THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Seven " September 9, 1943. ————— INTERESTING CONTESTS TO BE DECIDED AT ELECTION, TUESDAY It is fun, if you're not too deeply interested in partisan polities, to sit down and look the Centre county ballot for pri mary. We warn you, however that are a rip-snooting Democrat dyed-in-the-wool Republican the de lights of such sport will be lost on you. You will see too far behind the scenes—or imagine you do-—and the over the coming if you om “" © POLITICAL AN FOR COUNTY TREASURE R. To the Democratic Voters Centre County 1 hereby announce mysoll as & can- didate for Treasurer of Centre Coun- ty. subject to the rules governing the Democratic Party the Primary election to be held Tuesday, Septem- ber 14. 1943. Your vote and support are respectfully solicited 8. H "SAM" POORMAN dellefonte of at Pa TREASURER Voters of Centre FOR COUNTY To the Democratic County 1 hereby didate for 1 ty, subject to the Democratic Pw election to be ber 14, 1843 are respectfully ited SAMUEL A Reber plf 4s A can- tre Coun- fg the mary ptem- and support NOUNCEe myse easurer of C« rules gov Your vote SOL BIFRLY WO UMN FOR SHERIF} the Democratic Vole County I hereby am didate -tor subject to Demucratic election Ww De ber 14, 1843 Y are respectiuil RUDOLPH To WUNnCe mh Ni nN of Us the pay NL 2 INI Lie al ue vO € FOR To the Dein County 1 hereby sux didate for 8 subject WW Lhe Denxcrate ¥P election tw ber 14, 1843 Are respectliuily SHERIF FOR SHERIFF. To the Republica: County I here didate for subject to Republican election to ber 14, 1943 are respectiully JOHN (JERRY) OALAIDA, Bellefont te Bo FOR SHERIFF. To the Republican Voters County : I hereby anpounce mysel! as ; didate for Sheriff of Cenwe Count subject to the rules governing t Rem®lican Party ot the Priman election Wo be held Tuesday, Septem. ber 14, 1943. Your vote and support are respect solicited C. ROY HELD Madisonbwg, Pa SHERIFF. To the Republican County 1 hereby didate for subject to the can Party at the be held Tuesday Your vote and fully solicted EARLY Caters v Ooter rn il tas] of Primary September SUPppOrs are LEE Belle DAVIS, efon Pa FOR COUNTY To the Republican County. I hereby announce myself as a can- didate for Com mussior er re pounty » ing the Republi mary election Ww t September 14, 1043 support are respectfully WILLIAM H Bellefor COMMISSIONER. Voters of Cent can BROUSE ite Borough FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER To the Republican Vou Centre County: I hereby announce myself as a can- didate for Commissioner of Centre County, subject to the rules ing the Republican Party at mary election to be held Tuesday Beptember 14, 1043. Your vote and support are respectfully solicited WM. H (BILL) BROWN, Bellefonte Borough FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. To the Democratic Voters of Centre County I hereby announce myself asa can- didate for Commissioner of Centre County, subject to the rules govern- ing the Democratic Party at the Pri- mary election to be held Tuesday Beptember 14, 1943. Your vote and support are respectfully solicited CHARLES FP. HIPPLE, Bellefonte Barough ers of govern the Pri- FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. To the Democratic Votera of Centre County: I hereby announce myself aa a can- didate for Commissioner of Centre County, subject to the rules govern- ing the Democratic Party at the Pri- mary election to be held Tuesday September 14, 1043 Your vole and support are respectfully solicited. FRED CC. MENBCH, Millan Borough FOR COV NTY C OMMISSIONER To the Democratic Votery of Centre County I hereby announce myself as a can- didate for Commissioner of Caunty, subject to the rules govern- Centre | face of the ballot will mean nothing to you But for vou who can take your politics leave them alone there's plenty of interesting specula- allable Take