I ——— A ——— Pas San CENTRE HALL AND VICINITY — MUSIC SECTION OF The high school faculty remains i WOMAN'S CLUB ENTERTAINS "8 last year except for the addition fof Miss Ruth Billow, music teacher She will tench music and 10 as well as In the borough grade schools. She will also conduct the high school band and direct the glee club The Music Section of the Centre Hall Woman's Club entertained the members’ husbands and other guests at a dinner and card party last Thursday evening in the private] dining room of the Sweeney restaur- ant These persons attended: Mr. and Mrs, Chester A. Spyker, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wert, Jr, Mr. and Mrs F. V. Goodhart, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Potter, Mr. and Mrs. David I. Gray- bill, Mr. and Mrs. William Camp- bell Mrs. Dora Odenkirk Dean Meyer, Dr. and Mrs. Harry ¥P. Coo- per, Mr. and Mrs. J. Willlam Brad ford, Mr. and Mrs, J. Harold Durst Mrs. Deilas R. Keener Ceorge K. Rimmey, a; M1 Ruy 8. Jamison, Le “LITTLE” GRANGE PICNIC SCHEDULED SEPTEMBER 18 tradition of the original Grangers' basket picnic of sixty- uine years ago, the Pomona Grange vill sponsor a similar all-day basket I nrk In the Ci Saturday, on 18 commitiee PICK ange sept I'he CeOrye chairman Mrs Ralston, after a committee meeting last Wednesday evening, an- stunts and games will all ages. A special will be a Wa nounced that arranged for hn" eature of THIRTY-TWO BEGINNERS wek-up IN LOCAL SCHOOLS Eve - - nembe; the afternoon baseball game regardless of rvyone Cirange urged to attend chairman, the com- Henry Stover, Am) two, has ol Miss Rebecca Way Port Matilda Blair Pletcher Howard i Mac Pry nna. Furnace ship, 1 Besides mittee With Bertha Share: reaches the of any teacher in and Potter cluding thirty-tw beginners the Hall borough and largest enrollment in ! the Centre include for grades one sburg grade two fifty-one pupil Mrs. Dor grades one to enrollment sophomores have the thy Decker four of M: Mills 1] William Mills, R D marriage August 31 the Evangelical parsonage in Cen- Hall by Rev. W. K. Hosterman couple was unattended. Mr. Au- Ray Aumlii- Reedsville with We largest ment in the ! t} Smith Inrin the high : Smith Spring strict: 94 in * rural ir 209 in the Item : united nooks, and nite a borough grade school 22d bY ciassroon s as follow . 24 nis employed by the ades Lumbe: Co at Sharer, teacher, 51; gr 3 ar 4 hn yweds } re: Miss Mary Martin, 37 6 J Emest Wag and 8, Russell Bohn George Sweeney Miss Helen Miller grades 1 Potters SOPNorao 0: § and ide ager Ind Co Pred B. Sp Mrs Mrs } 1 sev vil i 3 Mrs. John Neff, 1 and Colyer, Mr Der 6. Ihe Driges father per Berths the eremon Rev. Mr. Spyker, a ii-Potter High the Pennsyl- 1939, has the Chicago Seminary Ihe bride, Oberiin employed antil Y Women's YO Rochester 1, Septem srformed Ha 1935 and of ing State OC i ple ted of Centre Oliege IN Just NS COUrse at Theological Was § college, ha » fv ixa adualegq ram Leen ng ~ NEW SHOW TIME -- Shows Now 7:30 and 9:30 P. M. Admission 10e¢ & 30¢ LOCALS AND PERSONALS Mrs. Henry Zer ! Bank, spent Saturday here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Delaney. Ray Delaney of MifTlin, was home for the Labor Day week- end Cpl Dix Robert SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY by and inree sons (September 11th) A story for all . . . one you should be sure to see . | . “MY FRIEND FLICKA" (All RODDY McDOWALI RITA JOHNSON THREE STOOGES COMEDY will next Tues AND LATEST NEWS {ay at the home of Mrs. Apna Ross- Tusseyvilie { Sprin Biddle vening and Mrs. Harold i Monday Rboad shome Ft calle technicolor) AND meet Barbara Pott left Monday hey have enrolled WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY 15th September If it's