an 8-day furlough with his wife and daughter Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Grenoble State College, R. D Jennie Fortney and da day alternoon Word has we) elved by A. J Addleman of the safe son, PvL, James Addleman Addleman 6s In Beptemby of Mr 8 viaited gater imn- re KRITIVEL OF enlis'ed 1042 t grade the township school Lonberger as teact 20. They Alice Kimport Earl Eyer, Nancy Hr ey Clark, Theresa Jordan David Ishler, Ronnie 8hilling, Tommy Lin- deman, Gall Callahan i Smith Dons MeClint Law: Whitehill Robert Dillon Bet ment cf ler Bobby genberry. M MICK i Day ence Wobaugl AIOE He Woods. T! ang T Williams, © terman, from Aa The Pirst formed Su meeding Yn of Tw Jonres, Mrs Letty Philips ipsbury Mrs Earl Musser and family of Perilefonte. spent Sunday at the erm. Miser home Ms. Frederic Dale of Pleas Gan. spent Fridoy night at the LL RB Dale home one) an Dickey €Cireen of Biate College spent the weekemnx! Sl Fn, -— very day INVASION battles are taking the lives of gallant boys fighting under the Stars and Stripes, Yourdear ones—sons, husband, sweetheart, father, brothers, relatives and friends—are, or soon may be, engaged in those bloody battles where the scythe of the Grim Reaper flashes in every volley of the guns. The 3rd War Loan of 15 billion dollars must pay for the equipment, ammunition and food our boys need so desperately —and you must raise ths money! Buy af Jeast one EXTRA $100 War Bond in Sep- tember besides your regular bond purchases. Go all-out with every dollar you can scrape up and keep right on slapping every cent into the world's safest investment—War Bonds! Make the 3rd War Loan a quick success—back up your soldier, sailor or marine ALL THE WAY! 3 bath BACK THE ATTACK WITH WAR BONDS First National Bank BELLEFONTE, PA. MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION. AR NR with rent Mr and Mrs their grandpa H. C. Bailey J. Addleman spent the weekend the CT. Snyder family In Dr Mrs ughters Virgini Dik of Carlisle cuts of Rev and ale Robert Plunkett « visiting #1 4 or 3114 at the John Khanlisn home The Crusaders cinss of the uth. eran Bunday school held their class meting Thured ing at wrt Barger home, with Mr Ba Howard Nef! William Calishan as se present were: Mrs ©. A. Bon- Darald Reup, Mrs John ans. Mrs. John Bechiel Mrs Koch end Mrs R Hor of FEN 4 lane “ven tive ay Re Rob- ard heater see LE va Lf vy 27 8¢t Elwood Calivhar of Penn State Forest. Barnaget, N. J visited his parrnis Mr. ang Mrs James Callahan, Sr from Priday until Sunda: Mr and Mis. Harry Coble of State Joliege, visited Mr. and Vrs Wil liam Thompson, Sunday Harry Addieman of Md. i= soending several dave at the A. 1. Addleman home Recent visitors with ®ise Dannlev and Mr ond Mar Fortney were Rev and Mrs. J FP Enziish of Baxion, Mr. and Mrs Luther Peters. State College, RD. fay Reed of Pine Grove Millis, and Misses Beulah Porthey and Priscilla Ptoart Mrs. OF. 8mith returned to her bome Sunday. after spending six weeks with her son, Oscar ang ‘am- Baltimore Misses Grace Bitner Rowe and Mis Marthg Barto State College. were gusts of Margaret Kuhn Frilay evening Mr. and Mrs. W. L. MeCullough end Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Madara and son William Owin of Altoona. were recent visitors at the Sheldon Clap- per home Miss Ruth Isenberg and Miss Rosemary Tusco of Altoona, visited Rev. and Mrs. D. J. Raup from Sat- urday until Sunday Mr. and Mr: Luther Peters of State College, R. D., called on Mrs Nannie Coxer and Miss Rhoda Har rison. Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Taleski and davehter of Altoona, Mr. and Mrs Andrew Garver of Bellville, Mrs. {Charles King of Pleasant Gap, Mr. and Mrs. Gemld Campbell and daughter of State College. Mrs. B. F Neff, Albert Garbrick and Howard Neff were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Campbell. Baltimore, Bara George at Daisy of Mrs and 4-H Club Monday evening. The As- sistant County Agent George W, Ely ‘showed colored slides of the forest { Mrs OF Smith has word that her son, Opl. David Smith has landed in North Africa Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barger and} children snent Bunduy at the Chas Witherite home st Axemann, i: abort $150 dame Ravmeng Musser entertained the received | ard Misses Kathryn Ging — - No Council Meeting A regular Pelle! Porough Cound hedduled