THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, September 9, 1943. The Centre Democrat, BELLEFONTE, PENNA, A. C. DERR........ PR PAUL M. DUBBS UECIL A. WALKER... #150 per year $2.00 per year WALEER BROTHERS. .......ovvs Tasued weekly every Thursday morning, Entered in the postoMee at Bellefonte, Pa. a8 seconu-class matter, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION if paid In advance if not paid In advance 3rd War Loan Drive Opens (Continued rom page one) Speakers being briefly between Fred Fisher gs The town shi} cultural committees a Benner, A. C Hartle; Neff; Burnside, Mrs College, Guy Stearns: Mann; Fergus Gregg, M. ° Winkleblech: Marion Elmer Hoover: Sellers Mrs Hams Penn, Tom Rote: shall; Rush, Ed Hess OW Joseph Preslovich: Halfmoon 8. Wilson Harris, Charles Howard, Herbert 8 Mrs. Dorce Chro Wilbur Woo ing Throug hit will vi gdustries « & h ow speak ager follows jogs, Lott Hoover Curtin, Toner Homan del; Hen- Shoe Hugh Ross; Potter PP Sr ut the icitors it homes. bu places farms I convert month. Persons with ss | buying bond Chairman Alkens de lared last ig It's up the to us to winning Shot Fired by Father Strikes Youth in Face (Continued from page one) ummoned and in the was brought Hospital From taken in the to the Belle- he boarded the An ambulance » Pittsburg he boy to ounty he wa unbulance Sells Registered Heifers y heifers, both registered were recently For SPOT CASH IN Lingenfelter Phone 2037 OPEN SUNDAY WANTED 200 CARS Defense Workers ACT QUICK! / While Prices Are High Authorized Buick Dealer FIVE MINUTES ’ Motor Corp. Bellefonte, Pa. and EVENINGS. THE THIRD TERM AND THEN THE FOURTH Let's Be Consistent AS REPUBLICANS WE OPPOSED THE THIRD TERM IN 1940 LET'S OPPOSE IT IN OUR OWN PARTY IN 1943 WIN WIT VOTE FOR ADAMS FOR Prothonolary (FIRST TERM) A Wise Choice In September Brings Victory in Novem- ber. H ADAMS GHWAY DEATH Woman Draw s Suspended Sentence; Husband Gets 6 Months, $200 Fine Pleading rulity to charges growing out of the death of Edward McKinn, of Clearfield, R. D., Mr. and Mrs Robert Daniels were sentenced (in the Clearfield county court last week by Judge Wallace Smith Mrs. Daniels pleaded guilty to the charge of failure to render assist ance and fallure to disclose identity at the scene of the accident and op- erating a vehicle without an oper- ator's license, She was given a su sentence with cost of prose paid 90 days after the husband, Robert Dane county She was on probation for one year usband pleaded g of operating pended cution to be release of her els, from the also put Her h charge While inte 0 the county and fined $200 Jalil ity to the a motor vehicle sentenced month Xicated and wa jail 107 MX plus the cost of pros- it if he ecution, with the proviso th i 1 pays the costs and $100 on the fine lance of the fine would be remit ted Mir Daniels alleg ating her husband of Tuesday April 20 struck and killed Edward am. C field, R. D. res walked along the highway f the rough line Hey was on the the time f the nce ther, John occupant when she McKim ident lear as he 15t east husband seat beside her a Her bi 1 ALeen ident asleep or Yes gH n an ad McKinn front ome from where | Mrs Woo DWAR D Win Will weekend guest terod of iam of rel wi 8 H Bowersox and Mrs. Roy Bowers place, were quietl bridegroom’s he evening at about of these young people workers churchy 3 Omdort Gaugnte Wednesday o'clock are Christ on Both in the Jocal We wish Cpl. and Mrs. Ken- th Omdorf many happy married days. We hope and pray that the Lord will safely bring “Kinky” back after this war is over that both husband and wife may and on- jov a useful life together. Both are graduates of East Penns Valley High School Mr. and Mrs. Gurney Musser and daughters of near Hartieton, were Sunday guests of his parents, Mr and Mrs. R. E. Musser, His father accompanied them to their home where he was their guest for a few days Mrs, George (Clara, Bechto] is