comedy you want , . well, here is the Tops . . . “THE MORE THE MERRIER” Jean Arthur Chas. Coburn J. McCrea FINEST SELECTED SHORTS They were Harrisburg SAITISOUrg Harry Potter Hanna Rev. Andrew wili conduct services in th Sunday clock accompanied to by their moth Mrs and Mr William Heltman of Altoona the Presby- evening at 30 « Mrs who Anna Bartholomew and fam- spent the summer at Surf kA J. M. KEICHLINE INSURANCE AGENCY One of the Oldest Agencies in Centre County EDW. IL. KEICHLINE Temple Court Phone 2521 the fi end g. Mrs. Cl City, N. J. plan to return to thel home here on Saturday Willlam Reese left Priday tor Surf in grades 9 City, for a vacation at the Bartholo- ©d here August 21, he speaks of en- mew there Mrs, Margaret Godshal]l entertain- ed the Evangelical Women's Mis- sionary Society at her home Thurs day evening. These persons were present Mrs W. K. Hosterman, Mrs. Stewart Hosterman, Mrs, Dane fel 8. Daup, Mrs. C. A. Miller, and Miss Eva Balley Mi Mrs. Ralph Neff of Oak Hall, were Sunday supper guests of Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Millet Miss Mild.ed Brown returned Monday to Ridley township Philadelphia, where she is a Kedron of Cochranton IL met school Ove on wgether cottage and on nent grade school principal school Miss Elta teacher and “ui Shale: the same hey at here they di I'he Friendship Bible class of the Reformed church | the holding an out- form of a corn this evening in the Lutz home Delas R. Kee returned door meeting in and weiner roast orchard of Cheorge Rev Mrs and daughter Sandra Wednesgiay evenin weeks visit lentown and Philadelphia Uw I'he nel nome o™ LL n Al- alter in Fleetwood Mr Mi five Mrs Mi and daughter Sunday guests of and Mrs. George Mrs. Edward Houtz Bellefonte, R. D., My B. Martz, Pottstown Mrs. Harold lLeightiey JOANIW Mr se CGinney Sweeney were and SOLS N and and ahd and and Mrs ited Jer. le® of New with Rufu CGoodhart Slick Roy vi recently Charles and Les Mrs. J. C Lillian thers, Ohio, last week for a visit Mrs Margaret Crawiord 1 Meyer of Altoona, spent last usin, Mrs, Dora Od- Mrs William dp1i 1 band Pein thers and sister came Irom brother Fippe over Bweeney Bett William, both co weekend Mi: spent Jr M: Mill Jacob and Hall Sharer Centre Hall is making her Mr. and Mrs Bil teacher wilh w Potter music Home this winter 8 H. Bitner Mrs. Morris & tertain the L Sunday The Ladies formed Sunday nescGay evening at u Fred Slack, with other mem- bers present: Mrs John WW. Delaney Mrs. Talitha Mis Paul Bradford Bruce Ripka Mis John Knarr, Mrs. John Marta, Mrs Clarence Biagzer Mis. D M Bradford Mrs. Jacob Bible, son Jacoh, Jr. daughter and husband of Phoenix. ville, spent the Labor Day weekend with Mrs Bible's sister. Mrs John Martz and family Mr. and Mrs Martz. their guests, and Mr. and Mrs M Bradford Buneiay upper guests of Mr Mrs. Paul Bradford Mrs. 8 guest last Thursday of Ruble and daughter Mrs Lovan Smith spent al State with arence will en- Helping Hand Ls evening iasg of the Re- met last Wed- ane of Mrs >is KOE ytheran RCOO08 CUES Bible « Whoo) Ww Iu these Delaney, Ang . D weie and Emery Super Sally Mma Was & i Aes the week. College Mr and Yearick Royer moved none on Mr. and Mrs. Nevin Monday strees thelr bought recently fro Jahnson leroy Krebs and sons 1 8 Friday and Satusr- ith her parents, Mr and Mrs hn Deibler Miss Anna Marie Whiteman re- tumed on Monday {rem Uoper Dar- by. where she spent August with Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Runkle Mrs. Kenneth Wert and children moved on Priday into the second floor apartment of the Miller-Neff home Mr and Mrs. John White of State College, moved last week into one of the Centre Hall Hote! apartments Mrs Warren Wentael and infant son of Hazleton, spent