for Any nleht wa . eit wi enoush member: Quorum were present glar Mweting right October 4 Bon be of 3 Bl to Monstitute 1 The next will be Monda BE a a Curtin Youth Is Jailed in Theft Series w——— (Continued from pops one) Haven sumuncnied to the Marsh Opesk® where 2 gv tree, catsing about the front Le found the road near beef) « car on the Romola ven into a ze part Alter misha parently Her Tamils that POTET. BL went H i the family motor, he igrade for the trip came ! machine rack then walked int oward 1 William Mapes. He is believed driven the car Tyrone, Al- na, and then to Philipsburg On back fram Philipsburg ren off the road and bHroke wheel to some extent but was abie to continue to Snow Shoe Intersec- tion, vhere he abandoned that ve- hicle, The car was found there the next day where jw R03 Car owneg to on he one nia - NEW SHOW TIME — Shows Now 7:30 and 9:30.P. M. Admission 10c & 30¢ SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY (September 25th) Joan Davis - Jinx Falkenburg TWO SENORITAS FROM CHICAGO It's got that swing! It's got that Zing! Brother it has everything! “THREE STOOGES COMEDY” “SPORT REEL" “NEWS ISSUE" WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY {Two Nights—-Sept. 20-30) The Great Action Picture of the Year . . . and the War! CRASH DIVE In Technicolor) Tyrone Power - Anne Baxter FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY (One Compiete Showing, Oct. 1) GONE WITH THE WIND Your last chance te see this Great Attraction ! Theatre opens at 7 p. m-8how i promptly at 7:30 p. m. Only One Complete Showing LOETYE, § I Warr Wednesday county ju | u mes youth Wes nnd was lodged til investigation of the arrested in this cou had been completed. charge Lhe various cr Thi putoled yom wntence on that witg taken Into custody last Btale Industriel School at White oth "Mill last May and subsequently was "te on He received and served a count ——-— understanding he wg tary servic his time The jeerLion wien Aree) worie ty his draft as board with he sa) Back the Attack— Buy ——— Vegelabloy they've dona Now YUrselyes Wee Hie Considereq of Nature's Hehey Variety youl Choleegt ing and bey Ning we deog A hare, A Brneroy ft roy Wd ‘ | dup } Vegetable for Your Bette, Hie “Gunning fur Morr Ww ang Swell “a ‘ tog! Si ROE meng PMhve , ‘ Preciouy atic mn War Bonds Now! nen 3rd WAR 104% Creg “vey Possibl ’ . W 3 [ 1 | WHIT POTATOES out PASTE i | APPLES TRUE AMERICANS ARE MAKING [SUPER MARKETS — 40% Owned rivted fic Tea Great Atismatic ye 24-1b Sunnsficld Fariched Family } Mok FLOUR . ... =: 9% CAKE FLOUR = 18c Ann Page MACARORI . . = 28¢ Staley's Cream Comm STARCH . . .. =: Ge CRACKERS . . = 19 SOAP .. .. 323 Woodbury — — ‘ Sunny 1b Fig THE ALL-P RPOS | HOUSEHOLD CLEANSER | ZERO 15¢ # 1 15-01. Ful Quart Bottle Pkg. ee —— DATED! ENRICHED! THORO-BAKED! MARVEL B R EAD i 1 0 “iv 11e 1,-Lb. Loaf SUGARED DONUTS DM! 'or 156 SANDWICH ROLLS , "1's. nriched! BOSTON BROWN BREAD SUGAR NUT LOAF ——————— 1-ib Leaf CRUNCH COFFEE CAKE EELS mest 2orcttl gn iSe ha | FRONT DIAMOND CRYSTAL SALT 7c | THIS PLEDGE: will ng up 1 y oot ON FILEDGE, de ER PICES PLAIN CEILATIN ANN PAGE LONG SPAGHETTI ENCORE EGG NOODLES ANN FACE BLENDED SYRUY LF CREAM OF TARTAR, Ann Page. Phy Maiz NIBLETS CORN is 12 As : ANN PAG) I» <r 12 v LL MH IBoz. lik 1502. ™% Pki Lage 4 18 Son Lh 33 Pkg Can § Wier ix (5 Hor 1% (14) No. 2 Six COUO-WHIAT KELILOGG'S ALL KELLOGOG'S PEP BOSCUL COFFE} RK. A RIE FEAST HEINZ BABY FOODS TOMATO SOUP, Camphwell's TOMATO JUICE, Welt rs ALF ASPARAGUS SPEARS BEAN —— WELCH'S GRAPE : | i i | i MIX WAFERS Rajah FOVWDER MINUTE MAN sOUP NB ( SKY FLAKE Worcestershire Sasoe, MEXENE CHILI HEINZ SAUCY STUFFED OLIVES IDEAL DOG FOOD CUTRITE WAX PAPER WHITE SAIL LIQUID BLUE WHITE SAIL AMMONIA STALEY 'S GLOSS STARCH MELO WATER SOFTENER SANI-FLIUSH tly SIMONIZ CLEANER, Liguld SIMONIZ WAX FAIRY FOAY LAUNDRY GEMS JOHNSONR GLO JAR CAPS 2picoe JAR BRINGS | Pkg & 14h. 24e box Be Tin 4 Son THe Ann Page, 10%0z 68 Sor % 125-11. 15¢ 12-02. 5c COAT WHITE HOUSE EVAP, MILK .. 10 = 85¢ "1 Med or Brown Stamp Per Can EABY-GENTLE SWAN Fioating Soup in 296 Cakes LUX TOILET #5 eens ULTRA-REFINED LOR ORD 8 0'Clock.. 2 Lbs. dle Red Cirele.. 2 Lbs. 47¢ Bokar ....2 Lbs, Ble ITS FLAVOR IN YOUR —— CUP THAT COUNTS to enter mili- was up. of thefts followed his re- police
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