the Democratic Sherifl, for example, One Rudy Wettstein, Julian, R county office for the first he has no hands. But Rudy NOUNCEMENTS ing fue Democr atic MAry ection to held Seotem No 14, 1843. Your voate and SUDIX are respectfully solicited A. L. BOWERSOX State College Borough those of or tion Av ticket for candidate, D.. seeks time—and has been Party be the Pri- Tuesday at FOR COUNTY the Republican county COMMISSIONER Voters of Centre hereby announce myself as a can- for Commissioner of Centre subject to the rules govern tr Republican Party at Led to be held Your P McCORD, Philipsburg Tuesday vote and ited Rush Township Pa FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER ee Republican Centre of FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS cited B ‘BEN" MEEK State Coll Ke FOR RECORDER. Your vote su; Wt WOliCi led H SCHHEECK lemaont, Pa and tui JAMES FOR PROTHONOTARY Dem A ocratic Voters of Centre ty I hereby announce myself as & cane didate for Prothonotary of Centre County, subject to the rules govern- ing the Democratic Party at the Pris | held Fuaadas-r other interesting ‘mary election to be September 14, 1943. Your vote and are reapectfully soilcited FREDERIC OO HOFFER, Philip Lurg. Pa SUDO FOR Republican TREAST KER. Voters announce myself or Prothonotary subject te as A can-~ Centre Republ! to be 1943 TOSI FRED PLETCHER How Pa 144 n iuliy sol ted ret FOR REGISTER Votera of Centre HARRY A CORM Spring Mills FOR COt INTY AUDITOR he Democr Voters of Centre yunty AN Pa Rtic ce myself as a can- of Centre Coun- rules governing le at the Primary I hereby announ inte for Auditor y. subject to the De Tx ratic Party election to be held Tuesday, Septem r 14 1943. Your vote and support respectfully solicited J. VICTOR BRUNOGART, Rebersburg q al are Pa FOR COUNTY AUDITOR, 1 Reppublican Voters of Centre County I hereby announce myself as acan- didate for Auditor of Centre Coun- ty, subject to the rules governing the Republican Party at the Primary tion % be held Tuesday, Sep- tember 14, 1943. Your vote and sup- port are respectfully solicited RALPH H HARTSOCK, Huston Township FOR COUNTY AUDITOR. the Republican Voters of Centre County I hereby announce myself as a can- didate for Auditor of Centre County subject to the rules governing the Republican Party at the Primary election to be held Tuesday, SBeptem- ber 14, 1943. Your vote and support are respectfully solicited DAVID A. HOLTER, Howard Barough To t oe To A aS i Take _ -t Sy ET getting around angl peaple are com ing to know that he can do Just about everything any two-fisted man can do. His amazing proficiency at overcoming a handicap resulting from a raliroad accident many years gO Is meriting much praise The other for Sheriff is Mall who 1s Democratic candidate Robinson, of Port widely known ovel the county as a ventriloquist and im Robinson and his wooden stooge "Oscar O'Nelll been entertaining throug! ounty in recent weeks at various benefit festivals and carnivals, if the applause his act Is drawing is any indication, he'll AVA anche of in the The Republican slate equi interesting Held, wiio 1s a comparative comer Lee Davi ent Deputy Sheriff: John n Belief Galalda member of neweomer Jas ida itator have out the headed and get an primarie for Sherifl There are C new votes the onte fr ill akin Harry Cour office and § man of Milesburg, formet man of tu Anothey Reb. ersburg The Republican party Forpteats man garag has several Harold D resigned cna Rr wi [REE #4 ponent 4 Piet Commi of Philipsburg. Woodring is primaries by James Lemont garageman Inionville Posed H. Schreck jacob C Centre ana elected a and for hat are watching Lucille interest COUNLY never office Cason pOLIMCo Ward Other Register are campaign with candidates for the office of Harry R. Burd, Haines township, Frank K. Steven- of Patton township: Clark N Aikey. Bellefonte railroad man, and