two weeks re- cently with Mr. ang Mrz Prank Shutt on into Church Mahlon Mrs and Jo day ui Jer iy rt [ FOR TREASURER of CENTRE COUNTY SAM POORMAN Next Tuesday, September 14, when Demo- crats go to the polls to select a candidate for County Treasurer, we should nominate Sam Poor- man as our candidate, He has never received one penny of taxpay- ers’ money for any service to County, Jorough, or Township. Yet, for 27 years he has served the people of Centre County as garageman, business. man, and sportsman. One of Lis employees has been with him for 21 years, another one 15 years, Sam Poorman is a son of Sidney I. and Maria B. Poorman. Many of you have known him per- sonally for years, Most of you he has been able to contact since his announcement the first week in April, but, due to wartime driving restrictions, some of you he has not been able to see person. ally. Sam has this to say if elected to the office of County Treasurer: “I will person- ally see and look after the affairs of the taxpayers al they come before the County Treasurer, and my wide acquaintance with the people of the County and more than 27 years business experience would be an asset to that office.” His name is first on the ballot for Treasurer. Vote for him! He will appreciate it. POORMAN FOR TREASURER COMMITTEE. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. | { Mr. and Mrs M A Burkholder | getic Justice of the peace, paid us a spent Sunday at a 'Seven Mountains eall on Tuesddy hunuing camp On Saturday morning « fendish Pte. John Knarr, Jr, son of Mr ‘aMempt was made to fire the Press and Mrs. John Knare 8r., wrote to b¥terian church on Bpring street his parents on August § that he had and it wag only by a timely discov arrived at his desdnation although, €ry that the attempt was unsuccess he is unable 10 tell them where he js [Ul AL about half past six o'clock in stationed. In his letter, which reach. the morning Mrs. Cleaver, wile of the sexton, went the chureh tw Joying his boat trip and says he is Arrange for the SBundny services and well aud happy. His APO address is she found the audience room full of Seattle, Wash smoke, She ran for assistance which Mr. and Mrs. William Jodon from 8S00n arrived and a hurried search Bellefonte, spent Sunaay with their Fevealed the flames niece, Mrs. Robe: t Rhoads and tam- he cellar, where a ly. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and a sill burned off. A few bucket Biddle and deugnter Pauline, were 1 Waler extinguished the also Bunday guesty the which in a few minutes would have Rhoads home burned through the floor to Ti wm District S08 pipe organ above The furebug Ww AMUNCY slic 1) ig . forced the rear door will hold a camporee in Greens basket of Friday night and Satvrday the members of Centre Helis Woop cape in time Lo attend Wo! k wit ACC Donald Brecon, son of Mrs. Kath- during ryn Breon, was il days but tL week to the rear of was ablaze nt door Hames the new Had Scouts Val- and and placed a peach combustible mate; ey ial the 20 made his detection, The ana AVON mpiushed Hi news lo pian OI i the early morning 10; everal ut the timely discover tempt that avoldeg Roy Of one of Bellefont« were Mi My Mi daughter and Mu Annette WEeCKCHnga Kus Bearson DeUrson and edifice Prof formerly ty. will Day Mis Mrs Labor W. A ol I Krise, of Johnst Spring Millis jo married today tw Miss Ela G. Hammer, of Roxbury, Cam. bria county. Prof, Krise ! structor In different sections of owl 0 : entertained g of and and this of George and James Searson Mrs. Lovan SBinith the Sylvania Electric in Mill Hall on Monday Mis Biadford a group classmates from Penn Rowe cabin The mriy in cluded Misses Jeanne Boate of Hu risbwrg. Elsie Lou Brown, Barnes- boro, Mirlam