on the sick list since last week. Bhe is not able to do any work to date + Cpl. Harold Bechtol of the Muni- cipal Airport, 8. C.. arrived at his parental home, that of Mr. and Mrs George Bechtol, last week one day on a short furlough to visit his sick mother mentioned above We Mrs. John Eberhart of Red Lion, at Sunday evening's Evangelical church service. They are members of the Felton church and were the guests while here of their former pastor, Rev. H. 8 Entz at Millheim. —— nM ———————— SNOW SHOE forget the old fashioned sD HVE Don't {square dares at the high school aud. | Itorfum on Friday night, Sept. 10th, Tickets 25¢ | Mrs. James Quick returned home after spending some time with her |sister, Mrs. Pay Dixon of Elmira, N. |N Y.. who recently was f surgical | patient in the Elmira hospital, Mrs. Harry Reeser returned home day night. {alter being a medical patient at the { Philipsburg hospital | Mr. and Mrs. Prank Cunningham at the John Gray home. jand sons of Philadelphia, are visit- {ing Mr. and Mrs. Logan Kelly { Dorothy and Bobby Eberhart of and Mrs. Frank Delong. Are visiting their aunt! : {and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Moore. | {amily of Woolrich, spent Sunday at | Bellefonte, SENTENCED FOR mn Evangelical at were happy to meet Mr. and! To The Voters of Centre County FURNITURE AND County Commis are entitled to an in the We, as candidates for re-nomination as gioners, feel that the voters of the county accounting of our stewardship to serve as a guide coming elections, and were in ad madd 2 When we went into the Commissioners’ office three a half years go the County and Institution District saddled with a debt of $382,992.72. Through economies ministration, that debt including the payments to be this year for which funds have been provided, will be re- duced to $172,000.00 and the county is now on a strictly as-you-go basis, pay Involved in this record is the paying off of current bills of $16,891.01 contracted by the former board of Commission ers and unpaid by them when they left office, as well as out standing notes and other floating obligations of $54,101.71 in the County Institution District, We will trict’'s bonded del bonded debt from ment to be made this fall, This mill wa purposes and two mills were cut from the tution District. This represents a total saving mately $48,000 this to the county's taxpayer We don't feel that to reduce taxes for political courag: The ters of juggling or As a result lands for taxes re-elected, before will he ga and BJ county’ Institution and the have been able to reduce the ot from $112,000 to $52,000, $200,000 to $120,000, including the pay year one cut from the tax rate for « approxi Vear unseemly or boa that both t he and bu in face ol pres« ability. ine ¢ have given vou al the resnlts isting. and facts w The h polit ical word-tw figures Ie cord. are not of of our experience learned from the sale of CON luded that, if Ie (Comm ated and y effort nomin ned . the we have sale who at time "the properties end them per 18810ners’ the any of returned made to ascert the ¢ 1 irt (Lie nt ain are real owners « an 1 be made onal not deli and propo real irom owner of Lax notice generally there have The notice and ceived no COMes times when the new the tax and later was owner been notice e tax from collector - al : yt 6st result it remain returned a rned a both by Commissioner and became a property advertised for sale. Ts ot TH 3 1 3 urer's office and then later by the \ amendn nation for Con Sentember ARLES F HIPPLE MENSC ; } Tere Dixon home Mr and Mrs Fugens Roan daughter Dolly of Bellefonts ith Mrs Confer spent and’ at Heralws spent Torrens Roar PHA Hippie i Mr ~ GAR ARt iki Two Buildings Destroyed Thursday Morning at Hawk Run Attend Convention - starts Naval Training -M EEL ETYOor TE | Woon ~ Thursday thru Saturday FUNNIEST OF ALL THE BLONDIE HITS BLONDIE HAS A NEW BOARDER WHEN DAG FALLS