Charles B. Musser, of Bellefonte For County Auditor the present incumbents Dovid A. Holter and Ralph R. Hartsock are being chal- ged by James R. Hughes, of Belle fonte. former Academy headmaster and Howard M. Miles, of Union township, one-time County Commis- sioner Those are the primary contests in the county election. In those con- tests will be centered most of the interest voters on September 14 your pick, but pick carefully p—] of i. en of a ————— (Political advt.) REPUBLICANS — NOMINATE 0. P. Mc(ORD of Rush Township, for COUNTY (OMMISSIONE Competent EIGHTH PLACE and Reliable ON THE BALLOT {west corner ANNOUNCES FOR AUDITIOR f Milesbury uhnounce M:s. Clyde W Centre county, wishe Lo at this time her decision County Auditor As It Is DO have her name on the primary ba lot, she kindly nsks 3 upport by writing, printing or } ting sticker with her nam Democrat ie ballot at the primary tion At present she is chaliman of the Med jen] Corps Casualty the Centre County Civ Defense Post Milesburg ; also a member of OPA Price Panel which she given time, onergy and abschitely free, She has time and Anancial a She has mu suerifce Ving two Uncle 8 } Sit Irvin Wn ‘amp Pen end A/S Ki Watson f Mau College Huntington f. Va both If 'atson to run iol late to our on ele of Han nt ol! id h Kreater to given Why made a hey yO S hail ure will by Ix FARM CALENDAR The Peun school Reminders From State Colleg: of Agriculture Finely syivania Treat Sheep for Parasites Announced Fertilizers Pasture Grow ultry Pe Improve ¥F Need Water Legal Notices EXPO TRIX® NOTICE. @ Lewis ate Ors i NCTICE OF COMPUTATION RETURNS OF PRIMARY ELECTION jeliefonte Nass Of Primary Election President 3 : Common Pleas of Centre Counts CHARLES F HIPPLE FRED C. MENSCH HARRY V. KEELER Cen unty Board Of 18 tre « Eiectl Altegt FREDERIC Chief Clerk ORPHANS COURT SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE The undersigned, Trustee of the gatates of Andrew J. Shivery, Jr. and Jane W. SBhivery, both late of Spring Township, Centre County Pa. will expose to public sale, on thx first of the premises hereinaller de- scribed. located on the extension oi Allegheny of the Borough of Bellefonte into Spring Township, Centre County, on SATURDAY at 12:30 p. m real estate The first thereof stake 100 feet north of the north. west intersection of 5th Ave. and Allegheny Street: thence north 50 feet along Allegheny Street: thence westerly 200 feet to Locust Alley. thence southerly 50 feet; thence easterly 200 feet to the place of be ginning The second thereof, beginning at a point 150 feet north of the north- west corner of the intersection of Allegheny Street extended and 5th Ave: thence along Allegheny Street 50 feet; thence westerly 200 feet to Locust Alley: thence southerly 50 feet; thence easterly 200 feet to the place of beginning The third thereof, beginning at a point 200 feet north of the northe west corner of the intersection of Allegheny Street extended and 5th Ave; thence north a distance of s0 feet: thence westerly 200 feet to Lo- cust Alley: thence southerly 50 feet; thence easterly 200 feet to the place G. HOFFER x36 Street Pa OCTOBER 2. 1943 following the described beginning at a of beginning. The fourth thereof, beginning at a point 250 feet north of the north- of the intersection of ‘Allegheny street extended and 5th iAve.; thence northerly 50 feet thence westerly 200 feet 10 Locust ¢ ob th feet; plac southerly 00 feet Alley ; thence en thence te rl of beginning The fifth thereof point 300 feel beginning at a north of the north west corner of the Intersection of Alle Street extended and 5th Ave northerly 08.5 feet thence 200 feet Locust Alley itherly feet thence fret place of beginning Having uble frame nbove described premisd same which were seized by Andrew J. Shi time of his death undersigned of Jane Ww Townshij Centre immediately there gheny thence westerly