Bryan, Perkasie, Mary E F Brooklyn, N.Y sai VATA Jean Knapp, Youngsville, snd Pas tricia Boose: The Rey W tended a Rel Evangelical ministers the Williamsport dis- trict at the Booneville Camp Meet- ing Grounds on Tuesday Ellene Hosdermnan spent Thursday and Friday Inst week with her cousin, Doris Rishel in Spring Mills Doris returned with her Friday night slaved hese Saturday began work at Products Co nmty and is xnown to he Marty each. JOY Ce nartic 20 YEARS AGO f he OF De] at the near town the weekend One of w worst earthquake di in history tating two of ald ca officially in Japa: Tokyo Yokahama lela the est Cite countrys ars SINE casunities estimated un al between 250.000 and 000 and entailing a oss Ww property of approximately $5.00000000 Edi- note Wonder we could for a return engagement dau born to Mi: ! Belietonis 500 Hosterman at- K ent for of Lor now arrange Twin Mrs. Raiph Cole een Dalmedg ter Os * and WNOnNg on Labor my and iti night Mrs. J. Elmer daughter and ! Waite DN L irited her | Mr. and Mr Matilda inst Royer moana Darius in Port week Nrs. H H. Mark was eral days last week Mr. and Mrs. Russell n of Williamsport. spent nesday here with his parents Mrs. William Colyer Belly Searson weekend here Fred Reyueld Billy sigwel for sews IH Colyer and : last Wed. Mr ang M bor Yay pent with Pelrikin — » LARINE POT ries NM Light inst week with gripe Mrs John Bracken of iege. Mrs. Catharine Bal burgh, Mr. and Mm W and Mi: WwW. Smith Tuesday in Harris Mrs. Margaret daughter, Miss Eva Balley. attended HUIS funeral yt) Jdn-law in Wilh an adeiyiele tO Johnst Eps ' 8 Tamazine Kerst ant Gap, wh Q CrOGRIIaG w hie cutiin of her } n Mos ting off a Pipe atiace Mr d Mrs Evey of line lank when there Pleasant Gap, were Sunday supper ma guests of Mr. and Mm George Sto- his feet. The tank was ripped fl the ver ai. The blast was caused by a sanall F. V. Goodhart, district. chairman amount of gasoline wich remained for the Third War Loan Drive call. In the tank ed a meeting of the solicitors In the Rev. M iast evening © the Belief wunching drive his today and w contin. ng a month's we until September 28 wer i Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Packer and sans Allen of Camp HIlL visited re- go, cently with her parents Mr. and , { Mrs. Carl Lutz ark father 1. © fii Packer Ail 50 YEARS AGO a If a Bottle of pennyrosal” is left Nina Auman. Edn ) Ht . Evelyn A. Poote INCOTRed In a room at NaEnt t " 3 nits TAD wauito will be found nt a Cabs Cyrus E 13 at Oernad plosion and the was thrown off DeP Maynard Epi duties 3 Nigh schoo] lay plans Jor Which Degilis ite a hele & with his building the sumed fier vacation Williams x Seven girls, clad heir homes in Mii Nittany Mountain 5 Were membes Evangelical his im Pi pUgnt my he pastor Were Hiker Milter Wonds Of Cireensbas y Japan, escaped ! quake ther brother of Dr. George | dn f Belle! Was 2 Pine Grove Mills and Mrs. John Bullock « of HE Marriage licenses were issued to * the following couples: W. R. Wal ters Kevser, W. Va. and Eva Bush. Unionville: Thomas Howley and Lilla Heverly, both of Belie- fonte: John DD Gill, Jr. and Mary . . - Ganoe both of Philipsburg. John T Zeigler. Abdera., and Ira Brickiey, Romola; M. R Kreamer, Bellefonte, REAL ESTATE | and Annie Felser, Boggs township, Harry Phillips and Eleanor Ayres both of Philipsburg; Olin Brooks, TRANSFERS Clinton county, and Rachael Hea- ton. Milesburg By a ruling of court the following Centre County Commissioners, to changes will be made this year far John F. Carney. of Port Matilda, R holding the annual election: North D., tract in Patton Twp. $200 Ward. Bellefonte borough, from the ¢ E palk. et al. to Clavton H court house to the stone school Schug, of State College, tract in buliding. Allegheny