FOR A BROWN-EYED HORSE! i th ilar monthly meetin ing wome of night and Mrs spent 811 i the Rebecea Confer on Tuesday Mr Johin Daley of Bal- Hmore, the woekend at the Clair Butler home Mr. and Mrs Ben Mr. and Mrs Paul Hunter Colige, spent Bunday at the | Barnhart home Mrs. Lloyd Packer and Miss Alice Poorman and of Biate William Victory Show at MAN KILLED [YRONE PLANT Moots Tragic Death in Explosion of Lime Kiln Bloomsburg Fair (Continued trom pugs one) offic mave guano Workman Ae me. ime Biome he kilr Docket Minister Killed By | Winters of Williamsport, spent the weekend at the William Packer home Cpl. LeRoy Walker returned to his duties at Orlando Air Base, Orlando, Fla., on Monday, and Pvt. Ray Con- fer returned to his duties at Camp Forrest, Tenn., on Wednesday Andy Clyde wee JUTHDOOR ACTION SECOND HIT! en William Boyd as Hopalong Cassidy COLT COMRADES Victor Jury 8gt. Kenneth Kephart who spent the past three years with the army _— air force in Panama, visited rela- tives here Priday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Gardner and baby of Lock Haven, spent the =ssk. end at the LL. R. Gardner home Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Confer and two children of Mill Hall, visited the George Walker and 8herman Cone fer homes on Sunday afternoon Mr. and . Mrs. Henry Packer and two children of Akron, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Arnold and two chil. dren of Harrisburg, spent the week. end at the George Walker home i Mr. and Mrs. Dale Combs of Lock | Haven, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Rhoads. Mr. and Mrs, Leland Bechtiol of ‘Blanchard, spent Sunday with Mrs. { Bechtol's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Confer, The Loyal Daughters class held al MONDAY ONLY weeefboor Prive Nite. 25 Big Reasons Why You Should Be Here! A Seream Team in a Musical Dream! Jinx Valkenburg TWO SENORITAS FROM CHICAGO With Bob Haymes Leslie Brooks Ann Savage Joan Davis TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY Those Unholy Three Adolph, Musso and Tejo--Fall Inte a Tropical Trap! A Comedy of Roars That Will Bust Your Buttons! Baobhy Jean doe Watson Porter Devlin THAT NAZTY NUISANCE Also—OTTO KRUGER—in CORREGIDOR 28 Days of Epic Heroism That Will Live Forever! Donald Elissa Frank Woods Landi Jenks birthday party for Mrs. Malinda ‘Confer at the home of her daugh-! iter, Mrs, Leonard Yeager, on Thurs-| Mr. and Mrs William Walizer and | {family of North Bend, spent Sunday | GARY COOPER Miss Wilda Gunsallus of Beech | Also — |Creek, visited on Sunday with Mr. | [| Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wise and NEXT THURSDAY MR. DEEDS GOES TO TOWN NITE ONLY JEAN ARTHUR GET GOING Grace MeDonald — Robert Paige — Vera Vague Mrs. Albert Kochic, son Albert, Jr., the Alfred SBhawley home Misses Elizabeth, Kathryn and Myra| Mr. and Mrs, Earl Lomison spent’ a a Sli ss Truck Near Bedford Man Injured at Shops LEE EE FRAREAA AAA AAA AAA EA AAA AAA AAA R AREER RRR RERT FRIDAY and SATURDAY THE STORY AMERICA WILL NEVER FORGET! THE BLAZING STORY OF THF BATTLING BOYS OF BE-DEVILED PATAAN BASED ON ENOWN FACTS AND EVENTS! THIS pic. FUREE IS PROUDLY DEDICATED To THY GLORY OF THE MEN WHO FOUGHT THE GREATEST DELAYING ACTION IN MILITARY HISTORY * ROBERT TAYLOR GEORGE MURPHY . THOMAS MITCHELL - LLOYD NOLAN LEE BOWMAN + ROBERT WALKER . DESI ARNAZ ANOWCW PICTURE — MONDAY and TUESDAY — WHO IS THIS GIRL . . . HEIRESS OR SODA JERK? THE GAYEST LOVE MATCH SINCE LANA MET GABLE! LANA TURNER ROBERT YOUNG EUGENE PALLETTE ALAN MOWBRAY DA ME MAY WHITTY WALTER BRENNAN WEDNESDAY-—ONE DAY ONLY A Combination of Merriment That Will Sweep You Off Your Feet and Inte Rearing Laughter! GRACE ROBERT = GARY McDONALD PAIGE COOPER GET GOING sis RE Ol MR. DEEDS GOES Walter Catlett ; NEXT WEEK-END STARTING THURSDAY THEY GOT ME COVERED BOR HOPE DOROTHY LAMOUR ———
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