to thence so 60 5 easterly 200 Lo the Lory Thy ing the ANd posses q thereon erected a two dwelling house 0 ol very The As 1 Si late County after ex tate Ve Spring Pa Mik to public following ted thereon me } the ered 4] house ) ' Le 200 [eet ORPHANS SALE t Matt i Lhe : B COLHRd ntaining Ww erected a dwell thal lime Excepting house and 1943, a ume, on the premise own Yana ment hip The of de Terms of 8 sae £J sald sale eaents wien el and the of Vy & bail aeed the a s0id} aelivery mfirmation of Court SARAH E KEEN, Administratrix of the Esta of Elizabeth Bartley, EE. HUBLER, Auctioneer LEWIS ORVIS HARVEY Attorney for Estate te Deceased REGISTERS NOTICES, The following accounts and sched- ules of distribution have been ex- amined, passed and filled for record in the Registers Office for the ine spection of heim, legatees, creditors distributess and all others in any way Interested and will be presented the Orphans’ Court of Centre County for the confirmation fi «i on Monday, September 13, 1043 1. BENNETT The first and final pocount of Walter H Bennett, admr of ete. of William Bennett, late of Port Matilda Borough, deceased 2. BROWN The first and final and distribution sccount of Robt H Brown, execr of etc. of Anna O Brown, late of Spring Township, de- ceased 3. BENNER The first and par tial account of Harry R. Benner, admr. of ete. of Bdwin W. Benner ate of State College Borough, de- oraaed 4. CORMAN ~The third and par. tial account of the Bellefonte Trius! Company, executor and or trustee of ete. of anuel Corman, late of Bellefonte Borough, deceased 5. EBERHART The first and final account with proposed distri RECAPPING AND VULCANIZING NEW TIRES, TUBES AND BATTERIES KEYSTONE TIRE SERVICE 8. Potter Street Bellefonte, Pa. Home Owned and Operated other bution of Welter R. Eberhart, adr | abette Tule ct ua of ete of Hilda Kathryn Eb- | os wEion: erhart, late of Bellefonte Borough. |... ount of deceased Ww $e * f ETERS ~The first and final weount and schedule of distribution of the Pirst National Bank, execr of Clayton Etter inte of C Township deceased EIGELBERNER ~The ¥ and schedule bution of Jesse Eigelberne H els Mannie Stat Cat execs, of elu of Howard of Borougn NETZLER ReoOInY ane 5 account of N of " of rr Inte deceased The College inal eX0rx of Belle first and Emma C. Hoy Carrie H Hal inte Borough. deceased HOMAN firat mnt and ile of Ralph re Homan and E Homan, exec ete. of H. Homan Centre ign dece HIN 8) FY and fi trit Ww in hed dis 1F] DEMOCRATS Vole For ALFRED L. COUNTY Commissioner VOTE FOR Sidney G. Willar Nominal; Hepublican KR SHERIFF Wa A World \ eter in ith PLACE ON BALLOT VOTE FOR RALPH R. HARTSOCK JULIAN, R P th. admires of ei : af Willian RR. Smith, ate of Haines Township Tecan d The fn D snd et) PE La SMUIL firmt 2 af ; = REPUBLICAN CANDIDATY FOR COUNTY AUDITOR WHEN WINDS GET ROUGH A Windstorm Polley Protects You Republicans ! VOTE FOR Harry R. Burd HAINES From Floancial loss. Bes John F. Gray & Son General Insurance Phone 497-3 Bellefonte, Pa EE ———————— _ R— TOWNSHIP FOR REGISTER OF WILLS Penn's REPUBLICANS! NOMINATE Elwood “Woody” Johnson FOR ASSESSOR OF THE NORTH WARD BELLEFONTE BOROUGH Valley's Representative en the Republican Ticket SECOND PLACE HE BALLOT ON - VOTE FOR J. R. “ROLLIE” WILLIAMS OF UNIONVILLE BOROUGH FOR County Treasur & been a Republican. » whi I have alway I have never been elected to any County office. I have served my party in many ex- ecutive eapaeities. I have been Chairman of my party in my Borough for 8 years. I was a member of the Executive Com- mittee of the County Chairman for 6 years. 1 am now serving my second term of Justice of the Peace. If nominated and elected, 1 pledge that the office of County Treasurer will be conducted in a manner that will be a credit to myself and the party I represent. Fourth Place on the Ballot
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