street. West State College, $1 Ward, Bellefonte borough, from the Howard L. Stewart. et ux. to Ford court house to the United Brethren o cole. of ux. of State College, tract church. Union township ai the pri- in State College. $1 vale residence of SBamue] Brugger Invitations are gut for the mar- Mike Chanda, io Edna Cwap, of riage of Miss Catharine Green, of Rush Twp. tract in Rush Twp. $500. Bellefonte and Clevan Dinges, of Claude G. Alkens, to M. T. Zubler, Williamsport, in the Prosbyterian of Spring Mills, tract in Gregg Twp church. Bellefonte, on September 20, 8] Miss Green is a daughter of Mr. and John C. Gates, et ux, to William Mrs. F. P. Green, of this place, She N. Hoover. et ux. of State College, is one of Bellefonte's fairest and tract in Perguson Twp. $6400 possesses many rare accomplish contre County Commissioners, to ments. Mr. Dinges, formerly of this C. A. Meicher, et al. of Tyrone, tract place, whose early home was ID. worth Twp. $21 a ory ee A Centre County Treasurer, to J F ; " ’ al Shellenberger of Tyrone, tract in business as a Lroker and genera] in- 4 42.74 surance agent Worth Twp. § Millheim will get the electric light J. F. Shellenberger. et ux, to C. A and shortly the glittering bulbs will Melcher, et ux. of Tyrone, tract in be sending forth their rays. The Worth Twp. $I plant will be conducted by a stock J. B. White, et ux. to Joseph In- company of citizens of the town, and torre, et ux. of State College, tract the knitting factory bulldine and in State College, $1. engine have been purchased for §2.« John. 1 Holmes. et ux. to Jesse B 500. Hughes, of State College, tract in Hunter's Park on Saturday bad a giate College. $1. larger crowd within its limits than { inet. by to G. at any time since the park has been are wand, Fira i inaugurated. It is estimated that Boro, $1.225. over five thousand people attended, the soldiers’ reunion. Every train Centre County Commissioners, to going to the park was crowded to Isabelle G. Storeh, its utmost capacity. tract in Potter Twp. $24. Gen. and Mrs. Hastings are at. Mary E. McClellan, to Prank M. present taking in the Worlds Fair Stere, et ux. of Fleming, tract in Quite a contingent of Bellefonters Unionville, $1. left on Saturday evening and Mon. day moming for the fair. 1 Joseph Watson, et al, of Boggs Twp. | On Sunday a ten mosis’ old tract in Boggs Twp. $30. child, son of Mrs. Ostrander of this: John L. Holmes, et ux. to Ruth A, place, died of cholera infantum. It Martin, et al, of Walker Twp. tract was a bright and interesting child in State College, $1. . «+ Roland Curtin, son of Gen, J. vr) - Curtin, Annapolis Naval eadet, is; The troubld with many individuals home for his annual vaestion , lis that they worry Wo much about J. Irvin Morris, Milesburg’s enes« the sing of mankind. . Centre County Commissioners, to | of Pottsville, September 9, 1943, Democrats — Nominate Rudolph Rudy’ Weftstein For SHERIFF life | A cation as man 8s past to his Rudy Wettstein as hands dent determination n and most 0H surmounted a seemingly has learned to live a nt Without shoveling which most of complishments A » ambition, courage, and determi life man wi under conditions which would probable riy Ir ! “AE OUrse a of both arms In Kubseq ue nt V eu ru i 10 he (OI Wma the hn man le a rallroad maniaing Army Clears iia #1 1 Soldier of AWOL ..". ontinued from page one) nen the AWOL reg fficer follow Headguarters 20th Armored (elling Frice on ( abbage {egunent “1 LOST 52 Lbs.! WEAR SIZE 14 AGAIN" MES. ©. 0. WELLS FT WORTH EY - Ar Pictures Mase » omfort Wearing FALSE TEETH More ( ‘ He we plate gnion PAETEETH 1 $ WG | 88 } , bd 1598 Ek y har yi Guu’ pe PARRI®H DRUG Leflefonte arge » $215 Mao £ 1 resent STORE Pa Are No Issues In The Contest For Prothonotary! Issues do not exist in the contest for the Office of Prothonotary. The duties of the Office are of a legal procedural nature ani are statutory. The i£ placed under a bond of $17.500.00 office Prothonotary It is hi He 11rd ouniy SWOre important y 15% FER WJ) wa WwW, of Centre ( Now uncerg {ommaony rw autt . | es an attempt 18 ben ird Tern Th ii the i “There 1s no analogy whats | 3 'y | To i «¥ and that of Prothonotary the voters) gdemncracy € WHS Opposed (Ov an wority of because: the traditional te m : are falling eve the American tradition hands of any man for That quotation is 1940 Presidential saleguards of y honor and preserve in the terms of office in the portant powers of the three fron Presidency consecutive L New York Campaign +1 Times That more than two terms are favored for capable and efficient Prothonotaries is by the fact that in all but one of our five abutting counties they have elected their Prothonotaries for more than two terms. Clinton county elected its former Prothonotary for four successive terms and he had the Republican Party Nomination for a fifth term at the time of his decease, His successor is now a candidate for a third term. L videnced a list of counties in which the Pro- thonotary is now serving more than two terms: Blair, Cameron, Forest, Fulton, Greene, Huntingdon, Juniata, Mifflin, Montour, Northampton, Tioga, Union, West- moreland and Wyoming. The logic in retaining the services of an admitted- ly compefent Prothonotary is sound. A change always disrupts the service unless, as is the case, in first class required, by law, to be an Attorney. Following is Ay au Pres > for a Pre sident when particularily im- 4 4: al a Time the numerous counties the First Deputy is Mr. White has always given his personal attention to the office of Prothonotary which he has held since the first Monday of January 1936. The action of the Prothono- taries of the sixty-seven counties of Pennsylvania in electing Mr. White, Vice-Presi- dent and President of the Prothonotaries’ and Clerks’ of Court Association of Penn- sylvania, attests to the fact that he is recognized throughout the entire state of Penn- svlvania, by people who are thoroughly competent to appraise him on an outstanding Prothonotary. his merits as With Centre County's elevation from 7th to 6th Class, the office of the Prothono- tary ceases to be a fee office and becomes a salaried office. This change is very im- portant from the viewpoint of the taxpayer, because the salary will be paid from pub- lic funds. Mr. White is the only Prothonotary of Centre County who after paying the sal- aries of his office help, has ever paid any money into the County Treasury. The total already paid to the County exceeds $6,000.00, The following is from an article which appeared in the Philipsburg Daily Journal on July 30th, 1935: “While Mr. White has never held a County Office he has achieved state wide rec- ognition as an efficient public official. For three and a quarter years he served as sec- retary of the Workmen's Compensation Board, an important labor post which won for him the good will of organized labor throughout the entire state of Pennsylvania.” There is no denying that prganized labor plays an important part in the election today. The fact that Mr. White has the good will of organized labor will add strength to the Republican Ticket. Mr. White is a mature and seasoned campaigner possessed with the vigor con- sistent with his age, 42 years, and will fight a hard clean fight at the November Elee- tion. To keep the Prothonétary’s office Republican, nominate the one who is qualified by experience to man it, Bond C. White.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers